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红鳍笛鲷人工育苗技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
红鳍笛鲷 (Lutjanuserythropterus) ,属鲈形目 ,笛鲷属 ,俗称红鱼 ,为热带及亚热带中下层鱼类 ,分布于南海、东海、西太平洋、印度洋海域。在适温方面较耐高温 ,不耐低温 ,致死温度下限为1 0℃左右 ,具较广的适盐性 ,在盐度 5左右依然能存活生长。该鱼种生长较快 ,体长一年可长至2 0cm左右 ,体重 0 .5kg左右。由于其体色鲜艳、外形美观、肉质细嫩、味道鲜美、营养丰富、价值高(每公斤售价 40元左右 ) ,深受生产者和消费者的青睐。红鳍笛鲷仔鱼开口口径较小 ,人工育苗存在一定的难度 ,规模化苗种培育成为发展该品种…  相似文献   

红鳍笛鲷属鲈形目、笛鲷科鱼类,又称红笛鲷,广东地方俗称红鱼、红鸡,福建地方俗称:红曹,台湾地方俗称:横笛鲷、赤海鸡、红鸡仔、红沙鱼等。  相似文献   

网箱养殖红鳍笛鲷高产试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王广军 《齐鲁渔业》2002,19(7):11-12
2000年在深圳市进行了7个月网箱养殖红鳍笛鲷试验,个体增重48.4倍,群体增重29.1倍,平均成活率60.2%。商品率(0.4kg/尾)达98%以上,投入产出比1:1.70。  相似文献   

红鳍笛鲷人工繁殖及育苗技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用海水土池或网箱养殖3龄以上的红鳍笛鲷成鱼,于催产前二个月进行强化培育.在水温达到18~24℃时,用HCG和LRH-A2或LRH-A3进行催产,混合或单一使用,剂量视亲鱼成熟度而定.受精卵在盐度28~30.2,水温18~22℃,pH值8.2的环境中经15~16h孵化.开口仔鱼在土池水温26.5~30.2℃,盐度18~24,pH值7.8~8.8的条件下,经26~30d培育,完成变态发育进入幼鱼期.  相似文献   

红鳍笛鲷网箱养成技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红鳍笛鲷俗称“美国红鱼”,是一种海水经济鱼类,原产于墨西哥中部。由于该鱼肉质细嫩,味道鲜美,市场畅销,在福建沿海目前是海水网箱养殖业引进的优良新品种。经平潭县多年试养结果显示了生长速度快、个体大、产量高、经济效益佳等优点。现根据该县近年来养殖取得成效经验结合有关资料介绍如下:   一、生物学特性   红鳍笛鲷学名眼斑拟石首鱼,属鲈形目石首鱼科石首鱼属。其形态典型特征为在乳白色的腹部显现红斑;幼鱼尾柄基部有较大黑点,体侧及背部有明显大黑斑。成鱼体形较长,头部钝圆。该鱼适应能力强,既能在海水中养殖,…  相似文献   

采用胸腔活体注射PHA及秋水仙素溶液,取头肾细胞,低渗处理,空气干燥法制片,对染色体进行Giemsa染色,研究红鳍笛鲷(♀)与千年笛鲷(♂)杂交F1代及其亲本的核型。结果表明,杂交F1代及其亲本(红鳍笛鲷和千年笛鲷)的核型相同,均为2 n=48 t,NF=48,符合遗传理论。  相似文献   

利用12对微卫星引物对红鳍笛鲷(♀)、千年笛鲷(♂)及其红鳍笛鲷(♀)×千年笛鲷(♂)子一代(F1)3个群体进行扩增,对3个群体的等位基因频率、群体多态信息含量、有效等位基因数、杂合度、Shannon信息指数及群体间遗传距离进行了遗传检测,共检测到29个等位基因,平均每个基因座位2.4167个等位基因。红鳍笛鲷、F1、千年笛鲷3个群体的多态信息含量分别为0.3484、0.5008、0.4097;有效等位基因数分别为1.9787、2.5074、2.1334;杂合度分别为0.6548、1.0000、0.7384;Shannon信息指数分别为0.6207、0.9240、0.6957。红鳍笛鲷(♀)-F1、F1-千年笛鲷(♂)、红鳍笛鲷(♀)-千年笛鲷(♂)的遗传距离分别为0.3116、0.2346、0.7813。多态信息含量、有效等位基因数、杂合度、Shannon信息指数均显示F1代有杂种优势。  相似文献   

