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A map of soil cover patterns in the Tugnuisk Depression of the Transbaikal region has been compiled on a scale of 1:500 000. This map contains information on the distribution of soil complexes and soil combinations and on the genetic and geometric characteristics of soil areas. It is derived from the original large-scale soil maps. The theory of soil cover patterns was used as the basis for cartographic generalization. This made it possible to preserve information on soil types and subtypes identified on the original maps and to show the real distribution pattern for all the components of the soil cover.  相似文献   

The soil cover patterns in the subtaiga landscapes on the northern spurs of the Tsagan-Daban Ridge in the Selenga Mountains have been studied. Gray-humus lithozems and bedrock outcrops are typical of the steep south-facing slopes under herbaceous pine forests. Soddy iron-illuvial podburs are formed under forest vegetation on gentle slopes of northern and western aspects with a thick mantle of loose colluvial deposits. Dark-humus metamorphic soils occur on the slopes of western and northwestern aspects below 700 m a.s.l. under secondary forb-grassy communities that replaced the initial herbaceous pine forests. Windblown hollows (yardangs) are occupied by humus psammozems under steppe pine forests. The morphological and physicochemical characteristics of these soils are discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

Specific features of the soil cover in the Western Transbaikal region are discussed. The soil cover has been studied during soil survey works on scales of 1: 25000 and 1: 100000 in the Kizhinga district. On this basis, a generalized map of the soil cover patterns has been compiled on a scale of 1: 500 000. Data of the large-and medium-scale soil mapping are not lost upon the generalization procedure due to the reflection of soil combinations on the small-scale map, which makes the latter very informative.  相似文献   

The results of soil surveys in the Khorinsk district of the Buryat Republic have been generalized on a map of the soil cover patterns on a scale of 1: 500000. The map reflects the soil cover patterns in the zones of mountainous tundra and taiga, mountainous forest-steppes, sand massifs on piedmonts, and plain steppes and dry steppes. The areas of each component of the soil combinations shown on the map have been calculated. In the course of the generalization of large-scale soil maps, information on the genetic types and subtypes of soils has been preserved. The new map adequately displays the real pattern of the soil distribution in the studied area.  相似文献   

Mycelial fungi in a solonchakous chestnut soil, a sulfate solonchak, and a soda solonchak were studied in the western Lake Baikal basin. The humus content, the degree of salinization, and the composition of salts affected the structure of the micromycete communities. In the chestnut soil, more than half of the species identified were found. The species diversity was higher in the nonsaline and humus horizons. The eolian deposit on the soda solonchak was characterized by the presence of six species of fungi that did not occur in other soil horizons. Their occurrence in the fresh deposit seems to be related to the eolian transfer of fungi with the fine earth from the adjacent areas with the nonsaline soils. The soda solonchak fungi are dominated by the haloalkalitolerant and alkalophilic micromycetes, among which the representatives of the Acremonium (A. antarcticum and A. rutilum) and Verticillum genera and Mycelia sterilia were identified. There was also an alkalophilic ascomycete, which is an indicator of soda salinization??Heleococcum alkalinum. On the whole, the soda solonchak had the lowest number of fungal germs and the lowest species diversity of mycelial fungi among the soils compared.  相似文献   

The total mercury content has been determined in gray forest soils, chernozems, chestnut soils, and in different parent materials in the Transbaikal region. The mercury content is below the clarke value in the intrusive, effusive, and alluvial soil-forming rocks (0.004–0.024 mg/kg). In the humus horizons of the soils, it reaches 0.011–0.026 mg/kg, which is higher than the clarke value for the pedosphere. The mean background content of mercury in the soils of the Transbaikal region is 0.018 mg/kg. No significant positive correlation between the mercury content and the humus content of the soils has been revealed.  相似文献   

Specific features of soil formation and soil cover patterns in mountain forests of the East Khubsugul region are discussed. A scheme of the vertical zonality of soils under mountain forests is given. It is shown that soils of the uppermost forest zone are permafrost-affected. Seasonally freezing soils under forest vegetation predominate at lower heights and in the southern part of the region near the boundary with the steppe zone. The major soil combinations under different types of forest vegetation are described. The morphological, physicochemical, and chemical characteristics of widespread forest soils are given.  相似文献   

Some particularities of the distribution of boron in the main types of soils were studied. A close dependency between the boron content in the soils and its concentration in the soil-forming rocks (r = 0.85) was established, as well as the absence of a correlation between the content of boron and that of humus. It was found that boron is an element with an average intensity of accumulation in plants: the coefficient of its biological absorption from the soil of the steppe, meadow, and agrocenoses varied from 1.2 to 3.2. A correlation between the bulk content of boron in the soils and its accumulation in plants was absent (r = −0.07–0.11). The vegetation of a significant part of the steppe, dry-steppe, and forest-steppe landscapes had a boron deficiency (30–75%).  相似文献   

