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An introgression line derived from an interspecific cross between Oryzasativa and Oryza officinalis, IR54741-3-21-22 was found to beresistant to an Indian biotype of brown planthopper (BPH). Genetic analysisof 95 F3 progeny rows of a cross between the resistant lineIR54741-3-21-22 and a BPH susceptible line revealed that resistance wascontrolled by a single dominant gene. A comprehensive RAPD analysisusing 275 decamer primers revealed a low level of (7.1%) polymorphismbetween the parents.RAPD polymorphisms were either co-dominant (6.9%), dominant forresistant parental fragments (9.1%) or dominant for susceptible parentalfragments (11.6%). Of the 19 co-dominant markers, one primer,OPA16, amplified a resistant parental band in the resistant bulk and asusceptible parental band in the susceptible bulk by bulked segregantanalysis. RAPD analysis of individual F2 plants with the primerOPA16 showed marker-phenotype co-segregation for all, with only onerecombinant being identified. The linkage between the RAPD markerOPA16938 and the BPH resistance gene was 0.52 cM in couplingphase. The 938 bp RAPD amplicon was cloned and used as a probe on122 Cla I digested doubled haploid (DH) plants from aIR64xAzucena mapping population for RFLP inheritance analysis and wasmapped onto rice chromosome 11. The OPA16938 RAPD markercould be used in a cost effective way for marker-assisted selection of BPHresistant rice genotypes in rice breeding programs.  相似文献   

旨在明确褐飞虱取食危害胁迫下,云南元阳哈尼族水稻地方品种‘月亮谷’的化学防御生理特征。以‘月亮谷’,‘TN1’及‘RHT’稻株为材料,褐飞虱取食胁迫后,采用分光光度计法测定稻株内可溶性糖、丙二醛(MDA)、过氧化氢(H2O2)、多酚氧化酶(PPO)和过氧化物酶(POD)的变化。褐飞虱取食胁迫3~96 h后,‘月亮谷’稻株内可溶性糖平均含量下降42.85%(P<0.05,下同);H2O2平均含量增加9.39%;MDA平均含量增加10.77%;多酚氧化酶(PPO)平均活性增加49.96%;过氧化物酶(POD)平均活性下降14.75%。褐飞虱取食胁迫后,云南元阳哈尼族地方水稻品种‘月亮谷’植株内可溶性糖、丙二醛、过氧化氢和主要防御酶较感虫品种‘TN1’反应敏感,且与抗虫品种‘RHT’反应相近。本研究表明,云南哈尼族地方水稻品种‘月亮谷’可作为良好的抗褐飞虱育种材料应用于水稻育种或作为抗性品种推广种植。  相似文献   

褐飞虱是水稻的主要害虫之一,利用水稻抗褐飞虱基因培育抗虫品种是目前公认最经济有效、环境友好的策略。本研究利用水稻功能基因组已克隆的抗褐飞虱基因,通过分子标记辅助选择和常规回交育种相结合的方法,将抗褐飞虱基因Bph6、Bph9、Bph14和Bph15单独和聚合导入到节水抗旱稻恢复系旱恢3号,获得了一系列含有单基因、双基因、三基因和四基因的改良系。采用标准苗期集团筛选法进行褐飞虱抗性鉴定,评价这些基因在旱恢3号背景下的效应及相互作用。表明单基因改良系中, Bph9的抗性最强,且Bph9 Bph6 Bph15 Bph14;在聚合改良系中,抗性均优于单基因改良系,四基因聚合改良系的抗性最强,不同基因型组合的抗性效应是Bph6+Bph9+Bph14+Bph15Bph6+Bph9 Bph6+Bph9+Bph14 Bph6+Bph9+Bph15 Bph6+Bph14+Bph15 Bph9+Bph14+Bph15 Bph14+Bph15。在自然条件下,改良系与旱恢3号在株高、有效穗和千粒重等农艺性状上差异不显著,其他性状与旱恢3号相仿或略差。本试验表明单独和聚合导入Bph6、Bph9、Bph14和Bph15基因能显著提高节水抗旱稻恢复系的褐飞虱抗性,这4个基因的加性效应明显,可为今后节水抗旱稻抗褐飞虱育种提供理论依据和材料基础。  相似文献   

