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隔振器式张紧系统带锯机是在原杠杆压砣式张紧系统带锯机的基础上加以改进而形成的一种新式带锯机。通过采用MATLAB软件对带锯机锯条振动实验数据进行分析,从而证明改进后的带锯机锯条振动明显小于原杠杆压砣式带锯机。  相似文献   

带锯机杠杆压砣式张紧系统的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据以前对带锯机杠杆压砣式张紧系统振动的分析,设计了一新型装置,并用试验进行了对比分析,证实采用改进后的杠杆压砣系统可大大降低锯条的振动。为改善带锯机的动态特性提供了一条有效的途径。  相似文献   

根据以前对带锯机杠杆压砣式张紧系统振动的分析,设计了一新型装置,并用实验结果对其功率谱进行了分析,找出了影响振动的主频率。  相似文献   

1前言 对高弹性挺杆式张紧系统进行计算机仿真,首先必须建立原系统的动力学模型。而进行计算机仿真分析对研究带锯机的动态特性具有重大的意义,为此,作为基础部分有必要研究带锯机高弹性挺杆式张紧系统的动力学模型。2高弹性挺杆式张紧系统 为了改善带锯机张紧系统的动态性能,提高其动态响应灵敏度,提高锯材加工质量,课题组设计了一新型高弹性挺杆式带锯机张紧系统,其结构简图如图1所示。2.1张紧系统的力学模型简化 根据高弹性挺杆式张紧系统工作的特性,本研究将其简化,力学模型见图2所示。将上锯轮对转杆AO、A’O’作…  相似文献   

本文对杠杆压铊张紧系统带锯产生振动的原因,进行了试验和理论研究。用2034型频谱分析仪试验表明,带锯条振动属于复杂周期信号的离散型频谱,是由多个简谐振动叠加而成;同时理论考察分析表明,带锯条杠杆压铊张紧系统不同于秤量重物的“平衡秤”,不可能达到“静平衡”,而是在锯轮参数激振作用下形成周期性受迫振动。锯轮参数激振和杠杆压铊张紧系统位移激振之间交互作用,是使带锯条产生周期振动并引起张紧力发生变化的重要原因。  相似文献   

空气静压导向高张紧带锯研究(150040)东北林业大学关晓平,杨家武,张宁,李松龄,汤小华,马岩制材工业是木材加工工业中的最大行业,它的效益好坏直接影响到整个木材工业的效益及发展前景。目前,我国原木质量下降,大径级木材比例逐年减少,进入90年代,即使...  相似文献   

带锯机锯轮转速、锯条摆动与锯解精度的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于对木工带锯机加工特性的研究需要,本文在MJ397型高速木工带锯机的锯条张紧力和进给速度恒定的情况下,通过实测锯机工作台和锯条结构系统的固有频率、同条件下锯割杉木试材时的锯条横向摆动量、变频器调节锯轮转速和锯材表面粗糙度等,分析锯轮转速、锯条横向摆动量与锯解精度的关系,为优化国产带锯机锯割稳定性等设计工作提供依据.  相似文献   

本文从研究带锯机空载功率角度出发,通过对其空载功率的测试,分析带锯机空载功率的影响因素,提出了一种计算空载功率的方法,建立了相应的数学模型,为合理地确定机床空载功率提供了依据。  相似文献   

<正> 带锯机是我国制材生产中使用最广泛的大型木工机械。带锯机主机性能的好坏直接影响出材率、生产效率、制材质量。因此,提高带锯机主机的技术性能是当前制材生产企业的主要问题之一。1 我国带锯机主机的现状  相似文献   

王正本  李志仁 《林业科学》1990,26(5):481-484
台式带锯机的空载功率是确定拖动功率的关键参数,拖动功率是台式带锯机设计的重要依据,至今靠类比方法确定,缺少科学依据。为了满足台式带锯机合理设计的要求,我们对台式带锯机的空载功率进行了研究。研究是在MJ3310AK型台式带锯机上进行的,通过试验研究探讨了空载功率的主要影响因素及影响程度,得到了可供计算的通用数学模型。  相似文献   

鲁艳玲  李云峰 《森林工程》2002,18(3):28-28,30
本文通过对木工跑车带锯机列摇尺制动和摇尺操纵的电器改造,实现了摇尺自控和跑车摇控。提高了木材出材率,改善了工人的劳动条件。  相似文献   

Operation safety during sawing operations as well as dimensional accuracy and surface roughness depend on circular saw dynamic features among other factors such as circular saw blade accuracy and static/dynamic properties of the machine tool. Manufacturers of saw blades have an obligation to mark tools with a value stating the maximum allowed rotational speed for each saw. However, in some cases the value indicated on the saw corresponds to the critical rotational speed or is dangerously close to this critical value. Saw operation at the critical rotational speed is inadvisable and may result in serious injury or depreciation of product quality. This report outlines a simple methodology for evaluation of circular saw critical rotational speed. The assessment was conducted with a camera vision technique on the basis of an impulse test. Results are compared with theoretically calculated critical rotational speeds and the marks on saw blades.  相似文献   


