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Abstract— —The clinico-pathological features of the Irish Wolfhound Rhinitis Syndrome are described. Investigations into the aetiology of the condition are reported and the results discussed. It is believed that the syndrome is primarily viral in origin with a superimposed secondary bacterial infection.
Résumé— —L'auteur expose les Caractéristuqyes clinico-pathologiques du syndrome de coryza du lévrier irlandais [Irish Wolfhound), ainsi que les études étiologiques effectuées et les résultats obtenus.
II semble qu'il s'agisse d'une maladie à virus à laquelle s'ajoute une infection secondaire d'origine bactérienne.
Zusammenfassung— —Das klinisch-pathologische Bild des Rhinitis-Syndroms im Irischen Wolfs-hund wird beschriebrn. Untersuchungen der Aetiologie dieser Erscheinung werden dargelegt und deren Ergebnisse diskutiert. Man nimmt an, dass dieses Syndrom primaer eine Viruserkrankung ist, ueverlagert von einer sekundaeren bakteriellen Infektion.  相似文献   

Renal allograft transplantation was performed as treatment for terminal renal failure in six veterinary patients. Three patients failed to survive the postsurgical period, one patient died due to acute allograft rejection, one patient died subsequent to complications of previous parenteral hyperalimentation and infection, and one patient was euthanatized due to the inability of the clients to maintain the effort necessary to manage a transplant recipient. Further clinical studies are necessary to determine if renal transplantation with cyclosporine (cyclosporin A)/prednisolone immunosuppression has the potential to provide practical treatment of terminal renal disease in clinical veterinary medicine. Pharmacologic and immunologic monitoring of transplant recipients with individualized immunosuppression is imperative. Careful surveillance is necessary to identify and eliminate nosocomial sources of infection. Candidates for transplantation cannot be critically ill or malnourished prior to surgery, and pet owners must be prepared for the financial and time commitments associated with caring for a renal allograft recipient.  相似文献   

Observations on the Pathology of the Spleen of the Cat   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— Lesions were found in the spleen of four of sixty-three cats examined post mortem in the department, and comprised two examples of lymphosarcoma, one of chronic fibrinous peritonitis and one of subcapsular haematoma. Abnormalities were found in two cat spleens received from veterinary surgeons in general practice. In one cat the abnormalities were an haemangiosarcoma with secondary deposits in the liver and in the other extensive mast cell infiltration. In addition lesions were detected in the spleen of three of eighty-seven cats examined post mortem in general practice. The lesions were: multiple secondary deposits of adenocarcinoma from a primary tumour of the mammary gland, a ruptured spleen and a foreign body below the splenic capsule. Résumé— L'examen microscopique de soixante-trois chats pratiqué dans le service a permis de rencontrer quatre fois des lésions de la rate, dont deux lymphosarcomes, une péritonite capsulaire fibrineuse et un hématome sous-capsulaire. D'autre part des lésions ont été trouvées dans deux rates de chat expédiées par des vétérinaires exerçant en pratiaue générale. Chez un chat il s'agissait d'un htmangiosarcome avec métastases hépatiques et chex l'autre d'une infilt ation diffuse par des mastocyta. De plus, on a rencontré des llésions dnas la rate de trois chats parmi quatre-vingt sept autopsies effectuées dans le cadre d'une clientèle génárale. Ces iésions étaient dés métastases multiples d'un adénocarcinome dont la tumeur primitive siègeait dam la glande mammaire, une rupture de la rate et un corps érangers sou capsulaire. Zusammenfassung— Läsionen der Milz wurden bei vier von dreiuiidsechzig in dieser hbteilung sezierten Katzen gefunden, und zwar in zwei Fällen ein Lymphosarkom, in einem Falle eine chron-ische fibrinöse Peritonitis und in einem ein subkapsuläres Hématom. Anomalien fanden sich auch in der Milz von zwei Katzen, die aus der tierxrztlichen Praxis eingesandt wurden. Bei der einen Katze war dies ein Hämangiosarkom mit Metastasen in der Leber, bei der anderen eine weitläufige Infiltration der Mastzellen. Außerdem wurden bei drei von siebenundachtzig in der Praxis sezierten Katzen Milzläsionen gefunden. Diese bestanden am multiplen Metastasen eines Adenokarzinoms der Brustdrüse, einer Milzzerreissung und einem Fremdkörper unterhalb der Milzkapsel.  相似文献   

Abstract— Two further outbreaks of disease associated with the viruses of both canine distemper (C.D.) and infectious canine hepatitis (I.C.H.) are described. The virus of I.C.H. was present in the kennels before that of C.D. The morbidity, mortality, symptomatology and pathological findings have been attributed to the sum of the pathogenic properties of the two viruses. The term "distemper-infectious canine hepatitis syndrome" is proposed.  相似文献   

李克斌 《中国家禽》2004,26(16):33-34
1995年以来,在鸡病临床中发现一种以呼吸道为常见症状的综合性病症,包括呼吸加快、喘气、伸颈张嘴呼吸、咳嗽、甩头流泪、眶下窦及眼结膜发炎、发烧。种鸡产蛋率、孵化率下降,雏鸡死亡率高,肉鸡及青年鸡生长受阻,均匀度下降;青年鸡开产推迟,产蛋高峰上不去,蛋鸡产  相似文献   

The results of combined epidemiological, clinical, serological, bacteriological and histopathological studies following an outbreak of disease caused by L. pomona on a farm stocked with cattle, sheep, pigs, goats and horses maintained for experimental purposes, are reported.

The incidence of infection was high in horses, cattle and pigs. A few low titres were seen in sheep. The goats were not infected. Apart from a single bovine abortion all the clinical symptoms observed occurred in pregnant sows. Seven of these aborted or gave birth to stillborn pigs within a six week period.

Fifteen species of wildlife were trapped or shot on the farm during the year following the outbreak. L. pomona was isolated from four skunks and a porcupine. Epidemiological studies indicated that wildlife reservoir hosts were the primary source of infection for the domestic livestock.

Leptospiruria and the serological response were studied in a group of eight infected sows. Microscopic agglutination titres of 102 or less could not be associated with leptospiruria and the duration of leptospiruria was found to range from a few weeks to over two years in individual sows. Direct dark-field examination of urine proved superior to guinea-pig inoculation as a method of detecting leptospiruria and it is suggested that the former technique could be adopted with advantage as a routine aid to diagnosis.


There are a wide range of polymers available for supporting the equine hoof. A review of the material characteristics of materials used to support the laminitic hoof in the form of sole support, as well as an examination of the thermal effect of exothermal adhesives at the level of sensitive tissue in the foot and the long term effect of a fabric cuffed shoe on the amount of distortion to the dorsal hoofwall at the toe.  相似文献   

We present the first reported study of Ruta graveolens toxicity in 7–8-month-old Nubian goats. Oral administration of 5 g/kg bw per day of R. graveolens leaves caused tremor, dyspnoea, frequent urination, incoordination of movement, ataxia and recumbency, with death after 1–7 days. In goats receiving oral doses of 1 g/kg bw per day of the leaves, the course of toxicity was prolonged and the animals had pallor of the visible mucous membranes and loss in condition; one died on day 17, the others being slaughtered on days 41 and 46. The clinical effects were correlated with pathological changes in various organs, alterations in serum aspartate transaminase, creatine kinase, total protein, cholesterol, urea and other serum constituents, haematological values and the concentrations in the tissues of copper, iron, zinc, manganese, calcium and phosphorus.  相似文献   

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