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Physiological groups of soil microorganisms, total C and N and available nutrients were investigated in four heated (350 °C, 1 h) soils (one Ortic Podsol over sandstone and three Humic Cambisol over granite, schist or limestone) inoculated (1.5 μg chlorophyll a g−1 soil or 3.0 μg chlorophyll a g−1 soil) with four cyanobacterial strains of the genus Oscillatoria, Nostoc or Scytonema and a mixture of them.Cyanobacterial inoculation promoted the formation of microbiotic crusts which contained a relatively high number of NH4+-producers (7.4×109 g−1 crust), starch-mineralizing microbes (1.7×108 g−1 crust), cellulose-mineralizing microbes (1.4×106 g−1 crust) and NO2 and NO3 producers (6.9×104 and 7.3×103 g−1 crust, respectively). These crusts showed a wide range of C and N contents with an average of 293 g C kg−1 crust and 50 g N kg−1 crust, respectively. In general, Ca was the most abundant available nutrient (804 mg kg−1 crust), followed by Mg (269 mg kg−1 crust), K (173 mg kg−1 crust), Na (164 mg kg−1 crust) and P (129 mg kg−1 crust). There were close positive correlations among all the biotic and abiotic components of the crusts.Biofertilization with cyanobacteria induced great microbial proliferation as well as high increases in organic matter and nutrients in the surface of the heated soils. In general, cellulolytics were increased by four logarithmic units, amylolytics and ammonifiers by three logarithmic units and nitrifiers by more than two logarithmic units. C and N contents rose an average of 275 g C kg−1 soil and 50 g N kg−1 soil while the C:N ratio decreased up to 7 units. Among the available nutrients the highest increase was for Ca (315 mg kg−1 soil) followed by Mg (189 mg kg−1 soil), K (111 mg kg−1 soil), Na (109 mg kg−1 soil) and P (89 mg kg−1 soil). Fluctuations of the microbial groups as well as those of organic matter and nutrients were positively correlated.The efficacy of inoculation depended on both the type of soil and the class of inoculum. The best treatment was the mixture of the four strains and, whatever the inoculum used, the soil over lime showed the most developed crust followed by the soils over schist, granite and sandstone. In the medium term there were not significant differences between the two inocula amounts tested.These results showed that inoculation of burned soils with alien N2-fixing cyanobacteria may be a biotechnological means of promoting microbiotic crust formation, enhancing C and N cycling microorganisms and increasing organic matter and nutrient contents in heated soils.  相似文献   

Abstract. Soil protection policies are being developed in many countries, particularly those in the European Union where pan-national regulatory frameworks now exist. We report an analysis of a survey of the views of a wide range of stakeholders in the soil resource of Scotland, including representatives of rural and urban land users, public bodies and authorities, non-governmental environmental organizations, and soil scientists based in Scotland. The four soil issues considered of particular importance were soil pollution, soil erosion, loss of soils to development, and loss of biodiversity. Comments were strongly polarized, either strongly promoting issues or indicating lack of awareness, on a set of topics: the loss of valued soils, loss of archaeological sites, and changes in terrestrial carbon store. It is argued that an integrated approach is required to implement any future soil protection strategies, and that special attention should be paid to monitoring long-term changes and to provision of soil survey data from urban areas.  相似文献   

P fractions and sorption processes were studied in samples taken from the organic surface layer and in the underlying mineral soil of a forest-savanna sequence consisting of: (1) tall primary forest (TPF), (2) tall secondary forest (MSF), (3) low secondary forest (LSF), and (4) open savanna (S) in la Gran Sabana, South Venezuela. The organic surface layer in the TPF and MSF showed the highest P concentrations in all analysed P fractions. P in this organic layer was mainly associated with inorganic forms, suggesting that this layer is an important source of bio-available P. The organic surface layer was not present in LSF and S probably because of the occurrence of recurrent surface fires. The conversion of forest to savanna influenced the distribution of the different forms of P in the soil. While non-occluded (resin-+NaOH-P extractable) and organic (NaHCO3-+NaOH-+HCl-Po) P declined from the forest to savanna, occluded (concentrated HCl-extractable+residual P) forms increased. The correlation between sorption maxima and soil organic C was not significant; however, organically bound forms of Al were the main component that explained the adsorption capacity of these soils. The above findings suggest that the organic surface layer and the soil organic matter are important for maintaining P fertility in the undisturbed and little disturbed forests. However, when the system is heavily perturbed by fire the organic surface layer, the main P source, disappears and the patterns of P cycling change.  相似文献   

