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一、前言 目前在蔬菜种子检验上普遍认为种子发 芽困难,发芽试验较难做好。由于蔬菜种类繁 多,种子休眠和发芽特性比较复杂,只有深 入了解蔬菜种子发芽特性,采用适当的处理, 并在发芽时满足这些特性的要求,才能做好 蔬菜种子发芽试验,测得正确的发芽力。为 此,作者根据有关资料和研究工作,就有关蔬 菜种子发芽条件、休眠和发芽特性、休眠破除 及发芽技术等问题作简要介绍,以供参考。 二、蔬菜种子发芽条件。 蔬菜种子只有在适宜的水分、温度,充 足的氧气或光照条件下才能良好发芽。 (一)水分种子只有吸收适当水分后 才能开始活跃的生理生化…  相似文献   

蔬菜种子发芽特性和发芽技术(二)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
四、蔬菜种子破除休眠的方法 (一)低温处理 种子在低温、湿润的发芽床上,水中含有较多的氧气进入种胚,促进代谢,可有效地加速发芽。对低温处理有效的种类有:葱、莳萝、菠菜、芹菜、莴苣、胡萝卜、芸薹属、紫苏和蓼等。通常处理方法是将种子置于规定的湿润发芽床上,放在5~10℃低温下处理2~7天,然后移至规定温度就可良好发芽。 (二)加温干燥处理 种子进行加温干燥处理可促进抑制物质的分解和挥发,并改善果皮及种皮的通透性。具体方法是将种子置于良好通气条件下,摊成薄层,进行处理加温干燥的温度和时间因种类而不同。如菠菜加温干燥处理温度…  相似文献   

伞形科的芹菜、胡萝卜,菊科的莴苣、茼蒿及藜科的菠菜等作物的种子,在植物学上均为果实,种皮(包括果皮)较厚,种子细小,播种、出苗困难,特别在夏秋高温季节尤为突出。为了探明以上蔬菜种子的发芽特性,加速发芽和出苗,1964~1965年进行了温度对芹菜等蔬菜种子发芽影响、种子成熟度对发芽影响、低温及机械处理对发芽影响的研究。  相似文献   

节瓜种子休眠机理的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究通过休眠和非休眠节瓜种子的提取液对大白菜种子发芽的抑制试验,休眠节瓜种子剥除种皮发芽试验初步确定节瓜种子休眠的主要原因是种皮中含有发芽抑制物质.种子中GA3含量测定表明非休眠节瓜种子的GA3含量远高于休眠种子.  相似文献   

毛桃种子发芽试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毛桃是桃的优良砧木。一般其种子必须经过低温(层积)处理才能正常萌发。夏季采收的毛桃种子,如果不进行任何处理立即播种,均不能正常萌发。从我们对打破毛桃种子休眠,促使发芽的试验结果表明,毛桃种子的休眠与坚硬的内果皮、致密的种皮以及种皮内含有的抑制发芽的物质有关。剥去种皮,种子能正常发芽,起到层积处理的作用。赤霉素能解除和部分解除种皮对种子的  相似文献   

破除蔬菜种子休眠技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张存信 《蔬菜》1992,(2):28-29
蔬菜种子休眠,是一种常见的正常现象,但要正确做发芽试验或生产上急需播种时,就必须打破其休眠期.为此,分析其休眠原因,有针对性的采取相应的措施,是十分必要的. 一、蔬菜种子休眠及其原因广义地讲,凡种子具有生活力,而停留在不能发芽的状态中称为休眠.通常分为两种情况,一种是种子本身还未完全通过生理成熟阶段,虽然给予适当的发芽条件,但仍不能萌发,称为生理休眠或自然休眠,是内在的生理条件所造成,另一种是种子已具有发芽的能  相似文献   

丝瓜为葫芦科丝瓜属一年生蔓性作物,原产印度,现我国南北方皆有栽培。它是夏季主要果菜之一,对蔬菜保淡具有一定作用。丝瓜种子种皮坚硬,透气性差,发芽慢,是属于一种较难发芽的蔬菜种子。研究丝瓜种子的最佳发芽方法,将给种子检验工作及蔬菜种子经营提供方便。  相似文献   

