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The protection of exploited species offered by marine reserves is maximised if individual fish live within the boundaries of the reserve for most of their lives. The direct benefit of this protection, the so called ‘reserve effect’, is the build-up of biomass through an increase in individual numbers and size. This effect can take several years depending on the life history traits of the target species. However, empirical studies on individual fish spatial behaviour at temporal scales long enough to be compatible with that of invoking the reserve effect are still virtually lacking. We studied the inter-annual patterns of habitat use of the dusky grouper (Epinephelusmarginatus), an endangered reef fish predator, using passive acoustic telemetry inside and around a small marine reserve in the Azores, mid-north Atlantic. All 11 individuals resided in the reserve year-round for up to 5 years. During these periods, fish were detected nearly every day and utilised stable core activity areas. Two smaller fish apparently abandoned the area after some time, probably relocating outside the reserve. Our results indicate that even small marine reserves can promote the long-term recovery of some endangered species if the long-term behaviour (i.e. site fidelity) of individuals is appropriate. This result bears direct implications for most existing coastal marine reserves, given that they fall into the small size range and many overexploited reef fish species may be highly site attached.  相似文献   

Identification of areas which should be a subject of protection is crucial for safeguarding the marine ecosystems. Amongst the reasons for protecting a region or location, the existence of unique populations or evolutionary significant units for one or more key species is a priority. The North American silver hake, Merluccius bilinearis, is currently managed as two stocks (northern and southern) without considering gulf areas separately. Employing microsatellite and mitochondrial markers we have detected significant FST values between hake individuals inhabiting gulfs and those distributed in the open sea, and asymmetric gene flow, higher from the gulf to the open sea than in the opposite direction. These differences can be interpreted as signals of separate populations in gulfs which may act as sources of variability for hake species. Occurrence of similar phenomena in Atlantic waters in both the northern and the southern Hemisphere, for these two pelagic–demersal hake species, suggests that gulfs may constitute a target for designing marine protected areas and confirms the adequacy of gulf-specific management already employed in Argentina.  相似文献   

Sensitivity analyses of population growth in desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) have shown no consensus on the limiting vital rate. More importantly, the most sensitive vital rate might not be the most readily manipulated by management, so it begs the question of what actions would be most effective. We compared 13 management alternatives using a vital rate sensitivity analysis that is valid regardless of age structure, and is sensitive to initial population size and time frame, to determine the efforts required for equivalent population growth. We evaluated three time frames, each with five initial population sizes and three initial age distributions. To achieve equivalent population growth, mortality of older females needed to be reduced less than did mortality of other age classes. Similarly, fewer adults needed to be introduced to a population to have the same effect as releasing juveniles, but differences among adult age classes were trivial. A single release (headstarting) required fewer total individuals than did annual releases to achieve the same population growth. Also, the same population growth was more easily achieved when the initial age structure was deficient of young animals. Interestingly, because small tortoises are difficult to survey, some management alternatives could result in increased population size but decreased numbers of countable individuals over short to intermediate (25 years) time frames. Our paper demonstrates an approach to determine what constitutes equivalent management actions for population growth, thus allowing managers to more directly compare expected gains toward population recovery achieved by their resource-allocation decisions.  相似文献   

Protected areas are the most important tool for the conservation of biodiversity. However, many species are area-demanding and their populations seldom meet their space requirements in reserves. In this context, the unprotected exterior becomes an important part of their home range, and variations in habitat quality of the surroundings of a protected area might affect the dynamics of populations. Using a spatially explicit simulation model, we studied the effect of the surrounding landscape of a protected area on the density and persistence of a predator population inhabiting inside the reserve in different conditions of environmental variability. We simulated individuals of a predator population, their herbivorous prey and a vegetative substrate in a landscape comprised of a square protected area and different types of habitat quality outside the reserve. We studied the combination of three substrate qualities of protected area (inside) with three of the landscape context and three levels of variability of productivity. Our results showed that there were strong effects of both the relative quality of the surrounding landscape and of the environmental variability on the density and persistence of the simulated population inside the protected area. More importantly, we showed that complex patterns emerge when spatial heterogeneity and temporal variability interact with population dynamics. Specifically, under high environmental variability, when the protected area had a high habitat quality, the highest population persistence was not attained when the exterior was also of high quality, but when the surroundings had an intermediate quality. The latter result suggests that, under the mentioned conditions, small enhancements in the quality of the matrix may have, for some species, better effects on increasing persistence in small reserves than large and costly enhancements.  相似文献   

