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The influence of glucocorticoid administration and limited nursing on piglet carbohydrase enzyme development and subsequent growth was examined in three experiments using 371 piglets. Treatments in the first two experiments were formed by the factorial arrangement of hydrocortisone (-HYD or +HYD) and limited nursing (-LN or +LN) imposed form d 14 to weaning (d 28). Hydrocortisone was replaced by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) in the third experiment. Growth rates were severely depressed by HYD (P less than .01), LN (P less than .001) and to a lesser extent (P less than .06) by ACTH during the last 2 wk of lactation. During the first 14 d postweaning, piglets continued to grow more slowly following HYD treatment (P less than .01), whereas LN piglets grew more rapidly than those allowed to suckle normally. Although piglets were smaller at weaning after HYD injection (P less than .01), relative weights of liver, pancreas and small intestine were increased (P less than .05). Only adrenal weights were increased by ACTH (P less than .09). Pancreatic and intestinal amylase activities were increased two- to three-fold by HYD injection (P less than .05) but were unaffected by ACTH or LN (P greater than .10). Sucrase and maltase activity increased linearly with age (P less than .001). This rate of increase was numerically enhanced by glucocorticoid treatment and LN. The normal decrease in lactase activity was accelerated by LN and HYD injection, with the greatest depression caused by the combination of LN and either HYD or ACTH administration (P less than .05). Glucocorticoid administration to nursing piglets can evoke premature elevation of the carbohydrase enzymes necessary for initiating the hydrolysis of starch.  相似文献   

纳米氧化锌对断奶仔猪生长性能及腹泻率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验通过研究纳米氧化锌(Nano-ZnO)对断奶仔猪生长性能及腹泻率的影响,旨在进一步探寻较低剂量纳米氧化锌替代高锌的可行性.将135头23日龄断奶仔猪按照体重相近、遗传基础相似的原则分为5个处理组,每个处理组3个重复,每个重复9头,用纳米氧化锌和高剂量氧化锌(ZnO)进行饲养对比试验,试验期24 d.其中第1组为处理1组(0 mg/kg),第2,3,4组分别为200,400,600 mg/kg纳米氧化锌组,第5组为高锌组(3000 mg/kg ZnO).结果表明较处理1组(0 mg/kg)而言,无论是纳米氧化锌(200,400,600 mg/kg)还是高锌组(3000 mg/kg ZnO)均可极显著提高日增重(ADG)(P<0.01);400 mg/kg纳米氧化锌组与高锌组(3000 mg/kg ZnO)在日增重方面差异不显著(P>0.05).400 mg/kg纳米氧化锌降低腹泻率效果最好,较对照组(0 mg/kg)腹泻率降低49.1%,达到极显著性差异(P<0.01),较高锌组(3000 mg/kg ZnO)腹泻率降低21.6%,达到极显著性差异(P<0.01).根据ADG、平均日采食量(ADFI)、料肉比(F/G)、腹泻率等指标综合得出,第3组(400 mg/kg Nano-ZnO)可以达到甚至超过第5组高锌组(3000 mg/kg ZnO)效果.  相似文献   

Graded levels of hydrocortisone 21-acetate (HYD) (0, 18, 16 and 24 mg/kg BW) were injected into nursing piglets every other day (Exp. 1) or 24 mg of HYD/kg BW was administered 0, 2, 4 or 6 times during the treatment period (12 d) with equal time (6 d, 3 d or 2 d) between subsequent injections (Exp. 2). Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) was injected to provide 0, 5, 10 or 15 IU/kg BW (Exp. 3), or 15 IU ACTH/kg BW was injected 0, 1, 2 or 3 times (Exp. 4). The injection treatment periods were from d 14 to d 26 postpartum. Pancreatic and intestinal amylase activity was maximized by the highest dosage of HYD (24 mg) and ACTH (15 IU) when given at 2- or 4-d intervals, respectively (P less than .10). However, four injections of HYD administered 3 d apart optimized the activity of this enzyme in Exp. 2 (P less than .05). Intestinal sucrase and maltase were unresponsive to ACTH regardless of dosage or injection frequency (P greater than .10). The response of these two enzymes to HYD was inconsistent. Maltase activity was elevated (P less than .10) by the two most frequent injection treatments, and sucrase activity was simultaneously depressed. Lactase activity tended (P less than .15) to be depressed by the highest treatment level in all four experiments. Both dosage and frequency methods of increasing HYD administration resulted in hepatic and pancreatic hypertrophy.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

