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This paper adopted vegetation research method toanalyze Hefei Ring Park, which has typical urban forestcharacteristics. Although over the past five decadesthe park was rebuilt several times, it still fundamentallykeeps forest structure well. It provides good materialsto study urban forest communities.The aim of this paper is to discuss the feasibility ofadopting traditional vegetation research method forstudy on urban forest community, to compare andanalyze community structure, composition, a…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONThe urban landscapes expand over large area. Asurbanization spreads into less developed rural areas, agrowing percentage of the natural resources will becomea part of urban forest ecosystems, and increasingamounts of forest outside these systems also will besubject to urban influence.The expansion of urban landscapes has particularlyimportant implications for the use and management ofpublic holdings, including protected forests, nationalparks, and state and locally administer…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION TO THE PROVINCESituated on the east coast of China, Shandong peninsulaextends between Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea. The latitudeand longitude cover a range of 3425' ~3823' N and11436' ~12243' E, respectively (see the mapbelow). The total area is about 153 thousand km2,which is 1.6% of the whole country. Located in thewarm-temperate zone and with a monsoon climate, ithowever, most of the rainfall is in summer, whichaccounts for 60%~70% of the total rain. There areabout…  相似文献   

All of the plants can be combusted. The mechanism of forest belts resistance is that the tree species weren‘t liable to be burned compared with other plant species. In this paper new concepts on fire resistant trees and fuel-breaks trees were presented. The fire resistance mechanism includes 3 aspects, fire-resistant tree species, rational construction forest belts and environment. Tree crowns can resist fire forwarding. Forest belts can form the environment, which is not easy to fire, and also make fuels distributed discontinuous. The network of forest belts has large area of conifer forest segregated. The ideal f‘ire resistant tree species had better to embrace some characteristics, such as high f‘ire resistance, rational planting and biological characteristics.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONUrban forestry can be viewed as a specialized branchof forestry, which deals with the science and art ofplanting, implementing the greenery in and around urbanand populated area. It includes tree planting in temples,offices, schools, hospitals, homesteads, highways orroads between towns or cities as well as public parksand recreational parks so that it contributes directlyand indirectly to the physical, physiological, sociologicaland economic well being of the communitiesconc…  相似文献   

Jiangsu is located in the east coast of China, coveringan area of 102.6 thousand km2, 1.05% of the totalarea of China. The plain covers 68% of the area inthe province, water 17% and small hills 15%.Northern Jiangsu plain is located in the south ofNorth China Plain, with an area of over 40 thousandkm2, where there are plenty of lands, ocean andswamp resources. The coastline here is as long as4/5 of the whole within the province. The plain islocated between subtropical zone and temperatezone,…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION1.1 Importance of Green AreasAs countries worldwide move toward developingnations, there is a change in education level, employmentand income pattern of their people, which result in higherpurchasing power, better mobility and more free time.With an increase in urbanization as well as rapiddevelopment of infrastructure throughout the countriesthe people are in the transition of changing their lifestyleto modern society.In this urban modern society recreation is becomingincr…  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Forests and Forestry are being paid more and more attention in the historical transformation from timber production to ecosystem management in China. The investment in forestry has been observably increasing, especially with an all-time scale of investment in forest ecological construction over recent years. There are 6 large forestry programs in China, of which 5 are direct ecological rehabilitation efforts. Besides other approaches such as technical assistance, financial s…  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONUrban forestry means different things to differentpeople, depending on one’s perspective. Some peopleview urban forestry in terms of economic values,rather than cultural or social values, whereas othersmay perceive it in terms of all three types of values.As such, the management of urban green spaces maybe tailored to suchvalues. To Kuchelmeisterand TREECITY (1998), urban greening and urban forestry aretwo different fields altogether. They referred to urbangreening as t…  相似文献   

【目的】随着生态文明建设的深入推进,城市绿化已从传统的休憩、观赏等功能逐渐发展为维持城市生态平衡和塑造自然生态的高层次。绿化乔木作为城市绿地的重要构成元素,不但能够营造高质量的植物景观,同时能够改善城市生态环境,发挥更好的生态效能。【方法】以合肥城区绿化乔木为研究对象,分别对安徽农业大学主校区、合肥植物园、大蜀山森林公园、环城公园和滨湖湿地公园进行调研,采用实地调查取样的方法,对乔木的种类、基本构造特性及应用形式进行统计分析。【结果】结果表明,合肥市绿化乔木约为49科,110属,133种,裸子植物36种,被子植物97种,分属常绿乔木和落叶乔木,应用形式多样整体效果较好,但在垂直绿化及主题特色仍存在不足,后期可针对性的合理布局。【结论】通过改进逐步形成科学、合理、优美的植物景观,这对于提高合肥市生态环境、塑造城市形象有着重要的作用。  相似文献   