Male sterility is one of the reproductive isolation systems in plants and quite useful for F1 seed production. We previously identified three independent quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for male sterility of cultivated strawberry, Here, we identified the specific subgenomes in which these QTLs are located by QTL-seq approach. QTLs qMS4.1, qMS4.2, and qMS4.3 were mapped separately in subgenomes Fvb4-4, Fvb4-3, and Fvb4-1, respectively, in ‘Camarosa’ genome assembly v. 1.0.a1. Candidate regions of qMS4.1 and qMS4.3 were clearly detected around 12–26 Mb in Fvb4-4 and 12–14 Mb in Fvb4-1, respectively; those of qMS4.2 were fragmented in Fvb4-3, which suggests that some scaffolds were incorrectly assembled in Fvb4-3. qMS4.3 was mapped to chr4X1 of ‘Reikou’ genome assembly r2.3, and qMS4.1 and qMS4.2 were both mapped to chr4Av, which indicates that differentiation of the subgenomes in which both QTLs are located was insufficient in ‘Reikou’ r2.3. Although ‘Camarosa’ genome assembly v. 1.0.a1 is an unphased map, which merges homologous chromosomes into one sequence, ‘Reikou’ genome assembly r2.3 is a phased map, which separates homologous chromosomes. QTL mapping to different reference genomes clearly showed the specific features of each reference genome, and that using different kinds of reference map could accelerate fine mapping and map-based cloning of certain genes of cultivated strawberry.  相似文献   

阐明水稻籽粒大小相关基因的遗传和分子机制对水稻产量形成具有重要意义。利用甲基磺酸乙酯(ethyl methanesulfonate, EMS)诱变粳稻品种宁粳3号筛选获得圆粒突变体round seed (rs)。遗传分析表明,突变体rs圆粒表型由单隐性核基因控制。颖壳扫描电镜观察发现,rs籽粒变圆主要是细胞数目改变导致的。在突变体rs中,细胞周期相关基因的表达较野生型显著升高。将RS定位在第3染色体短臂标记RM3413与N3-5之间,物理距离约589 kb。RS突变影响BR信号途径,改变了粒型相关基因的表达。本研究有助于阐明水稻籽粒发育的分子机制。  相似文献   

适度卷曲有利于提高水稻叶片的光合效率,增加植株光合产物的有效积累量。我们利用甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)处理籼型水稻保持系西农1B,获得一个稳定遗传的水稻半外卷叶突变体。该突变体从十叶期开始各叶片逐渐向外卷曲直至半卷状,并伴随茎秆半矮化和叶片披垂,暂被命名为semi-outcurved leaf 1 (sol1)。与野生型(WT)相比, sol1的叶片卷曲指数均达到30%以上(P<0.01);倒一、倒二、倒三、倒四节节间长度和穗长极显著缩短,倒一、倒二、倒三叶的叶夹角显著或极显著增加;有效穗数、千粒重、每穗实粒数、结实率显著或极显著下降,一次枝梗数则增加11.3%(P<0.05)。sol1的蒸腾速率、胞间CO2浓度、气孔导度显著高于野生型。石蜡切片显示, sol1倒一叶的泡状细胞体积变小,数量显著增多,表皮细胞体积略微增大。遗传分析表明, sol1的半外卷叶性状受1对隐性核基因调控,定位于6号染色体标记JY6-3和JY6-10之间165kb的物理范围内,共含15个注释基因。qRT-PCR结果表明,与泡状细胞相关的内卷基因和外卷叶基因RL14、Roc5、REL1在突变体sol1中呈...  相似文献   

To improve brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål; BPH) resistance of an elite indica cultivar of South China, Hemeizhan (HMZ), we applied marker‐assisted backcross (MABC) to incorporate three BPH‐resistance genes (Bph3, Bph14 and Bph15) into the genetic background of HMZ. In the third backcross (BC3) generation, we obtained near‐isogenic lines (Bph3‐NIL, Bph14‐NIL, Bph15‐NIL and Bph14 + Bph15‐NIL) with more than 96% recovery of recurrent parent genome, and pyramided lines (Bph3 + Bph14‐PYL, Bph3 + Bph15‐PYL and Bph3 + Bph14 + Bph15‐PYL) with more than 89% recovery of recurrent parent genome. These lines showed stronger resistance against BPH than HMZ at seedling and booting stages. The rank of resistance gene effect was Bph3 + Bph14 + Bph15  Bph3 + Bph15  Bph3 +Bph14  Bph14 + Bph15  Bph3  Bph15  Bph14 > none. Compared with HMZ, only Bph3 + Bph14 + Bph15‐PYL had a significant difference in yield per plant, and the lines carrying Bph3 had higher amylose contents, indicating that Bph3 was tightly linked to Wxa allele. These improved lines are good intermediate sources of broad‐spectrum and durable BPH resistance to improve other indica cultivars. Our results demonstrate that MABC is a very efficient approach to improve BPH resistance of elite rice cultivar.  相似文献   

