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A model is presented to determine the horizontal density distribution (HDD) and vertical density profile (VDP) of oriented strand board (OSB) panels produced by batch pressing. The HDD is simulated using input distributions of flake dimensions and orientation from plant measurements. Many previous HDD models rely on assumed distributions, which may not accurately characterize current manufacturing processes. The model predicts the VDP based on the compression behaviour of cellular materials in combination with temperature and moisture profiles calculated using a previously published heat and mass transport model. A novel empirical approach is applied rather than the time–temperature–moisture superposition method commonly used. The model predictions compare favourably with plant data and exhibit trends similar to previously reported experimental results. This work is the first of a two-part publication. The second part is concerned with stiffness property prediction and an optimization of the OSB manufacturing process. This work is novel in that no comprehensive model including HDD, VDP, stiffness property prediction and optimization has been reported in the literature.  相似文献   

Oriented strand boards (OSB) were made using sugi wood strand with different lengths at different free fall distance conditions. Strand alignment and mechanical properties of sugi OSB were evaluated. Results obtained can be summarized as follows. The alignment angle distribution was greatly affected by both free fall distance and strand length. It was found that the standard deviation of the angles can be a measure for predicting the distribution when employing the von Mises distribution function with concentration parameter. The Monte Carlo simulation showed an agreement between the theoretical considerations and the experimental results on the strand alignment. The mechanical properties as affected by both strand length and layer structure were determined. Bending properties could be equal in both directions at 25% face layer ratio. Young's modulus obtained by the in-plane vibration method showed almost linear relation to the face layer ratio. No significant differences or only a slight difference was observed for the internal bond strength, plate-shear modulus, and nail resistance properties. Further studies are necessary.  相似文献   

Three-layered composite oriented strand boards were manufactured using very thin hinoki (Japanese cypress, Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.) strands oriented in the faces and mixtures of sugi (Japanese cedar, Cryptomeria japonica D. Don.) and hinoki particles in the core. The boards were composed of two density levels, with 1:8:1, 0.5: 9 : 0.5, and 0: 10 : 0 face: core: face ratios. Polymeric and emulsion type isocyanate resins were used. The resin contents for the strands in the face and particles in the core were 10% and 5%, respectively. The steam-injection press was applied at 0.62MPa (160°C), and the steam-injection time was 2min. The mechanical and physical properties of the boards were evaluated based on the Japanese Industrial Standard. The parallel moduli of rupture and elasticity along the strand orientation direction and the wood screw retaining force increased with increasing face/core ratios. Incorporation of 10%–20% of thin strands in the face of the boards improved the parallel moduli of rupture and elasticity by 47%–124% and 30%–65%, respectively. In addition, the thickness swelling after water-soaking at 20°C for 24h, and the parallel linear expansion after boiling for 2h and water-soaking at 20°C for 1 h, of the three-layered composite boards were below 8% and 0.15%, respectively, despite a short steam-injection press time. The thickness swelling of the boards decreased with increasing face/core ratios. In contrast, the presence of face strands seems to have a minimal effect on the moduli of rupture and elasticity along the perpendicular direction of the three-layered composite boards. A similar trend was observed for the internal bond strength, hardness, and linear expansion along the perpendicular direction.This paper was presented at the 47th annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kochi, April 1997  相似文献   

The construction industry has relied heavily on wood and wood-based composites, such as oriented strand board (OSB) and plywood for timber frame construction. Therefore, it is highly imperative to categorize the response of wood-based composites when exposed to elevated temperatures for a sustained period of time. The essence of fire-resistant structural design is to ensure that structural integrity be maintained during and after the fire, prevent collapse and maintain means of egress. Another aspect is to assess post-fire structural integrity and residual strength of existing structure. The objective of this project was (a) to study the effect of exposure time on bending strength (MOR) of OSB and plywood at elevated temperatures, (b) to interpret any relationships between different temperature and time of exposure using a kinetics model for thermal degradation of strength, and (c) to develop a master curve representing temporal behavior of OSB and plywood at a reference temperature. As much as 1,152 samples were tested in static bending as a function of exposure time and several temperatures. Strength (MOR) of both OSB and plywood decreased as a function of temperature and exposure time. These results were fit to a simple kinetics model, based on the assumption of degradation kinetics following an Arrhenius activation energy model. The apparent activation energies for thermal degradation of strength were 54.1 kJ/mol for OSB and 62.8 kJ/mol for plywood. Furthermore, using the kinetics analysis along with time–temperature superposition, a master curve was generated at a reference temperature of 150°C which predicts degradation of strength with time on exposure at that reference temperature. The master curves show that although plywood has a higher initial strength, OSB performs better in terms of strength degradation after exposure to elevated temperature.  相似文献   

