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Acacia senegal, the gum arabic producing tree, is the most important tree species for the livelihood of the people in South Kordofan State, Sudan. The objective of this study was to determine the optimum tapping date for gum arabic production in the study area. A randomized complete block design experiment with three replications was conducted at (Meari) area for two continuous growing seasons 2008/2009 - 2009/2010. The treatments comprised six tapping dates (1 Oct, 15 Oct, 1 Nov, 15 Nov, 1 Dec, and 15 Dec). Results showed highly significant differences (p < 0.001) in gum arabic yield (g\tree) in all pickings and in the total gum yield between the tapping dates. The results also showed that tapping of trees on 15 October and 1 November gave a higher yield compared to the other dates. The highest gum yield of 1086.6 and 661.2 g/tree was recorded on 15 October and 15 November, while the lowest gum yield of 297.9 g/tree was recorded when the trees were tapped on 1 October. The two highest-yield dates of tapping (15 Oct and 1 Nov) are recommended as the best time for tapping for gum arabic production in South Kordofan State. These results can be used to increase gum arabic production and farmer income in South Kordofan State.  相似文献   

Traditional homegardens (HGs) are considered to harbor high levels of plant diversity and have been therefore characterized as sustainable agro-ecosystems suitable for on-farm (incl. circa situm) conservation of plant genetic resources. While the functional structure of traditional HGs is poorly understood specifically for semi-arid and arid regions, their plant species richness and diversity is increasingly threatened by recent and fast evolving agricultural transformation processes. This has been particularly claimed for traditional jubraka HG systems of Sudan. Therefore, sixty-one HGs in four villages of the Nuba Mountains, South-Kordofan Province, Sudan, were randomly selected, geographically recorded and plant richness and abundance determined and plant diversity parameters calculated. In addition, socio-economic household data were assessed by interviews and soil samples taken to allow a comprehensive analysis of putative factors affecting HG plant diversity across different villages, levels of commercialization and plant species composition based clusters. A total of 110 species from 35 plant families were grown in the HGs along with 71 ornamentals. Perennial species accounted for 57 % including 12 indigenous fruit tree (IFT) species and six exotic fruit tree species. Mean species richness of useful plant species (excluding ornamentals) per HG was 23 (range 6–46). On average, 41 % of the 23 species per HG were of exotic origin, however, with a large range (21–83 %) among locations. Mean diversity and evenness indices were 1.46 (range 0.49–2.42) and 0.48 (0.15–0.87), respectively. The level of commercialization of HGs only marginally affected species diversity measures although the species richness was significantly higher for commercial than subsistence HGs. Species richness was higher on lower (6.6–7.2) pH soils. IFT richness was highly variable, but non-significantly different across the four locations. Plant species richness and diversity was high in comparison with other HG systems in semi-arid regions. Cluster analysis was found to be a valuable tool to classify HGs and to extract homogeneous HG types with low, intermediate and high richness and diversity. In addition, the share of exotic and ornamental species in HGs indicated a trend towards the loss of traditional farming practices, particularly in areas with good market access. The data did not indicate the hypothesized loss of inter-specific diversity due to commercialization and species richness was numerically even higher for market-oriented HGs compared to subsistence ones.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of intercropping with Acacia senegal (L.) Willd on growth and yield of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.), sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa). Field experiments were conducted in El-Obeid Research farm (13°10’ N; 30°12’ E), North Kordofan State, Sudan, during 2002 2003 in an 11-year-old A. senegal plantation. The experimental design was randomized complete block design (RCBD) with four replications. Data were recorded for plant height (cm), fresh weight (kg ha -1 ), dry weight (kg ha -1 ), crop yield (kg ha -1 ), and gum yield (kg ha -1 ). We used Land Equivalent Ratios (LER) and simple financial analyses of gross surpluses to evaluate the productivity and profitability of the different treatments. The results indicated that A. senegal trees had a beneficial effect on crop performance and yield as well as gum yield. Significant differences (p<0.05) were obtained for plant height, fresh weight, dry weight and crop yield. Therefore, yield of sorghum, sesame and roselle under intercropping system were 13.7%, 23.8% and 20.9% higher than that obtained in the sole cropping system respectively. The highest yield increase was observed with sesame (23.8%). Gum yield (g/tree/picking) was signifi- cantly (p<0.05) increased for sorghum, sesame and roslle under inter-cropping system. The highest yield of (298g/tree/picking) was obtained when roselle was intercropped with A. senegal, while the least gum yield of (239 g tree-1 ) was recorded in pure A. senegal plot. All the treatments gave land equivalent ratio (LER) of more than one-indicating the superiority of growing the field crops in intercropping over the sole cropping systems. The highest LER of 3.8 was obtained for sesame intercropped with A. senegal (Hashab), followed by 3.7, when sorghum was intercropped with A. senegal and 3.3 when roselle intercropped with A. senegal. All the treatments gave positive net revenues, the highest being for intercropped sorghum (558 SDG ha -1 ) (SDG=Sudanese gienh). The intercropping of roselle gave the second net revenue (518 SDG ha -1 ),while the sole sorghum gave the lowest net revenue (501 SDG ha -1 ).  相似文献   