种子处理是一项简便且经济有效的农业技术,它能打破种子休眠,促进发芽;消灭种子上附着的病菌,减少播后病害的发生。目前,这项技术已逐渐成为保护地蔬菜青苗和各种反季节蔬菜栽培的重要配套措施之一。为了便于系统认识和掌握应用这项技术,提高生产改益,现将可用于蔬菜生产的种于处理技术和方法简述如下: 一、物理处理指种子处理过程中不使用任何药剂的处理。这类处理往往取材容易,操作简便,易于掌握,且经济有效。 (一)热水浸种处理又称温汤浸种处理。将干种子直接放入50-60℃的热水中,不断搅动,直至温度降至30℃左右,再静置浸种,达规定时间后,洗净捞出,沥干水分,置适温下催芽。温汤处理能杀菌消毒,促进发芽。常用于番茄、茄子、甜椒、黄瓜等种皮较厚的蔬菜种子处理。 (二)高温烫种处理在盛有5倍干种子体积开水(90-100℃)的有盖广口容器中,放入将要处理的干种子,尔后迅速盖上盖子,猛力振动,使水温急速下降到30℃以下,静置浸冲。这种处理不仅能有效地杀灭病菌,而且对种皮厚而致密、较难发芽的茄子、甜椒等蔬菜种子的催芽也尤为有效。 (三)干热处理将干燥的瓜类、茄果类蔬菜的种子,置烘箱内70℃下2-3天或80℃下1-2天,进行干热处理。干热处理呼消灭种子上的病菌,增强种皮的通透性,提高发芽速  相似文献   

东北铁线莲种子萌发特性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于受种子生理休眠作用的影响及硬而厚的种皮所产生的抑制作用,使东北铁线莲种子发芽慢、发芽率较低。现研究了东北铁线莲种子的形态学、种子活力等特性及不同温度、不同低温层积天数、不同化学试剂处理对其种子发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数的影响。结果表明:25℃低温层积140~160d,95%浓硫酸浸泡20s处理效果最好,可以提高东北铁线莲种子的发芽率。  相似文献   

徐溪  颜启传 《蔬菜》1991,(3):13-15
冬瓜(Benincoso hispida L.)是喜温蔬菜作物,是我国夏季的主要蔬菜之一。一般认为它具有较强的休眠性,发芽困难。种子的发芽过程受许多因素的影响,如水份、温度、通气条件等,也受种子本身的特性,如种皮的厚薄。休眠性及其它形态和生理因素的影响。但目前对冬瓜种子的发芽特性的研究较少,还尚未列入国际种子检验规程  相似文献   

Organic production of one of the most popular botanical supplements, Echinacea, continues to expand in the U.S. Echinacea seeds typically show a high degree of dormancy that can be broken by ethephon or gibberelic acid (GA), but these methods are currently disallowed in organic production. In order to determine the efficacy of non-chemical seed treatments, we evaluated the effect of varying seed source and supplying light, with and without cold-moist stratification, on seed germination of the three most important medicinal species of Echinacea, E. angustifolia DC, E. purpurea (L) Moench, and E. pallida (Nutt.) Nutt. Treatments included cold-moist stratification under 24 h light, 24 h dark, and 16/8 h light/dark to break seed dormancy. We found that germination was greater in the E. purpurea and E. pallida seeds from a commercial organic seed source compared to a public germplasm source. When seeds were not cold-moist stratified, 16-24 h light increased germination in E. angustifolia only. Echinacea angustifolia, E. purpurea, and E. pallida seeds that were cold-moist stratified under 16-24 h of light for 4 wk had a significantly greater percentage and rate of germination compared to seeds germinated in the dark. Therefore, cold-moist stratification under light conditions is recommended as a method to break seed dormancy and increase germination rates in organic production of Echinacea.  相似文献   

