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为了解氟磺·烯草酮油悬浮剂对大豆田杂草的除草效果及安全性进行了试验。结果表明:21%的氟磺·烯草酮油悬浮剂能有效防除大豆田的稗草、藜、苋、苍耳、苘麻,总防效为90.0%以上;在试验剂量范围内对大豆安全,且增产作用明显。  相似文献   

采用室内和田间测定药效相结合的方法,明确啶磺草胺对青稞田恶性杂草旱雀麦(Bromus tectorum L.)的防除效果及安全性.室内啶磺草胺4.68、9.37、18.74、37.49、74.99μg/m2处理对旱雀麦干质量抑制率分别为18.89%、30.37%、34.52%、37.86%、50.00%,回归方程为Y=23.644+0.551 4X.田间啶磺草胺6.5、12.5、20.0、25.0 g/667 m2不同处理,20 d时对旱雀麦防除株效分别为77.26%、93.70%,97.70%、98.85%;40 d 时防除株效分别为70.25%、92.45%、95.28%、98.78%,鲜质量抑制率分别为75.44%、99.40%、99.12%、99.42%.不同剂量啶磺草胺均对青稞表现安全且无统计学差异.通过室内和田间测定筛选出啶磺草胺适宜剂量为12.5 g/667 m2,增产率达4.29%,对青稞表现安全.  相似文献   

75%三氟啶磺隆钠盐WG对棉田杂草的防除效果   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
研究新型除草剂三氟啶磺隆钠盐防治棉田杂草效果及其对棉苗安全性的影响,结果表明:75%三氟啶磺隆钠盐WG22.5~33.75 g.hm-2,对4~5叶期前的棉花较安全。药后15 d、30 d对莎草和禾本科杂草株防效分别达到58.42%~60.63%和75.5%~78.6%,鲜重防效达84.1%~88.4%;11.25~33.75g.hm-2,对凹头苋等阔叶杂草药后15 d和30 d株防效可达到98.03%~99.24%和99.2%~100%,鲜重防效达99.8%~100%;三氟啶磺隆钠盐与精喹禾灵混用可显著提高对莎草的防效。  相似文献   

近几年大豆田杂草对大豆的生长造成极大威胁,在大豆生长期间,杂草与大豆争水、争肥,严重影响大豆产量,经试验证明江苏连云港立本农药化工有限公司生产的10%乙羧氟草醚乳油、江苏长青农化股份有限公司生产的20%乙羧氟·精喹禾乳油对春大豆田一年生阔叶杂草防除效果较好,对大豆田各种杂草的防除达90%以上。  相似文献   

2003 2004年应用研究表明,24%烯草酮乳油可有效防除大豆田苗后一年生禾本科杂草,防除效果达90%以上,药效迅速,对大豆没有药害,并有明显的增产效果。  相似文献   

通过试验可以看出,200g/L烯禾啶Ec用于防除棉田禾拳科杂草,见效快,防效高,对棉花安全;用药时间上应掌握在禾本科杂草2—5叶期为最佳;建议使用1500—1800ml/hm^2,最终株防效迭95%左右,鲜重防效迭99%以上。  相似文献   

2001-2002年应用研究表明,4%喷特乳油可有效防除大豆田难治杂草马唐,防除效果达90%以上。还可兼防稗草、狗尾草、野黍等禾本科杂草,对大豆没有药害,并有明显的增产效果。  相似文献   

20%顶秧乳油防除马铃薯田杂草效果试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黑龙江省是我国马铃薯种植面积较大的省份之一 ,马铃薯田杂草的防治是生产上亟待解决的问题。目前有关马铃薯田杂草化学防除的报道较少 ,赵铁成 (2 0 0 2 )报道了 4 5 %图豆美乳油防除马铃薯田部分禾本科杂草和阔叶杂草的效果 ,但其总体防效只在 6 2 1%~ 79 0 % [1] 。为了寻找对马铃薯田杂草防效好又对马铃薯安全的除草剂 ,我们于2 0 0 1~ 2 0 0 2年对安万特公司新开发的除草剂 2 0 %顶秧乳油进行了田间小区试验。1 材料与方法1 1 试验材料试验药剂 :2 0 %顶秧乳油 ,对照药剂 2 5 %农思它乳油。试验作物 :马铃薯品种克新 13号。试验在…  相似文献   

