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Forest management in temperate and boreal regions is often based on a strong foundation of applied ecological research. Increasingly, this has allowed the needs of saproxylic (dead wood associated) insects to be addressed. However, there has been very little equivalent research in tropical forests, where saproxylic insect faunas are likely to be much richer and where forestry is usually subject to weaker environmental controls. This study compares the saproxylic beetle fauna of old-growth, selectively logged and regrowth rainforest in the Daintree lowlands of northeastern Queensland, Australia. Old-growth levels of abundance, species richness, assemblage composition and guild structure were not maintained in logged and regrowth forest, suggesting that intact assemblages may not survive in the long-term in managed tropical rainforest. However, retaining a continuous supply of commercially overmature trees in the managed stand may prevent a repeat of the widespread extinctions of saproxylic insects witnessed in temperate and boreal forest regions.  相似文献   

Little is known about causes of endemic rarity in plants. This study pioneered an approach that determined environmental variables in the rainforest habitat and generated physiological profiles for light, water, and nutrient relations for three endemically restricted versus widespread congeneric species' pairs. We found no overall consistent differences in the physiological variables between the group of restricted species and the group of widespread species, and congeneric species pairs were therefore examined individually. Availability of soil nutrients did not differ between restricted-widespread species sites suggesting that species grow under comparable nutrient conditions. Under ambient and manipulated higher light conditions, widespread Gardenia ovularis had a greater photosynthetic activity than restricted Gardenia actinocarpa suggesting that the two species differ in their photosynthetic abilities. Differences between Xanthostemon species included lower photosynthetic activity, higher transpiration rate, and a higher foliar manganese concentration in restricted Xanthostemon formosus compared to widespread Xanthostemon chrysanthus. It is suggested that X. formosus is restricted by its high water use to its current rainforest creek edge habitat, while X. chrysanthus grows in a range of environments, although naturally found in riparian rainforest. Restricted Archidendron kanisii had higher electron transport rates, greater dissipative capacity for removal of excess light, and more efficient investment of nitrogen into photosynthetic components, than its widespread relative Archidendron whitei. These observations and previous research suggest that restricted Archidendron kanisii is in the process of expanding its range. Physiological profiles suggest a different cause of rarity for each species. This has implications for the conservation strategies required for each species.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带雨林的价值、保护现状及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西双版纳是中国生物多样性最丰富的地区,国际上确认为重要的生物多样性保护中心,一直是中国生物多样性保护的关键和热点地区,是中国唯一建立热带雨林自然保护区的地区。西双版纳热带雨林是特殊的、罕见的、不可替代的,也是濒危的热带雨林,具有极高的保护价值。早在1959年就开始建立西双版纳国家级自然保护区(2 418 km2),并于1993年成为联合国科教文组织(UNESCO)的“人与生物圈”网络成员。之后,2 0世纪9 0年代初,国家环保总局也在其境内建立了西双版纳纳板河流域国家级自然保护区(261 km2),同时,中国科学院西双版纳热带植物园在20世纪70年代初,也对西双版纳热带雨林的植物进行了迁地保护研究,并在20世纪90年代中期率先开展了“中老跨边界生物多样性保护”、“滇南热带雨林保护与乡村持续发展综合研究与示范”等一系列的保护西双版纳热带雨林的行动,进一步加大了对西双版纳热带雨林的保护,也取得了一些重要进展。然而,随着本地区人口的增长、森林的破碎化、社会经济的发展与保护的矛盾的日益加剧,跨边界保护的巨大困难性等,这些问题对西双版纳的热带雨林及其所蕴涵的生物多样性保护都带来直接威胁。因此加强对西双版纳热带雨林的保护势在必行,作者认为应控制经济林比重,提高森林生态效能,加强自然保护区体系网络建设和生物多样性保护,开展跨边界生物多样性研究与保护行动。同时应尊重和运用土著民族的传统知识,使西双版纳热带雨林及其生物多样性得以有效的保护。  相似文献   