Nanofibers (NF) were isolated from bleached bagasse and rice straw pulps. The pulps were refined using high-shear ultrafine grinder and then homogenized using high-pressure homogenizer. The efficiency of the used isolation processes was studied by optical microscopy (OM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), and testing the tensile properties (wet and dry) of nanopaper sheets made from the nanofibers. In addition, opacity and porosity of nanopaper sheets made after different processing steps were investigated. The microscopy studies showed that the processes used resulted in nanofibers with diameters ranging from 3.5 to 60?nm. The results indicated that main isolation of nanofibers took place during refining using the ultrafine grinding process, while high-pressure homogenization resulted in smaller and more homogeneous size of nanofibers. Nanopaper sheets made from bagasse showed better wet and dry tensile strength properties than those made of rice straw.  相似文献   

Bamboo has gained increasing attention as an alternative raw material for use in the manufacture of composite boards. Three-layer OSBs were made using Betung bamboo (Dendrocalamus asper (Schultes.f) Backer ex Heyne) strands to evaluate the effects of strand length and pre-treatment techniques on the physical, mechanical, and durability properties. Three different strand lengths, namely 50, 60, and 70?mm, were prepared. Prior to the manufacture into OSB, the strands were immersed in cold water for 24?h and in 6% acetic anhydrides solution for 48?h. The OSBs were fabricated using 5% MDI resin based on the strand dry weight. The results indicated that MOR and MOE values in perpendicular to the grain direction were much influenced by strand length. The dimensional stability of OSB was slightly improved by immersing the strands in acetic anhydride solution. Immersing strands in cold water and acetic anhydride solution improved the resistance of OSB against subterranean termite (Macrotermes gylvus) attack under the adopted experimental condition. All OSB parameters manufactured in this experiment were better than the minimum requirement of CSA 0437.0 (Grade O–2) standard.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of nanoclay on some applied properties of oriented strand board (OSB) made from underutilized low quality paulownia wood was investigated. Organo-modified montmorillonite (MMT) at four levels (0, 1, 3 and 5?%) was added to urea formaldehyde (UF) resin. Some chemical properties of paulownia wood (holocellulose, cellulose, lignin and ash contents, pH value and hot and cold water solubility), mechanical [modulus of rupture (MOR), modulus of elasticity (MOE), internal bond strength, screw and nail withdrawal strengths], physical (water absorption and thickness swelling) properties and formaldehyde emission of the strand boards were evaluated. Mechanical properties of all panels complied with the general-purpose OSB minimum property requirements of European Norm. With increasing 5?% nanoclay to UF resin, mechanical and physical properties of the resulting panels improved and formaldehyde emission decreased. However, none of the panels satisfied the thickness swelling and water absorption requirement. The results of X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscope analysis confirmed the good dispersion of nanoclay in the resulting OSBs. Using paulownia as a fast-growing underutilized species not only can sustain the forests but also can supply raw material to countries facing shortage of wood.  相似文献   


Wood density (ρMC) and basic specific gravity (BSG) are important properties in several forest products manufacturing processes. In this study, near-infrared hyperspectral images were tested to produce two-dimensional (2D) ρMC and BSG images of subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa Hook) board. A total of 107 cubic samples with the size of 4 cm were prepared from 14 boards. All samples were dried to various moisture contents (MCs) during several steps until being completely dried. The resulting MCs ranged from 1% to 137% (dry basis). After the last drying step, the samples were soaked in water to determine BSG. Hyperspectral images and weight measurements were acquired over each sample at each drying step. ρMC was also estimated at each MC level. Partial least squares (PLS) models were developed for estimating both ρMC and BSG from the near-infrared hyperspectral imaging (NIR-HSI) system absorbance spectra acquired over all the samples during each drying step. The ρMC model provides a reasonable accuracy with the validation data-set (R2 = 0.81, RMSE = 39 kg/m3, and RPD = 2.3). For BSG, only models built with samples having MC of less than 12% are significant. The calibration data-set provides similar accuracy as the ρMC model (RMSE = 0.004, R2 = 0.82, and RPD = 2.28), but the accuracy is lower with the validation data-set (RMSE = 0.007, R2 = 0.53, and RPD = 1.39). Our data-set has BSG values varying only from 0.326 to 0.374, and further work is needed to apply these methods to a data-set that includes a more extended range of BSG variations for improving estimation accuracy.  相似文献   

