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A three-year study of three planting dates and four harvest dates of Russet Burbank seed potatoes was made to determine their effect on plant vigor, virus leaf roll infection, yield, size distribution and quality. Yields decreased significantly with delayed harvest of the seed crop. The incidence of late season virus leaf roll based on visual symptoms increased significantly with delayed harvests. The risk of a late season virus leaf roll infection increased when a later harvest was combined with a late planting. Seed taken from the earlier harvested plots consistently had earlier and more uniform emergence, the greatest vigor and the highest yields. The effect of planting date and harvest date had little effect on size distribution and no effect on specific gravity.  相似文献   

Variability in specific gravity of Russet Burbank potatoes was documented in a single 32 hectare field. Maximum variation was 40 units among individual tubers within hills (one unit equals one part in 1000th of specific gravity measurement) and 15 units among hills. Field site variability of 10–15 units was common between sampled grid lines in the field; but bulked samples (truckloads) reduced the sampled variability to 8–10 units. When the samples were taken from bulked lots as opposed to single hill samples, the variability decreased. Grower lots, which were pooled samples from several truckloads, showed specific gravity differences of 2–7 units even though all lots were from the same field. These variations among specific gravity samples should be taken into account when considering total solids content in any lot of potatoes. Degree of russetting of the skin and hollow heart also influenced specific gravity measurements. Measured differences between peeled and unpeeled lots of 10 units in specific gravity corresponded to 2% difference in total solids content. Statistically, the variance of the peeled lot was one half that of the unpeeled lot, therefore, to minimize the measured differences due to skin type, peeled potatoes could be used for the specific gravity measurements.  相似文献   

Studies were made to determine factors which influence reconditioning of Russet Burbank tubers. Tubers from plants grown under low fertility were more difficult to recondition than tubers from plants adequately fertilized. Low specific gravity potatoes were also more difficult to recondition than high specific gravity potatoes even though the initial sugar content was approximately equal. The stem portion of Russet Burbank tubers lost considerably less sugars than the bud portion during the reconditioning process. It appears that factors which are responsible for high sugar development are also responsible for difficulty in sugar loss. Results also indicate greater difficulty in reconditioning early in the storage period with the loss of sugars becoming easier as the storage season progressed into spring.  相似文献   

Transformed Russet Burbank and Lemhi Russet clones which contained three different transgene constructs were evaluated for performance under field conditions in Idaho. The transgenic lines were characterized over two growing seasons, using plants grown from both greenhouse produced minitubers (first year) and field grown seed (second year). Individual clones were evaluated for a variety of agronomic and quality properties. Many of the transformed clones showed reduced yield and increases in percent malformed and undersized tubers. Other characteristics, such as specific gravity and fry color, showed less variability. The variation observed in non-transgenic clones regenerated from tissue culture was less than that of the transformed lines. Out of an original population of 57 transgenic lines in tissue culture, maintenance of key agronomic and quality properties of the parental material was observed in only four clones. These results suggest that experiments designed to generate transgenic lines for the marketplace should be initiated with a large number of transgenic clones.  相似文献   

Ethephon ((2-chloroethyl)phosphonic acid) was sprayed on the foliage of Russet Burbank potatoes at tuber initiation in four separate field trials over two years. Rates were 0, 61, 122 and 183 g ai/ha. Total yield, yield of U.S. No. 1’s, hollow heart and brown center generally decreased at higher ethephon rates. Yield of undersized tubers increased. Ethephon sprays generally decreased specific gravity but the effect was minor and not consistent. In three of the four plantings where hollow heart and brown center in the untreated controls exceeded 8 t/ha, the low rate of ethephon increased the yield of non-hollow tubers ≥56 g in size.  相似文献   

Russet Burbank potatoes were chilled at 25 F (?3.8 C), 27.5 F (?2.5 C), or 30 F (?1.1 C) for various periods of time and were then held at 45 F (7.2 C) for one or four weeks before testing. Susceptibility to injury was quite variable between the two crops and among tubers of the same lot exposed to the same treatment. The greatest amount of low temperature breakdown occurred in tubers chilled at 27.5 F (?2.5 C) for 10 hours. Flesh color, reducing sugar content, mealiness, and amount of sloughing in tubers that survived chilling were not markedly different from those in control samples although certain trends were observed indicating that the quality of chilled tubers was beginning to deteriorate. Chilling increased yellowness of flesh color in most treatments and darkness in several. Chilled tubers had a reducing sugar content slightly to moderately higher than the controls. They sloughed less than the controls and tended to be less mealy  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine factors influencing incidence of internal brown spot (IBS) in Russet Burbank potatoes. A significant decrease in the incidence of IBS occurred as planting date was delayed from March 31 to May 12. IBS increased during storage particularly at the higher storage temperature and in larger tubers. Foliar application of maleic hydrazide (MH) significantly reduced IBS from a high of 33% of tubers to less than 10%. The incidence of IBS in tubers was lower in the field as well as in storage from plants sprayed with MH. Tubers with high specific gravity had greater incidence of IBS than low gravity tubers. Results indicate that IBS is a physiological disorder influenced by factors affecting growth of tubers.  相似文献   