大豆田杂草化学防除技术试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
大豆是山东省主要油料作物,常年种植600万亩,由于杂草为害,一般可减产10%以上,重者达20%,人工除草劳动强度大。近几年出现了多种防除豆田杂草的除草剂,1995年以来我们先后对几种新除草剂进行了试验,现将主要结果报告如下。一、材料与方法供试药剂有7...  相似文献   

Herbicides applied to combat weeds and increase crop yields may also have undesired effects on beneficial soil microorganisms. Field studies were conducted in 2005 and 2006 in Zaria, Nigeria, to evaluate the response of weeds and soil microorganisms to imazaquin applied at 0.05, 0.10, 0.20 and 0.40 kg a.i./ha and pendimethalin applied at 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, and 8.0 kg a.i./ha in cowpea and soybean. Hoe-weeded and unweeded (no herbicide) plots were controls. Both herbicides significantly reduced weed biomass in both crops, when compared to the unweeded control, which had the highest weed biomass at all sampling dates. Treatments with 0.40 kg a.i./ha of imazaquin, 2.0 and 4.0 kg a.i./ha of pendimethalin, and the hoe-weeded control, had the highest cowpea grain yield. The unweeded control had the lowest grain yield which was comparable to that in all other herbicide treatments. All treatments except 4.0 and 8.0 kg a.i./ha of pendimethalin had higher soybean grain yield than the unweeded control. Soybean yield was lowest in the unweeded control, and treatments that received 4.0 and 8.0 kg a.i./ha of pendimethalin. All rates of imazaquin gave similar soybean grain yields that were 29–41% higher than that from pendimethalin. The hoe-weeded control had the highest yield, which was 79% more than that in the unweeded control. Higher rates of imazaquin and pendimethalin reduced nodulation, nitrogen fixation, and vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi colonisation in both crops. VAM fungi species diversity and species richness in cowpea rhizosphere soil and species diversity in soybean rhizosphere soil were reduced relative to the controls due to application of both herbicides with the rates of 0.10, 0.20, and 0.40 kg a.i./ha of imazaquin and 8.0 kg a.i./ha of pendimethalin being significantly effective.  相似文献   

为提高水稻稻曲病的防治效果,选用27.8%福赛SC(13.9%苯醚甲环唑·13.9%赛呋酰胺)等3种药剂对稻曲病进行药效对比试验。结果表明:27.8%福赛SC(13.9%赛呋酰胺·13.9%苯醚甲环唑)每667m~2用25 m L和30%福连SC(8%戊唑醇·22%多菌灵悬浮剂)每667m~2用70 m L的防效及对水稻制种田的增产效果均显著高于常用杀菌剂30%爱苗EC(15%苯醚甲环唑·15%丙环唑)每667m~2用20 m L的处理。  相似文献   

大豆大垄高台密植栽培技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张颖 《大豆科技》2008,(5):24-25
大垄高台密植栽培技术是在“深窄密”模式的基础上,增加了土壤库容,而发展起来的一项垄平结合、宽窄结合、旱涝综防的大豆栽培模式。主要介绍该技术独特的技术优势和严格的操作标准。  相似文献   

概述了影响北部大豆田化学除草剂应用效果的自然气候,杂草演变,施用技术,人为因素等,就影响因素进一步提出了相应解决对策。  相似文献   

A new concept for controlling parasitic weeds is described. By decomposing germination stimulants prior to action no germination of seeds can take place anymore. Ethanol fractions of the strigolactone (SL) analogues viz., the standard synthetic analogues GR 24 and Nijmegen-1, and analogues derived from tetralone and coumarine, were added to an aqueous buffer with a pH ranging from 6 to 8 and the half lifes (t1/2) of the hydrolysis were measured. Nijmegen-1 hydrolysed faster than GR 24 and the analogue from tetralone was the most stable one at all pH's. It was found that the aqueous solutions of either borax or thiourea rapidly decompose typical SL analogues, including GR 24 and Nijmegen-1, within an hour. The hydrolysis of SLs by borax was monitored with UV spectroscopy and for thiourea gas chromatography was used. This decomposition of SLs by either borax or thiourea in natural conditions would deprive the seeds of the parasitic weeds of the essential germination stimulants and as a consequence not allow them to germinate. Hence, conditions for an effective weed control are fulfilled.  相似文献   

