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This study assessed the downstream extent andseverity of copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd), and zinc (Zn)contamination from acid mine drainage on juvenile chinook salmon(Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and aquatic insects over aroughly 270-km reach of the Sacramento River below KeswickReservoir. During April–May 1998, salmon were collected fromfour sites in the river and from a fish hatchery that receiveswater from Battle Creek. Salmon from river sites were examinedfor gut contents to document their consumption of variousinvertebrate taxa, whereas salmon from river sites and thehatchery were used for metal determinations. Midge(Chironomidae) and caddisfly (Trichoptera) larvae and mayfly(Ephemeroptera) nymphs were collected for metal determinationsduring April–June from river sites and from Battle and Buttecreeks. The fish hatchery and Battle and Butte creeks served asreference sites because they had no history of receiving minedrainage. Salmon consumed mostly midge larvae and pupae (44.0%,damp-dry biomass), caddisfly larvae (18.9%), Cladocera (5.8%),and mayfly nymphs (5.7%). These results demonstrated thatinsects selected for metal determinations were important as fishforage. Dry-weight concentrations of Cu, Cd, and Zn weregenerally far higher in salmon and insects from the river thanfrom reference sites. Within the river, high metalconcentrations persisted as far downstream as South Meridian (thelowermost sampling site). Maximum concentrations of Cd (30.7 μg g-1) and Zn (1230 μg g-1),but not Cu (87.4 μg g-1), in insects exceeded amounts that other investigators reported as toxic when fed for prolonged periods to juvenile salmonids.  相似文献   

Efforts to conserve depleted populations of Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus spp.) often rely on hatchery programs to offset losses of fish from natural and anthropogenic causes, but their use has been contentious. We examined the impact of a large-scale reduction in hatchery stocking on 15 populations of wild coho salmon along the coast of Oregon (USA). Our analyses highlight four critical factors influencing the productivity of these populations: (1) negative density-dependent effects of hatchery-origin spawners were 5 times greater than those of wild spawners; (2) the productivity of wild salmon decreased as releases of hatchery juveniles increased; (3) salmon production was positively related to an index of freshwater habitat quality; and (4) ocean conditions strongly affect productivity at large spatial scales, potentially masking more localized drivers. These results suggest that hatchery programs’ unintended negative effects on wild salmon populations, and their role in salmon recovery, should be considered in the context of other ecological drivers.  相似文献   

Reintroduction of extirpated populations creates a unique context that can exacerbate the effects of interactions among species. Thus, reintroduced populations may be particularly vulnerable to predators and competitors, including native species with which they historically coexisted. In this study, we evaluated the effect of native fishes on survival of reintroduced Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in the Connecticut River basin, where the native salmon population is extinct. Juvenile salmon are stocked annually in many Connecticut River tributaries. We sampled salmon reintroduction sites across tributaries with different fish communities to determine whether native fish reduce the success of salmon reintroductions (N = 19 site-years). Increased density of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus), a native generalist predator, was associated with reduced recruitment of reintroduced salmon. Salmon first-summer survival declined with increased sculpin density across sites, and low first-summer survival led to reduced densities of overyearling salmon the subsequent year. Hierarchical partitioning analysis showed that the negative relationship between sculpin and salmon was independent of potentially confounding variation in other fish community or habitat characteristics. Negative effects of native, historically-sympatric species, particularly generalist predators, can impede restoration of extirpated populations.  相似文献   

The hatchery environment often favours completely different traits than natural selection in the wild. Consequently, hatchery-reared fish are usually larger and more aggressive than their wild counterparts. Increased growth rate and aggression are predicted to be beneficial in feeding competition in hatcheries, but not necessarily in nature, where food resources are spatially and temporally more variable. We compared the growth, condition and mortality of landlocked Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) juveniles in a common hatchery environment and when feeding on natural prey in semi-natural channels. We found that the growth and survival probability of the fish in the hatchery was negatively associated with their performance in the semi-natural channels. Furthermore, we found tendencies for directional selection (linear selection differential and gradient: P < 0.1, in both cases) against large body size in semi-natural channels, but not in the hatchery. Therefore, good performance during hatchery rearing may indicate reduced performance in food-limited natural conditions, where selection may favour smaller individuals that have a lower standard metabolic rate (higher growth efficiency). If our results are also valid in fully natural conditions, they suggest that selective stocking of the most successful hatchery phenotypes may not be an optimal strategy to conserve endangered natural salmonid populations.  相似文献   