Intact soil cores from a montane tropical rain forest site in the Atherton Tablelands (Kauri Creek) and from a lowland tropical rain forest site in the Coastal Lowlands (Bellenden Ker), Queensland, Australia were investigated during different hygric seasons for the magnitude of gross nitrification rates using the Barometric Process Separation technique (BaPS). Pronounced seasonal variations of gross nitrification rates were found at both sites with highest values during the transition period between dry and wet season (montane site: 24.0 mg N (kg SDW)—1 d—1; lowland site: 13.1 mg N (kg SDW)—1 d—1) and significantly lower rates of gross nitrification during the dry and wet season. Rates of gross nitrification were always higher at the montane site than at the lowland site, but the opposite was found for N2O emissions. The results indicated that the high losses of N2O at the lowland tropical rain forest site may be contributed largely by high denitrification activity due to its wetter and warmer climate as compared to the dryer and colder climate at the montane tropical rain forest site. This conclusion was supported by analysis of cell numbers of microbes involved in N‐cycling. Higher numbers of denitrifiers were present at the lowland site, whereas higher numbers of nitrifiers were found at the montane site.  相似文献   

This paper describes the non-flying mammals recorded in warm-temperate rainforest fragments on the Eastern Dorrigo Plateau of New South Wales, Australia, and investigates the importance of landscape and habitat factors in determining their richness and abundance. Thirty-three rainforest fragments, ranging in size from 0.15 to 996 ha, and five sites within continuous rainforest, were surveyed. Mammal species were detected by live-trapping, spotlighting, diurnal transect walks and nest boxes. Vegetation surveys were carried out within fragments, and landscape parameters such as area and disturbance were measured on-site, via aerial photographs, and through discussion with land-owners. Nineteen species of non-flying mammals were recorded, the most common being two possums (Trichosurus vulpecula, Pseudocheirus peregrinus), a peramelid (Perameles nasuta), two native (Melomys cervinipes, Rattus fuscipes) and one introduced (Rattus rattus) species of rodent and a dasyurid (Antechinus stuartii). Mammal species richness overall was linked overwhelmingly with landscape parameters, particularly fragment area. Analyses of abundance were carried out on small mammal species only. The most important variables for A. stuartii were related to habitat, in particular structures used for nesting. Rattus fuscipes and M. cervinipes were restricted largely to fragments above 1 ha in area, and exhibited complex relationships with several habitat variables. Larger species of mammals were lost progressively from small fragments probably because their spatial requirements could not be met. Protection of existing remnants and establishment of links between these remnants and continuous forest may slow attrition of the region's mammalian fauna.  相似文献   

To clarify how litter decomposition processes affect soil dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and soil dissolved nitrogen (DN) dynamics, we conducted a field experiment on leaf litter and collected DOC and DN from the underlying soil in a tropical rainforest in Xishuangbanna, southwest China. Principal components analysis (PCA) showed the first PCA axis (corresponding to degraded litter quantity and quality) explained 61.3% and 71.2% of variation in DOC and DN concentrations, respectively. Stepwise linear regression analysis indicated that litter carbon mass controlled DOC and hemicellulose mass controlled DN concentrations. Litter decomposition was the predominant factor controlling surface-soil DOC and DN dynamics in this tropical rainforest.  相似文献   

 采用空间替代时间方法,确定怀来盆地丘陵区弃耕地自然恢复过程中的3个阶段:弃耕地阶段、草本群落阶段和灌丛群落阶段。基于此,研究弃耕地自然恢复过程中植物群落地下生物量动态。结果表明:随着弃耕地的恢复,植物群落活根、死根和地下生物量都显著增加,各恢复阶段之间的差异,重点在020cm范围内,各群落深层次根系以活根为主;多年生植物,尤其是灌木的入侵,使植物群落根系总体上明显向纵深方向发展;不同恢复阶段地下生物量的季节累积规律也不同,经过一个生长季,弃耕地和草本群落的地下生物量均有显著增加,而灌丛群落的变化不显著;弃耕地地下生物量特征主要由浅根系的猪毛菜(Salsola collina)决定,甘草(Glycyrrhiza uralensis)的贡献也不容忽略,草本群落地下生物量则转变为以多年生的禾草和杂类草根系为主,灌丛群落地下生物量分布特征与累积规律反映了其优势灌木种河蒴荛花(Wikstroemia chamaedaphre)的根系特征;除了弃耕地活根外,各群落活根、死根和地下生物量在土壤中的垂直分布呈T字型,递减规律可用指数或幂函数表示,根系聚集在土壤表层,容易造成植物对水分和养分的竞争。  相似文献   

