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A 4-year-old crossbred Thoroughbred mare was referred to the University of Tehran Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital for evaluation of a mass in the pelvic cavity. The mare had been partially anorectic and pyrexic. On clinical examination, the mare was thin and depressed, with body temperature of 38°C, a pulse rate of 38 beats/minute, and a respiratory rate of 10 breaths/minute. Palpation per rectum revealed a large, smooth and tense mass in the anterior part of the pelvic cavity. Ultrasound examination confirmed the presence of a soft tissue mass with a thick wall. The inner surface of the mass had a villous-like appearance. The stroma of the mass was mottled, with accumulation of speckled and hypoechoic to slightly hyperechoic fluid. Hormone assays revealed low serum concentration of testosterone. Serum progesterone concentration indicated that active luteal tissue and serum estradiol concentration was 24 pg/ml. On histological examination, the sections from the tumor were composed of oval- or spindle-shaped cells loosely arranged in diffuse sheets or irregularly interlacing fascicles. On the basis of these histological findings, the large tumor mass of the left ovary was considered to be a thecoma. To our knowledge, the details of the clinical, ultrasonographic, endocrinologic, and histologic findings of this tumor in the mare have not been described in the veterinary literature.  相似文献   

Acupuncture is part of an Eastern system of medicine used for diagnosing, treating, and preventing disease. It has been used for the treatment of reproductive disorders in both human beings and domestic species. We hypothesized that acupuncture could be used to induce cyclicity in anestrous mares. In experiment 1, six anestrous mares were treated with acupuncture at Bai Hui, governing vessel (GV)-2, bladder (BL)-22, BL-23, BL-31, and BL-33 twice a week for 3 weeks, then once a week for an additional 8 weeks, whereas six anestrous mares served as controls. In experiment 2, six anestrous mares received acupuncture stimulation at Bai Hui, GV-1, BL-22, BL-23, and BL-28, with electroacupuncture (10 minutes at 50 Hz) at BL-22 and BL-28 bilaterally. In addition, vitamin B12 (3 mL, 1,000 mcg/mL) was injected in the vaginal fornix at the 3, 6, and 9 o’clock positions around the cervix. Six anestrous mares served as controls. Examinations and treatments were carried out twice a week until ovulation. In both experiments, ovarian activity was examined in all mares by transrectal ultrasonography and blood sample was obtained twice a week to determine progesterone concentrations. The time to first ovulation for experiment 1 was 14.0 ± 0.7 and 13.5 ± 1.0 weeks (mean ± SD) for the control and acupuncture groups, respectively (P = .60). In experiment 2, the time to ovulation was 9.0 ± 0.6 and 10 ± 0.3 weeks (mean ± SD) for the control and acupuncture groups, respectively (P = .19). No significant difference was found between the treated and control mares in either study.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to determine efficacy of cabergoline for suppressing prolactin (PRL) and the possible effects on vernal transition in mares. In experiment 1, six mares each received either vehicle or cabergoline (5 mg, intramuscularly) every 10 days for 12 treatments beginning February 4, 2013. Blood samples were drawn regularly, and mares were challenged with sulpiride periodically to assess PRL suppression. Weekly hair samples were obtained to determine shedding. Prolactin was suppressed (P < .05) by cabergoline, but suppression waned in spring. There was no effect (P > .05) of treatment on day of first ovulation, luteinizing hormone, or follicle stimulating hormone. Hair shedding was generally suppressed (P = .05). In 2014 (experiment 2), eight of the same 12 mares were used in a similar experiment to determine if the rise in PRL observed in experiment 1 was due to refractoriness to cabergoline or perhaps another factor. Treatment began on April 6, 2014, corresponding to the increase in PRL in treated mares in experiment 1. Mares were treated with cabergoline or vehicle until June 5. Prolactin was suppressed (P < .05) by cabergoline, and the pattern of apparent escape from suppression was similar to year 1. We conclude that (1) cabergoline at this dose alters hair shedding but does not alter the time of first ovulation in mares and (2) relative to our previous reports of cabergoline treatment in the fall, there is a seasonal effect on the ability of this dose of cabergoline to suppress unstimulated PRL secretion.  相似文献   

