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Summary We evaluated cold-tolerance responses of 144 plant introductions (PI) of maize (Zea mays L.), attempting to include in our sample at least one PI adapted to each of the countries or ecological zones respresented in the maize germplasm collection at the North Central Regional Plant Introduction Station at Ames, Iowa, USA. Plant introductions were grown for 42 days in plastic boxes (26 cm long × 19 cm wide × 10 cm deep) in a growth chamber maintained at 10±1 °C. Cold-tolerance responses of each PI were evaluated by three traits: 1) percentage emergence (recorded 30 days after planting), 2) emergence index, an estimate of rate of emergence, and 3) seedling dry weight (sampled 42 days after planting). Estimates of variances and heritabilities for these three traits were large, suggesting that genotypic variation for cold tolerance in the maize germplasm collection would be sufficient to permit selection advance. Furthermore, genotypic correlations among the three traits were high: therefore, improvement by index selection should be possible. Correlations between the cold-tolerance traits and days from planting to 50% silk emergence (an estimate of maturity obtained at Ames. Iowa, USA) were low. Days from planting to 50% silking emergence for the 25 most cold-tolerant PI's ranged from 46 for PI 214279 from Canada to 106 for PI 331440 from Ethiopia. It should be possible, therefore, to develop cold-tolerant genotypes adapted to all latitudes.Contribution from the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa 50011, and the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, cooperating. Journal Paper No. J-8780 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Projects No. 1018 and 2152  相似文献   

Cold in the initial growth stages is an important stressfactor for maize grown in regions with a temperate climate,particularly in case of early sowing. Sources of tolerancehave been identified in adapted genotypes, but promisinggenes for cold tolerance should also be found in materialdeveloped under the lower-temperature margins of the cropdistribution. This research was conducted in order to testAndean maize accessions for cold tolerance expressed duringboth the heterotrophic and early autotrophic growth stages.Experiments were conducted in controlled environments tostudy cold tolerance traits (germination %, germinationindex and plant growth rate) at continuous 10°C (heterotrophic growth) and at varying 10–16°C (autotrophic growth). An experiment was also performed inthe field with early sowing (both heterotrophic and autotrophic growth). In each experiment, a control trialwas conducted in more favourable conditions (i.e. continuous25°C in a controlled environment or late planting inthe field) so that cold tolerance traits could also beexamined as the ratio between the stress and the controltrial. None of the accessions was superior for all coldtolerance traits. However, several Andean maize accessionsoutperformed the US Corn-belt hybrid checks for one or moretraits, both in heterotrophic and autotrophic growth. Overall, BOZM 855, PMS 636, Poblacion D, Poblacion E andBOZM 696 were the best accessions, suggesting that they canbe a promising source of genes for improving cold toleranceof adapted maize genotypes.  相似文献   

Summary The maturity rating of maize (Zea mays L.) grown in Galicia (Northwestern Spain) varies from FAO 200 to 600. Later germplasm has usually too much moisture content in the kernel at normal harvesting time so serious problems with storing could appear. Besides, farmers have tended to use earlier varieties in the last few years. All this imposes limitations on the amount of germplasm available to develop varieties adapted to this area.To study the possibility of adapting late, exotic material to the environment of the Atlantic coast of Galicia we carried out six cycles of individual selection on two non-adapted populations of maize (Purdue A and Purdue B). The criterion of selection was early silking and the criterion of response was moisture content of kernel at harvesting.The original populations and the populations obtained after each cycle of selection were crossed to the hybrids CM105 × CM109 (tester Reid) and H99 × H95 (tester Lancaster) and were evaluated in four environments to study the efficiency of the selection scheme. There were significant reductions in days to silking (6.1 and 6.7 days from cycle 0 to cycle 6 for Purdue A and Purdue B, respectively) and grain moisture at harvesting (3.0 and 3.9% from cycle 0 to cycle 6 for Purdue A and Purdue B, respectively). There were also reductions in plant height and yield in both populations.In general, the crosses population × Lancaster were higher for yield than the crosses population × Reid. Yield of the population crosses by both testers decreased after the six cycles of selection probably because of the earlier maturity of the selected populations. Some inbreeding depression may also have occurred.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) production has significantly expanded into very short-season environments where germination and growth in cooler environments is essentially a pre-requisite. Therefore, an important goal for maize breeders is to improve local germplasm sources of inbred lines that are able to grow under these challenging conditions. The objective of this research was to evaluate direct and correlated responses in two improved early maturing maize populations [NDSCD(M)C10 and BS22(R)C7] after two cycles of S1 and full-sib intra-population recurrent selection for cold tolerance. The S1 and full-sib progenies were obtained by self-pollinating 100 random plants and by intercrossing 200 random plants, respectively. Ten percent of the families were selected, based on an index that included emergence percentage, seedling vigor, and root lodging percentage, and recombined at the same time in a summer nursery based upon data across northern North Dakota locations. The essential benefit of this breeding methodology was to achieve one year per cycle of selection based upon progenies. However, direct response to selection was not significant while some correlated responses were significant. We decided to report these results in order to encourage other scientists the evaluation of additional sources of germplasm, the screening at various dates, and the selection of target environments with more intensive cold stress before initiating long-term selection programs for cold tolerance. In addition, further research on the current and alternative long-term selection methods for cold tolerance is recommended for continuous genetic improvement of advanced cycles in the northern U.S. Corn Belt. Part of the thesis submitted by B. Sezegen in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a MS degree at North Dakota State University.  相似文献   