Many commercially important fish species use coastal marine environments such as mangroves, tidal flats and seagrass beds as nurseries or breeding grounds. The ecological importance of spatially connected habitats to conservation is well established for terrestrial environments. However, few studies have applied spatial metrics, including measures of structural connectivity to marine environments. We examined the relationship between catch-per-unit-effort for commercially caught species and the spatial patterning of mapped benthic habitat types along the coast of Queensland, Australia in their dominant fisheries (trawl, line, net or pot fisheries). We quantified the composition and spatial configuration of seascapes and calculated coastline length, number of estuaries, river length and geographical latitude using 12 metrics within ninety 30-nautical-mile grid cells, which supported inshore fish catch data from 21 species groups. Multiple regression analysis and non-metric multidimensional scaling plots indicated that ecological linkages may exist between geomorphic coastal features and nearshore fisheries production for a number of species groups. Connectivity indices for mangroves, salt marsh and channels explained the largest proportion (30–70%), suggesting the importance of connected tidal wetlands for fisheries. Barramundi (Lates calcarifer) catch-per-unit-effort was best explained by the number of wetland patches, mangrove connectivity and wetland connectivity (r2 = 0.38, n = 28). Catch-per-unit-effort for the Gulf of Carpentaria was highly correlated with wetland connectivity, the number of estuaries and seagrass patch density (r = 0.57, n = 29). The findings could guide the spatial design of marine protected area networks to maintain ecosystem services and avoid potential disruption to connectivity caused by habitat removal or modification. Application of the same approach to analyses of finer spatial scales would enable catch information to be related to particular estuarine habitats and provide better understanding of the importance of habitat connectivity for fisheries.  相似文献   

燕沟流域土壤微生物学性质对植被恢复过程的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以黄土高原丘陵区陕北延安燕沟流域为例,研究了退耕地土壤微生物生物量对植被恢复过程的响应。结果表明,随植被恢复年限的增加,植被盖度、多度和物种数均呈现先增加后减少然后又增加的趋势。同对照农地相比,表层(0—5 cm)土壤呼吸速率和土壤微生物生物量均明显增加。表层土壤呼吸速率和微生物量碳、氮、磷分别比对照农地增加31.61%3~60.75%和15.19%5~12.81%、122.91%6~97.15%、193.5%2~068.17%。表层土壤呼吸速率对植被恢复的响应是在植被恢复初期(02~9年),随植被恢复年限的增加而增加;植被恢复305~5年期间,随植被恢复年限的增加而减少;而植被恢复55年以后,又随植被恢复年限的增加而增加。植被恢复过程中,土壤微生物量碳、氮和磷的变化与土壤呼吸速率变化趋势类似。除植被恢复8和16年外,植被恢复年限间的土壤呼吸速率、呼吸熵和微生物量碳、氮、磷均有显著性差异。表层土壤呼吸速率与土壤微生物量氮、磷呈极显著相关,土壤微生物量碳与土壤微生物量氮呈显著相关;而土壤呼吸熵与呼吸速率和微生物量碳、氮、磷相关性不明显。  相似文献   

We have examined the contributions sucrose and sawdust make to the net immobilization of inorganic soil N and assimilation of both C and N into microbial biomass when they are used as part of a restoration plan to promote the establishment of indigenous vegetation on abandoned agricultural fields on the Central Hungarian Plain. Both amendments led to net N immobilization. Sucrose addition also led to mobilization of N from the soil organic N pool and its immobilization into microbial biomass, whereas sawdust addition apparently immobilized soil N into a non-biomass compartment or a biomass component that was not detected by the conventional biomass N assay (CHCl3 fumigation and extraction). This suggests that the N was either cycled through the biomass, but not immobilized within it, or that it was immobilized in a protected biomass fraction different to the fraction into which N was immobilized in response to sucrose addition.  相似文献   

通过研究陕北安塞退耕3~31 a的阴阳坡10个样地的持久土壤种子库特征及其与地上植被的关系,分析持久土壤种子库在植被恢复中的作用。结果表明:调查样地持久土壤种子库由15个科36个物种组成,种子密度在1 908~12 617粒/m2之间,1年生物种占80%,随着退耕演替的进行,种子库中1年生物种比例呈下降趋势,多年生物种比例呈上升趋势,地带性物种在持久种子库中的比例也随退耕时间的延长而增加,物种数和种子库密度均随退耕演替先增大后降低;持久土壤种子库与地上植被的相似性较低,Serensen相似性系数为0.21~0.42;通过对适宜物种的确限度及土壤种子库大小的分析,认为该区退耕地的持久土壤种子库具有一定的植被恢复潜力。  相似文献   

Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) is a critical measure of the health and sustainability of natural ecosystems. Understanding the magnitude, spatial patterns and processes of GPP will underpin predictions of the impact of climate change on the carbon cycle. In Australia, savannas account for one third of the terrestrial carbon stores and therefore, estimating the magnitude of savanna GPP and studying the spatial relationship between GPP and environmental determinants at the regional scale is essential in understanding ecosystem responses to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations and climate change. In this study we employed an integrated approach combining in situ measurements, eddy covariance based flux tower data and remote sensing techniques to examine the role of environmental drivers in controlling the spatial variation in GPP of savannas in the Northern Territory (NT), Australia. We used field based light use efficiency (LUE), regional specific meteorology and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectro-radiometer (MODIS) based fraction of absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (fPAR) data to estimate GPP. The estimated GPP agreed quite well (only a 6% error) with GPP estimated from flux tower at the Howard Springs site. The spatial pattern of GPP along the Northern Australian Tropical Transect (NATT) was calculated and showed a strong gradient in GPP from the coast (12.50°S where rainfall was 1622 mm year−1) to inland (17.73°S where mean rainfall was 643 mm year−1) with a decrease of 77%. A decreasing trend in GPP with rainfall is noticed especially at the dry end of the transect studied. However, in the wet end and middle part of the transect (e.g. dominated by different Eucalyptus species), the response of GPP to changes in rainfall is reduced. This finding suggests that the influence of rainfall on various Eucalyptus species may be dampened by biotic factors. Our results suggest that future changes in precipitation driven by climate change may affect the future distribution and dynamics of GPP in northern Australia.  相似文献   

针对白洋淀渔业资源衰退、生物多样性下降、水体富营养化的生态问题,设计并实施了\  相似文献   


Previous meta-analyses revealed that the ratio of activities of carbon (C)-acquiring enzyme to nitrogen (N)-acquiring enzymes in tropical forest ecosystems was nearly identical to those in other ecosystems, despite of the N-rich condition in tropical forests. This could be explained by microbes in tropical forest soils, which require a large amount of N to produce N-rich acid phosphatase (AP) for catalyzation of the organic form of phosphorus (P) and compensation for poor P availability in soils. Based on this idea, we hypothesized that experimental P fertilization would reduce the allocation to N-acquiring enzymes compared with that of C-acquiring enzymes, i.e. that it would increase the ratios of activities of β-1,4-glucosidase (BG) to β-1,4-acetylglucosaminidase (NAG) and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP). We tested this hypothesis using an experimental fertilization site with factorial N (100 kg ha?1 yr?1) and P (50 kg ha?1 yr?1) addition in a primary tropical lowland forest in Bornean Malaysia, where our earlier work demonstrated that P fertilization reduced AP activity. Contrary to our hypothesis, the BG:NAG and BG:(NAG + LAP) ratios were not altered by either N or P fertilizations. This result indicated that AP production was not a reason for the maintenance of a relatively high investment in N-acquiring enzyme at our study site. Rather, NAG and LAP production was likely driven by C acquisition, rather than N acquisition, as the target substrates contained C as well as N. This idea was supported by the fact that neither the BG:NAG ratio nor the BG:(NAG + LAP) ratio was elevated by N addition. We propose that the ratios of activities of BG to NAG and LAP do not necessarily indicate the ratio of C:N acquisition, at least in our N-rich tropical forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

Low altitude humid tropical mountains in Central America have experienced a process of livestock expansion during recent decades. However, the use of sloping areas for cattle grazing may lead to significant soil degradation and therefore we examined the influence of the slope gradient on soil degradation in pastures in a humid tropical mountainous area in northern Honduras. Understanding this relationship permits estimates of the physical carrying capacity of the soil, which in turn may help to improve livestock use within the study area. Variables examined included soil bulk density, texture, organic matter content and consistency as well as visual indicators of soil and vegetation degradation. There is a significant positive correlation between the bulk density as a proxy for soil degradation and slope gradient. Furthermore, it was found that when soils are water-saturated grazing leads to severe degradation. Together with visual indicators, these data show that paddocks with slopes less than 30% have a carrying capacity between 900 and 1900 Animal Units (AU) ha− 1 year− 1 and many are currently underutilized. Paddocks with slopes between 30 and 50% have a carrying capacity between 400 and 600 AU ha− 1 year− 1. Paddocks with slopes over 50% have the lowest carrying capacity: less than 200 AU ha− 1 year− 1. The latter are frequently over-used; most of them show clear signs of soil and vegetation degradation. Land use in these areas needs to change or their grazing management needs to be reorganized to adjust actual stocking rate to physical carrying capacity of the soils to prevent further degradation.  相似文献   

