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Habitat fragmentation is a major threat to species survival worldwide due to genetic isolation, inbreeding depression, genetic drift and loss of adaptive potential. However the data on how gene-flow changes following habitat fragmentation is contradictory. If there is significant gene-flow between spatially isolated populations then limited conservation resources could be directed away from projects to ‘establish genetic connectivity’ and used to address other consequences of habitat fragmentation.This research focused on an endangered tree species Gomortega keule (Gomortegaceae) in a fragmented landscape in the Central Chile Biodiversity Hotspot and addressed three questions: (1) How far does pollen move between pollen donors and seed trees and what is the shape of the dispersal curve? (2) Do insect pollinators travel outside of forest patches? (3) Do small populations and single trees contribute to genetic connectivity across the landscape?Paternity analysis results show that G. keule’s insect pollinators travel outside of forest patches, over distances of 6 km, beyond the scale of population fragmentation or genetic structure. Pollen moved from small sites and single trees into large sites, as well as in the other direction, indicating these sites play a key role as functioning elements of the wider population and as stepping stones between sites. Fragmentation at the scale investigated has not led to genetic isolation, thus genetic connectivity per se is not a conservation priority. Other consequences of land-use change, specifically continuing habitat loss and population reduction, still threaten the survival of the species.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of measures targeted at the restoration of populations of endangered species in anthropogenically dominated regions is often limited by a combination of insufficient restoration of habitat quality and dispersal failure. Therefore, the joint prediction of suitable habitat and seed dispersal in dependency of management actions is required for effective nature management. Here we demonstrate an approach, which links a habitat suitability and a seed dispersal model. The linked model describes potential species distribution as a function of current species distribution, species-specific dispersal traits, the number of successful dispersal events, dispersal infrastructure and habitat configuration. The last two variables were related to water management actions. We demonstrate the applicability of the model in a strategy analysis of hydrological restoration measures for a large fen area in which still numerous endangered plant species grow.With the aid of the linked model, we were able to optimise the spatial planning of restoration measures, taking into account both the constraints of water management practices on abiotic restoration and the effects of habitat fragmentation on dispersal. Moreover, we could demonstrate that stand-alone habitat suitability models, which assume unlimited dispersal, may considerably overestimate restoration prospects. For these reasons, we conclude that linked habitat suitability and dispersal models can provide useful insights into spatially differentiated potentials and constraints of nature restoration measures targeted at the sustainable conservation of endangered plant populations whose habitats have been deteriorated due to undesirable effects of land and water management on abiotic conditions. These insights may contribute to the design of cost-effective nature restoration and conservation measures.  相似文献   

Assessing levels of genetic diversity, connectivity and historical demography for threatened species provides important information for conservation management. We used a combination of the mitochondrial ND4 gene and seven microsatellite markers to examine both historical and recent population genetic structure and demography of the threatened alpine she-oak skink, Cyclodomorphus praealtus. This species is restricted to the “sky islands” of the Australian alpine region. Based on mtDNA, the New South Wales and Victorian regions are reciprocally monophyletic and highly divergent, with among population variation of 0.9 and net sequence divergence of 4.28%, which suggests that they should be considered separate Evolutionary Significant Units for management purposes. The mtDNA data also indicate historical connectivity between the three Victorian populations. However, a model-based clustering analysis of microsatellite genotypes identified strong population structure in Victoria, with three distinct populations that have no current inter-population gene flow. This suggests that the Victorian populations are effectively isolated from each other, and is indicative of very low dispersal capacity and a high degree of habitat specialisation. This is reinforced by the substantially lower genetic diversity within the lowest elevation population compared to the other higher elevation populations. We found no genetic signature of major changes in effective population size. These data provide a baseline for assessing future impacts of climate change on the genetic structure of this alpine endemic species.  相似文献   

