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Alternative strategies for stand density management in even-aged coniferous forests may increase plant species and functional diversity. We examined the effects of fixed and variable density thinning on tree seedling regeneration as well as on abundance (indexed by cover) and richness of understory vascular plants 11 years after harvesting 45- to 66-year old forests dominated by Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) or western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla (Raf.) Sarg.) at three sites in western Oregon. Each site contained an unthinned control (CON), and thinning treatments selected to enhance overstory structural diversity and spatial variability within stands (HD, high density treatment at 300 trees ha−1; MD, moderate density treatment at 200 trees ha−1; VD300, VD200 and VD100, variable density treatments at 300, 200 and 100 trees ha−1). Leave islands are included in HD and the other thinning treatments contain both leave islands and gap openings. Tree seedling regeneration was highly variable and generally increased with thinning. Cover of all understory species was greater in VD100 than in the control whereas richness was greater in HD and MD. Cover and richness of early seral species were greater in most thinning treatments than in the control. Understory plant communities were overwhelmingly dominated by native species. In general, vegetation dynamics was accelerated by thinning, especially in variable density treatments. Cover of N-fixing understory species was greater in VD200 than in the other treatments, and in MD and VD300 than in the control, whereas richness of understory N-fixing species increased in all thinning treatments. Cover of understory species with intermediate soil water requirements was greater in MD, VD200 and VD100 than in the control, whereas richness of these species increased in VD200 compared to the control, HD and VD300. Thinning promoted higher diversity of understory conditions without reducing density and species richness of crop tree regeneration, and seemed to increase functional effect and response diversity.  相似文献   

In production forests in the moist tropics, trees are selected for felling or retention primarily by species and size. Tree regeneration requirements and forest stand responses to harvesting are often ignored, and consequently, the regeneration of the residual forest is not ensured. We developed and tested an alternative approach to tree selection, where seed trees were retained as a proportion of harvestable trees, with the proportion defined as a function of species’ ecological attributes and local abundance (100 ha), in contrast to the conventional approach which retained 10% of harvestable trees, uniformly across commercial species at the compartmental scale (1000 ha). The study was conducted in Democracia Project, a forest management operation in Amazonas, Brazil. The conventional approach failed to retain any seed trees at the 100 ha block scale for 7 of 37 commercial species, whereas the alternative approach retained a minimum number of seed trees per 100 ha block for all commercial species. The conventional approach resulted in the retention of relatively high proportions of potential seed trees for common species (e.g., 22% for Eperua oleifera and 36% for Maquira sclerophila) that are shade bearers and recruit readily at the site; alternately, for species with constraints to regeneration, it retained relatively low proportions (e.g., 2% for Dinizia excelsa and Hymenolobium nitidum). The alternative approach effectively retained lower proportions of common species (e.g., 10% for E. oleifera and 13% for M. sclerophila) and relatively high proportions of species with regeneration constraints (e.g., 20% for D. excelsa and 16% for H. nitidum). Our study demonstrates that it is feasible to implement at an operational scale, species-specific retention rules that take into account local abundance when inventory data are digitised and spatially explicit. Monitoring regeneration in the residual stands over time will provide the evidence to assess the ecological benefits of the adoption of our alternative approach.  相似文献   

The high-spatial-resolution IKONOS satellite is now operating as a resource and disaster monitor, after a successful launch in September 1999. The ground resolution of the IKONOS panchromatic band is about 1m, the greatest of any satellite. The objectives of this study were to verify the extent to which high-resolution IKONOS data can be used to classify tree species. A field survey and image analysis study used IKONOS imagery to classify 21 species in mixed stands of deciduous and conifer species with the following results: (1) The panchromatic and multi-spectral bands 4, 3, and 2 were useful for classifying tree species owing to the great difference in the reflectance values between tree species. (2) Some groups, for which there were significant differences among species, were identified using Tukeys multiple comparison test; conifers and some broadleaved trees were identified correctly more often than other species. (3) A random selection of validation pixels showed that the overall classification accuracy was 62%. The classification accuracy of broadleaved trees was a little low, ranging from 40% to 63%, while that of conifers exceeded 70%. (4) The overall accuracy of the classification at the genus level improved by 4% more than the species level. The misclassification of broadleaved trees was due to the similar spectral characteristics of species in the same genus.  相似文献   