Zephyr strand board (ZSB) and zephyr strand lumber (ZSL) were produced using zephyr made from poplar veneer to investigate the greater utilization of low-density poplar as a structural material. These materials were then compared to ordinary plywood, laminated veneer lumber (LVL) from poplar veneer, lauan plywood, and particleboard. The bending properties (moduli of rupture and elasticity) of ZSB proved superior to those of poplar plywood: and ZSL produced from poplar veneer zephyr had bending properties greater than ordinary LVL from poplar veneer. Apparently, the conversion of the poplar veneer into zephyr material had a positive effect on bending properties. Additionally, poplar ZSB had bending properties superior to those of lauan particleboard and equal to those of lauan plywood. The internal bond strength of poplar veneer ZSB was nearly two times greater than that of lauan particleboard.Parts of this report were presented at the international symposium on the utilization of fast-growing trees, Nanjing, China, October 1994. Report IV appeared inMokuzai Kogyo 49:599, 1994  相似文献   

The previous paper in this series demonstrates the use of a nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) micro-imaging system to observe the movement of liquid water through small specimens (11 × 16 mm2 cross-section) of oriented strandboard (OSB) and solid wood. In the present paper, a NMR body scanner is utilized to obtain images of moisture penetration into ASTM D 1037–99 standard sized (152 × 152 mm2) thickness swelling specimens at different intervals during water soaking. As with the micro-imaging study, silicone was applied to the surfaces and edges of some of the specimens in order to observe the directional characteristics of moisture movement through OSB. Specimens with commercially applied edge sealant were also included in the study in order to observe the effectiveness of the sealant of reducing moisture penetration and thickness swelling. The presence of voids and areas of low density were shown to contribute significantly to moisture penetration into the specimens.  相似文献   

A Miscanthus Sinensis plantation in Galicia, Spain, provided the raw material for experimental fiberboards. After harvesting, the Miscanthus stems were cleaned and chipped. The chips were steam exploded with a thermo-mechanical aqueous vapor process in a batch reactor. The resulting material was dried, slightly milled, and used to produce fiberboard with no synthetic binders. The pretreatment and the pressing conditions that optimize the physico-mechanical responses were determined. Response surface methodology with a central composite design was used. The variables studied and their respective variation ranges were: pretreatment time, 4–14 min; pressing temperature, 195–245°C; pressing pressure, 1.9–14.6 MPa. The boards obtained were very good quality (modulus of elasticity as high as 7630 MPa, modulus of rupture as high as 61 MPa, internal bond as high as 4.1 MPa, thickness swelling as low as 2.5%, and water absorption as low as 8.9%) and more than satisfied the requirements of the relevant standard specifications.  相似文献   

This study investigated near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to rapidly estimate physical and mechanical properties of No. 2 2 × 4 southern pine lumber. A total of 718 lumber samples were acquired from six mills across the Southeast and destructively tested in bending. From each piece of lumber, a 25-mm-length block was cut and diffuse reflectance NIR spectra were collected from the transverse face using a FOSS 5000 scanning spectrometer. Calibrations were created using partial least squares (PLS) regression and their performance checked with a prediction set. Overall moderate predictive ability was found between NIRS and the properties for the calibration and prediction sets: block specific gravity (SG) (R 2 = 0.66 and R p 2  = 0.63), lumber SG (0.54 and 0.53), modulus of elasticity (MOE) (0.54 and 0.58), and modulus of rupture (MOR) (0.5 and 0.4). Model performance for MOE (R p 2  = 0.70) and MOR (R p 2  = 0.50) improved when performing PLS regression on a matrix containing lumber SG and NIR spectra. Overall NIRS predicted MOE better than linear models using lumber SG (R 2 = 0.46), whereas lumber SG (R 2 = 0.51) predicted MOR better than NIRS. Overall NIRS has reasonably good predictive ability considering the small volume of wood that is scanned with the instrument.  相似文献   

