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Based on characteristics of transportation infrastructure projects under a PPP model, an early warning risk index system for the private sector was put forward. The system is comprised of 15 indexes from five aspects, including risks associated with politics and law, economics, credit, construction and operation. An early warning risk model was constructed by applying fuzzy set theory and matter element theory. The fuzzy set method helps calculate the weight and evaluation values for qualitative indexes, thereby avoiding the limitations of individual decisions. The matter element method can evaluate comprehensive risks by using the comprehensive relations, is easy to use, and directly gives results. Further empirical research was conducted that verifies this method is scientific and applicable.  相似文献   

应用模糊综合评价研究了蛇床子素和多杀菌素两种生物农药拌粮防治储粮害虫的同时对玉米储藏品质的影响。在玉米储藏4个月、8个月和10个月时,分别构建稻谷储藏品质变化的模糊综合评价模型的指标矩阵,先用极差变换及线性比例变换对指标矩阵进行无量纲化处理,再用夹角余弦法确定权重向量,最后得到模糊综合评价值,并用拉依达检验法检验,确定了该评价模型的可行性。结果显示:综合评分值H和F均小于2s(2s相当于显著水平α=0.05),由此可以看出,各样品不显著,即拌以0.5 mg/kg、0.75 mg/kg、1.0mg/kg的1%蛇床子素粉剂和0.5mg/kg、1.0mg/kg、1.5mg/kg的0.5%多杀菌素粉剂的两种生物农药对玉米的储藏品质在10个月内没有显著影响,并且为粮食品质储藏研究工作提供了一个重要的认识工具。  相似文献   

Evaluation of network study result is key job that network teaching and network teaching system developments. Fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is introduced to analyze the network study based on the network study evaluation system index system combining with the characteristics of the combinative network study. The paper puts forward the model of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of network study, it proves the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method is a kind of valid method than other traditional method in network learning through an experiment.  相似文献   

Regional manufacturing information engineering industries are extremely large and complex systems. Based on the implemental integer effect and an evaluation requirement of regional manufacturing information engineering, we analyzed the objectives and characteristics of regional manufacturing information engineering, proposed a multiple evaluation index method of regional manufacturing information engineering. Based on a multiple integration evaluation method, we built a model to evaluate regional manufacturing information engineering. We proposed a measurement model for regional manufacturing information engineering based on multi level fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. Our quantitative research regarding the implementation effectiveness of regional manufacturing information engineering was based on fuzzy quantitative indicators. The model was grounded on collecting indexes of regional manufacturing industry information engineering, and used a fuzzy matrix to normalize the assessment results to a single fuzzy comprehensive evaluation level. Measurement was carried out step by step. Multi level comprehensive evaluation results for a regional manufacturing information engineering industry were obtained. The validity of the model was shown through application practice.  相似文献   

To provide objective and comprehensive evaluation of surface water environmental quality for management and engineering projects a Fuzzy-AHP evaluation model is introduced. Level 1 is comprised of several current evaluation systems. On level 2 variable fuzzy set is introduced to evaluate the accurate grade. The model is applied to evaluate Jialing River (Ciqikou section) and evaluation result is grade III which is reasonable and reliable. The model is well-developed and physically grounded makes use of information of monitoring data more scientifically and comprehensively and provides an alternative evaluation method for water quality assessment.  相似文献   

为评价不同来源洋葱品种的营养品质,筛选出营养物质含量丰富的种质资源,对30份洋葱品种进行紧实度、干物质含量、可溶性固形物含量和丙酮酸含量测定,利用相关性分析和模糊数学的隶属函数法对不同的洋葱品种进行营养品质的综合分析。结果表明,30份洋葱材料紧实度、干物质含量、可溶性固形物含量和丙酮酸含量存在一定的差异性,其中紧实度的变异系数最小,丙酮酸含量的变异系数最大。另外,发现干物质含量与可溶性固形物含量和丙酮酸含量存在着极显著或显著的关系。在30份洋葱材料中,‘不育系A1’的综合品质最优,为洋葱品质育种提供了材料基础。  相似文献   

Through selecting the index of MSW compost quality and establishing the evaluation grades of index, an evaluation system with the method of fuzzy mathematics has been framed in this paper. Then, based on the assessment of single factor and comprehensive effects of different factors, in this paper, the experimental data are taken for example to evaluate the MSW compost quality. The result shows that this method is successfully applied and also can be used as a simple useful method to the evaluation of MSW compost quality.  相似文献   

