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OBJECTIVE: To report use of ultrasonographic examination of the coxofemoral joint, a surgical technique for repair of craniodorsal coxofemoral dislocation, and outcome. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical case reports. ANIMALS: Calves (n=4) with coxofemoral luxation. METHODS: Craniodorsal coxofemoral luxation was diagnosed by physical examination, radiographic, and ultrasonographic findings. Open surgical reduction of the femoral head was performed using a modified caudal approach. RESULTS: Craniodorsal luxation of the femoral head and the presence of an intact femoral neck were confirmed by ultrasonography. All luxations were successfully reduced and reluxation did not occur. At follow-up, 1 heifer had calved and 1 was 5 months pregnant. One calf died of bronchopneumonia 6 days after surgery. One calf had severe coxofemoral degenerative joint disease diagnosed (ultrasonography, radiography, and arthrocentesis) 3 months after surgery and confirmed by necropsy. CONCLUSION: Ultrasonography proved to be a simple and effective non-invasive technique for diagnosis of coxofemoral luxation. Immediate surgical intervention in hip dislocation in calves is necessary to avoid unnecessary trauma to subchondral structures. In calves, open instead of closed surgical reduction appears preferable because it allows access to the acetabular cavity for removal of debris. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Ultrasonography should be considered a supplementary but not an alternative to radiographic examination for diagnosis of coxofemoral luxation and for follow-up examinations after reduction.  相似文献   

Objective— To report a technique for open reduction and internal fixation of scapulohumeral joint luxation in large animals, and outcome.
Study Design— Clinical case reports.
Animals— Mature alpacas (n=3) and immature miniature steer (1).
Methods— Shoulder joint luxation was diagnosed by physical examination and confirmed by radiography. Open reduction was performed with internal fixation using lateral tension band sutures.
Results— Animals maintained shoulder joint reduction and were sound with radiographically normal shoulder joints (n=2) and normal range of motion without appreciable gait abnormalities (4) at follow-up 8–36 months later.
Conclusions— In contrast to previous reports of open reduction with internal fixation of shoulder joint luxation in large animals, open reduction and use of lateral scapulohumeral tension sutures resulted in functionally normal shoulder joints.
Clinical Relevance— Stabilization of the shoulder joint with lateral scapulohumeral tension sutures after open reduction is effective, technically simple, and should be considered in large animal species weighing <100 kg.  相似文献   

A foal with a cranio‐dorsal coxofemoral luxation was treated with a prosthetic capsulorraphy technique after open reduction. After reluxation a femoral head ostectomy was performed for salvage purposes. The filly was discharged with minimal lameness and was using the limb properly after 51 days of hospitalisation. Four years later the filly is still doing well as a breeding mare, with an acceptable quality of life despite angular deformities in the contralateral limb.  相似文献   

Objective— To report treatment of a comminuted ulnar carpal (UC) bone fracture associated with carpal instability by pancarpal arthrodesis using 2 locking compression plates (LCP).
Study Design— Case report.
Animals— A 2-year-old Thoroughbred filly.
Methods— An UC fracture and luxation of the proximal row of carpal bones was diagnosed radiographically. Pancarpal arthrodesis was performed with 2 LCP positioned dorsolaterally and dorsomedially and centered over the carpus through a single skin incision. The filly was maintained in a full limb cast for 15 days, followed by a tube cast for 14 days, and subsequently a full limb bandage with caudal splint for 21 days.
Results— Two LCP provided appropriate carpal stability resulting in a pasture sound horse 6 months after surgery. The filly was discharged from the hospital 63 days after surgery, walking well with only a slight mechanical lameness.
Conclusion— Use of 2 LCP applied on the dorsomedial and dorsolateral aspect of the carpus can provide carpal stability for pancarpal arthrodesis.
Clinical Relevance— Excellent stability of the carpal joints can be achieved with 2 LCP.  相似文献   

This report describes the clinical, ultrasonographic and radiographic findings in an 8‐year‐old Icelandic mare with unilateral shoulder luxation after general anaesthesia. Reduction of the luxated humerus was performed in a closed fashion using a calving jack under general anaesthesia. The horse recovered well and ultimately returned to its previous level of performance.  相似文献   

A 4-day-old bull calf was admitted for treatment of a coxofemoral luxation. Closed reduction of the luxation was successfully performed on 2 occasions, and the limb was placed in an Ehmer sling. On both occasions, however, the luxation recurred. The luxation was reduced a third time with open reduction and caudal and distal relocation of the greater trochanter. Luxation did not recur after this treatment, and the calf grew and developed normally.  相似文献   

