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基于全球气候变暖的土壤侵蚀态势初见   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
前人对地质时期强土壤侵蚀发生期与气候期对应关系存在截然不同的三种看法,而对现代全球气候变暖对土壤侵蚀影响加大的看法则基本一致。在分析影响土壤侵蚀因子的基础上,提出未来全球气候变暖对土壤侵蚀产生影响的直接因子是降雨量,未来全球气候变暖仍存在不确定性;前人基于全球气候变暖的降雨变化研究结论是降雨变化不属全球同步性而存在区域差异,全球气候变暖的降雨变化具不确定性,因此土壤自然侵蚀量的增或减与气候变化的真正关系仍具不确定性。  相似文献   

综述了在全球气候变暖背景下,东北地区农业气候资源、农业气象灾害的变化特征以及主要农作物对气候变化的响应。结果表明,气候变暖给东北地区农业带来的影响利弊共存,主要表现为东北地区主要农作物生长季节温度升高、热量资源增加,适宜农作物生长的时期延长、适种区域扩大,为作物的光温生产潜力以及产量的提高提供了潜在的可能。但由于光照及水资源的限制以及CO2浓度的增加而引发的温室效应,对农作物的产量和品质也产生了负面影响。极端天气事件增加,农作物生态环境恶化,干旱、洪涝、盐碱化速度加快,尤其是近几年受全球变暖的影响,东北地区主要农作物受干旱灾害的影响最为明显。降水总量减少和降水分布不均匀,使东北地区成为受气候变化影响最敏感和脆弱地区之一。  相似文献   

利用内蒙古鄂温克旗草甸草原地区1981-1990年的气象资料和植被调查资料,分析了气候变化对草甸草原植物群落特征和主要优势植物的影响.结果表明,研究区域内近10 a的气候具有逐渐变暖的趋势,降水增多有利于提高植物多样性,同时,主要优势植物对降水的敏感性要强于气候温度的变化.本研究将为探讨草甸草原生物多样性和生态系统功能对气候变暖的响应与适应,以及为预测草甸草原在全球气候变化下的发展趋势提供借鉴和依据.  相似文献   

刘峰  赵鹏程  张昀  高晓丹  沙飞  孙萌  张景雯 《土壤通报》2022,53(6):1492-1498
土壤有机碳(SOC)是维持陆地生态系统生产力和可持续性的关键,以CO2为主的温室气体过量排放导致全球气候持续变暖,对全球SOC转化产生关键作用。微生物是SOC周转的动力,是全球变暖影响SOC储量与化学特性的关键媒介。研究发现,气候变暖导致大部分农田和森林有机碳储量下降,但草原有机碳含量升高,这可能与微生物对有机碳的异化分解和同化固定之间的权衡有关。气温升高可直接提高微生物的呼吸活性,导致真菌在土壤微生物的比例降低,而细菌所占比例升高,对土壤碳库储存产生不利影响;在永久和半永久冻土中,冻融促进土壤活性有机碳库的释放,提高了土壤微生物的碳矿化速率,导致有机碳严重的矿化流失。然而,气温升高和与之相伴的CO2浓度升高有利于植物生长,使得植物光合作用增强,向土壤中输入的有机碳增加;这些外源有机碳在微生物的作用下转化为稳定的SOC,有利于SOC累积。尽管已有大量研究,但气候变暖对SOC库的整体影响与微生物机制仍不明确。从多角度入手,深入认识气候-微生物-SOC之间的关系,有利于在全球变化的大背景下,充分发挥土壤碳汇效应,为“碳达峰”和“碳中和”提供理论与政策依据。  相似文献   

本文综述人类活动对大气中二氧化碳的影响,回顾了温室气体与近百年来气候的变化。在综合国内外一些近期研究成果基础上,初步估计了温室效应引起的未来气候变化趋势——地面平均气温将可能在不断升降波动过程中趋于变暖。同时论述了二氧化碳增加及气候变暖对农业可能造成的重要影响。  相似文献   

全球变暖对我国粮食产量影响估计中的乐观倾向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
当前学术界在对未来全球变暖对我国粮食产量影响的估计中存在乐观倾向.这次以变幅大、速度快为特点的人为的气候变化,决定了它对人类社会弊多利少.既然承认它是一种大规模的环境灾难,又如何会对农业生产有利?一个地区气候的改善,并不同时带来社会因素的改善;不能期待一个原先缺粮区能很快自给有余,取代原有产粮区.  相似文献   

