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The present study was performed to determine the effect of soybean meal (SBM) on the performance and gut histology of gilthead sea bream and European sea bass. Three isonitrogenous and isolipidic extruded diets (crude protein, 470 g kg−1 diet; crude fat, 200 g kg−1 diet) were formulated containing 0 (0 SBM), 180 (180 SBM) and 300 (300 SBM) g kg−1 diet SBM and tested on both species in two separate experiments. Fish at an initial average weight of around 18 g were randomly allocated to 800 L square tanks connected to a closed recirculating system. The trials lasted 80 days for sea bream and 89 days for sea bass. Fish were hand-fed to apparent satiation. Increasing the level of SBM had no significant effects on the specific growth rate, feed intake and feed conversion rate in both the species. In the sea bream distal intestine, lamina propria was moderately and diffusely expanded in some fish due to an increase in cell infiltration represented by mononuclear cells, this finding being more frequent in animals fed diet 300 SBM. No other morphological alterations in intestinal folds, enterocytes or other inflammation signs were noticed in the sea bream distal intestine of any group. No histological differences were found in sea bass in any experimental group.  相似文献   

Farmed gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata, frequently escape from the sea cages and interact with wild populations. The impact of these interactions on the wild populations will depend, in part, on differences in performance of the bream. This study compared the swimming performance of the wild and farmed fish in a current channel. The absolute critical swimming speed (Ucrit) increased with increasing size while the relative Ucrit decreased. Even at the same length there were noticeable performance differences between the individuals. The wild sea bream have significantly higher (P<0.05) absolute Ucrit performance (0.86±0.01 m s−1) than the farmed fish (0.79±0.01 m s−1) and significantly higher (P<0.05) relative Ucrit performance (4.52±0.05 BL s−1) than the farmed fish (4.21±0.05 BL s−1). The present study suggests that cultured sea bream may not have the ability to compete with wild sea bream in native seawaters.  相似文献   

Abstract This study was conducted to evaluate feed discrimination and preference of European sea bass Dicentrarchus labrax L., taking into account the effects of feed location, previous feeding experience and light conditions. Fish (63 g) were held in tanks and exposed to a 12L:12D photoperiod and ambient temperature. The following feeding practices were applied in triplicate: three‐choice feeding (self‐ feeding with feeds formulated for carnivorous, herbivorous and omnivorous fish rotated on a weekly basis) and monofeeding (self‐feeding with one of these feeds). After 9 weeks (phase I), fish previously held in monofeeding, were subjected to three‐choice feeding for 2 weeks (phase II). In phase I, fish discriminated between feeds after their rotational displacements and preferred the feed formulated for carnivorous species. This also supported the best growth. Fish used in phase II preferred the same feed. There was no preference for any location within tanks. Feeding was generally diurnal, although in some tests with the feeds for herbivores and omnivores, diurnal and nocturnal feed demands were similar and fewer in number than with the feed formulated for carnivores.  相似文献   

European sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax L., groups reared under different conditions during larval stages (mesocosm and intensive rearing) were monitored during on‐growing in sea cages until marketable size (350–400 g). Four caged groups were followed for a period of 17 months each at a pilot scale farm, where vertical distribution behaviour was monitored. This was performed while fish were under calm conditions, during feeding and when stress events occurred. Also during two specific periods: (i) spawning and (ii) high water temperature. Clear differences in the behavioural pattern of swimming depth, displacement and used space between the groups were observed. The individuals from the mesocosm rearing were more sensitive to human presence, showing stronger reactions (speed of displacement and vertical distribution). Most pronounced differences were observed during the ‘extreme’ warm period and the reproductive season. Within the seasons, European sea bass responded during feeding and stress showing a tendency to move deeper compared to calm conditions. The increased displacements were longer during feeding and stress.  相似文献   