Periodical forest fires are typical natural events under the environmental and climatic conditions of central and southern Yakutia and Transbaikal region of Russia. Strong surface fires activate exogenous geomorphological processes. As a result, soils with polycyclic profiles are developed in the trans-accumulative landscape positions. These soils are specified by the presence of two–three buried humus horizons with abundant charcoal under the modern humus horizon. This indicates that these soils have been subjected to two–three cycles of zonal pedogenesis during their development. The buried pyrogenic humus horizons accumulate are enriched in humus; nitrogen; total and oxalate-extractable iron; exchangeable bases (Са+2 and Mg+2); and the fractions of coarse silt, physical clay (<0.01 mm), and clay (<0.001 mm) particles in comparison with the neighboring mineral horizons of the soil profile. The humus of buried pyrogenic horizons is characterized by the increased content of humic acids, particularly, those bound with mobile sesquioxides (HA-1) and calcium (HA-2) and by certain changes in the type of humus.  相似文献   

Mesofauna of chestnut, meadow-chestnut, meadow alluvial, clayey mucky-gley swampy alluvial soils, and hydromorphic solonchaks has been studied within the Ivolga depression. Variations in the population density of soil invertebrates (from 29.9 to 284.3 specimens per m2) are controlled by the particular soil ecological conditions. Dominant mesofauna species are morphologically and physiologically adapted for living near the soil surface. About 85–90% of them are allocated to the uppermost 10-cm-thick soil layer. The hydrothermic regime (r = 0.94) and the low bioproductivity of phytocenoses (r = 0.74) are the major factors limiting the mesofauna functioning in soils of the Ivolga depression. The biocenotic similarity of the invertebrate complexes in the chestnut, meadow-chestnut, and solonchak soils and in the alluvial swampy and meadow soils is revealed. The highest diversity of the ecological groups of soil mesofauna is seen in the clayey mucky-gley swampy alluvial soils.  相似文献   

Soil cover patterns within the Kyakhta area of pine stands and the Kudarinsk area of dry steppes in the south of the Selenga mountainous region are characterized. The groups of soil combinations are shown on the map developed on a scale of 1: 500000. The areas of particular soils composing the combinations have been calculated. Thus, this small-scale soil map generally preserves information reflected on large- and medium-scale soil maps.  相似文献   

横坡垄与顺坡垄的水土流失对比研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
在缓坡坡耕地农业生产中存在着应选择横坡垄还是应选择顺坡垄问题。重点分析了它们对农业经营的利弊和它们在生产过程中的演变。调查表明二者水土流失均较严重,只是侵蚀方式不同。提出了既适合横坡垄又适合顺坡垄水土保持的措施———垄向区田及其配套农具———1QD型垄向区田筑挡机。  相似文献   

Humic acids (HAs) in the noncalcareous chernozems developed from the colluvium of argillites and chlorite schist are characterized by a predominance of the first, relatively mobile fraction (HA-1) and a lower content of the second (HA-2) fraction. Modern nondestructive physicochemical methods for studying the chemical structure of HA macromolecules have shown that the Has in the virgin soils have approximately equal portions of aromatic and aliphatic groups. In the plowed soils, the portion of aromatic carbon increases under the impact of the intensive agricultural use of these soils and their susceptibility to wind erosion.  相似文献   

Data on the composition and properties of soil adsorption complex in the virgin and ameliorated meadow-chestnut soils in the northern Caspian region are generalized. It is shown that the experimental values of the effective CEC in the A1 horizon are lower than those calculated on the basis of data on the organic matter content and the content and mineral composition of fine fractions. We explain this discrepancy by the interactions between the organic matter and clay minerals resulting in the blocking of a part of the exchangeable positions. In the BC horizon, the experimental values of the effective CEC are twice as high as those calculated from the data on the amount of labile clay minerals in fine fractions. This can be explained by the presence of sorption centers on poorly crystallized illites and chlorites in the clay fraction and by the partial aggregation of clay material into coarser fractions that cannot be destroyed upon the separation of clay fractions by the Aidinyan procedure, which leads to the underestimation of the clay content.  相似文献   

The soil cover patterns in the Kabansk district (the Baikal region of the Buryat Republic), including the Selenga River delta, are analyzed. A soil map of this area has been developed on a scale of 1 : 500000. Stony organic soils are widespread in the tundra zone. Mountain-meadow soddy soils and tundra podburs (under dwarf pine) are formed at lower heights around lakes and in glacial valleys. Kabansk district includes taiga landscapes on the northern slopes of the Khamar-Daban Ridge with the predominance of podburs, podzols, soddy-taiga soils, and burozems. Agrolandscapes occur in the Nizhneselenginsk meadow-bog and forest-steppe natural region with a predominance of soddy forest, soddy gray forest, meadow, alluvial, meadow-bog, and bog soils. Data on the land evaluation in the agricultural part of the studied region are given.  相似文献   