本文采用放射免疫分析法检测了养殖紫红笛鲷与野生紫红笛鲷肌肉中雌二醇、孕酮、睾酮三种违禁性腺激素的残留水平.结果表明,在养殖紫红笛鲷与野生紫红笛鲷肌肉中均检出三种违禁激素,养殖紫红笛鲷肌肉中三种违禁性腺激素的残留量分别是野生紫红笛鲷的4.50、1.57、5.00倍;野生紫红笛鲷中的违禁激素残留水平较低,但仍能被检出,可能与海湾环境激素水平有关.  相似文献   

珠江口紫红笛鲷的池养生长与饲养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
紫红笛鲷Lutjanusargentimaculatus是热带,亚热带经济食用鱼类,I龄期生长稍慢,Ⅱ龄期生长加快,在较高池养密度下,日均增重2.12克,月均生长指标17.72,始重31~43.5克,经250~280天饲养,终重483~558克,池塘单养最高产量8626.9千克/公顷,混养8674.3千克/公顷,投入产出1:1.24~1.29。  相似文献   

将体质量510~620 g的紫红笛鲷用间氨基苯甲酸乙酯甲磺酸盐麻醉后解剖,取出头肾、体肾、肝脏、脾脏,用干净的刀片居中横切、纵切,印片和涂片用Wright-Giemsa染液染色10 min,观察头肾、体肾、脾脏、肝脏4个组织印片以及外周血涂片。试验结果显示,头肾、体肾、脾脏是其造血器官。头肾能发育生成各类型血细胞,体肾能生成红细胞、淋巴细胞、粒细胞和单核细胞,脾脏能生成淋巴细胞。肝脏中未发现幼稚型血细胞。红细胞发育经过原红细胞、早幼红细胞、中幼红细胞、晚幼红细胞和红细胞5个阶段;原粒细胞发育至早幼粒细胞后,分化为嗜碱性中幼粒细胞、嗜酸性中幼粒细胞和中性中幼粒细胞,最后发育成嗜碱性粒细胞、嗜酸性粒细胞和中性粒细胞;淋巴细胞和单核细胞发育经过原始、幼稚和成熟3个阶段。血细胞在发育过程中,胞体逐渐变小,细胞核逐渐变小,染色质由疏松到致密;粒细胞中,颗粒由少到多。  相似文献   

饥饿与恢复投喂对红鳍笛鲷血液生化指标的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
对红鳍笛鲷(Lutjanus erythopterus)进行不同时间的饥饿处理后恢复投喂,研究其血液生化指标的变化。结果表明饥饿4周后,血糖、血脂含量均下降,而血蛋白含量则维持较恒定的水平。其中,血糖含量在饥饿第1周后就显著降低,而血脂含量在饥饿第2周后显著下降,二者下降趋势均持续到饥饿第4周。恢复投喂8周后,血糖、血脂含量均上升,血蛋白含量仍保持较恒定的水平。其中,血糖、血脂分量在恢复投喂8周舌均恢复到对照组水平。  相似文献   

Ontogenetic development of digestive system in crimson snapper (Lutjanus erythopterus Bloch 1790) larvae was histologically and enzymatically (alkaline phosphatase, amylase, lipase, pepsin, trypsin) examined from hatching to 36 days post hatching (DPH). The ontogenetic development of crimson snapper larval fish ontogeny was divided into three distinct phases: phase I starting from hatch to the onset of exogenous feeding, phase II starting from first feeding (2–3 DPH) until the formation of gastric glands (13–14 DPH) and phase III beginning from the appearance of gastric glands and continuing onwards. The specific activities of amylase, lipase, trypsin showed sharp increase and reached to the maximum from hatch to 4 DPH, 10 DPH, 20 DPH, respectively, followed by a declining trend with irregular fluctuation. In contrast to other enzymes, the specific activities of alkaline phosphatase showed a gradual increase from hatch to 29 DPH, followed by a sharp increase towards 36 DPH. The specific activity of pepsin was firstly detected on 17 DPH and gradually increased towards the end of this study. The total activities of these five enzymes showed a gradual increase till 29 DPH, followed by a sharp increase towards 36 DPH except for amylase and lipase reaching maximum at 32 DPH. The present study provides better understanding of the digestive ontogeny of crimson snapper during the larval stage and a guide to feeding and weaning of this economically important fish in hatcheries.  相似文献   