This paper investigates the effect of rotation speed and vibration response of a circular saw on the sawing process of Douglas-fir wood. An idling test was conducted on a guided circular saw to determine its stable operation speeds and vibration behavior. Short-time Fourier transform analysis was performed on saw idling test data, and variation of excited frequencies of the blade as a function of rotation speed was obtained. The saw blade critical speeds and the rotation speeds that correspond to saw flutter instability were identified. Then experimental cutting tests were conducted at different cutting conditions and the effect of rotation speed and saw vibration response on cutting power consumption and sawing accuracy was investigated. The results showed that conducting a saw idling test and vibration response analysis can identify the saw critical and flutter speeds, which is essential for identifying the optimum rotation speed of circular saw. There was a significant increase in power consumption when cutting at super-critical and super-flutter speed. The effect of rotation speed on sawing accuracy is complex and nonlinear. This effect interacts with feed speed, which makes it difficult to generalize sawing accuracy versus rotation speed in the circular sawing process.  相似文献   

杨素华 《林业研究》1995,6(4):58-60
Whenthepwticlebortswerecutbyuseoftllllgstencarbidetippedcircularsaw(Fig.l),th9whcientcuttingspeedfortheminimumcostandmaximumproductionwasdiscussedforafewyears.Ingeneral,thehigherthecuttingspeed,thehigherthecuttingheatproducedandtheshorterthelifeofthetoolresulted.Althoughthehighercuttingspeedcouldmalletheproductivityhigher,theamountofwearoftoothwasincreasedandthenthetimesofchangingsawswereincreased.There-foretherewasanoptimumrangeofcuttingspeedswhentheparticleboardswerecutbycircularsawbasedonan…  相似文献   

According to ZBJ65015-89 standard about noise level testing method of woodworking toot, the noise testing for MJg0# and MJCl125 precision panel saws was conducted by using model ND2 precision soundqevel apparatus and double frequency wave filter. The testing results showed that the unloaded running noise source of precision panel saw was mainly from main saw blade and its aeromechanic noise was the largest. The rotating speed was determined as an important factor to impact dynamic characters of precision panel saw as the unloaded running noise increased along with speed increasing. For reducing noise of precision panel saw, the first important way is to reduce the aeromechanic noise produced by main saw blade rotating at high speed; based on assuring the processing precision, choosing tow speed is a better way to drop dawn noise; from the view of design, the diameter of clamping lid is better of half of outer diameter of main saw blade.  相似文献   

The natural frequencies, aerodynamic noise, whistling noise, and self-excited vibration between the common circular saw with uniform thickness and the circular saw with step thickness (thin on its outer part and thick on its inner part) were researched during idling. The natural frequencies of the circular saw with step thickness increased with an increase in the thickness and in the radius of the thick part. The frequencies of the circular saws with step thickness (thick at the inner part) were higher than that of the thin circular saw with a uniform thickness of 0.5mm. The aerodynamic sound pressure level induced from circular saw teeth increased with an increase in the tooth thickness. The whistling noise and self-excited vibration easily occurred in the thick circular saws (1.5, 2.0, and 2.5mm). The whistling sound pressure level and the vibration amplitude increased with an increase in the thickness of the saw. None of the designed circular saws with step thickness generated whistling noises or self-excited vibration during idling.Part of this report was presented at the 45th annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society at Tokyo, April 1995 and the 12th International Wood Machining Seminar at Kyoto, October 1995  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to determine the relationship between potential evaporation, according to the Penman‐Monteith evaporation formula, and measured evaporation in saw timber piles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). The local climate and the water balance of a timber pile were investigated at two geographically different experimental sites, one in southern Norway and one in central Sweden. The results showed that the relationship was significant at both experimental sites, showing a correlation coefficient of 0.71 in Norway and 0.52 in Sweden. At both experimental sites, the potential evaporation had higher average values and between‐day variations than measured evaporation, probably because the Pen‐man‐Monteith formula is too sensitive to variation in meteorological variables. The formula overestimated the evaporation during periods with high evaporation demand, which might be explained by the stronger feed‐back between evaporation and cooling of the air at saw timber piles than at the position of the climate station. A seasonal variation of standard residuals between potential and measured values was observed at both experimental sites. The Penman‐Monteith evaporation formula estimated the evaporation well during July and August, whereas overestimation occurred during June and September.  相似文献   

μc—YK Ⅲ型微机摇尺控制器属单座标直线点位系统,采用微机处理技术对木工跑车带锯机的摇尺部分进行准确定位控制,实现电脑控制锯鲜原木的规格尺寸,控制现场的合成精度<±0.7mm。该系统适用于各种型号的木工跑车带锯机,其控制精度和自动化程度高,经省内外近30家制材厂推广应用,经济效益显著。  相似文献   

研究高把油锯振动传递路线,并与和其类似的前苏联产"дружба"型和"урал-2"型油锯(锯把)进行比较,从而得出油锯振动是随机振动,其影响因素很多,要从振源上解决振动问题,必须考虑采用其他类型的发动机;油锯振动能量的分布复杂,通过振动传递路线测试和分析可以找出相对合理的锯把安装位置;锯把本身的振动值特性是影响手感振动的重要因素之一,国产油锯的锯把具有机械放大特性,而国外样机具有机械衰减特性.  相似文献   

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