Summary Maize (Zea mays L.) breeders are interested in the effects of recurrent selection for grain yield on other traits. Changes in plant traits could alter agronomic acceptability of the populations under selection, and observed improvements in grain yield could be explained by changes in ear traits. We evaluated changes in combining ability for plant and ear traits of BS10(FR), BS11(FR), BSSS(R), BSCB1(R), and Lancaster Surecrop associated with recurrent selection for grain yield.Recurrent selection procedures generally did not change plant and ear heights or date of silking of testcrosses of populations or of the population crosses, BS10(FR)×BSS11(FR) and BSSS(R)×BSCB1(R). Grain yield improvements, however, were associated with increases in ear-sink size.Journal Paper No. J 9517 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Exp. Stn., Ames, Iowa. Project 2152.  相似文献   

Defoliation during maize (Zea mays L.) kernel development has been observed to induce tolerance to cold of germinating seeds in responsive genotypes. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the response to defoliation of immature embryo and mature seed germinability at cold and to verify if the response was influenced by the developmental stage at which the treatment was applied. In three environments, six inbred lines (B73, IABO78, Lo1016, Lo964, Mo17, Os420) were defoliated (D) approximately 20 days after pollination (DAP) or not defoliated (ND). Immature embryos were excised three days after defoliation and germinated in vitro at 9 or 25 C. At maturation, kernel germination was tested at the same temperatures. Defoliation improved cold tolerance and mean time to germination (MTG) at 9 C of both embryos and kernels of Lo1016. To study the effect of kernel developmental stage on response to defoliation, plants of B73, Lo1016 and Lo964 were defoliated at 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, and 39 DAP, or not defoliated. At the same DAP, immature grains were analyzed for dry weight, water and abscisic acid (ABA) content. In Lo1016, low amounts of kernel ABA were detected at all stages, while in Lo964 and B73 ABA increased during development. Lo1016 mature kernels showed an improvement of cold tolerance due to defoliation at all times, while the other genotypes did not. In conclusion inbred lines showed variability for mature seed and immature embryo tolerance to cold at germination and for the ability to acquire tolerance after defoliation.  相似文献   

H. Z. Cross  K. Djava 《Euphytica》1987,36(1):81-90
Summary Effectiveness of mass selection for kernel depth in an early maize (Zea mays L.) synthetic, i.e. NDSAB, was evaluated in eight North Dakato environments. Four cycles of selection for deeper kernels were evaluated for grain yield and associated traits by using corresponding randomly selected subpopulations of NDSAB to adjust out inbreeding effects on selected subpopulations. General combining ability (GCA) effects of selected subpopulations also were evaluated for these traits.Subpopulations selected from one to four cycles for deep kernels were reciprocally crossed to corresponding randomly selected subpopulations in a factorial mating design. Subpopulations, selfed subpopulations, and subpopulation crosses were evaluated for yield and associated traits. Subpopulations selected for deep kernels generally had deeper kernels, higher yields, heavier kernels, more kernel rows per ear, and lower test weights than corresponding randomly selected subpopulations. Differences in GCA effects among selected and unselected subpopulations generally corresponded to differences between selected and unselected parental subpopulations. Inbreeding effects from selfing were observed for all traits, but no average heterosis was detected when subpopulation crosses were compared to parental subpopulations. Reciprocal differences were observed for all traits except kernel depth, but these differences were inconsistent relative to whether deep kerneled females made superior hybrids to unselected females.Results supported the use of mass selection for kernel depth as a means of grain yield improvement in the short term for NDSAB. However, negative associations of kernel depth with test weight may restrict long term use of this procedure.Journal Article No. 1505 of the North Dakota Agric. Exp. Stn., Fargo  相似文献   

