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A sequential step filtration technique has been used to investigate the different particle size fractions of suspended solids in several raw, activated and digested sewage sludge samples. Liquid sludge was passed through filters with progressively smaller pore sizes, from 100 µm down to 0.2 µm. The concentrations of Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn associated with each particle size fraction were also determined. The particle size distributions indicated that there was a greater proportion of larger particles in the raw and activated sludges than in the digested sludges. Generally in activated sludge the metals tended to be associated with the large particles of > 100 µm, whereas in raw and particularly digested sludges the metals were found in the smaller particle size fractions from 20 µm, down to 2.5 µm. Calculating specific associations in terms of mg kg?1 the 8 to 20 µm range appears important in complexing metals. This was especially evident when comparing the sludges from the same treatment works. Generally distributions were more widespread when results were expressed as mg kg?1 as opposed to mg L?1.  相似文献   

C.B. Dissanayake 《Geoderma》1980,23(2):147-155
Laterite samples have been collected from different parts of Sri Lanka and analysed mineralogically and chemically. The samples studied were collected from layers within individual vertical sections. Mineralogical analyses were made using XRD, DTA, DTG and TG methods whereas chemical analyses were made with wet chemical techniques. The laterites studied overlie several rock types differing in chemical composition. The analyses show that gibbsite is the most significant free aluminium mineral, whereas geothite and hematite are the main iron minerals. Even though bauxite composition is approached in some samples, the existence of sufficient commercial grade bauxite is still to be established.  相似文献   

In Ghana, a dust-laden Harmattan wind blows from the Sahara from November to March. Some of the dust is trapped in the vegetation, in the lakes and other inland waters, while the rest is blown further away into the Ivory Coast or into the Atlantic Ocean. Several methods have been used to trap the Harmattan dust, mainly bowls with or without water, but also plates or sheets of various materials have been used. This paper compares three different methods to trap the Harmattan dust and describes the differences in amount and particle size distribution of dust trapped in various agroecological zones. The investigation shows that bowls with water trap more dust than plastic mats with 1.5 cm straw which again trap more dust than wooden plates. The bowl values can be used as a measure of the total Harmattan dust deposition, the mat values can be used as a measure of how much Harmattan dust is retained by vegetation, while the plates provide a measure of how much dust is retained on vegetation free areas. The amount of Harmattan dust captured is largest in the north, the amount of dust retained differs significantly from year to year, and a severe Harmattan in the north is not necessary coincident with severe Harmattan in the south. The dust particle size becomes finer towards the south and with increasing amounts of organic matter, and the particle size distribution shows that the major part of the dust trapped is long-term suspended material with a significant input of local dust. The dust particle size is coarser on the mats than in the bowls due to re-suspension from the mats. The presence of diatoms in the samples from Bawku indicates that a substantial part of the dust originates from former lakes in the Sahara. The amount of dust retained in the north gives a deposition rate of about 15 mm per 1000 years. This may explain why loess layers have not developed in Ghana.  相似文献   


The effect of soil clay size phyllosilicates, particle size, and iron oxides on the activities of α‐ and β‐glucosidases, phosphomonoesterases, and urease were examined. The two clay fractions (0.2–2 and <0.2 μm) of selected soils had similar mineralogy and were illitic, kaolinitic, and smectitic in composition. In general, enzyme activities were reduced in the presence of clay size phyllosilicates. The montmorillonitic samples were the most effective inhibitors. Activities were generally lower in the presence of the finer clay fractions. The effect of iron oxides on enzyme activities varied. Acid phosphatase activity was significantly influenced by phyllosilicate type, iron oxides, and particle size. The inhibitory effect of phyllosilicates on acid phosphatase activity increased when iron oxides were removed from the clay fraction. Removal of iron oxides, on the other hand, enhanced the activity of alkaline phosphatase. Unlike β‐glucosidase, α‐glucosidase was deactivated in the presence of montmorillonitic and illitic samples regardless of clay particle size. The activity of urease was significantly reduced in the presence of iron oxides.  相似文献   

