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The dynamics of P in soil is greatly influenced by the adsorption of phosphate onto Fe‐oxides. Access of phosphate to the surface of these minerals depends on the degree of soil aggregation, which in turn is influenced by soil management system. The primary purpose of this work was to investigate P adsorption and desorption in undisturbed and disturbed soil samples from an Ultisol (Rhodic Paleudult) and an Oxisol (Humic Hapludox) under conventional tillage (CT) or no‐tillage (NT). Phosphorus adsorption and desorption in undisturbed soil was studied by using a continuous flux system containing a P solution for adsorption measurements or deionized water and Mehlich‐I solution for desorption measurements. The Oxisol, which had higher clay, hematite, and goethite contents than the Ultisol, exhibited the highest maximum P adsorption capacity (Pmax) values in disturbed samples. Also, the disturbed Ultisol samples had lower Pmax values under NT than under CT. The undisturbed soil samples exhibited no significant differences in P adsorption between soil management systems, but P desorption was more marked under NT than under CT. The samples of Oxisol under NT exhibited lower P adsorption rates and higher P desorption rates than the CT samples of the same soil. The decreased P adsorption in undisturbed samples relative to disturbed samples suggests that P adsorption is influenced by physical properties of soil.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) plays an essential role in the sustainability of natural and agricultural systems. The identification of sensitive SOC fractions can be crucial for an understanding of SOC dynamics and stabilization. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of long‐term no‐tillage (NT) on SOC content and its distribution between particulate organic matter (POM) and mineral‐associated organic matter (Min) fractions in five different cereal production areas of Aragon (north‐east Spain). The study was conducted under on‐farm conditions where pairs of adjacent fields under NT and conventional tillage (CT) were compared. An undisturbed soil nearby under native vegetation (NAT) was included. The results indicate that SOC was significantly affected by tillage in the first 5 cm with the greatest concentrations found in NT (1.5–43% more than in CT). Below 40 cm, SOC under NT decreased (20–40%) to values similar or less than those under CT. However, the stratification ratio (SR) never reached the threshold value of 2. The POM‐C fraction, disproportionate to its small contribution to total SOC (10–30%), was greatly affected by soil management. The pronounced stratification in this fraction (SR>2 in NT) and its usefulness for differentiating the study sites in terms of response to NT make POM‐C a good indicator of changes in soil management under the study conditions. Results from this on‐farm study indicate that NT can be recommended as an alternative strategy to increase organic carbon at the soil surface in the cereal production areas of Aragon and in other analogous areas.  相似文献   

Soil aggregation is influenced by the tillage system used, which in turn affects the amount of C and N in the different aggregate fractions. This study assessed the impact of different tillage systems on soil aggregates by measuring the aggregate stability, the organic carbon (Corg) and the total nitrogen (Ntot) contents within different aggregate fractions, and their release of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Soil samples were collected from the top 0 to 10 cm of a long-term tillage experiment at Fuchsenbigl (Marchfeld, Austria) where conventional tillage (CT), reduced tillage (RT), and minimum tillage (MT) treatments were applied to a Chernozem fine sandy loam. The stable aggregates (1000–2000 μm) were subject to dispersion by the soil aggregate stability (SAS or wet sieving) method after Kemper and Rosenau (1986), and the ultrasonic method of Mayer et al. (2002). Chemical analysis of the soil was obtained for the aggregate fractions 630–1000, 250–630 and 63–250 μm gathered from the ultrasonic method. Using the SAS method, CT and RT had the least amounts of stable aggregates (18.2% and 18.9%, respectively), whereas MT had twice as much stable aggregates (37.6%). Using the ultrasonic method, MT also had the highest amount of water stable aggregates in all three fractions (1.5%, 3.7%, and 35%, respectively), followed by RT (1%, 2.3%, 32.3%), and CT (0.8%, 1.7%, 29.1%). For comparison, a reference soil, EUROSOIL 7 (ES-7) was also analysed (40%, 6.7%, and 12.1%). The highest amounts of Corg and Ntot were measured under MT in all three fractions, with 8.9%, 3.8%, and 1.3% for Corg, and 0.4%, 0.3%, and 0.1% for Ntot. Apart from the fraction 630–1000 μm, the aggregates of RT and CT contained <50% of the Corg and Ntot values of MT. The C/N ratio was least favourable for CT (42.6) in the aggregate fraction 630–1000 μm. The DOC release from stable aggregates after 10 min of ultrasonic dispersion was highest from MT soil (86.7 mg l−1). The values for RT and CT were 21% and 25% below this value. The results demonstrate that tillage type influences both aggregate stability and aggregate chemical composition. This research confirms that CT interferes more with the natural soil properties than RT and MT. Furthermore, MT has the highest potential to sequester C and N in this agriculturally used soil.  相似文献   

