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Summary Precipitating antibodies against bluetongue were detected in sheep and goat serum samples collected from animals slaughtered in Baghdad abattoir. Out of294 sheep serum samples and110 goat serum samples examined,28 and18 samples respectively showed precipitating activity. In addition, examination of sheep serum samples collected from localities where clinical cases similar to bluetongue were previously reported revealed the presence of bluetongue precipitating antibodies in101 sera out of198 samples examined. This is the first report confirming the occurrence of blue-tongue in Iraq.
Evidencia Serológica De La Ocurrencia De Lengua Azul En Irak
Resumen Se detectaron anticuerpos precipitantes de la enfermedad de la Lengua Azul en el suero de ovejas y cabras beneficiadas en el matadero de-Bagdad. La prueba fue positiva en 28 de 294 sueros ovinos y en 18 de los 110 sueros caprinos examinados. Posteriormente, se examinaron 198 sueros ovinos colectados en áreas en donde se sospechaba la existencia clinica de la enfermedad, encontrandose 101 positivos. Este es el primer informe de la existencia de Lengua Azul en Irak.

Preuve Sérologique De L'existence De La Bluetongue En Irak
Résumé Des anticorps précipants contre la bluetongue ont été mis en évidence dans des échantillons de sérum de moutons et de chèvres recueillis sur des animaux abattus à l'abattoir de Bagdad. Sur 294 échantillons de sérum de moutons et 110 de chèvres examinés, 28 et 18 de ces échantillons se sont respectivement montrés précipitants. En outre l'examen d'échantillons de sérum de moutons recueillis dans des localités où existaient des cas cliniques pouvant faire soupçonner la bluetongue a montré la présence de sérums précipitants de la maladie dans 101 des 198 échantillons examinés. C'est là le premier report confirmant l'existence de la bluetongue en Irak.

Using the Agar Gel Precipitin technique the sera of 397 African buffalo (Syncerus caffer) and 90 sera of other common game species were examined for bluetongue antibodies. Of the adult buffalo 283 out of 325 (87 per cent) were positive. Buffalo calves were positive in 25 out of 72 cases (35 per cent). Positive reactions were also recorded in lechwe (Kobus leche), tsessebe (Damaliscus lunatus), red hartebeeste (Alcelaphus buselaphus), gemsbok (Oryx gazella), sable (Hippotragus niger) and impala (Aepyceros melampus).  相似文献   

In the recent years, USUTU virus (USUV), a flavivirus of the Japanese encephalitis virus complex, has been reported in Central Europe. As part of a systematic surveillance programme to monitor possible entrance and/or circulation of vector-borne viruses, since 2001, sentinel-chicken flocks were placed throughout the Italian territory nearby areas considered at risk of virus introduction. They have been periodically checked for the presence of antibodies against flaviviruses by indirect ELISA, plaque reduction neutralization test for USUTU, West Nile and tick-borne encephalitis viruses. In July 2007, a sentinel chicken in a flock of 20 animals located within the Ravenna province seroconverted to USUV reaching neutralizing titres up to 1:5120. A second chicken seroconverted to the same virus 2 months later. Although no virus was rescued from these animals and from wild or farm birds sampled in the area, these results still provided evidence of the circulation of USUV in north-eastern Italy.  相似文献   

The serological reactivity in indirect ELISA of five different bluetongue virus (BTV) serotypes (4, 10, 15, 16 & 20) was compared using polyclonal antisera raised against virus particles and an outer structural protein, VP2. Rabbit and sheep antisera against BTV-10 produced higher ELISA values with their homologous antigens than with heterologous serotypes. A hyperimmune rabbit serum specific for virus particles was able to distinguish heterologous serotypes from each other, but a sheep serum from an infected animal was not. An antiserum directed against VP2, the protein responsible for serotype specificity in neutralization tests, was not serotype-specific in ELISA and cross-reacted with other serotypes. The discriminatory ability of a BTV-4 antiserum was improved by cross-absorption with heterologous antigens. This greatly reduced the ELISA signals with heterologous serotypes and produced an antiserum that was effectively serotype-specific.  相似文献   

Investigation into herd-level seroprevalence of caprine herpesvirus type 1 (CpHV-1) and bluetongue virus (BTV) was conducted in 2007 in Poland. It involved the entire population of goats covered by a milk recording program in 2007, which included 49 goat herds. The number of goats examined in each herd was determined statistically in order to detect the presence of at least one seropositive animal in a herd with a 95% probability and simple random method of sampling was applied. No antibodies to CpHV-1 or BTV were detected. Further calculations were carried out to determine the herd-level true seroprevalence, taking into account sensitivity and specificity of the test as well as several other factors. It can be concluded that till the middle of 2007 population of Polish goats covered by the milk recording program remained negative with respect to CpHV-1 and BTV.  相似文献   

We report the results of the first survey for antibody against bluetongue virus (BTV) that was conducted in Switzerland in the year 2003. In a nationwide cross-sectional study with partial verification, 2437 cattle sera collected from 507 herds were analysed using competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (c-ELISA). To adjust for misclassification, 158 sera, including 86 that were recorded equivocal in Switzerland, were sent to the Office Internationale des Epizooties designated regional reference laboratory in the UK for confirmation. No BTV antibody was detected in any of these samples, confirming the absence of BTV from Switzerland in 2003. The specificity of the c-ELISA used in Switzerland for individual Swiss cattle was calculated to be 96.5%. The mean herd sensitivity achieved in our survey ranged from 78.9% to 98.8% depending on the with-in herd prevalence and test sensitivity used for the calculations. The cumulated confidence level achieved with the survey based on a minimal expected prevalence of 2%, was 99.99% and therefore it was concluded that there was no evidence of BTV circulation in Switzerland in 2003.  相似文献   