Surveys with a submersible at offshore islands and banks in southern California found that white abalone were most abundant at depths between 43 and 60 m. This is deeper than estimates taken when white abalone were more abundant. Densities were highest at sites far from fishing ports. Controlling for depth and site found that white abalone were significantly more abundant in areas with Laminaria farlowii (an alga) but abalone were not associated with areas high in the cover of other algae (Pelagophycus porra or Eisenia arborea) or the amount of sand in the habitat (except that abalone always occurred on rock). Within an area with abalone, the particular rock they occurred on was significantly larger than unoccupied neighboring rocks. Occupied rocks were not significantly different in algal cover or in sea urchin density than unoccupied neighboring rocks. The position of abalone on a rock was nearer to the rock-sand interface than would be expected based on a random distribution. More white abalone were feeding when in association with red urchins, perhaps because both grazers capture drift algae to eat. These data may aid future efforts to locate white abalone brood stock and identify locations for outplanting.  相似文献   

There is substantial interest in how mortality rates affect animal populations, but mechanisms explaining when and under what circumstances particular causes of death incur demographic responses are far from clear. In theory, small or expanding populations should experience additive mortality from anthropogenic causes of death, but whether such effects are homogenous across a population or expressed only in certain high-risk individuals is open for debate. We used competing risks models to analyze mortality patterns among radio-collared wolves (Canis lupus, n = 711) from three populations in northwestern United States (1982-2004), and evaluated the degree to which anthropogenic mortality was additive vs. compensatory to natural demographic processes. Almost 80% (n = 320) of wolves dying of known fates were killed by anthropogenic causes (legal control, illegal killing, harvest in Canada, vehicle collision), and additive effects of anthropogenic mortality were most pronounced in northwestern Montana where wolf exposure to humans and livestock was high compared to either the Greater Yellowstone Area or central Idaho, where anthropogenic risk was lower. In contrast, risk from natural hazards was lower in northwestern Montana than in the other areas, implying some degree of compensatory mortality from anthropogenic risk. Animals recruited to the study following human-wolf conflict had markedly higher anthropogenic risk than those recruited for standard monitoring purposes, and juvenile wolves as well as dispersers, succumbed to higher anthropogenic risk. Multivariate models revealed that increasing wolf population density promoted higher anthropogenic risk and reduced natural risk, indicating that partially-compensatory effects of anthropogenic mortality actually became increasingly additive with population density. The observed compensatory mortality and hazard heterogeneity in our study implies that demographic responses to mortality risk may be complex and more subtle than previously thought; the density-dependent effect of anthropogenic mortality portends a stabilizing influence of humans on recovering wolf populations. We conclude that future assessment of the role of anthropogenic mortality should include individual-based hazard estimation as a complement to traditional population-level approaches.  相似文献   

Conservation of rare species is frequently complicated by their narrow niches and poor competitive abilities which limit their distribution to a few small populations. We studied how population size and structure of an endemic cycad of northwestern Mexico, Dioon sonorense, known to be threatened by widespread land conversion and plant extraction by humans, varied with 21 environmental variables. We also used matrix population models to show how population structure may affect its long-term persistence. Slope and soil exchangeable potassium explained a moderate proportion of the variance in the abundance of adult individuals, while abundance of adults and slope explained a large proportion of the variance in the abundance of seedlings. The strong non-linear relationships of seedling abundance with slope and adult abundance suggest threshold effects that may limit D. sonorense regeneration in less suitable environments. Modeling suggests that most of the study populations will not be viable in the long-term, except for the largest population. Modeling scenarios with large increments in fecundity and seedling survival produced modest gains in population growth. The long-term persistence of D. sonorense is shown in our study to be further threatened by: (a) small size of adult populations, (b) low-quality habitat in which most populations occur, and potentially, (c) the combined effect of low fecundity and recruitment.  相似文献   

