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It is the purpose of this study to call attention to new bone production that often occurs early in the sequence of pathological changes associated with canine hip dysplasia. New bone production extending to bony remodeling, as well as femoral head subluxation, both occur in the sequence of pathologic changes associated with canine hip dysplasia. Subluxation is considered primary, while osteoarthrosis is a secondary feature, and both are used in the diagnosis of canine hip dysplasia. This report concerns the significance of the presence of a solitary bony osteophyte, or spur, that is frequently evident on the caudal aspect of the femoral neck as viewed on the conventional ventrodorsal projection. This report utilizes findings from pelvic radiographs of 605 dogs (five breeds). There was a greater frequency (54%)of this bony change in cases diagnosed radiographically as dysplastic than in cases diagnosed as normal(15%).Thus, it is suggested that this minimal radiographic change can be used as an indicator of early canine hip dysplasia, especially in the absence of subluxation of the femoral head.  相似文献   

In evaluation of pelvic radiographs and necropsy specimens of 3 litters of Afghan Hound puppies resulting from matings of dysplastic parents a spectrum of radiographic phenotypes similar to that reported in other breeds was found. The percentage of dysplastic offspring (75% and 71%) and age at which the diagnosis of canine hip dysplasia could be made (28.5% at 6; 67% at 12; 90.5%at 18; 95% at 35; and 100% at 36 months of age) was also similar to that reported for other breeds. Hip dysplasia in the Afghan Hound is similar in radiographic appearance to hip dysplasia in other breeds despite the low. incidence of this condition among Afghan Hounds. The inheritance of hip dysplasia appeared to be the same in Afghan Hounds as that reported in other breeds  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of canine HD in a population in which there was minimal or no prior screening of radiographs for the disorder. Patient information was obtained from the radiographic database at the University of Missouri-Columbia Veterinary Teaching Hospital during the five-year period of 1991-1995. The coxofemoral joints on ventrodorsal radiographs of the pelvis were independently evaluated by three veterinary radiologists. A consensus evaluation of normal, borderline, or dysplastic was compiled. There were 2885 dogs identified representing 116 breeds and the mixbreds. There were 2236 purebred dogs (1071 males and 1165 females) and the prevalence of HD was 19.7%. There were 649 mixbred dogs (340 males and 309 females) and the prevalence of HD was 17.7%. There was no significant difference in the prevalence of HD between sexes or between purebred and mixbred dogs (P = 0.16; P = 0.29). Degenerative joint disease (DJD) was the most common radiographic manifestation of HD and there appeared to be a threshold at 12 months of age after which the presence of DJD was the primary diagnostic criteria.  相似文献   

Insufficient agreement on scoring hip quality might be caused by differences in the assessability of a radiograph (exposure, contrast, positioning, and diagnostic quality). We studied the agreement in assessability of standard ventrodorsal hip-extended radiographs by experienced (nine) and inexperienced (21) observers, using the standard subjective method of quality control, currently applied in screening programs. The effect of assessability on the agreement of scoring hip quality [dysplastic vs. nondysplastic and the final Federation Cinologique International (FCI) score] was also investigated. There was a significant difference ( P <0.0001) in agreement on assessability between the experienced and inexperienced observers. In 68% of evaluations, experienced observers stated that the radiograph was assessable. Inexperienced observers evaluated the radiographs as being assessable in only 46.5% of evaluations. Increased interobserver agreement on assessability of a radiograph did not increase the overall interobserver agreement in the diagnosis of hip dysplasia, nor did it result in consistent scoring of the hip status from that radiograph, despite a significant ( P <0.05) increase in agreement of FCI scoring with an increasing agreement on assessability at a one to five ratio in the experienced group. The inconsistent evaluation of radiographic quality, as well as the inconsistent evaluation of the hip quality, caused differences in diagnosing hip dysplasia and FCI scoring in the same dog ranging from excellent hips to moderate hip dysplasia. Therefore, the credibility of the FCI screening method for canine hip dysplasia, using the standard hip-extended radiographic view, as currently applied in most European countries, is questionable.  相似文献   