Root pathogens are one of the principle factors affecting forest productivity in many forests, but few estimates of impact are available. Non-lethal root infections associated with Armillaria root disease were studied to determine their effect on stem volume yield in seven planted Douglas-fir stands and a naturally regenerated stand in British Columbia's southern interior. Trees were removed from the soil and the infection date of a random selection of trees was determined. The volume reduction attributable to disease was determined as a comparison of diseased to disease-free trees over time since infection. Volume reductions per tree ranged from 0 to 30 dm3 (0-27%) depending on the tree age and disease duration. Yield reduction reached 27 m3/ha, averaging 15 m3/ha for the three oldest planted sites by age 30 (7-15%), but was lower at the naturally regenerated site. Yield reduction at the site level correlated best with the number of diseased trees and an unknown site factor. Sites with slow juvenile growth had the least yield reduction owing to their lower incidence of disease over time. Yield was less affected by the proportion of diseased primary roots per tree than by the cumulative time since infection. A few of the diseased trees maintained growth rate after infection similar to disease-free trees; interestingly, these trees were smaller than average to begin with. Overall, trees suffer accumulating growth reduction without recovery. Root diseases prevent full expression of site potential even without mortality. Minimizing disease impact in respect to other forest management goals is also discussed.  相似文献   

Canopy closure and soil characteristics are commonly used to explain regeneration distribution at local and regional scales, although very few studies take both factors into account. The combination of environmental variables defined at broad and local scales is necessary to provide regeneration distribution models with a small resolution (tree scale) that are valid on a large spatial scale (regional scale). Our aim was to quantify how gap partitioning among tree species at the seedling stage varies across large soil and stand type gradients. Regeneration inventories performed 5 years after gap creation were used to analyse the combined effects of soil type, stand type, and position within canopy gaps on the regeneration development of eight western European broadleaved species: Acer campestre, Acer pseudoplatanus, Betulapendula, Carpinusbetulus, Fagussylvatica, Fraxinusexcelsior, Quercus sp., and Salixcaprea. A clear pattern of gap partitioning among the eight species was observed. All species had higher density at the gap edge except birch and willow showing the highest presence in gap centres. For all species, the probability of presence of tall seedlings (height > 0.5 m) increased from gap edge to gap centre. Small seedlings presented the opposite trend except birch and willow. Soil pH influenced probability of presence for each species, but did not affect the pattern of gap partitioning among species. Both local (location within the gap) and regional (soil pH and stand type) scale factors affect recruitment distribution and are thus necessary to predict seedling distribution. The models developed may be used to determine the optimal gap size in order to obtain a given species composition according to soil and stand type conditions.  相似文献   

Thwaites  Robin 《New Forests》2002,24(2):81-95
This methodology has been developed to predict the distribution of preferable biophysical sites for three of the favored plantation species for private land rehabilitation in the Atherton Tablelands of tropical north Queensland: Araucaria cunninghamii, Eucalyptus cloeziana, and Flindersia brayleyana. The site prediction is expressed in a spatial and quantitative form of site classification. The sites (termed toposites) are characterized by soil and terrain qualities using spatial analytical techniques afforded by the predictive capacity of DTMs (digital terrain models) and conceptual regolith-terrain relationships in an explicit approach to forest site analysis through a geographic information system (GIS). Knowledge-based relationships and recorded soil-topographic data are used in this methodology to create conceptual models of climatic, terrain and parent material interaction. These guide the algorithms for digital terrain analysis through use of transfer functions and topographic DTM derivatives. Spatial regolith-terrain attribute predictions for potential toposites from DTMs are then combined with modeled climatic surfaces. The spatial arrangement of potentially favorable toposites for each of the selected species can be portrayed in raster format involving fuzzy classification. This form of classification provides multiple membership values for given regolith-terrain attributes for each grid cell. These can then be grouped as desired in an a posteriori classification to produce toposite preference in raster or vector map form.  相似文献   