Fragmentation of tropical forest represents a major threat to some tree populations by reducing local population size and gene flow from other populations. Both processes can decrease outcrossing rates and genetic variation in remnant stands. Despite these risks, some tree species have pollen vectors that mitigate these negative consequences for fragmented populations. In this paper, we assess both pollen flow and diversity of pollen sources in continuous forest and isolated stands of Swietenia humilis, a tropical tree species pollinated by small insects. Using seven nuclear microsatellite markers, we test the hypothesis that genetic diversity and the number of pollen donors are lower in remnant populations. Results show that allelic richness of seeds is lower in isolated populations (6.1 vs. 8.3 alleles per locus), even though adult populations do not show this difference.Pollen pool structure is greater in isolated patches (ΦIso = 0.26) than in continuous forest (ΦFor = 0.14), which yields estimates of the average effective number of pollen donors (Nep) of 1.9 and 3.6 respectively. In addition, estimates of number of sires per mother indicate that isolated trees have half the number of pollen sources (4.98) than trees in the forest (9.8). Although extensive pollen movement (>2000 m) was recorded on both habitat conditions, indicating that fragmented patches are not isolated from pollen-mediated gene flow, this extensive pollen flow among trees in fragmented landscapes may not serve to counteract deleterious reproductive and genetic consequences of habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Population clonal diversity and fine-scale genetic structure of Oryza officinalis Wall. ex Watt, an endangered species in China recently experiencing habitat degradation, was estimated using inter simple sequence repeat markers. We analyzed the genetic variations of 440 samples exhaustively collected from nine O. officinalis populations. Relatively rich clonal diversity and poor genetic variation were found in the extant populations. We found that the number of genets, the percentage of polymorphic loci, and gene diversity decreased with population decline, suggesting that habitat degradation will lead to further genetic depletion of O. officinalis populations. A pronounced spatial genetic structure occurs at both the ramet and genet levels in several larger populations, which is the result of clonal growth and concomitant inbreeding. The in situ conserved population PS holds much more genotypes than other populations with the similar population size, which might have more seedling recruitments from the soil seed bank due to habitat disturbance, suggesting a moderate disturbance combined with habitat degradation-avoiding measures are effective for in situ conservation of this species.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between the current size of endangered bullhead (Cottus gobio) populations and microsatellite genetic variability. Additionally, the microsatellite data were used to evaluate whether a genetic test for population bottlenecks was able to provide evidence of recent severe population declines. Finally, our results were used to develop conservation priorities and measures. Population size appears to be a crucial parameter in determining the amount of genetic diversity that can be preserved in bullheads, since a significant positive correlation was observed between both variables. Furthermore, in some populations we were able to detect genetic signatures of the documented decline in population size. We suggest that the most immediate goal for bullhead conservation should be to increase the size and the range of the populations, and in doing so minimise or even reverse further genetic erosion. Potential management actions like habitat quality improvement, reduction of river fragmentation and supplementation programmes (translocation, supportive breeding) are discussed.  相似文献   

To evaluate the sufficiency of US federal critical habitat designations and a proposed conservation plan in promoting the long-term persistence of the endangered plant Astragalus albens, patterns of genetic diversity and landscape connectivity were examined. A. albens harbors substantial genetic variation and shows no evidence of historic bottlenecks, suggesting little risk of extinction due to genetic homogeneity (A = 2.40; P = 0.50) or inbreeding (f = −0.08) within occurrences. Low genetic differentiation among occurrences (θp = 0.01) indicates relatively high gene flow or little genetic drift. The 91 patches of A. albens were connected into a single network at a distance of 2100 m; 94% of patches were <1000 m from at least one other patch. Managing ecological conditions that maintain large population sizes and connectivity among populations throughout the species’ ecological and geographic ranges will most likely conserve existing diversity. Both reserve networks partially accomplish these goals by including most extant occurrences and >89% of the aerial extent of the species, including the largest populations, and capturing all detected alleles. However, both conservation networks fail to conserve occurrences from one portion of the species’ range, possibly speeding loss of unique local adaptations. In addition, connectivity of the whole network is reduced with the 65 patches designated as critical habitat being connected at a distance of 6200 m and the proposed reserve sites being connected at a distance of 9500 m. Although total network connectivity would be reduced, connectivity at scales most relevant to gene flow (e.g., <1000 m) remains sufficiently in tact to provide a relatively promising outlook for species persistence.  相似文献   

