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The effects of processing (soaking, dehulling, fermentation and heat treatment) on the cooking time, protien, mineral, tannin, phytate and in vitro protein digestibility (IVPD) of the african yambean (AYB) were examined. The cooking time ranged from 90–155 minutes. Soaking reduced cooking time by about 50 percent. Soaking for 12 hours was the most appropriate to reduce cooking time, tannin and phytate levels. It improved in vitro protein digestibility (IVPD). Prolonged soaking (24 hours) decreased calcium (Ca) and iron (Fe) values by 19 percent and 35 percent, respectively. Dehulling showed that Ca, Fe, magnesium (Mg) and zinc (Zn) were concentrated in the seed coat of the AYB. The seeds soaked and dehulled retained Mg and Zn. Dehulling reduced tannin but had no significant effect on phytate and the IVPD of the AYB except for seeds soaked for 12 hours before dehulling. Soaking for 24 hours before dehulling significantly increased crude protein content by 16 percent (p<0.05). Blanching and roasting increased the IVPD by 8–11 percent. Fermentation had no effect on the crude protein, Ca, Fe, Mg and Zn but significantly reduced phytate content of the AYB. Fermentation had no advantage over heat treatment with respect to improving the in vitro protein digestibility of the AYB.  相似文献   

The protein quality of Nigerian traditional diets based on the African yambean (AYB) and pigeon pea (PP) were performed by in vivo and in vitro bioassays. The individual foods were processed, cooked, dried and mixed to resemble the traditional diets. Weanling male Wistar rats (45–55 g) were used for the bioassay. The rats were fed ad libitum for 35 days of which 28 days were for growth and 7 days for N-balance. All the eleven diets including casein (control) provided 1.6 g N/100 g diet. The parameters tested include PER, growth, N-balance, BV, NPU and apparent digestibility (AD). The rats fed the AYB diets, except AYB: Agidi (Ag), showed superiority in most of the parameters tested. There were significant positive correlations between PER and NPU (r=0.925;p<0.001); PER and AD (r=0.908;p<0.001); PER and body weight gain (r=0.969;p<0.001). The in vitro protein digestibility of the diets was significantly correlated (r=0.80;p<0.01) with the in vivo apparent digestibility. These parameters were used to rank the various diets. Crayfish protein was a better supplement to legume/cereal or legume starchy staple mixtures than leguminous oil seed. However, supplementation of PP: steamed corn (SC) diet with crayfish did not prove beneficial. The result showed that diets based on the African yambean, an under-exploited legume, are nutritious. The need for its reintroduction into the fare of the populace through increased production and appropriate processing technology is stressed. The results of this study can form a base for the standardization of Nigerian diets based on these legumes.  相似文献   

Mature dark red seeds of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) UPL Cp 3, were subjected to several soaking treatments to remove their polyphenols. Soaking in water at room temperature for 8 and 24 h resulted in 17% and 21% loss of assayable polyphenols, respectively. Dilute solutions of alkali (Na2CO3, NaHCO3, NH4OH and KOH) and acid (CH3 COOH, HCl and H2 SO4) were more effective in removing polyphenols up to 88% than higher concentrations of alkali and acid solutions.Vinegar (0.005–0.65 M CH3 COOH) decreased polyphenols from 55 to 62% with a 6 to 14% improvement in in vitro protein digestibility (IVPD). Commercial lime (65% CaO) removed polyphenols from seeds soaked for 8 to 24 h by 70% with 2 to 10% increase in in vitro protein digestibility. Ash removed 40 to 60% of the polyphenols after 8 and 24 h of soaking with an increase in IVPD of 7 to 13%. Total polyphenols were significantly correlated (+0.92**) with protein precipitable polyphenols (condensed tannins).  相似文献   

The effects of dry heat (roasting) and moist heat (boiling) on in vitro protein digestibility, protein fractions and other chemical properties of African breadfruit (Treculia africana Decne) seed that affect their utilization as a source of human food were investigated. Chemical analyses showed that the crude protein and fat contents of the unprocessed (raw) seeds were 20.1% and 13.7%, respectively. The level of phytic acid in the raw seed (1.19 mg/g) was lower than the levels found in some commonly consumed pulses in Nigeria. Albumin and globulin protein fractions were found to be the major seed proteins of African breadfruit seed, constituting 67.8% of the total protein of the raw seed. There were no significant (p<0.05) differences between crude protein, ash and fat contents of the raw and heat processed samples. Boiling proved more effective than roasting for improving protein digestibility and for reducing the levels of trypsin inhibitor, phytic acid and polyphenols of the samples. The complete removal of these antinutrients, however, would require a more severe heat treatment of the seed, which in turn would profoundly reduce the nutritional value and availability of proteins, as demonstrated by the low values obtained for in vitro protein digestibility, protein fractions and protein extractability.  相似文献   