With a predicted rise in average global surface temperature at an unprecedented rate, as well as changes in precipitation and disturbance regimes, climate change will bring forth new challenges for nature conservation in forest ecosystems. Species and habitats to be protected will be affected as well as related concepts and area specific objectives. Climate change impacts are likely to be aggravated by other anthropogenic stresses such as fragmentation, deposition or habitat destruction. To be reliable and effective, current objectives and guidelines of forest conservation need to be reassessed and improved. Our study analyses possible impacts of climate change on forests and identifies key future challenges for nature conservation in forests and ecosystem research. We reviewed 130 papers on climate change impacts on forest ecosystems and species published between 1995 and 2010. The geographical focus of the study is Central Europe. Papers were analysed accounting for direct and indirect impacts of gradual changes as well as stochastic disturbance events in forest ecosystems and their possible consequences for nature conservation.Even though broader aspects of nature conservation (protected areas, biodiversity) are frequently mentioned, little attention is given to forest-specific nature conservation. Particular aspects are insufficiently represented, such as the influence of climate change on different forest succession stages, the development of dead wood volume and quality, responses of secondary broadleaved species, azonal or extrazonal forests as well as ancient woodlands or remnants of historical silvicultural systems. Challenges arise in the context of great uncertainties about future developments. Nature conservation concepts and objectives in forests need to be adapted either within a permanent evaluation process or through the inclusion of further changes a priori, even if they are to some extent unpredictable. In some cases adaptation measures within nature conservation (e.g. adjusting protected areas) may conflict with interests of other stakeholders. Further research, particularly on interrelations between different impacts and the adaptive capacity of current forest ecosystems, associated species and existing genotypes is urgently needed. The scale and complexity of the task at hand calls for the establishment and further strengthening of international research networks.  相似文献   

Tree species composition is a primary attribute of forest ecosystems, and is often manipulated by silvicultural practices. Forest management to diversify tree species is now being promoted to favor biodiversity. To assess the soundness of this policy we reviewed and analyzed the literature on the relationship between tree species composition and floristic diversity, including the mechanisms involved therein. Coniferous forests generally provide less diversified vascular understories than broadleaved forests. At the tree species scale, there are not enough reports to draw firm conclusions on the effect of any particular species. Mixing of deciduous and coniferous tree species generally affects understory diversity, but in almost all cases maximum diversity is observed in one of the pure stands, not in mixed stands. Understory vegetation is influenced by overstory composition and structure through modifications of resource availability (light, water and soil nutrients) and other effects, such as physical characteristics of the litter layer. Overstory light transmittance and diverse properties of forest litter are factors that have been most fully studied to date, but other factors such as throughfall water quantity and chemistry may also play a role. While the relative importance of mechanisms that account for the effect of overstory on understory biodiversity has often been discussed, these mechanisms have rarely been the subject of formal experiments. Overall, varying management practices and site attributes make it difficult to generalize results. They combine with the effects of tree species in influencing understory vegetation diversity, but they have been rarely considered. Future research is needed to gain a better understanding of the relationship between overstory and understory diversity and establish general laws.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the relationship, or lack thereof, between growth and diversity of tree species and size in conifer stands of western North America. Growth was measured by net basal area growth and its components: survivor growth, recruitment, and mortality. The analysis used inventory data from permanent plots in the Douglas-fir/western hemlock forest type in Oregon and Washington, and in the mixed-conifer forest type in California. The methods consisted of generalized least square regression with spatial autocorrelation, controlling for the effect of other stand characteristics. Other things being equal, in the two forest types under study there was a strong positive relationship between net basal area growth and tree-species diversity. This effect was associated with higher recruitment in stands of higher tree-species diversity. Neither mortality nor growth of survivors was related to tree-species diversity. The relationship between growth and tree-size diversity was less clear. For Douglas-fir/western hemlock, net basal area growth was negatively correlated with tree-size diversity, essentially because recruitment was lower on plots of high tree-size diversity. For mixed conifers, net basal area growth tended also to be lower in plots of high tree-size diversity, but this was mostly because mortality was higher in plots of higher tree-size diversity.  相似文献   

Forest thinning and prescribed fires are practices used by managers to address concerns over ecosystem degradation and severe wildland fire potential in dry forests. There is some debate, however, about treatment effectiveness in meeting management objectives as well as their ecological consequences. The purpose of this study was to assess changes to forest stand structure following thinning and prescribed fire treatments, alone and combined, in the eastern Cascade Mountains of Washington State. Treatments were applied to 12 management units, with each treatment combination replicated three times (including untreated controls). Thinning modified forest structure by reducing overall tree density by >60% and canopy bulk density by 50%, and increased canopy base height by ∼4 m, thereby reducing susceptibility to crown fire. The prescribed fire treatment, conversely, did not appreciably reduce tree density or canopy fuel loading, but was effective at increasing the density of standing dead trees, particularly when combined with thinning (37 snags/ha increase). Prescribed fire effects were more pronounced when used in combination with thinning. Thinning was more reliable for altering stand structure, but spring burning was lower in intensity and coverage than desired and may have led to results that downplay the efficacy of fire to meet forest restoration goals.  相似文献   