The effects of tillage on soil organic carbon (SOC) and nutrient content of soil aggregates can vary spatially and temporally, and for different soil types and cropping systems. We assessed SOC and nutrient levels within water‐stable aggregates in ridges with no tillage (RNT) and also under conventional tillage (CT) for a subtropical rice soil in order to determine relationships between tillage, cation concentrations and soil organic matter. Surface soil (0–15 cm) was fractionated into aggregate sizes (>4.76 mm, 4.76–2.00 mm, 2.00–1.00 mm, 1.00–0.25 mm, 0.25–0.053 mm, <0.053 mm) under two tillage regimes. Tillage significantly reduced the proportion of macroaggregate fractions (>2.00 mm) and thus aggregate stability was reduced by 35% compared with RNT, indicating that tillage practices led to soil structural change for this subtropical soil. The patterns in SOC, total N, exchangeable Ca2+, Mg2+ and total exchangeable bases (TEB) were similar between tillage regimes, but concentrations were significantly higher under RNT than CT. This suggests that RNT in subtropical rice soils may be a better way to enhance soil productivity and improve soil C sequestration potential than CT. The highest SOC was in the 1.00–0.25 mm fraction (35.7 and 30.4 mg/kg for RNT and CT, respectively), while the lowest SOC was in microaggregate (<0.025 mm) and silt + clay (<0.053 mm) fractions (19.5 and 15.7 mg/kg for RNT and CT, respectively). Tillage did not influence the patterns in SOC across aggregates but did change the aggregate‐size distribution, indicating that tillage affected soil fertility primarily by changing soil structure.  相似文献   

In rainfed semi‐arid agroecosystems, soil organic carbon (SOC) may increase with the adoption of alternative tillage systems (e.g. no‐tillage, NT). This study evaluated the effect of two tillage systems (conventional tillage, CT vs. NT) on total SOC content, SOC concentration, water stable aggregate‐size distribution and aggregate carbon concentration from 0 to 40 cm soil depth. Three tillage experiments were chosen, all located in northeast Spain and using contrasting tillage types but with different lengths of time since their establishment (20, 17, and 1‐yr). In the two fields with mouldboard ploughing as CT, NT sequestered more SOC in the 0–5 cm layer compared with CT. However, despite there being no significant differences, SOC tended to accumulate under CT compared with NT in the 20–30 and 30–40 cm depths in the AG‐17 field with 25–50% higher SOC content in CT compared with NT. Greater amounts of large and small macroaggregates under NT compared with CT were measured at 0–5 cm depth in AG‐17 and at 5–10 cm in both AG‐1 and AG‐17. Differences in macroaggregate C concentration between tillage treatments were only found in the AG‐17 field at the soil surface with 19.5 and 11.6 g C/kg macroaggregates in NT and CT, respectively. After 17 yr of experiment, CT with mouldboard ploughing resulted in a greater total SOC concentration and macroaggregate C concentration below 20 cm depth, but similar macroaggregate content compared with NT. This study emphasizes the need for adopting whole‐soil profile approaches when studying the suitability of NT versus CT for SOC sequestration and CO2 offsetting.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) and its different pools have key importance in optimizing crop production, minimizing negative environmental impacts, and thus improving soil quality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the soil C and N contents in bulk soil and in different SOM pools (light and heavy fractions) of a clayey Rhodic Ferralsol after 13 years of different tillage and crop rotations in Passo Fundo, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Soil samples were collected from no-tillage (no soil disturbance except for sowing; NT) and conventional tillage (disc plough followed by light disc harrowings; CT) applied to wheat/soybean (W/S) and wheat/soybean–vetch/maize (W/S–V/M) rotations. As reference, soil was sampled from a non-cultivated area adjacent to the field experiment. The greatest soil C and N contents were found in non-cultivated soils in the 0–5 cm depth (45 g C kg−1 soil and 3.6 g N kg−1 soil). Crop cultivation led to a decrease in SOM content which was higher for CT soils (approx. 60% decrease in C and N contents) than NT soils (approx. 43% decrease in C and N contents) at 0–5 cm. Tillage had the greatest impact on soil C and N storage. Soils under NT did not contain higher C and N storage than CT soils below 5 cm depth. Significantly, higher amounts of organic carbon of FLF in CT (0.5–0.7 g C kg−1 soil) than in NT soils (0.2 g C kg−1 soil) at 10–20 cm depth were also observed and the differences in C and N storage between CT and NT soils in the 0–30 cm layer were not significant. Silt and clay fractions contained the largest amount of organic carbon (60–95% of total organic carbon), and free light fraction was the most sensitive pool of organic carbon to detect changes in SOM due to soil tillage and crop rotations.  相似文献   