The feeding behaviour, growth and feed conversion ratio (FCR) of cage‐held Atlantic salmon parr (Salmo salar L.) were studied when in 576 m3 (12 m × 12 m × 4 m) commercial freshwater cages under ambient water temperature (8.84±3.53°C) and photoperiod (11.02±2.05 h) for 205 days. The effect of feeding regime on fin damage was also investigated. Six groups (n=31 234±2051 fish group−1, initial stocking density 1.25±0.14 kg m−3) were fed to satiation using either (a) an imposed regime involving scheduled, fixed ration feeding every 10 min from dawn till dusk or (b) on demand from dawn till dusk using commercial interactive feedback systems. During feeding, there were no significant differences in aggression although swimming speeds and turning angles were significantly higher in fish under the imposed regime. On‐demand feeding significantly reduced the incidence of dorsal fin damage. There was no clear relationship between fish size, feed regime and the incidence of fin damage until 1 week before the fish were transferred to marine cages, when the smallest fish under each feeding regime had the highest incidence of fin damage. Interestingly, growth did not differ between regimes, but fish under the imposed regime were significantly overfed and achieved higher FCRs.  相似文献   

In this study, shoals of hatchery‐reared and wild sea bass juveniles (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) were tested for differences in their antipredator responses towards a visual (shadow) and a mechanical (dummy bill) overhead stimulus. Two behavioural variables – distance from the bottom and freezing duration – were measured during post‐stimulus phases of each test and compared between wild and hatchery‐reared shoals, composed of 10 juveniles each. The results showed that in both hatchery‐reared and wild juveniles, stimulus exposure elicited a significant decrease in the mean shoal distance from the bottom. Similarly, individuals from both groups engaged a freezing reaction, but the mean freezing duration was significantly higher in wild‐ than in hatchery‐reared juveniles. Results are discussed in the light of their relevance for the enhancement of restocking programmes.  相似文献   

Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., in sea cages exhibit feeding patterns that vary both diurnally and seasonally. Hitherto, there are no data reporting feed rate and its variation through a complete annual cycle. Here we present data from Scotland showing diurnal and interseasonal variation in feeding patterns and feeding rates of Atlantic salmon fed daily to satiation from shortly after transfer to seawater until harvest about 11 months later. A major feeding peak regularly occurred soon after dawn, and feeding rates remained high for approximately one hour. Over the remainder of the day, the fish fed at a lower but steady rate. Relative feed intake varied over the trial, being initially high in summer followed by a sharp decline in autumn, and then further declining until fish reached harvest size at the beginning of the following summer. Further investigations of the relationship between variation in circannual feeding patterns and environmental parameters should now be carried out to improve the understanding of the mechanism behind these patterns.  相似文献   

The compensatory growth response of the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) that faced cycling starvation and restricted ration was assessed. Juveniles (10.5 g) were stocked into 15 tanks at a density of 25 fish per tank. Five different feeding regimes were tested on triplicate groups of fish: CSatiation: control fed for 60 days without deprivation, CRestricted: 25% restricted feeding, S‐R: 1 day starvation then 4 days CRestricted feeding, R‐F: 1 day CRestricted feeding then 4 days CSatiation feeding, and, finally, S‐F: 1 day starvation then 4 days CSatiation feeding. The specific growth rate of fish in the CSatiation (2.5 ± 0.06% day?1), S‐F (2.5 ± 0.11% day?1) and R‐F (2.4 ± 0.18% day?1) were significantly higher than that of CRestricted (2.2 ± 0.05% day?1) or S‐R (2.0 ± 0.01% day?1). Fish in S‐F group were able to achieve catching up with the CSatiation. There was no significant difference in feed conversion rates but R‐F and S‐F consumed approximately 34% more feed than CSatiation following the first re‐feeding day. Although, the highest lipid content was observed in CSatiation (14.4%), S‐R (33.3% dry matter) had the highest water content compared with the CSatiation and CRestricted (37.8% and 36.9% dry matter respectively). In conclusion, it may be concluded that sea bass has rapid response to cycling starvation/re‐feeding and that a 25% restricted feeding ratio is insufficient to invoke a compensatory growth response in sea bass.  相似文献   