Norgold Russet did not increase in shear force readings with growth and development as did the raw product of Russet Burbank which showed a progressive increase in readings with growth during the latter half of the season. Seasonal differences were apparent with Russet Burbank, but not for Norgold Russet during the 3 years of this study. Higher shear force readings were recorded with an increase of specific gravity of Russet Burbank, but not for Norgold Russet. Low fertility level resulted in slightly higher shear force values possibly because of enhanced maturity. No major influence of moisture stress was evident. Higher shear force values resulted from longer periods of storage and with higher storage temperatures of Russet Burbank within the range of 34F to 45F.  相似文献   

Water shortages in many potato-producing regions have increased the demand for information on irrigating potatoes with limited water supplies. Field studies were conducted at Aberdeen, Idaho in 1988 and 1989 to determine the optimal allocation of limited water supplies for Russet Burbank potatoes. Irrigation amounts equal to 60 or 80% of estimated seasonal evapotranspiration (ET) were applied using various patterns of water allocation. Irrigation deficits were either partitioned evenly over the entire tuber bulking period, or were imposed during two of three designated growth stages (early, mid or late bulking) corresponding to the periods from 0 to 3, 3 to 6, and 6 to 9 weeks after tuber initiation, respectively. A well-watered, 100% ET check was included for comparison. Total yield reductions were greater when irrigation deficits were imposed during the early-mid and midlate bulking sequences than when they were imposed evenly over the entire tuber bulking period or during the early-late bulking sequence. Results relating U.S. No. 1 yields to seasonal water allocation patterns were similar to those for total yield. However, U.S. No. 1 yield reductions were proportionately greater. Irrigation deficits imposed during the early-mid bulking sequence resulted in the lowest specific gravities and the highest percentages of dark ends.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen rates on the yield of Russet Burbank potatoes was studied in field experiments in Idaho. Petioles were sampled at the 6-to-8 leaf stage and thereafter at two week intervals until mid August. Petiole nitrate concentrations were very high early but decreased rapidly as the season progressed and declined to a very low level as the plants matured. The nitrate content of the petioles reflected the amount of N applied to both locations. Nitrogen applications increased total yield and the quantity of the larger size tubers. A highly significant correlation was found between the early season petiole nitrate concentrations and total yield. Suggested ranges of petiole nitrate concentrations were developed as a guide to efficient N fertilization of Russet Burbank potatoes in Idaho.  相似文献   

Russet Burbank and Shepody potatoes of different chemical maturities (i.e. varying sucrose concentrations) at harvest were preconditioned by holding at 15 C for various durations to lower the concentration of reducing sugars to levels acceptable for processing as french fries out of 8 C storage. In chemically immature tubers (i.e. those harvested with a high sucrose), sucrose declined after harvest and stabilized in storage regardless of the preconditioning period. However, there was a temporary small increase in sucrose after harvest in more chemically mature tubers. The concentrations of the reducing sugars glucose and fructose were low at harvest, usually < 1.0 mg g?1, but increased rapidly during the first 30 to 45 d of storage in tubers with more than 2.0 mg g?1 sucrose at harvest. Preconditioning for up to 70 d at 15 C either limited the increase in reducing sugars or lowered them more rapidly during storage than when preconditioned for only 14 d. Fresh weight loss of Russet Burbank and Shepody was greater in physically and chemically immature tubers compared to more mature tubers. Extended preconditioning of Russet Burbank and Shepody resulted in minimal additional weight loss.  相似文献   

Idaho-grown Russet Burbank potatoes treated with a sprout inhibitor were stored at 42 F, 45 F, and 48 F for 11 months. Monthly quality evaluations showed that tubers stored at 42 F were less mealy, contained more reducing sugars, and were yellower in color than those stored at 45 F or 48 F. The latter two treatments were not significantly different in mealiness and were generally similar in yellowness of color. Tubers stored at 48 F had less reducing sugars than those stored at 45 F. Although all treatments resulted in a gradual darkening of the potatoes during storage, differences in grayness among the three storage treatments were minor from a practical standpoint. It is suggested that a storage temperature no lower than 45 F be used to maintain the internal quality of Russet Burbank potatoes.  相似文献   

