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为考察兽药中实际存在的微生物对动物健康的影响,对山东省兽药GMP企业生产的粉散剂、颗粒剂产品的微生物污染状况进行抽样调查检测,发现不同的内服给药制剂,其微生物污染水平结果差异显著.在此基础上选择微生物限度严重超标的中药散剂,从中分离细菌、霉菌,拟定不同菌量的污染水平对健康鸡进行饲喂试验.结果表明:试验期间各用菌组试验鸡的精神状况、饮水和采食均未发现异常,试验结束后剖检各用菌液组及空白对照组鸡的心、肝、肾、肠道等,均未发现异常,各组鸡均未出现发病与死亡情况,且各组间增重无显著性差异(P>0.05).为进一步考察兽药被微生物污染后对临床疗效的影响,选用微生物限度严重超标的中药散剂鸡康灵微粉,开展对鸡慢性呼吸道病治疗试验,将自然感染鸡随机分为两组,每组1600只,一组鸡服用微生物限度超标的鸡康灵微粉,另一组服用辐射灭菌后的鸡康灵微粉.结果表明:两组治愈率均达90%以上,经x2检验,无显著性差异(P>0.05),产蛋率均恢复到90%以上.由上述试验可见,兽药不同内服制剂的微生物污染差异显著,且不同的微生物污染水平对动物健康及兽药临床疗效无显著影响,其相关性有待进一步研究.  相似文献   

周蛟 《中国家禽》2005,27(19):4-4
我国的兽药发展与国际市场还有一定的距离,有很长的路要走。在最近召开的第14届世界禽病大会上,兽药企业的代表有近百家,给予大会赞助的企业有40-50家,而这些兽药企业提出了很重要一个口号,这就是兽药与人类的健康、动物的健康都是密切相关的。所以,他们提出来,不是动物的健康而首先是人类的健康。我国近几年所出现的兽药方面的问题和不安全的隐患,给养殖业与人类健康造成了很大的影响。国家对兽医、兽药事业,对食品安全、动物健康是相当重视的。  相似文献   

动物肠道微生物是动物体第十大系统,对动物健康的影响重大,主要表现为互利共用、同食共生和致病。微生态制剂是指在微生态学的理论指导下,调整微生态失调、保持微生态平衡、提高动物健康水平或增进健康状态的生理活性制品及其代谢产物,以及促进这些生理菌群生长繁殖的生物制品。尽管当前微生态制剂的发展存在对其作用效果仍有争议、作用效果不稳定、缺乏行业标准、质量参差不齐等问题,但不改其逐渐受到行业重视的事实。基于此,未来微生态制剂的研究重点应从以下方面着手:提高菌株定植力,提高抗逆性,与中草药、酸化剂及寡糖联用,基因工程技术的应用,代谢产物的研究,养殖环保问题的解决。  相似文献   

动物微生态制剂是指运用微生态原理研制的含有大量有益微生物的活菌制剂。其具有在动物体内无残留、无污染、无毒无副作用,可以提高宿主健康水平和免疫力的特性,因此又称“促生素”和“益生素”。在新的时期有望成为抗生素最有潜力的替代品。  相似文献   

兽药是动物保健品行业的主业,是行业中最重要的组成部分.为社会提供绿色、健康食品需要我们兽药生产企业加深对兽药及整个动物保健品行业的认知度,为养殖业提供高效、安全的兽药产品,国务院新修订的〈兽药管理条例〉以及农业部制定的一系列〈兽药管理条例〉的配套行政规章都要求我们要加强对兽药的法制化管理,规范兽药的市场行为,促进兽药行业的健康发展,为人类健康和公共卫生服务.为了这一目标的实现,企业界和管理部门都做出了巨大的努力,形成了今天这种良好的局面.我们要走的路还很长,要做的工作还很多.行业要发展,企业要做强,市场要规范,产品质量要上新台阶,这一切都要靠业内全体同仁的不懈努力.我们要认清肩负的历史责任,明确发展方向,克服前进中的困难,改进工作中的不足,将我们的行业推向一个新的发展阶段.在这里,我就如何提高对兽药行业和兽药监管工作的认识,如何充分发挥行业协会的重要作用,促进行业的健康发展,谈点个人的认识和看法,与大家共同探讨.不妥之处,请批评指正。  相似文献   

优秀的中兽药制剂金荞麦散   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
金荞麦在中医学上以根、茎或块根入药。其主要成份为:双聚元花色甙元、芦丁、榭皮素、原儿茶酸、牡荆素、金丝桃甙等;性味:微辛、涩、凉;具有清热解毒、清肺排脓、活血祛瘀功能;  相似文献   

动物微生态制剂(Microecologics)是指运用微生态原理研制的含有大量有益微生物的活菌制剂〔1〕,其具有在动物体内无残留、无污染、无毒无副作用、可以提高宿主健康水平和免疫力的特性,因此它又名“促生素”、“益生素”,在今后或将来有望成为“抗生素”最有潜力的替代品。1动物微生态制剂的主要作用原理1.1调整微生态平衡健康动物体内的微生物菌群处于平衡状态,有益微生物是优势菌群并起主要作用,但一旦机体受到疾病因素的影响,体内微生物处于失衡状态,病原微生物占优势时,就会诱发各种疾病。此时,及时饲喂微生态制剂产品,可以补充有益菌群…  相似文献   