Four popular West African local cultivars of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), with distinctly different seed coat colors, were evaluated for their relative amylograph pasting characteristics, condensed tannin content, in vitro protein digestibility and Tetrahymena protein efficiency ratio (t-PER). The effects of roasting and dehulling on these properties were also determined. There were wide variations in the hot paste viscosity characteristics of the different cultivars studied. The raw cowpea flour samples exhibited maximum paste viscosities ranging between 260 Brabender Units (BU) for the Mottled cultivar and 460 BU for the cream-colored Blackeye cultivar. Cowpea cultivars with the greatest peak viscosities showed low stabilities to extended cooking. Roasting depressed paste viscosity properties of all the cowpea cultivars studied. Tannin concentrations were 0.3–6.9 and 7.2–116 mg CE/g flour from whole cowpea seeds and seed coats respectively, increasing with intensity of seed color. Although dehulling removed 98% of the tannin content of raw cowpeas, improvement in protein quality as a result of dehulling was observed for only the highly-pigmented Maroon-red variety. Roasting significantly improved digestibility and more than doubled the t-PER of all cowpea cultivars studied. Roasted cowpeas possess adequate nutritional and functional qualities as protein supplements in cereal-based weaning foods. However, it appears that dehulling is necessary to enhance the nutritional quality of the highly pigmented cultivars of cowpea.  相似文献   

Nine cowpea cultivars obtained from Wad Medani Research Station were used in this study. The variation in protein fraction was: albumins 4.0–12.0, globulins 65.6–79.7, prolamins 1.4–2.2, G1-glutelins 0.9–3.0, G2-glutelins 1.4–2.9. G3-glutenins 9.1–14.0 and insoluble protein 0.5–3.0%. Two cowpea cultivars, H8-14 and CB-46, selected for their high albumin content, were cooked in 150 ml of boiling distilled water under reflux for 45 minutes. The protein fractions in the cooked seeds were determined. Results indicated that albumin and globulin fractions decreased significantly (p0.05) for both cultivars after cooking. This decrease was accompanied by a significant increase in G3-glutelin fractions.  相似文献   

Sequential culture fermentation by yeasts (S. diastaticus orS. cerevisiae) at 30°C for 72 hr and then followed by lactobacilli fermentation (L. brevis orL. fermentum) at 30°C for 72 h more resulted in a significant reduction in phytic acid and polyphenol content of pearl millet flour. Fermentation byS. diastaticus andL. brevis combination almost eliminated phytic acid from pearl millet flour. The combinations ofS. diastaticus with both the lactobacilli reduced phytic acid more effectively than those ofS. cerevisiae. The products fermented byS. cerevisiae andL. brevis and byS. diastaticus andL. brevis combinations had the highest protein and starch digestibility (in vitro).  相似文献   

The investigation explores the possibility of utilizing legume flour (pigeon pea:10–30%) and brown rice flour (35–45%) for production of pasta using twin screw extruder. RSM was used to analyse the effect of feed moisture (28–36%), barrel temperature (70–110 °C) and legume:brown rice ratio on quality responses (in vitro starch and protein digestibility, degree of starch gelatinization, cooking quality, pasting properties, color and textural properties) of pasta. Extrusion processing significantly enhanced in vitro starch and protein digestibility of prepared pasta. The in vitro starch and protein digestibility of pasta ranged between 15.00 and 26.77 g/100 g and 50.34–84.82 g/100 g respectively. Addition of brown rice flour and pigeon pea flour exhibited dominating positive effect on cooking quality of the pasta. Degree of gelatinization of prepared pasta was found in range of 52.13–90.10 per cent. Color characteristics viz. luminosity, redness and yellowness of pasta enhanced with feed moisture. Pasting properties revealed lower peak and final viscosity at higher processing conditions. Firmness of cooked pasta elevated with an increase in the barrel temperature. Acceptability score of health based pasta on the basis of sensory attributes was 8 as inferred from 9 point hedonic scale.  相似文献   

Simple wet heat treatments like simple boiling (atmospheric pressure, 100 °C) and pressurized boiling (higher than 100 °C) reduced the polyphenol content of mature dark red seeds of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.) cultivar UPL Cp 3 by 61 to 80% and improved in vitro protein digestibility (IVPD) by 6 to 26%. Pressurized steaming (higher than 100 °C) removed 48 to 83% of the polyphenols but increased IVPD by only 1.1 to 4.2%. Dry heat as exemplified by roasting and microwave treatment inactivated 58 to 71% of the tannins but increased IVPD by only 1%. All the heat treatments were effective in removing/inactivating polyphenols though different responses were observed with the resulting in vitro protein digestibilities.  相似文献   

