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Organic farming has often been found to provide benefits for biodiversity, but the benefits can depend on the species considered and characteristics of the surrounding landscape. In an intensively farmed area of Northeast Italy we investigated whether isolated organic farms, in a conventionally farmed landscape, provided local benefits for insect pollinators and pollination services. We quantified the relative effects of local management (i.e. the farm system), landscape management (proportion of surrounding uncultivated land) and interactions between them. We compared six organic and six conventional vine fields. The proportion of surrounding uncultivated land was calculated for each site at radii of 200, 500, 1000 and 2000 m. The organic fields did not differ from the conventional in their floral resources or proportion of surrounding uncultivated land. Data were collected on pollinator abundance and species richness, visitation rates to, and pollination of experimental potted plants. None of these factors were significantly affected by the farming system. The abundance of visits to the potted plants in the conventional fields tended to be negatively affected by the proportion of surrounding uncultivated land. The proportion fruit set, weight of seeds per plant and seed weight in conventional and organic fields were all negatively affected by the proportion of surrounding uncultivated land. In vine fields the impact of the surrounding landscape was stronger than the local management. Enhancement of biodiversity through organic farming should not be assumed to be ubiquitous, as potential benefits may be offset by the crop type, organic-management practices and the specific habitat requirements in the surrounding landscape.  相似文献   

Periodic wildfire defines plant community composition and dynamics in many of the world’s semi-arid biomes, whose climates and floras also favor wild bee diversity. Invasive flammable grasses, deforestation, historical fire suppression and human ignition are increasing fire frequency and intensifying its severity, as well as introducing fire to previously fireproof biomes. In many of these habitats, bees are key pollinators. Many, often most of the solitary bee species and individuals in these biomes nest underground (so-called “mining” bees). To evaluate their susceptibility to fire, we tested heat tolerances of bees’ four life stages using an experimental design that mimicked heat conduction dynamics of natural soils. All life stages survived heating of up to 45 °C for 27 min, but none survived heating at 54 °C for 9 min; the pupal stage survived best. At near-lethal temperatures, more prolonged heating caused more mortality. These data were related to published studies of heat penetration depths in soil during fire and an exhaustive compilation of published nesting depths reported for mining bees. We conclude that a small fraction (9%) of the shallowest-nesting mining bee species is likely to die from soil heating by wildfire. Among these, ground-nesting megachilids (Osmia, Megachile) will be most vulnerable, owing to their shallow horizontal nests. Because mining bees prevail in most biomes of the temperate zone, any vegetation rehabilitation efforts should therefore expect that bee communities will largely survive the immediate effects of wildfire, and therefore will need pollen and nectar resources in the year(s) after fire.  相似文献   

Exotic plant invasions threaten ecological communities world-wide. Some species are limited by a lack of suitable pollinators, but the introduction of exotic pollinators can facilitate rapid spread. In Tasmania, where many non-native plants are naturalised, exotic honeybees (Apis mellifera) and bumblebees (Bombus terrestris) have become established. We determined how these species affect the pollination of Lupinus arboreus, an invasive, nitrogen-fixing shrub, which is rarely visited by native pollinators. The proportion of flowers setting seed and the number of ovules fertilised per flower were positively related to the visitation rates of both exotic bee species. There was no effect of bee visitation rates on the proportion of seeds aborted prior to maturity, possibly due to post-fertilisation environmental constraints. We conclude that the spread of B. terrestris may not alter the fecundity of L. arboreus because of the pollination service provided by A. mellifera, and discuss potential interactions between these two bee species.  相似文献   