Glass transitions have been reported for purified humic acids only. In this study, a glass transition was detected in a sample of a sandy forest soil by Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). The glass transition temperature was 79°C for air‐dried samples and 77°C for pre‐moistened samples. In addition to the glass transition, an exothermic process around 30°C was detected in pre‐moistened samples. This could be due to water loss of soil organic matter. However, the nature of this process is not yet understood. This study showed that the macromolecular behaviour of SOM, as indicated by DSC, reacts to the moisture state of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Northern Australian tropical savannas are subjected to pressures from both grazing and planned and unplanned burning. We know little about the effects of these processes on the below-ground environment. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of fire, grazing and season on environmental and biological properties of the soil at the base of grass tussocks in a semi-arid savanna rangeland of north Australia. A long-term fire and grazing exclusion experiment was used to test the effects of season, fire and grazing on soil physicochemical factors (soil organic carbon, total nitrogen, ammonium, nitrate levels and bulk density) and soil mite abundance and diversity. Grazed plots were associated with small but significant reductions in total soil nitrogen and organic carbon when compared to 30 year old plots where grazing and fire had been excluded. This suggests slow, long-term losses of nitrogen and soil carbon from an ecosystem with limited available nutrients. Fire had a limited impact on soil properties, but this may reflect the modest experimental fire intensity resulting from fuel reduction due to grazing. Treatment effects on soil bulk density were also negligible. Season had a significant impact on total soil mite abundance and diversity, whereas burning and grazing treatments had no impact on soil mites. Only two morpho-species, one each from the families Cunaxidae and Stigmaeidae, decreased in abundance as a result of grazing. Increased moisture levels in the wet season were associated with increased total nitrogen and the highly mobile nitrate. Changes in mite abundance and diversity reflected these changes in levels of nitrogen and it is possible that increasing total nitrogen availability and soil moisture, is a determinant of mite abundance.  相似文献   

The intensity of a fire is an important factor determining the recovery of soil microorganisms after a forest fire, since it can alter the quality and quantity of carbon sources. Recovery of the microbial community was studied in a Mediterranean pine forest soil subjected to different temperatures to simulate the short-term effects of fire intensity on bacterial and fungal growth, estimated using leucine incorporation for bacteria and acetate incorporation into ergosterol for fungi. Soil samples were heated for 15 min at 50, 80, 120, 200, 300, 400 and 500 °C. After inoculation with fresh soil, and adding water to achieve 60% WHC, the soils were incubated at 20 °C for 21 days. Bacterial growth was initially inhibited in the samples heated above 50 °C (totally inhibited ≥ 200 °C), but recovered within days to levels much higher than the control, except for the samples heated at 500 °C, where growth remained low throughout the incubation period due to the destruction of most of the organic matter. After the first week of incubation, the bacterial response decreased to values close to, but still above, that of the control. Samples heated at 200 °C showed the highest cumulative bacterial growth. Fungal growth was initially lower than in the control in all the heated samples (totally inhibited ≥ 200 °C). Fungal growth recovered slowly during incubation in soils heated at ≤ 300 °C, but the cumulative growth in heated soils did not exceed that in the control. No fungal growth was observed in samples heated at the two highest temperatures. Soil respiration was initially totally inhibited in soil heated at ≥ 200 °C, but recovered rapidly in all soils; the highest respiration being observed already 1 day after inoculation. This is the first time both fungal and bacterial growth has been directly estimated in heated soils. High soil pH favouring bacteria can explain these results, but the differences in fungal and bacterial responses suggest a competitive interaction between these groups.  相似文献   