王宪成 《林业研究》2002,13(4):323-326
本文概要介绍了吉林省生态环境概况、林业建设成就与问题,论述了本省森林生态网络建设面临的任务及亟待解决的八个方面的问题,并对生物技术、信息技术、新材料技术及无公害森林保健技术在森林生态网络建设的应用前景进行了展望。参9。  相似文献   

Defining the spatial arrangement and length of the cutting cycle in a logged area is crucial for reconciling potential conflicts between timber yields and maintenance of ecosystem services in natural forests. In this study, we investigated long-term impacts of clear-fell logging on timber production and tree species diversity in a subtropical forest on the Ryukyu Islands, using an individual-based simulation model. We assumed six logging scenarios defined by combinations of forest type and regeneration processes, which acted as surrogates for spatial scales of clear-fell logging. These scenarios were simulated under cutting cycles ranging from 20 to 150 years. Short-cutting cycles resulted in dominance by the sprouting species Castanopsis sieboldii. The compositional shift was accelerated by the lack of seed dispersal from surrounding forest areas. The simulations demonstrated that a sustainable logging regime maintaining both yield and tree species diversity requires a cutting cycle longer than 50 years. The simulation results also suggest that the trade-off between the recovery of tree species diversity and timber production is favored more in stands surrounded by mature forest than in isolated stands or stands surrounded by immature forest. Ecological risk assessments based on model simulations provide an alternative to current forest management practices that rely on empirical knowledge.  相似文献   

基于28个20mx90m样地的调查数据,利用Lotka-Volterra模型,本文分析了长白山北坡阔叶红松(Pinuskoraiensis)林和云冷杉林(也叫暗针叶林)群落交错区优势树种之间的竞争及动态。结果显示:在自然条件下,群落将向两个方向分化,一是以云杉(PiceajezoensisandP.koraiensis)和冷杉(Abiesnephrolepis)为优势的群落,并在达到平衡时冷杉占绝对优势(相对优势度的77.1%):另一种是以红松或云冷杉和阔叶树占绝对优势的针阔混交林,并在达到平衡时,阔叶树在阔叶红松林中占相对优势度的50%,在云冷杉一阔叶林类型中占66%。同时,本研究说明:(1)阔叶红松林和云冷杉林都是长白山气候顶极群落:(2)交错区具有过渡性质:(3)森林群落的分化结果说明演替的方向受局部生境的影响。图1表3参24。  相似文献   

The competition and dynamics of dominant trees species in the forest ecotone between the broad-leaved/Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) mixed forest and the spruce-fir forest (also known as dark conifer forest) in Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province in Northeast China were studied by using Lotka-Volterra model, based on the data from twenty-eight sample plots with area of 20 mx90 m for each one. Results showed that under natural condition, differentiation of communities followed two directions: one would be Spruce (Picea jezoensis and few P. koraiensis) and fir (Abies nephrolepis) co-dominant conifer forest, and at the equilibrium fir was absolutely preponderant (77.1% of relative dominance (RD)); the other would be the conifer and broad-leaved mixed forest, and at equilibrium, the broad-leaved tree species was 50% of RD in the broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest and 66% of RD in the broad-leaved and spruce-fir mixed forest. The study demonstrated that both broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest and dark conifer forest were climax community, the ecotone had transitional characteristics, and the diversification of the forest communities suggested that the direction of succession was affected by local habitat.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3):195-202
Pine plantations are thought to negatively impact species diversity and to irreversibly modify arid zones. However, some studies have suggested that through the application of appropriate management practices, the negative impacts of plantations may be reduced. Our aim was to study the effects of early pruning and thinning on the ground-dwelling insects found in pine tree plantations in Patagonia. We compared the abundance, species richness and composition of the beetle and ant assemblages within 16-year-old pine stands (n = 10) subjected to early pruning and thinning (i.e. before canopy closure) against a steppe habitat exposed to sheep grazing (‘control’, n = 10). To sample ground-dwelling insects, we deployed nine pitfall traps per plot (100 m2) for a 10-day period. Vegetation cover and plant species richness were significantly lower in the plantations than in the steppe. We found that beetle species richness was reduced in the managed plantations in comparison to the steppe but abundance was higher. In turn, species composition in the plantations was different from that of the controls. Ant species richness was similar among habitats but abundance was lower in the plantations. We conclude that, contrary to our expectations, management practices that lead to sparse plantations at early stages in the production cycle, do not offer a significant advantage in terms of reducing the impact of pines on ground-dwelling insects of Patagonia.  相似文献   

