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Essential oils from Hyptis suaveolens (L.) Poiteau (Lamiaceae) and Hyptis spicigera Lamarck (Lamiaceae) were first analysed by gas chromatography and by gas chromatography/electron impact mass spectroscopy and then evaluated for toxicity and repellent activity against Sitophilus granarius (L.) (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae), one of the most serious worldwide stored grain pests. Fifty-six compounds have been identified in the essential oil of H. suaveolens: monoterpene hydrocarbons were the most represented volatiles (64.1%), followed by sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (24.0%), oxygenated monoterpenes (8.1%) and oxygenated sesquiterpenes (2.4%). Diterpenes and non-terpene derivatives were scarcely represented. Sixty compounds have been identified in the essential oil of H. spicigera: monoterpene hydrocarbons were the most represented class of volatiles (70.4%), followed by sesquiterpene hydrocarbons (22.6%). Results from topical applications on insects showed that both essential oils had an effective insecticidal activity. The complete kill of S. granarius was observed 24 h after treatment at a minimum effective dose of 0.4 and 0.6 μl per insect with H. suaveolens and H. spicigera oil, respectively. Results from repellency tests showed that the two essential oils had a repellent activity on S. granarius adults: at the lowest dose (2 × 10−4 μl oil per cm2), H. spicigera essential oil exhibited a higher repellent effect in comparison to H. suaveolens. No significant differences were observed for the repellent effect between the two essential oils at the highest dose (2 × 10−2 μl oil per cm2).  相似文献   

Gonipterus scutellatus is a significant insect pest of eucalypts in most countries where that genus has been introduced, but is usually only of minor significance in its native Australia. Because of this, much of the research on its biology and host preferences has been done outside Australia. This fact has the potential to produce misleading results as the insect may be forced to choose less preferred hosts, if normally preferred species are unavailable. In part of its native range, in Tasmania, oviposition of G. scutellatus was recorded on seven naturally co-occurring Eucalyptus species that were planted in even aged, replicated plots. Among the seven species were the economically important species, E. globulus and E. viminalis, which have been previously reported as highly preferred hosts. Within plots, oviposition occurred most commonly on three peppermint species (E. pulchella, E. tenuiramis and E. amygdalina) and was rare or absent on the other species (E. globulus, E. viminalis, E. ovata and E. obliqua). Of the peppermints, E. pulchella was the most preferred species for oviposition at this site. A low percentage of peppermints in mixed forest (containing these seven species) immediately adjacent to plots was always matched by low numbers of G. scutellatus eggs within plots; but high percentages of peppermints outside plots could either be matched by high or low numbers of eggs within plots. In the discussion, we suggest that previous studies of G. scutellatus host range may have been limited because the insect was not exposed to hosts it naturally encounters.  相似文献   

Species diversity and infestation densities of rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis Müll. Arg.)-boring beetles at sawmills in southern Thailand were investigated during July 2007 and March 2008. Twenty-two species of wood-boring beetles, nine bostrichids, eight scolytines and five platypodines, were identified. The powder post beetle, Sinoxylon anale Lesne (40%), is the single dominant rubberwood pest in the studied area. Other frequently captured species are Sinoxylon unidentatum (Fabricius) (18%), Heterobostrychus aequalis (Waterhouse) (10%) and Lyctoxylon dentatum Lesne (9%). The Shannon diversity index of rubberwood-boring beetles in the eastern coastal area was significantly (p < 0.01) greater than that in the western coastal area. The infestation density in the dry season was significantly higher than that in the wet season, but there were no significant differences between eastern and western coastal areas.  相似文献   


