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国有种子公司体制改革的困境与出路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
佟屏亚 《种子世界》2001,(10):14-19
国有种子公司经历20a的改革,经历了财政差额补助、定额补助,逐步过渡到定性为自收自支的事业单位或企业管理的经济实体,尽管机构名称改来变去,但机构未变,产权未变,性质未改.从总体来说,在面临全球经济一体化的形势下,国有种子公司体制改革进展缓慢,步履艰辛.  相似文献   

1原有体制正在变革 20世纪90年代是我国种业处于激烈震荡的时期.以行政区域为界的省、市、县国有种子公司在种种压力下,稀里糊涂地政、企分开.过去赖以生存的事业经费由包干使用、差额补贴转为自负盈亏.良种经营原则也由不赔不赚、略有盈利走向追求效益.市场供需正从数量上的满足转为质量保障.<中华人民共和国种子法>的颁布实施,强调市场开放,为种子流通提供了法律依据.过去所采用的行政手段来阻挡外地种子"入侵"已难以维系.原先国有种子公司一统天下的状态已不复存在,但旧的思维习惯和行为方式却仍到处弥漫着,面对新形势,不少人感到迷惘、困惑,但是潮流毕竟滚滚向前,一批新型的种子企业正在朝气蓬勃地产生着、发展着.  相似文献   

国外种子产业化发展的历程证明,种子公司办科研是企业流动发展的源头工程和重中之重。美、英、德、法及日本等对培育良种的国家科研单位都实行补贴等鼓励政策,美国先锋公司、卡捷尔公司、夏普公司等私有种子公司,每年都从经营利润中拿出百分之十几的巨额资金用于科研育种事业。  相似文献   

徐伟 《中国种业》2004,(8):12-13
自我国实行土地联产承包责任制以来,种子公司进行种子生产时,基本上是以"公司 农户"的形式运作,即种子公司选择适宜生产区,与农户共同建立种子生产基地,由种子公司向农户供应必要的生产资料,提供技术服务;农户负责生产管理,所产种子由种子公司收购,价格按合同规定的方式确定,生产经营风险按合同规定分配.这种种子生产形式是公司与农户在经营层面上的联结,其表现形式为合同关系.  相似文献   

进入 21世纪以来,我国种业界出现了一些新情况:外贸协议的签定为中国种子公司带来空前的挑战和机遇;部分大公司逐步完成资本、技术积累,集团优势逐步形成;<种子法>的实施使县级种子公司面临全面重组的局面;由于县市级公司的重新排列组合,形成了种业界抢滩占地的春秋战国时期.  相似文献   

黄毅  邓志英 《中国种业》2011,(10):25-26
在发达国家.从事种子经销活动的种子公司其经营具有3个特征.一是种子公司的产权关系较为复杂.大都是有限责任公司制、合伙制和独资制公司,几乎不存在国有公司:二是所有的种子公司都是自主经营的市场主体.政府及其主管部门只能根据相关法规对其运作过程加以监管.但不能直接干预其经营管理过程;三是从根本上讲,所有种子公司从事种子研究、生产、  相似文献   

随着中央强农惠农政策力度不断加强,2009年我国首次施行玉米、小麦良种补贴全覆盖,良种繁育基地建设项目在各地也应运而生,这一系列产业政策密集出台,对于种子公司来说,既是发展机遇,更是严峻挑战。种子公司如何抓住机遇,因势利导,寻求新发展,是摆在种子公司决策层面前的一项重要课题。  相似文献   

李宗明 《种子科技》2005,23(5):261-262
1县级种子公司的现状 目前,只有部分县级种子公司进行了企业化改制,与种子管理站分开,作为市场主体从事生产经营,相当一部分县级种子公司仍然是政府部门所属的事业性质的职能单位,集政、事、企于一体,一套人马、两块牌子,既搞经营,又搞管理;职工的工资来源有的是全额财政拨款,有的是差额财政拨款,有的是自收自支;职工身份有的是行政编制,有的是事业编制;工资标准行政、事业编制人员由人事部门核定,企业编制人员由单位自定;工作职责是根据政府部门的安排进行本县范围的种子管理和主要农作物的良种推广及承担农业科技项目;新品种来源主要是上级业务部门提供和自己从科研单位引进;经营的作物种类、种子品种比较多,但经营数量都不大,效益不高,经常发生积压,呆账、欠账、三角债比较多;经营管理方式既沿袭着计划经济时期的做法,又吸收融入了一些适应市场经济的办法.  相似文献   

