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Black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) mortality was investigated retrospectively based on the pathology records of 107 captive animals held at Smithsonian's National Zoological Park from 1989 to 2004. The majority of deaths in neonates were due to cannibalism (n = 42; 64.6%) and maternal trauma (n = 11; 16.9%); both of these causes of mortality decreased during the study period. Prior to 2001, juvenile mortality was most often caused by gastrointestinal disease (n = 11; 52.4%), including coccidiosis, salmonellosis, and clostridium infection. In 2001, improvements in husbandry, hygiene, and medical treatment led to decreases in juvenile mortality associated with gastrointestinal disease. The most common causes of death in adult ferrets were renal or neoplastic disease. The etiology of the high prevalence of renal disease in the last 4 yr of the study is unknown; it was not associated with increasing age or inbreeding. Improved hygiene and vigilant monitoring for signs of gastrointestinal and renal disease will continue to improve the success of the captive propagation of this species.  相似文献   

Thirty-eight cases of renal tubular cell neoplasms were diagnosed in 184 captive, adult (>1-year-old), black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) examined from 1985 to 1996. This prevalence (20.7%) is one of the highest reported for this neoplasm in a population of animals. These tumors rarely metastasized (1/38), and usually were incidental postmortem findings, associated clinical disease being present in only 3 (8%) of the 38 cases. The prevalence of renal tubular cell neoplasms found at postmortem examination increased linearly with age, up to 67% in ferrets >8 years old. Both males (prevalence = 19%) and females (prevalence = 24%) were affected. Multiple renal tumors were common, and seven ferrets (18.4% of affected animals) had bilateral tumors. The cause of this neoplastic syndrome could not be determined. Since most of the animals affected by this condition were in their postreproductive years of life, the impact of this neoplastic syndrome on the captive propagation of this species is negligible.  相似文献   

Vaginal cytology and vulva size were used to characterize the reproductive cycle of female black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes), Siberian polecats (M. eversmanni), and domestic ferrets (M. putorius furo). Emphasis was on black-footed ferrets because of the need to breed these critically endangered animals and on Siberian polecats because of the close taxonomic relationship to black-footed ferrets. Vaginal cytology of the 3 species of ferret is similar. Proestrus was characterized by an increasing percentage of superficial epithelial cells and enlargement of the vulva. During estrus, superficial cells were usually greater than or equal to 90% of epithelial cells in the vaginal lavage and after several days were fully keratinized. Neutrophils were more common during all stages of the estrous cycle in domestic ferrets than they were in the other species. Following copulation, percentage of superficial calls in the vagina declined and vulva swelling subsided. Large cells, probably of uterine symplasma origin, were observed in vaginal lavages following whelping or pseudopregnancy. Vaginal cytology is extremely useful in the reproductive management of black-footed ferrets and Siberian polecats. Knowledge of normal vaginal cytology could be applied to the diagnosis of female reproductive abnormalities in all 3 species.  相似文献   

This study describes clinical, histologic, immunohistochemical and electron microscopic features of amyloid A amyloidosis occurring in black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) from eight U.S. zoological institutions. Ferrets had nonregenerative anemia, serum chemistries consistent with chronic renal disease, and proteinuria. Amyloid was present in a variety of tissues, but it was most severe in renal glomeruli and associated with tubular protein loss and emaciation. Congo red/potassium permanganate (KMnO4) and immunohistochemical stains revealed that the amyloid was of the AA type. Concurrent diseases and genetic predisposition were considered the most important contributing factors to development of amyloidosis. Analysis of the genetic tree did not reveal convincing evidence of a common ancestor in the affected ferrets, but a genetic predisposition is likely because all the captive black-footed ferrets are related.  相似文献   

Black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) are highly susceptible to sylvatic plague, caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, and this disease has severely hampered efforts to restore ferrets to their historic range. A study was conducted to assess the efficacy of vaccination of black-footed ferrets against plague using a recombinant protein vaccine, designated F1-V, developed by personnel at the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases. Seven postreproductive black-footed ferrets were immunized with the vaccine, followed by two booster immunizations on days 23 and 154; three control black-footed ferrets received a placebo. After the second immunization, antibody titers to both F1 and V antigen were found to be significantly higher in vaccinates than controls. On challenge with 7,800 colony-forming units of virulent plague by s.c. injection, the three control animals died within 3 days, but six of seven vaccinates survived with no ill effects. The seventh vaccinate died on day 8. These results indicate that black-footed ferrets can be immunized against plague induced by the s.c. route, similar to fleabite injection.  相似文献   