In South Africa, a plan was launched to manage separate sub-populations of endangered African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) in several small, geographically isolated conservation areas as a single meta-population. This intensive management approach involves the re-introduction of wild dogs into suitable conservation areas and periodic translocations among them. Despite the initial failures and high costs associated with wild dog re-introductions and translocations, there is no predictive framework available to quantify which management protocol is the most efficient. We therefore developed an individual-based model of wild dog population and pack dynamics, which accounts for the wild dogs’ social complexity. The model appeared to capture the essential characteristics of a real wild dog population from Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, South Africa and to be relatively robust to parameter uncertainty, suggesting that the model is valid enough for addressing management problems. The model enabled us to quantify a critical initial number of packs (two) and individuals per pack (six) necessary for a re-introduced wild dog population to establish itself in the release area. We also found a practically feasible intervention regime at which a re-introduced wild dog population had the best chance of persistence: intermittently adding packs (at least every 6 years) and harvesting disperser groups (as often as every 4 years) for translocation to other release sites, without threatening the small source population. This study demonstrates that individual-based models can be a powerful decision-support tool in re-introduction planning and provides insight into how populations made up of social groups have dynamics, and ultimately persistence, determined by individual behaviour.  相似文献   

The biotic and abiotic changes associated with habitat fragmentation have been shown to have major consequences for plant recruitment and survivorship. However, few studies have quantified the growth of plants that persist in fragments. Over the course of a decade, we measured annual growth of 5200 individuals of the common understory herb Heliconiaacuminata (Heliconiaceae) in an experimentally fragmented Amazonian forest. We tested (A) whether annual growth rates were lower in fragments than in continuous forest, and (B) whether cumulative growth rates of plants that survived the entire period were lower in fragments. While mean annual growth rates were often lower in fragments, differences were not significant in any year. After 10 years, however, the cumulative effect was that plants in fragments were significantly smaller. This had a clear demographic consequence – plants in fragments produced fewer inflorescences than plants in continuous forest. Our results demonstrate that chronic reduced individual growth may be an important mechanism contributing to reduced population viability in fragmented forests, and that negative demographic consequences of fragmentation for plants can take years to manifest themselves.  相似文献   

Subsurface drainage induces systematic spatial variability in soil properties which may be reflected in the abundance and distribution of soil organisms. We compared the population density of the deep burrowing earthworm Lumbricus terrestris L. above and between tile subdrains in 41 sample pairs on an eight hectare grass field. Above the drains the median number of  individuals was twice as high and their total fresh mass five times as high as between the drains (4.5 vs. 2.1 individuals m-2  and 9.6 vs. 1.9 g m-2, respectively). The mean difference (above drain – between drains) was 2.5 individuals m-2  (95% CI = 1.0 to 4.0) and 6.6 grams m-2 (95% CI = 3.6 to 9.6). The relatively larger difference in fresh mass was due to a high proportion of adult individuals above drains. One likely explanation for the pattern of abundance is that the lowered water table level near the drains provides an environment beneficial for the population growth of L. terrestris. Due to the role of L. terrestris burrows as flow paths of percolating water the observations may have implications on subdrain function.  相似文献   

《Biological conservation》2004,118(2):151-161
We analyse the spatial and temporal variation in non-natural mortality during a 40-year period of strong contraction of the geographic range of the Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus), which shrank from 40,600 to 22,300 km2. We recorded 1258 lynx deaths, an average of 31.5 losses per year over the study period. Given the reduced lynx population size, especially later in the period (around 1100 individuals), this level of non-natural mortality may have contributed significantly to the quick decline of the Iberian lynx. Non-natural mortality was not spatially correlated with, and probably did not shape the pattern of, relative abundance of lynx across its core range, but may have reduced its absolute density. Lynx losses were caused mainly by traps set not only for predator control but also for rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus), the lynx's staple food. We did not find evidence that non-natural mortality was higher in small lynx populations through edge effects. The highest mortality levels were recorded in regions where small game was a valuable economic resource compared with other activities. Mortality decreased throughout the period because of changes in the prevailing game regimes rather than because of legal protection. The Iberian lynx is now critically endangered and effective protection should be urgently enforced, especially in small game estates, which are environmentally favourable for rabbits but risky for lynx due to predator control. Lynx reintroductions would be better attempted in traditional rabbit hunting areas. Some big game estates where small game is not exploited and predators are not controlled may be good candidates for lynx reintroduction too, provided that habitat is managed towards a suitable interspersion of woody cover and grassland.  相似文献   