The endangered Australian subtropical rainforest understorey shrub Triunia robusta, is restricted to the south-east Queensland region of Australia. The potential pre-clearing and current distribution of the species was modelled by relating species presence at recorded locations to correlated abiotic and biotic factors, which in combination, were then used as a surrogate for predicting distribution of the species habitat over its known range. From a defined study area of 330,000 ha, output of geographic areas likely to contain T. robusta habitat at three levels of probability were generated for pre-clearing vegetation, and vegetation classified as remnant in 1999. Potential pre-clearing distribution was compared with potential current distribution to ascertain the likely impact of clearing of native vegetation on the extent, pattern, and contiguity of T. robusta habitat. For pre-clearing vegetation, a total area of 45,480 ha was identified as potential T. robusta habitat. For vegetation classified as 1999 remnant, 13,440 ha were identified, representing an overall reduction of 70% in potential habitat for T. robusta. The model was partially validated, with T. robusta found at six new locations. Allowing for errors from spatial mismatching, five of the sites were located within habitat patches predicted by the model. A number of local areas containing high densities of predicted habitat patches were identified to guide searches for unrecorded populations. Strategically located areas linking known populations containing suitable or potentially suitable habitat that may be available for introduction of new populations were identified. The results indicate that the species former centre of range was in lowland areas adjacent to the north arm of the Maroochy River. Clearing and fragmentation of T. robusta habitat is the most likely cause of the apparent decline in distribution and abundance of the species.  相似文献   

Habitat loss and fragmentation are among the largest threats to amphibian populations. However, most studies have not provided clear insights into their population-level implications. There is a critical need to investigate the mechanisms that underlie patterns of distribution and abundance. In order to understand the population- and species-level implications of habitat loss and fragmentation, it is necessary to move from site-specific inferences to assessments of how the influences of multiple factors interact across extensive landscapes to influence population size and population connectivity. The goal of this paper is to summarize the state of knowledge, identify information gaps and suggest research approaches to provide reliable knowledge and effective conservation of amphibians in landscapes experiencing habitat loss and fragmentation. Reliable inferences require attention to species-specific ecological characteristics and their interactions with environmental conditions at a range of spatial scales. Habitat connectivity appears to play a key role in regional viability of amphibian populations. In amphibians, population connectivity is predominantly effected through juvenile dispersal. The preponderance of evidence suggests that the short-term impact of habitat loss and fragmentation increases with dispersal ability. However, species with limited dispersal abilities are likely to be equally imperiled by habitat loss and fragmentation over longer time periods. Rigorous understanding of the effects of habitat loss and fragmentation on amphibians will require species-specific, multi-scale, mechanistic investigations, and will be benefit from integrating large empirical field studies with molecular genetics and simulation modeling. Molecular genetic methods are particularly suited to quantifying the influences of habitat structure across large spatial extents on gene flow and population connectivity. Conservation strategies would benefit by moving from generalizations to species and process specific recommendations and by moving from site-specific actions to implementing conservation plans at multiple scales across broad landscapes.  相似文献   

In the UK, Euphydryas aurinia exists in fragmented habitat patches, and undergoes population fluctuations as a result of a larval parasitoid. Its range is declining in the UK and conservation is thought to require a landscape approach since populations spread over large areas in some years and contract to core breeding patches in others. We examined populations at a range of geographic scales using allozyme electrophoresis to look for evidence of gene flow and differences in genetic diversity among populations. Nationally, our FST value was 0.1542 but between population groups within the suspected colonisation range of the butterfly (ca. 20 km), FST values were not significantly different from zero. Genetic diversity in terms of number of alleles and heterozygosity was reasonably high in natural populations (He=0.267) but low in an introduced, isolated population. We infer that migration between closely spaced subpopulations (in a metapopulation) maintains a high genetic effective population size (large number of individuals in a population that contribute genes to the next generation) which offsets any local reductions in population numbers due to stochastic extinctions or parasitoid effects. We therefore conclude that effective conservation of the species must seek to provide networks of suitable habitat for groups of subpopulations, rather than maintaining habitat for isolated populations.  相似文献   