文章旨在评估一些出生后测量的生理变量对仔猪在出生第一周的存活率和断奶前生长性能的影响。试验选择612头来自3~5胎龄母猪所产的仔猪,监测氧饱和度、心率、血糖浓度、出生后0和24h直肠温度,同时记录遗传谱系、是否助产、出生顺序、性别、肤色、脐带的完整性以及出生后到第一次站立的时间。分别在仔猪出生时、7、14和21d对仔猪称重,评估仔猪产后发育情况。出生后第3、7和21天的累积死亡率分别为3.3%、5.4%和8.7%。出生时直肠体温对仔猪的生存和生长性能无影响(P>0.05)。与正常肤色仔猪和站立时间在1min前的仔猪相比,青紫肤色的仔猪和站立时间在5min以上的仔猪死亡率更高(P<0.05)。脐带断裂的仔猪在出生后3d内死亡率较高(P<0.05)。仔猪在出生后3或7d较高的死亡率发生在出生顺序>9,出生体重<1275g,血糖浓度24~30mg/dL和45~162mg/dL以及出生后24h直肠温度<38.1℃。体重<1545g、出生后24h直肠温度<38.6℃的仔猪在断奶时体重较轻的概率较高(P<0.05)。在研究因素中,皮肤发紫、站立迟缓、脐带断裂、出生顺序高、体重低、出生后24h直肠温度低、血糖浓度低均是导致仔猪出生后第一周存活力较低的因素。  相似文献   

为研究熟化软颗粒教槽料对仔猪断奶前后生长性能及腹泻率的影响,试验选用8窝(共计84头)15日龄仔猪,随机分为对照组和试验组,分别饲喂同配方的粉状教槽料和软颗粒教槽料,每个组4个重复,每个重复1窝猪;试验分为两个阶段,分别为断奶前10d和断奶后5d,即15~25日龄和26~30日龄,仔猪在25日龄断奶。结果表明:在15~25日龄阶段,试验组仔猪平均日增重(ADG)较对照组无明显差异,平均日采食量(ADFI)增加了40.90%;在26~30日龄阶段,试验组ADG较对照组增加了12.21%,ADFI增加了34.41%;整个试验期,试验组ADFI较对照组增加了35.12%,ADG无明显差异,试验组的腹泻率也低于对照组;在仔猪断奶前后的3d,试验组的ADG和ADFI均高于对照组。综上,软颗粒教槽料在仔猪断奶后前期可有效地提高其采食量和日增重。  相似文献   

乳酸菌剂对断奶仔猪肠道生理指标的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前,抗生素的耐药性及内源感染等问题使人们将更多注意力集中在寻找残留少、污染小的饲料添加剂,益生素作为其中之一,其生理功能及作用机理成为世界各国相关行业的研究热点.益生素又称活菌制剂,是对动物有益的微生物制剂.乳酸菌作为其中一种,可调节动物消化道微生物区系平衡、改变pH、提高消化酶活性、抑制肠道有害微生物生长,对宿主的营养、免疫应答、生物拮抗及生长等方面均产生有利影响.本试验通过在饲料中以不同方式添加乳酸菌,研究其对断奶仔猪消化道的影响,从而对乳酸菌类微生态剂的作用机理进行探讨.  相似文献   

约互仔猪不同断奶日龄的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在封闭式猪舍饲喂乳猪全价饲的情况下,将6窝58头约互仔猪按每两窝一组,随机分成三组,分别在25,30,35日龄断奶,观察不同断奶日龄对仔猪生长发育的影响。经60天的结果表明,Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ组平均日增重分别为175g,179g,176g,饲料利用率分别为1.33,1.28和1.23,各组间均差异不显著(P〉0.05)。说明在我省现有设备,设施及饲养管理条件较好的规模养猪场,实行25日龄断奶是可行的。  相似文献   