饥饿和恢复投喂对红鳍笛鲷生化组成的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王沛宾  林学群 《水产科学》2005,24(12):10-13
在水温23~26℃条件下,对红鳍笛鲷进行不同时间的饥饿处理后,再进行恢复投喂试验,研究其生化组成的变化。试验结果表明:饥饿过程中,红鳍笛鲷肌肉(白肌)和肝脏的水分含量增加;肌肉的蛋白、脂肪含量下降;而肝脏的蛋白含量先上升后下降,脂肪含量增加,糖原含量显著下降。恢复投喂结束后,各项生化指标含量均恢复到对照组水平。  相似文献   

A 750-bp internal fragment of the alkaline serine protease gene (asp) from the Vibrio alginolyticus strain HY9901 was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The flanking sequences of the 5'- and 3'- ends of the asp gene were characterized by reverse and nested PCR. Sequence analysis showed that the asp gene contained an 1893-bp ORF encoding 630 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence of the ASP (alkaline serine protease) precursor showed significant homology with several bacterial alkaline serine proteases. Expression of the asp gene in Escherichia coli and activity tests of the ASP indicated that the N-signal peptide of the ASP precursor was essential to autocatalyse and fold correctly the enzyme to obtain activity. The purified ASP was lethal for Lutjanus erythopterus with an LD(50) of 0.25 microg protein g(-1) body weight.  相似文献   

The effects of several feeding levels (1%, 1.5%, 2%, 2.5%, 3%, 3.5%, 4% and 4.5% of body weight per day, BW day−1) on the growth, feed efficiency and body composition of juvenile Lutjanus argentimaculatus (body weight 27.1 g) were examined. Fish were fed a test diet (40% protein, 18.4% lipid and 13.4 kJ g−1) for 75 days in three equal meals. Weight gain and specific growth rate increased with increasing feeding level up to 2.5% BW day−1, after which no significant improvement in growth was observed. The feed efficiency, protein efficiency ratio, retention of protein and digestibility of nutrients did not differ for fish fed 1–2.5% BW day−1, but decreased significantly when feeding levels were increased above 3% BW day−1. The chemical compositions of whole fish or body organs were significantly affected by the feeding level. The condition factor, mesenteric fat, hepato- and viscerosomatic indices were higher in fish fed 2.5–4.5% BW day−1. The cholesterol, triglycerides and haematocrit values were similar among treatments, except that high levels of plasma lipids were recorded in fish fed at 2.5% BW day−1. Taking into consideration the growth, feed efficiency and body composition data attained in this study, a feeding level of 2.5% BW day−1 is recommended for juvenile L. argentimaculatus weighing between 27 and 140 g.  相似文献   

对两种鲈形目鱼类红笛鲷Lutjanus erythopterus和卵形鲳(鱼参) Trachinotus ovatus的鳃结构进行扫描电镜观察。结果表明,红笛鲷和卵形鲳(鱼参)鳃的表面结构和微细结构与其他硬骨鱼类基本相似,鳃丝表面都具有规则或不规则分布的环形微嵴、沟、坑、孔等结构。红笛鲷的中部鳃丝表面一部分较为平坦,基部鳃丝表面则凹凸不平。红笛鲷的鳃小片高度要较卵形鲳(鱼参)鳃小片高。红笛鲷和卵形鲳(鱼参)鳃上皮的几种细胞的形态结构及数量分布存在细微的差异。红笛鲷鳃上的扁平上皮细胞界限清楚,而卵形鲳(鱼参)鳃上扁平上皮细胞表面遍布不规则的微嵴,细胞界限模糊。红笛鲷鳃丝表面的氯细胞数量多于卵形鲳(鱼参),这可能与两种鱼对生活环境、生活习性的长期演变相关。  相似文献   