A number of multipurpose tree species are conserved as scattered trees in settled farms on terraced slopes by the traditional farmers in Central Himalaya, India. Knowledge on growth rates and ecological impacts of these tree species is limited. Ten locally valued multipurpose tree species, viz., Albizzia lebbek, Alnus nepalensis, Boehmeria rugulosa, Celtis australis, Dalbergia sissoo, Ficus glomerata, Grewia optiva, Prunus cerasoides, Pyrus pashia and Sapium sebiferum, were established as mixed plantations at a degraded community forest land site and an abandoned agricultural land site in a village at 1200 m altitude in District Chamoli, India. At the abandoned agricultural land site, annual food crops were grown, along with planted trees, providing supplemental irrigation and organic manure following traditional farming practices. Survival, height, stem circumference, crown depth and width, number of branches, above-ground biomass and soil physico-chemical characteristics were monitored up to five years of plantation growth. Above-ground tree biomass accumulation at the abandoned agricultural land site was 3.9 t ha−1 yr−1 compared with 1.1 t ha−1 yr−1at the degraded forest land site. B. rugulosa, C. australis, F. glomerata, G. optiva, P. cerasoides and S. sebiferum showed more prominent differences in growth at the two sites compared with A. lebbek, A. nepalensis, D. sissoo and P. pashia. A. nepalensis and D. sissoo showed best growth performance at both the sites. A significant improvement in soil physico-chemical characteristics was observed after five years at both of the sites. Carbon sequestration in soil was higher than that in bole biomass. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

2004年8月,江西省开始启动林业产权制度改革,用近一年的时间基本完成了试点工作,目前改革工作已在全省全面铺开.通过林改,明晰林业产权,减免税费,逐渐放活经营,规范流转,林业生产关系更加适应社会主义市场经济发展需要,提高了木材生产收益、群众造林护林积极性及山地租赁价格.但是,在新的林业生产关系下,许多配套管理措施还没有完善,森林保护管理工作出现一些新情况新问题不可避免.为保护好、管理好森林资源,需要对这些新变化、新情况、新问题进行研究,找出规范管理的新途径.  相似文献   

From a conceptual point of view, national forest management standards in Latin American countries have progressed significantly in recent years. Examples include the Costa Rican Standards and Procedures for Sustainable Forest Management and Certification, developed by the National Commission for Forest Certification and in Nicaragua, the National Institute of Forestry proposal of principles, criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management. In line with general approaches worldwide, these national standards primarily focus on the fulfillment of sound forest practice. There is comparatively little emphasis on the assessment of management outcomes or changes in key components of the eco- and social-systems that result from management impacts. Essentially, there is little emphasis on adaptive management, though arguments that management cannot be sustainable if it is not adaptive are persuasive. This study sought to contribute to the development of standards that include elements for adaptive management that define, communicate and evaluate sustainable forest management in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Elements from the national standards and the CIFOR generic C&I template (predominantly focused on forest management outcomes) were used as a starting point. The basic research process consisted of three phases of evaluation (in-office, desk and field). The evaluations were carried out by multidisciplinary, international groups of experts in forest ecology, management and policy. This study demonstrated the value of forums and workshops that facilitate exchange between forest scientists and policymakers; the innovation and application of a practical, applicable and scientifically based methodology for developing national level C&I; and acceptance of this methodology by key players in the fields of forest management and policy. These experiences and the resulting proposals of C&I for the evaluation of ecologically sustainable forest management are expected to be used as points of reference for future development of forest policy in Costa Rica and Nicaragua, and to contribute to the overall understanding of C&I development processes in the region.  相似文献   

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