为研究猪水肿病大肠杆菌SLT-Ⅱe编码基因突变菌株作为口服疫苗的免疫效果,本实验用构建的突变菌株(O139/SLT-Ⅱ e/07)口服免疫断奶仔猪后,检测突变菌株在仔猪肠道的定植情况,仔猪血清及粪便中的特异性抗体和细胞因子水平,并进行了免疫保护效力评价.结果显示,免疫后21 d仍能在实验1组(微胶囊口服免疫)和2组(直接口服免疫)的仔猪粪便中检出突变菌株;从免疫后第7 d、14 d和21 d开始,在实验1组血清样品中可分别检测到抗SLT-Ⅱ eA蛋白、F18ab菌毛蛋白和O139抗原的IgG抗体(P/N>2);从免疫后第7 d、14 d开始,在粪便中可分别检测到抗SLT-Ⅱ eA蛋白、SLT-Ⅱ eB蛋白、O139抗原、F18ab菌毛蛋白的slgA抗体(P/N>2);免疫仔猪血清中的INF-γ的含量升高;实验2组的血清特异性IgG水平和粪便中sIgA抗体水平比实验1组低;该突变菌株对仔猪具有免疫保护作用.研究结果表明该大肠杆菌基因突变株可作为仔猪水肿病口服疫苗的候选菌株.  相似文献   

肠膜蛋白粉对早期断奶仔猪生产性能及消化道发育的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
高欣  马秋刚  计成 《中国饲料》2000,(19):28-30
豆粕中含有的大豆球蛋白和beta -conglycinin等抗原 ,可导致断奶仔猪肠粘膜细胞发生过敏反应 ,进而降低其生产性能 (谯仕彦等 ,1 995,1 996) ,因此人们试图用其他原料替代或降低日粮中的豆粕用量。研究表明 ,日粮中添加乳清粉和血浆蛋白粉能够提高断奶仔猪日采食量和日增重 (管武太 ,1 994) ,但昂贵的价格限制了其广泛的应用。最近试验表明 ,用DPS(肠膜蛋白粉 ,其中DPS30 、DPS50 的粗蛋白质含量分别为 30 %、50 % )全部或部分替代乳清粉或血浆蛋白粉 ,能够在降低饲料成本的同时 ,保持甚至提高断奶仔猪的生产性能。…  相似文献   

将90头25日龄断奶三元杂交仔猪随机分为3组,每组3个重复,每个重复10头猪。对照组饲喂基础日粮,两个试验组分别添加0.1%和0.2%中药复方饲料添加剂,进行了28d的饲养试验。结果表明:与对照组相比,在基础日粮中适量添加中药复方有提高日增重和日采食量的趋势,并且添加了0.2%中药复方组的腹泻率显著降低(P0.05)。  相似文献   

Outdoor reared pigs are reported to be larger at weaning than indoor reared pigs and respond better to the weaning process. This may be due to enhanced gut development associated with increased size. Eighty sows were allocated to either indoor or outdoor farrowing on the basis of size, parity and past performance. Resulting litters were weaned at either 4 or 6 weeks of age. On days 26 and 40 of age, 40 (10/treatment) and 20 piglets (10/treatment still unweaned) were killed to measure intestinal morphology. Data were analysed as a 2 × 2 factorial using the GLM procedures of Minitab 12.2. Pigs reared outdoors were larger than those reared indoors at both weaning ages, pigs weaned at 6 weeks were heavier than those weaned at 4 weeks, 8.4 versus 7.4 kg at 4 weeks and 12.9 versus 10.5 kg at 6 weeks respectively (± 0.25, P ≤ 0.001). There were no differences in small intestine size relative to body weight due to rearing environment and no differences in gut morphology. When corrected for body weight, 6 week pigs had heavier small intestines than 4 week pigs, 0.39 (± 0.010) versus 0.34 (± 0.007) g/cm length, respectively (P ≤ 0.001). Six week unweaned pigs had similar villus heights to 4 week unweaned pigs but wider villi (P < 0.05) and deeper crypts, for example, at the 25% site crypt depths were 236 and 193 μm (± 7.7/5.5) respectively (P < 0.001). Hence increased piglet size due to outdoor rearing did not advance gut maturation whereas increased piglet size due to age did influence maturation of gut structure.  相似文献   

菊粉对断奶仔猪生长性能和免疫功能的作用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验旨在探讨菊粉对断奶仔猪生长性能和免疫功能的作用,采用单因子随机分组设计,选取30日龄三元杂交(杜×长×大)仔猪64头,随机分成4组(对照组和试验1、2、3组),每组4个重复,分别饲喂含0%、1%、1.5%、2%菊粉的日粮,试验为期5周。结果表明:与对照组相比,试验1组、2组和3组平均日增重、脾脏指数、胸腺指数和IgA水平显著提高(P<0.05),腹泻指数显著降低(P<0.05),试验1组和2组与对照组相比,日均采食量显著提高(P<0.05)。菊粉可提高断奶仔猪生产性能和免疫功能,且饲料中添加1.5%的菊粉效果最好。  相似文献   