Hip joint laxity was evaluated in Golden Retriever (n = 60), Labrador Retriever (n = 23), and Labrador/Golden Retriever mix (n = 24) puppies. Ortolani and Bardens maneuvers, four radiographic measurement indices and three dynamic ultrasonographic measurements were used. Each puppy was evaluated twice; at 6.5 to 9 and 43 to 79 weeks of age. These nine methods were compared for accuracy in predicting the development of canine hip dysplasia with or without degenerative joint disease by a median age of 16 months. The Bardens maneuver was a significant predictor of canine hip dysplasia/+/-degenerative joint disease for Golden Retriever puppies, however, it was not a reliable predictor for the other two breeds. Norberg angle measurements taken with femurs in a neutral position with hips distracted (PennHip position) was a significant predictor of degenerative joint disease in two breeds, but not in Golden Retriever puppies. Ultrasound measurement was a reliable predictor of hip canine hip dysplasia/+/-degenerative joint disease for Labrador/Golden Retriever mix puppies, but was not reliable for the other two breeds. Palpation, radiographic, and ultrasonographic methods of evaluating hip joint laxity in puppies at 6.5 to 9 weeks of age were not consistently reliable for all three breeds in predicting hip dysplasia with or without degenerative joint disease at one year of age. A strong association was found between Norberg angle and degenerative joint disease occurrence, as well as between distraction index (PennHip) and degenerative joint disease occurrence when measured at 52 to 79 weeks of age, but not when measured at 6.5 to 9 weeks of age in these breeds. These results emphasize the difficulty of early detection of mild hip dysplasia in the dog.  相似文献   

The study population consisted of cats presented to the University of Missouri-Columbia Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital from January 1, 1991 through December 31, 1995. Ventrodorsal radiographs including the pelvic region were evaluated for radiographic evidence of hip dysplasia. Each radiograph was evaluated independently by three board-certified veterinary radiologists and a consensus normal of dysplastic evaluation was determined. There were 684 cats from 12 breeds. The data derived from this study indicate the frequency of feline hip dysplasia in this population to be about 6.6% (45/684) and that the incidence appears to be breed dependent. Also, the radiographic appearance of hip dysplasia in cats is different than in dogs. A shallow acetabulum with remodeling and proliferation involving the cranio-dorsal acetabular margin were the most common radiographic signs. Minimal remodeling of the femoral neck was seen.  相似文献   

Ventrodorsal extended hip radiographs were analyzed from Foxhounds, Irish setters, Greyhounds, and Labrador retrievers radiographed four to seven times between 8 and 110 weeks of age. Occurrence in these 91 dogs of a puppy line, an ill-defined zone of proximal femoral metaphyseal sclerosis, a femoral neck linear sclerosis, or circumferential linear femoral head osteophytosis at 15–17 weeks of age were compared with hip joint laxity, as measured by distraction index, and to later findings of caudal curvilinear femoral neck osteophytes, circumferential femoral head osteophytes, hip incongruity consistent with hip dysplasia and degenerative joint disease by 52 weeks of age. A puppy line and/or femoral metaphyseal sclerosis was common at 15–17 weeks of age for dogs at mimimal risk (Greyhounds) and high risk (Foxhounds) of developing early degenerative joint disease associated with canine hip dysplasia. Though 44% of Greyhound hips had puppy lines and 28% had femoral metaphyseal sclerosis at 15–17 weeks of age, no Greyhound had a caudolateral curvilinear osteophyte or circumferential femoral head osteophyte at 24–27 or 52 weeks of age. No significant relationship was found between occurrence of a puppy line, a circumferential femoral head osteophyte or femoral metaphyseal sclerosis at 15–17 weeks and canine hip dysplasia or degenerative joint disease incidence at 42–52 weeks. Presence of a caudolateral curvilinear osteophyte in at least one hip at 24–27 weeks was significantly related to the diagnosis of canine hip dysplasia by 42–52 weeks. When both a caudolateral curvilinear osteophyte and a circumferential femoral head osteophyte were present in a hip at 24–27 weeks, degenerative joint disease was evident in all such hips by 42–52 weeks of age.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to use two palpation methods (Bardens and Ortolani), a radiographic distraction view, three computed tomography (CT) measurements (dorsolateral subluxation score, the lateral center-edge angle, and acetabular ventroversion angle) and two magnetic resonance (MR) imaging hip studies (synovial fluid and acetabular depth indices) in the early monitoring of hip morphology and laxity in 7–9 week old puppies; and in a follow-up study to compare their accuracy in predicting later hip laxity and dysplasia. The MR imaging study was performed with the dog in dorsal recumbency and the CT study with the animal in a weight-bearing position. There was no association between clinical laxity with later hip laxity or dysplasia. The dorsolateral subluxation score and the lateral center-edge angle were characterized by a weak negative correlation with later radiographic passive hip laxity (−0.26< r <−0.38, P <0.05) but its association with hip dysplasia was not significant. There was an association between early radiographic passive hip laxity and synovial fluid index with later passive hip laxity (0.41< r <0.55, P <0.05) and this was significantly different in dysplastic vs. nondysplastic hips ( P <0.05). There was no association between the remaining variables and later hip laxity or dysplasia. The overlapping ranges of early passive hip laxity and synovial fluid index for hip dysplasia grades and the moderate correlations with the later passive hip laxity make the results of these variables unreliable for use in predicting hip laxity and dysplasia susceptibility.  相似文献   