During a routine trip to a horse slaughterhouse, we found bilateral ovarian teratoma. Macroscopic findings were confirmed by the presence of hair, bones, and cartilage. Under microscopy, these tumors had mature foreign tissues as stratified squamous and respiratory epithelia, sebaceous and sweat glands, as well as follicular endocrine cells, inflammatory cells, hepatocytes, and hyaline cartilage.  相似文献   

Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH), produced by granulosa cells, has been reported to be elevated in mares with granulosa cell tumor. A 13-year-old Arabian mare was referred after 3 years of infertility. Rectal and ultrasonographic examination revealed enlargement and multicystic appearance of the left ovary. The mare had substantially higher concentration of AMH (21.6 ng/mL) compared with normal cyclic mares (n = 5; 0.36 ± 0.02 ng/mL). Testosterone (50 pg/mL) concentration was also elevated, but progesterone concentration (0.4 ng/mL) was lowered. Accordingly, the mare was presumptively diagnosed with granulosa-theca cell tumor and a left ovariectomy implemented using ventral midline approach under general anesthesia. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of granulosa-theca cell tumor. Serum concentrations of AMH decreased to 2 ng/mL and 0.5 ng/mL 2 and 4 weeks after tumor removal, respectively. In conclusion, the current report presents confirmatory evidence that evaluation of serum AMH could be useful for diagnosis of granulosa cell tumor in mare.  相似文献   

A 5-year-old Mangalarga mare was referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the Veterinary Medical School in Botucatu with a complaint of a persistent 2-month ovarian follicle which had grown progressively to 20 cm in diameter. Ultrasonography showed a circular, cystic structure in the right ovary, whose wall was thickened and interior was filled with anechoic content. Ovarian neoplasia was suspected, and a unilateral ovariectomy was performed through the paralumbar fossa, using general anesthesia through inhalation. Histopathological evaluation concluded that the ovarian enlargement was caused by a fibrothecoma. The present report describes features of fibrothecoma, which is extremely rare in the equine species.  相似文献   

Bladder eversion is a rare condition and may occur in mares as a result of excessive straining during pregnancy or in the postpartum period. In the present case, bladder eversion was caused by chronic cystitis in a nonpregnant mare. An Arabian racehorse (mare, 3 years old) was admitted to The Racehorse Hospital of the Turkish Jockey Club with a history of lumbar pain, excessive straining, and frequently assuming the urination position. Physical examination revealed the presence of tenesmus, stranguria, passing of small amounts of urine, and a visible mucosal structure at the ventral vulvar commissure during tenesmus. Laboratory findings revealed leucocytosis, increased urine pH, proteinuria, pyuria, and hematuria. Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus and Escherichia coli were isolated and identified in urine culture. Transrectal ultrasonography revealed thickening of the bladder wall and prolapse of the bladder corpus into the bladder. In the cystoscopic examination, performed following bladder reduction, severe hyperemia, erosion, and ulcers were determined in the bladder mucosa. Chronic cystitis was treated using antibiotics, based on urine culture test results, together with steroids and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Twenty-four hours after the start of treatment, the severity of straining was observed to have decreased, ceasing completely on Day 4, and the bladder returned to its normal position.  相似文献   

Mast cell tumor (MCT) has long been considered as an uncommon neoplasm in horses. Cytological and behavioral evidence of its malignancy is usually lacking, and only a few reports have described MCT displaying malignant behavior. An 18-year-old Friesian stallion presented with a one-year history of intermittent and progressive skin lesions on the left forelimb associated with intense, generalized pruritus and apathy temporarily responsive to glucocorticoids and antibiotics. The horse was alert and responsive with poor body condition and marked generalized pruritus. The left forelimb was markedly enlarged and surrounded by numerous firm 2- to 20-cm masses that were ulcerated and focally necrotic. A 7-cm round firm mass was observed on the left dorsal neck. Dermatological examination revealed generalized moth-eaten alopecia and scaling with erosions and ulcers secondary to pruritus. A direct skin smear from the affected leg showed severe eosinophilic inflammation and neutrophilic inflammation with pleomorphic bacteria. Histopathology of the skin and biopsies of the underlying tissues revealed an abundant population of atypical mast cells consistent with a malignant MCT. The horse was euthanized and necropsy revealed a marked fibrous reaction on longitudinal sections of the affected limb, and the tumor could be detected on only a few histological slides. Diagnosis of equine MCT can be challenging because of the massive accompanying fibrous reaction. Mast cell tumor should be suspected in the presence of eosinophilic infiltration of the affected tissue and in cases of generalized pruritus not attributable to other causes.  相似文献   