Agroforestry systems involving leaf removal for animal fodder may result in rapid depletion of soil fertility. The purpose of this research was to determine if the effects of leaf removal on soil fertility parameters and maize yield in a Leucaena leucocephala alley cropping system could be reversed. Three leaf management strategies in a Leucaena alley cropping trial that had been in effect from 1987 to 1991 were investigated: 1) leaves returned, 2) leaves removed, and 3) leaves removed, with 100 kg inorganic N ha−1 added. In the 1990/91 season, a 34 confounded factorial design was utilized to investigate the effects of leaf management strategy, N rate (0, 30 and 60 kg N ha−1); maize plant population (14,800, 29,600, and 44,400 plants ha−1); and P rate (0, 18, and 35 kg P ha−1). In the 1991/92 and 1992/93 seasons, leaves were applied equally to all plots, and no P was applied. The N rate and plant population treatments were continued, and the same confounded factorial design was implemented to investigate residual leaf management strategy, residual P rate, n rate, and plant population. The yield gap between the plots where leaves had been returned vs. removed narrowed each season due to uniform leaf application. Application of N improved yields during both seasons. Residual effects of the initial P application decreased to only 10% of the total yield in 1992/93. Plant population affected yields only during the season of very good rainfall. Leaf additions resulted in a relative increase in soil pH, total N,and exchangeable Ca, Mg, and K and a decrease C/N ratio in plots that had not previously received leaves. Leaves supplied more K and Zn to the upper 15 cm of soil than were being extracted by the maize crop, but uniform leaf additions eliminated differences in K and Zn uptake. Plant Zn uptake decreased with increasing P rate and plant population, and increased with increasing N rate and a history of leaf return. The results show that applying leaves equilibrated yields within two seasons, and resulted in a relative improvement of several soil properties. The residual effect from P applications was not adequate to maximize yields.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3-4):137-147
The objectives of this study were to determine the bending strength and stiffness properties of young Pinus elliottii x P. caribaea var. hondurensis timber from the Southern Cape, South Africa, and to evaluate the predictability of these properties from acoustic measurements on standing trees, logs and their sawn boards. The timber has good bending strength (MOR) properties but the mean stiffness (MOEstat) was significantly lower than that required for structural-grade timber. The mean MOEstat was also about 30% lower than a P. radiata control sample. The MOEstat of sawn boards could be predicted from acoustic stress wave measurements on standing trees with a correlation (r) of 0.48 and from acoustic resonance frequency measurements on sawn boards with a correlation of 0.85. The MOR of sawn boards was not significantly correlated with acoustic stress wave measurements on standing trees and only moderately correlated with acoustic resonance frequency measurements on sawn boards (r = 0.45).  相似文献   

Binderless particleboards were manufactured from sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) bagasse by steam-injection pressing and by using hot pressing as a reference method. The inner layer (core/pith) and the outer hard fibrous layer (face/rind) of bagasse were used as raw materials. The effects of bagasse type, manufacturing process, and storage method on the mechanical properties of binderless particleboards were investigated. The results showed that the bagasse pith particles provided better board properties than bagasse rind particles. It seemed that bagasse pith particles were more easily deformed than bagasse rind particles, enlarging the bonding contact area. The severe conditions of steam-injection pressing caused delamination on the bagasse pith binderless boards with densities of 0.6 g/cm3 or higher, and gave poor bonding quality. However, steam-pressed boards showed relatively higher board properties than hot-pressed boards. The storage method of sugarcane bagasse affected the chemical composition and the board properties. It was shown that the extent of self-bonding formation depends on the chemical and morphological properties of lignocellulosic materials, as well as on the manufacturing conditions. Part of this paper was presented at the 5th International Wood Science Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, September 2004  相似文献   

As a follow-up report, the pre-treatment by compression for wood drying was systematically studied in terms of the reduction of moisture content (MC), the recovery rate (RR), and mechanical properties of wood compressed at different MC conditions. The results showed that MC after compression on water-saturated wood determined the critical value of MC before compression which were about 84 and 105% at a compression ratio of 60 and 40% for Poplar and Chinese fir, respectively. Beyond the critical value, MC after compression remained constantly at about 84% and decreased slightly from 105% for Poplar and Chinese fir, respectively. The MC reduction decreased with the decrease of MC before compression. The MC reduction was rather effective when the MC before compression was higher than the critical value and was recommended to pre-treat for the effectiveness of MC reduction. In addition, after the recovery, the wood volume and mechanical properties were well retained for the wood compressed at all MC conditions which were above fiber saturation point (FSP) before and after compression. Therefore, the pre-treatment by compression is viable in terms of the RR and mechanical properties at rather broad MC conditions above FSP. Moreover, the compression force needed for treatment was almost same at these MC conditions.  相似文献   

