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In 2011, Trypanosoma equiperdum reemerged in Italy, almost 10 years after its last appearance. A total of eight infected horses have been observed to date. Six horses were affected by natural outbreaks of the disease, whereas two were infected experimentally. The aim of this study was to offer a recent perspective on clinical cases of dourine in Europe. Investigation of the clinical aspects confirmed the three stages reported in the literature: stage 1 (genital lesions), stage 2 (cutaneous signs), and stage 3 (nervous signs). The most common signs in the horses under study were notable weight loss, edematous skin eruptions and oedemas of the abdomen, mammary glands and hind legs. Three animals presented neurological signs (lip ptosis of lower lip and ataxia). Infections were paucisymptomatic or asymptomatic in some animals. Hyperthermia was not reported in infected animals and considerable anemia was observed. High antibody titers did not always correspond to clinical signs. Positive polymerase chain reaction test results of blood or tissue (skin, eye swab) often correspond to an advanced stage of the disease. Dourine is a variable disease; owing to its low prevalence and chronic manifestation, it can be difficult to make a quick diagnosis when facing a Dourine-positive horse.  相似文献   

Dourine is a lethal protozoan disease of equids, and it is caused by Trypanosoma equiperdum infection via coitus. To date, treatment strategies against the dourine are not recommended because of the frequent relapses; therefore, the World Organisation for Animal Health recommends the stamping-out policy for the control of dourine. Our previous studies have revealed a number of horses with dourine in Mongolia that is the fifth largest horse-breeding country. It is difficult to apply the stamping-out policy for cases of dourine in Mongolia because of an inadequate livestock guarantee system. Therefore, the development of effective treatment measures is an urgent need. In this study, an 8-year-old stallion was definitely diagnosed with dourine based on clinical signs, molecular analysis, and microscopic examination of trypanosomes. Combination therapy with diminazene aceturate and quinapyramine sulfate was applied. Before the treatment, the characteristic clinical signs of dourine were observed, and trypanosomes were detected in the urogenital tract mucosal swab samples by microscopic examination and polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Moreover, positive serological results were obtained. After the treatment, we observed an improvement in the health of the treated horse and no trypanosome infection in its urogenital tract by microscopic examination and PCR. Moreover, serological tests showed seronegative results. The horse has showed no relapse for at least 2.5 years after the treatment, and its reproductive ability has improved. Our result suggests that trypanosomes did not invade cerebrospinal fluid when we started the therapy. In conclusion, the combination therapy has therapeutic potential against dourine at an early phase.  相似文献   

Equine infectious anemia (EIA) is an infectious and potentially fatal viral disease of equids. EIA virus is usually transmitted from horse to horse by large biting insects, such as horseflies. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of a national surveillance plan from 2007 to 2009 and evaluate the potential risk factors of EIA in horse populations in central Italy. In 2007, 18 of 6,773; in 2008, 30 of 7,940; and in 2009, 21 of 11,666 equines tested were seropositive for EIA. No statistical association was found between location or sex and the diagnosis of EIA. The seroprevalence rate (2007-2008-2009) was higher among older equids (older than 6 years) than among young (3 months to 5 years old) (P < .05). Likewise, the seroprevalence rate (2007-2008-2009) was higher among mules than among other horses (P < .05). Until 2007, the national equine register did not exist in Italy; therefore, it was difficult to measure the percentage of untested horses that presented a real but unquantified risk for continued EIA virus transmission. By introducing new laws governing the control and conducting active surveillance for EIA, it has been possible, in Italy, to develop a firm foundation of knowledge concerning the persistence and transmission of EIA and the risk factors and to better control the spread of this infection in horses.  相似文献   

中国野生动物疫病监测防控工作尚处于起步阶段,借鉴其他国家相关经验,对加强监测防控管理、提升工作整体水平大有裨益。本文作者通过在意大利的培训和考察,对其疫病管理特点、流行现状、监测防控做法进行分析总结,并针对中国疫病监测防控中的薄弱环节,提出有关对策建议。在策略举措上,应适当借鉴和参考意大利的疫病防控理念、防控策略、部门分工与协作机制、科技支撑、应急处置等方面的典型做法,并宣传普及"同一个健康"理念,完善相关法律规章,健全监测防控体系,加强人员队伍建设和转变疫病监控模式,以促进我国野生动物疫病监测防控事业科学发展。  相似文献   