Acidification is one of the most serious environmental problems in Norway. International agreements to reduce emissions are the only acceptable solution to the acidification problem. The “Sulphur Protocol”, signed in Oslo in 1994, will certainly improve matters, but southern Norway will have large acidified areas for decades. Norwegian environmental authorities therefore carry out liming as a temporary alleviatory measure to reduce damage for freshwater ecosystems. In 1995, about NOK 92 mill, was spent on liming. Acidification has wiped out the salmon in 25 rivers, and they are threatened in another 28 rivers. Because of varying water flow and rapidly changing water quality, liming a Norwegian salmon river is a huge operation demanding sophisticated equipment. Eleven rivers carrying anadromous fish are being limed in 1995. The largest is the River Audna where liming has meant that a salmon stock could be reintroduced. Most rivers are limed using automatic lime dosers. The most sophisticated ones control the amount of lime using pH sensors and water flow to neutralize major episodes of acidic water flow, which regularly occur in Norwegian rivers.  相似文献   

Although the decline in fish populations due to acidicwater in Norway started as early as in the 1920's the most rapid losses appeared during the 1960–70's. Until 1978, the populations of Atlantic salmon had disappeared from the southernmost part of Norway, and in these areas, more than half of the brown trout populations had been lost. Today, in spite of no increase in acid depositions, the fishery problems seems to continue at the same speed. Data based on interviews of the local fish authority shows that lakes still holding a fish population in the late 70's, have experienced a 30% loss of brown trout populations and a 12% loss of perch in the period 1978–1983. This trend have been confirmed by testfishing in lake systems having long data series. Salmon rivers on the western coast of Norway have experienced several episodes of fish kills due to rapid changes in water quality. These fish kills have mainly affected smolts of Atlantic salmon. Spawning migrating salmon on entering their acidified home river have also been affected. In Sweden, several salmon populations along the western coast have been lost due to acidification with no positive trends so far in the 1980's. Areas in central Sweden and in some high mountain areas are still experiencing a continuous and increasing acidification with detrimental effects on invertebrates and fish. In Finland, an increase in acidic deposition during the last decades have occurred, leading to acidification in the most sensitive freshwater systems. Although some acidified freshwater lakes are reported to have lost their fish stocks, few data on fish population effects are available.  相似文献   

The effects of low pH on upstream migratory behavior in land-locked sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka were examined using 2-way flow-through channels. Homing mature salmon captured at the mouth of their native stream were used. When neutral (pH 6.7) hatchery water of the same origin as native stream water was allowed to flow through both channels, fish showed active swimming into both channels during a 48 hrs period. When water pH in one channel was lowered by the addition of sulfuric acid, salmon completely ceased upstream swimming behavior into areas of pH lower than 6.0, and swam up into only neutral areas. In the lower pond of the 2-way channels, fish also avoided acidic areas even when average pH was 6.2. Since it has been reported that extremely slight changes in pH such as in the pH 6 range inhibits spawning behavior in this species, it is suggested that land-locked sockeye salmon have a sensitive ability to perceive even slight acidity, and avoid environments which may be deleterious to their offspring.  相似文献   

An accidental release of non-toxic waste from decommissioned wood pulp industry in the River Numedalslågen, Southern Norway, occurred in the upper part of the accessible stretches for anadromous fish during a study of migration behaviour of radio tagged Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar, n=32, body length 51–99 cm). The fish had completed the migration phase and initiated the resident phase characterised by little movement until spawning. When the wooden fibres and pulp were released, 16 of 32 (50%) salmon showed an immediate avoidance response. Six (19%) salmon moved upstream and 10 (31%) salmon moved downstream. Of the salmon moving downstream, eight (25%) moved all the way to sea (average 14.8 km). Four re-entered the River Numedalslågen, two entered a neighbouring river and two were not recorded later. Fish moving downstream but without moving to the sea, moved on average 5.3 km during the episode, whereas those moving upstream moved on average 6.7 km. All fish recorded after the episode (n=30) survived until the spawning season. The study demonstrates that fish in nature may show an evident avoidance response, even to non-toxic contaminants. For Atlantic salmon, the size of the spawning population may be reduced by fish leaving the river (13% left the river and never came back). Moreover, the dispersal of salmon to other rivers may increase, and the distribution of the spawning population within the contaminated river may shift.  相似文献   

