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The use of fecal egg count techniques to indirectly assess intestinal parasite burdens and determine anthelmintic efficacy is common in parasitological research and veterinary practice. The McMaster method is one of the most widely used techniques in veterinary practice, but recently, the Mini-FLOTAC technique has been introduced as a possible alternative. Studies comparing the two methods in precision and accuracy are needed. This study aimed at evaluating the Mini-FLOTAC technique for determining equine strongyle egg counts through a two-part procedure. First, a set of fecal counts was executed using both methods. Next, blind counts were performed on spiked fecal samples with true egg counts at 0, 5, 50, 500, and 1,000 eggs per gram. All counts were performed in triplicates, and each sample was counted using both methods. Mini-FLOTAC and McMaster had 83.2% and 53.7% precision, respectively. The accuracy was found to be 42.6% and 23.5% for Mini-FLOTAC and McMaster, respectively. In conclusion, this study found that Mini-FLOTAC exhibited both higher precision and accuracy than the McMaster technique and appears to be a more reliable alternative. Using a more precise egg-counting method can help assure that changes in egg counts before and after treatment reflect a genuine reduction and are not due to chance variability.  相似文献   

Abrupt dietary transitions and feeding of rapidly fermentable diets are common practices in the horse industry and have been associated with digestive and metabolic disorders that can impair the performance of horses. The present study investigated the effect of dietary transition from pasture grazing to confinement with concentrate feeding, and back, on fecal pH and bacterial populations of Streptococcus spp and Lactobacillus spp. Six Thoroughbred fillies, previously grazing perennial ryegrass and white clover-based pasture, were housed in individual stalls and fed an increasing ratio of concentrate to conserved forages for 13 days (days 1-13), followed by an abrupt transition back to only pasture-grazing for 3 days (days 14-16). The concentrate was initially offered at 0.83 kg dry matter (DM)/d and increased to 5 kg DM/d, whereas ensiled alfalfa was initially offered at 0.61 kg DM/d, increasing to 1.22 kg DM/d. Meadow hay was initially offered at 6.73 kg DM/d, decreasing to 1.6 kg DM/d. Fecal specimens were collected daily for determination of pH, and every 2 days for quantitative analysis of Streptococcus spp and Lactobacillus spp. Mean fecal pH increased significantly from pasture baseline values (pH 6.18) during the initial confinement and supplementation on day 1 (6.37), day 2 (6.52), day 3 (6.58), and day 4 (6.43) (standard error of mean [SEM]: 0.056; P < .001). By day 5, mean fecal pH values had decreased to, and remained at, baseline values until the horses returned to pasture, when another increase occurred at day 15 (6.45). Fecal colony forming units (cfu) of Streptococcus spp and Lactobacillus spp increased linearly (r = 0.94; P < .001) from 6.0 and 6.1 log10 cfu/g on day -4, to 7.8 log10 cfu/g on day 14 (SEM: 0.2 P < .001), respectively. Fecal cfu decreased on return to a pasture-only diet (P < .001). In this study, the increment of bacterial populations was associated with a relatively stable fecal pH and highlights the difficulty in identifying the effects of dietary transition on the equine hindgut health, without microbial culture.  相似文献   

Fecal analyses are becoming increasingly important for equine establishments as a means of parasite surveillance and detection of anthelmintic resistance. Although several studies have evaluated various egg counting techniques, little is known about the quantitative effects of pre-analytic factors such as collection and storage of fecal samples. This study evaluated the effects of storage temperature, storage time and airtight versus open-air storage on fecal egg counts. The experimental protocols were replicated in two study locations: Copenhagen, Denmark and Athens, Georgia, USA. In both locations, the experiment was repeated three times, and five repeated egg counts were performed at each time point of analysis. In experiment A, feces were collected rectally and stored airtight at freezer (−10 to −18 °C), refrigerator (4 °C), room (18–24 °C), or incubator (37–38 °C) temperatures. Egg counts were performed after 0, 6, 12, 24, 48, and 120 h of storage. In experiment B, feces were collected rectally and stored airtight or in the open air in the horse barn for up to 24 h. Egg counts were performed after 0, 3, 6, 12, and 24 h of storage. In experiment A at both locations, samples kept in the refrigerator showed no decline in egg counts, whereas storage in the freezer and incubator led to significantly declining egg numbers during the study. In contrast, storage at room temperature yielded marked differences between the two study locations: egg counts remained stable in the U.S. study, whereas the Danish study revealed a significant decline after 24 h. In experiment B, the Danish study showed no differences between airtight and open-air storage and no changes over time, while the U.S. study found a significant decline for open-air storage after 12 h. This difference was attributed to the different barn temperatures in the two studies. To our knowledge, this is the first study to evaluate the pre-analytic factors affecting egg counts in horses using an experimental protocol replicated in two contrasting geographic and climatic locations. Our results demonstrate that refrigeration is the best method for storage of fecal samples intended for egg count analysis, but that accurate results can be derived from fecal samples collected from the ground within 12 h of passage.  相似文献   