4种笛鲷属鱼类随机扩增多态性DNA及遗传多样性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
使用RAPD技术分析了红鳍笛鲷、紫红笛鲷、勒氏笛鲷和约氏笛鲷的种内遗传多样性、种间遗传多样性和种间亲缘关系。在120个随机引物中筛选出扩增效果好的引物36个,平均每个引物在每个个体上产生7.7个条带。种内遗传多样性研究结果显示:遗传距离(D)分别为0.2257,0.2228,0.2679和0.2247;遗传多样性指数(H)分别为0.1854,0.1904,0.2015和0.1865。说明目前湛江近海这4种笛鲷的遗传多样性比较丰富,它们的种质资源仍处于一个良好的水平。种间遗传多样性结果显示:勒氏笛鲷与约氏笛鲷遗传距离(Dpq)最小,亲缘关系最密切,勒氏笛鲷与红鳍笛鲷种间Dpq最大,亲缘关系最远。  相似文献   

The effects of several dietary protein levels on the growth, feed conversion, body composition and diet digestibility of juvenile Lutjanus argentimaculatus (body weight 12.3 g) were examined. Seven isolipidic (7.4%) diets were formulated to contain graded levels of protein (28–58%) with dietary energy ranging from 19.7 to 21.5 kJ g?1. Diets were distributed to triplicate groups of fish thrice a day at ration of 2% body weight for 90 days. Growth, feed conversion, protein utilization and digestibility of nutrients increased with increasing dietary protein level up to 43%, after which no significant improvement was observed. Digestibility of dry matter and energy showed a concomitant increase with the reduction in dietary wheat meal, attaining maximal values with high protein diets. No significant differences were detected in moisture, protein, lipid and ash content of whole fish or body organs as dietary protein increased. The mesenteric fat, hepato‐ and viscerosomatic indices decreased with increasing protein level. The cholesterol, triglycerides and haematocrit values were similar among treatments, except that high levels of plasma lipids were recorded above 43% protein diet. The use of a practical diet containing 43% protein is appropriate for the growth of L. argentimaculatus juveniles under the experimental conditions of the present study.  相似文献   

A reliable breeding technique was developed for the mangrove red snapper, Lutjanus argentimaculatus (Forsskal 1775), to help sustain the aquaculture of this immensely popular species in Southeast Asia. Using standardized indices of female maturity (based on mean oocyte diameter of ≥0.40 mm), time of injection (1000–1130) and sex ratio (one female to two males), a single injection of 100 μg kg?1 luteinizing hormone‐releasing hormone analogue (LHRHa) (n=16 fish), but not 50 μg kg?1 (n=five fish), successfully induced egg (62.5% success rate) and larval (43.8%) production. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) at 500 IU kg?1 (n=five fish) also failed to induce spawning, but doses of 1000 (n=22 fish) and 1500 IU kg?1 (n=15 fish) gave spawning (77.3% and 80.0% respectively) and hatching success rates (72.7% and 60.0% respectively) that were not significantly different from those of 100 μg kg?1 LHRHa. No spawning was observed in saline‐injected controls (n=seven fish). While mean spawning latency, egg diameter, egg production per spawn, percent egg viability, hatching rate, percent of normal larvae and cumulative survival of eggs to normal larvae did not differ significantly among the effective hormones and doses, 1000 IU kg?1 hCG had a higher percentage (76.5%) of total spawns with egg production per spawn in excess of one million than those of 1500 IU kg?1 hCG (50.0%) and 100 μg kg?1 LHRHa (40.0%). Mangrove red snapper spontaneously spawned from March–April to November–December with a peak of egg collection and spawning in May–June. Egg collection per spawn ranged from 0.05 to 6.35 million. Spontaneous spawning of mangrove red snapper exhibited lunar periodicity with spawns mostly occurring 3 days before or after the last quarter and new moon phases and occurred consistently between 02:00 and 04:00 hours. High fecundity and good egg quality, coupled with the ability to respond to induce spawning or natural spawning in captivity, provide a sound basis for improving the sustainability of red snapper aquaculture in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

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