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With the increasing pressure to improve the contribution of forests to help dealing with global changes, it is critical to understand the different perceptions of those involved in the forest. How do forest owners, managers and members of local communities who often depend on the forest, value it and what are the problems affecting the forests in terms of being able to meet these new challenges?In Portugal, this task has taken on an even greater priority as more than 90% of the forest is private and forest management relies on the individual decisions of thousands of forest owners. To understand stakeholder views on forest and forest management, a transversal social perception survey was implemented in the form of a case study of central Portugal which included decision-makers, local technicians, forest owners and the general public.The results show that there is a consensus on the main issues affecting forests and forest management. A shift from classic forest owners to the emergence of indifferent forest owners was observed, although this shift has not been recognized by the forest owners in the survey, who maintain the individual management of their properties.  相似文献   

Decentralisation in Cambodia has long been propagated as a means to enhance local engagement with governance structures. But in the forestry sector, even limited devolution of powers often constrains local user groups with excessive bureaucratic burdens. In addition, entrenched political economy interests tend to inhibit effective governance. To investigate the apparent institutional malaise that seems to characterise community forestry sites in Cambodia, this study employed a mixed methods approach to evaluate capacities to engage in collective action on forest governance. In our two case studies, community forestry is characterised by the exclusion of younger and poorer households from formal meetings, high costs and limited benefits for members, informal information channels where women and poorer households are excluded, low levels of formalisation, high enforcement costs and massive external pressures. The article calls for community forest entities to develop locally-adapted graduated sanction mechanisms through the receipt of greater support for internal monitoring and enforcement.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the Atlantic Rainforest loss and recovery are still not fully understood despite its long history of human occupation. In this study, we investigated changes in an Atlantic Rainforest region due to major biophysical and human proximate causes. First, we modeled land-cover and land-use changes from 1962 to 2000, including deforestation and forest regrowth, and thereby simulated future landscape trajectories to assess their possible effects on the conservation of forest species of the Ibiúna Plateau, a region located in Southeastern Brazil within the Atlantic Rainforest biome. We modeled four scenarios (status quo, random, lawenforcement, and land-use intensification) and simulated their resulting landscape trajectories for the year 2019 using DINAMICA. The landscape dynamics in the study region were particularly intense. During the first period of 1962–1981, the rate of forest regrowth (3% year−1) was greater than the rate of deforestation (2% year−1), whereas in the latter period of 1981–2000, increasing urbanization and the spreading of rural establishments resulted in more deforestation (2.9% year−1) than regrowth (1% year−1). These dynamics imprinted a heterogeneous landscape, leading to the predominance of progressively younger secondary forests with increasingly less capacity of hosting sensitive forest species. The influence of proximate causes on the dynamics of deforestation and forest regrowth showed consistent patterns, such as higher forest regrowth rates near rivers, on steep slopes and far from dirt roads, whereas losses in young secondary vegetation and forest were far from rivers, on gentle slopes and near urban areas. Of the modeled scenarios, only the law enforcement scenario may lead to the recovery of a network of interconnected forest patches, suggesting that simply the enforcement of current forest laws, which prohibit deforestation on unsuitable agricultural areas and along river margins and establish a minimum of 20% of forest remnant per rural property, may effectively favor forest species conservation in the short term (two decades) without the need of any forest restoration effort.  相似文献   

木材生产国的森林警察在打击非法采伐方面起到了十分重要的作用。文中首先简要介绍印度尼西亚的森林警察制度,以Gunung Palung国家公园和吉打邦为例总结森林警察面对非法采伐的执法对策,对其抑制非法采伐的效果进行分析,指出印度尼西亚现行森林警察制度在打击非法采伐方面存在的问题主要包括执法权限受限、地方分权造成地方政府对于林地管理部门的忽视以及经济奖励制度存在缺陷。  相似文献   