Crayfish are amongst the most frequently introduced non-native aquatic organisms, with well-documented negative effects on a large number of freshwater taxa. Crayfish-control attempts often make use of manual removal by trapping, a method known preferentially to remove the largest individuals. Studies from aquaculture suggest that lowered population densities and the preferential removal of large individuals may result in non-removed individuals demonstrating increased growth rates. We test the hypothesis under wild conditions, that removal by trapping of American signal crayfish from a UK river would result in an improvement in body condition in the remaining crayfish. We studied four 100 m stretches of two rivers, the Evenlode and Thame, comprising two removal and two non-removal stretches. Each river supported both treatments. Half of the crayfish captured from the removal sections were removed and humanely destroyed by freezing. All crayfish captured from the non-removal sections were marked and returned at the point of capture. Crayfish were more likely to be captured if relatively large and with intact chelae. Catch per unit effort was reduced at the removal sites, and still remained significantly lower between capture sessions. The mean carapace length of crayfish was smaller at removal than non-removal sites. Over the course of the experiment, crayfish at the removal sites became progressively heavier for a given carapace length. The results of this study are consistent with expectations if removals reduced the population density, particularly of large, competitively dominant crayfish, resulting in higher growth rates in the remaining population. This study confirms the possibility that the effects of manual removal by trapping may be at least partially counteracted by density dependent effects improving the body condition of the non-removed portion of the population.  相似文献   

Two key questions regarding “no-take” marine reserves are: (1) how effective are reserves likely to be, and (2) how does effectiveness vary with life history attributes and the relative size of reserves. To investigate these questions, we use a simple Ricker model that includes fishing, larval dispersal, and larval loss while in a planktonic pool, and that tracks protected and unprotected populations. We applied two different measures of reserve effectiveness to our simulation results. One metric was intended to reflect goals oriented towards conservation and the second was intended to reflect fishery enhancement goals. Both metrics compare the situation before reserves are established to after the reserve has been in place and a new equilibrium was reached. Yield effectiveness is defined as the total equilibrium annual harvest after reserves are established divided by the total annual harvest before reserves are established. Conservation effectiveness is defined as the average adult density inside the reserve divided by the average density in the same area prior to reserve establishment. A substantial fraction of the 5120 simulated parameter combinations representing different harvest rates and life history attributes went extinct in the absence of a reserve, and these scenarios leading to extinction could be predicted accurately (85% aptly classified) simply on the basis of exploitation rate and population growth rate. Of the cases that did not go extinct, we compared the performance of reserves as measured by each effectiveness metric. Few of the cases (less than 8%) produced effective reserves as measured in terms of increased harvest; whereas over half of the cases resulted in effective reserves as measured by conservation effectiveness. Moreover, the two measures of reserve effectiveness were only weakly correlated. Simple linear regression or polynomial regression could explain at most 23% of the variation in reserve effectiveness as measured by either metric. As expected, the size of the reserve area had a marked and typically negative effect on total annual yield, which suggests that while marine protected areas may do a good job of conserving protected populations, there will generally be pressure from the fishing community to keep them small because of their tendency to reduce total catch.  相似文献   

As concerns for losses of migratory species heighten globally, scientists are being challenged to characterize diversity in the migratory behaviors to support scientifically defensible conservation programs. Anecdotal observations of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) inhabiting Lake Superior and its tributaries suggest the occurrence of two forms: a large lake form hypothesized to originate in streams and reside in Lake Superior for significant parts of the year and a small stream form hypothesized to be stream resident. Declines in the lake form are a conservation concern and understanding of the variation in migratory behavior is needed to assist conservation efforts. We used analyses of vertebrae and otoliths to test whether the growth histories of lake and stream caught fish differed as expected for adult and juvenile stages from a migratory population (migration), individuals differing in the age of outmigration to the lake (staggered migration), or a combination of residents and migrants (partial migration). Lake caught fish grew faster and lived longer than stream caught fish and differences in length-at-age were apparent by the end of the first year of life. There was no evidence of individuals abruptly changing growth history in a way that would suggest habitat switches later in life. Growth histories of lake and stream caught brook trout were also similar to those of migrants and residents from other brook trout populations or sub-populations. Our findings support the hypothesis of partial migration as an explanation for the diversity observed in Lake Superior brook trout and demonstrate how analyses of growth histories can help clarify migratory systems in species whose movements are challenging to track.  相似文献   