The effect of the addition of commercial pectin to orange juice that was de-esterified by alkaline treatment or pectinmethylesterase was evaluated. Pectin at various degrees of esterification (DE) was added to reconstituted frozen orange juice concentrate, and the extent of cloud loss was determined after centrifugation. Of the five pectin treatments, percent transmittance (% T) of juice remained <5%, except for the pectin treatment with a residual methoxyl content (% DE) of <5%. Addition of 100--600 ppm of 5% DE pectin to juice resulted in % T between 36 and 73%. Despite the absence of clarification, increases in cloud particle size were observed and depended on the % DE, the amount of pectin added, and the method used to modify the pectins.  相似文献   

The kaolins collected from a profile of weathered granite at Yichun County, Jiangxi Province have been subjected to particle size fractionation by the conventional sedimentation method and examined by XRD, SEM and TEM. All of them exhibit a mixture phase of poorly crystallized kaolinites and halloysites (0.7 nm) occurring as the main clay minerals. Electron micrographs reveal that plate kaolinites are the principal constitution in the coarse fraction, and more tubular and curled halloysite (0.7 nm) in the fine fraction. Both of them show normal probability curves in particle size distributions. The ratios of kaolinite and halloysite (0.7 nm) in different size fractions are examined by X-ray diffraction with a series of X-ray patterns characterized by three main peaks at d(001), d(002) and d(020),varying in intensity. Therefore, an index Qhm expressed as (Id(001) + Id(002))/(2×Id(002)), is designed to indicate relative ratios of the two clay minerals in a number of mixture phases. Because kaolinite and halloysite (0.7 nm) commonly occurred, respectively, in low and medium leaching microenvironment, the index Qhm, can be used to indicate weathering and pedogenic conditions of a weathering crust.  相似文献   

The inositol penta- and hexaphosphate content of some typical cocoa soils in Ghana was measured by anion exchange chromatography with HCOONH4 as eluant. The values which ranged from 6 to 35 ppm P (average 18 ± 8 ppm P) and accounted for 6% to 40% (average 14%) of the organic phosphorus are within those ranges reported for Canadian, Nigerian, but much lower than those for Scottish soils. The penta- and hexaphosphate content of the soil significantly correlated with total P, organic P, organic C, total N, Fe and P retention capacity. Incubation of soil for 11 weeks did not alter the inositol penta- and hexaphosphate content of the soil. Inorganic P adsorption could be decreased by adding inositol hexaphosphate. These data support the suggestion that a role of the esters in nutrition of crops is probably through the indirect effect of blocking of retention sites and agents which would otherwise be free to bind inorganic phosphorus.  相似文献   

A total of 400 surface soil(0–15 cm) samples were collected from cultivated soils representing four soil series,namely,Hariharapur,Debatoli,Rajpora and Neeleswaram in Orissa,Jharkhand,Himachal Pradesh and Kerala states of India,respectively,and were analyzed to measure the contents of total and extractable Mn and Fe,to establish the relationship among total and extractable Mn and Fe and soil properties,and to characterize the spatial distribution pattern of Mn and Fe in some cultivated acid soils of India. The contents of total as well as extractable Mn and Fe varied widely with extractants and soil series. However,the amounts of Mn or Fe extracted by diethylene triamine penta-acetic acid(DTPA),Mehlich 1,Mehlich 3,0.1 mol L-1 HCl and ammonium bicarbonate DTPA(ABDTPA) were significantly correlated with each other(P 0.01). Based on the DTPA-extractable contents and the critical limits(2 mg Mn kg-1soil and 4.5 mg Fe kg-1 soil) published in the literature,Mn and Fe deficiencies were observed in 7%–23% and 1%–3% of the soil samples,respectively. The content of soil organic carbon(SOC) had greater influence on total and DTPA-extractable Fe than did soil pH. Geostatistical analysis revealed that total and DTPA-extractable Mn and Fe contents in the acid soils were influenced by soil pH,SOC content,and exchangeable cations like potassium,calcium and magnesium. Spatial distribution maps of total and DTPA-extractable Mn and Fe in soil indicated different distribution patterns.  相似文献   