Experienced and inexperienced observers evaluated the assessability of 50 radiographs (25 dogs) and determined the hip status (dysplasia/nondysplasia and final scoring according Fédération Cynologique Internationale [FCI]‐criteria) individually. A radiographic technical quality assessment was performed in a separate reading session. Interobserver agreement in determining dysplasia/nondysplasia and FCI‐scoring did not significantly increase with the increasing quality of a radiograph, irrespective whether these observers are experienced or not. There was a significant agreement between the technical quality assessment and assessability (P<0.0005). Despite the effort to objectify radiographic quality and to present high‐quality radiographs to observers, interobserver agreement on dysplasia/nondysplasia and final scoring, remains low, even in the experienced group. Although increased radiographic quality narrows the range of scoring, the range remains unacceptably high.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of ultrasound in depicting the normal anatomy of the coxofemoral joint in puppies was evaluated. Ultrasound images were obtained from twenty Springer Spaniel puppies ranging from one day to twelve weeks of age. The anatomy of the hip joint could be identified up to eight weeks of age. By twelve weeks of age the degree of ossification prevented complete hip joint evaluation. Three different views were utilized. The longitudinal and dorsolateral views were the most useful. Motion of the femoral head within the acetabulum could be observed. Measurements of the acetabulum, femoral head and joint space could be obtained however these measurements were inconsistent. The technique appears to be useful for depicting the anatomy of the neonatal coxofemoral joint however, additional studies utilizing both normal and dysplastic puppies are recommended to determine if this examination will be useful in discriminating between normal and dysplastic puppies.  相似文献   

A radiographic study of the anatomy of the canine acetabulum was performed. The relationship between the area of dorsal acetabular rim that is subject to early damage in dogs with coxofemoral joint laxity, and the "DAR point" identified on dorsal acetabular rim (DAR) radiographic views was examined. Radiographs and digital photographs were made of the pelvis harvested from each of six skeletally mature dogs. Through analysis of these images, it was determined that in the standing animal, the DAR point is located 4–6 mm (or approximately 37°) caudal to the dorsal acetabular rim area that is prone to early damage in dogs with coxofemoral joint laxity. This study suggests that the DAR radiographic view may under-represent changes to the dorsal acetabular rim in dogs with coxofemoral laxity.  相似文献   

The radiographic signs associated with implanted canine total hip prostheses include: (1) a 1 mm-or-less wide static lucent zone at the acetabular and femoral bone-cement interfaces, and (2) periosteal bone proliferation surrounding the stem of the femoral prosthesis. The radiographic signs associated with total hip replacement complications are dislocation of the femoral component, bone changes suggestive of infection involving the acetabular and femoral components, and loosening of the acetabular component. Arthrography is beneficial in determining the presence of a loose prosthesis with or without infection.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the need for and choice of stratification factors, and the effects of blinding and placebo in a clinical experiment. Eighty dogs with canine hip dysplasia (CHD) were included in a randomized, placebo-controlled and double blind clinical trial with stratified parallel group design, in which body weight and degree of CHD were used as stratification factors. Thirty-eight dogs were allocated to gold bead implantation and 42 to placebo. After six months, 33 of the 42 placebo-treated dogs received gold bead implantation in an open study lasting a further 18 months. The main outcome variable in the study was change in pain signs of CHD as assessed by the owner. No significant difference in the main outcome variable, regardless of the treatment given, could be detected in the two chosen stratification factors. The only factor to influence the main outcome variable significantly was age. The blinding procedure used in the study, in which 60% of the owners correctly guessed the treatment given, was found sufficient. Of those who guessed the treatment erroneously, 88% believed the treatment given was gold bead implantation. The treatment efficacy after six months in the blinded treatment group was found to be significantly larger compared to the efficacy obtained in the open study. A significant placebo effect was therefore detected. Conclusion and Clinical Relevance: The age of the dogs influenced the outcome of the CHD treatment, and is recommended as a stratification factor. A significant placebo effect has to be expected and an optimal blinding procedure is necessary in similar clinical studies.  相似文献   