全球为暖对我国粮食产量影响估计中乐观倾向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前学术界在对示例全球变暖对我国粮食产量影响 估计中存在乐观倾向。这次以变幅大、速度快为特点的人为的气候变化,决定了它对人类社会弊多利少。既然承认它是一种大规模的环境灾难,又如何会对农业生产有利?一个地区气候的改善,并不同时带来社会因素的改善;不能期待一个原先缺粮区能很快自给有余,取代原有产粮区。  相似文献   

磷是植物生长必需的营养元素,也是陆地生态系统的重要限制因子。全球草地生态系统分布广泛,且大多位于生态脆弱带,易受气候变化的影响。因而,开展全球气候变化背景下草地生态系统土壤磷循环研究,具有重要意义。近几十年来,人们对增温、CO2浓度升高、降水格局改变和氮沉降增加等气候因子对草地生态系统土壤磷组分和磷酸酶活性影响开展了大量研究;本文对这一领域的研究进展进行了综述,并对未来研究方向进行了讨论与展望。  相似文献   

中国不同生态系统土壤硅的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
硅是土壤和岩石的一种基本成分,具有促进植物的生长、增强植物抗性、参与生物地球化学循环过程、调节全球碳循环和缓解全球气候变暖趋势等方面的作用.本文在全面介绍土壤硅的形态、有效性及生物循环特征基础上,分析了我国不同生态系统中土壤硅及植硅体含量状况,阐明了影响土壤有效硅及植硅体的因素,重点阐述了近年来有关稻田土壤有效硅与水稻...  相似文献   

发展低碳农业 减缓温室气体排放   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"低碳经济"是以低能耗、低污染、低排放为基础的绿色经济,成为应对全球气候变化的根本出路。农业作为国民经济的基础产业,应该积极响应气候变暖的"低碳经济"。本文概述了农业生产和气候变化间的相互关系及相互影响,并归纳出有利于减缓温室气体排放和增加碳汇的主要低碳农业措施。  相似文献   

陆生植物对全球环境变化的适应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
全球环境变化对陆地生态系统产生了深刻影响,而陆生植物对环境变化具有一定的适应机制。在生理过程中,信号物质能够对植物的生理过程进行调节,植物会主动积累或合成小分子物质以减轻逆境的伤害。在个体水平上,植物通过调节同化物在不同器官中的分配来适应环境条件的变化;植物对水氮资源的权衡利用可以使其适应不同的资源环境条件;由于对非结构碳水化合物的奢侈利用,植物生长不会受碳供应的限制。植物生理生态过程中的适应机制会影响陆地生态系统的碳收支。只有在综合分析的基础上建立整合植物适应机理的数学模型,才能准确预测环境变化对陆地生态系统的影响。  相似文献   

A comprehensive understanding of species phenological responses to global warming will require observations that are both long-term and spatially extensive. Here we present an analysis of the spring phenological response to climate variation of twelve taxa: six plants, three birds, a frog, and two insects. Phenology was monitored using standardized protocols at 176 meteorological stations in Japan and South Korea from 1953 to 2005, and in some cases even longer. We developed a hierarchical Bayesian model to examine the complex interactions of temperature, site effects, and latitude on phenology. Results show species-specific variation in the magnitude and even in the direction of their responses to increasing temperature, which also differ from site-to-site. At most sites the differences in phenology among species are forecast to become greater with warmer temperatures. Our results challenge the assertion that trends in one geographic region can be extrapolated to others, and emphasize the idiosyncratic nature of the species response to global warming. Field studies are needed to determine how these patterns of variation in species response to climate change affect species interactions and the ability to persist in a changing climate.  相似文献   