Revegetation has been reported as one of the most effective counter measures to reduce soil and water erosion on the Loess plateau in China. Soil aggregate stability and the distribution of organic carbon and nitrogen in different aggregate fractions would be affected by different plant communities. The objectives of this study were to elucidate the effects of different plant communities on soil aggregate stability and the distribution of organic carbon and nitrogen in different aggregate fractions in order to prove that the different plant covers enhance soil aggregate stability.  相似文献   

Mineral and organic fertilizers are the important factors for maintenance and improvement of soil fertility and aggregation. Despite aggregation and aggregate stability are proxy of soil fertility, the connection between fertilization and aggregation is not direct, as short and long-term processes may affect the aggregate formation in different directions. In this study, the long-term effects of a 20-year application of mineral and organic fertilizers were studied in an intensive horticultural crop rotation with the following treatments: i) without fertilization (control soil), ii) nitrogen applied by mineral fertilizer, and iii) farmyard manure application with low (30 t ha?1 y?1) or iv) high (60 t ha?1 y?1) rates. In case of short-term aggregation process, K-polyacrylate was added to the soil to change aggregate composition and then the aggregated soils were incubated for 2 weeks. Long-term fertilization increased the soil organic C (SOC) content by 42–73% and the portion of small macroaggregates (1–0.25 mm) compared to control soil. In contrast, soil aggregation induced by K-polyacrylate showed an increase of the large macroaggregate (2–1 mm) portion independent of fertilization. Polyacrylate had no effect on soil microbial biomass C. According to the increased SOC content, the fertilization increased CO2 efflux from soil (4.2–5.2% of SOC after 80 days of incubation). Short-term aggregation by K-polyacrylate decreased the SOC mineralization rate mainly of the labile C-pools. In conclusion the data of this study suggest that long-term fertilization mainly contributes to the formation of small macroaggregates. In contrast, the formation of large macroaggregates is mediated mainly by short-term processes and contributes to the decrease of SOC mineralization.  相似文献   

Soil erosion by water is one of the main environmental problems of the tropical mountains of Central America. The fragility of these areas, the significant degree of human population pressure exerted and changes in traditional farming systems all contribute to the current state of degradation. In this study, we compare two types of agricultural management (conventional tillage with traditional ploughing and no‐tillage with a digging stick) and analyse the influence of land slope, the management of vegetation cover, and various soil features and properties related to erosion in fields dedicated to the cultivation of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to determine the erosion thresholds. The study area was located in the hills around El Cuá, in northern Nicaragua. The results showed the system of no‐tillage (NT) to be more effective at controlling erosion than conventional tillage (CT), such that 28.7% less land was affected by erosion. Erosion in plots under CT did not present any statistically significant relationship with the factors analysed. Conversely, the erosion in the plots under NT was significantly related to the coverage of vegetation residues, and we calculated an erosion threshold of 40% of the level of vegetation coverage, which significantly reduces erosion.  相似文献   

Over the past 20 years, conservation tillage has been used on the loess plateau of north‐west China to improve the sustainability of local agriculture. There had been particular concern about loss of soil organic matter associated with traditional tillage. We examined the influence of four tillage treatments: conventional tillage (CT), subsoiling tillage (SST), rotary tillage (RT) and no‐tillage (NT), with two straw residue management treatments (return and removal) on the distribution with soil depth (0–20 cm, 20–40 cm) of total organic carbon, labile organic carbon (KMnO4‐C) and bound organic carbon. The study was carried out on a Loutu soil (Earth‐cumuli‐Orthic Anthrosol) over seven consecutive years of a winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)–summer maize (Zea mays L.) crop rotation. By the end of this period, conservation tillage (SST, RT and NT) led to greater storage of soil organic carbon (SOC) (22.7, 14.9 and 16.3% with straw return in contrast to 21.4, 15.8 and 12.3% with no straw return, respectively) compared with CT in the surface soil (0–20 cm). The reduced tillage treatments (SST and RT) both increased significantly the highly labile organic carbon (HLOC) content of the surface soil (50% in both SST and RT) and mildly labile organic matter (MLOC) (49.4 in SST and 53.5% in RT) when straw was removed. The largest pool of bound carbon was observed in the Humin‐C pool, and the smallest in the free humic acids C (FHA‐C) in each tillage treatment. Conservation tillage led to an increased content of FHA‐C and CHA‐C. Results from correlation analyses indicate that SOC enrichment might have resulted from the increase in HLOC, MLOC, FHA‐C and CHA‐C over a short period. Labile organic carbon was associated with the organic carbon that was more loosely combined with clay (FHA‐C and CHA‐C). We conclude that both SST and RT are effective in maintaining or restoring organic matter in Loutu soils in this region, and the effect is greater when they are used in combination with straw return.  相似文献   