西天目集约经营雷竹林土壤硅存在形态与植物有效性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在雷竹主产地临安西天目选取了集约经营下不同种植年限(1、5、10、15 a)的雷竹林地,采集不同深度(0~10 cm、10~20 cm和20~40 cm)土样,运用逐级化学提取等技术,研究集约经营雷竹林土壤硅素含量与形态随种植年限和土壤剖面深度的变化规律,为雷竹林地土壤有效态硅调控提供理论依据。研究结果表明:(1)雷竹林土壤不同土层有效态硅的含量(0.084~0.318 g kg-1)和所占的比例(1.60%~12.3%)随种植年限和有机物覆盖年限的增加呈先下降后上升趋势;(2)雷竹林表层土壤无定形硅含量(2.58~5.15g kg-1)和所占比例(75.1%~87.7%)随种植年限的增加呈上升趋势;(3)覆盖有机物可同时促进无定形硅向有效态硅、有机结合态硅、铁锰(氢)氧化物结合态硅转变。  相似文献   

The northwest of Scotland is a stronghold for two of the UK’s rarest bumblebee species, Bombus distinguendus and Bombus muscorum. The predominant form of agricultural land management in this region is crofting, a system specific to Scotland in which small agricultural units (crofts) operate rotational cropping and grazing regimes. Crofting is considered to be beneficial to a wide range of flora and fauna. However, currently there is a lack of quantitative evidence to support this view with regard to bumblebee populations. In this study we assessed the effect of land management on the abundance of foraging bumblebees and the availability of bumblebee forage plants across crofts in northwest Scotland. The results of our study show that current crofting practices do not support high densities of foraging bumblebees. Traditional crofting practice was to move livestock to uplands in the summer, but this has been largely abandoned. Summer sheep grazing of lowland pasture had a strong negative impact on bumblebee abundance and forage plant availability throughout the survey period. The use of specific ‘bird and bee’ conservation seed mixes appears to improve forage availability within the crofted landscape, although the number of bees observed remained low. Of the forage plants available, the three most frequently visited species were from the Fabaceae. We therefore conclude that the creation of agri-environment schemes which promote the use of Fabaceae-rich seed mixes and encourage the removal of sheep grazing on lowland areas throughout the summer are essential in order to conserve bumblebee populations within crofted areas.  相似文献   

Phyllostachys praecox C. D. Chu et C. S. Chao, a favored bamboo shoot species, has been widely planted in recent years. Four stands with different historical management practices were selected for this study to understand the evolution of soil microbial ecology by determining the effects of a new mulching and heavy fertilization practice on soil quality using microbiological parameters. Compared with the traditional practice (index 1), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and soil microbial respiration carbon (MRC) with the new management practice significantly decreased (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05, respectively) with 1--2 years of mulching (index 2) and then for continued mulching significantly increased (P < 0.05). The ratios of MBC/TOC (total organic carbon) and MRC/TOC also significantly diminished (P < 0.05) with mulching. The average well color development (AWCD) and Shannon index decreased with mulching time, and the significant decrease (P < 0.05) in Shannon index occurred from index 2 to index 3. The results from a principal components analysis (PCA) showed that the scores of the first principal component for indexes 1 and 2 were significantly larger (P < 0.05) than soils mulched 3--4 years or 5--6 years. Also, the second principal component scores for index 1 were larger than those for index 2, suggesting that the ability of soil microorganisms to utilize soil carbon was decreasing with longer use of the new management practice and causing a deterioration of soil biological properties.  相似文献   

Declines in bee populations have been documented in several parts of the world. Bees are dependent upon flowering plants for resources, and flowering plants often depend upon bees for pollination services. Bees can therefore serve as indicator species of habitat degradation due to these relationships with flowering plants. This study investigates how the bumble bee community in San Francisco has responded to urbanization and which urban park characteristics are important for the current community’s structure. To answer these questions we sampled bumble bees, in 18 urban parks and two nearby wild parks. We estimated park characteristics and used multiple regression analysis to determine which characteristics predicted bumble bee abundance and species richness. Bumble bee abundance was positively associated with resource availability or proxies of resource availability; “natural area” (areas that contain remnant fragments that have been largely unchanged by human activity) in 2003 and nest site abundance and openness of the surrounding matrix in both 2003 and 2004. Bumble bee species richness was negatively associated with abundance of a dominant species, Bombus vosnesenskii, in 2004. The importance of the surrounding matrix suggests that these parks do not act as islands. Accordingly, area of park did not explain species richness, while abundance of the dominant competitor did. The species that was most influenced by competition, Bombus sitkensis, uses rodent holes as nest sites and is possibly excluded from nest sites by the early emerging B. vosnesenskii, another subterranean nester. The species least influenced by competition, Bombus melanopygus, is able to use both rodent holes and abandoned bird nests as nest sites.  相似文献   