A 3-week-old Standardbred filly had a non-weightbearing forelimb lameness caused by scapular neck fracture. The fracture was repaired with 2 dynamic compression plates placed 90 degrees to each other. A 10-hole 4.5-mm narrow dynamic compression plate was placed on the cranial aspect of the scapular spine, and a 10-hole 3.5-mm dynamic compression plate was placed caudal to the scapular spine. One year after surgery, the filly was not lame when exercising in the pasture, and muscle atrophy was not evident on the affected limb. Eighteen months after surgery, the filly was in race training with no apparent problems caused by fracture repair.  相似文献   

Megacolon with myenteric hypoganglionosis in a foal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A 6-month-old Clydesdale filly had chronic abdominal distention and intermittent febrile episodes. Abdominal surgery revealed impaction of the right dorsal colon, which was relieved by evacuation of contents through an enterotomy. Four days after surgery, abdominal distention recurred and progressed. The filly was euthanatized. Necropsy revealed the right dorsal colon to be markedly distended with digesta. Microscopically, there was a marked reduction in myenteric ganglion cells in the right dorsal colon and cecum and mild to moderate reduction of myenteric ganglion cells in the left ventral and transverse colon.  相似文献   

Objective— To report use of a cementless total hip prosthesis in an alpaca.
Study Design— Case report.
Animals— Alpaca (n=1) with chronic craniodorsal coxofemoral luxation.
Methods— A 2.5-year-old Suri alpaca, 3 months pregnant, was admitted for evaluation of acute onset severe left hind limb lameness (grade 4/5) of 6 weeks duration. After diagnosis of craniodorsal luxation of the left femoral head, total hip replacement (THR) using a cementless implant was performed because of the poor prognosis for reduction of a chronic luxation.
Results— A press-fit prosthesis was used and the alpaca delivered a live cria 8 months later. Persistent mild mechanical lameness remained after surgery, with moderate reduction in mobility of the coxofemoral joint. The prosthesis was stable and correctly positioned at 7 weeks and at 9 months. There was mild exostosis surrounding the proximal aspect of the femur at 9 months, and Steinmann pins used to repair the trochanteric osteotomy were removed because of migration. At 1 year, the alpaca has a slight gait abnormality, remains with the herd on pasture and has been re-bred.
Conclusion— Chronic coxofemoral luxation in an alpaca can be managed by THR.
Clinical Relevance— THR is a viable treatment option in alpacas with severe coxofemoral disease.  相似文献   

A case of radial carpal bone luxation in the cat and its management is described. Open reduction was performed and surgically maintained, in combination with repair of rupture of the short radial collateral ligament and joint capsule. The carpus was supported for one month following surgery by application of transarticular external fixation. Four months after treatment the cat was sound, despite evidence of degenerative joint disease. The mechanism of luxation appears to be analogous to that seen in the dog.  相似文献   

Repair of a type IV Monteggia fracture in a foal   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A Monteggia fracture is a humero-radial luxation combined with a fracture of the ulna. It is a rare injury, infrequently reported in the horse. This case report describes the surgical repair of such a fracture in a 4-month-old filly.  相似文献   

Two horses were presented with lethargy, weight loss, anorexia, and swelling of the limbs and ventral body wall. One horse, a 12-month-old American Paso Fino colt, also had acute abdominal pain. The other horse, a seven-month-old Tennessee Walking Horse (TWH) filly passed diarrheic stools during the initial examination. Each horse had low serum protein, neutropenia, and a normal packed cell volume (3.2 g/dl, 1300 cells/ul, and 38%, respectively, for the colt, and 2.4 g/dl, 696 cells/ul, and 44%, respectively for the filly). After intravenously administering plasma, the colt's PCV dropped to 23%, and the filly's dropped to 30%. During exploratory surgery, 3.5 and 2.0 meters of thickened terminal small intestine were removed from the colt and filly respectively, and a jejunocecostomy performed. The results of histologic examination of resected intestine were consistent with a diagnosis of equine granulomatous enteritis (EGE). Both horses showed clinical improvement within two days after surgery. The colt developed a neutrophilia (20,500 cells/ul) within 24 hours of surgery. Serum protein concentrations remained stable and gradually elevated to normal or near normal values of 7.0 g/dl (colt) and 5.8 g/dl (filly) by two weeks. The colt was killed four months after surgery because of signs of abdominal pain. Postmortem examination revealed a small intestinal volvulus associated with an adhesion. The TWH filly remains clinically normal 13 months after surgery.  相似文献   