We report the results of the first serological survey for bluetongue virus in Kazakhstan. We analysed blood samples collected from 958 livestock and 513 wild saiga antelopes over a large area of the country, and found 23.2% seroprevalence in livestock and 0% in saigas. Seroprevalence in livestock did not vary by species, but increased significantly with age. There was no evidence for variation in seroprevalence at the regional level, but there was significant clustering at the farm level. Bluetongue has never before been reported in Kazakhstan, yet our results suggest that it may be endemic. We found seropositive animals at the furthest known northern limits of the bluetongue virus in this region of the world. Recorded vectors are not known to be present in Kazakhstan, so a novel vector is likely to be operating. The lack of evidence for bluetongue virus in saigas is unexpected and suggests a need for further investigation.  相似文献   

Recombinant 26 kDa capsid (CA) proteins of bovine lentiviruses, bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV) and Jembrana disease virus (JDV), were expressed in Escherichia coli and utilised as antigens for an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and a western immunoblot (WIB) procedure for the detection of antibody in dairy cattle in Western Australia. A total of 690 serum samples, 30 from each of 23 farms, were tested by ELISA with a JDV CA protein antigen, and antibody was detected in 3.8% (p<0.05) of the sera. Nine sera from each farm were also tested by WIB with JDV CA protein antigens and antibody was detected in 15.9% of these samples. All ELISA-positive results were also WIB-positive, and all sera antibody-positive by WIB with JDV CA protein antigens were also antibody-positive by the WIB using recombinant BIV CA antigens. This study showed that recombinant protein antigens can be used for serological tests to detect bovine lentivirus infection in Australia.  相似文献   

A six month-old sheep was entered into a control group in an experiment designed to study the effects of exposure to the bovine immunodeficiency-like virus (BIV). Anti-BIV antibodies were detected in the serum of this sheep prior to the start of the study; these antibodies persisted for 12 months at which time the animal was destroyed. The sheep was normal clinically and was grossly normal at postmortem examination. Blood from this sheep was inoculated into a recipient sheep which subsequently showed a transient anti-BIV antibody response beginning two months postinoculation. Sheep have been previously shown to produce anti-BIV antibodies after experimental inoculation with infected cell culture material or infected bovine blood and BIV infection was found in a sheep pastured with BIV-infected cattle. In the present case there was no contact with cattle; the source of the infection was not identified.  相似文献   

Serological evidence of bovine leptospirosis in Malawi   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two hundred and seventy-five serum samples from cattle in Malawi were tested as a pilot survey for Leptospira antibody titres. Fifty-nine (21.4%) of the animals were positive for leptospirosis, while 35 (12.7%) animals reacted inconclusively. Titres to L. hardjo and L. pomona serovars were the most prevalent. Results are also discussed with reference to the areas where samples were collected.  相似文献   

牛蓝舌病、黏膜病和传染性鼻气管炎是分别由蓝舌病病毒、牛病毒性腹泻—黏膜病病毒和牛鼻气管炎病毒引起的 3种传染病。为了摸清这 3种疫病在楚雄州的存在、分布及流行情况 ,为制定防疫对策与措施提供科学依据 ,笔者在州内选择具有代表性的地区进行了牛蓝舌病、黏膜病和传染性鼻气管炎的血清学调查。1 材料与方法1 .1 受检血清 选择州内分别代表坝区、半山区、山区、亚热带地区的楚雄、姚安、双柏、元谋 4县 (市 )农户散养成年牛 62 7头 (水牛 32 0头 ,黄牛 30 7头 ) ,采集血样 ,分离血清 ,低温保存备检。调查统计时又从各县细分出坝区、…  相似文献   

There is little information about Ehrlichia canis as an infectious agent in cats. In order to estimate the prevalence of antibodies to E. canis in the feline population, 235 cat sera were analysed by indirect fluorescent-antibody test. With the objective to determine some risk factors associated with seropositivity, serum samples were divided into two groups: urban stray cats and pet cats. The seroprevalence detected was 17.9%. Most positive sera (83.3%) showed low antibody titres (<1:80). Seropositivity was very similar when comparing the two groups of animals: 17.4% in urban stray cats and 18.4% in pet cats. Results revealed that cats are exposed to Ehrlichia spp. infection, as the low antibody titres detected and the serological cross-reactivity between Ehrlichia species do not allow us to confirm E. canis exposure.  相似文献   

Serums from 103 sheep and 24 cattle experimentally infected with one of 3 serotypes of bluetongue virus isolated in Australia were tested for antibody to bluetongue virus in the serum neutralisation test and the agar gel diffusion precipitin test. Antibody to bluetongue virus was first detected by these tests 8 to 10 days after intravenous infection in 4 sheep that were bled daily for serum analysis. The agar gel diffusion test failed to detect antibody in 28% (29/103) of sheep which had seroconverted in the serum neutralisation test. A further 7% (7/103) of sheep serums were negative in both tests 14 to 22 d after infection. Both tests detected antibody to bluetongue virus in all cattle serums by 10 days after detection of viraemia. In comparison with the intravenous route of infection, extended prepatent periods for the commencement of viraemia resulting from intradermal, subcutaneous and intrauterine routes of infection in the cattle caused corresponding delays in the detection of antibody. For example, one cow that was infected by intrauterine inoculation did not become viraemic until 22 d after inoculation and antibody was not detected until 32 d after inoculation.  相似文献   

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