Recent studies point to the promise of rain forest extraction for more sustainable rural development in Amazonia but often overlook important differences within traditional communities in terms of relative economic reliance upon specific forest resources. This paper reports on a study of charcoal production among forest peasants in an Amazonian river community, near Iquitos, Peru. In-depth household interviews (n=36) provided information on household economic activity, demographic composition, and access to land, labor and capital as well as on the nature, role and economic importance of charcoal in the household economy. Our results indicate that peasant charcoal production — often cast as a rapacious, wasteful use of the forest — can provide significant cash income for forest peoples and high returns per hectare, particularly when integrated into swidden-fallow agroforestry systems, without causing notable forest destruction. Low returns to labor, however, limit prospects for peasants to prosper by charcoal production. Variations in household output of charcoal are explained by differential access to intra- and extra-household labor. Among those households most reliant upon charcoal, two subgroups are found — ‘charcoal-dependent’ households and ‘charcoal-specialized’ households — both of which rely on charcoal production, but for different reasons and with distinct outcomes. These two sub-groups are divided by differences in non-market mediated access to local land and labor. Clearly, to be successful, initiatives aimed at promoting rain forest conservation and management among ‘resource-reliant’ households must be informed by careful attention to the underlying conditions that give rise to differential rain forest reliance.  相似文献   

Information on roosting requirements and responses to forest management is integral to effectively conserve and manage bat populations. Tree hollows are especially important for roosting bats given the long time taken for hollows to form. We used radiotelemetry to compare roost site selection in two species, Vespadelus regulus and Nyctophilus gouldi, in logged jarrah forests of south-western Australia. We compared characteristics of roost trees and forest structure around roost trees (n = 48) with randomly located plots at a local roost tree level (n = 90) in February and March 2009. For landscape features, we compared roost trees with randomly selected trees in the broader landscape that had cavities or exfoliating bark (n = 204). V. regulus roosted solely in hollows that were located predominantly in contemporarily unlogged buffers and mature forest while N. gouldi used a broader range of roost types, located in contemporarily unlogged buffers and mature forest and in retained habitat trees in gap release and shelterwood creation silvicultural treatments. In contrast with N. gouldi, which selected hollows or crevices under bark near the ground and close to vegetation, V. regulus used hollows that were high above ground and had little surrounding vegetation. Both species preferred large trees, in intermediate or advanced stages of decay and crown senescence. Bats changed roosts frequently, with short distances between subsequent roosts, suggesting a degree of spatial fidelity. Contemporarily unlogged buffers and mature forest contained higher densities of trees with hollows than gap release and shelterwood creation areas, potentially providing more alternate bat roosts. Our results demonstrate the importance of mature forest and unlogged buffers as bat roost sites in logged jarrah forests of south-western Australia, but the area of old forest required by these and co-occurring bat species remains to be determined.  相似文献   

以上海市佘山国家森林公园主要森林植被类型的群落学调查资料为基础,通过应用群落相似性和物种多样性测度方法进行计算分析,对该区域的主要森林群落类型、植物多样性特征及其演替趋势进行了分析研究。结果表明:佘山国家森林公园主要由白栎林、毛竹林、香樟林、朴树-榉树林、朴树-刺槐林、梧桐林和枫香-刺槐林等7种森林类型组成; 现有森林植被的植物多样性明显低于邻近的浙江地区,其树种组成也明显偏重于落叶树种,以榆科植物、壳斗科栎类树种为主,而常绿树种则只有香樟、苦槠、毛竹、女贞等少数几个建群种;从森林演替趋势看,未来上海佘山地区的森林主要为三大类:以白栎为主的地带性森林群落,毛竹林和以樟科、榆科、木犀科等科树种组成的常绿、落叶混交林。  相似文献   

提高依法行政能力,做好林业行政执法工作,对依法治林具有重大意义。面对林业系统机构改革、执法信息化的新形势,林业行政执法目前存在执法力量比较薄弱、信息化发展较缓慢、人员综合素质有待提高等问题。针对这些问题,文中结合浙江省林业执法现状,从信息化发展、执法体制机制、执法人员素质方面分析原因,提出优化林业执法制度环境、健全林业行政执法体制、提升执法人员综合能力、推进执法数字化改革等建议,以期为进一步提高林业行政执法能力、推进依法治林提供参考。  相似文献   