Lolium temulentum and L. persicum are non-crop species found in wheat and barley fields. L. temulentum has non-shattering seeds like the associated grain crops, whereas L. persicum seeds shatter after maturity. We analyzed the inheritance mode of shattering tendency by comparing the F2 of L. temulentum and L. persicum hybrids. The selfed progeny of L. temulentum and L. persicum exhibited typical non-shattering (1.6% shattering) and shattering phenotypes (70.8%), respectively. F1 hybrids of L. temulentum×L. persicum and its reciprocals were of the shattering phenotype (71.4% and 63.8%, respectively), indicating that shattering is dominant to non-shattering. When the phenotype ratio was assumed to be 15 shattering: 1 non-shattering, the χ2 value for F2 segregation was not significant at the 5% level, and the reciprocal effect was not detected. This indicates that the non-shattering tendency is controlled by two recessive genes. The two-gene inheritance model of shattering tendency suggests that harvest is the selector for seed shattering in cultivated fields, thus the alternative tendency for non-shattering seeds of L. temulentum or shattering of L. persicum would be better adapted to cultivated fields.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of three concentrations of water extracts of three leaf litter species (pitch pine, huckleberry and white oak) and a mixture of all litters on the germination of pitch pine seeds and initial seedling growth in a microcosm experiment. All three plant species are important components of the pine barrens ecosystems in New Jersey, where it has been seen that pine seedling recruitment occurs only after stand replacing fire or in disturbed sites, where surface organic soil horizons and leaf litter have been removed. Leaf litter extracts did not influence seed germination, but significantly reduced seedling growth at high concentrations. There was little difference between the leaf litter species in growth suppression. As charcoal is a natural residue on the forest floor following fire, its influence on growth suppression was examined; it has been shown to immobilize polyphenols. Charcoal removed the inhibitory effect of leaf litter extracts and allowed the fertilizer effect of nutrients leached from the leaves to enhance seedling growth, particularly at the higher concentration of litter extract used. Responses to litter extracts were compared to four pure phenolic compounds, catchecol, p-coumaric acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid and tannic acid. None of these compounds suppressed pine seedling growth, suggesting that these phenolics are not allelopathic to pine seedlings. The results are discussed in the context of fire as a driving factor in these oligotrophic and seasonally dry ecosystems and the interactions between nutrient supply and allelopathic chemistry of different leaf litters.  相似文献   

Hedges provide important nesting, feeding and sheltering sites for birds in agricultural areas, while organic farming also enhances farmland birds. However, it is little known how the interaction of these local variables (amount of hedges and organic management) with landscape scale variables affects birds. We selected paired conventional and organic winter wheat fields and meadows in each of 10 landscapes in Germany. Birds were surveyed in the fields and in the adjoining hedges. More bird species occurred in organic than in conventional fields regardless of land-use type (wheat fields and meadows). However, hedge length had a much stronger effect on bird richness than organic farmland management. We found an interaction of landscape complexity and hedge length in that hedge length enhanced bird richness only in case of simple landscapes (<17% semi-natural areas within a 500 m radius around the centre of bird survey plots). In more complex landscapes the local effect of hedge length levelled off because bird richness was high even without local hedges. Therefore, adding hedges or introducing organic farming practices should be primarily promoted in simple landscapes, where it really makes a difference for biodiversity.  相似文献   