This paper documents population responses of Atlantic salmon and brown trout to fish kills in River Vikedal, an acidified river in SW Norway. The angling statistics show that the adult population of Atlantic salmon in the river has decreased to low numbers during recent years, whereas catches of migrant brown trout have increased in the same period. A total of 659 dead salmon and trout were either collected or observed during spring snowmelt in the years 1982–1985. Parr suffered the highest mortality, and most large specimens. Only a few dead kelts were registered. In the springs of most unfavourable water quality and most severe episods of fish kills (1983 and 1984), salmon parr mortality were significantly higher than that of brown trout. Episodic death of parr in the spring is thought to be an important cause of the reduction in the adult stock of Atlantic salmon in the river during recent years.  相似文献   

In 1990, a monitoring programme was initiated to survey the status of benthic invertebrate communities and fish populations over a wide range of subarctic rivers in northernmost Finnish Lapland (68°15′–70°N). A special emphasis was placed on detecting possible effects of acidification through sulfur emissions from Russian Kola Peninsula. Sampling in 13 rivers within four major river systems covered watercourses from small brooks to large 7th order rivers, and watersheds with different distances from the emission sources. The community structure of zoobenthos and the occurrence of acid-sensitive indicator species were assessed in 90 sampling sites. Sensitive fluvial fish species, including Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), brown trout (Salmo trutta), European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) and burbot (Lota lota), were monitored by studying their occurrence, abundance and juvenile recruitment. No signs of acid-induced failure in juvenile recruitment were detected in salmonid populations. The occurrence of minnow and burbot covered all the systems studied. In parallell, the structure of benthic communities with relatively high species diversity and wide distribution of a highly acid-sensitive caddisfly indicated no effects of acidification.  相似文献   

The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was formerly abundant in northeast coastal rivers in the United States from the Canadian border to the Connecticut River, and possibly as far south as the Delaware River. It was eliminated from most of its former range by a combination of overfishing, construction of dams impassable to migrating fish, and municipal and industrial pollution. Reproducing populations are now limited to a few rivers in Maine, but attempts are under way to reintroduce the species to some rivers where populations formerly existed. Most of the native Atlantic salmon rivers are low in acid neutralizing capacity and receive acidic precipitation. The third order streams are not now acidic; however, in some first and second order streams in Maine, pH episodically declines to 4.7 and Al increases to 350 μg g?1. These conditions could be toxic to sensitive early life history stages of Atlantic salmon. Comparison of chemical conditions in two Maine rivers in 1980–1982 with those in 1969–1970 indicated that the streams have not become more acidic during this interval. Data on the sport catch of Atlantic salmon indicated that populations have generally remained stable or recently increased in the Maine rivers having naturally reproducing populations. The recent increase probably resulted from introductions of hatchery smolts to supplement natural reproduction, and the occurrence of strong year classes in 1978 and 1980. The population in one stream has declined significantly in recent years, but the cause of the decline is probably not related to acidic precipitation. Atlantic salmon resources in the U.S. have apparently not been adversely affected by atmospheric deposition at the present time.  相似文献   

Reintroduction of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) after liming of acidified barren salmon rivers could benefit by choosing acid tolerant strains. Testing different life history stages from fry to smolts of five salmon strains with different acidification history demonstrated strain-specific variation in tolerance to acid aluminum-rich waters for stages from fry to parr. Contrary to expectation, salmon from non-acidified rivers were more tolerant. Differences in sensitivity were found between life history stages. Within a specific life history stage, size-dependent sensitivity was found; small fish being more sensitive to pH while large fish were more sensitive to aluminum. Presmolts showed the same relative tolerance between strains as younger stages. These differences disappeared, however, when the smolt reached full smoltification, probably due to supersensitivity at this stage. Poor water quality during the last period of smoltification and outmigration can thus mask the genetic potential for tolerance to acidic rivers.  相似文献   

The Hudson River Foundation convened a conference to evaluate evidence pertaining to the roles played by acid deposition and stream acidification in the decline of anadromous fish populations along the Atlantic coastal plain. The stimuli for the conference were that (1) some populations of Atlantic salmon, American shad, hickory shad, alewives, blueback herring and striped bass as well as a few species resident in coastal streams (yellow perch and white perch) are in a state of severe decline along portions of the east coast of North America; (2) several of these species have declined more or less simultaneously since about 1970; and (3) severe episodic pH depressions are observed in some streams of the Chesapeake Bay system. For example, the pH of Lyons Creek decreased from 7.0 to 5.9 in 1 hr during a rain event, returning to 7.0 a day later. After discussing several possible mechanisms for these observations, the conferees agreed that a combination of factors including stream and river acidification, toxic metals and organic compounds, eutrophication and overfishing appears to be contributing to the reduction in fish stocks. The essential point resulting from the conference is that the acid deposition hypotheses for stream acidification and declines of anadromous fish populations, a potential mechanism that has received very little attention heretofore, was shown to be viable for these coastal areas. Specific recommendations for research were agreed upon by the conferees.  相似文献   