Heading date in rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a critical agronomic trait with a complex inheritance. To investigate the genetic basis and mechanism of gene interaction in heading date, we conducted genetic analysis on segregation populations derived from crosses among the indica cultivars Bo B, Yuefeng B and Baoxuan 2. A set of dominant complementary genes controlling late heading, designated LH1 and LH2, were detected by molecular marker mapping. Genetic analysis revealed that Baoxuan 2 contains both dominant genes, while Bo B and Yuefeng B each possess either LH1 or LH2. Using larger populations with segregant ratios of 3 : 1, we fine-mapped LH1 to a 63-kb region near the centromere of chromosome 7 flanked by markers RM5436 and RM8034, and LH2 to a 177-kb region on the short arm of chromosome 8 between flanking markers Indel22468-3 and RM25. Some candidate genes were identified through sequencing of Bo B and Yuefeng B in these target regions. Our work provides a solid foundation for further study on gene interaction in heading date and has application in marker-assisted breeding of photosensitive hybrid rice in China.  相似文献   

Two‐line hybrid rice as a novel hybrid breeding method has huge potential for yield increasing and utilization of intersubspecific heterosis, and it is of major significance for the food security of rice‐consuming populations. Zhu1S is a thermosensitive genic male‐sterile line of rice with low critical temperature and excellent combining ability, which has been widely exploited as a female parent in Chinese two‐line hybrid rice breeding. Here, genetic mapping in F2 populations was used to show that its male sterility is inherited as a single recessive gene and that responsible gene (termed tms9) lies on the short arm of chromosome 2. A high‐resolution linkage analysis which was based on the Zhu1S/R173 F2 population found that the thermosensitive genic male‐sterile gene tms9 of Zhu1S was fine mapped between insertion–deletion (Indel) markers Indel 37 and Indel 57, and the genetic distance from the tms9 to the two markers was 0.12 and 0.31 cM, respectively. The physical distance between the two markers was about 107.2 kb. Sequence annotation databases showed that the two Indel markers (Indel 37 and Indel 57) were located on two BAC clones (B1307A11 and P0027A02). There are sixteen open reading frames (ORF) present in this region. The results of this study are of great significance for further cloning tms9 and molecular marker–assisted selection.  相似文献   

Chlorophyll content is one of the most important traits controlling crop biomass and economic yield in rice. Here, we isolated a spontaneous rice mutant named thermo-sensitive chlorophyll deficit 1 (tscd1) derived from a backcross recombinant inbred line population. tscd1 plants grown normally from the seedling to tiller stages showed yellow leaves with reduced chlorophyll content, but showed no significant differences after the booting stage. At temperatures below 22°C, the tscd1 mutant showed the most obvious yellowish phenotype. With increasing temperature, the yellowish leaves gradually turned green and approached a normal wild type color. Wild type and tscd1 mutant plants had obviously different chloroplast structures and photosynthetic pigment precursor contents, which resulted in underdevelopment of chloroplasts and a yellowish phenotype in tscd1. Genetic analysis indicated that the mutant character was controlled by a recessive nuclear gene. Through map-based cloning, we located the tscd1 gene in a 34.95 kb region on the long arm of chromosome 2, containing two BAC clones and eight predicted candidate genes. Further characterization of the tscd1 gene is underway. Because it has a chlorophyll deficit phenotype before the tiller stage and little influence on growth vigor, it may play a role in ensuring the purity of hybrids.  相似文献   