A study was conducted in South Kordofan, Sudan to determine the effect of tapping, tapping tools and date of tapping on the gum yield of Acacia polyacantha. A two-factor experiment was conducted for two seasons in 2008-2009. One location was used for two seasons and two locations for one season. The first factor (4 levels) was the tools of tapping: Makmak, Farrar, and Sonki, and the control which was not tapped. The second factor (2 levels) was the date of tapping that comprises mid October and mid November. These treatments were arranged in Randomaized Complete Block Design and replicated three times. Gum yield (g/tree and g/ picking) was recorded for five pickings. Economic analysis was done using the partial budget technique. The results showed highly significant (p < 0.01) differences on gum yield (g/picking and g/tree). The results indicated that the process of tapping increases gum production by 88.4% and 79.8% compared with un-tapped trees, respectively. The date of tapping has no significant effect on gum yield (g/tree and g/picking) of A. polyacantha. Tapping of the tree with Makmak in mid- November was found to be economically beneficial compared to using the other tools and the control. These results could identify a new source of income for the poor farmers in South Kordofan mainly because of the wild occurrence of Kakamut as a potential gum producing tree species grown naturally in the area.  相似文献   

The development and establishment of agroforestry systems is often suggested as a way to stabilize rural economies in developing countries [King, 1979]. At the same time, some traditional systems are being lost, due to an inability to protect the perennial or tree crop components of the system. These traditional systems and the forces that reinforce or destroy them should be carefully studied by those in the process of encouraging adoption of agroforestry systems in the developing world. The gum gardens of Western Sudan are a case in point.Acacia senegal (hashab) andAcacia seyal (talh) are the two major marketable gum-producing trees found in the western region of Sudan. TheAcacias are grown as part of an agro-silvo-pastoral system that has persisted for more than a hundred years in Kordofan Province, where 70% of Sudan's gum Arabic was once produced, as well as most of its grain and livestock products. After a lengthy drought lasting from 1979 to 1985 gum production in Sudan drastically decreased. It was reported that pest attacks and drought were major causal agents in the decline of gum production [Awouda, 1989; Sungar, 1986]. A survey executed in Northern Kordofan Province, starting in August of 1986, did uncover a great number of deadAcacias due to drought and pest attack, but from interviews with gum farmers we conclude that the decline in gum production is largely due to unfavorable socioeconomic relationships exacerbated by the drought, leading to the deterioration of the agroforestry system of production. An inability to get a fair price for gum at the local level and increasing emphasis on a cash economy led to the neglect of the tree components of the system. The gum gardens have long flourished with the intensive husbandry of small-scale farmers. Once these farmers were no longer able to care for them, the gum trees disappeared from the system, indicating that a lack of community stability can be fatal to even a well-developed agroforestry system.  相似文献   


A study was conducted in South Omo Zone, Ethiopia with the aim of assessing the population status of the frankincense tree Boswellia neglecta and investigating its resin essential oil chemical composition. The status of populations of B. neglecta was assessed by examining the density, abundance, frequency, dominance, importance value index, and population structure. Resin sample was analyzed for the physicochemical properties. The composition of the essential oil was analyzed with Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. The high values of density, abundance, frequency, dominance, and importance value index for B. neglecta showed the potential of the tree for bulk resin collection. Boswellia neglecta had a bell-shaped diameter distribution indicating a hampered regeneration. The B. neglecta resin had a moisture content of 2.68%, ash content of 0.99%, pH of 5.7, and oil yield of 5.92%. The resin possessed good quality as compared to resins in other reports. The essential oil was optically active (?31.6° at 23.2°C). The essential oil contained several compounds, but 71.1% of the composition were formed mainly from methyl oleate, methyl linoleate, methyl palmitate, which have not been reported from B. neglecta. Sustainable management must be enacted since the agro-pastoralist mode of life hinders regeneration of the species and its resin resources.  相似文献   