Summary Reciprocal recurrent selection was carried out with two populations of maize (Zea mays L.) having good combining ability. We selected for higher grain yield, early maturity, shorter plant height and lodging resistance. Two cycles were completed in two years (four seasons), by resorting to late planting of S1 lines for recombination in the main season in which top-cross families were assessed. Top-crosses and selfings were made in the off-season. The original and improved versions of the populations and their crosses were evaluated in multilocation trials. The superiority of the population hybrid was 10.3% for grain yield, 5.5% for plant height and 1.8 days to silk. The improved hybrid had delayed leaf senescence and better resistance to lodging and post-flowering stalk rots. Among the yield components, only ear girth showed improvement. Syn 2 of the improved population cross showed a yield reduction of 6.2% in comparison to Syn 1. Intrapopulation gains were not significant except for lodging resistance in one population.  相似文献   

H. Z. Cross 《Euphytica》1985,34(2):409-418
Summary A selection procedure to change the drying rates of maize (Zea mays L.) ears was developed and tested. Results indicated that drying rates were affected by hybrid genotype, ear maturity at harvest, number of kernels per row, ear diameter, and moisture content at harvest.Mass selection was initiated in an early synthetic, NDSG, in an attempt to produce both fast and slow drying strains. After two cycles resultant substrains were evaluated in the laboratory for direct and in the field for correlated selection responses. Laboratory results indicated that selection effectively changed moisture loss rates in NDSG, and confirmed earlier observations that an ear's moisture content at harvest affects its drying rate.Data from field experiments grown at five locations in 1980 revealed that each of two selection cycles for slow laboratory drying rate significantly reduced ear moisture content at harvest, in the field. This lower harvest moisture content appeared to result from a lower moisture content at physiological maturity rather than a faster drying rate. Other correlated selection responses included lowered yield, plant height, and ear weight due to selection for fast laboratory drying, and lowered plant height and ear weight from selection for slow drying.Data indicated that this selection procedure can be used to change moisture loss rate and ear moisture content at harvest. Results also contributed to understanding of factors involved in ear drying rates which may lead to more effective selection procedures.Journal Article No. 1385 of the North Dakota Agri. Exp. Stn., Fargo.  相似文献   

The pedigree method is often used for developing inbred lines in maize (Zea mays L.). This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of pedigree selection for improving resistance to Gibberella ear rot in four maize populations. Selection was based on the severity of ear rot symptoms after inoculation with macroconidial suspensions of Fusarium graminearum (Schwabe) into the silk channel (for two populations) and into the developing kernels (for two other populations). Samples of the selfed families (S1 to S5), recovered from remnant seed from the selection programs, were evaluated for disease resistance during three years, using inoculation and evaluation protocols similar to those used during selection. Among-family selection was effective in both of the populations selected after silk inoculation and in one of the populations selected after kernel inoculation. Responses to selection were more evident in later than in earlier generations for both types of inoculation. Changes in the estimated genetic gain over generations were consistent with changes in the variances among families, which tended to increase in early generations and to decrease in later generations. Selection after kernel inoculation seemed to have been more effective than selection after silk inoculation in developing families with more stable resistance. Based on the results obtained here, it seems that responses to family selection could be accelerated without increasing operational costs by increasing selection intensity in later generations and inoculating fewer plants per family.  相似文献   

Summary Phenotypic and genotypic correlations were examined for four traits in seven populations of maize (Zea mays L.) undergoing recurrent selection. Correlations among grain yield and percentage of grain moisture, root lodging, and stalk lodging were low (|r|<0.3) except for the correlation between grain yield and stalk lodging, which was high and negative. The phenotypic and genotypic correlations agreed well from cycle to cycle within populations. Variation of correlations among populations was not significantly larger than variation among cycles. Heritabilities of these traits generally were high (h2>0.5). Two indices, one that used heritabilities as index weights and one that used relative economic weights (base index) as index weights, were compared with the Smith-Hazel index (optimim index). Relative efficiencies of the two indices, in terms of predicted gains for the individual traits and the composite trait, compared with the Smith-Hazel index, were high. The use of an index in which heritabilities were used as index weights was recommended because:1) the heritabilities were the same as the optimum weights when the traits were uncorrelated, and for the data examined the correlations were low; and 2) heritabilities were computed in routine data analyses and were available at no additional cost.Joint contribution: USDA-SEA-AR and Journal Paper No. 10152 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Exp. Stn., Ames, Iowa. Project 2194.  相似文献   