株高是影响水稻倒伏的重要因素之一,培育适度矮化水稻品种有利于提高其抗倒性,进而减少产量损失并提高稻米品质,因此研究矮秆形成的分子生理机制具有重要意义。通过辐射诱变籼稻恢复系自选1号获得一个稳定遗传的矮化宽叶突变体osdwl1,本文对其形态与生理特征、细胞结构差异、遗传分析和基因定位等方面进行了研究。大田条件下,osdwl1矮化宽叶性状始于分蘖期后,成熟期穗长和各茎节长度均极显著短于对照,最终导致株高矮化,究其原因,是由于突变体茎节细胞变短所致;而叶片石蜡切片及扫描电镜结果显示,osdwl1的叶片小维管束数及其间距显著增加,从而导致叶片变宽,且其上下表皮的小刺毛数也极显著增加。此外,osdwl1的中上部叶片还表现黄化症状,该性状始于3~4叶期幼苗。生理分析和透射电镜观察表明,与野生型对照相比,孕穗期osdwl1的叶绿体类囊体结构松散,且部分已开始降解,从而导致其倒二叶和倒三叶的叶绿素总含量、净光合速率以及Fv/Fm比值均极显著降低,而其可溶性蛋白、过氧化氢酶及超氧化物歧化酶酶活依次极显著降低,从而导致叶中H2O2及O2-累积,促使丙二醛含量急剧增加。遗传分析表明,osdwl1的矮化宽叶表型受单隐性核基因调控,利用图位克隆技术将该基因定位于6号染色体短臂的SSR标记RM19297与InDel标记ID269-2之间,物理距离为333kb,该结果为进一步克隆OsDWL1基因并研究其功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Plant height is one of the important factors affecting rice lodging. The semi-dwarf rice varieties possess high level of lodging resistance, and could reduce yield loss and improve grain quality. Thus, it is very important to study the molecular and physiological mechanism of dwarf formation in rice. In this study, a stable hereditary dwarf and wider-leaf mutant osdwl1 was obtained from 60Co γ-radiated indica restore line Zixuan 1, and its morphological and physiological characteristics, cytological observation, genetic analysis and gene mapping were investigated. Under field condition, the mutant osdwl1 exhibited dwarf and wider-leaf after the tillering stage due to shorter length of the parenchyma cells, and its panicle length and all internodes length were significantly shorter compared with wild type plants at mature stage. Paraffin sections and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) observation revealed that the number of small vascular (SV) bundles and the distance between SVs increased significantly, resulting in wider-leaf blade in osdwl1. Moreover, the number of microhairs on the abaxial and adaxial epidermis were also increased significantly in osdwl1. In addition, starting at the 3-4 leaf seedling stage, yellowing was visible at the upper middle parts of old leaves in osdwl1. Physiological analysis and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observation indicated that the lamellar structure of chloroplast was distorted and began to collapse in some mesophyll cells, which led to the reduction of total chlorophyll contents, net photosynthetic rate and Fv/Fm ratio of the second and third leaves from top in osdwl1 at the heading stage. Relative to the wild type plants, the soluble protein content, catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities were significantly decreased, which in turn resulting in the accumulation of H2O2 and O2-, and a steady increase of malondialdehyde (MDA) contents in the mutant leaves. Genetic analysis and gene mapping showed that osdwl1 was controlled by a single recessive nuclear gene, located in a region of 333 kb between SSR marker RM19297 and the InDel marker ID269-2 on the short arm of chromosome 6. The results would further facilitate the cloning and functional analysis of OsDWL1 gene.  相似文献   

Rice black‐streaked dwarf virus disease (RBSDVD), transmitted by small brown planthopper (SBPH, Laodelphax striatellus), causes serious loss in rice production. Breeding resistant cultivars are one of the most effective strategies to control the virus disease and its vector. By both natural inoculations in the field and modified seedling‐box screening test in the glasshouse, an indica variety WR24 showed high resistance to RBSDVD and SBPH. An F2:3 population consisting of 153 lines derived from a cross between WR24 and a susceptible japonica variety Suyunuo was used for quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of RBSDVD and SBPH resistance. The linkage map consisting of 130 SSR markers was constructed with an average marker interval of 13.90 cM, spanning a total of 1890.9 cM. Totally, five QTLs for RBSDV resistance, viz. qRBSDV3WR24, qRBSDV6WR24, qRBSDV7WR24, qRBSDV9WR24 and qRBSDV11WR24, were detected on chromosomes 3, 6, 7, 9 and 11, with LOD scores of 2.7, 3.08, 3.13, 5.28 and 3.7, respectively. Meanwhile, three QTLs for SBPH resistance, including qSBPH5WR24, qSBPH7WR24 and qSBPH10WR24, were mapped on chromosomes 5, 7 and 10, with LOD scores of 2.18, 3.5 and 3.57, respectively. All resistant alleles were from WR24. Among these QTLs, qRBSDV7WR24, qSBPH5WR24 and qSBPH10WR24 were newly reported, and qSBPH10WR24 showed major effect that explained 17.9% of total phenotypic variance. The RBSDVD and SBPH resistance QTLs and the tightly linked DNA markers can be utilized in RBSDV and SBPH resistance breeding in rice.  相似文献   

Brown planthopper (BPH) is the most devastating insect pest in rice‐growing areas. Information on availability of BPH resistance alleles and their sources enhances BPH‐resistant breeding programmes. In this study, 260 highly diversified rice cultivars or breeding lines were screened for the presence of five major BPH resistance genes (Bph10, Bph13, Bph18, Bph20 and Bph21) using gene‐specific markers. The analysis revealed that 137 of the 260 cultivars possess at least one BPH resistance gene. Bph10 was predominant while Bph20 was the least distributed. Moreover, two and three different resistance gene combinations were found in the cultivars. Molecular markers play an important role in molecular breeding programmes. A tightly linked PCR‐based co‐dominant Bph18 marker was developed, which is cost effective and time effective and simpler than available Bph18 CAPS marker (7312.T4A). We strongly believe that the identified BPH‐resistant cultivars can be used as alternative resistance gene sources and also as resource for novel BPH resistance genes. The developed Bph18 marker will be highly useful in molecular breeding applications of BPH‐resistant breeding programmes.  相似文献   