Monitoring activity level has become popular in people and animals. In the horse, these monitors may be helpful for the detection of disease, monitor limb loading after surgery, and assist in rehabilitation. The objective of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of a commercial activity monitor (AM) (FitBit Zip) in horses. In Part 1, four stalled horses had five AMs placed (head, chest, withers, and left forelimb and hindlimbs) with stride length setting of 60.96 cm and were monitored for 24 hours with AM and video. In Part 2, four stalled horses had two AMs placed (left forelimb and hindlimbs) with stride length setting of 30.48 cm and were monitored for 24 hours with AM and video. In Part 3, three horses with two AMs (left forelimb and hindlimbs) had step data collected at the walk and trot in hand by AM and video. AM and video data were compared using Pearson’s correlation coefficients and by calculating AM to video step count ratios. In Part 1, there was considerable movement of AMs at the chest and withers, but head and limb mounted AMs were more secure. In Part 2, video and AM activity counts were moderate to high for forelimb and hindlimbs with R2 values of 0.82 and 0.74, respectively. From Part 3, AMs mounted on either forelimb or hindlimbs approximately doubled the step counts compared to the video. While this AM did not accurately count steps, it may be able to provide general information on activity level in the stalled horses.  相似文献   

Cyathostome resistance to the benzimidazole fenbendazole (FBZ) and other anthelmintic medication has been documented worldwide. Parasite resistance to anthelmintic medication is of great concern to the anthelmintic industry and to horse owners. The present study examines the efficacy of FBZ anthelmintic treatments in horse herds from ranches in four different geographical locations within Texas. In addition, the load reduction method was compared with the traditional fecal egg count reduction test to determine the incidence of parasite resistance to FBZ. Four ranches in different areas of Texas were surveyed to determine cyathostome resistance to FBZ. Two of the four ranches had young (aged ≤2 years) and older animals (aged >2 years). The number of animals with parasites varied widely between the study's locations. Differences were observed in both the fecal egg count reduction test and load reduction method across the four study sites (P < .001). Cyathostome resistance to FBZ seemed to be prevalent in three of the four ranches, whereas FBZ was highly efficacious against cyathostomes on one ranche. There was a trend toward increased parasite resistance in the younger animals (P = .081). These results show the importance of testing anthelmintic medication effectiveness.  相似文献   

This pilot study was performed to determine the need for future investigation of the effect of transportation, environmental changes, and athletic competition on fecal shedding of Salmonella spp. in sport horses. Fecal samples were collected once daily from 20 healthy horses that were competing in National Collegiate Athletic Association equestrian event that occurred over a 3-day period. The horses were divided into four groups with five horses per group. The groups were divided based on travel distance. Fresh fecal samples were collected daily and cultured for Salmonella spp., through bacterial culture, for a minimum of 3 days for three groups that traveled to compete and for 15 days for a group that was housed at the competition location. All fecal samples were negative for Salmonella spp. Although this was a pilot study with a small sample size and limited collection days, the results of this study question the effects of the stress of transportation, new environment, and athletic activity on fecal shedding of Salmonella spp. in horses. A larger study, however, is needed to further investigate these findings.  相似文献   

采用最小二乘法分析了来自三个牛场自2002年1月~2004年3月1 973头荷斯坦牛的13 841条DHI测定日SCC记录。分析表明SCC的平均数为64.99×1 000个/mL,标准差为110.19×1 000个/mL,不同的场、不同的季节对SCC的影响极显著(P<0.01),不同的年对SCC的影响不显著(P>0.05),不同胎次、不同泌乳月对SCC影响极显著(P<0.01)。SCC随着胎次和泌乳月的增加有升高的趋势。  相似文献   