Connectivity of the Asiatic wild ass population in the Mongolian Gobi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Long-distance migrations of wildlife have been identified as important biological phenomena, but their conservation remains a major challenge. The Mongolian Gobi is one of the last refuges for the Asiatic wild ass (Equus hemionus) and other threatened migratory mammals. Using historic and current distribution ranges, population genetics, and telemetry data we assessed the connectivity of the wild ass population in the context of natural and anthropogenic landscape features and the existing network of protected areas. In the Mongolian Gobi mean biomass production is highly correlated with human and livestock density and seems to predict wild ass occurrence at the upper level. The current wild ass distribution range largely falls into areas below the 250 gC/m2/year productivity isoline, suggesting that under the present land use more productive areas have become unavailable for wild asses. Population genetics results identified two subpopulations and delineated a genetic boundary between the Dzungarian and Transaltai Gobi for which the most likely explanation are the mountain ranges separating the two areas. Home ranges and locations of 19 radiomarked wild asses support the assumed restricting effects of more productive habitats and mountain ranges and additionally point towards a barrier effect of fences. Furthermore, telemetry data shows that in the Dzungarian and Transaltai Gobi individual wild ass rarely ventured outside of the protected areas, whereas in the southeast Gobi asses only spend a small fraction of their time within the protected area network. Conserving the continuity of the wild ass population will need a landscape level approach, also including multi-use landscapes outside of protected areas, particularly in the southeast Gobi. In the southwest Gobi, allowing for openings in the border fence to China and managing the border area as an ecological corridor would connect three large protected areas together covering over 70,000 km2 of wild ass habitat.  相似文献   

The earthworm population in a winter cereal field in Ireland was studied over a 3-year-period and its effects on soil and N turnover were assessed. The mean annual population density was 346–471 individuals m-2 and the mean biomass was 56.9–61.2 g m-2. Twelve species were recorded, the most abundant being Allolobophora chlorotica followed by Aporrectodea caliginosa, and 242 mg at 5°C to 713 mg at 10°C in the case of juvenile Lumbricus terrestris. Gut contents (dry mass of soil) comprised 6.7–15.5% of the A. caliginosa live mass, and 9.7–14.7% of the Lumbricus terrestris mass. Annual soil egestion by the field population was estimated as 18–22 kg m-2. Tissue production ranged from 81.7 to 218.5 g m-2, while N turnover resulting from mortality was calculated as 1.5–3.9 g m-2 depending on the year and the method of calculation. Earthworms were estimated to contribute an additional 3.4–4.1 g mineral N to the soil through excretion, mucus production, and soil ingestion. Independent estimates of N output via mucus and excretion derived from 15N laboratory studies with Lumbricus terrestris were 2.9–3.6 g m-2 year-1.  相似文献   

Marine protected areas (MPAs) have become popular tools worldwide for ecosystem conservation and fishery management. Fish assemblages can benefit from protection provided by MPAs, especially those that include fully no-take reserves. Fish response to protection can thus be used to evaluate the effectiveness of marine reserves. Most target fish are high-level predators and their overfishing may affect entire communities through trophic cascades. In the Mediterranean rocky sublittoral, marine reserves may allow fish predators of sea urchins to recover and thus whole communities to be restored from coralline barrens to macroalgae. Such direct and indirect reserve effects, however, are likely to be related to the enforcement implemented. In Italy, many MPAs that include no-take reserves have been declared, but little effort has been spent to enforce them. This is a worldwide phenomenon (although more common in some regions than others) that may cause MPAs and reserves to fail to meet their targets. We found that 3 of 15 Italian marine reserves investigated had adequate enforcement, and that patterns of recovery of target fish were related to enforcement. No responses were detected when all reserves were analyzed as a whole, suggesting enforcement as an important factor to be considered in future studies particularly to avoid that positive ecological responses in properly managed reserves can be masked by neutral/negative results in paper parks. Positive responses were observed for large piscivores (e.g. dusky groupers) and sea urchin predators at reserves where enforcement was effective. Those reserves with low or null enforcement did not differ from fished areas.  相似文献   