哈尔滨市6种绿化树种生理特性比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为了全面了解各绿化树种的生理生态特性,增加哈尔滨市园林绿化树种及其生态功能的多样性,为绿化树种的选择提供理论依据。对东北乡土树种白桦、蒙古栎、糠椴、紫椴、茶条槭和黄檗二年生幼苗的生理指标进行测定,通过这6种树种生理指标的研究,对各树种的适宜应用作综合的评价分析,结果表明:这6树种最大光合速率分别为:茶条槭9.70μmolCO2/m^2·s,白桦7.67μmolCO2/m^2·s,黄檗5.88μmolCO2/m^2·s,紫椴5.51μmolCO2/m^2·s,糠椴5.20μmolCO2/m^2·s和蒙古栎4.04μmolCO2/m^2·s。6树种之间呼吸速率的差异不显著,平均为1.01μmolCO2/m^2·s。水分利用效率的种间差异较大,茶条槭、糠椴和蒙古栎高于黄檗、紫椴和白桦。所以从生态园林的角度,在水分短缺的地点,选择绿化树时应先考虑水分利用效率高的茶条槭、糠椴和蒙古栎,而在土壤水分条件较好的可适当优先考虑净光合能力强的树种。  相似文献   

随着社会环境建设的发展和人们审美意识的提高,现代园林植物景观更加注重植物材料的开发和优化利用。乡土树种是经过当地长期自然选择存活下来的优胜物种,以其特有优势在植物景观的营造不仅是人们审美情趣的反映,更加是融入了生态、文化、艺术等多种功能,力求在创造满足现代人生活、审美需求的同时,营造出一种具有时代特色、地方特色的园林植物景观。  相似文献   

豆科及非豆科固氮树种是重要的生物固N资源。作为混交树种,在混交林中发挥着改善林地养分及水分状况,维持地力,提高林地生产力,很好地促进主要树种生长的重要作用。  相似文献   

马尾松林下套种阔叶树的物种多样性研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
王巧珍 《福建林业科技》2003,30(3):47-49,58
在马尾松成林下分别套种拉氏栲、青栲、闽粤栲、格氏栲和苦槠,形成针阔混交异龄林模式,应用物种多样性的多样性指数、均匀度、丰富度指数等指标测定针阔混交异龄林林下物种多样性。分析比较的结果表明,马尾松×苦槠混交异龄林林下物种丰富度指数为最大,马尾松×闽粤栲混交异龄林物种多样性指数及均匀度指数均最大。林下物种多样性研究将为马尾松林下套种阔叶树的混交模式的选择及生物多样性保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   

在地处广东省沿海的汕头市市区设置固定风口调查小区,分别在2003年第13号台风"杜鹃"、2005年第10号强热带风暴"珊瑚"、2006年第1号强台风"珍珠"过后进行绿化树种风害调查;以灾后风害木恢复原景观的修复投入比例综合专家咨询确定权重,采用改良加权评分法分析城市绿化树种的抗风性,结果表明:汕头市区66个常见绿化树种,可以划分为4个抗风级别,其中Ⅰ级树种36个,抗风性较强;Ⅱ级树种19个,抗风性一般;Ⅲ级树种7个,抗风性较差;Ⅳ级树种4个,不抗风.  相似文献   

采用实地调查结合资料收集的方法,对南京城市园林绿地中主要的观赏果树种类及园林应用形式进行了总结与分析。结果表明:南京城市园林绿化中的观赏果树主要集中在27科,总计86种2变种。其中最大的科为蔷薇科,占总数的31.8%;其次为壳斗科、胡桃科和柿树科,这4个科的种类占到总数的50%;应用形式主要有林荫类、绿篱类、攀援缠绕类、盆栽类;总结了在南京城市绿地有较大推广价值、绿化效果良好的观赏果树种类;并提出其合理开发、利用的建议。  相似文献   

乔木在城市森林建设中的重要作用   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
城市森林对光、热、气、水、土等生态因子具有重要的调节作用,对城市的生态环境保护起着不可替代的作用。目前,我国城区生态建设所使用的树种普遍比较单一,造成城市绿化景观的单调。在城市森林建设中,要重构人与自然的关系,按照复合生态系统理论,以人为本,林水结合。选择城市乔木树种时,要按照适地适树的原则,尽可能应用乡土及野生树种,利用乔木尽快占领城镇空间,保证生态环境安全。提高枝下高到8m左右,就可营造出夏天降温,冬天充分享受阳光的公共场所。在城区广场的绿化中,要引入一些高大乔木,形成巨大的伞状树冠,以乔木为主组成乔、灌、藤、草结合的近似天然林,充分向空间要生态效益,是一条行之有效的捷径,还要增加攀缘植物的绿化比重。攀缘植物有较强的适应性、耐旱性和吸附攀缘能力,不仅是荒漠化土地、荒山、沟壑恢复植被的先锋植物,而且也是城市绿化、桥梁美化、道路护坡的优良绿化植物。  相似文献   

我国城市树种研究现状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
园林树木是城市绿地的重要组成部分,具有美化和保护环境的功能,对城市建设具有重要的作用。文章从城市树种的调查、生态功能以及选择规则方面对我国城市树种的研究状况进行了分析,探讨了城市树种研究中存在的不足,以期为今后的研究工作提供依据。  相似文献   

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