水稻温敏型叶色突变体是研究植物光合作用、叶绿体结构和功能以及温度影响叶绿体发育的理想材料。利用甲基磺酸乙酯(EMS)诱变籼型水稻(OryzasativaL.)三系保持系西农1B,从其后代中筛选到一个突变性状稳定遗传的温敏型叶片白化转绿突变体tsa2 (temperature-sensitive green-revertible albino 2)。与野生型相比, tsa2突变表型受温度影响, 22°C条件下萌发的野生型幼苗表型正常,而tsa2幼苗完全白化,且约40%白化苗死亡,存活白化苗的光合色素含量、光合速率均显著降低,成熟期主要农艺性状均显著变劣;在28°C下萌发的tsa2幼苗叶片呈浅绿色并伴有白条纹,其光合色素含量显著降低,光合速率及主要农艺性状差异较小; 32°C下萌发的tsa2幼苗叶片无明显差异。透射电镜观察显示,与野生型相比,tsa2在22°C下叶肉细胞中无叶绿体或存在异常发育叶绿体(尚未分化出基粒和基层),在28°C下部分叶肉细胞含少量发育完整的叶绿体,在32°C下叶肉细胞数量及形态均正常。实时荧光定量PCR(qRT-PCR)分析表明,与野生型相比,tsa2突变体中部分光合色素代谢途径基因、叶绿体发育相关基因及光合作用相关基因的表达水平呈不同程度变化。遗传分析表明, tsa2突变表型受一对隐性核基因控制, TSA2被定位于第5染色体SSR标记S5-57和S5-119之间,物理距离为718 kb。本研究为水稻遗传改良及研究温度影响叶绿体发育机制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Chlorophylls absorb and transfer light energy to the photosynthetic system. Consequently, chlorophyll content is strongly related to crop biomass and yield. We isolated a rice spontaneous mutant, lower chlorophyll b 1 (lcb1), from a recombinant inbred line population. Under normal growth conditions, lcb1 plants produced yellow leaves with decreased total chlorophyll and chlorophyll b contents, but normal chlorophyll a content. Photosynthetic and fluorescence parameters differed between wild‐type and lcb1 plants. Compared with wild type, lcb1 had a higher electron transfer rate, a lower photochemical quenching coefficient and significantly reduced grain number, biomass and yield. A recessive nuclear gene controlled the mutant trait. Through map‐based cloning, we located the LCB1 gene in a 117.4‐kb region on the short arm of chromosome 3, close to the centromere, in a region containing 15 predicted candidate genes. None of these genes was directly related to chlorophylls or the chloroplast; therefore, lcb1 may be a mutation of a novel gene. These results will be useful for further research on the molecular mechanisms controlling biogenesis and chloroplast biochemical processes.  相似文献   

The elongation and development of rice uppermost internode plays an important role in plant architecture development. In general, the sheathed panicle phenomenon in rice sterility line is caused by the elongation and development hindrance of the uppermost internode. The study on molecular mechanisms underlying sheathed panicle would be helpful for improving plant architecture in sterility line. At the present study, we reported the study on a sheathed panicle mutant, named sui2, originated from a tissue-culture progeny. Its uppermost internode severely shortened, resulted in its pancleen closed by flag leaf sheath, without significantly length alternation at other internodes. The cytological analysis demonstrated that the shorten of the uppermost internode is caused by insufficient elongation of the parenchyma cells. Genetic analysis of the progeny derived from the cross-combination of sui2 and IRAT129 revealed that sui2 is a single gene dominant mutant. Linkage analysis to 608 normal individuals from F2 generation showed that SUI2 was located in a 110 kb region delimited by InDel marks S4-14.1 and S4-14.2 on the end of chromosome 4 long arm. The annotated genes on this region did not display any difference in genomic sequence, while the expression level of LOC_Os04g39430, encoding a cytochrome P450 protein and an allele of D11, increased by 264 times expression amount in mutant. Analysis of qRT-PCR for several crucial genes on BR (brasssinolide) signaling pathway showed that in mutant the expression level of all these genes increased, indicating that genes in BR signaling pathway may be involved in the regulation to the elongation and development of uppermost internode.  相似文献   

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