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The effects of boron (B) fertilizer applied 10 growing seasons earlier were studied in mature Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees in long-term factorial fertilization experiments at two field sites. Needle nutrient status, above-ground and below-ground growth and δ13C and carbon concentrations in the annual rings were measured. Needle B concentrations varied between 4 and 19 mg kg−1 on the plots that had not received B fertilization. On the B-fertilized plots they varied between 15 and 39 mg kg−1. The lowest B concentrations were on the plots that had received N or NCa fertilization. Needle Mn and Zn concentrations were lower on the B plots than on the plots that had not received B fertilization, although not significantly. Mean annual volume growth was slightly higher on the B plots at the more fertile site, but not at the less fertile one. The living:dead fine root mass ratio and living fine root length were also higher on the B-fertilized plots than on the unfertilized plots, but δ13C was not significantly affected, suggesting that the water status of the trees was not markedly altered by the increase in root growth. The carbon concentration in the annual rings was higher in the B-fertilized trees than in the unfertilized ones, suggesting the importance of B for wood formation.  相似文献   

Many mountain forests in the Swiss Alps are dense and overmature. The resulting lack of tree regeneration threatens their future ability to provide products and services for humans, e.g., protecting settlements and infrastructure against avalanches. To promote natural regeneration, slit-shaped gaps have been cut since the 1980s in many of Switzerland's Alpine forests dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies). However, little is known about the success of this silvicultural technique. We sampled 38 gaps in 2001 and 2006 and analysed the density and vitality of P. abies seedlings in these gaps, and monitored the growth and survival of selected seedlings between the two inventories. The gaps analysed were located in upper montane and subalpine P. abies dominated forests in the Vorderrhein valley in the Grisons. The density and vitality of large (10–129 cm tall) and small (<10 cm tall) P. abies seedlings were assessed in three parallel transects running perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of each gap. The mean density of large seedlings increased significantly between 2001 and 2006 from 0.1 to 0.3 seedlings/m2, whereas that of small seedlings stayed constant at 0.7 seedlings/m2, even though it shifted locally between inventories. Significantly higher regeneration densities were found for gaps with NE–SW orientation (afternoon sun) and for those located at lower altitudes. While in gaps on North-facing slopes large P. abies seedlings were more frequent on the middle transect, in gaps on South-facing slopes they were denser near the lower gap edge which is usually less exposed to direct radiation. As expected regeneration density was significantly higher within the gaps than just outside underneath the adjacent stands for all P. abies seedlings. Damage caused by browsing did not turn out to be problematic in this study site. From the selected 280 small seedlings monitored in 2001, 53% died until 2006, 33% became large seedlings and 14% remained small (<10 cm). Our results suggest that creating slit-shaped gaps is a successful procedure to promote P. abies regeneration in the upper montane and subalpine belt of the northern intermediate Alps and helps to preserve protection forests and their goods and services for the coming generations.  相似文献   

Five soil treatments in a 4-year-old clearcut in southern Sweden affected biomass increase and net nitrogen uptake by planted Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings through their on net mineralisation and root growth. The patch soil treatments studied were: (i) soil inversion in an old clearcut; (ii) mineral soil from the clearcut remaining, (iii) mineral soil from the clearcut with fertiliser application during the first season; (iv) mineral soil from a nearby uncut forest replacing the clearcut mineral soil; and (v) an untreated control. Growth increased in seedlings in treatments (i) and (iii), but growth in soil treatments with humus removal was not better than that of seedlings in untreated soil. High N uptake early in the first growing season resulted in increased growth during this season in contrast to late N uptake that resulted in a high N concentration in the seedlings after the first growing season. This in turn led to a high growth rate during the next growing season. Generally, both root growth and net N mineralisation were positively correlated to N uptake in the soil treatments. Therefore, a combination of low net N mineralisation and poor root growth as a result of high soil density appears to explain the low N uptake in seedlings in undisturbed soil. The importance of competition with field vegetation for N and water was not clear. Net mineralisation was larger in soil treatments where the humus layer was retained than where it was removed. Net N mineralisation in soil from old clearcuts was the same as in soil from fresh clearcuts.  相似文献   

To assess the influence of gap age and microsite type within a near-natural montane Norway spruce stand at the Harz National Park in Germany, we tested the following hypotheses: (1) The relationship between Picea abies regeneration and gap age is represented by an optimum curve. (2) Within gaps, tree regeneration mainly occurs on gap-induced microsites. (3) The contribution of specific microsites to regeneration changes with gap age.  相似文献   



Windstorm is one of the most destructive environmental disturbance factors on forests, but its influence on conifer defense chemistry and susceptibility to insects and diseases is not well understood.  相似文献   