Although there has been a recent surge in using horses to treat mental and emotional human health issues, the consequences of horse-assisted interventions on the stress response of horses have not been well documented. Assessment of the autonomic nervous system and its regulation of cardiovascular function has been used as an indicator of acute and chronic stress in human beings and horses. Heart rate variability (HRV) is a noninvasive measurement that has been used to assess autonomic nervous system regulation of cardiovascular function. There is evidence to suggest that several factors including the genotype, behavior, environment, temperament, and nutritional status of the horse play a key role in the large inter-individual variations in basal HRV. The present study determined whether 24-hour HRV recordings in horses currently working in equine-assisted therapy (EAT) differ from those previously shown in Thoroughbred horses. Findings from the present study found that in contrast to previous studies in Thoroughbred horses, diurnal and nocturnal low frequency and high frequency powers were not significantly different in horses that are currently engaged in EAT. Future studies are needed to determine the short- and long-term consequences of horses participating in EAT programs. Findings from this study will provide the basis for the development of a physiological/behavioral assessment criteria to determine the consequences of EAT on the well-being of horses as well as to help EAT Centers to improve the beneficial effects of EAT in human beings.  相似文献   

南方地区中国荷斯坦牛乳中体细胞数变化规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用最小二乘法分析了南方地区某奶业集团2006年7个牛场2 063头中国荷斯坦牛22 377次乳中体细胞数(SCC)测定日记录,以揭示SCC的变化规律.结果表明乳中SCC为459.49×103士924.66×103个/mL,不同牛场、月份、泌乳月和胎次对乳中体细胞数的影响均达到极显著水平(P<0.01),而产犊季节对乳中SCC的影响未达到显著水平(P>0.05).SCC随着胎次和泌乳月的增加有升高的趋势.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the effects of two different methods of feed processing on growth and gastric ulceration in 16 weanling Standardbred horses. The two diets were composed of identical ingredients that were processed differently and fed at a rate of 3% body weight per day. The hay and grain diet (diet HG) consisted of 50% alfalfa hay cubes and 50% commercial texturized grain mix fed as is, without any further processing, with the cubes and grain fed in separate containers. The complete pelleted diet (diet CP) consisted of the same proportion of hay cubes and grain mix, which was ground, pelleted, and fed in a single container. The horses were divided into two groups and the study was divided into three periods of 30 days each. During period 1, all 16 horses consumed only free choice alfalfa hay (diet H). Group 1 was given diet CP during period 2 and diet HG during period 3. Group 2 was given diet HG during period 2 and diet CP during period 3. The horses were endoscopically examined for the baseline number and severity of stomach ulcers at the end of period 1, then again at the end of each treatment diet feeding period. Horses on diet CP in periods 2 and 3 had greater ulcer numbers (P = .0135) than diet HG. However, there was no significant difference (P = .30) in ulcer numbers when making a direct comparison between diets CP and HG. Despite the gastric ulceration found in horses on diet CP, the average daily gain was significantly greater (P = .016) for diet CP than for diet HG. Both diets containing grain were observed to cause gastric ulceration.  相似文献   

Abstract— Anagen defluxion is an unusual cause of non-pruritic alopecia in many species. Two cases are described in horses, the onset coinciding with upper respiratory disease associated with pyrexia. Skin biopsies showed typical changes with follicles containing broken hairs of irregular shaft diameter. The alopecia resolved slowly without therapy. Résumé— L'effluvium anagène est une cause rare d'alopécie non prurigineuse dans de nombreuses espèces. Deux cas ont été obserés chez des chevaux. Le début a coincidé avec une atteinte des voies respiratoires supérieures associées à une fièvre. Les biopsies cutanées ont révélé des lésions caractéristiques: follicules contenant des poils cassés de diamètre iérrgulier. L'alopécie s'est progressivement résorbée sans traitement. Zusammenfassung— Anagen-Deflux ist eine ungewöhnliche Ursache für eine nicht pruritische Alopezie bei vielen Spezies. Beim Pferd werden zwei Fälle beschrieben, wobei der Beginn mit einer fieberhaften Erkrankung der oberen Atemwege zusammenfällt. Hautbiopsien zeigten typische Veränderungen mit Follikeln, die abgebrochene Haare mit unregelmäßigem Schaftdurchmesser enthielten. Die Alopezie heilte langsam ohne Therapie ab. Resumen La defluxión de la fase anagenica del pelo es una rara causa de alopecia de tipo no pruriginoso en una variedad de especies. En este artículo se describe el caso de dos caballos, en los cuales el punto más agudo de la enfermedad coincide con afeccion de las vías respiratorias altas acompañada de fiebre. Las biopsias cutáneas demostraron la presencia de cambios típicos en los folículos pilosos que contenían pelos rotos o de diámetro irregular. La alopecia se resolvió de manera lenta sin ningun tipo de terapia.  相似文献   