A high prevalence of systemic amyloidosis was documented in the black-footed cat (Felis nigripes) based on a retrospective review of necropsy tissues (n = 38) submitted as part of ongoing disease surveillance. Some degree of amyloid deposition was present in 33 of 38 (87%) of the examined cats, and amyloidosis was the most common cause of death (26/38, 68%). Amyloid deposition was most severe in the renal medullary interstitium (30/33, 91%) and glomeruli (21/33, 63%). Other common sites included the splenic follicular germinal centers (26/31, 84%), gastric lamina propria (9/23, 39%), and intestinal lamina propria (3/23, 13%). Amyloid in all sites stained with Congo red, and in 13 of 15 (87%) cats, deposits had strong immunoreactivity for canine AA protein by immunohistochemistry. There was no association with concurrent chronic inflammatory conditions (P = .51), suggesting that amyloidosis was not secondary to inflammation. Adrenal cortical hyperplasia, a morphologic indicator of stress that can predispose to amyloid deposition, was similarly not associated (P = .09) with amyloidosis. However, adrenals were not available from the majority of cats without amyloidosis; therefore, further analysis of this risk factor is warranted. Heritability estimation suggested that amyloidosis might be familial in this species. Additionally, tissues from a single free-ranging black-footed cat had small amounts of amyloid deposition, suggesting that there could be a predilection for amyloidosis in this species. Research to identify the protein sequence of serum amyloid A (SAA) in the black-footed cat is needed to further investigate the possibility of an amyloidogenic SAA in this species.  相似文献   

Two six-year-old male neutered polecat ferrets (Mustela putorius furo) were presented for the investigation of acute collapse or periodic weakness and weight loss. While blood biochemistry revealed hypoglycaemia in both cases, diagnosis of an insulin-secreting neoplasia was confirmed by exploratory surgery in one case and supported by the use of an insulin assay in the other. Subsequent histopathological examination showed the former to be a pancreatic islet cell carcinoma and the latter to be a pancreatic islet cell adenoma. While neoplasia of the pancreas commonly affects ferrets in the USA, there appears to be only one previous report from the UK.  相似文献   

Through the Red Wolf Species Survival Plan, the captive red wolf (Canis rufus) population was developed with the intent of reestablishing wild populations. One part of the plan was a survey for diseases that might occur as a result of population homogeneity or that might impede breeding success and reintroduction. For this survey, complete necropsies and histopathologic analyses were performed on 62 red wolves from 1992 to 1996. Major causes of 22 neonatal deaths were parental trauma, parasitic pneumonia, and septicemia. Common neonatal lesions included pododermatitis and systemic ascariasis. Cardiovascular anomalies and systemic parasitism were found in two juveniles. Causes of death in the 38 adults included conspecific trauma, neoplasia, or gastrointestinal diseases such as necrotizing enteritis, intestinal perforation, and gastric volvulus. Lymphosarcoma represented 50% of the fatal neoplasms. Three adults died from cardiovascular failure or hyperthermia during handling, and several adults were euthanized for suspected genetic diseases. Overall, the captive population had few significant health problems, but population fitness might be improved by continued removal of potentially deleterious genes from the breeding population and by modifying the husbandry of neonates and adults.  相似文献   

The microbiota of the intestinal tract plays important roles in the overall health, productivity and well-being of the animals. We have characterized the intestinal microbiota of the ferret because its human cohabitation may increase the possibility of new zoonosis. The presence of anaerobic and microaerophilic bacteria has been evaluated in fresh fecal specimens of 40 ferrets in apparently good health. The bacteria most frequently isolated were Clostridium acetobutylicum (25/40 samples, 62.5%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 45.81–76.83%) and Helicobacter spp. (16/40 samples, 40.0%; 95% CI: 25.28–56.61%), as anaerobic and microaerophilic bacteria, respectively. The Kirby–Bauer disc-diffusion method showed penicillin, streptomycin and vancomycin resistances in high percentages (>80%) of the bacterial isolates, both in anaerobic and microaerophilic groups. Furthermore, the microaerophilic-bacteria group exhibited a significantly higher antibiotic-resistance profile compared to that of anaerobic-bacteria group. The presence of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms in the microbiota of the ferret gastrointestinal tract is a great concern for public health.  相似文献   