The advantages of no-tillage (NT) over conventional tillage (CT) systems in improving soil quality are generally accepted, resulting from benefits in soil physical, chemical and biological properties. However, most evaluations have only considered surface soil layers (maximum 0-30 cm depth), and values have not been corrected to account for changes in soil bulk density. The objective of this study was to estimate a more realistic contribution of the NT to soil fertility, by evaluating C- and N-related soil parameters at the 0-60 cm depth in a 20-year experiment established on an oxisol in southern Brazil, with a soybean (summer)/wheat (winter) crop succession under NT and CT. At full flowering of the soybean crop, soil samples were collected at depths of 0-5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 and 50-60 cm. For the overall 0-60 cm layer, correcting the values for soil bulk density, NT significantly increased the stocks of C (18%) and N (16%) and microbial biomass C (35%) and N (23%) (MB-C and -N) in comparison to CT. Microbial basal respiration and microbial quotient (qMic) were also significantly increased under NT. When compared with CT, NT resulted in gains of 0.8 Mg C ha−1 yr−1 (67% of which was in the 0-30 cm layer) and 70 kg N ha−1 yr−1 (73% in the 0-30 cm layer). In the 0-5-cm layer, MB-C was 82% higher with NT than with CT; in addition, the 0-30 cm layer accumulated 70% of the MB-C with NT, and 58% with CT. In comparison to CT, the NT system resulted in total inputs of microbial C and N estimated at 38 kg C ha−1 yr−1 and 1.5 kg N ha−1 yr−1, respectively. Apparently, N was the key nutrient limiting C and N stocks, and since adoption of NT resulted in a significant increase of N in soils which were deficient in N, efforts should be focused on increasing N inputs on NT systems.  相似文献   

Irrigated rice is less prone generally to phosphorus (P) deficiency than rainfed rice because redox reactions release P upon soil flooding. It is not known whether that is also true in highly weathered soils of Madagascar where the combination of high soil Fe and low P input may impede significant release of P. Soils and flag leaf samples were collected in 2010 in 38 irrigated rice and 46 rainfed rice fields belonging to private farmers. A critical flag leaf P content was derived from a P‐dosed pot trial study with three soils, and the results suggested 2.4 g P/kg as the critical value. Average flag leaf P was significantly larger in irrigated than in rainfed rice (2.2 compared with 1.7 g P/kg), and flag leaf P was below the critical value in 76% of irrigated rice fields while this fraction was 100% in rainfed rice. Nitrogen and K deficiencies were less prevalent. Flag leaf P increased with increasing soil pH and soil pH explained partially differences in leaf P between irrigated and rainfed rice. Flag leaf P was unrelated to soil organic matter, but increased with oxalate‐extractable soil P (Po). Multiple regression analysis revealed greater leaf P at equal soil Po and equal pH in irrigated compared with rainfed rice. Grain yield estimates (1‐m2 squares) increased with flag leaf P but not with leaf N and K. In a regression model, about 42 % of the yield variance was explained with soil Po and a rice‐growing system. The survey suggests that P is the main limiting nutrient for rice, and that soil P bioavailability is larger for irrigated than for rainfed rice in weathered soils of Madagascar.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the impact of fire (low and high severity) on soil fungal abundance and microbial efficiency in C assimilation and mineralisation in a Mediterranean maquis area of Southern Italy over 2 years after fire. In burned and control soils total and active fungal mycelium, microbial biomass C, percentage of microbial biomass C present as fungal C, metabolic quotient (qCO2) and coefficient of endogenous mineralisation (CEM) were assayed together with several chemical properties of soil (i.e. pH and contents of organic C, total and mineral N, available K, Mg, Mn and water). Fire significantly decreased the fungal mycelium, whereas it stimulated microbial growth probably through the enhancement of bacterial growth because of the increase in organic C and nutrient contents in burned plots. This shift in microbial community composition might explain the observed reduction in soil microbial efficiency of C assimilation (high qCO2) and the increase in C mineralisation rate (CEM) in the first 84 days after fire. Therefore, fire might increase CO2 input to the atmosphere not only during combustion phase but also in the post-fire period.  相似文献   