1997年,新乐市种子公司嬗变为新乐市种子有限公司,由此发生了一系列变化:员工身份由单纯的员工变为股东兼员工,对公司的关心度骤然提高;人事权与人事管理权由游离变为二者一体;掣肘因素、干扰因素被排除;公司的经营权回归公司,公司成了自主管理、自主决策、自主经营的主体;管理、经营上员工的参与意识也骤然强化;重大决策完全通过股东大会做出,实现了经营、管理的民主化;分配形式多样化,除了按劳分配外,生产要素参与分配等,体制优势显现出来.当然,这并不是说"一股就灵".  相似文献   

私有林直接补贴的目的就是要在依靠市场对资源配置起基础性作用的前提下,通过补贴来矫正市场调节造成的偏差。根据影响林农营林经济效益的主要因素建议直接补贴应分区域以树种为类别进行,其补贴额度为林农营林投资必要报酬率与林农营林所获平均投资报酬率的差额。以福建南平地区杉木为例,测算其每年每公顷的补贴额度约为54元。  相似文献   

Abstract: Greenhouse‐induced sea‐level rise (SLR) threatens coral atolls and particularly the few atoll states, such as Tuvalu. This central Pacific island microstate has minimal economic development options, and has increasingly perceived emigration and remittances as a development strategy, despite restricted opportunities. Internal migration, in search of wage employment, has brought almost half the national population to Funafuti atoll, with negative local environmental consequences. Short‐term scientific data show no evidence of SLR in Tuvalu, but the Government of Tuvalu has argued that there is visual evidence of SLR, through such consequences as increased erosion, flooding and salinity. Global media have increasingly emphasised a doomsday scenario, with Tuvalu as synecdoche and symbol of all threatened island environments. Environmental problems of diverse origin have been entirely attributed to distant processes causing SLR, in terms of ‘garbage can anarchy’ or a ‘conspiracy narrative’, and thus to distant causes. The Tuvalu Government has consequently sought compensation from, and migration opportunities in, distant states. The construction of apparently imminent hazard has potential domestic political and economic advantages, but environmental costs.  相似文献   

Sorghum can Compensate for Chilling-Induced Grain Loss   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Chilling during male gametophyte development in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L. Moench) inhibits development of microspores, causing male sterility. The aim of this study was to assess the effects of night chilling on yield components in sorghum. This study identified and employed collar distance as a morphological marker of anther development following chilling. Two cultivars Buster and Bonus, were subjected to three temperature regimes (25/20 °C, 25/12 °C and 25/8 °C) for five consecutive nights at 0 cm collar distance, which corresponds to the meiotic stage of anther development. Pollen viability, grain number and harvest index were reduced in both cultivars at 12 and 8 °C night temperatures. Total grain weight of cultivar Bonus was not reduced as much as Buster at 12 °C because of the ability of Bonus to increase individual grain weight when grain number was low. This work further elucidates the mechanism and genetic potential of chilling‐induced yield compensation for developing sorghum cultivars that are better adapted to low night temperatures.  相似文献   

M. M. Verma  J. Kumar 《Euphytica》1978,27(3):865-868
Summary The use of ethrel for hand crossing in recurrent selection programs with barley is advocated.  相似文献   

How wide can a wide cross be?   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
H. C. Sharma 《Euphytica》1995,82(1):43-64
Summary Wide crosses in wheat are reviewed in relation to various factors that facilitate wide crossing to show that wide crosses can be as wide as one can make them. Included in this review is a particular reference to wheat-wheatgrass (Agropyron complex) crosses and an update on wide crosses of wheat with various genera of Agropyron complex. Hybrid seed set is too variable to predict whether a wide hybrid, where no seed was obtained in one attempt, will not be possible. High crossability genes seem to facilitate not only fertilization but also seed development, enabling embryo rescue. Variability for crossability occurs not only in wheat but also in alien species. Contrary to conventional thinking, several wide hybrids with wheat can be produced when species with lower chromosome numbers are used as female parents. Pre-and post-fertilization barriers to wide crosses do not appear to be equally strong, and can be overcome by the development and application of various technologies. Considering these aspects of wide hybridization, and based on recent successes in producing previously unsuccessful and very wide hybrids, it is concluded that how wide cross between plant species can be made is an open question and that many new and wider hybrids can be produced in future.  相似文献   