Canine hip dysplasia (CHD) is a common and debilitating developmental condition of the canine coxofemoral (hip) joint, exhibiting a multifactorial pattern of inheritance. British Veterinary Association hip traits (BVAHTs) are nine radiographic features of hips used in several countries to ordinally score both the right and left hip of potential breeding candidates to assess their suitability for breeding. The objective of this study was to examine some aspects of the relationship between contralateral scores for each BVAHT in a cohort of 13 124 Australian‐registered German Shepherd Dogs. Goodman and Kruskal gamma coefficients of 0.48–0.95 and correlation coefficients of 0.50–0.74 demonstrate that the association between right and left hip scores varies between moderate and strong for BVAHTs. Principal component analysis of scores detected a sizeable left‐versus‐right effect, a finding supported by symmetry and quasi‐symmetry analyses which found that seven of the nine BVAHTs display significant marginal asymmetry. Dogs showing asymmetry for one BVAHT are significantly more likely to display asymmetry at other BVAHTs. When asymmetry is expressed as a binary trait (either symmetrical or asymmetrical), it displays low to moderate heritability. Estimates of genetic correlations between right and left scores are very high for all BVAHTs (>0.945), suggesting right and left scores for each BVAHT are largely determined by the same set of genes. The marginal asymmetries are therefore more likely to be of environmental and non‐additive genetic origin. In breeding programmes for CHD, we recommend that scores from both hips be used to estimate breeding values, with a term for side‐of‐hip included in the model to account for score variation owing to asymmetry.  相似文献   

An accurate method for guiding injections into the canine hip would facilitate diagnostic localization of lameness and targeted treatments. Ultrasound‐guided hip injections are commonly used in humans and large animals. Aims of this prospective study were to describe ultrasound (US) anatomy of the adult canine hip and determine the feasibility and accuracy of intra‐articular placement of injectate using US‐guidance. Seven adult dogs were used to describe US anatomy, five dog cadavers were used to assess the feasibility of the injection technique and 11 dog cadavers were used to assess accuracy of injections. For the accuracy test, 22 joints were injected with iodinated contrast medium by three operators with different experience. With dogs in lateral recumbency, the hyperechoic femoral head surface was identified by following the femoral neck from the greater trochanter or the acetabular rim was localized by following caudally the ilium from the iliac wing.  An anechoic gap between the femoral head and acetabular surface represented the joint. The capsule was visible as a triangular echoic structure and the femoral head articular cartilage appeared as an anechoic band. The needle was inserted axial to the greater trochanter and directed in a dorsolateral–ventromedial direction toward the joint space and then pushed through the capsule. Based on postinjection radiography, accuracy was 81.8% at first attempt and 100% at second attempt. This study indicated that US‐guided injection is a feasible and accurate technique for injecting the adult canine hip. Future studies in live dogs are needed to assess safety and efficacy.  相似文献   

Jeryl C.  Jones  DVM  PhD  Peter K.  Shires  BVSc  MS  Karen D.  Inzana  DVM  PhD  D. Phillip  Sponenberg  DVM  PhD  Christiane  Massicotte  DVM  MS  Walter  Renberg  DVM  MS  Alain  Giroux  DVM 《Veterinary radiology & ultrasound》1999,40(2):108-114
The objective of this study was to evaluate intravenous contrast-enhanced computed tomography as a technique for predicting the within-level location(s) of compressive soft tissues in the canine lumbosacral spine. Pre-operative intravenous contrast-enhanced computed tomography of the L5-S3 vertebral levels was performed in 12 consecutive large breed dogs with lumbosacral stenosis. The images were evaluated for enhancement of soft tissues by two radiologists who were unaware of the surgical findings. For each within-level location (dorsal canal, ventral canal, right lateral recess, left lateral recess) enhancement was classified as present, absent or equivocal. The results were compared with the results of surgical exploration and histopathology of excised tissues. The positive predictive values of intravenous contrast-enhanced computed tomography for compressive soft tissues involving the dorsal canal, ventral canal and lateral recesses were 83%, 100%, and 81% respectively. Negative predictive values for compressive soft tissues involving these locations were 29%, 50%, and 40% respectively.  相似文献   