 The composition of soil microbiota in four heated (350  °C, 1 h) soils (one Ortic Podsol over sandstone and three Humic Cambisol over granite, schist or limestone) inoculated (1.5 μg chlorophyll a g–1 soil or 3.0 μg chlorophyll a g–1 soil) with cyanobacteria (Oscillatoria PCC9014, Nostoc PCC9025, Nostoc PCC9104, Scytonema CCC9801, and a mixture of the four) was studied by cultural methods. The aims of the work were to investigate the potential value of cyanobacteria as biofertilizers for accelerating soil recolonization after fire as well as promoting microbiotic crust formation and to determine the microbial composition of such a crust. The inoculated cyanobacteria proliferated by 5 logarithmic units in the heated soils which were colonized very quickly and, after 2 months of incubation, the cyanobacterial filaments and associated fungal hyphae made up a matrix in which surface soil particles were gathered into crusts of up to 1.0 cm in thickness. These crusts were composed, on average, of 2.5×1010 cyanobacteria, 2.8×106 algae, 6.1×1010 heterotrophic bacteria (of which 1.2×108 were acidophilic, 1.3×106 were Bacillus spp. and 1.5×108 were actinomycetes) and 77.8 m fungal mycelium (1.4×106 were fungal propagules) g–1 crust. Counts of most microbial groups were positively correlated to cyanobacterial numbers. The efficacy of treatment depended on both the class of inoculum and the type of soil. The best inoculum was the mixture of the four strains and, whatever the inoculum used, the soil over lime showed the most developed crust followed by the soils over schist, granite and sandstone; however, the latter was comparatively the most favoured by the amendment. In the medium term there were no significant differences between the two inocula rates used. Biofertilization increased counts of cyanobacteria by 8 logarithmic units while heterotrophic bacteria, actinomycetes, algae and fungal propagules rose by >4 logarithmic units, acidophilic bacteria and Bacillus spp. by around 3 logarithmic units and fungal mycelia showed an 80-fold increase. The results showed that inoculation of burned soils with particle-binding diazotrophic cyanobacteria may be a means of both improving crust formation and restoring microbial populations. Received: 8 March 2000  相似文献   

Forests naturally maintained by stand-replacing wildfires are often managed with clearcut harvesting, yet we know little about how replacing wildfire with clearcutting affects soil processes and properties. We compared the initial recovery of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) pools and dynamics following disturbance in jack pine (Pinus banksiana) stands in northern Lower Michigan, USA, by sampling soils (Oa+A horizons) from three “treatments”: 3-6-year-old harvest-regenerated stands, 3-6-year-old wildfire-regenerated stands and 40-55-year-old intact, mature stands (n=4 stands per treatment). We measured total C and N; microbial biomass and potentially mineralizable C and N; net nitrification; and gross rates of N mineralization and nitrification. Burned stands exhibited reduced soil N but not C, whereas clearcut and mature stands had similar quantities of soil organic matter. Both disturbance types reduced microbial biomass C compared to mature stands; however, microbial biomass N was reduced in burned stands but not in clearcut stands. The experimental C and N mineralization values were fit to a first-order rate equation to estimate potentially mineralizable pool size (C0 and N0) and rate parameters. Values for C0 in burned and clearcut stands were approximately half that of the mature treatment, with no difference between disturbance types. In contrast, N0 was lowest in the wildfire stands (170.2 μg N g−1), intermediate in the clearcuts (215.4 μg N g−1) and highest in the mature stands (244.6 μg N g−1). The most pronounced difference between disturbance types was for net nitrification. These data were fit to a sigmoidal growth equation to estimate potential NO3 accumulation (Nitmax) and kinetic parameters. Values of Nitmax in clearcut soils exceeded that of wildfire and mature soils (149.2 vs. 83.5 vs. 96.5 μg NO3-N g−1, respectively). Moreover, the clearcut treatment exhibited no lag period for net NO3 production, whereas the burned and mature treatments exhibited an approximate 8-week lag period before producing appreciable quantities of NO3. There were no differences between disturbances in gross rates of mineralization or nitrification; rather, lower NO3 immobilization rates in the clearcut soils, 0.20 μg NO3 g−1 d−1 compared to 0.65 in the burned soils, explained the difference in net nitrification. Because the mobility of NO3 and NH4+ differs markedly in soil, our results suggest that differences in nitrification between wildfire and clearcutting could have important consequences for plant nutrition and leaching losses following disturbance.  相似文献   