采用常温、低温和变温处理的方法对5个芥菜变种开展了种子休眠敏感性试验,试验结果表明,在各芥菜变种材料开花期和采收期一致的情况下,以芥菜完成后熟(2017年采收)的种子为对照(CK),常温下进行种子发芽率测试,结球芥菜、茎瘤芥菜和大头菜无休眠现象,大叶芥菜17W170与分蘖芥菜17W306与各自对照间有显著差异;具休眠现象的芥菜种子,低温3 d处理及干燥种子变温处理可明显提高芥菜类种子发芽率。因此,芥菜类蔬菜不同变种存在不同程度的休眠,而低温和变温处理是打破芥菜类蔬菜种子休眠的实际有效方法。  相似文献   

为了探讨白菜种子萌发热抑制的机制,以新收获的白菜种子为材料,研究了种子萌发对不同温度的响应,后熟、冷层积和植物激素处理对种子萌发的作用,以及种子萌发和不同处理与细胞壁降解酶之间的关系。结果表明,当萌发温度 ≥ 20 ℃时,种子的萌发率显著降低,热抑制的种子不表现次生休眠。后熟、层积和GA3处理能有效地降低种子萌发的热抑制;相反,ABA处理则增强种子萌发的热抑制。种子萌发过程中内切–β–甘露聚糖酶、β–甘露糖苷酶和α–半乳糖苷酶的活性增加。与新收获的种子相比,后熟、层积和GA3处理增加上述3种酶的活性;ABA处理增加内切–β–甘露聚糖酶的活性,但不影响β–甘露糖苷酶和α–半乳糖苷酶的活性。在不同温度下吸胀48 h的种子的内切–β–甘露聚糖酶和α–半乳糖苷酶的活性变化与随后种子的萌发没有直接关系。说明新收获的白菜种子具有明显的萌发热抑制,这种特性能被后熟、层积和GA3处理以增强细胞壁降解酶活性的方式有效地解除。  相似文献   

以猕猴桃种子为材料,研究低温、植物生长调节剂、碱性化学物质等因素对种子休眠解除的作用,以找到种子休眠的解除方法。结果显示:4℃低温下沙藏80~100 d,可以有效解除种子休眠,但发芽率较低;4℃低温沙藏80 d后,用浓度150~200 mg/L的ABT生根粉6号浸泡种子24 h,可使种子的发芽率、发芽势分别提高到55.1%、51.2%,发芽所需时间缩短6 d;4℃低温沙藏80 d后,用20%次氯酸钠处理种子18~24 h,可以使发芽率及发芽势分别提高到82.8%、72.3%,发芽所需时间缩短10 d。  相似文献   

Seed germination patterns were studied in E. purpurea (L.) Moench grouped by seed source, one group of seven lots from commercially cultivated populations and a second group of nine lots regenerated from ex situ conserved wild populations. Germination tests were conducted in a growth chamber in light (40 μmol·m(-2)·s(-1)) or darkness at 25 °C for 20 days after soaking the seeds in water for 10 minutes. Except for two seed lots from wild populations, better germination was observed for commercially cultivated populations in light (90% mean among seed lots, ranging from 82% to 95%) and in darkness (88% mean among seed lots, ranging from 82% to 97%) than for wild populations in light (56% mean among seed lots, ranging from 9% to 92%) or in darkness (37% mean among seed lots, ranging from 4% to 78%). No germination difference was measured between treatments in light and darkness in the commercially cultivated populations, but significant differences were noted for treatments among wild populations. These results suggest that repeated cycles of sowing seeds during cultivation without treatments for dormancy release resulted in reduced seed dormancy in E. purpurea.  相似文献   