摘要:从土壤、垃圾以及腐烂的树叶中通过刚果红培养基、羧甲基纤维素培养基等培养基初筛出L-1、L-3、L-4、L-5、L-6、L-2六株菌株。然后用这六株菌种对以油茶饼粕为主要营养成分的固态培养基进行单菌发酵。通过比较固态发酵时菌种的内切酶酶活得出L-1、L-3、L-4三种菌株可做为高效降解茶粕纤维素的备选菌株,比较三种菌株的外切酶酶活、内切酶酶活、总酶活的显著性分析得知,L-3菌株是产降解茶粕高效纤维素酶的最佳菌株,经鉴定该种菌株属于青霉属。  相似文献   

大棚栽培多数是长年连作,密闭条件好,土壤中农药的残留问题就更加明显。实验证明藻类植物地木耳可在大棚中生存。通过在大棚种植的蔬菜旁种植地木耳,可使大棚土壤和蔬菜中农药含量降低,降低幅度约为59%。  相似文献   

大棚栽培多数是长年连作,密闭条件好,土壤中农药的残留问题就更加明显。实验证明藻类植物地木耳可在大棚中生存。通过在大棚种植的蔬菜旁种植地木耳,可使大棚土壤和蔬菜中农药含量降低.降低幅度约为59%。  相似文献   

一种快速检测启动子调控基因表达活性方法的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
启动子活性检测是基因工程实验的重要组成部分,笔者利用绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)基因作为报告基因,对rd29A启动子在受体细胞中调控基因表达的活性进行检测,采用基因枪法进行对洋葱表皮细胞的遗传转化,培养24h后在荧光显微镜下观察GFP基因的表达情况,并通过软件测定不同培养条件下GFP基因表达后的荧光强度,能较为准确的鉴定该启动子的活性大小,并达到量化目的。方法简单、省时、可靠,可以作为一种有效的检测启动子活性的方法。  相似文献   

山东省甘蓝制种主要采用露地越冬方式 ,技术难度较大。为获得理想的产量 ,我公司几年来研究并总结出以下制种技术要点。1 播期 晚熟品种 8月 1~ 5日播父本 ,10~ 15日播母本。早熟品种 9月 5日父母本同期播种。2 育苗做畦 高温季节育苗 ,防雨十分重要。选择地势高的沙壤地做畦 ,畦宽 1.4 m,长 15m。畦四边带沟 ,沟宽 0 .7m,深 0 .2 m。 1公顷制种田需要 30个育苗畦。畦能排能灌 ,以保证苗齐、苗旺。施足底肥 每畦施腐熟饼肥 1kg、磷肥 2 .5kg,腐熟土杂肥 10 0 kg。禁止施氮肥做底肥。浅翻、整平、踏实 ,刮平。育苗方法 育苗前准备好…  相似文献   

The allergen content in Alstroemeria was determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) in order to investigate breeding possibilities for reducing the risk of contact dermatitis caused by Alstroemeria. The potentials of both cross breeding and mutagenesis were studied. The allergens (6-tuliposide A, tuliposide D and tulipalin A) were determined in leaves, stems, and flowers. 6-Tuliposide A was found in the highest amounts in all plant parts and tulipalin A was mainly present in the flowers. Environmental effects (season and growth conditions) on the allergen content were significant. For the concentration of allergens coefficients of variation generally were above 40% within populations of single species. Positive correlations for 6-tuliposide A between plant parts and between 6-tuliposide A and tulipalin A within leaves and stems were found. Tuliposide D was not correlated with the other allergens. Significant narrow sense heritabilities were found for total allergen content as well as for 6-tuliposide A and tuliposide D, but not for tulipalin A. The heritability was higher for total allergen content and tuliposide D as compared to 6-tuliposide A. Mutagenesis was able to reduce the content of 6-tuliposide A. Allergen production in Alstroemeria seems multigenically controlled. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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