This study investigated long‐term effects of soil management on size distribution of dry‐sieved aggregates in a loess soil together with their organic carbon (OC) and their respiratory activity. Soil management regimes were cropland, which was either abandoned, left bare fallow or cropped for 21 yr. Abandonment increased the abundance of macroaggregates (>2 mm) in the surface soil layer (0–10 cm) and reduced that of microaggregates (<0.25 mm) relative to Cropping, whereas the Fallow treatment reduced the abundance of macroaggregates at depths of 0–10 and 10–20 cm. All treatments yielded similar aggregate size distributions at a depth of 20–30 cm. The SOC content of aggregate size fractions in the surface soil from the Abandoned plots was greater (by 1.2–4.8 g/kg) than that of the corresponding fractions from the Cropped plots, but the opposite trend was observed in the subsurface soils. Conversely, the Fallow treatment reduced the SOC content of every aggregate size fraction. Smaller aggregates generally exhibited greater cumulative levels of C mineralization than larger ones. However, the bulk of the SOC losses from the soils via mineralization was associated with aggregates of >2 mm. Abandonment significantly increased the relative contribution of macroaggregates (>2 mm) to the overall rate of SOC loss, whereas the Fallow treatment significantly reduced the contribution of 0.25–2 mm aggregates to total SOC loss in the surface soil while substantially increasing their contribution in the subsurface soil.  相似文献   

Soil samples from the Hexi Corridor located in the arid regions of Northwestern China were collected from a site that had received fertilizer applications for 23 years. Effects of freeze–thaw on aggregate stability and the organic carbon (OC) and nitrogen (N) enrichment ratios in water stable aggregate (WSA) fractions were investigated. In treatments combining the application of N fertilizer with green manure (GN) or straw (SN), the percentage of >0.25 mm WSA fraction was not significantly different from the control soil that received no fertilizer or organic amendment. After a freeze–thaw cycle, the percentages of the >0.25 mm WSA fraction in the GN and SN treatments showed no change, but the size of this fraction in the other treatments decreased. In addition, the organic carbon (OC) and N enrichment ratios in the >0.25 mm WSA fraction in GN and SN treatments increased after a freeze–thaw cycle. However, in this size fraction, the OC and N enrichment ratios decreased in other treatments. Both the changes of the percentages of the >0.25 mm WSA fraction and the OC and N enrichment ratios in this fraction under freeze–thaw in the GN and SN treatments exhibited the most significant increases compared with other treatments (< 0.05). The results indicated that the GN and SN treatments could prevent the damaging effects of freeze–thaw on aggregate stability and protect soil from erosion.  相似文献   

Human-induced degradation of natural resources in general and of soil in particular, is a major problem in many regions, including the Sudano-Sahelian zone. The combined effects of tillage and manure application on Lixisol properties and on crop performance were investigated at Saria, Burkina Faso, to find efficient soil management practices to improve soil fertility. A randomized block design with four treatments (hand hoeing only, hand hoeing+manure, ploughing only, oxen ploughing+manure) in three replications was started in 1990. Ten years later, total soil organic (SOC), particulate organic matter and C mineralization were measured. Initial SOC concentration was 4 mg/g and dropped to 2.1 mg/g soil in ploughed plots without manure and to 2.5 mg/g soil in hoed plots without manure. Manure addition mitigated the decrease of SOC in ploughed plots and even built up SOC in hoed plots, where it increased to 5.8 mg/g soil. Manure had a large effect on the fractions in which SOC was stored. In ploughed plots, a large amount of SOC was stored in physical particles >0.25 mm, while in hand hoed plots the maximum SOC was stored in finer fractions. In the topsoil, hoeing and manure resulted in a higher SOC than ploughing with no manure. However, in the 15–25 cm layer, particularly in September, particulate organic matter was greater in ploughed plots with manure than in hoed plots with manure. Crop yields were highest on ploughed+manure plots and lowest on ploughed plots with no manure. We conclude that applying manure annually mitigates the negative effect of ploughing and hand hoeing on SOC and related properties and therefore can contribute to the sustainability of the agricultural system in the Sudano-Sahelian zone.  相似文献   