Our aim was to perform a qualitative review and a meta-analysis with 57 scientific articles (108 assays) published from 1 January 2000 to 31 June 2021 dealing with fumigant toxicity of essential oils (EOs) against Sitophilus zeamais. The studies were obtained from four electronic databases: Web of Science, SCOPUS, PubMed, and Google Scholar. The survey comprised 107 plant species belonging to 26 different families. Lethal concentration values (LC50) of EOs were included in a random-effect model, and two subgroups were defined: “until 24 h” and “more than 24 h”. The EOs more frequently evaluated were those belonging to Lamiaceae (20.18%), Asteraceae (17.43%), Apiaceae (9.17%), and Rutaceae (6.42%). The global mean value was 21.37 (CI95 16.84–27.12), while the summary mean values of the subgroups were 41.45 (CI95 31.10–55.26) for “until 24 h” and 8.45 (CI95 5.72–12.48) for “more than 24 h”. Most species belonging to Apiaceae, Lamiaceae, Asteraceae, and Schisandraceae reported the highest insecticidal effects with mean values that ranged from 1.31 to 27.39 for “until 24 h” and from 0.57 to 5.31 for “more than 24 h”. Additionally, the toxicity of the most effective EOs was discussed by addressing their chemical composition and their major pure compounds chemical features.


The high cost of insecticides, the emergence of insecticide resistance in populations of a number of insect species and other problems arising from their continuous use, such as biological imbalance, cotton fiber waste, and environmental pollution, have prompted the development of new technologies aiming the control of Anthonomus grandis Boheman in cotton crops. This study evaluated the level of protection conferred by kaolin clay foliar spraying to cotton plants against boll weevil damage. Treatment-tested spraying kaolin or endosulfan on cotton plants. The highest percentage of oviposition-punctured squares were observed in the control, and the lowest percentages in the treatments sprayed with endosulfan and kaolin in a systematic manner and where the boll weevil reached the economic threshold at all assessments. The greatest numbers of non-attacked bolls by weevils and cotton-seed yield were observed under the endosulfan treatments, followed by the treatments of kaolin spraying. The smallest number of bolls and lowest cotton-seed yield were observed for the control plots. These finding are of practical significance because they may reduce the cotton production cost and environmental impacts of chemical pesticides and make possible the production of organic cotton with the presence of boll weevils.  相似文献   

The sugar beet weevil, Bothynoderes punctiventris Germ. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), is one of the most damaging pests of sugar beets in Turkey and has been traditionally controlled by application of large amounts of insecticides. The current study used laboratory microcosms to evaluate the possibility of using entomopathogenic nematodes as an alternative control method. The nematodes Steinernema feltiae (strain TUR-S3), Steinernema weiseri (BEY) and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora (TUR-H2) had previously been isolated from Turkey. Nematode-induced mortality generally increased as soil temperature increased from 15 to 25°C but decreased when larvae were located deeper in soil. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora caused the highest larval mortality at 25°C at all depths (5–20 cm). Steinernema feltiae and S. weiseri were more effective than H. bacteriophora at 15°C at all depths. Increasing the application rate of infective nematode dauer juveniles (DJs) affected the number of DJs that penetrated each insect larva and the number of DJs produced per insect. The highest production of DJs per larva occurred at application rates of 50 DJs/larva for S. feltiae and S. weiseri and 100 DJs/larva for H. bacteriophora. Reproduction decreased again at higher application rates. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora had the highest reproductive capability. The results indicate that S. feltiae and S. weiseri might be more effective against this pest early in the growing season when soil temperature is low and that H. bacteriophora might be more effective later in the season when temperature increases.  相似文献   

Thiamethoxam (ACTARA® 25WG) was evaluated for its insecticidal activities against the bamboo powder post beetle Dinoderus minutus Fabricius (Coleoptera: Bostrichidae). The study showed that thiamethoxam had contact toxicity against D. minutus. Based on dose-mortality responses, LC50 values for thiamethoxam against D. minutus ranged from 1.74 to 7.94 μg ml?1. Laboratory and field exposure tests showed that thiamethoxam at concentration of atleast 10 μg ml?1 may have anti-oviposition or anti-feeding effects on D. minutus and can protect post harvest Bambusa vulgaris Schrad. culms against the infestation of this bamboo boring beetle.  相似文献   