南太白山区域农家乐发展状况及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南太白山(厚畛子)区域位于太白山、周至、老县城和黄柏塬4个自然保护区的地理合围中,生物多样性保护的意义极为重要。作为替代经济方式之一的农家乐经营,近年来在当地发展迅速,但发展过程中存在着定位不准确、档次低、规模小、政策不到位等问题,本文对该区域农家乐发展状况进行调查分析并提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

南岭不同林型土壤微生物数量特征分析   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8  
调查了南岭小坑森林公园4种典型林型针阔混交林、常绿阔叶林、杉木林、毛竹林,并在不同林型采集土壤样本,分析该地区4种不同林型土壤微生物的种群分布情况.结果表明:(1)不同林型土壤微生物数量存在极显著差异(p<0.001),微生物总数平均值以针阔混交林最高,数量是(40.5±13.4)×105CFU.g-1,毛竹林[(27.9±8.1)×105CFU.g-1]和常绿阔叶林[(30.2±11.0)×105CFU.-g 1]次之,杉木林的数量最少[(17.9±5.8)×105CFU.g-1];(2)不同林型土壤微生物中,各类微生物组成比例不尽相同.从总体来看,以细菌占绝大多数(平均为74.6%),其次是放线菌(平均为13.9%),真菌较少(平均为11.5%);(3)同一林型在不同时间条件下,各种土壤微生物的数量与其占微生物总数的比例均呈现出明显动态变化特征.  相似文献   

Two field trials were conducted under rainfed conditions at El-Obeid Research Farm and Eldemokeya Forest Reserve, North Kordofan State during the growing seasons 2004/2005 and 2005/2006. The objective was to investigate the effect of Acacia senegal on the performance and yield of groundnut (Arachis hypogea), sesame (Sesamum indicum) and roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) in an agroforestry system. The two trials consisted of seven treatments: three represented the intercropping of groundnut, sesame and roselle with A. senegal, three without trees and one represented A. senegal alone. Data were recorded on soil physical and chemical properties, soil moisture content, crops fresh weight (kg/ha), dry weight (kg/ha), gum yield (g/picking) and crop yield (kg/ha). The trees at El-Obeid yielded no gum, whereas those at Eldemokeya were 15 years old and were tapped as part of the total harvest in the agroforestry plots. Land equivalent ratios (LER) and simple financial analyses of gross surpluses were used to evaluate the productivity of the different treatments. Fresh weight of groundnut, sesame and roselle was significantly different (P < .0.05) at both sites. Higher fresh weights were found under the intercropping system than the sole cropping system. This could be attributed to a shading effect that limits fruit production of the field crops more than vegetative growth. Dry weights were significantly greater for sesame and roselle in both sites, while that of groundnuts was not significantly different. In both sites, intercropping reduced the yield of sesame by 6 and 11% in the first season and 37 and 39% in the second season. The reduction in roselle yield was 19 and 28% in the first season and 15 and 8% in the second season. Yield reduction in groundnut was 35 and 17% in the first season and 35 and 11% in the second season. The combined analysis indicated that intercropping reduced groundnut yield by 26%, sesame by 21% and roselle by 20%. All the treatments gave LER of more than one—indicating the superiority of growing the field crops in intercropping over the sole cropping systems. The highest LER of (1.71) was obtained when roselle was intercropped with A. senegal, while the lowest LER (1.48) was obtained when groundnuts were intercropped with A. senegal. All the treatments gave positive net revenues, the highest being for intercropped roselle (438 SDG/ha). The intercropping of sesame gave the second highest net revenue (387 SDG/ha), while the sole roselle gave the lowest net revenue (97 SDG/ha).  相似文献   

秦岭南麓油茶丰产栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从油茶的林地选择、建园栽植、油茶林管理、整形修剪及病虫防治等方面,阐述了秦岭南麓油茶优质高效栽培技术措施。  相似文献   

For this study in the Ambo State Forest on woody plant diversity, structure and regeneration, 70 quadrats, each 25 m by 25 m, were selected using a systematic random sampling technique and intervals of 100 m along a transect line. For assessing seedlings and saplings,two 2 × 10 m sub quadrats were set upon opposite sides of each main quadrat. Data on species diversity, abundance,structure, basal area, density, frequency and regeneration status were collected and analyzed using standard procedures and programs. Of 58 woody plant species identified,69 % were trees, 16 % were shrubs, 12 % were tree/shrubs and 4 % were climbers. Fabaceae was the most speciesrich family comprising 17 species. The Shannon–Weiner diversity index was 2.73, and evenness was 0.67. The population structure in the cumulative diameter class frequency distribution revealed an interrupted and inverted J-shape with a very high decrease in higher diameter class.Acacia lahai(49 %) was the most important woody species with the highest importance value index. To maintain balanced structure, enhanced regeneration and protecting the forest from selective cutting are recommended.  相似文献   