Soil damage, compaction and displacement, during logging or clearing and cultivation affects both soil physical and chemical properties and reduces growth of regenerated or planted tree seedlings. Understanding the factors involved will aid management and set limits for indicators of sustainable management in eucalypt forests. In the first of two glasshouse studies, three Eucalyptus species were grown for 110 days in soils from six forest sites in Tasmania, Australia. Sites sampled ranged from low rainfall dry forest to very high rainfall wet forest. Soil was collected from three soil depths, in 10 cm increments to 30 cm, each packed in pots to four different bulk densities, ranging from that present in undisturbed field sites to that plus 0.17 g cm−3. In the second study Eucalyptus globulus Labill. seedlings were grown in soil collected from disturbed and undisturbed sites, packed to two bulk densities, and fertilized with combinations of N and P. Increasing soil compaction, in Study 1, caused a proportional decrease in final mass of seedlings of up to 25%. Growth on soil from lower horizons (10–30 cm) averaged only 41% of that on topsoil, a significantly greater restriction of growth than that achieved through compaction. It was concluded that topsoil displacement and profile disturbance was a more significant form of soil damage than compaction. Above-ground dry weight of seedlings was most strongly correlated with soil total N but poorly correlated with other macronutrients. Growth of E. globulus seedlings grown on disturbed soils, in Study 2, averaged 30% of that on undisturbed sites. With added P and N on undisturbed sites growth averaged seven times that of the unfertilized seedlings indicating a general deficit of available P and N on the three soils tested. On soils from disturbed areas, there was also a response to fertilizing with N and P together but the response varied on the three soils. The effects of profile disturbance were ameliorated with fertilizer applications on only one of the soils. The results highlighted the importance of retaining topsoil in situ during forest operations.  相似文献   

Addition of organic matter (OM) to flooded soils stimulates reductive dissolution of Fe(III) minerals, thereby mobilizing associated phosphate (P). Hence, OM management has the potential to overcome P deficiency. This study assessed if OM applications increases soil or mineral fertilizer P availability to rice under anaerobic (flooded) condition and if that effect is different relative to that in aerobic (nonflooded) soils. Rice was grown in P‐deficient soil treated with combinations of addition of mineral P (0, 26 mg P/kg), OM (0, ~9 g OM/kg as rice straw + cattle manure) and water treatments (flooded vs nonflooded) in a factorial pot experiment. The OM was either freshly added just before flooding or incubated moist in soil for 6 months prior to flooding; blanket N and K was added in all treatments. Fresh addition of OM promoted reductive dissolution of Fe(III) minerals in flooded soils, whereas no such effect was found when OM had been incubated for 6 months before flooding. Yield and shoot P uptake largely increased with mineral P addition in all soils, whereas OM addition increased yield and P uptake only in flooded soils following fresh OM addition. The combination of mineral P and OM gave the largest yield and P uptake. Addition of OM just prior to soil flooding increased P uptake but was insufficient to overcome P deficiency in the absence of mineral P. Larger applications of OM are unlikely to be more successful in flooded soils due to side effects, such as Fe toxicity.  相似文献   