A new forest policy of allocating forestland to individual households for management and development, has been applied in Vietnam since the early 1990s. This study was designed to examine how local forest-related people have used forestland and forest resources under the new policy, and to determine their level of dependency on forests. An upland forest-related community in northern central Vietnam, where the policy was introduced in 2002, was chosen as a case study. It was found that local residents in the community have not complied with the forest allocation policy well, in that they violated the policy to freely lend forestland to and borrow from villagers for cropping purposes, regardless of whether they were rich or poor, had enough land or not, or were legally forest recipients. Regarding forest dependency, all households studied lived on forest resources (forestland and forest products). More than 65% of the total annual income of poorer households was derived from the forest, compared to less than 40% for the richer households. Forest-derived income accounted for more than 75% in their total income in some of the poorest households.
Nguyen Vinh QuangEmail:

This study addresses the question, ‘How can remaining forests be conserved when these are already individually privatized, and when the people prefer landuses other than forestry?’ These changes in landuse and forest ownership are demonstrated through a case study of a village in Ifugao, Philippines. A rapid and continued conversion of forest into agricultural land is observed, particularly for vegetable farming. Traditionally, most of the village total land area was under communal land ownership, but now almost half is under de facto private ownership. This transition in land (including forest) ownership is generally attributed to increased demand for land which is further attributed to changes in peoples’ values towards wealth accumulation rather than redistribution, greater integration to the market economy and a shift towards commercial agriculture. Past forest policies have been ineffective in regulating the landuse largely because they have not reflected local reality, and this appears to be true with the present national forest management strategy of community-based forest management. It is argued that the granting of land titles will improve forest conservation because it will improve the enforcement of forest laws and related contractual agreements. Based on the reality of private land ownership, it is further argued that forest policy in IP land should include private (individual, family or household) forest management. Given the possibility that indigenous people may prefer landuses other than forestry or may sell their property for various reasons, policies should regulate landuse as well as make it legal for IPs to transfer rights of ownership to ‘outsiders’. There is scope to improve the implementation of the Indigenous Peoples Rights Act in the Philippines.  相似文献   

雪灾干扰下林窗对木荷幼苗更新的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
林窗干扰是维持森林生态系统的重要驱动力之一,对种子萌发、幼苗等自然更新过程、森林物种组成和动态、森林生物多样性的维持具有重要作用。本研究以2008年雪灾干扰后的浙江江郎山木荷林为研究对象,对木荷林窗大小结构、幼苗更新、生长等进行调查研究,结果表明:扩展林窗以50 100 m2的林窗个数最多(占总数的45.45%),各等级林窗中以50 100 m2的林窗占总面积比例最大(占总面积的30.31%)。林窗中木荷幼苗的平均高度和地径较对照林分分别高1.44 cm和0.61 mm,幼树在林窗中的平均高度和地径则比对照林分中分别高45.37 cm和5.00 mm且差异显著;林窗大小对木荷幼苗、幼树的高度和地径生长影响显著,中林窗中幼苗的高度和地径均高于小林窗和大林窗中的幼苗且差异均显著(F=4.893,P=0.007;F=5.203,P=0.004;n=357);幼树的地径在不同大小林窗中差异显著(F=3.569,P=0.037;n=43)。林窗幼苗的更新密度随着林窗面积的增大而增大,在林窗面积达到76 m2时,更新密度达到最大值,而后随着林窗面积的增大下降;中林窗和小林窗中更新苗木以低矮植株(1级、2级)为主,面积100 m2大林窗中,木荷幼苗生长较快。与他人研究的森林天然林窗相比,雪灾干扰后改变了林窗的大小分布结构和面积,50 100 m2的林窗比例较大,一定程度上更利于幼苗更新,具有相对较大的林窗幼苗更新密度;不论林窗大小,林窗内的更新幼苗都比林内多,郁闭度较大的林内或大面积的空地上都不利于更新幼苗的生长。因此,从受灾木荷林窗大小结构、幼苗更新、生长等来看,中林窗是幼苗适宜更新的面积,为木荷灾后恢复与重建提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