Although the effects of cover crops (CC) on various soil parameters have been fully investigated, less is known about the impacts at different stages in CC cultivation. The objective of this study was to quantify the influence of CC cultivation stages and residue placement on aggregates and microbial carbon (Cmic). Additionally, the influence of residue location and crop species on CO2 emissions and leached mineralized nitrogen (Nmin) during the plant degradation period was also investigated. Within an incubation experiment, four CC species were sown in soil columns, with additional columns being kept plant‐free. After plant growth, the columns were frozen (as occurs in winter under field conditions) and then incubated with the plant material either incorporated or surface‐applied. With CC, concentrations of large and medium macroaggregates were twice that of the fallow, confirming positive effects of root growth. Freezing led to a decrease in these aggregate size classes. In the subsequent incubation, the large macroaggregates decreased far more in the samples with CC than in the fallow, leading to similar aggregate size distributions. No difference in Cmic concentration was found among the CC cultivation stages. CO2 emissions were roughly equivalent to the carbon amounts added as plant residues. Comparison of columns with incorporated or surface‐applied residues indicated no consistent pattern of aggregate distribution, CO2 emission or Cmic and Nmin concentrations. Our results suggest that positive effects of CC cultivation are only short term and that a large amount of organic material in the soil could have a greater influence than CC cultivation.  相似文献   

Detailed information on the profile distributions of agronomically important soil properties in the planting season can be used as criteria to select the best soil tillage practices. Soil cores (0–60 cm) were collected in May, 2012 (before soybean planting), from soil transects on a 30‐yr tillage experiment, including no‐tillage (NT), ridge tillage (RT) and mouldboard plough (MP) on a Brookston clay loam soil (mesic Typic Argiaquoll). Soil cores were taken every 19 cm across three corn rows and these were used to investigate the lateral and vertical profile characteristics of soil organic carbon (SOC), pH, electrical conductivity (EC), soil volumetric water content (SWC), bulk density (BD), and penetration resistance (PR). Compared to NT and MP, the RT system resulted in greater spatial heterogeneity of soil properties across the transect. Average SOC concentrations in the top 10 cm layer were significantly greater in RT than in NT and MP (= 0.05). NT soil contained between 0.8 and 2.5% (vol/vol) more water in the top 0–30 cm than RT and MP, respectively. MP soil had lower PR and BD in the plough layer compared to NT and RT soils, with both soil properties increasing sharply with depth in MP. The RT had lower PR relative to NT in the upper 35 cm of soil on the crop rows. Overall, RT was a superior conservation tillage option than NT in this clay loam soil; however, MP had the most favourable soil conditions in upper soil layers for early crop development across all treatments.  相似文献   

The effects of several dominant tillage and rotation systems on soil organic C content of different particle-size fractions were studied in Chernozemic soils from southwestern and east-central Saskatchewan, Canada. In an Orthic Brown Chernozem in southwestern Saskatchewan, 7 years of no-till cereal–fallow, imposed on a long-term tillage fallow–wheat rotation soil, resulted in 0.1 Mg C ha−1 more organic C mass in the sand + organic matter (OM) fraction of the 0- to 5-cm layer, whereas organic C associated with coarse silt (CS), fine silt (FS), coarse clay, and fine clay of 0- to 5- and 5- to 10-cm layers was less than that of the comparable tilled cereal–fallow system. Conversion of tilled fallow–wheat rotation soil to continuous cropping had a slight effect, whereas the organic C mass in all the size fractions was significantly increased in both 0- to 5- and 5- to 10-cm layers after alfalfa was introduced on tilled fallow–wheat as perennial forage for 10 years. In an Orthic Black Chernozem in east-central Saskatchewan that was cultivated and tilled using a cereal–fallow rotation for 62 years, organic C mass decreased in sand + OM, CS, and FS of 0- to 10-cm depth. Conversion of the tilled cereal–fallow cropland soil back to seeded grassland resulted in significantly more soil organic C in sand + OM fraction after 12 years of grass seed-down. The sand + OM fraction appears to be the size fraction pool initially most sensitive to adoption of management practices that are liable to sequester carbon in the soil.  相似文献   