目的 云杉花墨天牛是中温带地区传播松材线虫的媒介昆虫,目前对它的报道较少,国内缺乏对云杉花墨天牛生殖行为的研究。为了解云杉花墨天牛的生殖特性和规律,本研究在室内对其成虫生殖行为进行观察和分析,将有助于针对其生殖特性进一步研究防治技术,未来有望通过干扰或延迟该天牛的交配抑制其繁殖,从而降低下一代的种群密度。 方法 将补充营养后的3日龄云杉花墨天牛雌、雄成虫成对放入装有红松木段和新鲜松枝的透明玻璃缸中内,在室温,相对湿度55% ± 5%,光照8D:16L的条件下,连续观察雌雄成虫抱对、交配、刻槽、产卵的生殖行为及日节律,直至天牛自然死亡。 结果 观察发现云杉花墨天牛交配行为分为3个阶段:相遇抱对、插入交配和配后保护。每头成虫平均抱对2.38 ± 0.89次·天−1,抱对平均时长27.86 ± 18.37 min·次−1;平均交配1.74 ± 0.51 次·天−1,交配平均时长8.68 ± 4.42 min·次−1;雌成虫平均刻槽1.76 ± 0.74 次·天−1,刻槽平均时长16.25 ± 9.45 min·次−1;平均产卵1.87 ± 0.61 次·天−1,产卵平均时长16.00 ± 10.04 min·次−1。一个玻璃缸内同时饲养3对天牛时比只饲养1对天牛时,每天平均的抱对、交配、刻槽次数增加,产卵次数减少,而每次交配行为所用平均时长缩短。云杉花墨天牛的生殖行为具有明显的日节律,交配和产卵都出现高峰期,其中交配高峰期为12:00—14:00,雌成虫产卵高峰期为14:00—16:00。研究还发现云杉花墨天牛生殖行为中的特殊现象:如雄成虫尝试与已死亡雌成虫交配,同性成虫试图交配,3只天牛抱在一起类似抱对的现象。 结论 本研究结果证实:在室内条件下,云杉花墨天牛成虫在补充营养后第3天开始有生殖行为,交配过程可分为相遇抱对、插入交配和配后保护3个阶段,且该天牛的交配和产卵行为具有日节律。  相似文献   

梳角窃蠹的防治研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
梳角窃蠹 ( Ptilinus fuscus Geoffroy) ,亦称梳栉窃蠹 ,属鞘翅目 ( Coleopptera) ,窃蠹科( Anobiidae)。嗜食多种杨 ( Populus spp.)、柳 ( salix spp.)及白榆 ( Ulmus pumila L.)的干材 ,尤以青杨 ( P.cathayana Rehd.)受害最重 ,除钻蛀居室木材外 ,还能寄生于活立木的枯朽枝、干部 ;如云杉 ( Picea spp.)木与杨、柳木混用时 ,也能轻度危害云杉木。据报道国外分布于欧洲、埃及、叙利亚 ,国内分布于青海、辽宁[1] 、甘肃 (兰州、白银、临夏、定西、天水、平凉、庆阳、陇南等8地 (州、市 )的 46县 (市、区 ) ) ,是甘肃省房屋木材构件杨…  相似文献   

目的 为了明确不同虫态的麻竖毛天牛(Thyestilla gebleri)对松褐天牛肿腿蜂(Sclerodermus alternatusi)寄生行为和子代发育的影响,进一步筛选和高效利用替代寄主。 方法 利用麻竖毛天牛老熟幼虫和蛹作为繁蜂寄主,比较松褐天牛肿腿蜂对两种虫态麻竖毛天牛的寄生率、子代发育历期、子代羽化率和数量的差异。 结果 松褐天牛肿腿蜂可寄生麻竖毛天牛的幼虫和蛹,寄生率无显著差异。然而,用麻竖毛天牛幼虫繁育松褐天牛肿腿蜂时子代蜂羽化率为93.33%,显著高于麻竖毛天牛蛹作繁蜂寄主时的57.69%。用麻竖毛天牛幼虫和蛹繁育松褐天牛肿腿蜂时,雌蜂产卵前期分别为6.63 d和6.43 d,两者无显著差异;其子代的卵期、幼虫期、蛹期及幼期历期均无显著差异,分别平均为4.34 d和4.57 d、8.34 d和8.52 d、19.89 d和20.07 d及32.61 d和33.40 d。用麻竖毛天牛幼虫繁育的松褐天牛肿腿蜂的子代雌蜂数量和子代总数为39.50头和41.18头,用麻竖毛天牛蛹繁蜂时分别平均为30.80头和32.20头,均存显著差异。在两种虫态寄主上育出的松褐天牛肿腿蜂雄性子代数无显著差异,分别平均为1.96头和1.40头;雄性比亦没有显著差异,分别平均为5.00%和4.45%。 结果 用麻竖毛天牛老熟幼虫作寄主时,松褐天牛肿腿蜂子代羽化率更高,繁育得到的子代数量更多。麻竖毛天牛蛹可作为替代寄主繁育松褐天牛肿腿蜂,但繁蜂效率低于天牛幼虫。  相似文献   