Watt  W. D.  Scott  C. D.  Zamora  P. J.  White  W. J. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2000,118(3-4):203-229
The Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) resource of eastern Canada is impacted by acid rain in the Southern Upland (Atlantic Coast) area of Nova Scotia. Salmon runs in this area have become extinct in 14 rivers, are severely impacted in 20 rivers, and lightly impacted in 15 rivers. Water chemistry and fish communities in nine Southern Upland salmon rivers were studied from 1982 to 1996 as part of the effort to monitor the effects of the emission controlprograms in Canada and the United States. There hasbeen no statistically significant change in total ioncontent of Southern Upland river water, but there wasa significant decline in sulfate levels that was balanced by an increase in organic anions, and declines in calcium and magnesium that were balanced by increases in sodium and potassium. A geochemical scenario is proposed to account for these chemical changes. River water pH levels showed no overall linear trend, but at borderline toxicity sites the year-to-year variations in pH were correlated withchanges in juvenile salmon population densities. Tenfish species were collected, but none showed anysignificant overall time trend in population density.Fish species diversity was positively correlated with pH.  相似文献   

Due to acidification, 18 Norwegian stocks of Atlantic salmon are extinct and an additional 8 are threatened. In the two southernmost counties, salmon is eradicated. Due to the high acid sensitivity, production of salmon was greatly reduced as early as 1920, several decades before acid rain was recognized as an environmental problem. International agreements on reduced atmospheric emissions will reduce acidification effects in Norway substantially during the coming 20 to 50 years. However, the extreme acid sensitivity of salmon makes the destiny of this species in Southern Norway uncertain. Liming is an effective measure to protect and restore fish populations in acidified waters. Liming of acidified salmon rivers has become important in Norway in recent years which in combination with reduced emissions will be an important contribution to protection of the Atlantic salmon species. In this paper we give an overview of the effects of acidification on Norwegian salmon and discuss different aspects of mitigation measures; the expected effect of international agreements on reduced atmospheric emissions, the expected effect of liming on salmon production and the possibilities of re-establishing self sustaining salmon stocks in limed rivers.  相似文献   

The Norwegian Monitoring Programme for Long-Range Transported Air Pollutants started in 1980. The biological part of this programme includes besides invertebrate studies in streams, (i) fish community status in lakes by means of interviews, test-fishing in lakes by using standard gill-net series, recruitment studies of brown trout in inland streams, and juvenile stock assess and monitoring of fish kills in salmon rivers. Damaged fish stocks are recognized within a land area of 51,500 km2 in southern Norway and 30 km2 in northern Norway. At least 6,000 lake-dwelling fish stocks have either been lost or are at various stages of reduction. Brown trout (Salmo trutta) is the most widespread and abundant species of fish in Norwegian watersheds, and is also most severe affected by acidification. More recently, there are some indications of an increase in the abundance of brown trout in some areas. However, analysis of age structure in lakes, and fry densities in streams in such areas revealed large annual variations in recruitment rate, which indicates unstable water chemical conditions. Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is virtually extinct in 25 rivers in southernmost, southwestern and western Norway.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, smolts of hatchery origin were held for 5 to 16 days in ambient (pH 6.35, labile Al = 60 µg L?1), limed (pH 6.72, labile Al = 58.4 µg L?1), or acidified (pH 5.47, labile Al=96 µg L?1) water from the Narraguagus River in Maine, USA. Wild smolts were captured in the same river in rotary traps and held for up to two days in ambient river water. Osmoregulatory ability was assessed by measuring Na+/K+ ATPase activity, hematocrit, and blood Cl concentration in freshwater, and after 24-hr exposure to seawater. Hatchery smolts exposed to acidic water and wild smolts displayed sub-lethal ionoregulatory stress both in fresh and seawater, with mortalities of wild smolts in seawater. Using ultrasonic telemetry, hatchery-reared ambient and acid-exposed, and wild smolts were tracked as they migrated through freshwater and estuarine sections of the river. The proportion of wild smolts migrating during daylight hours was higher than for hatchery-reared smolts. Wild smolts remained in the freshwater portions of the river longer than either group of hatchery smolts, although survival during migration to seawater was similar for all three treatments. Acid-exposed hatchery-origin and wild Narraguagus River smolts were both under ionoregulatory stress that may have affected their migratory behavior, but not their survival for the time and area in which we tracked them.  相似文献   