基于SPOT-VGT NDVI时间序列的农牧交错带植被物候监测   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:7  
为了分析中国农牧交错带植被典型物候期(生长开始日期,生长结束日期和生长季长度)的变化趋势,利用2001-2010年SPOT-VGT NDVI(SPOT-VEGETATION normalized differential vegetation index)数据,基于Savitzky—Golay滤波和动态阈值法,提取了中国北方农牧交错带植被物候期,探讨研究区植被物候期的空间差异和时间变化。研究表明,农牧交错带植被的生长季一般从4月中旬到5月下旬开始,9月下旬至10月下旬结束;从西南部到东北部,植被物候表现出明显的空间差异;农田植被物候期与自然植被略有不同;对研究区10a物候期线性拟合,得出研究区大部分植被覆盖区域生长季开始日期呈现提前趋势,提前日期大约为1~10d左右;除部分地区外,2001-2010年农牧交错带植被生长季结束日期没有明显变化趋势;10a间研究区大部分草地生长季延长,也有一部分地区的生长季出现缩短趋势。研究提取结果与已有的相关研究结果较为一致,可为农牧交错带生态环境评价和保护提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Drought and ecosystem carbon cycling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Drought as an intermittent disturbance of the water cycle interacts with the carbon cycle differently than the ‘gradual’ climate change. During drought plants respond physiologically and structurally to prevent excessive water loss according to species-specific water use strategies. This has consequences for carbon uptake by photosynthesis and release by total ecosystem respiration. After a drought the disturbances in the reservoirs of moisture, organic matter and nutrients in the soil and carbohydrates in plants lead to longer-term effects in plant carbon cycling, and potentially mortality. Direct and carry-over effects, mortality and consequently species competition in response to drought are strongly related to the survival strategies of species. Here we review the state of the art of the understanding of the relation between soil moisture drought and the interactions with the carbon cycle of the terrestrial ecosystems. We argue that plant strategies must be given an adequate role in global vegetation models if the effects of drought on the carbon cycle are to be described in a way that justifies the interacting processes.  相似文献   

In terrestrial ecosystems most carbon (C) occurs below-ground, making the activity of soil decomposer organisms critical to the global carbon cycle. Temperate grassland ecosystems, contain large, diverse and active soil meso- and macrofauna decomposer communities. Understanding the effects of climate change on their ecology offers a first step towards meaningful predictions of changes in soil organic carbon mineralisation.We examined the effects of soil warming on the abundance, diversity and ecology of temperate grassland soil fauna functional groups, ecosystem net CO2 flux and respiration and plant above- and below-ground productivity in a 2-year plant-soil mesocosm experiment. Low voltage heating cable mounted on a framework of stainless steel mesh provided a constant 3.5 °C difference between control and warmed mesocosm soils.Results showed that this temperature increment had little effect on soil respiration and above-ground plant biomass. There was, however, a significant effect on the soil fauna due to warmer conditions and increased root growth, with significant decreases in the numbers in the large oligochaete groups and Prostigmata mites and the re-distribution of enchytraeids to deeper soil layers. Functional groups exhibited individualistic responses to soil warming, with the total disappearance of epigeic species in the case of the ecosystem engineers and an increased diversity of fungivorous mites that, together, produced significant changes in the composition and trophic structure of the fauna community.The observed switch towards a fungal driven food web has important implications for the fate of soil organic carbon in temperate ecosystems subjected to sustained warming. Accordingly, soil biology needs to be properly incorporated in C models to make better predictions of the fate of SOC under warmer scenarios.  相似文献   

草本植物物候及其物候模拟模型的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
草地生态系统在全球变化过程中具有不容忽视的作用。为深入了解草本植物物候与气候因素间的相互作用机制,建立精确的草地植被物候动态模型,更好地模拟和预测天然草地生态系统对气候变化的响应,本文对国内外草本植物物候及有关草本植物物候模型研究进行了回顾。已有的研究表明物候变化能在一定程度上反映出气候变化的趋势,且温度、光照和水分等环境因素作为物候的主要驱动力在不同的时期发挥着重要的作用。植物物候模型从简单统计模型,逐渐向可描述生长与环境相互作用过程的动态机理模型发展。但可用于天然草地植被物候模拟的模型较少,仍存在物种单一、适用范围小、缺少机理性研究等问题。针对目前的研究现状,只有加强对天然草地植被物候与非生物因子关系的分析,特别是水分对物候的影响研究,努力探索各个物候期的生理特征,不断验证完善已有物候模型,才能建立起精确的草地植被物候模型服务于全球气候变化的研究。  相似文献   