Artificial photoperiods that postpone sexual maturation and increase growth are now widely used in the Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. farming industry. Few studies have been carried out to examine the effect of this treatment on fish behaviour and welfare in production cages. In this study, echo‐integration was used to observe the swimming depth and fish density of salmon in 20‐m‐deep production cages illuminated by lamps mounted above the water surface (SURF) or submerged in the cage (SUBS). From January to May, SUBS swam at a greater depth (5–11 m) than SURF (1–3 m) at night. SURF descended and SUBS ascended at dawn, but SUBS were still swimming at greater depth than SURF during the day from January to March. The difference in swimming depth resulted in SURF swimming at a median fish density about twice as high as SUBS at night and up to five times the calculated fish density. SURF increased the utilization of the cage volume as the biomass increased, but fish swimming at the highest density did so at up to 20 times the calculated fish density. The results suggest that salmon position themselves in relation to the artificial light gradient to maintain schooling behaviour and that the use of submersible lights may be a precaution to secure the welfare of caged salmon.  相似文献   

Sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax (mean weight: 748±13 g), were maintained before and during vitellogenesis in 1, 3, 8, 16 and 32 m3 tanks, and then they were transferred to 2 m3 tanks, for the spawning season. During the first 2 months of the experiment, the growth rates were significantly lower in smaller tanks (1 m3). In August, the oocyte diameters were significantly lower in smaller tanks (1, 3 and 8 m3) than in larger (16–32 m3) tanks. At the end of the experiment, the fish mean weight in the 1 m3 tanks was significantly lower than in the 3 m3 tanks, but oocyte diameters and plasma oestradiol concentrations were not significantly different between the volumes. This shows a longer acclimation requirement in smaller volume rearing. Although all the females had not spawned, one spawn at least was collected in each volume. The variation in conditioning volume has not blocked the spawning process. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of spawns were not significantly different between volumes. The conditioning volume of 3 m3 seems to be a minimal volume required to obtain good reproduction of sea bass.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effect of increased zinc dietary levels on the growth performance, feed utilization, immune status and induced wound healing in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Fish weighing 10 g were fed five diets containing organic zinc at 30, 70, 110 and 150 mg kg?1 diet and one inorganic zinc source (zinc oxide) at 150 mg kg?1 diet for a period of 12 weeks. No significant (P>0.05) differences were found in the growth performance parameters (final weight, specific growth rate), immunological indices tested (respiratory burst activity in whole blood) and the wound‐healing process. Zinc accumulation in the skin, vertebrae and liver increased significantly (P<0.01) with increased dietary zinc levels but not in muscle. The highest zinc concentrations were obtained in skin tissue, followed by vertebrae, liver and muscle tissue. Using the concentration of zinc in skin as a response criterion, broken‐line analysis showed that the supplementation of 148 mg organic Zn kg?1 diet seemed to be the optimum dietary zinc supplementation level for sea bass juveniles.  相似文献   