[目的]日本学者Kosaka与Ogura发现松褐天牛成虫除携带松材线虫外,雌成虫卵巢内还携带有另一种线虫,他们将其命名为卵巢线虫,并认为这种线虫是松褐天牛成虫的寄生性线虫。我国对该种线虫的研究迄今未见报道。为了证明这种线虫在我国是否存在和分布,开展了本项研究。[方法]分期分批捕获刚羽化的松褐天牛雌雄成虫,采用解剖松褐天牛成虫松树木质部及感病的松褐天牛幼虫等方法,调查卵巢线虫的存在与分布。[结果]通过调查研究,发现我国的松褐天牛成虫体内有该卵巢线虫存在,分布于松褐天牛成虫、幼虫体内和松树木质部3个部位;在松褐天牛成虫体内的卵巢线虫通过松褐天牛雌成虫产卵而接种、进入寄主树木木质部中。同时,木质部的卵巢线虫也有一部分进入松褐天牛幼虫体内寄生,另一部分仍在木质部生活,当松褐天牛幼虫再次发育为成虫时,在木质部中的卵巢线虫和已被寄生的松褐天牛幼虫体内的卵巢线虫再次进入松褐天牛成虫体内,完成循环。卵巢线虫在松褐天牛雌、雄虫体内均有分布,携带率为44.4%,其中松褐天牛雌成虫携带率为43.8%,松褐天牛雄成虫携带率为45.0%,两者间无显著差异;每头松褐天牛成虫平均携带卵巢线虫574条,其中雌成虫平均携带816条,雄成虫平均携带308条,具显著差异。初步研究表明,卵巢线虫在松褐天牛成虫体内只能完成产卵到1~4龄的幼虫阶段,不能完成一个完整的世代;在松褐天牛幼虫体内寄生和在木质部生活的卵巢线虫能完成一个完整世代,但具体过程尚不清楚;调查中未观察到卵巢线虫对松褐天牛成虫有寄生致病或致死的现象,但对松褐天牛幼虫有寄生致死的能力;卵巢线虫常与松材线虫同时存在,而且侵入松树及离开松树的方式与松材线虫相同。[结论]我国松褐天牛体内也发现有卵巢线虫存在;目前尚不能证明该线虫对松褐天牛成虫具有寄生致死性,但对松褐天牛幼虫具有一定的寄生致死性;卵巢线虫的生活史与松材线虫相似,是否与松材线虫一样对松树具有危害性以及其病理作用还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

Scolytids have been studied more than any other group of forest insects, but most investigations have been restricted to only a few pest species. This bias hampers our understanding of variation in abundance and pest status. Even the simple question whether the abundance of scolytids can predicted by the same independent variables as their pest status is still a matter of debate. To explore this issue, we estimated their abundance using non-attracting flight-interception traps set in a wide range of forests across Czech Republic, Germany, and France. Pest status was taken from current literature. As independent variables, we considered host range, host abundance, and several traits of the considered species in linear models using generalized least squares with a correlation structure derived from the phylogenetic tree of the beetles. Host range was calculated as the root phylogenetic diversity index. The variation in the abundance across scolytids was well explained by resource-related parameters (R2 = 0.53). In contrast to abundance, the pest status was significantly related to species-specific traits, such as body size and maximum number of generations. However, the explained variance was much lower (R2 = 0.19). Although our analysis showed that abundance and pest score follow different patterns, we stress the importance of monitoring all species using non-selective traps. Considering the increasing global trade and the rapidly changing climate, such a broad ecological monitoring is necessary to detect new interactions and/or invading species that may influence our forests ecosystems.  相似文献   