Many purebred dogs exhibit a higher prevalence of inherited diseases compared with non‐purebred dogs. One of the most popular breeds in the UK is the Labrador Retriever, which has a high prevalence of hip dysplasia resulting in high costs for surgical operations and impaired animal welfare. Considering the many complications of highly managed populations, mainly due to breeder's conventions and the resulting population structure, is of great importance for the proper development of a strategy against the disease. In this study, we have compared the utilities and performances of both genomic and phenotypic selection against hip dysplasia in a simulated population with the characteristics of the British Veterinary Association and Kennel Club (BVA/KC) hip dysplasia scheme. The results confirm the potential benefits of genomic selection by showing a moderate increase of 1.15‐fold (assuming a realistic accuracy of r2 = 0.5) in response to selection due to the higher accuracy (between 0.96‐ and 1.32‐fold, considering 0.35 ≤ r2 ≤ 0.7) and more than a threefold increase when all the offspring in each litter are tested (between 3.25‐ and 4.55‐fold, again considering 0.35 ≤ r2 ≤ 0.7).  相似文献   

Lumbar and cervical chemonucleolysis was evaluated on 16 clinically normal adult Beagle dogs in two age groups, using chymopapain at dose rates of 200 and 500 units (U). Lumbar discs injections in four discs were made transcutaneously under fluoroscopic guidance, and cervical disc injections in four discs were made after surgical exposure. Postinjection radiographs revealed a progressive narrowing of the disc spaces, first noted 24 hours after injection. Gross examination of the discs at 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-day intervals showed a time-dependent change, with no detectable difference between the two doses and age groups. The overall rate of successful chemonucleolysis was 82.4% in the cervical discs and 78% in the lumbar discs. Clinically, the dogs showed minimal evidence of pain and no detectable postural abnormality following chemonucleolysis.  相似文献   

This study used kilovoltage (kV) cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging to characterize canine intrafractional prostate motion during hypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy treatment. Serial CBCT images taken just prior to initiating treatment, and at several times during the treatment session, were acquired throughout the course of treatment for canine patients. All patients were immobilized in dorsal recumbency while using an air‐inflated rectal balloon. For each treatment session, rigid registration of intrafraction CBCT images with the interfraction CBCT used for setup verification was performed. Contours of the prostate and urethra were drawn on each CBCT image set and the center of mass for each structure was evaluated as a function of time. A total of seven canine patients was included in the study, resulting in 41 CBCT images collected during a total of 12 treatment sessions. Over 70% of our data were collected for CBCTs taken between 20 and 51 min after final patient setup was complete. The mean intrafraction movement in a single direction for the prostate and urethra was ≤0.14 mm and ≤0.22 mm, respectively. The maximum intrafraction movement for the prostate and urethra was ≤ 1.60 mm and ≤ 2.00 mm, respectively. The maximum variability in intrafraction movement for the prostate and urethra, as defined by two standard deviations, was ≤1.40 mm and ≤1.50 mm, respectively. Minimal intrafraction variability using appropriate patient positioning and rectal balloon, combined with kV CBCT image‐guided radiation therapy tools to account for interfraction changes, permit accurate and precise targeting of structures of interest.  相似文献   

The ultrasonographic appearance of splenic torsion has been described; the splenic parenchyma can be normal, hypoechoic or anechoic with interspersed linear echoes (coarse/"lacy" appearance). The ultrasonographic parenchymal appearance of 15 dogs in this report with splenic torsion varied: mottled hypoechoic regions (n=2), diffusely hypoechoic (n=11) and normal (n=2). Because splenic torsion causes vascular congestion due to splenic vein compression and eventual thrombosis, visible splenic vein intraluminal echogenicities compatible with thrombi were seen in 13 dogs using B-mode. Using spectral Doppler and color Doppler imaging of the splenic veins, no measurable flow velocities were detected in any of the 15 dogs. The varied B-mode ultrasonographic appearance of the splenic veins for intraluminal echoes and spectral or color Doppler evaluation for absent velocity flow.  相似文献   

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