Understanding how gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata L., an important Mediterranean Sea species for aquaculture, respond physiologically to stressors commonly encountered in intensive rearing is important for effective production, as managing for stress is a major factor in maintaining healthy fish stocks. Our objective was to determine whether holding juvenile gilthead sea bream at a high density (HD), as a chronic stressor, would affect their physiological responses to a subsequent acute handling stressor. After acclimation at a low density (LD) of 6 kg m?3 in 200‐L circular tanks containing 33–36 g L?1 recirculating seawater at 19°C under a normal photoperiod, juvenile 37‐g gilthead sea bream were confined for 14 days at a HD of 26 kg m?3 and then subjected to 30‐s aerial emersion in a dipnet. Plasma levels of cortisol, glucose, lactate, osmolality and chloride were determined in fish held in separate lots during LD (control) and HD confinement at 0, 1, 2, 7 and 14 days, and then after handling at 0, 1, 2, 4 and 8 h. Although plasma cortisol levels were similar in LD and HD fish groups after 14 d of confinement (15 and 23 ng mL?1, respectively), the cortisol response in fish from the HD treatment at 1 and 2 h following acute handling (70 and 37 ng mL?1, respectively) was only about half of that measured in the control group (139 and 102 ng mL?1); plasma cortisol was similar in both groups by 4 and 8 h. In contrast, plasma glucose elevations in response to handling were higher at 4 and 8 h in the HD‐held fish (94 and 72 mg dL?1, respectively) than in those from the LD treatment (59 and 51 mg dL?1); glucose responses were similar in both groups at 1 and 2 h after handling and throughout confinement. Plasma lactate levels were higher in LD fish than in the HD group at the beginning of the experiment but were similar after 14 d confinement and responses to handling were similar (e.g. 33 and 35 mg dL?1 at 1 h). Plasma osmolality showed increases during the first 2 h after acute handling but no differences were evident between the two density treatments at any time during confinement or posthandling. Plasma chloride levels did not change throughout the experiment. The reduced plasma cortisol response to acute handling likely resulted from negative feedback of mildly but chronically elevated circulating cortisol caused by the confinement stressor on the hypothalamic–pituitary–interrenal axis. While other post‐handling physiological changes also showed differences between treatment groups, the suppressed cortisol response in the HD‐held fish suggests a reduction in the gilthead sea bream's normal capacity to respond to an acute stressor.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of time‐restricted food access and ration restriction on gilthead sea bream demand‐feeding behaviour and nutritional use of the diet (Sparus aurata), and also compared the nutritional efficiency of three different feeding systems: manual, automatic and modulated‐automatic. In the first trial, fish were allowed to feed from self‐feeders under three different conditions: ad libitum, ration restriction, and time‐restricted food access, and their demand‐feeding pattern, diet utilization and body composition were analysed. In the second trial, animals were fed by hand or using an automatic system, either fixed or modulated, and diet utilization and body composition were analysed as before. Restricting the amount of food modifies gilthead seabream self‐feeding behaviour, with fish increasing the number of demands provided these are rewarded with food. However, demand‐feeding activity does not increase if rewards are restricted to a certain time. Feeding gilthead sea bream by hand versus automatically, and distributing the daily food ration in two or three equal or unequal‐size daily meals, have no effect on the animals’ growth, nutritional use of the diet or body composition.  相似文献   

Abstract. The influence of feeding intensity (food per fish per unit time) on food intake, growth rate and size variation in groups of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., under realistic rearing conditions was investigated. Feeding intensity influenced the pattern of food intake, but daily food intake, growth rate and size variation were negligibly affected, both when the fish were fed to satiation and when they were kept on restricted rations. Food intake in a meal varied considerably. It was negatively correlated with the amount consumed in the previous meal and positively correlated with the time since the previous meal. The overall conclusion, was that feeding intensity per se has no major influence on the profitability of cage-rearing of salmon.  相似文献   

