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Horses were tested for recognition of objects under various rotations to better understand how they perceive stimuli. Four horses learned to discriminate positive and negative stimuli for three sets of “real-life” three-dimensional objects always presented in one particular orientation (front to left, top up). When the horses reliably performed at an above chance criterion of 80% correct responses for two consecutive runs of 20 trials (P = .0046), the objects were rotated in depth and/or turned upside down, for example, front to right, top to horse; back to horse, bottom up. Overall performance on rotated trials, as well as Trial 1 scores on novel presentations, indicated that the horses were capable of recognizing objects under all rotational conditions. However, there was a degree of individual variation, with some horses performing better than others on certain rotations. Moreover, objects rotated in certain positions were more easily recognized than others. The most significant effect was seen when rotations with the top of the objects visible were compared with those with the bottom visible—the former being more recognizable than the latter. This suggests that the horses were using certain features of the objects on which to base their decisions. These findings provide new information on object perception in horses and address one common belief about why horses startle at objects that should be familiar to them.  相似文献   

A male zebra aged about 7 years, weighing approximately 250 kg showed signs of lameness on its hindquarter. It was treated by the zoo veterinarians symptomatically, and it recovered. However, there was recurrence of the symptoms after 1 month. The animal was treated with fluid, electrolyte, antibiotic, and analgesic therapy. The hematology and serum biochemistry profiles were tested and found within the normal range. The animal was tranquilized, and physical and external examinations were conducted. Radiological examination of hoof ruled out any chances of laminitis or any other hoof deformities. Per-rectal examination along with flexion and extension of the hind limbs could not reveal any abnormalities. However, there was no improvement, and finally it died. Postmortem examination revealed an internal deep gluteal abscess. This is a rare report of deep gluteal abscess in a zebra. The difficulties encountered in diagnosing the case and its serious possible complications and possible methods of diagnosing have been described, which may help future equine and wildlife vets in diagnosing such cases successfully and may help in saving the precious lives of the patients suffering from such conditions.  相似文献   

This study aimed to establish comprehensive reference values for horses working in developing countries, and to compare them against accepted values for horses in developed countries, supporting diagnosis and clinical decision-making. Horses in developing countries usually perform strenuous work in hot, resource-limited conditions, so their ‘normal’ blood parameters may differ from other horses. Blood was analysed from 203 working horses in Pakistan, meeting defined clinical criteria. Age, sex, body condition and work-type showed small significant effects, but none were clinically relevant. Of the 32 reference intervals, 28 overlapped those of UK horses. However, the entire reference interval for creatine kinase was higher than for UK horses, while those for erythrocytes, albumin and albumin:globulin ratio were lower. Haematocrit and haemoglobin concentrations were also low. Therefore, apparently healthy working horses may have chronic muscle damage from overwork, and may have sub-clinical anaemia. Interventions combating these conditions could improve animal welfare, although it is unclear whether differences between UK and Pakistan reference values reflect chronic abnormalities, or are in fact physiological adaptations enabling horses to cope with the challenging conditions.  相似文献   

This study aimed to establish comprehensive reference values for horses working in developing countries, and to compare them against accepted values for horses in developed countries, supporting diagnosis and clinical decision-making. Horses in developing countries usually perform strenuous work in hot, resource-limited conditions, so their ‘normal’ blood parameters may differ from other horses. Blood was analysed from 203 working horses in Pakistan, meeting defined clinical criteria. Age, sex, body condition and work-type showed small significant effects, but none were clinically relevant. Of the 32 reference intervals, 28 overlapped those of UK horses. However, the entire reference interval for creatine kinase was higher than for UK horses, while those for erythrocytes, albumin and albumin:globulin ratio were lower. Haematocrit and haemoglobin concentrations were also low. Therefore, apparently healthy working horses may have chronic muscle damage from overwork, and may have sub-clinical anaemia. Interventions combating these conditions could improve animal welfare, although it is unclear whether differences between UK and Pakistan reference values reflect chronic abnormalities, or are in fact physiological adaptations enabling horses to cope with the challenging conditions.  相似文献   