Necropsies of 228 ferrets captured from eight areas in the North and South Islands provided material for an investigation into the epidemiology of tuberculosis in feral ferrets. Mycobacterial culture of pooled lymph nodes (retropharyngeal, respiratory and jejunal) identified the prevalence of infection to be much higher than that estimated from gross lesions only. Seventy-three of the 228 animals examined (32%) were diagnosed as tuberculous. Fifty-three culture-positive ferrets and 18 seemingly uninfected animals were subjected to detailed histopathological examination. The outcomes of these investigations, including the characteristics of the disease, distribution of lesions and aids to diagnosis, are presented.

Of the feral carnivores found in New Zealand, the disease persists at high prevalence only in ferrets, and is probably maintained principally by ingestion of tuberculous carrion. The course of the disease may be prolonged in some ferrets, but tuberculosis eventually causes the death of many infected animals. Microscopic hepatic granulomas may be considered pathognomonic of the disease, and have potential to be used as a rapid diagnostic tool in ferrets with no gross lesions.  相似文献   

Necropsies from 228 ferrets captured from eight areas in the North and South Islands provided material for an investigation into the epidemiology of tuberculosis in feral ferrets. Mycobacterial culture of pooled lymph nodes (retropharyngeal, respiratory and jejunal) identified the prevalence of infection to be much higher than that estimated from gross lesions only. Seventy-three of the 228 animals examined (32%) were diagnosed as tuberculous. Fifty-three culture-positive ferrets and 18 seemingly uninfected animals were subjected to detailed histopathological examination. The outcomes of these investigations, including the characteristics of the disease, distribution of lesions and aids to diagnosis, are presented. Of the feral carnivores found in New Zealand, the disease persists at high prevalence only in ferrets, and is probably the maintained principally by ingestion of tuberculous carrion. The course of the disease may be prolonged in some ferrets, but tuberculosis eventually causes death of many infected animals. Microscopic hepatic granulomas may be considered pathognomonic of the disease, and have potential to be used as a rapid diagnostic tool in ferrets with no gross lesions.  相似文献   


Species of metastrongylid nematodes of the genus Filaroides have been recorded in various hosts throughout the world(1) Anderson, RC. 1978. “No.5. Keys to the genera of the superfamily Metastrongyloidea”. In CIH Keys to the Nematode Parasites of Vertebrates, Edited by: Anderson, RC, Chabaud, AG and Willmott, S. 34. Wallingford: CAB International.  [Google Scholar]. In New Zealand, the only known species is Filaroides (= Oslerus) osleri, which occurs in wart-like nodules near the bifurcation of the trachea of the dog(2) Jones, BR, Clark, WT, Collins, GH and Johnstone, AC. 1977. Filuroides osleri in a dog. New Zealand Veterinary Journal, 25: 103104. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar].  相似文献   

Two ferrets were presented to the authors' clinic. Hemoperitoneum was diagnosed in one ferret, and an abdominal mass was palpated in the other. One ferret was euthanized and necropsied, and one ferret underwent exploratory laparotomy and liver lobectomy. In both cases, the histopathologic diagnosis was hepatic hemangiosarcoma.  相似文献   

Detailed necropsies of 228 ferrets captured from eight areas in the North and South Islands provided material for an investigation into the epidemiology of tuberculosis in wild ferrets. Seventy-three of the 228 (32%) animals examined were diagnosed as tuberculous, by culture of pooled lymph nodes and detailed histopathological examination. The prevalence of bovine tuberculosis was 96% in 24 ferrets taken from areas in which tuberculous possums were common. None of 35 animals under 4 months of age were found to be infected, and the prevalence of infection was shown to rise with age, such that for each 6 month age increment there was a 2.8 times greater risk of becoming infected. The most common route of infection appeared to be via the alimentary tract, as 79% of 38 animals, in which the initial lesions could be reasonably determined, had these lesions associated with the digestive tract. Samples from potential sites of excretion from infected ferrets were submitted for culturing. The most common route of excretion was via the oral cavity, with M. bovis recovered from 15 of 64 (23%) oral swabs. Mycobacterium bovis was also isolated from four of 64 (6%) tracheobronchial lavage samples, ten of 63 (16%) faecal samples, two of 29 (7%) urine samples and one of 8 (12.5%) mammary glands. The disease in ferrets appears to be principally maintained by ingestion of tuberculous carrion. Although a moderate number of ferrets excrete M. bovis orally, there appears to be only minor intraspecific transmission by bite wounding. The findings provided no evidence to support the occurrence of pseudo-vertical transmission.  相似文献   