由于企业经营不当或人为过度采挖 ,使南坡荒地生境不断恶化。文章试以森林生态演替的观点 ,阐述了南坡荒地应当重点加以保护。并对南坡荒地植被恢复提出了一些相应对策和措施。  相似文献   

为了探究白桦(Betula platyphylla)种群当年构件的特性,了解其生存策略及对环境的响应。文章研究通过测定各构件的数量、生物量及构件间关系,对不同光照条件和不同径级的构件进行分析。结果表明:不同光照条件下,枝条的长度有显著差异,而枝条鲜重无显著差异;不同径级下,枝条长度差异明显,而枝条鲜重没有显著差异。不同光照条件下,叶片的数量和鲜重均有显著差异;不同径级下,叶片数量没有显著差异,而叶片鲜重差异明显。生殖构件与营养构件间的异速生长关系不显著,体现了构件间生长关系的复杂性。  相似文献   

大兴安岭南段山地造林立地类型划分   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
以大兴安岭南段山地近40年来营造的针叶树人工林地为研究对象,采用典型抽样获得了169个样地林分和立地条件资料,将林木生长指标与立地因子指标结合应用,用统计分析方法,划分出4个造林立地类型组,39个造林立地类型。  相似文献   

To understand soil N2O fluxes from temperate forests in a climate-sensitive transitional zone,N2O emissions from three temperate forest types(Pinus tabulaeformis,PTT;Pinus armandii,PAT;and Quercus aliena var.acuteserrata,QAT)were monitored using the static closed-chamber method from June 2013 to May 2015 in the Huoditang Forest region of the Qinling Mountains,China.The results showed that these three forest types acted as N2O sources,releasing a mean combined level of 1.35±0.56 kg N2O ha^-1 a^-1,ranging from0.98±0.37 kg N2O ha^-1 a^-1 in PAT to 1.67±0.41 kg N2O ha^-1 a^-1 in QAT.N2O emission fluctuated seasonally,with highest levels during the summer for all three forest types.N2O flux had a significantly positive correlation with soil temperature at a depth of 5 cm or in the water-filled pore space,where the correlation was stronger for temperature than for the water-filled pore space.N2O flux was positively correlated with available soil nitrogen in QAT and PAT.Our results indicate that N2O flux is mainly controlled by soil temperature in the temperate forest in the Qinling Mountains.  相似文献   

<正>据福建省林业局最新公布的信息,自2014年以来福建省森林面积净增150万亩,达到1.21亿亩,森林覆盖率提高0.85个百分点,达到66.8%,创历史新高,连续40年位居中国首位。近5年来,福建共完成植树造林710.6万亩,森林经营2350.6万亩,森林蓄积量增加1.21亿立方米,达到7.29亿立方米,位居全国第七,并先后创建龙岩、三明等7个国家森林城市和62个省级森林城市(县城)。良好的林业资源保护也带来了可观的经济效益。2018年福建省林业产业总产值达到5904亿元,同比增长18%。其中,森林旅游产  相似文献   

通过对太行山石灰岩区阳坡干旱山地香椿典型栽培区地内栽植和地埂栽植 2种栽培模式根系蘖萌现象的调查研究 ,分别不同栽培模式 ,详细阐述了香椿根系的方向性萌蘖规律 ,对扩大香椿的栽培面积和提高土地的经济效益 ,具有重要的指导意义  相似文献   

豫南山区丰富的野生悬钩子植物资源,具有较高的利用价值,通过良种选择,资源培育,综合开发利用,为野生资源的合理开发提供了重要的途径。  相似文献   

A survey was conducted to determine richness of Vascular Endemic Plants of the Uluguru Mountains in Morogoro, Tanzania. Strict and near-endemic species were identified and their habits, habitats and altitudinal ranges were indicated. About 108 strict endemic plant species were identified in the Uluguru Mountains. Most of the endemic species are shrubs followed by herbs, trees and climbers, and are confined to the families Rubiaceae (38 species in 11 general), Orchidaceae (13 species in 7 general) and Balsaminaceae (11 species in 1 genus). The major habitat for endemic species is the montane rain forest on the windward side ranging between 1200 and 2450 m a.s.l. The major areas where the Uluguru endemics are concentrated are the forests of Bondwa/Lupanga followed by Lukwangule/Chenzema and then Bunduki and Mgeta. These areas are therefore the major hotspots for the endemism in the Uluguru Mountains. The information presented in this paper will contribute to the conservation and management of the biodiversity of the Uluguru Mountains.  相似文献   

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