Hematologic and serum biochemical values were determined in 174 llamas of all age groups and both sexes from ranches in California and Nevada. Compared with hematologic values for horses and cattle, llama erythrocytes were more numerous (10.1 to 17.3 x 10(6)/microliters), but the PCV was lower (25 to 45%) because the smaller elliptical cells pack tighter. The mean corpuscular volume was half that of horses and cattle (22 to 29.5 fl). The mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration was higher (38.9 to 46.2 g/dl), and the mean corpuscular hemoglobin slightly lower (9.6 to 12.6 pg). Most serum biochemical values were similar to those of cattle and horses, with the exception of triiodothyronine (48 to 468 ng/dl) and thyroxin (9.8 to 30 micrograms/dl), which are up to 10 times higher than values for other domestic species.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to evaluate the healing potential of water-soluble extract of Plantago lanceolata as a topical ointment on experimental tendinitis in burros. Tendinitis was induced by injection of 2,500 U of bacterial collagenase in the superficial digital flexor tendon of both forelimbs of six male burros. Tendinitis was confirmed ultrasonographically. 48 hours after collagenase injection, two grams of 10% P lanceolata ointment was applied on one limb (treatment group) and the same amount of eucerin (the vehicle of the ointment) on the other limb (control group), every other day for 6 weeks. Ultrasonographic examination of the tendon was performed weekly during the study and mean cross-sectional area of the superficial digital flexor tendon was measured, which was found to increase significantly after injection of collagenase in both groups. From the third week, it decreased significantly in the treatment group in comparison with the control group. At the end of the study, the animals were euthanized for histopathological study of the tendons. In control group, degenerative changes in tendon could be seen, whereas significant degree of healing was observed in the treatment group. It can thus be concluded that the P lanceolata ointment was effective in promoting the healing process of the tendon.  相似文献   

The influence of silage juice feeding on the changes in 24 haematological and biochemical parameters in blood (blood serum) and urine of feeder bulls was evaluated in two comparative experiments in which no silage was included in feed rations. The supplement of 2 or 4 litres of juice per 100 kg of live weight represented a daily acidogenous stress of 0.79 to 1.93 moles of organic acids. In the first experiment this supplement was not proved to evoke any significant changes in the evaluated parameters. In the second experiment, in which the silage juices were enriched with sodium chloride, aqueous ammonia solution (26%) and molasses, a statistically significant increase in the level of beta-hydroxybutyric acid in blood and in the corresponding sum of ketone bodies (P less than 0.05 to 0.01) was observed in the experimental group of animals. The levels of sodium in serum were also increased (P less than 0.05). The average weight gains of bulls belonging to the experimental group were higher than those in the control groups.  相似文献   

Horse trainers often report that lowering the height of a horse’s head so the poll is below the height of the withers can induce a calming effect during training. Four groups of horses were used in a 2-part study to investigate the behavioral and physiological effects of head lowering in horses. In Part 1, Group A had no experimental stimuli applied and horses in Group B were trained to lower their heads when presented with a specific stimulus by the handler. The stimulus for head lowering was the application of downward pressure on the headcollar via the lead rope until the horse lowered its head such that its lips were approximately at mid-cannon (third metacarpal) height, whereupon the pressure was released. The stimulus was applied again if the horse raised its head during the 300-second test period. In Part 2, Groups C and D were aroused until their heart rates exceeded 100 beats per minute (bpm). Group C had no further experimental stimuli applied whereas Group D lowered their heads as a response to the above stimulus for a period of 300 seconds. Repeated measures analysis showed that there was no difference between the heart rate of Groups A and B or Groups C and D but that the heart rate of Groups A and B were lower than Groups C and D during the 300-second post-arousal (P < 0.001). The horses in Groups A and B were more likely to contact the handler (P < 0.001), exhibit licking and chewing (P < 0.001), rest a hindleg (P < 0.001), and sniff the ground (P < 0.001) than those in Groups C and D. The number of stimuli required to maintain the head in a lowered position was greatest during the first 30 seconds (P = 0.012 and P < 0.001, Parts 1 and 2, respectively). The current study has shown that head lowering in horses does not influence cardiac responses, even after the horses had been aroused to have their heart rates above 100 bpm. Therefore, it is not a method that will aid in calming an aroused horse in training. Contrary to popular belief, there was no association with licking-and-chewing and head lowering, nor with these behaviors and response acquisition.  相似文献   

Bone microstructure of domestic herbivores is still not completely understood. Indeed, works focused on the bone histology of numerous Mammalian species frequently led to misunderstandings because of the high number of variations such as the kind of bone, section orientation, species, breed and age. Moreover, attempts to identify the species in archaeozoological studies by a mere qualitative approach have not been encouraging and in recent years quantitative methods, based on image processing and statistical analysis, have appeared. The present study was undertaken to determine whether morphometrical and morphological differences exist in the compact bone structure of the femur and humerus between horses and cows. Measurements such as area, perimeter, minimum and maximum diameter of osteons and Haversian canals as well as the osteonal density were carried out on cross sections of eight humeri and eight femurs of the two herbivores investigated. In agreement with other authors, the qualitative investigation confirmed that the compact bone of horses and cows can be classified as dense Haversian tissue. Osteons of the horse were more numerous and composed of a higher number of well-defined lamellae when compared with the cow. Diameter, perimeter and area of osteons and Haversian canals were always higher in horses than in cows and this pattern could be related to the different locomotor behaviour of these animals.  相似文献   