Different tillage systems may affect P dynamics in soils due to differently distributed plant residues, different aggregate dynamics and erosion losses, but quantitative data are scarce. Objectives were to investigate the effect of tillage on the availability of P in a long‐term field trial on loess soils (Phaeozems and Luvisols) initiated from 1990 to 1997. Four research sites in E and S Germany were established with a crop rotation consisting of two times winter wheat followed by sugar beet. The treatments were no‐till (NT) without cultivation, except for seedbed preparation to a depth of 5 cm before sugar beet was sown and conventional tillage (CT) with mouldboard plowing down to 25–30 cm. Soil P was divided into different pools by a sequential extraction method, and total P (Pt) in the single P fractions was extracted by digesting the extracts of the fractionation to calculate the contents of organic P. The Pt content (792 mg [kg soil]–1) in the topsoil (0–5 cm) of NT was 15% higher compared to CT, while with increasing depth the Pt content decreased more under NT than under CT. This was also true for the other P fractions except for residual P. The higher P contents in the topsoil of NT presumably resulted from the shallower incorporation of harvest residues and fertilizer P compared to CT, whereas estimated soil losses and thus also P losses due to water erosion were only small for both treatments. Contents of oxalate‐extractable Fe and organic C were positively related to the labile fractions of inorganic P, while there was a high correlation of the stable fractions with the clay contents and pH. Multiple regression analyses explained 50% of the variability of these P fractions. Overall, only small differences in the P fractions and availability were observed between the long‐term tillage treatments.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis whether organic matter in subsoils is a large contributor to organic carbon (OC) in terrestrial ecosystems and if survival of organic matter in subsoils is the result of an association with the soil mineral matrix. We approached this by analyzing two forest soil profiles, a Haplic Podzol and a Dystric Cambisol, for the depth distribution of OC, its distribution among density and particle‐size fractions, and the extractability of OC after destruction of the mineral phase by treatment with hydrofluoric acid (HF). The results were related to indicators of the soil mineralogy and the specific surface area. Finally, scanning electron microscopy combined with energy dispersive X‐ray spectroscopy (SEM‐EDX) was used to visualize the location of OC at mineral surfaces and associations with elements of mineral phases. The subsoils (B and C horizons) contained 40—50% of the soil OC including the organic forest floor layers. With increasing depth of soil profiles (1) the radiocarbon ages increased, and (2) increasing portions of OC were either HF‐soluble, or located in the density fraction d >1.6 g cm—3, or in the clay fraction. The proportions of OC in the density fraction d >1.6 g cm—3 were closely correlated to the contents of oxalate and dithionite‐citrate‐bicarbonate‐extractable Fe (r2 = 0.93 and 0.88, P <0.001). SEM‐EDX analyses suggested associations of OC with aluminum whereas silicon‐enriched regions were poor in OC. The specific surface area and the microporosity of the soil mineral matrix after destruction of organic matter were less closely correlated to OC than the extractable iron fractions. This is possibly due to variable surface loadings, depending on different OC inputs with depth. Our results imply that subsoils are important for the storage of OC in terrestrial ecosystems because of intimate association of organic matter with secondary hydrous aluminum and iron phases leading to stabilization against biological degradation.  相似文献   

Changes in agricultural management strategies have received much attention in recent years with a view to increasing or maintaining the amount of carbon (C) sequestered as soil organic C (SOC). In many parts of the world, minimum or no‐till management has been promoted as a means of improving soil quality, reducing losses of erosion and potentially increasing SOC stocks. However, no‐till systems can become problematic and potentially disease‐prone, especially due to high crop residue loadings. Consequently, residue removal either by harvesting or burning off may be employed to reduce these pressures. Here, we examined the effect of crop residue removal on C storage in soil that had been under no‐till management for 20 yr. We predicted improved physical properties (i.e. lower bulk density) and greater microbial activity under the residue retention soils due to greater readily available C and nutrients derived from crop residues. In contrast, we predicted relative reductions in SOC in the no residue soils due to a lack of available residue‐derived C for microbial use. Residue removal caused a relative C loss from the soil, which was related to C input, amount of nutrient availability and microbial activity. We demonstrate the importance of maintaining crop residue cover in no‐till cropping systems for soil function and highlight the potentially deleterious effects of changing management strategy to increased residue harvesting or removal by burning.  相似文献   

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