There is an error in the list of authors published for the general article by Qureshi et al. in the August issue of the New Zealand Veterinary Journal (Vol 48, 99–104, 2000) entitled, “Transmission of Mycobacterium bovis from experimentally infected ferrets to non-infected ferrets (Mustelafuro)“. The correct list of authors reads: ”T. Qureshi, R.E. Labes, M. Lambeth, J.F.T. Griffin and C.G. Mackintosh“.  相似文献   

AIMS: To demonstrate the transmission of Mycobacterium bovis infection from experimentally infected ferrets (Mustela furo) to non-infected ferrets in a laboratory setting, using three different isotypes of M. bovis, and to observe ferret behaviour that might be implicated in disease transmission. METHODS: Three female ferrets, each experimentally infected with a unique strain of M. bovis, were housed together with six female and two male non-infected ferrets in an isolation facility. Transmission of infection was monitored clinically, serologically (using an ELISA test), bacteriologically, histologically, and by isotype analysis of M. bovis isolates using spoligotyping to determine whether or not transmission of each strain occurred. Ferret behaviour was observed using a time-lapse video recorder. RESULTS: Transmission of M. bovis infection was confirmed in two male and four female ferrets. Isotype analysis showed that of the experimentally infected females, one did not infect any other ferret, another transmitted M. bovis to one ferret before it died prematurely 49 days post-infection, and the third, which was cannibalised, appears to have transmitted M. bovis to both males and three females. However, two of these latter three females had died before the event of cannibalism took place. One female was infected with two strains. Several behavioural interactions were observed that could have resulted in M. bovis transmission, including den sharing, sniffing of orifices and faeces, cannibalism and aggressive breeding behaviour. CONCLUSIONS: Horizontal transmission of M. bovis infection was demonstrated in ferrets under experimental housing conditions. Routes of transmission may involve cannibalism and factors such as den sharing, playing, fighting, mating, and sniffing of faeces.  相似文献   

Teratomas are histologically complex neoplasms that are composed of structures derived from multiple germ cell layers (ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm). These neoplasms are uncommon in domestic animals and are usually found in the gonads. This paper describes teratomas of the adrenal gland in four domestic ferrets (Mustela putorius furo). Three of four of the neoplasms contained tissues from ectodermal, mesodermal, and endodermal germ cell layers; two of four contained rudimentary teeth. In one case, malignant epithelial cells had metastasized to local lymph nodes. Teratomas, although uncommon, should be included in the differential diagnosis for adrenal neoplasms in domestic ferrets.  相似文献   

Cases of paraphimosis are rarely described in ferrets. Phimosis has not been reported in the ferret. Two castrated ferrets with abnormalities of the prepuce were presented separately. Case 1 had a 4-month duration of a non-reducible paraphimosis. A shortening of the sheath prevented complete covering of the penis. Case 2 had dermatitis around the prepuce of a month's duration. The foreskin was distended by urine which could be eliminated through a barely visible opening by the application of manual pressure. The penis could not be extruded under general anesthesia. Surgery was performed in both cases. In case 1, parts of the skin of the prepuce, and mucosa of the sheath were resected to create an enlarged opening correcting the constriction of the penis. In case 2, a circular incision was made along the periphery of the skin with dermatitis, and the skin of the prepuce. The skin was resected to enlarge the preputial orifice. Surgical treatment was successful in both cases, did not present any technical difficulties, and was of a short duration. Surgical treatment of paraphimosis and phimosis have not been reported in ferrets and should be considered in cases of scalding of the prepuce not responding to medical treatments.  相似文献   

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