An isolated population of the fisher (Martes pennanti) in the southern Sierra Nevada, California, is threatened by small size and habitat alteration from wildfires, fuels management, and other factors. We assessed the population’s status and conservation options for its habitat using a spatially explicit population model coupled with a fisher probability of occurrence model. The fisher occurrence model was selected from a family of generalized additive models (GAM) generated using numerous environmental variables and fisher detection–nondetection data collected at 228 survey arrays sampled repeatedly during 2002–2006. The selected GAM accounted for 69% of the Akaike weight using total above-ground biomass of trees, latitude-adjusted elevation, and annual precipitation averaged over a 5 km2 moving window. We estimated equilibrium population sizes (or carrying capacities) within currently occupied areas, and identified likely population source, sink, and expansion areas, by simulating population processes for 20 years using different demographic rates, dispersal distances, and territory sizes. The population model assumed that demographic parameters of fishers scale in proportion to habitat quality as indexed by the calculated probability of fisher occurrence. Based on the most defensible range of parameter values, we estimate fisher carrying capacity at ∼125–250 adults in currently occupied areas. Population expansion into potential habitat in and north of Yosemite National Park has potential to increase population size, but this potential for expansion is predicted to be highly sensitive to mortality rates, which may be elevated in the northern portion of the occupied range by human influences, including roadkill and diseases carried by domestic cats and dogs.  相似文献   

Adaptation to climate change has recently become a crucial element on the climate change policy agenda as it is now recognized that even the most stringent mitigation efforts may not arrest the effects of climate warming. The ecological impacts and costs of predicted weather-related extreme events, such as extreme temperatures, are not fully understood and may present unexpected challenges to conservationists that require solutions. In Portugal, provisioning of artificial nests has been the main driver of the spectacular increase in the endangered lesser kestrel population. Nevertheless, atypically high temperatures recorded during the 2009 breeding season coincided with a mortality of 22% of surveyed chicks in provided nests. Hot days did not affected prey delivery rates to the nestlings, suggesting that the die-off was due to chicks’ acute dehydration. Chick mortality was significantly higher amongst younger individuals. Within survivors, physiological costs of high temperatures significantly affected chick growth and body condition at fledging. Nest-site microclimate was influenced by nest-type and compass orientation: wooden nest-boxes attained the highest temperatures, exceeding 55 °C when facing south, so explaining the recorded higher mortality, lower growth rates and lower fledging body condition among broods in these nests. Simulated scenarios of global warming with increasing occupation rate of artificial nests due to reductions in alternatives predicted a reduction in population growth rate. In the worst scenario, with a 100% occupancy of nest-boxes, the population growth would decline on average 7% per year. The impact of high temperatures on lesser kestrel breeding success highlights a need for actions to modify and research to adapt conservation efforts and future planning to account for climate change.  相似文献   

土壤种子库在退化生态系统植被的恢复和演替中起重要作用,为明确外来入侵植物刺萼龙葵(Solanum rostratum Dunal.)土壤种子库特征,评价植物替代控制刺萼龙葵的效果,调查了河滩及农田边缘两个典型生境中的刺萼龙葵土壤种子库特征,分析了刺萼龙葵种子在土壤中的垂直分布与季节变化动态,并利用多种多年生禾本科与豆科牧草对刺萼龙葵进行替代控制研究,以期为刺萼龙葵生态调控提供理论依据。结果表明:1)两个生境中共鉴定出23种植物,禾本科和菊科为优势科;河滩及农田边缘刺萼龙葵种子总储量分别达347粒·m-2和2 600粒·m-2,占整个种子库的2.46%及35.16%。2)河滩生境中刺萼龙葵种子多集中于表层(0~2 cm)土壤,占种子总量的64.3%,且随土层深度的增加而减少;而农田边缘生境0~2 cm、2~5 cm和5~10 cm 3层种子数量差异不大(P>0.05),分别占种子总量的32.7%、38.2%及29.1%。3)两个生境中刺萼龙葵种子主要集中于4月份采集的土样中,分别为273粒·m-2(河滩)和1 970粒·m-2(农田边缘),显著高于6月份与8月份采集的土样种子数(P<0.05);4)从替代控制第2年起,刺萼龙葵的密度、生物量及土壤种子储量即被控制在较低水平,均显著低于同期对照(P<0.05),沙打旺+苇状羊茅+冰草+羊草组合对刺萼龙葵控制效果最佳,同时还可获得牧草鲜重20 396.1 kg·hm-2,干重7 710.6 kg·hm-2(2017年),经济效益可观。5)刺萼龙葵种子库与刺萼龙葵密度(P<0.01)、生物量(P<0.05)呈正相关,牧草产量与刺萼龙葵种子库储量、密度、生物量均呈负相关,但相关性不显著(P>0.05);降雨显著影响刺萼龙葵种子库储量(P<0.05),可用幂函数模型y=2.619x0.001R2=0.822,F=18.486,P=0.013)描述二者之间的关系。  相似文献   

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