浅议高黎贡山自然保护区西坡社区对森林资源的依赖性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高黎贡山自然保护区西坡社区对森林资源存在着严重依赖性,表现在采薪、盗伐、放牧、采集非木质林产品等,从而造成对森林资源的破坏。在此基础上提出了完善管理体系,加强法制;发展社区经济,实行社区共管等5条保护森林资源与社区发展的思路。  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the potential of transformation strategy (an approach that emphasizes strengthening interdependence among social and ecological systems) to rehabilitate degraded land by examining two cases in Bangladesh and one in the Philippines. The study considers the benefits obtained from forests and forest-related activities in the form of income and energy sources as key parameters to link the social system (local people) with the ecological system (forest). Qualitative and quantitative analysis of data on land use and socio-economic changes indicates that the transformation strategy improved both the wellbeing of local people and forest cover. In the case of the Philippines, social and ecological linkages were found to be strong, with local people rehabilitating the degraded land while also obtaining a high proportion of their total income from the activity. For the two Bangladesh cases, however, the level of dependency on the forest for livelihood declined as local people used their income from the forest and forest-related activities for diversification to non-forest activities.  相似文献   

打击木材非法采伐的森林执法管理与贸易国际进程   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
探讨了世界森林执法管理与贸易国际进程现状, 分析了森林执法管理与贸易进程和打击木材非法采伐存在的主要问题, 并提出推进国际森林公约、参与跨国联合行动、提高木材供给国执法能力、加强消费国木材监管体系建设、重视非政府组织意见、加强行业信用评价、积极开展森林认证和引导消费者的态度等加强森林执法管理与控制木材非法贸易的对策建议。  相似文献   

The present and past population status of oak (Quercus robur) in the Bia?owie?a National Park preserve (BNP) was analyzed with respect to the historic use of the ecosystem. I assessed average parameters (density, dbh distribution, differences between habitat categories) of the oak population in the whole BNP preserve, and performed detailed analyses of local populations on three 26.5-ha and one 3.5-ha plots, representing eutrophic sites of deciduous forest (3) and a mesotrophic site of mixed forest (1). Based on the tree ring data, I reconstructed the historic dbh distribution back to 1750–1825. The results of the reconstruction confirm the early 1800s expert account and the 1889 forestry survey report. The high oak concentration in eutrophic habitats are legacies of either active game management (e.g., bison habitat improvement measures, supplementary feeding), forest recovery after the ban on forest industries (baking potash, tar, charcoal), or abandonment of inner small farms. The emergence of oak on poorer sites in the mid 1800s coincides with the ban on use of fire—a common practice that earlier had perpetuated the dominating position of fire-resistant pine. The present oak regeneration in declining spruce stands is a further step of the forest natural adaptation to environmental changes. The study supports the view that BNP is a remnant of an ecosystem substantially shaped by human uses. Modern forestry, as practiced in the managed part of the Bia?owie?a forest, does not mimic either natural processes (as observed in BNP) or historic forest uses.  相似文献   

Forest harvesting strategies that approximate natural disturbances have been proposed as a means of maintaining natural species’ diversity and richness in the boreal forests of North America. Natural disturbances impact shoreline forests and upland areas at similar rates. However, shoreline forests are generally protected from harvest through the retention of treed buffer strips. We examined bird community responses to forest management guidelines intended to approximate shoreline forest fires by comparing bird community structure in early (1–4 years) post-burned and harvested boreal riparian habitats and the adjacent shoreline forest. We sampled riparian areas with adjacent: (1) burned merchantable shoreline forest (n = 21), (2) burned non-merchantable shoreline forest (n = 29), (3) 10 m treed buffer with 25% retention in the next 30 m (n = 18), and (4) 30 m treed buffer (n = 21). Only minor differences were detected in riparian species’ abundance and bird community composition between treatments with greater differences in these parameters occurring between post-fire and post-harvest upland bird communities. Indicators of all merchantable treatments were dominated by upland species with open-habitat species and habitat generalists being typical upland indicator species of burned merchantable habitats and forest specialists typical upland indicators of harvested treatments. Riparian species indicative of burned riparian habitats were Common Yellowthroat (Geothlypis trichas), Le Conte’s Sparrow (Ammodramus leconteii) and Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus) and indicators of 30 m buffers were Alder Flycatcher (Empidonax alnorum) and Wilson’s Warbler (Wilsonia pusilla). Multivariate Redundancy Analysis (RDA) of the overall (riparian and upland birds) community showed greater divergence than RDA with only riparian species suggesting less effect of fire and forestry on riparian birds than on upland birds. Higher natural range of variability (NRV) of overall post-fire bird communities compared to post-harvest communities emphasizes that harvesting guidelines currently do not achieve this level of variability. However, lack of a large negative effect on common riparian species in the first 4 years post-disturbance allows for the exploration of alternative shoreline forest management that better incorporates bird community composition of post-fire riparian areas and shoreline forests.  相似文献   