Summary Variations in feeding value characteristics were studied on a factorial mating design, within a multilocal network. The in vitro digestibility of dry matter (IVDDM), neutral detergent fiber (NDF), acid detergent fiber (ADF), acid detergent lignin (ADL), starch, soluble carbohydrate, protein and ash contents were evaluated on whole plant samples. The in vitro digestibility of the non-starch and non-soluble carbohydrate plant part (IVDNSC) was also computed from near infra-red reflectance spectroscopy estimations of IVDDM, starch and soluble carbohydrate contents. Variations due to general combining ability (GCA) were more important, for all traits, than variations due to specific combining ability (SCA). Variations due to the GCA × environment interaction were also sizeable and were partly explained by the earliness of the lines. IVDDM was primarily influenced by the relative proportions of cell walls and starch in the whole plant, which were particularly susceptible to the development stage of the plants, at harvest. When adjusted for earliness, there was generally no significant relation between the line per se value and GCA performance in the biochemical constituent contents of the plant. On the contrary, IVDNSC seemed to be a feeding value trait worth evaluating at the inbred line level. It was also almost independent of the ripening stage and could be easily computed from whole plant samples. IVDNSC, with a simultaneous control of starch content, might be a good selection criterion for evaluating and improving the nutritive value of forage maize.  相似文献   

Summary Variation in susceptibility to the safe broad-spectrum herbicide glyphosate was investigated in maize. Eleven inbred lines, grown in a growth chamber, were evaluated for their tolerance to the herbicide at 2.4 mM (0.2 kg a.i. in 400 I ha-1 of water). Following treatment with glyphosate at the three-leaf stage, significant variation in damage, expressed as visual injury ratings scored 7, 14 and 21 days after the application of the herbicide, was found. Effects on dry weight and shoot height were consistent with visual scores and the carbon-exchange rate was found to be a sensitive index of differential injury.Biochemical characterization of 5-enol-pyruvyl-shikimate-3-phosphate (EPSP) synthase, the main target of the herbicide, ruled out the possibility that this differential susceptibility was due to variations in the sensitivity of the enzyme. On the contrary, a positive correlation was found between in vivo tolerance and EPSP synthase levels, measured at different stages during seedling growth. This result suggests that a naturally occurring difference in EPSP synthase levels in the tissues may contribute to the differential response observed in vivo in maize inbreds.Abbreviations CER carbon-exchange rate - EPSP 5-enol-pyruvyl-shikimate-3-phosphate - ID50 concentration causing 50% inhibition  相似文献   

Summary A 7-variety diallel of synthetic varieties that have not had selection for yield improvement and a 10-variety diallel of synthetic varieties that either resulted from recurrent selection for yield improvement or from the introgression of exotic germ plasm into adapted varieties were evaluated in six environments for yield and five other agronomic traits. The specific objective was to determine the relative potential of the synthetic varieties as germ plasm sources for breeding programs.Recurrent selection improved population yield in BSSS CO, BSK CO, and Alph CO in the varieties and also in crosses with other varieties. BSSS(R)C6 and BSSS(HT)C7 yielded 11.4% and 16.1% more than BSSS CO, and the variety crosses of BSSS(R)C6 and BSSS(HT)C7 yielded 21.6% and 22.0% more than the variety crosses of BSSS CO. Recurrent selection also improved stalk-lodging resistance for BSSS(R)C6 and BSSS(HT)C7, but root lodging for BSSS(HT)C7 was significantly higher. BS15 had 61.0% higher yields than Alph CO, with 9.3% less stalk lodging. Average heterosis of the 10-variety diallel was 1120 kg/ha (19.6%) and ranged from 800 kg/ha (13.7%) for BSK(S)C5 to 1770 kg/ha (39.4%) for BS12(HI)C5. The heterosis expressed among individual variety crosses ranged from 4.3% for BSK(S)C5 x BSTE(FR)C1 to 37.6% for BSSS(R)C6 x BS12(HI)C5, which approached the yield of the two highest yielding single-cross checks.In the 7-variety diallel of unselected varieties, BSTE CO and Late Rootworm Synthetic were superior as varieties and in crosses for yield and stalk quality. Average heterosis for the 7-variety diallel was 950 kg/ha (18.5%). Stalk lodging was important in the performance of varieties with poor stalk quality.Although recurrent selection improved yield, development of superior breeding populations also will require selection for general agronomic performance. The performance of BS16 and the yields of BSTL and Teozea and their crosses suggest that exotic germ plasm should receive greater attention.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and Journal Paper No. J-8096 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa 50010. Project No. 1897.  相似文献   