Wild asparagus (Asparagus acutifolius L.) is a widespread species found in all the Mediterranean areas. The spears are highly valued by consumers and owing to its frugality, this species is a feasible new crop with high income potential, especially for Mediterranean marginal areas. Currently, the cultivation of this species is limited because of its low and erratic seed germination that makes difficult the production of seedlings for plant propagation. In this research, non-after-ripened (1 month-old) and after-ripened seeds (dry stored at room temperature for 13 months) were exposed for 30 days in the dark to three moist stratification treatments: cold (5 °C), warm (23 °C) or no stratification; subsequently they were soaked for 12 h in warm water (35 °C) or not soaked. The effect of these pre-germination treatments on three germination parameters (germination percentage, time to 50% of final germination – T50 – and germination pattern) was studied, as well as some possible seed dormancy forms involved therein. The 1-year dry storage period proved to be effective in after-ripened seeds by enhancing seed sensitivity to the subsequent pre-germination treatments. After-ripened seeds exhibited higher and more rapid germination compared to non-after-ripened seeds. Soaking, cold or warm moist stratification had similar single effect on non-after-ripened seeds (27% germination). With after-ripened seeds, only soaking or warm stratification were effective (47% germination) when singularly applied, while cold stratification did not improve germination. By combining stratification and soaking treatments, a higher germination for both non-after-ripened and after-ripened seed-lots was achieved. The highest germination was obtained when after-ripened seeds were stratified and soaked (76%), without any significant difference between cold or warm stratification. Single or combined application of moist stratification (regardless of the temperature used) and soaking resulted always in a faster germination compared to that of no-treated seeds and especially with after-ripened seeds (T50 = 6 days). A non-deep type 1 physiological dormancy can be hypothesized for the seeds of this species. Low stratification temperature induce secondary dormancy in after-ripened seeds that can be removed by soaking them at 35 °C for 12 h.  相似文献   

何志  唐宇丹  石雷  姚涓 《园艺学报》2008,35(10):1505-1510
以国家三级保护植物蝟实果实为试验材料,应用扫描电镜和石蜡切片进行了形态解剖观察,通过吸胀和果皮胚乳抑制物测试等方法探讨了休眠原因,并采用硫酸、赤霉素处理及低温层积处理进行了打破休眠的试验。结果表明:(1)蝟实具有坚硬厚实的果皮,机械束缚是休眠的主要原因;(2)胚乳中含有萌发抑制物质,沙藏或赤霉素处理可有效解除其生理休眠;(3)打破蝟实休眠最佳方法为:浓硫酸处理15 min,并用400 mg·L-1赤霉素处理,或仅用4 ℃沙藏30 d。  相似文献   

The influence of seed maturity, seed storage and germination pre-treatments on seed germination of cleome (Cleome gynandra L.) were investigated. Seed maturation studies showed that capsules harvested at 18 days after anthesis possessed the highest dry weight with 19.2% moisture and 1% germination. Development of fresh-ungerminated seed was observed with increasing maturity of fruit, suggesting that cleome exhibited forms of seed dormancy. Storing mature seed at 15 °C and at room temperature for 5 months showed that seed dormancy was broken after 3 months under both storage regimes. When mature seeds were subjected to different treatments including various levels of GA3, KNO3, leaching, pre-chilling, soaking and pre-heating at different temperatures, it was found that pre-heating at 40 °C for period of 1–5 days was the most effective method in breaking dormancy in cleome.  相似文献   

双氧水对茄子种子萌发的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新采收的茄子种子因休眠作用影响种子的萌发,会出现幼苗参差不齐的现象.影响了农业生产。为了打破种子的休眠,以南京市蔬菜科学研究所培育的黑骠茄子和日本砧木品种托鲁巴姆为试验材料,研究了双氧水对茄子种子发芽势、发芽率和发芽指数的影响。结果表明,在25℃下,双氧水浸种可以显著提高茄子种子的发芽势、发芽率和发芽指数,而且在低浓度处理下效果较好,随着浓度的提高,处理效果逐渐降低,当双氧水浓度达到1.2%时已基本没有效果,以0.3%双氧水浸种3h,可以使发芽势、发芽率和发芽指数达到最高。  相似文献   

通过研究不同时间低温层积、不同浓度萘乙酸(NAA)和不同浓度浓硫酸(H2SO4)对3个月季杂交种子发芽率的影响,探讨打破月季杂交种子休眠、快速催芽的有效方法。结果表明:(1)影响月季杂交种子萌发的最主要因素是低温层积时间,其最适层积时间为4℃沙藏80~100 d。(2)NAA和浓H2SO4浸种处理能有效打破休眠、提高发芽率,最佳浓度分别为50 mg/L和0.1%。  相似文献   

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