A five-year old, spayed female, Bearded Collie was presented with a 24-hour history of non-weight-bearing lameness of the right thoracic limb after sustaining vehicular trauma. Radiographs revealed a craniolateral scapulohumeral luxation and a distally and medially displaced fracture of the lesser tubercle of the humerus. Open reduction and internal fixation of the fracture was achieved with lag screw fixation and an anti-rotational Kirschner wire. Surgical repair resulted in compression across the fracture line, anatomic reduction of the articular surface, and a stable scapulohumeral joint following reduction of the humeral head in the glenoid. Six weeks postoperatively, the patient exhibited no evidence of pain or lameness on the right thoracic limb and radiographs revealed complete healing of the fracture and normal articulation of the scapulohumeral joint. This is the first report of a lesser tubercle fracture associated with a craniolateral shoulder luxation. Surgical intervention resulted in the return of full shoulder joint function in this dog.  相似文献   

Lateral Patellar Luxation in Miniature Horses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bilateral luxation of the patella in four Miniature Horses was corrected by a lateral release incision and medial imbrication of the parapatellar fascia to the tendon of the sartorius muscle. Before surgery, the four horses had a grade 3 to 4 lateral patellar luxation bilaterally and had difficulty walking. Trochlear ridge hypoplasia was evident on radiographs in each horse. Follow-up information varied from 11 months to 4 years after surgery. Three horses had no patellar luxation or lameness. The other horse had a normal right stifle, but patellar luxation (grade 3) had recurred on the left.  相似文献   

Luxation of the radial carpal bone is an uncommon injury in the dog and cat. Previous clinical cases have reported palmaro-medial luxation with injury to the short radial collateral ligament. In this study a case of dorsomedial luxation of the radial carpal bone in a 10-year-old female Gordon Setter is described. A closed reduction of the luxation was performed and a conservative treatment was carried out. Thirteen months after the reduction, the dog had a satisfactory limb function, despite the presence of degenerative joint disease of the carpus. A pathogenic hypothesis for this dorso-medial luxation of the radial carpal bone is proposed reproducing the luxation on canine cadavers.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To report the diagnosis and outcome after surgical correction of bilateral distal ureteral anomalies in a Standardbred filly. STUDY DESIGN: Clinical case report. ANIMAL: An 8-month-old, 310 kg Standardbred filly with left ureteral atresia and right ureteral ectopia. METHODS: The filly was admitted for evaluation of incontinence since birth and severe urine scalding of the hindquarters. Diagnosis was made by both direct (cystoscopy and vaginoscopy) and indirect (intravenous pyelography, ultrasonography, and scintigraphy) evaluation of the ureters and bladder. The filly had left ureteral atresia, hydronephrosis, and decreased left-sided renal function and right ureteral ectopia before surgery. Surgical correction was performed on the left by an end-to-side stapled anastomosis technique and on the right by a side-to-side hand-sewn anastomosis technique. RESULTS: Surgical correction was successful. The filly had no postoperative complications and remained continent 18 months after surgery. Left renal function improved. CONCLUSION: Ureteral anomalies can be successfully repaired in larger (>300 kg) foals and some renal function may be restored after surgical correction. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Scintigraphy should be considered in diagnosis of ureteral anomalies, assessing renal function, and determining prognosis for horses with hydronephrosis caused by ureteral ectopia and atresia.  相似文献   

Open reduction of lateral luxation of the scapulohumeral joint was performed in a Mhorr gazelle (Gazella dama mhorr), a southern pudu (Pudu puda), and an Alpine ibex (Capra ibex ibex) by transposition of the biceps brachii tendon lateral to the greater tubercle of the humerus. The ibex had a very large greater tubercle that required a second osteotomy to allow successful lateral transfer of the tendon. Although all three animals were non-weight bearing in the first 2-3 wk after surgery, ambulation improved at 3 wk and was almost normal by 6 wk after surgery. Postoperative follow-up of 8 yr, 7 mo, and 3 mo in the gazelle, pudu, and ibex, respectively, revealed normal ambulation with no gait deficits. The gazelle was euthanized 8 yr after surgery for unrelated disease and necropsy demonstrated mild to moderate degenerative joint disease. Similar lateral shoulder luxations in comparably sized, nondomestic ruminants, without concurrent fractures or significant joint abnormality, have a good prognosis for return to function after surgical reduction using a biceps tendon transposition.  相似文献   

An open proximal metatarsal fracture was identified in a 9-month-old calf. Open reduction, internal fixation, and external coaptation were used to repair the fracture. The calf recovered without complications and was reported to be sound 6 months after surgery.  相似文献   

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