This study examined variations in soil organic C content and the activity of acid phosphatase, α-glucosidase, phenol oxidase, chitinase, and l-glutaminase in ultisols of burned and unburned areas in Quercus-dominated forests in Ohio, USA. The low intensity, prescribed fires were conducted in April 2001, with temperature 10 cm above the forest floor averaging 160-240 °C. Sampling was conducted throughout the six month growing season (May-October) of 2003, two years after the fire. Organic C content in these ultisols varied between 20 and 30 g C/kg soil, and varied little through the growing season, except for a late season increase to ∼32 g C/kg soil in the burned areas. When enzyme activity was expressed per unit soil organic C, there was no statistically significant variation among sample dates in soil enzyme activity except l-glutaminase, which demonstrated a distinct maximum in activity in spring. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordination resulted in no clear separation of burned and unburned sample areas based on soil organic C and enzyme activity. When the growing season was divided into three segments (early spring, late spring/early summer, and late summer/early autumn), there was again a lack of separation between burned and unburned areas in the earlier two segments, whereas in the late summer/early autumn segment the burned and unburned areas were clearly separated on the basis of differences in soil organic C and l-glutaminase activity. As environmental factors (e.g. soil temperature, moisture) and substrate availability do not vary in parallel through the growing season in this region, seasonal patterns often differ among enzyme systems based on their predominant control mechanism. Sampling time during the growing season appears to have little effect on holistic judgments of fire effects based on soil enzymes, except under restrictive conditions.  相似文献   

The wild population of the palm Ptychosperma macarthurii near Darwin, in monsoonal northern Australia, is regionally endangered and provides a focus to illustrate a range of issues pertinent to conservation of rainforest habitat. Surveys in 1990 found that several populations exhibited a polarised size class structure typified by large adults and small juvenile plants. Over the following decade, in the absence of wildfire and in a period of reduced disturbance from introduced buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), cattle (Bos indicus) and pig (Sus scrofa), sufficient small juvenile plants survived and grew so as to infill the intermediate size classes. Three stage (bifid, juvenile and adult) transition matrix models characterised the population as declining under all observed conditions (intrinsic rate of increase: unburnt + few animals 0.9850; unburnt + many animals 0.9584; burnt <1 year 0.8737; burnt 1-2 years 0.9146; burnt >2 years 0.9937). In the absence of fire, simulations conducted to explore management options revealed a positive rate of increase with exclusion of introduced animals. With only partial introduced animal control or supplementation with juvenile plants, the median rate of increase remained negative. The regional population is at risk by more frequent and more intense fire due to the invasion of exotic grass species and land use changes in the catchment which result in an increased drying of the rainforest habitat. Ongoing decline is the most likely outcome in the absence of effective management intervention.  相似文献   

The increasing frequency and severity of wildfires has led to growing attention to the effects of fire disturbance on soil microbial communities and biogeochemical cycling. While many studies have examined fire impacts on plant communities, and a growing body of research is detailing the effects of fire on soil microbial communities, little attention has been paid to the interaction between plant recolonization and shifts in soil properties and microbial community structure and function. In this study, we examined the effect of a common post-fire colonizer plant species, Corydalis aurea, on soil chemistry, microbial biomass, soil enzyme activity and bacterial community structure one year after a major forest wildfire in Colorado, USA, in severely burned and lightly burned soils. Consistent with past research, we find significant differences in soil edaphic and biotic properties between severe and light burn soils. Further, our work suggests an important interaction between fire severity and plant effects by demonstrating that the recolonization of soils by C. aurea plants only has a significant effect on soil bacterial communities and biogeochemistry in severely burned soils, resulting in increases in percent nitrogen, extractable organic carbon, microbial biomass, β-glucosidase enzyme activity and shifts in bacterial community diversity. This work propounds the important role of plant colonization in succession by demonstrating a clear connection between plant colonization and bacterial community structure as well as the cycling of carbon in a post-fire landscape. This study conveys how the strength of plant–microbe interactions in secondary succession may shift based on an abiotic context, where plant effects are accentuated in harsher abiotic conditions of severe burn soils, with implications for bacterial community structure and enzyme activity.  相似文献   