Wood-based panels are viscoelastic so when a load (stress) is applied to them there is a time lag before a deflection (strain) is produced, which results in hysteresis (a loss of energy). The capture of stress versus strain hysteresis loops is a non-interruptive method of monitoring the damage produced during fatigue testing. Hysteresis loops were captured throughout the flexural fatigue testing of OSB, chipboard and MDF in four-point bending allowing the development of fatigue damage to be followed. The MDF tested had a greater mean bending strength than the OSB and chipboard. When stresses were applied to the materials as a percentage of their bending strengths, the stresses applied to the MDF samples were larger than those applied to the OSB and chipboard samples. As a result the microstrains were greater for MDF than for the chipboard and OSB. The OSB was stiffer than the chipboard and MDF, which were both of similar stiffness. The information gained from the hysteresis loops indicates that the OSB, chipboard and MDF all had fatigue limits just below 20% of their bending strengths. The fatigue limit for the MDF is likely to be slightly lower than for the chipboard and the OSB.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the potential of utilising wood biomass from fruit tree branches and evergreen hardwood shrubs as raw materials in the production of particleboards when mixed with Greek fir wood particles. The main mechanical properties of the boards made therefrom were determined and compared with those made of typical industrial wood (IW) particles. The highest modulus of rupture and elasticity (30.0 N/mm2 and 4330 N/mm2, respectively) in bending and screw withdrawal (SW) resistance (127.8 N/mm) were reported for boards made of Greek fir and were downgraded when the fruit tree branches or evergreen hardwood shrub particles also participated. The participation of fruit tree branch particles in proportions higher than 50% improved the internal bond (IB) of fir produced boards, while the highest IB strength (0.95 N/mm2) was reported for boards made of fruit tree branches. Particleboards made of evergreen hardwood shrubs showed inferior mechanical properties compared with those made of IW particles. The latter also showed superior bending strength but inferior SW resistance compared with boards made of fruit tree branches. Hygroscopic and other properties are under determination and will be presented and discussed in the second part of the work.  相似文献   

Although N-rich leaf biomass of multipurpose trees is known to be a good source of N to crops, integrating such trees into crop production systems is a major challenge in the development of viable agroforestry systems. An approach to integrating calliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus Meissner) and leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit), two promising agroforestry tree species, into maize (Zea mays L.) production system was investigated in the subhumid highlands of central Kenya during four maize-growing seasons from 1994 to 1996. The experiment consisted of maize plots to which tree prunings obtained from hedgerows grown either in situ (alley cropping) or ex situ (biomass transfer from outside) were applied. When alley-cropped with leucaena, maize produced significantly higher yields compared to maize monoculture (both non-fertilized and fertilized) treatments, but when alley-cropped with calliandra, the yield of maize was less than that of the monocropped unfertilized control. Application of ex situ grown calliandra and leucaena prunings with or without fertilizer resulted in higher maize grain yield than in the nonfertilized and fertilized treatments. Yields of calliandra alley- cropped maize were 11% to 51% lower than those of nonalley-cropped treatments receiving calliandra prunings from ex situ grown trees; the decrease was 2% to 17% with leucaena, indicating that calliandra hedges were more competitive than leucaena hedges. The alley-cropped prunings-removed treatments produced the lowest maize yields. The study showed that, in the subhumid tropical highlands of Kenya, inclusion of calliandra hedges on cropland adversely affected maize yields. On the other hand, alley cropping with leucaena was advantageous. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Yields under alley cropping might be improved if the most limiting nutrients not adequately supplied or cycled by the leaves could be added as an inorganic fertilizer supplement. Three historic leaf management strategies had been in effect for 3 years ina Leucaena leucocephala alley cropping trial on the Lilongwe Plain of central Malawi : 1) leaves returned; 2) leaves removed; and 3) leaves removed, with 100 kg inorganic N ha−1 added. An initial soil analysis showed P status to be suboptimal under all strategies. A confounded 34 factorial experiment was conducted with the following treatments: leaf management strategy (as above), N fertilizer rate (0, 30, and 60 kg N ha−1), P fertilizer rate (0, 18, and 35 kg P ha−1), and maize population (14,800, 29,600, and 44,400 plants ha−1). Both N and P were yield limiting, and interacted positively to improve yields. The addition of 30 kg N and 18 kg P ha−1 improved yields similarly under all leaf management strategies by an average of 2440 kg ha−1. Increasing the rates to 60 kg N and 35 kg P ha−1 improved yields an additional 1990 kg ha−1 in the ‘leaves returned’ and leaves removed + N’ strategies, but did not improve yields under the ‘leaves removed’ strategy. Lower yields were related to lack of P response at the highest P rate in this treatment, which may have induced Zn deficiency. Plots receiving leaves had higher organic C, total N, pH, exchangeable Ca, Mg, K, and S, and lower C/N ratios in the 0–15 cm soil layer than did plots where leaves had been removed. Leaf removal with N addition was similar to leaf removal alone for all soil factors measured except for organic C and total N, which were higher where N had been added. The results show that N and P were the primary yield-limiting nutrients. Historic N application maintained the soil's ability to respond to N and P on par with leaf additions.  相似文献   

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