Summary Four cycles of divergent full-sib recurrent selection for the ability to germinate at low temperature were conducted in a maize (Zea mays L.) F2 population. The selection criterion was the high (H) or the low (L) value in algebraic terms of the difference (DG) between germination percentage at 9.5°C (G9.5) detected 19 days after sowing and germination percentage at 25°C (G 25) seven days after sowing; both traits were evaluated in a controlled environment (germinator). Direct and correlated responses estimated during the course of selection were in accordance with those evaluated at the end. Selection for H led to populations with higher DG values, while the reverse was noted for L; differences between H and L populations increased in successive selection cycles, though divergence tended to level off. Selection for H also resulted in higher G 9.5 (day 19), shorter germination time and more flinty kernels, while selection for L led to responses in the opposite direction as well as to a lower G 9.5 detected 37 days after sowing (i.e. at the end of germination). In contrast, responses were negligible for G 25 and varied erratically from one cycle to another for kernel weight.Abbreviations DG (G 9.5–G 25) - FS full sib - GI germination index - G 9.5 germination percentage at 9.5°C - G 25 germination percentage at 25°C - H high DG value in algebraic terms - KT kernel type - KW kernel weight - L low DG value in algebraic terms  相似文献   

Yield response to honeycomb selection in maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary This research evaluated the response to three cycles of mass honeycomb selection based on the grain yields of widely-spaced plants from the F2 generation of a maize (Zea mays L.) single cross hybrid. Frequency distributions of individual plant yields in the selection plots showed strong positive skewness. A significant linear yield increase of 11.23% per cycle compared to the check was obtained. Correlated responses were the significant reduction in days to mid-silking, increases in ear and plant heights and in prolificacy. The selected population was similar to the original hybrid in days to mid-silking, ear and plant heights, but had significantly more ears per plant. It is concluded that mass honeycomb selection at wide spacings was effective in improving grain yield and prolificacy but may produce correlated responses in some other agronomic traits similar to those obtained with other selection schemes.  相似文献   

Relationships among American and Spanish populations of maize   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Two experiments were carried out with two objectives. First, to establish the phenetic relationships among the maize (Zea mays L.) landraces from Galicia (Northwestern Spain) maintained at the Misión Biológica de Galicia. Second, to assess the resemblance between a collection of Spanish populations (including the landraces from Galicia) and a set of US Corn Belt varieties. For the first objective 73 varieties from Galicia, along with 9 hybrid checks, were grown in 9×9 simple lattices at two locations for two years. For the second objective 131 populations from the US Corn Belt and Spain, along with 9 hybrid checks, were grown for three years in unreplicated experiments. Cluster analyses were carried out with the first principal components that accounted for a significant amount of the total variation. Four groups were found among the landraces from Galicia. The populations from Spain and America were classified as belonging to nine main groups. The replicated experiment was more accurate than the unreplicated one. However, it is concluded that an unreplicated test grown in several environments is accurate enough to detect the main groups, although some inaccuracies should be expected.  相似文献   