大叶种茶气候品质评价方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究旨在寻找大叶种茶品质与气候条件的关系,为开展大叶种茶气候品质评价提供技术支撑。应用普洱茶主产区19个样本茶园平行观测小气候因子和普洱茶内含物数据,采用相关分析、模糊数学等方法,确定了大叶种茶气候品质评价因子、指标,建立单因子适宜度模型和气候品质指数。结果表明,大叶种茶树生长季内平均气温与咖啡碱含量呈显著的负相关,相对湿度与氨基酸含量也呈显著的负相关;结合大叶种茶树的生理学特性,确定了评价指标,并建立了单个气象要素和综合的气候品质评价模型;通过在研究茶区对评价方法进行验证,评价准确率为84%。  相似文献   

区域土壤环境质量的可拓物元评价   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了更加客观评价区域土壤环境质量,使土地资源得到合理规划和利用,将物元法引入土壤环境质量评价体系中,构建土壤环境质量评价的物元模型。通过实地土壤取样、测量,用物元分析法得出土壤中各种影响因子对一定区域内土壤环境质量的影响程度。实验结果表明:评价区内土壤中Cu含量为II级,其他重金属含量均符合I级标准,综合土壤环境质量评级结果为I级,具体等级值为1.342,即精确的等级是介于I级和II级之间,更偏重于I级。该评价方法可以科学、有效地应用监测数据,评价结果较为可信,能较科学地判定土壤环境质量级别,同时也可反映各污染因子对土壤环境质量的影响程度,并对污染程度加以区分和量化。  相似文献   

姚瑞玲 《保鲜与加工》2020,20(1):180-186
为了提高可食胶粘剂的综合性能,采用模糊综合评价法确定可食胶粘剂性能指标的隶属度,采用主成分分析法确定性能指标的权重,并建立综合评价可食胶粘剂性能的数学模型,然后以可食胶粘剂性能指标总分为响应值,运用响应面分析法对可食胶粘剂制备工艺进行优化,研究糯米粉质量分数、魔芋粉质量分数和干酪素质量分数对可食胶粘剂性能的影响以及它们之间的交互作用。结果显示,可食胶粘剂最优的工艺条件为:糯米粉质量分数9%,魔芋粉质量分数10%,干酪素质量分数6%。此条件下,制得的可食胶粘剂性能总分为0.984 5,与预测值仅相差1.55%,说明优化的工艺可用于指导实践。  相似文献   

构建高速公路景观评价体系和评价模型,探讨高速公路的景观评价方法。以哈大高速公路为例,从公路自身景观、公路沿线人文景观和公路两侧本底自然景观3方面进行评价、选取15个二级指标,55个三级指标的景观综合评价体系。参考有关的标准和研究资料制定二级指标的评价标准,利用层次分析法确定权重。采取景观综合指数法和模糊数学评价法对哈大高速公路总体景观质量进行了定量和定性评价。结果显示:哈大高速公路总体景观多数路段分数在6~7分之间,并且靠近哈尔滨和大庆2个城市路段分值高于中间路段,这可能与公路中间路段两侧的绿化和护理不到位有关。根据模糊评价法最大隶属度原则,哈大高速公路总体景观质量为“一般”等级,2种评价方法结果一致。鉴于各种评价方法的优点和缺点,采用基于AHP的综合指数法和模糊数学法适合高速公路景观质量的评价。  相似文献   

为了验证模糊模型识别法对土地整理项目进行综合效益评价的可行性,从社会、经济、生态3个方面构建土地整理综合评价指标体系,对格尔木市大格勒乡土地整理项目的评价指标量化,利用文献综述法建立模型识别库,根据模型库正态分布数据原理确定隶属函数,建立评价体系与综合效益等级关联度模型。结果表明:格尔木市大格勒乡项目属于“好”级别;乌图美仁乡与郭勒木德镇属于“一般”级别;造成以上级别差异的主要原因是权重较高的社会效益显著性过低,符合项目区实际情况。实例研究证明,基于模糊模型识别法建立的理论和方法在土地整理综合效益评价具有科学性和可操作性。  相似文献   

采用模糊数学评价方法,以色泽、形状、气味、口感、滋味为评价因素,对9种军用冻干蔬果的感官品质进行了模糊数学判定。结果表明,9种军用冻干蔬果感官品质的模糊综合感官评价得分从高到低依次为苹果块、大头菜块、菠萝南瓜块、草莓胡萝卜块、菠菜块、西兰花块、黄桃块、菠萝胡萝卜块、树莓块。模糊数学评价方法能较客观准确地反映产品的感官品质,为军用食品感官品质的综合评价提供一种参考方法。  相似文献   