A catastrophic windstorm called “bora” occurred in The Tatra National Park in Slovakia in 2004 and destroyed an extensive area of mountain spruce forests. Part of the windthrow area was left uncleared for natural development, but most of the area was cleared. We analyzed natural regeneration in cleared and uncleared windthrows, and in reference closed canopy forest in 2007 and 2008 with the aim of assessing the regeneration capability of the windthrown forests and proposing the best method for their restoration.  相似文献   

挪威云杉种源及家系种子播种品质的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对引进的芬兰挪威云杉5个种源和窄冠垂枝挪威云杉10个家系种子播种品质的方差分析和聚类分析研究表明,挪威云杉种源和窄冠垂枝挪威云杉家系种子净度达98%以上。种子的播种品质与地理分布和起源有关。由北向南种子的千粒重增加、发芽率提高、死亡率下降。另外,天然起源的种子播种品质低于种子园的种子。窄冠垂枝挪威云杉因天然分布区域极为狭窄、种群规模过小,导致由其它因素造成的未萌发百分率高。  相似文献   

The impact of natural disturbances on the canopy (trees ≥14 m high) and sapling stratum (>0.3 and ≤14 m high) composition was studied in nemoral old-growth forests located within the southern boreal zone in Central Russia (Central Forest Reserve, 32°29′–33°01′E, 56°26′–56°31′N). I hypothesized that the current disturbance regime does not allow the maintenance of current spruce abundance in the canopy, and, as a result, there is a continuous shift in the canopy composition towards a greater abundance of deciduous species. Three 300×20 m2 transects were established to estimate the proportions of stand under non-closed unexpanded canopy gaps. Data on sapling composition of 49 canopy gaps were used to analyze pattern of gap refuting in these forests. Additionally, data from three forest inventories showed changes in canopy composition over a period from 1972 to 1990.

The current status of nemoral forests is characterized by the high proportion of stand area under treefall gaps (71%). The loss of spruce from the canopy caused by treefalls (53% of the total basal area of gap-makers) was slightly greater than its canopy abundance (45%). Canopy gaps of all sizes encouraged spruce regeneration which might be due to a decrease in sapling mortality and/or more active recruitment of spruce seedlings. After a gap was formed, the presence of spruce in sapling strata increased. However, within both small (<200 m2 in size) and large (>200 m2) gaps, tall (>6 m) spruce saplings did not reach the level of its abundance in the tree canopy. In gaps, tall (>6 m) saplings of lime (Tilia cordata) and elm (Ulmus glabra) grew more quickly than those of spruce and maple. These data suggested a decrease in canopy spruce and an increase in deciduous species in the near future which supported the original hypothesis. Analysis of forest inventory records revealed similar changes in the canopy structure over the past two decades. However, the observed high proportion of stand area under gaps implies that for the next few decades large areas of nemoral communities will be occupied by relatively young stands. This may, in turn, decrease the frequency of large-scale treefalls revegetated mainly by deciduous saplings.  相似文献   

Both incoming shortwave radiation (Rg) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in percentage of full daylight were measured at the same time by point and strip sampling in four plots (0.1 ha) of Picea abies (L.) Karst. The standard deviations (%) of Rg and PAR were, respectively, 11.1 and 9.8 at 64 points, 15.7 and 13.9 at 32 points, and 24.7 and 23.8 at 16 points per plot.

A period of at least 40 s per strip (30 m min−1) gives a CV (coefficient of variation) of 30%. There is no significant difference between relative irradiance (RI) estimated by the point method (64 points) and by the strip method (8 strips). Curves of RI (Rg and PAR) and basal area (m2 ha−1), diameter sum (m ha−1) and density (stems ha−1) of fifteen trials with different thinning programmes are presented. Irradiance (Rg) in heavily thinned stands was 3–14% of irradiance on an open place. The irradiance, Rg, in extra-heavily thinned stands is 12–27%, and in unthinned stands, 1–3% that of an open place. The Rg curve lies above the PAR curve in all cases. Some practical implications of the study are presented. Heavy thinning of Norway spruce stands gives RI (Rg) values 10% at basal area of 25m2 ha−1 which is necessary to minimize development of suckers of broadleaved trees.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) and N:P ratio in terrestrial plants and the patterns at a large geographical scale are an important issue in ecological stoichiometry. In particular, it is essential to know that for a single species, how the N:P stoichiometry varies with climatic factors in the context of global warming. Our analysis was based on a data set including 2583 observations at 441 sites on nutritional status of Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) located in European counties (including Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Rep., Finland, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Norway, Slovak Rep., Slovenia, United Kingdom). Our objectives are to demonstrate how leaf N and P concentration and N:P ratio in Norway spruce vary with altitude (ALT), latitude (LAT), longitude (LON), mean annual temperature (MAT) and mean annual precipitation (MAP) across Europe. The results showed that for 1-year-old needles of Norway spruce, the N and P concentration were 13.28 mg g−1, 1.41 mg g−1 and the N:P ratio was 9.76. Leaf N displayed a convex curve pattern with increasing MAT and decreasing LAT from the boreal Europe to the Mediterranean area. The N concentration and N:P generally reached peak at about 7 °C in MAT or 53° N in LAT. The N:P ratio varied non-linearly with LAT and MAP, but linearly with MAT. Leaf N concentration and N:P ratio decreased linearly with increasing ALT in temperate European area. Across Europe, that the patterns of leaf N and N:P ratio were mainly driven by climate-related geochemistry and plant physiology, but also greatly impacted by anthropogenic N deposition.  相似文献   