Responses of terrestrial ecosystems to a world undergoing a change in atmospheric CO2 concentration presents a formidable challenge to terrestrial ecosystem scientists. Strong relationships among climate, atmosphere, soils and biota at many different temporal and spatial scales make the understanding and prediction of changes in net ecosystem production (NEP) at a global scale difficult. Global C cycle models have implicitly attempted to account for some of this complexity by adapting lower pool sizes and smaller flux rates representing large regions and long temporal averages than values appropriate for a small area. However, it is becoming increasingly evident that terrestrial ecosystems may be experiencing a strong transient forcing as a result of increasing levels of atmospheric CO2 that will require a finer temporal and spatial representation of terrestrial systems than the parameters for current global C cycle models allow. To adequately represent terrestrial systems in the global C cycle it is necessary to explicitly model the response of terrestrial systems to primary environmental factors. While considerable progress has been made experimentally and conceptually in aspects of photosynthetic responses, and gross and net primary production, the application of this understanding to NEP at individual sites is not well developed. This is an essential step in determining effects of plant physiological responses on the global C cycle. We use a forest stand succession model to explore the effects of several possible plant responses to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration. These simulations show that ecosystem C storage can be increased by increases in individual tree growth rate, reduced transpiration, or increases in fine root production commensurate with experimental observations.  相似文献   

西安植物园木本植物近十余年物候变化的特征分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
通过对1988-2002年西安市植物园20种木本植物物侯资料的分析。结果表明:近十余年西安市植物园20种木本植物物侯变化趋势明显表现为所有植物春季物侯逐年提前、大多数植物秋季物侯逐年推迟的趋势;春季物侯对气侯变化的响应程度显著大于秋季物侯。大多植物生殖生长期的物侯变化幅度大于营养生长期。因此,春季物侯和生殖生长期物侯更加适宜作为气侯变化的物侯指标。该研究对于评价物侯及物侯不同指标对气侯变化的响应有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

基于遥感的黄土高原植被物候监测及其对气候变化的响应   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
为了分析黄土高原地区植被物候特征,该文基于AVHRR传感器获取的陆地长期数据记录(land long term data record,LTDR)V4 NDVI数据,对黄土高原1982-2011年间植被物候的时空变化进行分析,并借助偏相关分析方法对物候与气温和降雨的关系进行量化分析。结果表明:黄土高原近30 a间春季物候提前显著(0.54 d/a,P0.001),主要集中在北部草地和灌木植被;秋季物候推迟显著(0.74 d/a,P0.001),主要分布在甘肃、陕北、内蒙古和山西北部等地。不同植被的春秋物候稍有差异,稀疏灌木林春季物候提前趋势最多(1.31 d/a),常绿针叶林最小(0.19 d/a);秋季物候推迟最多的为乔木园地(1.18 d/a),最少的是水田(0.17 d/a)。黄土高原植被物候主要受气温影响,降雨的变化也会对物候产生一定影响。冬季和前年秋季气温上升是春季物候提前的主要驱动因子;夏季和秋季降雨则对秋季物候休眠期延迟起着重要作用。该研究可为黄土高原生态环境评价及气候变化预测模型提供一定依据。  相似文献   

Studies from throughout the world have provided evidence that climate change is already affecting the ecology and persistence of species. Japan contributes valuable insights into understanding these changes through long-term records of the timing of cherry blossoms and other phenomena of ecological and cultural interest. The wide latitudinal spread of Japan also provides an opportunity to examine species over a broad range of environmental conditions. In this review, we examine phenological studies that have taken place in Japan and summarize their significance to climate change and conservation research. In Kyoto, records of the timing of celebrations of cherry blossom festivals going back to the 9th century reconstruct the past climate and demonstrate the local increase in temperature associated with global warming and urbanization. This record is probably the longest annual record of phenology from anyplace in the world and shows that cherries are currently flowering earlier than they have at any time during the previous 1200 years. Detailed mapping of cherry tree flowering times in and around Osaka and other cities in Japan show that urbanization causes plants to flower earlier within the city environs than in nearby parks and outlying suburban areas. Flowering records from a large cherry arboretum at Mt. Takao, on the outskirts of Tokyo, show that both among and within species, early flowering is associated with greater responsiveness to temperature variation. Lastly, records of phenology for a wide range of plants and animals recorded at over 100 weather stations throughout Japan show that species vary greatly in their phenological responses to climate change, and highlight ecological relationships that need to be investigated in the field. Together, these studies provide important insights into how species are responding to climate change in Japan. Further research, particularly targeted field observations and experiments, is needed to build on these findings and to improve our understanding of how climate change is altering biological communities and how it will continue to affect them in the future.  相似文献   

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