富源县“十三五”期间共上报审核建设项目使用林地83宗,经审核同意使用林地面积161.397 5 hm2。从上报数量看,2016年以后数量逐年增长;经审核同意使用面积自2016年以后增多,并保持较大基数。对当前林地管理中存在的违法使用林地现象突出,林草行政执法队伍力量薄弱,林地使用审核审批规划等相关部门间的协调配合程度不高,林草部门林地使用审核、审批压力大等问题进行分析,藉此提出相应对策。  相似文献   


? Context

Models for predictions of soil compaction following forest traffic represent important decision tools for forest managers in order to choose the best management practices for preserving soil physical quality. In agricultural soil compaction research, analytical models are widely used for this purpose.

? Aims

Our objective was to assess the ability of an analytical model to predict forest soil compaction under forwarder traffic.

? Methods

We used the results from two experimental sites set up in north-eastern France in 2007 and 2008 to compare simulations using the SoilFlex model with observed bulk density following forwarder traffic.

? Results

The best model-based predictions were found when considering the mean initial soil conditions and an increased rebound parameter in the upper soil layers (0–10 cm) in comparison to the deeper layers (10–50 cm). The need to increase the rebound parameter in the soil surface layer to improve model accuracy was attributed to a large soil organic matter content in the uppermost layers of forest soils. For the site where initial soil mechanical parameters were measured as a function of soil bulk density and water content, the model performance was good, with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.06. The model performed poorer (RMSE of 0.11), especially for the surface soil layer, for the second site that was wetter at the time of traffic and where soil mechanical properties were not measured but estimated by means of pedo-transfer functions.

? Conclusions

SoilFlex was found to yield satisfactory predictions and could help forest managers estimate the risk of compaction and to select the most appropriate machinery for given soil conditions in order to preserve the soil from physical degradation during traffic in forest ecosystems. However, our results emphasise the need for research on soil mechanical properties of forest soils, in particular on the role of soil organic matter and roots on soil compressive properties.  相似文献   

分析了新时期林政案件发生的特点,提出了加强林政案件管理的对策。  相似文献   

Agave cupreata is harvested from tropical dry forests, oak forests, and other habitats by rural communities in the Chilapa region of Guerrero, Mexico to make mescal, a traditional and culturally important liquor. Local management systems use various techniques to regulate Agave harvest and encourage regeneration, including the exclusion of cattle. This study examines the impacts of cattle exclusion and of the different habitat types on the population structure and density of A. cupreata. Sampling was conducted in pastures, oak forest, tropical dry forest, and mixed oak-tropical dry forest using 54 transects of 1000 m2, where Agave was counted by size-class and measurements were taken of the vegetation and physical environment. Transects were divided between areas with cattle present and cattle excluded in all four habitats except for oak forest, where all areas were open to cattle. Agave density per 1000 m2 was highest in pasture (148 ± 5, mean ± SE), followed by oak forest (100 ± 4), tropical dry forest (88 ± 5) and mixed oak-dry forest (81 ± 2). The size-class structures of Agave populations were also significantly different between vegetation types, with oak forest supporting higher seedling densities but lower numbers of juveniles. A regression subset selection algorithm showed that one of the most important factors influencing Agave populations was the presence of cattle, which can reduce densities by trampling and grazing on seedlings and floral stalks. Cattle presence significantly lowered Agave densities in the smaller size classes in all vegetation types but did not significantly alter size-class structure. Total Agave density per 1000 m2 was significantly higher in transects where cattle were absent (148 ± 4) than where cattle were present (81 ± 1). In all areas sampled, the high number of juveniles relative to other size-classes suggests that Agave populations are successfully regenerating in the Chilapa region, and the higher Agave densities in fenced areas suggest that local management techniques are effectively increasing Agave yields. These results highlight the potential for sustainable management of Agave to conserve forest habitats while also providing important income from mescal to local communities in the region.  相似文献   

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