Citrus hongheensis is a critically endangered species endemic to the Honghe river region in southeastern Yunnan, China. Its genetic diversity and differentiation were investigated using Inter-Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) markers. One hundred primers were screened, and a total of 245 loci were amplified from seven natural populations by 13 informative and reliable primers. Of these 245 ISSR loci, 233 were polymorphic and the detected variations revealed a relatively high level of intraspecific genetic diversity. At the population level, the mean percentage of polymorphic loci (PPB) was 36.50%, while the average expected heterozygosity (He) and Shannon diversity index (Ho) were 0.1327 and 0.1972, respectively. At the species level (across all populations), PPB was 95.10%, while He and Ho were 0.3520 and 0.5195, respectively. A high Gst value (0.6247) indicated that there is significant differentiation among populations, which was confirmed by AMOVA analysis (Φst = 0.6420). Pairwise genetic identity (I) values among populations ranged from 0.6341 to 0.7675, with a mean of 0.7008. We propose that the high level of genetic differentiation may be the result of habitat fragmentation and limited gene flow (Nm = 0.1502). For effective in situ conservation and population restoration of C. hongheensis it will be important to maintain historical processes, including high outbreeding rates, sufficient gene flow, and large effective population sizes.  相似文献   

The maned sloth (Bradypus torquatus) is an endangered species endemic to the Atlantic Forest of eastern Brazil. This biome has been reduced to 7% of its original extent and the remaining forests are highly fragmented. We analyzed 70 samples from the largest remnant populations in the states of Bahia, Espírito Santo and Rio de Janeiro to characterize their geographic structure and to produce estimates of genetic diversity. The analysis indicated that the remnant populations are reproductively isolated and extremely divergent. The populations present a very discontinuous distribution, with divergent genetic clusters specific to different geographical regions, probably caused by allopatric fragmentation. This pattern is likely related to Pleistocenic climatic and vegetation changes, and indicates the presence of at least two independent evolutionary units. The analyses also indicate that populations separated by more than 100 km should be considered different management units. Thus, devastation of the Atlantic Forest leads to an unrecoverable loss of genetic diversity in this species. These conclusions should direct conservation actions aimed at preserving the distinctiveness of each evolutionary unit, as well as to preserve the demographic isolation of different management units.  相似文献   

The effects of habitat fragmentation on the Australian avifauna have been widespread with species richness and abundance declining with reduced remnant size and habitat quality and increased habitat isolation. The speckled warbler, Chthonicola sagittata is one species from the highly fragmented temperate woodlands of eastern Australia that has declined across its range and populations that remain appear to be patchily distributed in habitat remnants. Specific causes of decline are unknown but several aspects of its biology make the species particularly vulnerable to decline in fragmented landscapes. Here, we analyse survey data (presence/absence) of speckled warblers in a large sample of habitat remnants from three regions to identify patterns of occupancy. We explore the effects of patch size on extinction risk using population viability analyses (PVA) and detailed demographic data from a behavioural study of individuals in the Australian Capital Territory, south-eastern Australia. Patch size was a strong predictor of the persistence of speckled warblers in habitat remnants. High density populations had higher probabilities of persisting, and inclusion of an Allee effect during drought decreased the probability of persistence. In the absence of an Allee effect, only high density populations in patches greater than 300 ha and low density populations in patches greater than700 ha had more than an 80% probability of persisting over 100 years. The accelerating decrease in population persistence below approximately 200-400 ha suggests that small populations were particularly vulnerable to stochastic demographic and environmental events. Adult female mortality was the single most important factor in driving population extinction. Our PVA model predictions matched the survey data for the Australian Capital Territory region remarkably well, but failed to predict occupancy rates in remnants in other regions. Differences in occupancy patterns between regions may, however, have resulted from inbreeding depression. This study demonstrates both the strengths and limitations of PVA analysis. PVA can predict occupancy patterns with reasonable accuracy, given good demographic data, but data for one region cannot be used universally for all regions. We highlight the need for studies of demography in different regions to interpret regional patterns of occupancy and to identify mechanisms of decline in remnant habitat.  相似文献   