阿维菌素制剂的临床应用及特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国,由于伊维菌素类药物价格比较昂贵,其推广使用受到一定的限制,所以一般多用阿维菌素。目前,我们已开发研制出阿维菌素的片剂、粉剂、胶囊、注射液、口服液、浇泼剂和糊剂等多种剂型,这些剂型间效果相差不大,可根据需要选用,并已应用于各种动物寄生虫病的治疗和预防,疗效显著,治愈率高。1 临床应用1.1 阿维菌素在绵羊和山羊中的应用阿维菌素用于绵羊和山羊,可以治疗和预防常见线虫及外寄生虫感染。各种剂型以0.2mg/kg(浇泼剂量为0.5mg/kg)给药,对多数胃肠道线虫,如捻转血矛线虫等具有高效。对外寄…  相似文献   

<正>中兽药制剂是利用天然的药用植物、动物或矿物并已确定性味、归经的中药材组成的单方或多种药材组方,经采用传统加工工艺和现代工艺制成的不同剂型。中兽药制剂的质量直接影响着其在使用时的有效性和安全性,建立科学可行的质量控制体系对中兽药制剂的研发甚至中兽药事业的发展具有极其重要的意义。中兽药在解决动物源性食品安全方面有着得天独厚的优势,随着人们对食品安全的重视,越来越受到学者和畜牧业生产者的重视,国家也出台了相应政策以促进中兽药产业  相似文献   

1控释制剂和缓释制剂 控释或缓释制剂又称控释或缓释系统,是在预定时间内,将药物浓度长时间维持在有效浓度范围内的剂型。控释、缓释制剂的制备原理主要是基于溶出速率的减小和扩散速率的减慢,从而达到缓释和延长疗效的目的。近十几年来,兽药缓释制剂在兽医临床上逐渐被重视并通过兽医药理和药物制剂的结合而研制成功。  相似文献   

高通量测序技术可一次同时测定几十万到几百万条核酸分子序列,在兽医临床上已被应用到畜禽疾病诊断、疾病监测、致病机理研究、耐药性分析等相关工作中.本综述结合应用实例对高通量测序技术在兽医临床的研究进展进行系统阐述,总结了高通量测序技术在兽医临床应用中的局限性和解决措施,并展望了高通量测序技术在兽医临床的应用前景.  相似文献   

Test data generated by ~60 accredited member laboratories of the American Association of Veterinary Laboratory Diagnosticians (AAVLD) is of exceptional quality. These data are captured by 1 of 13 laboratory information management systems (LIMSs) developed specifically for veterinary diagnostic laboratories (VDLs). Beginning ~2000, the National Animal Health Laboratory Network (NAHLN) developed an electronic messaging system for LIMS to automatically send standardized data streams for 14 select agents to a national repository. This messaging enables the U.S. Department of Agriculture to track and respond to high-consequence animal disease outbreaks such as highly pathogenic avian influenza. Because of the lack of standardized data collection in the LIMSs used at VDLs, there is, to date, no means of summarizing VDL large data streams for multi-state and national animal health studies or for providing near-real-time tracking for hundreds of other important animal diseases in the United States that are detected routinely by VDLs. Further, VDLs are the only state and federal resources that can provide early detection and identification of endemic and emerging zoonotic diseases. Zoonotic diseases are estimated to be responsible for 2.5 billion cases of human illness and 2.7 million deaths worldwide every year. The economic and health impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is self-evident. We review here the history and progress of data management in VDLs and discuss ways of seizing unexplored opportunities to advance data leveraging to better serve animal health, public health, and One Health.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the career paths of veterinarians who had grown up on farms with animals with those of veterinarians from other backgrounds, during the first 15 years after they graduated. PROCEDURE: Questionnaires were completed by veterinary students in their first and fifth year, and after 1, 5, 10 and 15 years after they graduated. The most recent questionnaires were returned by 134 of 137 graduates, 20% of whom had grown up, or lived for at least two years, on farms where animals were a primary source of income. This paper includes findings from that questionnaire but also contains comparisons with previous ones. RESULTS: Fifteen years after they graduated, veterinarians who had grown up on farms with animals were more likely than those of other backgrounds to be living in centres with < 10,000 people (58% farm, 20% other), irrespective of the type of work they were doing. Although they were more likely to be doing no veterinary work (42% farm, 21% other), they were also more likely to be working in mixed practice (15% farm, 9% other) and with cattle and sheep generally (11% full time equivalent farm, 5% full time equivalent other). However, > 80% of those who had started their careers in mixed practice were no longer in mixed practice after 15 years. Veterinarians of farm origin who were in private practice were more likely to be sole or part owners (93% farm, 46% other) and less likely to be employees (7% farm, 54% other). CONCLUSIONS: In this study, veterinarians who had grown up on farms with animals seemed slightly more likely than those from other backgrounds to continue working in mixed practice and to work with cattle or sheep, although the numbers were small and the differences not significant. Whatever their background, the majority who started their careers in mixed practice left over the next few years, and by 15 years only 15% remained.  相似文献   