大豆叶形垂直分布类型在产量改良中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
对油89306组合分离世代的研究表明,该组合存在3种叶形垂直分布类型,即下阔叶—上阔叶、下阔叶—上窄叶和下窄叶—上窄叶。以下阔叶—上阔叶和下阔叶—上窄叶类型的百粒重最大,且两类型间无明显差异,但显著高于下窄叶—上窄叶类型的百粒重;以下窄叶—上窄叶类型的每荚粒数最多,下阔叶—上阔叶类型的每荚粒数最少。在本研究所处旱涝频繁的黄淮南部地区,以下阔叶—上窄叶类型的育种效果最好,并从本类型的研究材料中成功地选育出高产夏大豆新品种中豆26。与下阔叶—上阔叶类型的中豆19(89306组合的母本)相比,下阔叶—上窄叶的材料中豆26和中豆20实现了在保持其它产量因素变化很小前提下每荚粒数的定向显著提高,因而实现产量的改良。  相似文献   

周贤东 《大豆科技》2006,(6):4-7,37
近年来,浙江省景宁县农业局对鲜食大豆的栽培技术进行了较为系统的研究。总结出了“多品种搭配、多方式栽培、错开播种期、增加密植程度、提倡轮作换茬、进行科学施肥、开展病虫综合防治”的高产高效栽培技术。多年试验研究和示范结果表明:这种技术对提高鲜食大豆的产量和效益均有显著的作用。  相似文献   

连豆1号大豆新品种是瓦房店市农业技术推广中心于1988年以瓦8813大豆为母本、凤交66-12为父本进行有性杂交经过多年选育而成的.突出特点是高产、抗病.2001年通过辽宁省品种审定委员会审定,命名为连豆1号.  相似文献   

调查结果表明,新疆甜菜病害有10余种,主要有甜菜丛根病、甜菜立枯病、根腐病、褐斑病、白粉病等;虫害有地老虎、象甲、蛴螬、甘蓝夜蛾、叶螨等20余种;杂草以芦苇、稗子草等单子叶杂草及灰黎、马齿苋等双子叶杂草为主要杂草。防治应以农业防治为基础,强化农业技术措施,结合运用化学防治、生物防治、物理防治诸项措施,达到经济、安全、有效地防治目的。  相似文献   

Weed management is a major issue in organic farming systems. Although interseeding cover crops is one alternative to herbicides, cover crops often suppress not only weeds but also main crops. Therefore, using cover crops for weed control without adverse effects on main crop growth is important. To verify the effect of cover crops on competition between main crops, cover crops and weeds in a snowy-cold region, main crops soybean (Glycine max Merr.) in 2005 and maize (Zea mays L.) in 2006 were grown with cover crops winter rye (Secale cereale L.) and hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth), respectively. The cover crops were sown on three sowing dates: before main crop planting (Pre-MC), on the same date of main crop planting (Syn-MC) and after main crop planting (Post-MC). A plot without cover crops (Sole-MC) was used as a control. The dry weight (DW), vegetation cover ratio (VCR), vertical community structure and chlorophyll content were measured to estimate the competition between main crops, cover crops and weeds. Weed DW was suppressed significantly by sowing cover crops in both soybean and maize. This weed suppression was associated with the increase of VCR of main crops plus cover crops at the early growth stage of main crops. Soil seed banks of dominant weed also became lower by sowing cover crops, implying the importance of proper weed management for suppressing weeds successively. In addition, the sowing dates of cover crops had large effects on main crops DW especially in maize, i.e., it was significantly lower in Pre-MC and Syn-MC than in Post-MC. Although the cover crop height was markedly shorter than the main crop height, the chlorophyll content of the main crops was significantly lower when cover crops were sown earlier. These results suggest that the growth inhibition of main crops by cover crops was partly caused by competition for nutrients between main crops and cover crops, and this growth inhibition was alleviated when cover crops were sown after the establishment of main crops. Consequently, soybean yield was the highest in Post-MC and decreased by 29%, 18% and 7% in Sole-MC, Pre-MC and Syn-MC, respectively, and maize yield was also the highest in Post-MC and decreased by 68%, 100% and 24% in Sole-MC, Pre-MC and Syn-MC, respectively. It was concluded that weeds could be controlled effectively by sowing cover crops after planting main crops in organic farming systems in a snowy-cold region.  相似文献   

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