Decreasing habitat fragment area and increasing isolation may cause loss of plant population genetic diversity and increased genetic differentiation between populations. We studied the relation between the historical and the present landscape configuration (i.e., patch area and patch connectivity), and the present management of calcareous grassland fragments on the one hand, and the within and between population genetic structure of 18 Anthyllis vulneraria populations on the other hand. Despite the long-time fragmentation history and the mainly selfing breeding system of the species, we detected very low genetic differentiation (Φst = 0.056) among habitat fragments and no significant isolation-by-distance relation. Average within fragment genetic diversity measured as molecular variance and expected heterozygosity, were relatively high (16.46 and 0.28, respectively), and weakly positively correlated with the current fragment area, most likely because larger fragments contained larger populations. We found no effects of the historical landscape configuration on the genetic diversity of the populations. Our data suggest that the consequences of habitat fragmentation for genetic differentiation and genetic diversity of A. vulneraria are relatively minor which is very likely due to the historical high levels of seed exchange among fragments through grazing and roaming livestock. This study provides indirect evidence that nature management by grazing not only positively affects habitat quality but that it might also mitigate the genetic consequences of habitat fragmentation. From the conservation point of view, this study illustrates the importance of grazing and of the regular transport of livestock between fragments to prevent the long-term effects of fragmentation on the genetic diversity of the populations studied.  相似文献   

Landscape fragmentation is a major threat to biodiversity. It results in the transformation of continuous (hence large) habitat patches into isolated (hence smaller) patches, embedded in a matrix of another habitat type. Many populations are harmed by fragmentation because remnant patches do not fulfil their ecological and demographic requirements. In turn, this leads to a loss of biodiversity, especially if species have poor dispersal abilities. Moreover, landscape fragmentation is a dynamic process in which patches can be converted from one type of habitat to another. A recently created habitat might suffer from a reduced biodiversity because of the absence of adapted species that need a certain amount of time to colonize the new patch (e.g. direct meta-population effect). Thus landscape dynamics lead to complex habitat spatiotemporal structured, in which each patch is more or less continuous in space and time. In this study, we define habitat spatial structure as the degree to which a habitat is isolated from another habitat of the same kind and temporal structure as the time since the habitat is in place. Patches can also display reduced biodiversity because their spatial or temporal structures are correlated with habitat quality (e.g. indirect effects). We discriminated direct meta-community effects from indirect (habitat quality) effects of the spatiotemporal structure of habitats on biodiversity using Collembola as a model. We tested the relative importance of spatial and temporal structure of habitats for collembolan diversity, taking soil properties into account. In an agroforested landscape, we set up a sampling design comprised of two types of habitats (agriculture versus forest), a gradient of habitat isolation (three isolation classes) and two contrasting ages of habitats. Our results showed that habitat temporal structure is a key factor shaping collembolan diversity. A reduced diversity was detected in recent habitats, especially in forests. Interactions between temporal continuity and habitat quality were also detected by taking into account soil properties: diversity increased with soil carbon content, especially in old forests. Negative effects of habitat age on diversity were stronger in isolated patches. We conclude that habitat temporal structure is a key factor shaping collembolan diversity, while direction and amplitude of its effect depend on land use type and spatial isolation.  相似文献   

Little bustard populations have suffered reduction and isolation as a consequence of landscape transformations resulting from changes in traditional agricultural systems. Consequently, the species survives within reduced and fragmentary habitats, like islands isolated in a modified matrix. In this paper, we analyze the spatial variations in male density and habitat quality in a fragmented population located at the limit of the species’ Iberian range, which is affected by agricultural intensification, using a regional modelling approach. Habitat quality (quantified according to the species perception) and bird density decreased along the intensification gradient. However, in the most intensive agricultural zone, the quality of habitats selected by little bustard males increased, while density decreased, against the expected. In possible explanation, we suggest: (1) density is not necessarily a good indicator of habitat quality, (2) population could be under-saturated in this zone, (3) interannual variations in species distribution, or (4) other relevant variables related to the agricultural intensification process not included in this analysis, such as small-scale disturbances. Analysis of population distribution pattern showed a spatial configuration in which the most densely populated squares were located at the core of the biggest population patches, in contact with mid-density squares, and all surrounded by low-density squares. Fragmentation negatively affected habitat quality and male density. Largest population patches, containing higher density values, were located at the beginning of the intensification gradient. Preservation of little bustard densities is related to an adequate management of the farming system. Habitat fragmentation requires an urgent conservation strategy to prevent local and regional scale habitat deterioration, by reducing patch isolation to maintain genetic diversification and functional connectivity.  相似文献   

