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In Finland the routinely used method to determine milk progesterone level is based on whole milk analysis (Progesterone RIA-kit for Veterinary Diagnostic use, Farmos Group ltd.). The method is standardised for milk samples which are taken from the udder just after the cow has been milked. This kind of aftermilk sample contains a high percentage of fat and–as progesterone is lipidofil–also large, sexual-cycle correlated, variability in milk progesterone.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate wheat middlings as a supplement for cattle consuming dormant bluestem-range forage. Effects of supplement type and amount were evaluated in Exp. 1, which consisted of feeding supplements of soybean meal:grain sorghum (22:78) or two different amounts of wheat middlings. Sixteen ruminally fistulated steers were blocked by weight (BW = 374 +/- 8.3 kg) and assigned randomly to the following treatments: 1) control, no supplement (NS); 2) soybean meal:grain sorghum (SBM/GS) formulated to contain the same CP concentration (21%) and fed to provide a similar energy level (3.5 Mcal of ME/d); 3) a supplement of 100% wheat middlings fed at a low level (LWM); and 4) 100% wheat middlings fed at twice the amount of LWM (7 Mcal of ME/d; HWM). The influence of different supplemental CP concentrations in a wheat middlings-based supplement was evaluated in Exp. 2. Sixteen ruminally fistulated steers were blocked by weight (BW = 422 +/- 8.1 kg) and assigned randomly to the following treatments: 1) control, no supplement (NS); 2) 15% CP; 3) 20% CP; and 4) 25% CP supplements. These supplements consisted of 60% wheat middlings and various ratios of soybean meal and grain sorghum to achieve the desired CP concentration. In Exp. 1, SBM/GS and HWM supplements increased (P less than .10) and LWM tended to increase (P = .16) forage DMI compared with NS. All supplements in Exp. 1 increased (P less than .10) DM digestibility, ruminal DM fill, and ruminal indigestible ADF (IADF) passage rate compared with NS, although the greatest response in fill and passage was observed with HWM. In Exp. 2, forage DMI, DM digestibility, NDF digestibility, ruminal DM and IADF fill, IADF passage rate, and fluid dilution rate were increased (P less than .01) by supplementation. Forage DMI, ruminal IADF passage rate, and fluid dilution rate increased quadratically (P less than .10), and NDF digestibility, ruminal DM and IADF fill increased linearly (P less than .10) with increased supplemental CP concentration. These experiments indicate that wheat middlings performed similarly to a SBM/GS supplement of equal CP concentration, when both were fed to provide a similar amount of energy daily. Additionally, use of poor-quality range forage was enhanced when wheat middlings-based supplements were formulated to contain a CP concentration of 20% or greater.  相似文献   

Scientific literature on the use of antibiotic growth promoters (AGP) in beef cattle consuming forage-diets was reviewed. Database summarizes 136 comparisons between untreated and AGP-treated cattle from 48 bibliographic references. Performance data of cattle receiving AGP either alone or in combination with 17 β-estradiol implants was statistically analyzed. Forage quality, in terms of average daily gain (ADG), differentially influenced (P = 0.1) the effect of AGP on beef cattle performance. As the quality of forage increased, the estimated net ADG response to monensin decreased and that to lasalocid increased. ADG increased quadratically (P < 0.01) with increasing doses of monensin (R2 = 0.71) or lasalocid (R2 = 0.63). Ionophore-dosage level quadratically improved (P = 0.01; R2 = 0.52) feed conversion (FCONV) of cattle without affecting their dry matter intake (DMI; > 0.1). A linear relationship (P < 0.01) between ADG and dose of tetronasin (R2 = 0.64) or lysocellin (R2 = 0.52) was also observed. The combination of monensin and 17β-estradiol implants resulted in an additive effect on ADG of grazing cattle. The experimental results reviewed show that, in beef cattle consuming forage-based diets, ionophores improve ADG and FCONV in a dose-dependent manner, with little or no effect on DMI. In addition, results suggest that forage quality influences the direction of the ADG response to AGP supplementation in cattle. Summarized data from beef cattle implanted with 17β-estradiol and/or supplemented with monensin indicate that the combined response of these two compounds on cattle grazing high-quality pastures has no effect on ADG over that obtained by 17β-estradiol alone.  相似文献   