《Soil Use and Management》2018,34(2):286-296
Different tillage regimes can change soil micro‐environmental characteristics, which may influence the distribution and abundance of soil arthropods. In this study, soil arthropods and soil properties under a winter wheat–summer maize cropping system were investigated in different tillage regimes over four seasons at two depths. The tillage treatments included conventional tillage (CT ), tillage once a year (T1), tillage every two years (T2) and no‐tillage (NT ). The results showed that the primary taxa of soil arthropod were Acarina (65.8%), Collembola (28.5%), Diplura (1.4%) and Coleoptera (1%) over the whole sampling period. The total arthropod density was influenced by tillage treatments and season of sampling. Values for CT plots were significantly greater than those for the NT plots in autumn and spring. In contrast, the Shannon–Wiener diversity index (H’) and the evenness index (J) were relatively higher in CT treatment. The Acarina/Collembola (A/C) ratio was significantly smaller in NT treatment for some sampling seasons as mites were more sensitive to tillage practices. The QBS ‐ar index did not show a clear pattern among treatments in this study. Soil arthropods notably showed seasonal variation in depth stratification. Relative to CT , the total soil arthropods in the NT plots tended to concentrate in the upper layer due to soil compaction in the lower layer. The climate conditions and soil physical properties were the main factors affecting the soil arthropod distribution and composition, as the soil chemical and microbial properties did not differ significantly among all tillage treatments.  相似文献   

Black kites (Milvus migrans) are vulnerable and in decline within Europe. Here, we investigate selection of foraging and breeding habitat in a high-priority population in the Italian pre-Alps. Compared to a random distribution, kites foraged preferentially near water, over extensively managed grassland and within 1 km of nest-sites. Urban areas were positively selected near lakes but otherwise avoided. Foraging performance was higher over water than over terrestrial habitats. Kites nested on cliffs and trees and preferentially near water, far from paths and villages and in rugged and steep micro-sites. Tree-nests were located in the most mature tree in the stand. Productivity was positively related to the availability of water bodies. Therefore, food availability and human disturbance/persecution limited foraging and breeding performance. Guidelines to maintain or enhance current population levels include: (1) setting up reserves covering 10% of the areas within 1 km of large lakes; (2) converting current derelict coppice-woodland to high forest; and (3) enhancing subsidies for extensively managed grassland. Our results highlight the importance of cross-scale models integrating selection of foraging and breeding habitat and reinforce the importance of the spatial configuration of key resources for more realistic conservation management in mosaic landscapes.  相似文献   

Abstract. Three different management systems were compared in an olive grove on a Vertic soil, near the city of Cordoba, Spain. Rainfall, runoff and soil loss were recorded from experimental plots of 6×12 m for three years. Results indicated that the no-tillage system, which was kept weed-free with herbicides, gave the largest soil loss (8.5 t ha−1 yr−1) and average annual runoff coefficient (21.5%), due to increased soil compaction, particularly outside the canopy projection area. A system that used a grass cover gave the lowest soil losses (1.2 t ha−1 yr−1) and average annual runoff coefficient (2.5%) due to the protective effects of the cover and increased soil aggregate stability. The third system, conventional tillage, gave intermediate results, with a soil loss of 4.0 t ha−1 yr−1 and an average runoff coefficient of 7.4%. The search for alternative soil management to conventional tillage should consider occasional light tillage to establish a grass cover that would keep both soil erosion and runoff losses to a minimum.  相似文献   

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