粗刻点木蠹象和云南木蠹象的雌雄成虫在外部形态上相似度很高,难以区分.文章介绍了2种区分方法.一是在解剖镜下通过观察象虫腹部背板末节上的特征准确区分活体雌雄成虫;二是通过肉眼观察象虫腹部第1节中间部位的特征快速区分活体雌雄成虫,可作为1种简便的野外区分方法.  相似文献   

桑天牛成虫生活习性的进一步研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
桑天牛成虫昼夜活动分为白天取食和晚上繁殖两个阶段。1头雌虫一生可产卵23~234粒,平均130.3粒;平均每天1.6粒。经过交配的雌虫不再交配后,在13~144d内仍能产生授精卵,每头9~176粒,平均89.7粒。成虫在构树上喜欢栖息于西北方向的枝条上取食,其数量占总数的49.4%,高度在1.1~2.0m的占总数的75.4%。  相似文献   

木蠹象属是以松树木蠹象为模式种建立的属,是鞘翅目、象虫科、木蠹象亚科的唯一属.该属目前已记录种类46种,29种分布于美洲,18种分布在欧洲和亚洲,其中耐猛木蠹象是美洲、欧洲和亚洲共有的种类,它分布于美洲的美国、加拿大,欧洲的俄罗斯和亚洲的日本.木蠹象属许多种类是针叶树的重要害虫,且极易通过人为携带传播扩散.有3种分布区跨越欧洲和亚洲,葛氏木蠹象分布于俄罗斯的欧洲部分、德国和瑞典,亚洲的中国、日本和俄罗斯的亚洲部分(西伯利亚);圆角木蠹象分布于俄罗斯的欧洲部分和中国;樟子松木蠹象分布于法国和中国.木蠹象属的寄主植物均为针叶树,包括5属39种,以松属为寄主植物的有26种木蠹象,以云杉属、冷杉属、落叶松属和黄杉属为寄主植物的木蠹象分别为9、5、4和1种.分布于中国的木蠹象有7种,其中粗刻点木蠹象和云南松木蠹象是特有种类,葛氏木蠹象、圆角木蠹象和樟子松木蠹象是与欧洲共有的种类,黑木蠹象、葛氏木蠹象和红木蠹象与日本共有,红木蠹象与韩国共有.分布于日本的耐猛木蠹象和瘤木蠹象、俄罗斯西伯利亚的凸眼木蠹象以及日本、俄罗斯和韩国均有发生的黄星木蠹象,以及在中国均没有分布的美洲的29种木蠹象,都属于应加强检疫的对象,防止人为携带传入我国.  相似文献   