典型黑土垄作区耕地沟蚀对土壤养分的影响研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨子  刘晓光  宁静  董芳辰  于杰  张鹏  王赛 《土壤》2017,49(2):379-385
近年来东北黑土区沟蚀吞食耕地现象加剧,养分流失、耕地质量下降等问题凸显。以宾县的糖坊镇和三宝乡为研究区,综合"3S"技术和统计学的模型方法,对研究区沟蚀对土壤中有机质、全氮、全磷和速效钾含量的影响及不同垄向耕作下沟蚀对各养分的影响及差异展开研究。其中横垄种植指作物垄的方向和地块坡向方向成垂直的种植方式,顺垄种植是作物垄的方向和地块坡向方向平行的种植方式。结果表明:沟蚀对土壤养分含量影响较大,有机质和全氮含量较无侵蚀区分别减少33.43%和46.67%,速效钾与全磷含量则变化不明显,在沟蚀区进行秸秆覆盖能够有效减少土壤养分的流失。沟蚀在造成养分含量下降的同时,也影响了土壤的理化结构,降低了土壤中有机质和全氮含量之间的相关性。横垄沟蚀、顺垄沟蚀及无沟蚀对照组土壤有机质和全氮含量大小均表现为无沟蚀区顺垄沟蚀橫垄沟蚀。无侵蚀区土壤养分含量最高,沟蚀区顺垄耕作较横垄耕作更具保肥意义。  相似文献   

垄作方式对薄层黑土区坡面土壤侵蚀的影响   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
定量评价垄作方式对坡面土壤侵蚀的影响,可为坡面土壤侵蚀防治提供理论参考。基于2012—2015年哈尔滨市野外径流小区监测资料,探讨了顺坡垄、横坡垄、无垄作(裸地休闲对照)垄作方式对坡面土壤侵蚀的影响,分析了不同垄作方式下坡面水沙关系。结果表明:不同垄作方式下径流量和侵蚀量均具有显著差异,坡面径流量和侵蚀量均表现为无垄顺坡垄横坡垄;与无垄作试验处理相比,横坡垄作使坡面径流量和侵蚀量平均减少了92.4%和98.3%,顺坡垄作使坡面径流量和侵蚀量平均减少66.4%和72.2%。当坡度由3°增加到5°时,无垄作、顺坡垄作、横坡垄作坡面侵蚀量分别增加了0.8,8.2,5.5倍。3种垄作方式下坡面水沙关系均呈现出良好的相关关系,顺坡垄作和无垄作坡面侵蚀量随径流量的增加幅度远大于横坡垄作坡面,当坡面径流量10.0mm时,二者坡面侵蚀量急剧增加。  相似文献   

Three-component soil combinations developed on flat interfluves in the Kamennaya Steppe consist of the low-contrasting areas of typical, leached, and zooturbated chernozems. Against the background of this natural soil cover pattern, the low-contrasting combinations of agrochernozems and postagrogenic chernozems are formed under the impact of different land uses. Both random and regular patterns of the spatial variability in the morphometric soil characteristics can be distinguished. The latter are manifested by regular changes in the thickness of soil horizons predetermined by the spatial differentiation of local factors (the burrowing activity of animals and the redistribution of water by the elements of microtopography) affecting the soil development. On the flat interfluves, the morphometric parameters of the soils display weak statistical correlation with the parameters of the relief for the entire soil combination. However, they are closely correlated with the relief in the thalweg zones of local hollows occupied by leached chernozems. The specificity of the soil cover pattern in the Kamennaya Steppe should be taken into account upon the organization of soil monitoring studies; a detailed soil mapping of key plots is necessary.  相似文献   

针对坡耕地横坡、顺坡垄作模式土壤水分及溶质迁移过程的差异,采用田间模拟试验的方法,以坡度为7°的大豆坡耕地为研究对象,以Br-为示踪剂,监测不同垄作模式垄台、垄侧、垄沟各位置的土壤水分和Br-浓度,探究坡耕地横坡、顺坡垄作模式对土壤中水分迁移及可溶性养分分布的影响。结果表明:2种模式最大土壤体积含水量横坡垄作分布在10—20 cm土层,顺坡垄作分布在5—15 cm土层,证明横坡垄作对雨水的拦蓄作用。横坡垄作模式最大土壤贮水量位置在垄上侧的垄侧处,顺坡垄作模式在垄沟处。不同垄作模式下各土层土壤体积含水量变异系数在0—5,50—60 cm处较大,介于8.97~11.90,中间土层的变异系数较小,在0.91~8.76间波动。顺坡垄作20—60 cm土层中Br-沿坡向迁移现象明显,横坡垄作40—60 cm土层中Br-沿坡向发生迁移;2种垄作模式垄台和坡向下方位置(横坡∶垄侧;顺坡∶株间)的土壤Br-总量比值均约为3∶7,顺坡垄作垄台中心处Br-总量为横坡垄作的54.33%,说明横坡垄作可以减少土壤中Br-沿坡向迁移。研究成果为在顺坡垄作条件下将非吸附性养分施在垄侧处可减少其迁移流失,有利于提高...  相似文献   

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