Phosphate (P) sorption characteristics of six natural Ghanaian Oxisols, selected because of their hydrological and topographical suitability for agriculture, were evaluated. Availability of P appears to be adequate for half of the soils as suggested by the Bray P1 test and determination of the standard P requirement (SPR), i.e., the amount of P sorbed at a concentration of 0.2 ppm P (6.46 μM). The SPR was found to be very closely related to Pmax (Langmuir P sorption capacity), which in turn, was significantly correlated with oxalate‐extractable aluminum (Al) (Alo) and iron (Fe) (Feo) and related (not significantly) to the difference between dithionite‐citrate‐bicarbonate‐extractable Fe (Fed) and oxalate‐extractable Fe. Accordingly, Pmax is fairly well predicted by the model of Borggaard: Pca]e=0.211#lbÀlo+0.115#lbFeo+ 0.05#lb(Fed‐Feo)+0.3, except for one soil strongly enriched in Fe oxides, mainly goethite. This goethite was found by X‐ray diffraction analysis to consist of crystals larger than normally found for pedogenic Fe oxides. The difference between Pmax and Pcalc for this soil could, therefore, be attributed to the occurrence of these large Fe oxide crystals, because P sorption will decrease with increasing crystal size (decreasing specific surface area).  相似文献   

Six sorghum (Sorghum vulqaris Pers.,) varieties representing male and female lines and hybrids were examined for their response to Fe‐stress, and their ability to absorb and transport Fe in the absence and presence of phosphate or CaCO,. It was found that the variety 2077‐A (male sterile female line) and the variety CSH‐5 (hybrid of 2077‐A r CS‐3541) showed distinct mechanism to tolerate and recover completely from chlorosis induced by Fe‐stress in 10 days. Furthermore, these 2 varieties were able to reduce the pH from 6.4 to 3.8 in about 9 days, and this was increased to about 6.2 in another 6 days, which period corresponded with the onset of chlorosis and subsequent recovery. The variety 2219‐A (male‐sterile female line) was also able to withstand Fe‐stress, although the chlorosis appeared only mild throughout. This variety also reduced pH from 6.4 to 4.5, but only after 14 days in the presence of CaCO3 (8 mg/1), and this time corresponded to the period of complete recovery from chlorosis.

There appears to be no correlation between Fe uptake capacity and tolerance to Fe‐stress in these varieties. The presence of phosphate or CaCO3 in the absorption medium was found to increase Fe absorption and transport in a few varieties.  相似文献   

德州地区地下水中磷的空间分布特征及来源分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
地下水质量与居民饮水安全及人类健康密切相关,地下水污染会直接影响水体生态环境。饮用水中过高的磷会降低人体对钙和维生素D的吸收,对老年人的身体健康存在潜在负面影响。本文以德州地区地下水(常作为农村饮用水源)为研究对象,采集了研究区内的27个地下水样,并于现场测定pH和电导率等指标。参考我国《水和废水监测分析方法》和美国环境保护局(EPA)的方法,利用紫外分光光度计分析了地下水中总磷、正磷酸盐、溶解性总磷和溶解性正磷酸盐的含量及污染状况。借助于空间分析,探讨了其空间分布和来源。结果表明,德州地区地下水总磷含量为0~1.49 mg.L 1,正磷酸盐含量为0~0.11 mg.L 1,溶解性总磷含量为0.04~0.69 mg.L 1,溶解性正磷酸盐含量为0~0.06 mg.L 1。电导率和4种形态磷的含量均存在不同的空间差异性。整个研究区地下水电导率较高,变化范围为770~5 530μS.cm 1,总体上从河流上游到下游呈明显阶梯状递增趋势;总磷和溶解性总磷含量的空间分布整体趋势从上游到下游逐渐降低,正磷酸盐出现了较明显的高值区,而溶解性正磷酸盐的空间分布整体上较均匀。影响地下水中磷含量的因素主要有地表水中磷的下渗和人类活动。该研究区各采样点地下水的埋深都在50 m以内,含水层为黄河冲积砂层,岩性主要为粉砂、细砂和中砂,累计厚度10~25 m,这样的土壤地质构造较易使地表水中的磷素渗漏到地下水中,且河流是该区地下水主要的补给源,越靠近河流越容易入渗。人类活动包括工业废水和生活污水处理不当等点源污染以及农药施肥等农业非点源污染。整个研究区地下水溶解性总磷含量的最大值达0.69 mg.L 1,平均值为0.20 mg.L 1,根据欧盟规定的饮用水中总磷酸盐的标准值(0.5 mg.L 1)和我国地表水环境质量标准(GB 3838—2002)的Ⅱ类(0.02<溶解性总磷≤0.1 mg.L 1)或Ⅲ类(0.1<溶解性总磷≤0.2 mg.L 1)标准,德州地区地下水中磷的超标率分别达7.41%、62.96%和40.74%。本研究为评价地下水中磷污染对人类健康及水体生态环境的影响提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