Calving difficulty was analyzed under threshold and linear models considering either a fixed or random herd-year effect. The aim of the study was to compare models for predicting breeding values according to the size of herd-year groups. When simulating data sets with small herds, in order to obtain an unbiased evaluation under a nonrandom and negative association of sire and herd effects, the best model for a practical evaluation was the fixed linear model. Field data included 246,576 records of the largest Charolais herds in France. Models were compared using the correlations of estimated breeding values between the different models. Although the best model from a theoretical point of view was a threshold model with a fixed herd-year effect, a linear model with a fixed herd-year effect was the best choice from a practical point of view for predicting direct effects for calving difficulty in beef cattle and was a sufficient choice for predicting the associated maternal effects for data set with large herds. Correlations between direct estimated breeding values under the reference model and the fixed linear model and the random threshold model were 0.94 and 0.91, respectively. Correlations between the corresponding maternal estimated breeding values were 0.94 and 0.98. Heritabilities of direct effects were 0.27 and 0.14 under fixed threshold and fixed linear models, respectively. The corresponding heritabilities of maternal effects were 0.18 and 0.13, and the genetic correlation between direct and maternal effects were -0.36 and -0.34, respectively.  相似文献   

The importance of genotype x country interactions for weaning and birth weight and postweaning gain between Argentina (AR), Canada (CA), Uruguay (UY), and the United States (US) for populations of Hereford cattle was investigated. Three sample data sets of computationally manageable sizes were formed for each trait and pairwise combination of countries to investigate possible interactions. Parameters were estimated for each sample data set via an accelerated EM-REML algorithm and multiple-trait animal models that considered either weaning or birth weight as a different trait in each country. Direct and maternal (in parentheses) weaning weight genetic correlation estimates for AR-CA, AR-UY, AR-US, CA-UY, CA-US, and UY-US were 0.82 (0.80), 0.81 (0.72), 0.81 (0.79), 0.83 (0.78), 0.85 (0.82), and 0.86 (0.81), respectively. Direct and maternal (in parentheses) birth weight genetic correlation estimates were 0.92 (0.62), 0.97, (0.85), and 0.99 (0.97) for AR-CA, AR-US, and CA-US, respectively. Birth weight was not analyzed for UY due to small amounts of data. Postweaning gain in CA and US was 160-d gain, and in AR and UY 345-d gain was used. Across-country direct genetic correlations for postweaning gain were estimated for each pairwise country data set using a model that considered weaning weight as the same trait across each country, whereas postweaning gain was treated as a different trait in each country. Direct genetic correlation estimates for postweaning gain for AR-CA, AR-UY, AR-US, CA-UY, CA-US, and US-UY were 0.64, 0.80, 0.51, 0.84, 0.92, and 0.83, respectively. The overall results indicate that weaning and birth weights of Hereford calves can be analyzed as the same trait in all countries with a common set of heritabilities and genetic correlations, after adjustment for heterogenous phenotypic variances across countries. Postweaning gain in CA and US can be considered as the same trait and analyzed using a single set of parameters. Postweaning gain in AR and UY should be considered as a separate trait from postweaning gain in CA and US, and postweaning gain in AR and UY can be considered as the same trait and analyzed using a common heritability, after adjustment for phenotypic variance differences between the two countries.  相似文献   