Forest residue left after clear-cutting is increasingly being used as biofuel in Sweden. Deadwood is an important habitat for many species and a crucial resource for forest biodiversity. On eight clear-cuts in eastern central Sweden, the amount of Picea abies (L.) Karst. deadwood left on the ground was compared with the amount collected in piles for fuelwood extraction. It was found that 65% of the volume, 77% of the surface area and 84% of the pieces of slash were to be extracted. In another study on 23 clear-cuts in the same region, it was found that 36% of the logs left outside piles after clear-cutting were later removed. These studies indicate that a considerable amount of potential substrate is lost during slash extraction.  相似文献   

Shifting land use from agriculture to forestry induces major changes in the carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycles, including fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and nitrogen (DON). This study investigated the long-term effects of afforestation on ecosystem DOC and DON dynamics using a chronosequence approach comprising four arable fields and nine differently aged (10–92 years) Norway spruce stands growing on similar former arable soils in the same area. Along the chronosequence, concentrations and fluxes of DOC and DON were determined in bulk precipitation, throughfall, O horizon leachate and mineral soil solution during a 2–3-year period. Soil water fluxes were calculated using a soil hydrological model (SWAP). Results showed that DOC concentrations and fluxes with throughfall were strongly positively correlated with tree height (r2 = 0.95; P < 0.05 for both conc. and flux) and stand age, while DON showed no such trends, suggesting different origins of DOC and DON in throughfall. The highest concentrations and fluxes of DOC and DON occurred in soil leachate from the O horizon. Here, DOC flux was 250–310 kg C ha−1 yr−1 and DON flux 8–9 kg N ha−1 yr−1 in stands afforested between 65 and 92 years ago. Concentrations and fluxes of DOC and DON in the mineral subsoil were consistently low. Flux calculations suggest that there was a net loss of >90% (230–280 kg ha−1 yr−1) of DOC leached from the O horizon within 0–60 cm of the mineral soil. There was no significant effect of land use or forest age on DOC concentrations in solution from the lower part of the A horizon. The effect of time since afforestation was masked by soil properties that influence DOM retention in the mineral soil. Our data indicate that DOC concentrations in the A horizon of the sites studied were primarily related to the oxalate-extractable Al and Fe amounts in the same horizon. Afforestation of arable land induced a gradual qualitative change in soil organic matter (SOM) and dissolved organic matter (DOM), with significantly increasing C:N ratios in soil and soil solution over time. The development of an O horizon and the subsequent leaching of DOC and DON to the underlying mineral soil are important drivers of a changing soil C and N turnover following afforestation.  相似文献   

Native Monterey pine (Pinus radiata D. Don) stands on the Monterey peninsula have been significantly modified by natural and anthropogenic disturbances. The exclusion of fire and the introduction of pitch canker (caused by Fusarium circinatum Nirenberg & O’Donnell) created a need for the examination of these changing ecosystems with respect to regeneration, especially as these stands reach mature ages. We established 210 plots on 35 transects distributed throughout five stands in order to describe the current stand structure and quantify the extent and condition of regeneration. The results indicated that Monterey pine seedling establishment varies throughout the peninsula depending on percent canopy cover, duff and litter depth, and percent shrub cover while seedling growth is influenced by percent shrub cover. Canopy cover was also found to inversely influence shrub cover. Our study highlights the importance of understory removal to increase Monterey pine regeneration and seedling growth as canopy cover decreases, especially in areas where coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia Nee) and poison-oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum E. Greene) are abundant.  相似文献   

MongolianScotspine(Pinussylveslrisvarmongolica)(shortform:MSP)isoneofthemainconiferousspeciesforforestationinNortheastforestregionsofChinasincel958,large-areaplantationofMSPwereplantedinMaoershanExperimentalForestFarmofNortheastForestryUniversity.Alongwiththeincreaseofstandageandseed-bearingrate,andtheimprovementofwithinstandlightcondition,alotofnaturalregeneratedseedling(inshortform:NRS)ofMSPoccurredundercanopyorontheadjacentopenland,andmanyoftheseseedlingsgrowverywell.Thisprovideusa…  相似文献   