In the present investigation, four weaning foods were formulated using locally available cereals and pulses such as wheat (Triticum aestivum), barley (Hordeum vulgare) and green gram (Vigna radiata). Cereal, pulse and jaggery were used in the proportion of 70:30:25. Domestic processing technique like roasting and malting were used to process cereals and pulses for development of weaning foods. All the four blends had a nutrient composition within the range prescribed by the Indian Standard Institute (ISI) for processed weaning foods. The processing of grains resulted in 16–20% increase in starch digestibility and 17–32% increase in protein digestibility. Also 16–32% increase in iron availability was observed on processing. The effect was more remarkable in malted weaning foods as compared to roasted ones.  相似文献   

The effect of 7 days of germination on levels of nitrogenous and other nutrition related parameters, protein fractions and in vitro protein digestibility of fluted pumpkin (Telfairia occidentalis) seed was studied. The non-protein nitrogen gradually increased and the protein nitrogen content decreased during germination. Albumin and globulin fractions were found to be the major seed proteins of fluted pumpkin seeds, constituting about 58.6% of the total protein of the ungerminated (raw) seeds. The protein fractions, albumin and glutelin, were observed to increase by 61.5% and 57.0%, respectively, while a 54.6% decrease was noted in the prolamine fraction. The globulin fraction increased at the beginning of germination but decreased at the end. Germination significantly (p 0.05) increased the crude protein, nitrogen solubility and in vitro protein digestibility but decreased the fat, phytic acid and polyphenol contents of the seeds.  相似文献   

As the search for alternative sources of food to alleviate hunger continues, this study was undertaken to determine nitrogen and amino acid content, chemical score, protein digestibility corrected amino acid score, available lysine and in vitro digestibility of 8 lesser known, wild tropical seeds, gathered in Nigeria. Results were contrasted with a tropical soybean variety (Glycine max, TGX 1660-15F). The investigated seeds wereMillettia thonningii, Gliricidia sepium, Lonchocarpus sericeus, Albizia zygia, Daneillia ogea andAfzelia bella from the family of Leguminosae,Diospyros mespiliformis (Ebenaceae) andEntandrophragma angolense (Meliaceae). The crude protein content, based on nitrogen determination, was found to be lower in the wild seeds compared to soybean, which was partly due to the relatively high content of non-protein nitrogen. With reference to amino acid requirement and digestibility in most seed samples, lysine, followed by sulphur amino acids and threonine, were the limiting amino acids. It was concluded, that these less familiar wild seed plants may be used as valuable food or feed complements. However, further investigation is necessary to elucidate potential toxic and antinutritional factors.  相似文献   

Changes in pH, titratable acidity, total soluble solids and proteins ofDabar sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (Linn) Moench.) during naturalfermentation at 37 °C for up to 36 h were monitored. The pH ofthe fermenting material decreased sharply with a concomitant increase in the titratable acidity. Total soluble solids increased with progressivefermentation time. The crude protein and non-protein nitrogen slightlyincreased during the last stages of fermentation. The in vitroprotein digestibility markedly increased as a result of fermentation.The globulin plus albumin fractions increased significantly (p 0.05)during the first 8 h of fermentation. Kaffirin fraction decreasedduring the first 8 h of fermentation but increased sharply as fermentationprogressed. Cross-linked kaffirins fluctuated during the fermentationprocess. Glutelin like protein, which was the minor fraction, trueglutelins, the second most abundant fraction, together with non-extractableproteins fluctuated during the fermentation process.  相似文献   

The physical properties, amount of oxalate-oxalic acid soluble substances (OOSS), protein and in vitro protein digestibility ofNostoc commune from the Philippines and Japan were determined. The samples were the spherical type from the Philippines (PS), the dry field discoid type from the Philippines (PD), and the dry field discoid type from Japan (JD). The discoid types, PD and JD, regardless of origin showed higher settling volume in water (SV) and bulk density than PS. The OOSS values obtained for all samples were directly related to SV and bulk density. The WHC level was highest in PS. This desirable characteristic makes PS a technologically potential sample for large-scale food production applications in the future. Protein and in vitro protein digestibility varied significantly among all samples. In general, the algal samples examined posses desirable physical properties which are expected to be related to physiological functions.  相似文献   