马靖涵  穆艳 《水土保持通报》2023,43(2):69-76,86
[目的]研究关中地区城市园林绿地0—300 cm土壤含水量的变化特征,探究园林绿地的蒸散发及其组分的变化特征,为城市园林绿化的高效水分管理提供科学依据。[方法]以常见的绿化树种银杏为例,通过中子仪测定以银杏为主景树的园林绿地的土壤水分,2020年采用热扩散探针法(TDP)分别对24 a和29 a银杏树干液流速率进行定位监测,结合微型蒸发皿测定银杏棵间土壤蒸发量,计算银杏园林的蒸散发及其组分占比。[结果]两处绿地0—300 cm土壤含水量的变异程度为中度变异。24 a银杏蒸散量的变化范围为0.24~9.06 mm/d,蒸腾所占比例变化范围为51.77%~71.92%;29 a银杏蒸散量的变化范围为0.46~19.76 mm/d,蒸腾占比的变化范围为64.45%~79.24%。[结论]城市生态系统中,不同树龄银杏园林蒸散发最大的组分均为蒸腾,且7—8月蒸腾比例最大。土壤水分变化与银杏树龄之间无明显规律,且与银杏蒸散发的相关性较弱。  相似文献   

应用意大利蜜蜂和小峰熊蜂在北京平谷区果树试验站为设施桃传粉, 以研究2 种蜂的传粉行为对设施桃果实生长发育及其品质的影响。结果表明,应用小峰熊蜂授粉, 设施桃果实在整个发育过程中的果径增长速度显著高于意大利蜜蜂授粉的果实(P<0.05)。2 种蜂授粉的设施桃果实发育历期不同,小峰熊蜂授粉区的桃果实比意大利蜜蜂授粉区的果实提前7 d 左右成熟。桃的生理落果高峰在小峰熊蜂授粉区出现2 次,而在意大利蜜蜂授粉区出现3 次。在小峰熊蜂授粉区, 距离蜂箱不同距离之间的桃座果率基本一致; 而在意大利蜜蜂授粉区, 座果率随着与蜂箱距离的增大而明显降低。小峰熊蜂授粉区桃树的平均座果率略高于意大利蜜蜂授粉区, 但二者之间差异不显著(P>0.05)。经2 种蜂传粉的设施桃果实营养品质差异不显著(P>0.05), 但二者均明显优于人工授粉组(对照)。和意大利蜜蜂授粉的桃果实相比, 经小峰熊蜂传粉后的桃果实, 单果重高, 畸形果率低(P<0.05)。本研究认为中国本土小峰熊蜂为设施桃的传粉效率优于意大利蜜蜂。  相似文献   

Although common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is cultivated throughout India, the Himalayas hold largest diversity of bean germplasm. No studies on characterization of phaseolin types on this germplasm have been conducted earlier. In order to determine whether the common bean cultivars collected from various areas in the Northern Himalayas represent introductions from the Central American and Andean domestication centers or are local domesticates, we have analyzed the electrophoretic variation (SDS-PAGE) of phaseolin types in several bean accessions. A few species of Vigna were also included in this study to determine whether phaseolin (vignin in Vigna) patterns can be used to resolve the Phaseolus–Vigna complex. The present investigation on phaseolin (globulin) patterns of Phaseolus vulgaris and Vigna spp. clearly shows much variability in globulin patterns. Three new types of phaseolin patterns were recorded. An attempt to resolve phylogenetic problems in this complex was made using the phaseolin data.  相似文献   