The management of public health emergencies is improved by quick, exhaustive and standardized flow of data on disease outbreaks, by using specific tools for data collection, registration and analysis. In this context, the National Information System for the Notification of Outbreaks of Animal Diseases (SIMAN) has been developed in Italy to collect and share data on the notifications of outbreaks of animal diseases. SIMAN is connected through web services to the national database of animals and holdings (BDN) and has been integrated with tools for the management of epidemic emergencies. The website has been updated with a section dedicated to the contingency planning in case of epidemic emergency. EpiTrace is one such useful tool also integrated in the BDN and based on the Social Network Analysis (SNA) and on network epidemiological models. This tool gives the possibility of assessing the risk associated to holdings and animals on the basis of their trade, in order to support the veterinary services in tracing back and forward the animals in case of outbreaks of infectious diseases.  相似文献   

300 goat serum samples from an export-oriented abattoir were tested for contagious caprine pleuropneumonia antibodies by the complement fixation test. The disease prevalence was 31% with no significant differences (P > 0.05) between the regions “Borena”, “Bale”, “Afar” and “Jinka” or the age of the goats (P > 0.05). Gross pathology and histopathology of the lung primary lesions were indicative of pleuropneumonia caused by Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate the seroprevalence of brucellosis in unvaccinated sheep from the flocks having previous abortion cases in Kars and around, Turkey and to compare the efficacy of each serological test used. Four hundred serum samples collected from 16 different flocks of sheep having a history of abortions in Kars and its surrounding area in Turkey were examined for the presence of antibodies raised against Brucella using Rose Bengal Plate Test (RBPT), Serum Agglutination Test (SAT), Rivanol Agglutination Test (RAT) and Complement Fixation Test (CFT). All animals were unvaccinated against Brucella. Of the serum samples tested, 147 (%36.7), 142 (%35.5), 139 (%34.75) and 135 (%33.75) were found positive by SAT, RAT, RBPT and CFT, respectively. No statistically significant difference was found between the serological tests used (p > 0.05). It is concluded from this study that brucellosis continues to be an important problem for ovine abortions and poses a risk both for human and other animals in this area. Therefore, adequate intervention measures should be implemented to control and eradicate brucellosis. In addition, if conventional serological tests are used at least two tests, RPBT for screening and CFT for the confirmation of the positive samples are preferable, should be used in parallel for detection of brucellosis effectively. This study was summarized from M.Sc. thesis of Ozgur CELEBI.  相似文献   

Q fever is an endemic disease in different parts of Greece. The current study aimed to investigate the prevalence of acute Q fever disease in Greece through the operation of the national reference centre for Q fever.A total of 5397 sera were received from febrile patients under the suspicion of Q fever infection during a 13 years period (2001–20013). A questionnaire was filled in by the clinicians containing certain clinical/epidemiological/demographic information.The diagnosis was based both on IFA (IgG and IgM phase II antibodies against Coxiella burnetii) and on molecular means.A total of 685 (12.7 %) samples were initially tested positive for acute Q fever. The mean (±SD) age of patients was 55.3 years (±18.7). Out of the 489 convalescent samples, 134 (27.4 %) samples indicated a minimum of a four-fold seroconversion and were considered as laboratory confirmed cases of acute Q fever. Pneumonia was the most frequently encountered clinical symptom with presence in 6.8 % of all positive samples. Forty six (46) patients were laboratory confirmed as chronic Q fever cases.Climate seemed to influence the distribution of Q fever cases throughout the years. The findings of the current study comply with past studies carried out elsewhere that had demonstrated a clear relation of the disease with temperature, south winds, etc.This study represents the first large scale attempt to gather a long period information on Q fever infection in Greece. The findings of the current study support the fact that Q fever is an important endemic zoonotic disease in Greece and needs increased awareness by clinical physicians and health care system.  相似文献   


This research aims to understand the prevalence of religious slaughter practices in Italy. Two different ways of slaughtering animals are identified. Conventional slaughter is performed with prior stunning; kosher slaughter is practiced without stunning. Halal slaughter is performed for most animals without stunning. Halal slaughter with prior stunning is acceptable for 5.90% of small ruminants. For Halal slaughter in Italy, the terms “religious slaughter with stunning” and “religious slaughter without stunning” should be used to differentiate religious slaughter practices, keeping animal welfare in perspective.