Two field studies were conducted to determine the effects of soil fumigation on the response of Russet Burbank potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) to NH4-N or NH4NO3 fertilizers. In one study fumigation increased yields but N source had no effect. In the other study fumigation had no effect but NH4-N provided higher yields than NH4NO3. Microbial studies indicated that although populations of nitrifying bacteria were initially altered by fumigation, nitrification rates were similar to those in non-fumigated soil. In a controlled environment study in which potatoes were grown in fumigated field soil, neither N source nor fumigation had any effect on growth or yield. These studies indicated that fumigation had no effect on the response of potatoes to NH4-N or NH4NO3 fertilizers.  相似文献   

Detailed growth analyses were conducted with Russet Burbank potato to provide validation and parameterization data for a computer growth model being developed cooperatively at the University of Idaho and University of California, Davis. At each of two locations (Aberdeen and Kimberly, Idaho) plants were sampled seven times at about two-week intervals. Plants were separated into individual leaf blades, petioles, internodes, tubers, and roots. Leaf area indices and leaf elevation angles were determined in 20 cm strata. Plants at Kimberly emerged approximately 10 days prior to those at Aberdeen. At both locations, the increase in total dry weight was curvilinear for 30–40 days after emergence and then was linear until the end of the study. The maximum top weight per hill was slightly higher at Aberdeen, but near-maximum values occurred for much longer at Kimberly. Total leaf area at Aberdeen reached a maximum of approximately 4.0, while the maximum at Kimberly was 5.5. Root dry weight reached a maximum much earlier at Kimberly and the change in root dry weight paralleled that of tops in both places. Tuber initiation occurred approximately 19 June at both locations. Following an initial increase, tuber number/hill decreased for several weeks. Final tuber numbers per hill were approximately six at Aberdeen and 12 at Kimberly. Dry weight per tuber showed a curvilinear increase for 20–30 days and then was constant at 0.68 and 0.37 g/tuber.day at Aberdeen and Kimberly, respectively. Bulking rates were 17 and 21 g/m2.day. Final yields were 39 T/ha at Aberdeen and 49 T/ha at Kimberly. The higher final tuber yield at Kimberly was the result of a higher rate of bulking and a longer leaf area duration.  相似文献   

Russet Burbank potatoes from the same storage lot, were processed by commercial technology and prepared for consumption as done institutionally and in the home. Products were chosen to include most of the processing or preparation steps that will influence nutrient losses, namely, boiling, baking, frying, and drying. Products were evaluated on an as-served-basis for potato solids, starch, total and reducing sugar, total and protein nitrogen, free amino acid, vitamin, and mineral contents. Comparisons of the quantity of these nutritional components in different prepared potato products were made and discussed.  相似文献   

Studies were made over a 4-year period of some factors affecting the dry matter content of the apical and basal portions of growing Russet Burbank potatoes. The greatest difference between portions was obtained from tubers of the normally irrigated plots of 1969. The amounts in the two portions in 1970 were nearly equal throughout the growing season. The major differences between the 2 years was a slightly cooler June and warmer maximum temperatures in July of the 1970 growing season. Moisture stress, particularly, early in the stage of tuber development (1972 season) caused a switch in amount of dry matter in the apical and; basal portions. Stress later in the development stage (1969 season) did not cause a switch. Fertility level was not as influential as moisture stress in affecting the ratio of dry matter in the two ends, whether under stress or normal moisture conditions.  相似文献   

Studies were made on Russet Burbank tubers grown under normal and moisture stressed conditions. Stressing the tubers caused increased reducing sugar accumulation in the basal end during storage. Respiration rates of apical and basal portions of stressed and normal tubers were followed during the growing season and in storage. Although its sugar content was greater, the basal end of stressed tubers respired at a significally slower rate than apical ends from the same tubers. Normal basal and apical portions showed no statistical differences in respiration although the apical end respired at a slightly faster rate than the basal end. A positive linear correlation between sugar concentration and respiration rate of the apical portion was obtained. Differences were found in the abilities of apical and basal ends to alter respiration rates in response to changes in sugar concentration. The resprationof the apical end was the more sensitive to increased sugar concentration. The basal end of stressed tubers lost some of its ability to respond, probably because of increased physiological aging caused by the stress conditions.  相似文献   

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