National cattle evaluation programs for weaning weight in most beef breed associations involve implementation of the maternal animal model to predict direct and maternal EPD. With this model, direct breeding values are predicted for all animals with records or pedigree ties to animals with records, or both. Even though maternal genetic value is expressed only in animals that become dams, these effects are transmitted by all parents and inherited from parents by all animals, leading to maternal breeding values being predicted for all animals as well. A small example data set was simulated involving 12 parents, 8 nonparents, and 13 animals with weaning weight records. The pedigree was developed to include paternal and maternal half-sib families, full-sibs, and some inbreeding, similar to field populations of beef cattle. Assembly of the mixed model equations and solutions for the maternal animal model are illustrated explicitly to assist animal breeding students in their understanding of the properties of the maternal animal model and to explicitly implement the model. Model parameters and moments, fixed contemporary group solutions, adjustment of breeding values for merit of mates, interpretation of maternal permanent environmental effect solutions, and alternatives for the assembly of the equations are shown. This example should lead to increased student and producer understanding of genetic improvement programs for weaning weight in beef cattle.  相似文献   

Two trials were conducted to evaluate the nutritional value of wheat-based thin stillage as a water source for cattle. In Trial 1, 20 large-framed steers were fed a basal diet based primarily on barley grain and barley silage, with ad libitum access to water or thin stillage at one of three DM concentrations (2, 4, and 6.7%) in a completely randomized design. The trial consisted of a 70-d growing period and a finishing phase. In Trial 2, total-tract nutrient digestibility coefficients of the basal diet and water treatments fed in the growing period were determined in a randomized complete block design using 12 medium-framed steers. The results showed that when only DMI from the basal diet was considered, there was a linear reduction (P<.01) in DMI and a linear improvement (P<.01) in the gain:feed ratio with no effect on daily gain as thin stillage DM concentration increased. No differences were detected in DMI or efficiency of gain when total DMI (basal diet and thin stillage) was considered. Carcass traits indicated a trend toward increased (P<.06) carcass fat with increasing thin stillage DM concentration. Results of Trial 2 indicated a linear improvement (P<.05) in apparent digestibility of DM, CP, NDF, and energy of the total diet (basal diet and thin stillage) as thin stillage DM concentration increased. We concluded that supplementing growing and finishing cattle with thin stillage reduced the amount of the basal diet required for gain and improved nutrient utilization.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters for a random regression model of growth in Gelbvieh beef cattle were constructed using existing estimates. Information for variances along ages was provided by parameters used for routine Gelbvieh multiple-trait evaluation, and information on correlations among different ages was provided by random regression model estimates from literature studies involving Nellore cattle. Both sources of information were combined into multiple-trait estimates; corrected for continuity, smoothness, and general agreement with literature estimates; and extrapolated to 730 d. Covariance functions using standardized Legendre polynomials were fit for the following effects: additive genetic (direct and maternal), and animal and maternal permanent environment. Residual variances at different ages were fitted using linear splines with three knots. Fit was by least squares. The order of polynomials was varied from third to sixth. Increasing the fit beyond cubic provided small improvements in R2 and increased the number of small eigenvalues of covariance matrices, especially for the additive effect. Parameters for a random regression model in beef cattle can be constructed with negligible artifacts from literature estimates. Formulas can easily be modified for other types of polynomials and splines.  相似文献   

Important differences are noted between the New Zealand and European cattle industries, in terms of both breeds and farming systems. Under pasture feeding, experimental data strongly suggest that selection and genetic evaluation for growth performance should be based on weight-for-age rather than on post-weaning weight gains. Carcass merit is more appropriately measured by the yield of trimmed boneless retail cuts than by accepted commercial grades.Relative to the nationally predominant Angus beef breed, research results demonstrate an advantage in final and carcass weight per animal of 5–10% for the Hereford and 20–30% for the Friesian, with the superiority being approximately halved in crossed with the Angus. In terms of weaning performance, the Friesian dam is greatly superior, the Hereford slightly inferior, to the Angus. Heterosis for growth traits is of the order of 5%.In crosses over Jersey cows the Charolais sire is superior to the Hereford but not to the Friesian for total meat output. Carcasses from the dairy breeds and dairy x beef crosses slaughtered at the same age contain a higher bone percentage and are less acceptable on traditional export grading standards than those of the British beef breeds, but nevertheless achieve high output and quality of lean meat.Preliminary results from current large-scale trials suggest that the larger European breeds have potential for improving growth rate and meat yield in crosses with local Angus and Hereford cattle but are more prone to difficult calvings and show later sexual maturity.  相似文献   