The genus Persea consists of two subgenera, Persea (known as avocados) and Eriodaphne (known as aguacatillos, avocado-like species). The present study aimed to determine whether the genus Persea is a monophyletic group and whether the division into two subgenera is an artificial one. In conjunction with these goals, a hypothesis of the phylogenetic relationships among Persea species is proposed. Our results suggest that Persea is not a monophyletic group. Two clades of Persea can be recognized. The results suggest that Eriodaphne and Persea should be considered to be independent genera. Various leaf and floral characters contributed for separation into groups. The definition of Eriodaphne is based on fruit color, sessile glands at the base of the stamens, vein prominence and leaf shape. Persea is more closely related to genera Nectandra and Ocotea than Eriodaphne. The 11 species included in Persea are recognized as species. The group is defined by fruit flavor, mature leaf color, number of tertiary divergent veins, and pubescent bracts in the inflorescence. Within this group, a clade of six species in which P. guatemalensis is included is recovered by seed shape, venation pattern relief, and number of fruits per cluster. Moreover, the seed shape supports the separation of P. floccosa and P. zentmyerii. A molecular character analysis is necessary to support the Persea clades proposed herein. Nevertheless the phylogenetic relationships revealed by this study provide new bases for the selection and conservation of the species Persea.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate effects of introduced honey bees (Apis mellifera) on native pollination interactions of Echium wildpretii ssp. wildpretii in the sub-alpine desert of Tenerife. We selected two study populations, one dominated by honey bees, while the other was visited by many native insects. During peak activity period of insects, nectar was nearly completely depleted in flowers of the first, but not the latter population. Thus, a high abundance of honey bees may have suppressed visitation by native animals due to exploitative competition. Honey bees stayed longer and visited more flowers on the same inflorescence than native bees, thus potentially promoting self-pollination of the plants. Level of seed set and viability was similar in the two study populations. However, we cannot rule out long-term changes in genetic population structure due to changes in gene-flow patterns caused by foraging behaviour of honey bees vs. native flower-visitors.  相似文献   

Arthropods that have a direct impact on crop production (i.e. pests, natural enemies and pollinators) can be influenced by both local farm management and the context within which the fields occur in the wider landscape. However, the contributions and spatial scales at which these drivers operate and interact are not fully understood, particularly in the developing world. The impact of both local management and landscape context on insect pollinators and natural enemy communities and on their capacity to deliver related ecosystem services to an economically important tropical crop, pigeonpea was investigated. The study was conducted in nine paired farms across a gradient of increasing distance to semi-native vegetation in Kibwezi, Kenya. Results show that proximity of fields to semi-native habitats negatively affected pollinator and chewing insect abundance. Within fields, pesticide use was a key negative predictor of pollinator, pest and foliar active predator abundance. On the contrary, fertilizer application significantly enhanced pollinator and both chewing and sucking insect pest abundance. At a 1 km spatial scale of fields, there were significant negative effects of the number of semi-native habitat patches within fields dominated by mass flowering pigeonpea on pollinators abundance. For service provision, a significant decline in fruit set when insects were excluded from flowers was recorded. This study reveals the interconnections of pollinators, predators and pests with pigeonpea crop. For sustainable yields and to conserve high densities of both pollinators and predators of pests within pigeonpea landscapes, it is crucial to target the adoption of less disruptive farm management practices such as reducing pesticide and fertilizer inputs.  相似文献   

Remaining patches of semi-natural grasslands are hot spots for biodiversity in modern agricultural landscapes. In Sweden semi-natural pastures cover approximately 500,000 ha. However, power-line corridors, road verges and clear-cuts cover larger areas (in total about 2,000,000 ha), and these open, less intensively managed habitats are potentially important for species associated with taller vegetation and flower resources (e.g. pollinating insects). The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relative importance of semi-natural pastures and the other three open habitats for butterflies in 12 forest-farmland mosaic landscapes in south central Sweden. Species composition differed significantly between habitats in multivariate analyses. Power-line corridors and semi-natural pastures harbored several species that were disproportionally abundant in these habitats (13 and 8 species, respectively), and power-line corridors also harbored several species that were classified as typical in indicator species analyses. There were more butterfly species, higher abundances and a tendency for more individuals of red-listed species in power-line corridors than in the other three habitats. Effects of the surrounding landscape composition seemed to be weaker than that of the local habitat. However, species composition was significantly associated with landscape composition and species with intermediate and low mobility were more abundant in forested landscapes than in landscapes dominated by arable fields. Analyses of flying time and host plants for larvae suggest that early flying species and species associated with dwarf shrubs were more common in power-line corridors than in the other habitats. A landscape perspective, which takes several habitats into account, is needed for conservation of butterfly communities in forest-farmland landscapes. Power-line corridors and road verges offer possibilities for creating habitats that are suitable for pollinating insects through conservation-oriented management.  相似文献   

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