Summary Evaluation of the results of six years of selection in the Kitale maize breeding methods study proved reciprocal recurrent selection to be an effective interpopulation improvement method. Ear-to-row selection was effective in improving Kitale Composite A (KCA). Data from a diallel of the cycle-6 ear-to-row substrains showed that where less than 10 lines were selected, inbreeding appeared to depress gain, but differences among the various ear-to-row experiments were not significant. Intererossing the substrains was predicted to reduce the effect of inbreeding. Yield gains in reciprocal recurrent selection and ear-to-row selection were associated with increases in ears per 100 plants. The reciprocal recurrent selection variety cross yield gain was estimated at 3.5% per year (7%/cycle) and that of the best ear-to-row procedure at 2.6% per year. The variety cross syn-2 from reciprocal recurrent selection was predicted to improve at the same rate as the best ear-to-row procedure (E7) with one long growing season per year. Under a cropping system with two similar seasons per year, however, ear-to-row selection should be more effective than reciprocal recurrent selection or its derived syn-2. Mass selection at 10% selection intensity produced significant improvement, but not at 2% selection intensity.S1 and three half-sib selection methods were ineffective in KCA. Inbreeding and the lack of linkage equilibrium in KCA were discussed as contributing. Theoretical substrain compositing required 30 to 40 lines selected to equal the effectiveness of ear-to-row selection with 10 lines. Full-sib selection was effective in improving yield at 1.2% per year. All the recurrent selection methods showed a significant increase in ears per 100 plants. Population size was shown to be important in reducing losses due to inbreeding.If a hybrid or variety cross is potentially useable, reciprocal recurrent selection provides the best population approach. Initially, the variety cross syn-2 could be released with no additional breeding effort. Transition to variety crosses or traditional hybrids from extracted lines could be done as farmer husbandry improves and seed production facilities develop. Otherwise, open-pollinated varieties superior to existing maizes can be effectively developed using ear-to-row selection. The other methods may be effective in breeding populations when larger effective population sizes are used, but they were not effective in KCA when only 10 lines were recombined each cycle.Contribution from the East African Agriculture and Forestry Research Organization of the East African Community, the U.S. Agency for International Development (Project 618-11-110-657, East African Food Crop Research), the Kenya Ministry of Agriculture, and the Agricultural Research Service of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Mapping QTLs in breeding for drought tolerance in maize (Zea mays L.)   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Summary Grain yield in the maize (Zea mays L) plant is sensitive to drought in the period three weeks either side of flowering. Maize is well-adapted to the use of restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) to identify a tight linkage between gene(s) controlling the quantitative trait and a molecular marker. We have determined the chromosomal locations of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) affecting grain yield under drought, anthesis-silking interval, and number of ears per plant. The F3 families derived from the cross SD34(tolerant) × SD35 (intolerant) were evaluated for these traits in a two replicated experiment. RFLP analysis of the maize genome included non-radioactive DNA-DNA hybridization detection using chemiluminescence. To identify QTLs underlying tolerance to drought, the mean phenotypic performances of F3 families were compared based on genotypic classification at each of 70 RFLP marker loci. The genetic linkage map assembled from these markers was in good agreement with previously published maps. The phenotypic correlations between yield and other traits were highly significant. In the combined analyses, genomic regions significantly affecting tolerance to drought were found on chromosomes 1,3,5,6, and 8. For yield, a total of 50% of the phenotypic variance could be explained by five putative QTLs. Different types of gene action were found for the putative QTLs for the three traits.  相似文献   

Summary Experiments were conducted during the growing seasons of 1975 and 1976 to determine changes in morphological and physiological traits associated with recurrent selection for grain yield in maize (Zea mays L.). Four variety hybrids, BSSS(R)CO x BSCB1(R)CO, BSSS(R)C7 x BSCB1(R)C7 [from a reciprocal recurrent selection program involving Iowa Stiff Stalk Synthetic (BSSS) and Iowa Corn Borer Synthetic #1 (BSCB1)], BS12CO x B14A, and BS12C6 x B14A [from a half-sib selection program involving the open-pollinated variety Alph (BS12) and the inbred tester B14A] were grown at 59 300 and 98 800 plants/ha near Ames, Iowa We obtained data on CO2-exchange rate (an estimate of photosynthetic rate), grain yield, grain-yield components, flowering dates, maturity traits, light interception and use, shelling percentage, harvest index, and various other plant traits.CO2-exchange rate did not change appreciably with recurrent selection for yield. Grain yield per hectare and per plant were larger for the improved than unimproved hybrids. Grain-yield components did not change significantly with recurrent selection. Kernel weight of BSSS(R)C7 x BSCB1 (R)C7, however, was larger than that of BSSS(R)C0 x BSCB1(R)C0. Pollen-shed-to-silking interval was shorter for the improved than the unimproved hybrids, and grain-filling duration was longer in C7 x C7 than in C0 x C0 of the reciprocal recurrent selection program. Furthermore, improved hybrids were characterized by smaller tassels and more upright canopies. Usually, plant traits and leaf-area-related traits were similar for all hybiids.Although dry-matter productivity was similar for all hybrids, those that were improved by recurrent selection produced more grain per unit leaf area and per unit light interception. Also, BS12C6 x B14A was characterized by a higher harvest index than BS12CO x B14A.We concluded that the source (i.e., photosynthetic capacity) was not limiting grain yield in BSSS(R) x BSCB1(R) and BS12. Increased grain yields that resulted from recurrent selection were consequences of longer grain-filling duration for BSSS(R) x BSCB1(R) and increased translocation of photosynthate from source to sink for both BSSS(R) x BSCB1(R) and BS12.Journal Paper J-8953 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Exp. Stn., Ames, Iowa. Project No. 2152.  相似文献   

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