A bio-economic model was developed to evaluate utilization of beef bulls in a variety of production systems. The model can simulate life-cycle production of both beef and dairy cow herds with or without an integrated feedlot system. The Markov chain approach is used to simulate herd dynamics. The herd is described in terms of animal states and possible transitions among them. Equilibrium herd structures of the integrated production systems are calculated in their stationary states. The economic efficiency of each system is a function of biological traits of animals and of management and economic parameters. The model allows estimation of marginal economic values for 16 traits separately in each system. The economic weight for each trait or direct and maternal trait component in each selection group and breed of interest is then calculated as the weighted sum of the economic values for the trait in all production systems in which the selection group has an impact. Weighting factors for each system are computed as the product of the number of discounted expressions for direct and maternal trait components transmitted in that system by the selection group and the proportion of total cows belonging to each system.  相似文献   

As a novel oilseed crop in Florida, Brassica carinata has the capacity of producing high-quality jet biofuel, with a protein-dense meal (~40% crude protein; CP) obtained as a by-product of oil extraction. Characterization of the meal protein is limited, yet necessary for formulation of beef cattle diets; therefore, the objective of this experiment was to determine ruminal and postruminal digestibility of protein from B. carinata. Eight ruminally cannulated Angus crossbred steers (473 ± 119 kg) were used in a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square design, in which in situ ruminal and postruminal degradability of nutrients were evaluated. The three-step in vitro procedure was used to compare CP and amino acid (AA) degradation in B. carinata meal pellets (BCM) with that of cottonseed meal (CSM), dry distillers grains with solubles (DDGS), and soybean meal (SBM). In situ bags were incubated in the rumen for 0 to 96 hr, with the undegraded supplement remaining after 16 hr subjected to serial in vitro enzymatic solutions. Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS. Ruminal rate of degradation of dry matter, organic matter, and CP was greatest (P ˂ 0.01; 10.9, 11.3, and 11.5 %/h, respectively) for SBM. Rumen degradable protein (RDP) content did not differ (P = 0.20; 47.8% and 55.1%, respectively) between CSM and DDGS, but was decreased (P ˂ 0.01) compared with SBM and BCM, which did not differ (P = 0.99; 72.3% and 71.8% RDP, respectively). Compared with DDGS, SBM had greater (P < 0.01) intestinal digestibility of rumen undegradable protein (RUP). Intestinally absorbable digestible protein (IADP) was greatest (P < 0.01) for CSM, with SBM and BCM having the least IADP. Total tract digestibility of CP (TTDP) was greater (P < 0.01) for SBM compared with CSM and DDGS. The contribution of RUP to intestinally absorbable AA was 7.2 and 3.1 g of lysine and methionine per kilogram of CP in BCM, respectively. The evaluation of B. carinata meal as protein supplemented for cattle consuming a forage-based diet resulted in 71.8% RDP and 97.1% TTDP, thus indicating its viability as a high-quality protein supplement for beef cattle.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the suitability of 2 methods for computing approximate accuracies of predicted breeding values, in which accuracy was defined as the squared correlation between the predicted and true breeding value, when modeling growth traits in beef cattle using random regression (RR) models. The first method (Strabel et al., S-M-B) was designed for use with multitrait models; thus, its use with RR models requires the clustering of measurements into different traits. The second method (Tier and Meyer, T-M) was more general, because it accounted for random coefficients other than zeros and ones and thus it could be used directly when fitting RR models. To investigate the performance of both methods, their results were compared with the true accuracies using a balanced simulated data set. The largest difference between approximate and true average accuracies for direct effects was observed at 205 d when S-M-B was used (4.6% males and 8.8% females). With regard to maternal effects, the largest differences in average accuracies were observed at 205 d in males when S-M-B was used (31.8%) and at the same age in females but when using T-M (33.3%). In general, bias increased for direct effect accuracies in males at the tails of the accuracy range, but for females and for maternal effect accuracies in both sexes, bias increased as accuracy increased. When a population was simulated to create large numbers of progeny for base females that did not have individual records, much greater errors were observed in the regression of approximate values on the true ones. When both approximate methods were compared using a real beef cattle data set, a good agreement was observed, particularly for direct effect accuracies in sires [i.e., at 205 d, the regressions were 0.98 (direct) and 0.95 (maternal) with r(2) over 0.99]. The largest discrepancies for sires between the methods were observed at 205 d for direct (2.7%) and maternal (16.3%) effect accuracies. For dams, the largest differences between methods were also observed at 205 d, 9.3% (direct), and 15.2% (maternal). The differences between methods for nonparent cattle were greater than for dams for maternal effect accuracies but intermediate between sires and dams for direct effect accuracies. In spite of the less biased results provided by T-M, its use could be problematic when employed in evaluations of large populations due to its greater memory and computation requirements (e.g., 170 and 478% more than S-M-B for a population of 11 million).  相似文献   