This study established the influence of particle size fractions (psf) on the characteristics of coastal plain soils of southeastern Nigeria. A total of 180 samples were collected according to genetic horizons on 30 profile pits prepared on the upper, middle, and lower slope positions of 10 toposequences. The samples were analyzed for hydraulic conductivity, pH, bulk density, moisture content, electrical conductivity, exchangeable bases and acidity, organic carbon, available and total phosphorus (P) contents, dithionite citrate bicarbonate (DCB) extractable and amorphous iron and aluminum (Al) contents. Particle size distribution was also analyzed, including total sand, very coarse, coarse, medium, fine and very fine sand, clay, and silt. Statistical analysis carried out included analysis of variance, correlation, and principal component. Very coarse sand influenced the distribution of P and DCB-Al within the toposequences. Active pedogenesis was located in the fourth horizons of the profiles that manifest inverse relationship of very coarse sand with P and amorphous Al. The association between sand particles and sesquioxides, especially of Al, was responsible for the low pH associated with coastal plain soils. Principal component analysis confirmed that total sand fractions are the determinants of rate and extent of pedogenesis and influences the properties of coastal plain soils.  相似文献   

采用叶片涂抹的方法研究了铁营养状况与不同外源激素对玉米体内铁分配与再利用的影响。结果表明 ,在缺铁条件下 ,外源乙烯利处理玉米植株初生叶可促进初生叶衰老 ,提高初生叶中铁再利用率 ,改善新叶的铁营养状况 ,增加其中的活性铁与全铁含量 ;外源细胞分裂素处理新叶可促进新叶的生长发育 ,提高新叶中全铁及活性铁含量。  相似文献   

土壤氧化铁的磁性参数及其应用   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
应用矿物磁测技术测定了土壤氧化铁的磁化率、频率依变磁化率、饱和等温剩磁、磁化和退磁曲线等磁性参数,对磁性参数在阐明土壤铁磁性氧化铁数量、类型与起源方面的应用及其意义进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Summary A study was undertaken to measure the sulphate-S in some representative soils cropped to cocoa (Theobroma cacao) and coffee (Coffea canephora var. robusta) in Ghana using five extraction methods at two soil-extractant ratios. The least extracting power was shown by 0.1 N HCL. A soil-extractant ratio of 1:10 extracted higher amounts of SO 4 2– –S than a 1:5 ratio. There were highly significant differences among the extractants and among the soils. From the 15 soil samples, the highest amount of SO 4 2– –S was extracted at the 1:5 ratio and at the 1:10 ratio by H2O and the KH2PO4– extracting solution, respectively. There was no correlation between arylsulphatase activity and the various amounts of extractable SO4/2– –S, and therefore soil arylsulphatase activity seems less appropriate as an indicator of plant-available inorganic SO 4 2– –S. In the three soil profiles analysed, the amounts of H2O-extractable SO 4 2– –S decreased with depth while those extracted by sodium acetate buffer increased with depth. The possibility of large amounts of extractable SO 4 2– –S in the subsoils should be considered along with the SO 4 2– –S in the surface samples if an estimation is made of the available –S status of cocoa and coffee rooting zones.  相似文献   