Serum biochemical and hematologic values were obtained from Rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) before and 15 minutes after intramuscular injection with ketamine hydrochloride (5-10 mg/kg). A 345% increase in serum creatine kinase activity 15 minutes after ketamine administration was attributed to muscle damage caused by the injection. Decreases in erythrocyte count, hemoglobin, hematocrit, total leukocyte count, lymphocyte count, and the serum concentrations of glucose, total protein, albumin, and other serum analytes were all attributed to the reversal (by ketamine) of the excitement or "alarm reaction" associated with physical restraint. The decrease in circulating erythrocytes and lymphocytes indicated a redistribution of these cells from the circulating blood to the spleen and extravascular sites, respectively. Decreases in concentrations of total protein, albumin, and several other serum analytes suggested an influx of fluid into the vascular space. The decrease in glucose may also reflect the reversal of an epinephrine-induced hyperglycemia in the excited awake monkey. These alterations should be considered when designing studies and interpreting data for Rhesus monkeys.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to pharmacologically induce ejaculation in male donkeys. Two methods for pharmacological ejaculation were used. The first method was the administration of xylazine (0.66 mg/kg, intravenous); the second method was the administration of detomidine chloride (0.02 mg/kg, intramuscular), and when ejaculation was not achieved in 15 minutes, the administration of a half dose of detomidine chloride (0.01 mg/kg, intramuscular) was repeated. Both of these methods were used in all animals. In the study, 10 male donkeys were used. After the administration of xylazine, no ejaculation was observed. After the administration of detomidine, ejaculation was achieved in 20% of the cases (2 of 10). We assume that these methods are not satisfactory for ex-copula induction of ejaculation in male donkeys.  相似文献   

The Przewalski's horse (Equus caballus przewalskii) was extinct in the wild by the mid 1960s. The species has survived because of captive breeding only. The Takhin Tal reintroduction project is run by the International Takhi Group; it is one of two projects reintroducing horses to the wild in Mongolia. In 1997 the first harem group was released. The first foals were successfully raised in the wild in 1999. Currently, 63 Przewalski's horses live in Takhin Tal. Little information exists on causes of mortality before the implementation of a disease-monitoring program in 1998. Since 1999, all dead horses recovered (n = 28) have been examined and samples collected and submitted for further investigation. Equine piroplasmosis, a tick-transmitted disease caused by Babesia caballi or Theileria equi, is endemic in Takhin Tal and was identified as the cause of death of four stallions and one stillborn foal. In December 2000, wolf predation was implicated in the loss of several Przewalski's horses. However, thorough clinical, pathologic, and bacteriologic investigations performed on dead and surviving horses of this group revealed lesions compatible with strangles. The extreme Mongolian winter of 2000-2001 is thought to have most probably weakened the horses, making them more susceptible to opportunistic infection and subsequent wolf predation. Other occasional causes of death since 1999 were trauma, exhaustion, wasting, urolithiasis, pneumonia, abortion, and stillbirth. The pathologic examination of the Przewalski's horses did not result in a definitive diagnosis in each case. Several disease factors were found to be important in the initial phase of the reintroduction, which could potentially jeopardize the establishment of a self-sustaining population.  相似文献   

Blood samples were collected on nonracing days from 57 racing Greyhounds at 2 weeks, 8 weeks, 13 weeks, and 16 weeks after the beginning of the racing season. Hematologic and biochemical tests were performed to detect marked changes induced by stress of racing. In general, these Greyhounds were healthy. Rhabdomyolysis was detected in one dog. In several other dogs, possible subclinical muscle injury was identified by increased serum creatine kinase activities. Mean serum Ca concentrations tended to decrease during the racing season. None of the tests was a good predictor of racing performance. Mean values for several hematologic and biochemical tests were different from those of other breeds of dogs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine serum amyloid A (SAA) concentrations in serum and synovial fluid from healthy horses and horses with joint disease and assess the effect of repeated arthrocentesis on SAA concentrations in synovial fluid. Animals-10 healthy horses and 21 horses with various types of joint disease. PROCEDURES: Serum and synovial fluid samples were obtained from each horse. In 5 of the 10 healthy horses, arthrocentesis was repeated 9 times. Concentrations of SAA were determined via immunoturbidometry. RESULTS: Serum and synovial fluid SAA concentrations were less than the assay detection limit in healthy horses and did not change in response to repeated arthrocentesis. Synovial fluid SAA concentrations were significantly higher in horses with suspected bacterial joint contamination or infectious arthritis, or tenovaginitis than in healthy controls, and serum concentrations were significantly higher in horses with infectious conditions than in the other groups. Neither serum nor synovial fluid SAA concentrations in horses with low-inflammation joint conditions differed significantly from those in healthy controls. Concentrations of SAA and total protein in synovial fluid were significantly correlated. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Synovial fluid SAA concentration was a good marker of infectious arthritis and tenovaginitis and appeared to reflect changes in inflammatory activity. The advantages of use of SAA as a marker include the ease and speed of measurement and the fact that concentrations in synovial fluid were not influenced by repeated arthrocentesis in healthy horses. Further study of the SAA response in osteoarthritic joints to assess its usefulness in diagnosis and monitoring of osteoarthritis is warranted.  相似文献   

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