Leptin as a predictor of carcass composition in beef cattle   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Our objective was to determine if serum concentrations of leptin could be used to predict carcass composition and merit in feedlot finished cattle. Two different groups of crossbred Bos taurus steers and heifers were managed under feedlot conditions near Miles City, MT. The first group consisted of 88 1/2 Red Angus, 1/4 Charolais, and 1/4 Tarentaise composite gene combination steers (CGC) harvested at the ConAgra processing facility in Greeley, CO. The second group (Lean Beef Project; LB) consisted of 91 F2 steers and heifers born to Limousin, Hereford, or Piedmontese by CGC F1 cows crossed to F1 bulls of similar breed composition and harvested at a local processing facility in Miles City, MT. Blood samples were collected approximately 24 h before harvest (CGC) or approximately 3 d before and at harvest (LB). No differences in serum concentrations of leptin were detected (P > 0.10) between Hereford, Limousin, or Piedmontese F2 calves nor between LB steers and heifers. Positive correlations (P < 0.01) existed between serum leptin and marbling score (r = 0.35 and 0.50), fat depth measured between the 12th and 13th rib (r = 0.34 and 0.46), kidney, pelvic, and heart fat (KPH) (r = 0.42 and 0.46), and quality grade (r = 0.36 and 0.49) in CGC and LB cattle, respectively. Serum leptin was also positively correlated with calculated yield grade for CGC steers (r = 0. 19; P = 0. 10) and LB cattle (r = 0.52; P < 0.01). Longissimus area was not correlated with serum leptin in CGC steers (r = 0.12; P > 0.10). However, a negative correlation existed between longissimus area and serum leptin in the LB cattle (r = -0.45; P < 0.01). Serum concentrations of leptin were significantly associated with carcass composition (marbling, back fat depth, and KPH fat) and quality grade in both groups of cattle studied and may provide an additional indicator of fat content in feedlot cattle.  相似文献   

Estimates of covariance components between scrotal circumference, serving capacity, days to calving, and yearling and final weight were obtained for Hereford, Angus, and Zebu cross cattle in temperate and tropical Australia. Analyses were carried out by REML employing a derivative-free algorithm and fitting bivariate animal models. Aspects of modeling and computational requirements related to the use of this method are discussed. Estimates of heritabilities agreed closely with those from univariate analyses, being low for female reproductive performance and moderate to high for male reproduction and growth. Estimates of genetic correlation between male and female fertility traits were low but favorable, being -.25, -.28, and -.41 between scrotal circumference and days to calving for Herefords, Angus, and Zebu crosses, respectively. Genetic correlations between male reproductive traits and weights ranged from .24 to .52 for the temperate breeds and were higher (.65 to .69) for Zebu crosses. Phenotypic correlations between scrotal circumference and weights were similar for all breeds, ranging from .32 to .47, whereas serving capacity and weights were phenotypically unrelated. Estimates of correlations between days to calving and weights were less consistent. Phenotypically, there was little association between the two traits. Genetic correlations for Zebu crosses were negative and low to moderate (-.36 to -.66) and estimates for Angus were close to zero.  相似文献   

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