Particle size fractionation of soil containing coal and combusted particles   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Standard procedure for dispersing natural soils for particle size fractionation can be too aggressive for soil containing coal and other organic particles from coal industries. We have investigated ultrasonic dispersion for the latter in four soils differing in pedogenesis (Phaeozem, Podzol, reclaimed mine soils), carbon content (27.5–138.6 g kg–1), clay content (80–153 g kg–1) and sources of particles (airborne coal dust, combustion residues, lignite particles). As we found previously for natural soils, the ultrasonic energy needed for complete dispersion varies between 450 and 500 J ml–1, but the resulting particle size distributions differ from those obtained by standard textural analysis. This is probably related to the different properties of native soil organic matter and coal and combusted particles. Coal and soot particles may partly resist oxidation with hydrogen peroxide, depending on material and particle size. The diameter of lignite particles, remaining after oxidation, is overestimated in sedimentation analysis by a factor of 1.66. Sand-sized lignite particles can be disrupted by ultrasonication and redistributed to finer particle size fractions. The ultrasonic dispersion and particle size fractionation procedure can be applied to soils containing coal and combusted particles, but caution is needed in interpreting the results if they contain large proportions of coal particles.  相似文献   

The temporal pattern of iron loss from a moorland catchment was investigated by intensive stream water sampling. The total loss in 1 year was 2.11 kg ha?1 of Fe, with a pronounced autumn maximum. Iron concentrations in stream water were strongly correlated with dissolved organic matter content, but again with seasonal variation. Free iron content measured on a number of soils in the catchment ranged from 3.1 to 8.7 kg m?2. Assuming soil development over 10 000 years, predicted loss of iron from the catchment is comparable in quantity to the amounts of free iron in the soils.  相似文献   

The effect of 1–15 daily freeze/thaw cycles on aggregate stability (S) and aggregate-size distribution measured as mean-weight diameter (MWD) was investigated for loam, sandy loam and fine sandy loam (FSL) soils; and two aggregate-wetting procedures, spray-wetting and vacuum-wetting, were compared. Initially, S and MWD decreased rapidly until about the fifth freeze/thaw cycle, thereafter change occurred progressively less rapidly reaching a minimum value at about the 10th cycle. Sand MWD in the loam, which had the greatest content of clay and iron oxides, decreased significantly less rapidly than in the other soils. The sandy loam, with the least clay but the most organic matter, was intermediate in behaviour. Macro-aggregate (>4.75 mm) content of the FSL decreased from 40% initially to 12% of total mass by the 15th cycle, while the micro-aggregate (<0.5 mm) content increased from 19% to almost 70% of total mass. In contrast, the loam retained many macro-aggregates, with a decrease from an 80% macro-aggregate content to 60% of total mass by the 15th cycle. With an average of about 40 freeze/thaw cycles occurring during a Prince Edward Island winter, S and MWD in both the sandy loam and the FSL will reach minima by the end of winter. In contrast, Sand MWD in the loam will not have reached a minimum by the end of winter. These results are related to the erosive behaviour of the three soils. Data on S and MWD of samples exposed to the two wetting procedures followed similar trends with number of freeze/thaw cycles (r=0.84 to 0.99); but spray-wetting gave less variable results than did vacuum-wetting and was a simpler procedure.  相似文献   

In the previous paper (1), for determining free iron in paddy soils the writers proposed a new method in which free iron was removed by reduction with sodium hydrosulfite in disodium ethylendiamine tetraacetate solution. As described in that paper, many methods have been proposed up to the present time. In this paper the writers are to compare their method with some of those methods, especially with both methods using sodium hydrosulfite and dilute hydrochloric acid and using hydrogen sulfide and dilute hydrochloric acid. The latter method has generally been employed for free iron determination of paddy soils in Japan.  相似文献   

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