Eight mature horses were used in a 4 × 4 Latin square design to determine the effect of restricted pasture access on dry matter intake rate (DMIR), energy intake, and fecal pH. Horses were randomly assigned to one of four groups (HGRPs), each containing two horses. HGRPs were randomly assigned to one of four treatments consisting of 3, 6, 9, or 24 hours of pasture access, for a period of 7 days. Treatments were switched every 7 days. The 3- and 6-hour groups were fed free choice mature grass hay while not grazing. Daily pasture dry matter intake (DMI) for each HGRP was estimated by calculating the difference between initial herbage mass of the grazing cell before grazing and residual herbage mass after 7 days of grazing. Total dry matter intake was the sum of pasture and hay DMI for the 3- and 6-hour treatments. Fecal pH was measured on day 7 of each period. Response variables were analyzed using analysis of variance for Latin square design. Restricting pasture access decreased mean pasture DMI (P = .02), pasture dietary energy (DE) (P = .02), and fecal pH (P < .001), but increased DMIR (P = .02). Mean total dry matter intake was not different (P = .16) among treatments. In conclusion, restricting pasture access accelerates pasture DMIR and decreases fecal pH, and although restricting pasture access decreases DE intake from pasture, it did not result in a decrease in total DE intake for horses having ad libitum access to hay.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate different aspects on the efficacy of three anthelmintics on cyathostomin nematodes of Swedish horses. A faecal egg count reduction (FECR) test was performed on 26 farms. Horses were treated orally with recommended doses of ivermectin, pyrantel pamoate or fenbendazole. Faecal samples were collected on the day of deworming and 7, 14 and 21 days later. No resistance was shown against ivermectin; the FECR was constantly >99%. The effect of pyrantel was assessed as equivocal in 6 farms 14 days after treatment; the mean FECR was 99%. As many as 72% of the fenbendazole-treated groups met the criteria for resistance; the mean FECR was 86%, ranging from 56% to 100%. A re-investigation of two farms where pyrantel resistance had been suspected clearly revealed unsatisfactory efficacy of pyrantel on one of these farms; the FECR varied from 72% to 89%. Twenty-six of the horses previously dosed with pyrantel or fenbendazole, and which still excreted ≥150 eggs per gram of faeces 14 days after treatment, were dewormed with ivermectin and fenbendazole or pyrantel in order to eliminate the remaining cyathostomins. A total of 13 cyathostomin species were identified from horses that initially received fenbendazole and seven species were identified from pyrantel-treated individuals. The egg reappearance period (ERP) following treatment with ivermectin and pyrantel was investigated on two farms. The shortest ERP after ivermectin treatment was 8 weeks and after pyrantel was 5 weeks. We conclude that no substantial reversion to benzimidazole susceptibility had taken place, although these drugs have scarcely been used (<5%) in horses for the last 10 years. Pyrantel-resistant populations of cyathostomins are present on Swedish horse farms, but the overall efficacy of pyrantel is still acceptable.  相似文献   

Athletic horses often experience painful conditions of the musculoskeletal system, but their ability to compete can be prolonged using certain anesthetic agents. The present study investigated the ability of thermography to detect fetlock and middle carpal intrasynovial injections of bupivacaine hydrochloride in five mares. Saline injections were performed in the contralateral limbs. Thermographic evaluation was conducted at the dorsal and palmar aspects before (basal) and 15, 30, 60, 90, 120, and 1440 minutes after injection. The intrasynovial treatments resulted in increased limb temperature, with fetlock temperatures higher on the dorsal aspect at 15, 30, and 60 minutes and on the palmar aspect from 15 to 1440 minutes (P < .05) after the bupivacaine and saline injections. Increased carpal temperature was detected on the dorsal aspect at 60 and 90 minutes (P < .05). The present study demonstrates that thermography can be used to detect intrasynovial injections in horses.  相似文献   