Within the present North American range of Atlantic salmon, severe acid rain effects are limited to the Southern Upland area of Nova Scotia. In the Southern Upland, long range transport of H2SO4 has caused many rivers to decline in pH to the point where their Atlantic salmon stocks have been destroyed or much diminished. Chemical records show a declining pH trend in N.S. rivers since the early 1950s. Eighty % of the annual variation in H+ concentration can be accounted for by a multiple linear regression model on excess sulphate, total Al and organic anions. It is technically feasible to restore the acidified salmon habitat by the addition of limestone; the total cost of mounting a liming program to restore the lost habitat has been estimated at $4.75 × 106 yr?1. The pre-acidification Atlantic salmon production capacity of the Southern Upland was estimated from physical habitat surveys and tag return data to be about 45 000 fish yr?1. Acidification has caused a 50% decline to the current production level of about 23 000 fish yr?1. The costs of the liming program, when compared to the economic benefits of the anticipated salmon enhancement, are economically unjustifiable. The eradication of salmon from such large regions will hinder future programs to reestablish the species in their former range when pollution of the atmosphere is eventually brought under control. Present plans are for a small liming program to establish a series of refuges for the preservation of nuclei of native salmon stocks.  相似文献   

Populations living on the periphery of a species range are subjected to intense habitat pressures that stress their vulnerability to threats. South Iberian brown trout (Salmo trutta) populations are located on the southwestern boundary of the species range in Europe. This region has been described as a contact zone between Atlantic and Mediterranean populations in other fish species, and allozyme data detected natural hybridization between native Atlantic and Mediterranean brown trout in this area. Nevertheless, native pattern of populations relationships are threatened by hybridization with exogenous hatchery fish. Allozyme data and complete mtDNA control region sequences were used to analyse the ongoing processes of human mediated hybridization between native and hatchery brown trout in this region. Estimates of the persistence of hatchery genes detected a high level of introgression in some of the sampled locations (hatchery ancestry more than 25% in GF-1, GF-2 and GF-3), but results differed from both kinds of markers. The low intrapopulation diversity (Hs = 0.051) indicated that genetic drift could explain discrepancies between markers. At individual level, the complementary use of both markers detected more hatchery origin fish than those detected by the use of a single technique. Based on these results, the importance of considering a large number of genetic markers to evaluate introgression accurately is emphasized. The ability of the current management policies to the protection and conservation of marginal populations that retain complex and special evolutionary histories such as those studied is also questioned.  相似文献   

Hydrologic regime and the conservation of salmon life history diversity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Life history diversity of imperiled Pacific salmon Oncorhynchus spp. substantially contributes to their persistence, and conservation of such diversity is a critical element of recovery efforts. Preserving and restoring diversity of life history traits depends in part on environmental factors affecting their expression. We analyzed relationships between annual hydrograph patterns and life history traits (spawn timing, age at spawning, age at outmigration, and body size) of Puget Sound Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) to identify environmental indicators of current and historic diversity. Based on mean monthly flow patterns, we identified three hydrologic regimes: snowmelt-dominated, rainfall-dominated, and transitional. Chinook populations in snowmelt-dominated areas contained higher proportions of the stream-type life history (juvenile residence >1 year in freshwater), had older spawners, and tended to spawn earlier in the year than populations in rainfall-dominated areas. There are few extant Puget Sound populations dominated by the stream-type life history, as several populations with high proportions of stream-type fish have been extirpated by construction of dams that prevent migration into snowmelt-dominated reaches. The few extant populations are thus a high priority for conservation. The low level of genetic distinction between stream-type and ocean-type (juvenile residence <1 year in freshwater) life histories suggests that allowing some portion of extant populations to recolonize habitats above dams might allow re-expression of suppressed life history characteristics, creating a broader spatial distribution of the stream-type life history. Climate change ultimately may limit the effectiveness of some conservation efforts, as stream-type Chinook may be dependent on a diminishing snowmelt-dominated habitat.  相似文献   

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