目的:了解国内黄芪、当归、党参等3类中草药在"畜牧与动物医学"领域的研究状况,为后续研究提供参考。方法:运用文献计量学与计算机统计分析的研究方法,以国内3种中草药在"畜牧与动物医学"领域研究的期刊文献为样本,进行文献学特征、文献主题内容的分析与研究。结果:当归是3种中草药中"畜牧与动物医学"领域研究最早、时间跨度最大的中药材;3种中草药的主要饲喂或治疗对象有鸡、猪、牛、鼠、犬等;主要饲喂或用药类型有单药、组方、提取物、注射液、散剂、汤剂等;主要对症有增强免疫机能、生长性能、生产性能、治疗前胃疾病等。结论:在国内,高校是3种中草药"畜牧与动物医学"领域研究最主要机构,3种中草药在"畜牧与动物医学"领域应用范围较广、应用技术日趋成熟,普遍遵循着扶正祛邪、调节阴阳平衡的中兽医治疗原则。  相似文献   

The safety evaluation of veterinary drugs intended for use in food producing animals relies heavily on the results of toxicity studies in laboratory animals, supported where possible by any data resulting from human exposure. The general approach involves the calculation of an acceptable daily intake which in turn can be used to elaborate maximum residue limits. It is an approach used in the European Union, in other countries and at the international level. In recent years, concern has been expressed over the presence of microbiologically active residues of veterinary drugs in food and their possible effects on the human gastrointestinal microflora. Methodologies for conducting microbiological safety studies have been investigated and approaches to microbiological safety assessments have been debated. The whole approach has proved to be controversial, partly because there are considerable doubts over the ability of low concentrations of antibiotic substances to produce adverse effects on the human gut flora and partly because there are no validated methods for testing for these attributes. This paper reviews the problems in some detail and discusses the regulatory consequences.  相似文献   

在问卷调查和数据统计的基础上,分析了我国兽药监察机构科研工作现状,总结科研工作实践经验,探讨变革背景下的兽药监察机构科研发展方向,提出了建立兽药监察科研协作体系、明确重点研究领域的建议。  相似文献   

It has been shown that lignosulphonic acids have an inhibitory effect on various animal and microbial proteinases. The activity of 0.005 mg swine trypsin, 0.007 mg bovine a-chymotrypsin and the proteinase activity in 0.004 ml of jejunum content from pig is inhibited 70–75 % by 0.25–0.30 ml of a solution containing 250 diffusion units of peptide-precipitating lignosulphonic acids per 50 µl.The inhibitory effect is discussed in relation to the use of animal foodstuffs containing lignosulphonic acids, and in relation to biochemical reactions taking place in ecosystems in which lignosulphonic acids comprise an important part.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes a presentation given at the Association for Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine sponsored Calvin W. Schwabe symposium honouring the lifetime achievements of Dr. S. Wayne Martin. While the concepts were amalgamated from many sources, the examples were primarily selected to represent areas where Wayne Martin has been an active researcher and educator. The purpose was to describe the impact of veterinary epidemiology on public health in the past and present and to consider the future of veterinary epidemiology in public health. Veterinary medicine contributes to public health not only in the area of zoonotic disease prevention and control, but also through contributions to animal health, comparative and basic medical research, and population and environmental health. Veterinary epidemiologists contribute to both research in public health and the practice of public health through a wide range of methodological approaches and via the networks of trained epidemiologists working in the area. The contributions of veterinary epidemiologists have resulted in significant improvements in human health. There are considerable challenges and opportunities facing veterinary epidemiologists working in the public health area in the future. Meeting these needs will require continued integration between veterinary and human public health research and practice, and enhanced communication of both content and context expertise.  相似文献   


Small ruminants are particularly well suited to meet United Nations Sustainable Development Goals surrounding food security, human wellbeing and poverty alleviation in different environmental and climatic settings. However the current efficiency of food production from small ruminants in both developed agricultural regions and in lower and middle income countries is woefully inadequate to meet predicted global needs over the forthcoming decades. Most global research to address this challenge is focussed on the genetics of animal growth, conformation and disease tolerance or resistance traits, albeit the practical consequences of such selection and strategies to use genetically improved animals in the field are uncertain. Any long-term benefits derived from small ruminant genetic selection will only be impactful if steps are first taken to keep animals alive, healthy and productive through iterative planned health management. Parasites are the foremost global infectious disease constraints to efficient small ruminant production. Their genetic adaptability to exploit opportunities afforded by effects of climatic or management changes on free-living stages, or exposure of parasitic stages to drugs, presents specific challenges to their sustainable control. Hence, parasite control provides a relevant means of engagement with livestock keepers and farmers on the topic of planned animal health management. The value of parasitology in this regard is enhanced by the availability of simple to use and accessible diagnostic tools.  相似文献   

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