红薯和马铃薯对断奶仔猪生长性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
50头大×黑二元杂交断奶仔猪 ,饲喂红薯或马铃薯替代部分玉米为基础的日粮。结果 :饲喂 1 5 %马铃薯或红薯日粮的仔猪体增重与玉米对照组没有差异。饲喂 2 0 %马铃薯或红薯日粮的仔猪体增重分别比玉米对照组提高 1 0 6%和 5 3% ;饲料转化率分别提高 5 1 %和 0 7%。说明红薯和马铃薯可作为能量饲料替代玉米 ,并能提高猪的生长性能。对于红薯和马铃薯产区 ,充分利用当地饲料资源饲养生猪 ,具有重要的现实意义  相似文献   

Effect of age, weaning and diet on digestive enzyme levels in the piglet   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
Thirty-seven pigs were used to evaluate the effects of age and weaning on the level of protease in the gastric mucosa and trypsin, chymotrypsin, amylase and lipase in the pancreas. There was a positive allometry of the pancreas and gastric mucosa associated with age and with weaning to a solid diet. Increases with age in total activity of chymotrypsin, trypsin, amylase and gastric proteases were due to increases in both tissue weight and enzyme activity per gram of tissue. A general depression in pancreatic enzymatic activities, but not in gastric proteolytic activity, was found during the first week following weaning. Forty pigs were used in a second trial to evaluate the effects of age and weaning diet on the same digestive enzymes. Total activity of all enzymes assayed increased with time postweaning. Increases in total activity of lipase and chymotrypsin were due primarily to increased pancreatic weight postweaning. Amylase, trypsin and gastric protease increases were due both to increased tissue weight and increased activity per gram of tissue. There were no effects of diet on the weight of gastric mucosa or the level of activity of the gastric proteases. Pigs fed a diet containing 20% whey had larger pancreases (P less than .10) at slaughter and a greater, but nonsignificant, mean activity per gram of pancreas for all pancreatic enzymes. It appears that the pig has sufficient pancreatic and gastric enzyme activity so that performance should not be limited, with the possible exception of the period shortly after weaning. However diet digestibility and subsequent pig performance may be more directly related to the extent of release of these enzymes into the intestine and the conditions that exist therein.  相似文献   

养猪业是一个高风险的行业,市场行情的高峰与低谷受着众多因素的影响,是普通的养殖者所无法左右的。然而,在行情多变的市场经济下,如何提高饲养效率,直至提高最终的经济效益是养殖者始终所关注的问题。换句话说,如何选择品种、技术、设备、饲料、药品及管理方式等,从而产生最大的利润率并降低市场行情所带来的风险是我们一直在探讨的问题。  相似文献   

This study attempted to determine ingested porcine epidermal growth factor (pEGF) on the gastrointestinal tract development of early-weaned piglets. Thirty-two piglets (14-day weaned) were randomly allotted to supplemented with 0 (control), 0.5, 1.0, or 1.5 mg pEGF/kg diet. Each treatment consisted of four replicates with two pigs per pen for a 14 days experimental period. Piglets were sacrificed and gastrointestinal tract samples were collected to measure mucosa morphology, mRNA expression and activities of digestive enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract of piglets at the end of the experiment. Diets supplemented with pEGF failed to influence growth performance but tended to increase jejunal mucosa weight (p < 0.09) and protein content (p < 0.07). Piglets supplemental pEGF induced incrementally the gastric pepsin activity (p < 0.05) and stimulated jejunal alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and lactase activities accompanied with the increase of jejunal ALP and maltase mRNA expression. No effect of pEGF on the activities of all enzymes in ileum except the stimulation of ileal aminopeptide N mRNA expression. These results reveal that dietary pEGF supplementation might enhance gene expression and activities of digestive enzymes in the stomach and jejunum of piglets.  相似文献   

断奶日龄对仔猪生产性能和消化酶活性的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
选取遗传基础相似、体重相当来自9窝母猪的48头杜长大仔猪为研究对象。随机平均分为2组,分别于23日龄和28日龄断奶,各组分别在断奶当天,断奶后3 d、7 d、14 d宰杀取样。测定各组在断奶后2周内的生产性能以及空肠内容物和胰腺消化酶的活性。结果表明:28日龄断奶的仔猪平均日增重、日平均采食量均显著高于23日龄断奶的仔猪。断奶后仔猪空肠消化酶均有所下降,其中28日龄断奶的仔猪所受影响相对较小。  相似文献   

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