Korean spruce (Picea koraiensis Nakai) has been included as a Chinese regeneration species since the 1960′s. In the 1970′s it became one of the four most important species in the northeast forest region of China. Korean spruce is a timber species with a wide range of adaptation, high survival rate, and few diseases or pests. Studies of 30-year trials show that the regeneration of korean spruce is successful and has a prospective future.  相似文献   

We developed individual tree height growth models for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) in Norway based on national forest inventory data. Potential height growth is based on existing dominant height growth models and reduced due to competition by functions developed in this study. Three spatially explicit and two spatially non-explicit competition indices were tested. Distance effects and diameter ratio effects were estimated from the data simultaneously with parameters of the potential modifier functions. Large height measurement errors in the national forest inventory data caused large residual variation of the models. However, the effects of competition on height growth were significant and plausible. The potential modifier functions show that height growth of dominant trees is largely unaffected by competition. Only at higher levels of competition, height growth is reduced as a consequence of competition. However, Scots pine also reduced height growth at very low levels of competition. Distance effects in the spatially explicit competition indices indicated that the closest neighbors are most important for height growth. However, for Scots pine also competitors at larger distance affected height growth. The five competition indices tested in this study explained similar proportions of the variation in relative height growth. Given that unbiased predictions can only be expected for the same plot size, we recommend a spatially explicit index, which describes the distance function with a negative exponential, for use in growth simulators.  相似文献   

目的 通过对378个9年生捷克种源欧洲云杉无性系的生长性状遗传变异分析,选育欧洲云杉优良无性系,为本地区造林提供优质遗传材料,加速当地引入云杉人工林高质量发展。 方法 采用随机完全区组设计,建立378个欧洲云杉无性系对比试验林,调查或计算其树高、胸径、材积、冠幅、当年新梢长、第一轮分枝数等指标,并通过EXCEL和R包lme4(Linear Mixed-Effects Models using 'Eigen' and S4)进行数据整理及遗传参数计算,选择优良无性系。 结果 无性系树高、当年新梢长、胸径、分枝数、冠幅在无性系间及与区组交互作用下均差异极显著;遗传变异系数为10.02%~20.38%;表型变异系数为31.36%~48.36%;无性系重复力为0.59~0.71;相关系数中,无性系树高、新梢长、胸径、冠幅表型相关和遗传相关系数较高(0.72~0.95),且都极显著相关。采用BLUP 法计算无性系树高遗传值,从378个无性系中选择30个欧洲云杉无性系,入选率为7.94%,入选无性系树高遗传增益为26.38%。 结论 378个欧洲云杉无性系树高、新梢长、胸径、分枝数和冠幅在无性系间存在显著变异,同时受到无性系与环境互作效应影响,即无性系也存在与立地的明显互作关系,说明在推行无性系林业时,要因立地选择最适宜无性系。根据无性系树高遗传值筛选30个优良无性系,各表型性状生长优良,可为欧洲云杉在本地进行无性系造林推广应用提供优质材料作参考。  相似文献   

在室内控制条件下研究含水量和温度对富含NH^+4的严重酸化挪威云杉林枯枝落叶层物质饱和是液PH值的影响,包括未分解层OL,半分解层OF和已分解层OH,在为期1a的实验期间内没有元素的输入,淋失和根系吸收,但可相对自由地进行气体交换。  相似文献   

Rotstand is a computer model that can simulate the development of a forest stand together with the root rot disease caused by Heterobasidion annosum s.l. on several tree species in Europe. We evaluated the accuracy of Rostand model for its use in Sweden by using data from two field experiments of Norway spruce (Picea abies) in which the long term outcome of stump protection methods had been evaluated (14 and 20 plots, respectively). One of the experiments included artificial infection of the stumps that enabled an almost complete parameterization of the model. Artificially infected plots were used for assessing the loss of precision of using average parameter values vs. plot-specific values. Average values obtained from artificially infected plots were used for validating the model on plots subjected to natural infection. Rotstand proved to be able to predict plots with a large variation of decay development (20-90% of stems with decay) as early as 15 years after infection. The parameter controlling the inoculum expansion within the tree root system appeared as a major factor affecting the accuracy of the predictions. Expansion of decay centres of artificially and naturally infected plots in Southern Sweden was not significantly different from natural infected plots in the rest of the country, opening the possibility of using a single average value all over Sweden. By using an expansion rate of 0.20 m year−1, Rotstand gave unbiased predictions of decay development 15 years after infection with a relative error of 38.4%. When using average parameter values, Rotstand tended to underestimate plots showing more than 50% of decay 15 years after infection; however, when simulating those plots beyond the last decay assessment, these errors were predicted to disappear.  相似文献   

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