调查分析2011—2019年甘肃省天祝县布鲁氏菌病人、畜间流行病学特征,为调整防控策略提供科学依据。天祝县畜牧业历史悠久,是布病老疫区,2011年始牛羊阳性率不断出现,老疫区呈现布病活跃状态,输入性染疫成为畜间布病传染的主要原因。人间新增病人每年也有变化,与畜间阳性率呈正相关。  相似文献   

Bovine anaplasmosis caused by Anaplasma marginale is a disease transmitted by ticks belonging to the Ixodidae family. Southern Italy is considered an endemic zone but environmental and social factors are changing the epidemiology of the disease to expand to previously anaplasmosis-free regions. The available data of published reports of anaplasmosis in Italy together with the data obtained by the National Centre of Reference for Anaplasma, Babesia, Rickettsia and Theileria (C.R.A.Ba.R.T.), allowed to report A. marginale infection in different Italian regions (Lazio, Marche, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata, Calabria, Lombardy, Tuscany, Umbria and Sicily). Cattle are also subject to infection with the related Ixodes ricinus-transmitted pathogen, Anaplasma phagocytophilum that results in reduced milk production in cattle. A. phagocytophilum infect also small ruminants, domestic and wild animals and causes the human granulocytic anaplasmosis. Different studies have been conducted on the presence of A. phagocytophilum in Italy both in the tick vectors and in the wild and domestic reservoirs. Contrary to A. marginale, the prevalence of A. phagocytophilum embraces the whole Italian territory from the Alps to the southern and insular regions.  相似文献   

分析青海省格尔木市境内鼠疫流行特征,探讨鼠疫流行态势,为今后鼠疫防治工作提供科学依据。格尔木市作为青藏铁路沿线的国家级监测点按照《青藏铁路鼠疫防治技术方案》、《青藏铁路防治工作方案》和《全国鼠疫监测方案》实施监测工作,汇总2007—2012年格尔木市境内的鼠疫监测报告,应用描述流行病学方法进行分析。格尔木市2007—2012年动物间鼠疫时有发生,共分离鼠疫菌1株;检出鼠疫F1抗体阳性血清1份。格尔木市动物间鼠疫流行仍旧活跃,鼠疫防治态势依然严峻。。  相似文献   

中国农牧交错带界定的现状及进展   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
农牧交错带作为农业种植区与草原牧区的交汇地带,是一个十分敏感的区域,也是我国生态环境的一条过渡带和生态安全的重要屏障.在前人的研究基础上阐述了农牧交错带的概念及空间界定的研究进展和最新的研究成果,提出了农牧交错带界定中存在的问题,并展望了今后农牧交错带界定的前景.  相似文献   

Epidemiological data on sylvatic rabies in Italy, during 10 years, from 1977 to 1986 are reported. This rabies epizootic expanded to all the alpine arch from Trieste to Aosta, can be divided in five different outbreaks. The good knowledge of the infected alpine area helped us in the identification of rabies outbreaks and in rabies struggle and prevention. Data from the literature on the relationship: landscape/fox/density/fox hunting/rabies have been confirmed and contributed to disease eradication. In a ten year epizootic, no human cases of rabies have been reported thanks to continuing health education and pre/post infection vaccination of persons at risk. The systemic vaccination of dogs and grazing animals and the severe struggle to stray dogs and cats reduced rabies of domestic animals to 1/10 as compared with the other European countries. Hunter's education together with valuable rewards made possible a good monitoring of sylvatic rabies diagnostic and rabies eradication after the first wave of rabies. In order to eradicate the last two rabies outbreaks, oral fox vaccination, using attenuated live vaccine, has been carried out with immediate efficacious results.  相似文献   

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