本文报道猫伴发腹腔种植性转移的卵巢恶性颗粒细胞瘤1例,较为罕见,国内外文献未见报道。1例15岁雌性家猫,因不食和腹围增大就诊。超声检查显示,左肾尾侧可见一大小约4.27 cm×2.63 cm的肿物。开腹探查,可见大网膜、肠壁及胃壁弥散性分布大量大小不等的球形肿物,左侧卵巢明显增大,表面形成坚实或柔软的结节。对肿物进行组织病理学检查,诊断为卵巢恶性颗粒细胞瘤。本文提供该病例临床和组织病理学资料,并回顾相关文献资料,希望对该肿瘤的诊疗和研究提供帮助。  相似文献   

Reproductive records of the entire lives of two mares with abnormally high incidence of multiple ovulation and hemorrhagic anovulatory follicles were analyzed retrospectively. Chi-square analysis was used to test statistically the effect of cloprostenol, a prostaglandin F2 analog, on the incidence of multiple ovulations, hemorrhagic anovulatory follicles, and its ultrasonographic appearance. A total of 319 estrous cycles during a 17-year period were analyzed. Cycles induced with cloprostenol were more likely (P < .000) to develop hemorrhagic anovulatory follicles than spontaneous cycles. The incidence of multiple ovulation was higher in induced cycles than in spontaneous cycles in one of the two mares.  相似文献   

Objective— This case report describes the surgical removal of an intra‐abdominal tumor from a Mexican axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum). The animal was admitted with left abdominal swelling that had increased over 4 months. Methods— Surgical removal was performed under general anesthesia with MS222 under an operating microscope. Exploratory laparotomy was performed through 2.5 dorsocranial skin incision in the left flank, followed by subcutaneous dissection. Results— The tumor involved the spleen, was adjacent to the descending colon, and supplied by vessels from the spleen, stomach, and colon. The mass was removed by clamping and transecting the spleen and the peritoneum was closed with a continuous suture pattern, while abdominal muscles and skin were closed in layers. After a total duration time of anesthesia of 90 minutes the animal was kept in prophylactic antibiotic baths. Tissue sections revealed characteristics of both lymphangiosarcoma and lymphosarcoma with an appearance typical for a malignant tumor. Conclusions— Abdominal surgery was performed in an axolotl and the surgical wound healed without complication.  相似文献   

Reproductive seasonality in the mare is characterized by a marked decline in adenohypophyseal synthesis and secretion of LH beginning near the autumnal equinox. Thus, ovarian cycles have ceased in most mares by the time of the winter solstice. Endogenous reproductive rhythms in seasonal species are entrained or synchronized as a result of periodic environmental cues. In the horse, this cue is primarily day length. Hence, supplemental lighting schemes have been used managerially for decades to modify the annual timing of reproduction in the mare. Although a full characterization of the cellular and molecular bases of seasonal rhythms has not been realized in any species, many of their synaptic and humoral signaling pathways have been defined. In the mare, neuroendocrine-related studies have focused primarily on the roles of GnRH and interneuronal signaling pathways that subserve the GnRH system in the regulatory cascade. Recent studies have considered the role of a newly discovered neuropeptide, RF-related peptide 3 that could function to inhibit GnRH secretion or gonadotrope responsiveness. Although results that used native peptide sequences have been negative in the mare and mixed in all mammalian females, new studies that used an RFRP3 antagonist (RF9) in sheep are encouraging. Importantly, despite continuing deficits in some fundamental areas, the knowledge required to control seasonal anovulation pharmacologically has been available for >20 yr. Specifically, the continuous infusion of native GnRH is both reliable and efficient for accelerating reproductive transition and is uniquely applicable to the horse. However, its practical exploitation continues to await the development of a commercially acceptable delivery vehicle.  相似文献   