Settling rates of faecal material from three size categories of cultured gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata, and sea bass, Dicentrarchus labrax, were determined. Faecal material was collected from underneath commercial cages and subsequently transferred to a settling column. Particle settling velocity was determined using particle tracking software. Image analysis software was used to determine dimensions of selected faecal particles from which particle volume was then estimated. Faecal particles (all fish sizes) had a mean settling velocity of 0.48 cm/s (range 0.05–3.94 cm/s, n = 1021) for sea bream and 0.70 cm/s (range 0.10–6.27 cm/s, n = 1042) for sea bass. The faecal material largely consisted of very small particles and mean particle size was 0.71 mm (n = 151) and 1.12 mm (n = 150) for S. aurata and D. labrax, respectively. More than 50% of the total particle volume had a settling velocity less than 2.0 cm/s in all S. aurata size categories. In D. labrax, more than 75% of the total particle volume had settling velocities greater than 2.0 cm/s. The particle tracking DEPOMOD model was highly sensitive to different representations of these data. The predicted seabed flux of waste faecal material (g/m2/year) for D. labrax using the mean settling velocity at 0 m and 50 m from the cage was 3196 g/m2/year and 248 g/m2/year, respectively. However, when using particle settling velocity and volume distribution data, the predicted flux was over three times greater at 0 m but five times less at 50 m. For S. aurata, the predicted flux using the mean settling velocity was 3018 g/m2/year and 464 g/m2/year at 0 and 50 m, respectively. However, where distribution data were used, the values were over twice as high at 0 m and but were halved at 50 m. These results indicate that use of a single mean settling velocity value in this type of modelling does not accurately predict the extent of benthic flux. In addition, species-specific faecal settling rates should be used when modelling polyculture operations.  相似文献   

European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and gilthead sea bream(Sparus aurata) are amongst the most important finfish speciescultured in the Mediterranean region. Production of these species isnowadays a well-controlled process, but knowledge of their nutritionalrequirements is still very limited. Nevertheless, a considerable amountof data has been accumulated in recent years, and the purpose of thispaper is to review the recent advances on the nutritional requirementsof sea bass and sea bream. The optimum protein to energy ratio of thediets of sea bass and sea bream seem to be higher than for salmonids,and there is some evidence that high dietary lipid levels have nobeneficial effects on fish performances. Although the essential aminoacid requirements were estimated by the ideal protein method, data basedon the dose-response method is only available for a few amino acids.Essential fatty acid requirements were estimated for sea bream juvenilesbut data is lacking for sea bass. Vitamin and mineral requirements ofthese species are practically unknown. Although the importance ofbroodstock nutrition on gonadal development, spawning and egg quality isrecognized, few studies were done to elucidate these aspects. The recentdevelopment of microparticulate diets for larvae will contribute to theaccurate evaluation of their nutritional requirements.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of oxolinic acid in gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata L.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This is the first study on the pharmacokinetic parameters of oxolinic acid (OA) in gilthead sea bream, Sparus aurata L. The kinetic profile of OA was studied after a single intravascular injection (20 mg kg−1) in 100 g fish at 20 °C. The distribution half-life ( t 1/2α) and the elimination half-life ( t 1/2β) of the drug were found to be short (0.51 and 12.60 h, respectively). The drug penetration from the plasma to the tissues was adequate as the apparent volume of distribution of the drug at steady-state ( V d(ss)) was found to be 2.11 L kg−1. The mean residence time ( MRT ) of OA was short (14.25 h) and the total clearance rate ( Cl T) of the drug was low (0.15 L kg−1 h−1). The bioavailability ( F %) of OA following oral administration (30 mg kg−1) was also low (14%). Maximum values were observed for muscle at 0.5 h after injection, with levels declining as with subsequent sampling. At the first two time points (0.5 and 1 h) plasma levels of OA were higher than muscle, however, the reverse was evident for subsequent samples. Following oral administration, highest muscle levels were found at 16 h and, with the exception of the 24-h sampling, muscle OA concentrations were higher than plasma at all time points. The fast elimination of OA suggests short withdrawal times with reference to human consumption of treated fish.  相似文献   

A method for studying the efficacy of sulfadiazine as a marker to estimate feed intake is presented. Feeding studies were carried out with two species, rainbow trout as a freshwater fish model and gilthead sea bream as a marine fish model, using two temperatures and two sizes of juveniles. The study showed the different feeding behaviour observed in both species, depending on the temperature and the number of days feeding the particles with sulfadiazine, and confirmed a dominant‐subordinate behaviour especially in the case of gilthead sea bream juveniles.  相似文献   

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