目的 掌握苹小吉丁成虫在林间的自然扩散行为规律,以制定合理的害虫监控策略。 方法 于伊犁巩留县五乡栽培苹果园内采用标记-重捕法监测苹小吉丁雌雄试虫在不同方向、不同距离的扩散数量及影响因子进行了研究,对扩散速度进行了分析,同时对林间种群数量进行了预估。 结果 结果表明:苹小吉丁在林间的扩散对方向具有一定的选择性,主要向北面、南面及东北面进行扩散,分别回捕到标记释放总虫数的3.2%、3.2%和2.7%;东南面和西南面均未回捕到标记试虫。随着回捕点距离的增加,标记试虫回捕数量逐渐降低,扩散至5 m处的数量最多,占标记释放总虫数的6.6%,最远扩散至北面35 m,说明标记试虫由果园北面迁出的潜在性较大,扩散距离整体呈指数分布趋势(R2 = 0.9262)。苹小吉丁雄虫扩散速度高峰出现在第3 d,为1.7 m·d−1;而雌虫扩散速度高峰出现在第12 d,达到2.5 m·d−1。随着释放时间的推移苹小吉丁雌雄虫的扩散率逐渐上升。由种群数量预估方程计算得知,试验田间苹小吉丁估计种群数量为2253头,雌成虫估计值为1262头,雄成虫估计值为989头。 结论 苹小吉丁在林间具有一定的自然扩散能力,最远可达35 m,且雌虫的扩散能力要强于雄虫。林间种群数量预估结果能为苹小吉丁发生动态预测和控制策略制定提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Bark beetles of the genus Dendroctonus are natural inhabitants of forests; under particular conditions some species of this genus can cause large-scale tree mortality. However, only in recent decades has priority been given to the comprehensive study of these insects in México. México possesses high ecological diversity in DendroctonusPinus associations. The geographic coexistence of 12 Dendroctonus species suggests greater vulnerability or threat of tree mortality relative to other areas. We use a biogeographic strategy to identify and rank the areas most vulnerable to tree mortality caused by bark beetles in México. We aim to define the areas that might experience high impact by these insects and also to provide a geographic database useful to forest resource management and conservation policies in México. Using collection records of bark beetles and pines, we develop a quantitative estimate of the threat of beetle infestation of forest areas based on factors including pine and beetle species density, host preference and level of mortality caused by beetle species. A quantitative estimate of forest area vulnerability, the Bark Beetle Threat Index (BBTI) was calculated. Despite the vast area of geographic coincidence of Pinus and Dendroctonus in México, the regions of highest bark beetle pressure are restricted to small zones within some mountain systems. The region that has been most affected by this insect group during the past hundred years is the Transverse Volcanic Belt, followed by the Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre del Sur. Pine diversity is the major determining factor of BBTI at the regional level, while disturbances from extensive logging and ecosystem change are the key factors behind high BBTIs at the local level.  相似文献   

  • ? The spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus, is one of the main European forest pests, and mass trapping is probably the most common strategy applied to reduce its population density. However, the results concerning the effectiveness of this control system are often controversal, and many studies consider only the trapping performance with no attention to the damage reduction.
  • ? During spring-summer 2005, a control program against I. typographus outbreaks was set up in NE Italy. Twenty-four spruce forests heavily infested by I. typographus were studied: six protected by pheromone slot-traps, six by horizontal trap-logs and six by standing trap-logs; six untreated stands were kept as controls. Trap-logs were baited with a pheromone specific to I. typographus and treated with insecticide. Each type of device was tested at high, medium and low density in relation to the number of trees infested during the previous year. New damage occurring in the investigated stands was later monitored for one year.
  • ? Protected forests showed mean damage about 80% lower in 2005 than in 2004, with no statistical difference among traps, trap-logs or standing trap-logs. Instead, unprotected forests (controls) suffered damage to a similar extent in both years. Trapping devices showed no statistical differences among mean captures. Device densities showed similar results in damage reduction and insect trapping.
  • ? The results support the hypothesis that intensive trapping performed at stand level may be useful for protecting forests against I. typographus, locally reducing population density and tree mortality.
  •   相似文献   

    Bruchidius andrewesi Pic. has been recorded as a serious pest of pods and seeds of Acacia tortilis in the Thar desert of India. Pest infestation on developing pods and its relationship with morphological traits is reported. Pod infestation varied from 5 to 19% with 5–29% infestation of seeds. Infestation of pods is directly related to infestation of seed (r = 0.72**), and both pod and seed infestation are also directly correlated with loss in seed biomass (r = 0.79** and R = 0.88**). The infestation of pods starts in November and increases steady until harvest. Seeds kept in the laboratory for further studies were found to be 100% infested with B. andrewesi, as the insect multiplied faster under these conditions. The heavy infestation is damaging not only to A. tortilis but also to other leguminous trees of the desert. Bruchidius andrewesi has also been found on pods and seeds of Prosopis cineraria, an important indigenous tree of the region.  相似文献   

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