This paper presents a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method on engineering quality of steel structural installation.Comparing with existent method,this method can express objectively real quality.It is of benefit to quantity assessment of engineering quality and realizing computer management for inspection and evaluation.  相似文献   

近年来,食品安全事件频繁发生,农产品质量问题备受关注,农产品是与人类健康联系最紧密的消费品,改善农产品质量势在必行。本研究以农业龙头企业农产品的质量控制为研究对象,从农产品的料供应质量控制、企业主体质量控制、政府及消费者的质量控制三个角度入手,构建相应的评价指标。评价指标的选取充分考虑了农业龙头企业的特点与农产品质量控制的特殊性,应用层次分析法,选出了5个一级评价指标:农民(基地)农产品质量控制、企业内部农产品质量控制、市场竞争优势、政府的质量监控、消费者的质量监控,以及细化的二级指标。农业龙头企业可以选择模糊评价法对几年的指标进行综合评价,分析企业农产品质量控制的优点与不足,不断提高农产品质量与管理。  相似文献   

为建立乌龙茶饮料综合量化评价法,分析乌龙茶饮料茶多酚稳定性和抗氧化活性,通过选取19种乌龙茶饮料,测定其理化指标,并对香气和滋味进行感官评价,采用加权平均法和模糊评价法构建综合量化分析评价法。以该法评价目前市售乌龙茶饮料,结果表明总体品质良好。乌龙茶饮料茶多酚稳定性随开盖后放置时间延长、储藏温度升高及pH值升高而降低,其抗氧化活性虽与茶多酚含量及pH值存在中度正相关,但线性关系不显著。所建立的综合量化评价法对乌龙茶饮料品质分析具有借鉴和参考价值,茶多酚稳定性及抗氧化活性的研究为乌龙茶饮料的生产、开发、储运及功能评价等提供了一定的理论依据。  相似文献   

Based on the complex geological environment and hydro-geological conditions in mountainous areas the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation index system of the mine geological environment is constructed. It uses the weak fuzzy consistent matrix and analytic hierarchy process to calculate the weight, which solves the question that traditional AHP is difficult to meet the consistency test. According to the special geological conditions of the mine, it divides the impact of the geological environment into three levels, builts the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation table and determines the membership degree of the influencing factors. Combined with fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method, it developes a second-order fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of the impact of the mine geological environment. By means of the application of this model to the actual mining, it shows that the evaluation results of the model are highly similar to the actual results of the impacts of landslides, land subsidence and other geological disasters.  相似文献   

为提高生鲜农产品质量和优化资源配置,本文以生鲜农产品冷链物流为研究客体,构建了考虑仓储、运输、包装、配送、搬运的生鲜农产品冷链物流安全评价指标体系;并采用AHP法与熵权法相结合的综合赋权法,对综合评价指标的权重进行确定;在此基础上运用模糊物元法对生鲜农产品物流安全进行综合评价;同时选择常州某市场的4家冷链物流商为研究对象进行实证分析。结果表明,在该评价指标体系中,权重较高的评价指标排名对综合排名有重要影响,冷链物流商家应重点关注权重较高的指标并提高其相应能力。  相似文献   

To solve the instability problem of established sample in the neural network evaluation method for mine ventilation system, a comprehensive evaluation of the ventilation system is carried out based on rough sets and BP neural networks. Taking the ventilation system of a mine as an example, the classification quality of raw data samples are tested by using rough set data analysis system. Then, based on artificial neural network theory, a rough sets-neural network evaluation model of a mine ventilation system is established and a new rough sets-neural network evaluation method of mine ventilation system is formed. The results show that, after the model validation of data and application, its theoretical evaluation results are in line with the actual situation, and the network total error is less than 0.004. It shows that the comprehensive evaluation method based on rough sets-neural networks has a good effect in evaluating mine ventilation system in practical application.  相似文献   

The authors determine the index system and the index weight of capability of real estate by applying Delphi method and AHP method, and found the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of capability of real estate. They creates the model of capability Vs. price based on value engineering theory. The authors analysis detailedly deciding method of capability Vs. price of real estate combined with a practice example and application. The method adapts to a house as well as the type of the house. The method resolves the problem which capability Vs. price of real estate was only described by qualitatively for ages, which supplies theory basis to developer and consumer.  相似文献   

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