To evaluate the hypothesis that plant-mediated oxygen supplies decrease methane (CH4) production and total global warming potential (GWP) in a tropical peatland, the authors compared the fluxes and dissolved concentrations of greenhouse gases [GHGs; CH4, carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O)] and dissolved oxygen (DO) at multiple peatland ecosystems in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Study ecosystems included tropical peat swamp forest and degraded peatland areas that were burned and/or drained during the rainy season. CH4 fluxes were significantly influenced by land use and drainage, which were highest in the flooded burnt sites (5.75 ± 6.66 mg C m?2 h?1) followed by the flooded forest sites (1.37 ± 2.03 mg C m?2 h?1), the drained burnt site (0.220 ± 0.143 mg C m?2 h?1), and the drained forest site (0.0084 ± 0.0321 mg C m?2 h?1). Dissolved CH4 concentrations were also significantly affected by land use and drainage, which were highest in the flooded burnt sites (124 ± 84 μmol L?1) followed by the drained burnt site (45.2 ± 29.8 μmol L?1), the flooded forest sites (1.15 ± 1.38 μmol L?1) and the drained forest site (0.860 ± 0.819 μmol L?1). DO concentrations were influenced by land use only, which were significantly higher in the forest sites (6.9 ± 5.6 μmol L?1) compared to the burnt sites (4.0 ± 2.9 μmol L?1). These results suggest that CH4 produced in the peat might be oxidized by plant-mediated oxygen supply in the forest sites. CO2 fluxes were significantly higher in the drained forest site (340 ± 250 mg C m?2 h?1 with a water table level of ?20 to ?60 cm) than in the drained burnt site (108 ± 115 mg C m?2 h?1 with a water table level of ?15 to +10 cm). Dissolved CO2 concentrations were 0.6–3.5 mmol L?1, also highest in the drained forest site. These results suggested enhanced CO2 emission by aerobic peat decomposition and plant respiration in the drained forest site. N2O fluxes ranged from ?2.4 to ?8.7 μg N m?2 h?1 in the flooded sites and from 3.4 to 8.1 μg N m?2 h?1 in the drained sites. The negative N2O fluxes might be caused by N2O consumption by denitrification under flooded conditions. Dissolved N2O concentrations were 0.005–0.22 μmol L?1 but occurred at < 0.01 μmol L?1 in most cases. GWP was mainly determined by CO2 flux, with the highest levels in the drained forest site. Despite having almost the same CO2 flux, GWP in the flooded burnt sites was 20% higher than that in the flooded forest sites due to the large CH4 emission (not significant). N2O fluxes made little contribution to GWP.  相似文献   

The aim of this field experiment was to quantify the contribution of soil fauna to plant litter decomposition in three forest sites differing in C/N ratio under natural conditions in Xishuangbanna, southwestern China. We conducted a survey of soil fauna communities, the forest floor litter and investigated mass loss of mixed tree species leaf litter for two years in a tropical secondary forest, an evergreen broad-leaf forest and a tropical rain forest. Exclusion treatments of different sized soil fauna from the leaf litter by using varying mesh size litter bags (2 mm and 0.15 mm) were also performed. Mass loss and C and N concentrations in litter bag leaf materials were determined at monthly intervals. We found that: (1) the three forests differed in floor litter biomass and nutrient contents but not in soil fauna richness and abundance; (2) litter mass loss and decomposition rate were slower when soil macrofauna and most of mesofauna were excluded; and (3) greatest soil fauna contribution to plant litter decomposition occurred in the rain forest, where leaf litter C/N ratio was also highest (41.5% contribution: 54.8 C/N ratio), in comparison to 8.69% in the broad-leaf forest and 19.52% in the secondary forest, both with low leaf litter C/N ratios (<32). Our results suggested that, soil fauna played a more pronounced role in the decomposition of mixed leaf litter in tropical rain forest, and significantly bigger effects from fauna were ascribed to the enhancement of N concentration and decrease of C concentration of the initially high C/N ratio litter in this forest site.  相似文献   

Yield decline (YD) of sugarcane is a widespread problem throughout the Australian sugar industry. It is defined as “the loss of productive capacity of sugarcane-growing soil under long-term monoculture”. Factors contributing to YD are the monoculture itself, excessive tillage of the soil at planting and severe soil compaction resulting from the use of heavy machinery during the harvesting operation. Collectively, these crop management practices have led to the development of sugarcane-growing soils that are low in organic C and cation exchange capacity, have a high bulk density and have a low microbial biomass. This in turn is associated with a build up of populations of detrimental soil organisms, which affect the growth and health of the sugarcane root system. Significant yield increases have been demonstrated following pasteurization or fumigation of the soil or treatment of the soil with fungicides or nematicides. Several detrimental soil organisms associated with YD have been identified, including a fungal root pathogen (Pachymetra chaunorhiza) and the lesion nematode (Pratylenchus zeae). Experimental evidence, however, suggests there are many other unidentified detrimental soil organisms associated with YD.

In order to circumvent YD, major changes to the cane cropping system need to be considered. Different rotation breaks (sown pasture, alternate crops, bare fallow) were evaluated for their impact on soil health and the composition of the community of organisms in soil previously under cane monoculture. Despite the breaks having different effects on populations of beneficial soil biota, all breaks reduced populations of known detrimental soil biota and significantly increased the yield of the following cane crop. A single legume-based break crop appeared to be sufficient to capture the majority of these benefits. Other possible management options including the use of organic amendments and minimum tillage techniques are discussed.  相似文献   

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