Habitat destruction and degradation are the major causes for the decline of the endangered grass-feeding beetle Dorcadion fuliginator in Central Europe. In the southern part of the Upper Rhine valley (border region of Switzerland, Germany and France) the habitat suitable for this flightless beetle has been reduced to small remnants of extensively managed dry grassland, usually surrounded by intensively cultivated agricultural fields or settlements. Using a mark-release-resight technique we examined movement patterns in three D. fuliginator populations to obtain basic information on the dispersal ability and longevity of this beetle. Estimated daily survival rates ranged from 88.8% to 90.8% in the populations examined. This corresponds to a mean life span of 10.5 days. Distances moved by D. fuliginator differed among populations. The beetles walked the largest distances in the verges of a field track. Several beetles moved distances of 20-100 m along the track, with a maximum distance of 218 m (a male in 12 days). The shortest displacements were recorded in the bank of the river Rhine, a narrow habitat surrounded by tarmac roads. We also assessed the spatial arrangement of 12 patches with D. fuliginator populations in two regions and estimated the size of each population over 4 years. Data on dispersal, daily survival, population size and spatial arrangement of patches were used to simulate patch-specific migration rates. The simulations suggested that in both areas the beetles regularly moved between neighbouring patches separated by distances shorter than 100 m, whereas patches separated by distances exceeding 500 m are isolated.  相似文献   

Landscape features such as rivers, mountains, desert basins, roads, and impermeable man-made structures may influence dispersal and gene flow among populations, thereby creating spatial structure across the landscape. In the US–Mexico borderland, urbanization and construction of the border fence have the potential to increase genetic subdivision and vulnerability to isolation in large mammal populations by bisecting movement corridors that have enabled dispersal between adjacent Sky Island mountain ranges. We examined genetic variation in black bears (Ursus americanus) from three regions in central and southern Arizona, US, to assess genetic and landscape connectivity in the US–Mexico border Sky Islands. We found that the three regions grouped into two subpopulations: the east-central subpopulation comprised of individuals sampled in the central highland and high desert regions, and the border subpopulation comprised of individuals sampled in the southern Sky Islands. Occupancy for the border subpopulation of black bears was influenced by cover type and distance to water, and occupancy-based corridor models identified 14 potential corridors connecting border Sky Island habitat cores with the east-central subpopulation. Biological quality of corridors, defined as length:width ratio and proportions of suitable habitat within corridors, declined with Sky Island dispersion. Our results show that black bears in the border subpopulation are moderately isolated from the east-central subpopulation, the main population segment of black bears in Arizona, and that connectivity for border bears may be vulnerable to anthropogenic activities, such as those associated with urbanization and trans-border security.  相似文献   

The reduction in area of habitat patches and the concurrent increase in edge habitat associated with fragmentation of native vegetation have been shown to have a marked effect on the persistence of vertebrates in landscapes dominated by agriculture. However, because of the relatively large grain size they can distinguish, the spatial scale at which vertebrates become affected is likely to be different from that for invertebrates. Thus, although the high degree of fragmentation currently present in the sheep/wheat growing areas of Australia has been debilitating for vertebrates, this result cannot be extrapolated to the general state of species diversity. This study investigates the distribution of an arboreal insect fauna across a variety of habitat configurations common in the wheat/sheep belt of New South Wales. The aim was to determine the response of insects to habitat fragmentation at the scale associated with current agricultural practices, and to determine whether an “interior” fauna exists. Insects living on Callitris glaucophylla were sampled in the edge and interior of large state forests, in broad and narrow roadside strips and in small isolated remnants. Forest interiors had a significantly different fauna from the other four habitat configurations, and where differences between configurations occurred, interior sites tended to have fewer species and fewer individuals than the edge habitats. This result implies that the arboreal insects we studied are not adversely affected by this level of habitat fragmentation and the optimum arrangement of habitat for the conservation of insects may be quite different from that for proposed for vertebrates. However, this conclusion must be considered in the light of the dubious prognosis for long-term persistence of small habitat patches, and the possibility that fragmentation-sensitive species have already been lost from this environment.  相似文献   

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