The clinicopathological and immunohistochemical features of two vascular tumors in two young horses are described in the present work. These animals were referred to the Veterinary Teaching Hospital of the University of Córdoba because of the presence of hyperpigmented plaques located in the medial aspect of the left leg and also around the hock (case 1) and in the right front leg (case 2). Some of the lesions showed deep ulceration and severe protrusion with abundant bleeding. The histopathological study revealed that lesions were composed of nonencapsulated, proliferated, closely packed small blood vessels, some of which showed irregular shape, whereas others were similar to capillaries, arterioles, and venules. Neoplastic cells expressed vimentin and factor VIIIar, suggesting their endothelial nature, whereas in the wall of some proliferated vessels, some cells expressed vimentin, α-smooth muscle actin and desmin, an immunophenotype consistent with pericytes, and small muscle cells. These features agree with those reported in human juvenile hemangioma rather than with hemangioma in adult horses.  相似文献   

本试验通过环境温度对微山麻鸭产蛋量的影响研究结果表明,微山麻鸭产蛋适宜温度为23~28 ℃,在一定范围内,环境温度和产蛋量成正比关系。微山麻鸭的日产蛋规律如下:3.906%的鸭凌晨02∶00开始产蛋;产蛋高峰期集中在凌晨04∶00~05∶00,所产的蛋占全天蛋数的55.8%;10∶00以后,大部分鸭产蛋结束。  相似文献   

Quercetin, one of the most abundant flavonoids in plants, is discussed with respect to health-promoting effects like antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties. Although most claims regarding biological effects of flavonoids are based on in vitro and ex vivo studies, the use of flavonoid-containing supplements in humans and companion animals has increased in recent years. Flavonoid-containing supplements are also offered for pet and livestock nutrition. However, any systemic effect of a substance within a living subject depends on its bioavailability. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to gain information on the oral bioavailability of quercetin in horses. Four Icelandic horses with a mean body weight (BW) of 315 ± 25 kg (mean ± standard error [SEM]) were fed a test meal (crimped oats 1 g/kg BW) with the addition of quercetin (20 mg/kg BW). Blood samples were collected directly from the jugular vein before and after ingestion of the test meal for 24 hours, and flavonoid content was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Quercetin was the main metabolite in plasma with intact flavonol structure after β-glucuronidase/sulfatase treatment of blood samples. The area under the plasma concentration–time curve of quercetin accounted for 88% of total flavonols. Forty-seven percent of the quercetin detected in plasma after ingestion of the test meal was not conjugated. In addition to quercetin, the quercetin derivatives isorhamnetin (methylated) and kaempferol were detected in plasma. Although quercetin is orally bioavailable in horses, similar to other monogastric species, the plasma metabolite pattern differs from those found in species investigated previously (rat, dog, pig, and human).  相似文献   

Sixteen Quarter Horse mares (body weight: 450–500 kg) were used in a complete randomized design to determine the effects of feeding horses a high fiber diet with or without yeast cultures addition on nutrient intake and digestion, blood chemistry, fecal coliform count, and in vitro fecal fermentation. The treatments were (1) a basal diet without yeast cultures addition (control treatment), (2) control diet plus Procreatin 7 at 15 g/mare/d (P7 treatment), (3) control diet plus Biocell F53 at 11 g/mare/d (F53 treatment), or (4) control diet plus Biosaf SC47 at 15 g/mare/d (SC47 treatment). The basal concentrate diet consisted of a mixture of 50% commercial concentrates and 50% wheat bran fed at 4 kg/mare and offered twice daily at 04:00 and 16:00 hours, while oat straw was offered ad libitum at 05:00 and 17:00 hours. The mares fed the F53 had higher (P < .05) oat straw and total nutrient intakes compared to the control diet. Addition of Biocell F53 and Biosaf SC47 yeast cultures increased (P < .05) all nutrients' digestibilities. Feeding the yeast cultures resulted in higher crude protein (P = .029), neutral detergent fiber (P = .042), and acid detergent fiber (P = .035) digestibilities compared to the control diet. The SC47 treatment had lower blood total protein (P = .014) than the control treatment. Higher (P < .05) asymptotic in vitro fecal gas production was obtained with F53 treatment compared to SC47 treatment without differences between F53, P7, and control treatments. Increased methane production was obtained (P < .05) with F53 and SC47 treatments compared to the control treatment. It can be concluded that daily addition of Biocell F53 yeast culture at 11 g/mare/d resulted in higher feed intake and nutrients digestibility without affecting the mare's health.  相似文献   

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