The effect of dehulling, soaking and soaking/cooking on sucrose, raffinose and stachyose in mature dry seeds of nine varieties of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and one variety of tropical African yam bean (Sphenostylis stenocarpa) were investigated. The results showed a progressive decrease in sucrose, raffinose, and stachyose contents. Soaking for 12 hours and cooking for 30 min eliminated most of the sucrose, raffinose and stachyose. The sugar contents in whole raw cowpea were sucrose 0.73–4.58%, raffinose 0.71–6.86% and stachyose 2.38–3.87%, and for tropical African yam bean sucrose 4.08%, raffinose 1.08% and stachyose 4.14% while the seeds soaked for 12 hours and cooked for 30 min had for cowpea sucrose 0.03–0.81%, raffinose 0.04–0.20% and stachyose 0.12–0.72%, and tropical African yam bean sucrose 0.70%, raffinose 0.40% and stachyose 0.41%.  相似文献   

African breadfruit (Treculia africana Decne) seeds were either boiled or roasted and then milled into flour. Chemical composition, functional properties and storage characteristics of raw and treated flours and the effect of partial proteolysis on selected functional properties of the raw flour were determined. Raw flour contained 20.1% crude protein, 2.5% total ash and 13.7% fat. Heat processing significantly (p<0.05) improved in vitro protein digestibility, and water and fat absorption capacities but decreased bulk density, nitrogen solubility, emulsion and foaming properties, trypsin inhibitor, and phytic acid and polyphenol contents of the samples. Boiling proved more effective than roasting for improving protein digestibility, emulsion capacity and foam stability and reducing antinutritional factor levels. Partial proteolysis increased nitrogen solubility, bulk density and water and fat absorption capacities but decreased foam capacity at hydrolysis levels greater than 35%. Fatty acid and peroxide values of the samples increased during storage. Compared to raw samples, heat processed samples had significantly (p<0.05) lower and more acceptable peroxide values and free fatty acid contents and higher and more stable water (3.0 g/g sample) and fat (2.4 g/g sample) absorption capacities.  相似文献   

The protein quality of typical rice-based menu of Filipino preschool child and adult and cooked milled rice was assessed for true digestibility (TD), biological value (BV) and net protein utilization (NPU) in growing rats. Lysine and energy digestibilities were also determined. For the preschool child diet, TD was 88.8%, BV 90.0%, and NPU 79.9%. For the adult diet, TD was 87.3%, BV 86.6%, and NPU 75.5%, whereas cooked rice had 90.0% TD, 82.5% BV and 74.3% NPU. Lysine digestibility was 95.4% for preschool child diet, 95.7% for adult diet, and 100.0% for rice. Digestible energy was 91.3% for preschool child diet, 93.0% for adult diet, and 95.3% in rice. Amino acid scores were 100.0% for preschooler diet, 92.1% for adult diet, and 62.2% for rice. Protein quality based on amino acid score corrected for TD was 88.8% for preschool child diet. 80.4% for adult diet, and 56.0% for rice. If based on lysine digestibility instead of TD, protein quality would be 7.1% higher.  相似文献   

Blue-green alga,Nostoc commune, contained moderate amounts of protein and iron. Itsin vitro protein digestibility was 43–50%. The soluble and ionic iron from the alga was extractable to some extent at pH 1.5 but was not detectable at pH 8.0. The digestion by protease did not affect the iron detection. Heat processing at 100 and 120°C failed to increase the digestibility and the content of available iron. The dietary fiber in the alga may be responsible for low protein digestion and low iron availability.  相似文献   

The objective of this project was to determine the effect of various types of processing on selected nutrition related parameters of commonly consumed Indian pulses and soybean. Germination reduced the phytic acid content of chickpea and pigeonpea seeds by over 60%, and that of mung bean, urd bean, and soybean by about 40%. Fermentation reduced phytic acid contents by 26–39% in all these legumes with the exception of pigeonpea in which it was reduced by more than 50%. Autoclaving and roasting were more effective in reducing phytic acid in chickpea and pigeonpea than in urd bean, mung bean, and soybean. Germination and fermentation greatly increased the in vitro protein digestibility (IVPD). IVPD was only slightly increased by roasting and autoclaving of all legumes. Germination and fermentation also remarkably decreased the total dietary fiber (TDF) in all legumes. Autoclaving and roasting resulted in slight increases in TDF values. All the processing treatments had little effect on calcium, magnesium and iron contents.  相似文献   

An enzyme pretreatment and negative-pressure cavitation extraction (E-NPCE) method was investigated for extraction genistein and apigenin from pigeon pea roots. The important parameters involved in E-NPCE process were optimized by single-factor experiments and then critical parameters were investigated by a 23 full factorial central composite design (CCD) to optimize extract conditions. Under optimal conditions, the yields of genistein and apigenin were 0.628 mg/g and 0.359 mg/g, which represented an increase of 44.70% and 53.05%, respectively, compared to standard NPCE. Furthermore, from DPPH scavenging activity test the extract of E-NPCE showed better antioxidant activity than these of other methods. The results demonstrated that E-NPCE would have lower energy consumption, higher efficiency and could be an alternative method for natural compounds extraction.  相似文献   

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