已知卵巢肿瘤基因(ovarian tumor gene,otu)在果蝇(Drosophila melanogaster)卵巢发育过程中发挥极其重要的作用,该基因突变会扰乱卵子形成的正常过程。为探究家蚕(Bombyx mori)是否具有类似果蝇生殖发育相关基因otu的同源基因,以及基因存在的可变剪接形式,在电子克隆的基础上,应用RT-PCR从家蚕精巢组织中获得了4条不同长度的Bmotu cDNA片段(GenBank登录号:HQ831341,HQ831342,HQ999998,HQ831343),其中3条由于无义突变导致翻译提前终止;而从卵巢组织中仅获得了1条Bmotu cDNA片段,该片段序列与精巢中扩增的登录号为HQ831343片段序列的5'端相同。结果表明Bmotu基因存在可变剪接,且雌、雄之间的剪接方式可能存在差异。生物信息学分析发现Bmotu基因编码蛋白与果蝇Otu的结构类似,含有半胱氨酸蛋白酶结构域(Otu结构域)、Tudor结构域、脯氨酸基序。研究结果有助于进一步探讨家蚕生殖发育机制。  相似文献   

This report describes a case of sudden death of a pregnant miniature mare due to an acute ovarian hemorrhage leading to fatal hemoperitoneum. The miniature horse was a 12-year-old female, 60 days pregnant, with a body condition score of 7 (1–9), with a history of obesity and laminitis. Necropsy revealed hemoperitoneum due to an ovarian capsule rupture and hemorrhage after a physiological supplementary ovulation and luteinization. Ovarian rupture after ovulation is uncommon in mares.  相似文献   

反刍动物的卵泡发育是一个复杂且高度协调的过程,最新的研究肯定了卵泡发育以波的形式存在,但在影响卵泡发育的因素中,除了传统的下丘脑—垂体—性腺轴外,一些非促性腺激素内源性因子及卵巢内部因子也起到非常重要的作用,即便如此,要想对反刍动物卵泡发育进行更精确的控制,仍需作更进一步的研究  相似文献   

2018年12月内蒙古农业大学动物医院接收一病犬,其外阴异常增大,生殖道口有淡红色液体流出,触诊阴门内有一肿瘤硬物,表面光滑,呈淡粉色,不规则形状,初步诊断为阴道肿瘤。手术切除后经组织病理学检查,证实为未成熟的畸胎瘤。  相似文献   

The use of equine FSH (eFSH) for inducing follicular development and ovulation in transitional mares was evaluated. Twenty-seven mares, from 3 to 15 years of age, were examined during the months of August and September 2004, in Brazil. Ultrasound evaluations were performed during 2 weeks before the start of the experiment to confirm transitional characteristics (no follicles larger than 25 mm and no corpus luteum [CL] present). After this period, as the mares obtained a follicle of at least 25 mm, they were assigned to one of two groups: (1) control group, untreated; (2) treated with 12.5 mg eFSH, 2 times per day, until at least half of all follicles larger than 30 mm had reached 35 mm. Follicular activity of all mares was monitored. When most of the follicles from treated mares and a single follicle from control mares acquired a preovulatory size (≥35 mm), 2,500 IU human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) was administered IV to induce ovulation. After hCG administration, the mares were inseminated with fresh semen every other day until ovulation. Ultrasound examinations continued until detection of the last ovulation, and embryo recovery was performed 7 to 8 days after ovulation. The mares of the treated group reached the first preovulatory follicle (4.1 ± 1.0 vs 14.9 ± 10.8 days) and ovulated before untreated mares (6.6 ± 1.2 vs 18.0 ± 11.1 days; P < .05). All mares were treated with prostaglandin F (PGF), on the day of embryo flushing. Three superovulated mares did not cycle immediately after PGF treatment, and consequently had a longer interovulatory interval (22.4 vs 10.9 days, P < 0.05). The mean period of treatment was 4.79 ± 1.07 days and 85.71% of mares had multiple ovulations. The number of ovulations (5.6 vs 1.0) and embryos (2.0 vs 0.7) per mare were higher (P < 0.05) for treated mares than control mares. In conclusion, treatment with eFSH was effective in hastening the onset of the breeding season, inducing multiple ovulations, and increasing embryo production in transitional mares. This is the first report showing the use of FSH treatment to recover embryos from the first cycle of the year.  相似文献   

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