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Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) is a transmissible fatal neurodegenerative disease in cattle with an average incubation time of five years. The first BSE case in an indigenous cow was detected in Germany in November 2000. This was almost eight years after the huge BSE epidemic in the United Kingdom had peaked, and several years after many EU member states had seen their first BSE case. In the 1990s, BSE had been diagnosed in six imported animals in Germany. However, after the implementation of an active surveillance programme using BSE rapid testing systems, 399 indigenous German BSE cases have been found up to the end of July 2006. The birth cohorts of 1995-1997 contribute to the vast majority of the first 250 German cases that were diagnosed between 2000 and 2003. However, the most recent German BSE cases belong primarily to the birth cohorts 1998-2000 which is indicative of a recycling of BSE infectivity at that time. Moreover, there were two BSE cases in cattle born in spring 2001, i.e. after the meat and bone meal feed ban had come into effect on 2nd December 2000. In this article, we describe the dynamics of the German BSE epidemic and compare these data with those of other countries that observed larger numbers of cases.  相似文献   

Prion diseases of animal and man belong to neurological diseases with amyloidal deposition of the respective proteins. As to prion disease, the cellular prionprotein is in its abnormal isoform(s) an essential component of prionprotein aggregates found in affected tissue. In contrast to all neurodegenerative diseases like Morbus Alzheimer or Huntington's disease, prion diseases are transmissible. Therefore, prion diseases were designated Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (TSE). The diseases are well known since decades. Scrapie was first described around 1750, a BSE case was reported in the 1850, most likely a misdiagnosis, and in 1920/1930 the human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) had been described. Transmission of CJD i.e. Kuru had been suspected in the early 1950s and erronously classified as slow virus disease. The CJD transmission posed a problem to humans when transplants from CJD cases were used for treatment. Fortunately, these iatrogenic transmissions remained limited. But with the advent of BSE and appearance of variant CJD cases in the UK and some places in Europe scientists suspected that transmission from cattle to man could have happened. From animal models we know of successful transmission via several routes. Species barriers do not completely prevent transmission. Rather transmission barriers might exist controlling individual susceptibility against prions. Modes of transmission, susceptibility for transmission, identification of receptor molecules as well as molecular mechanisms of the transmission process are intensely investigated. Current knowledge let us to assume that inapparent stages of prion infection pretend a (not existing) species barrier. This inapparent infection preceeds overt disease and, thus, most re-search focuses on the development of highly sensitive assay systems for detection of minute amounts of pathological prionprotein in suspected cases. Inapparence also should warn us to underestimate BSE or human vCJD cases; at present, 124 in Europe and one probable case in Hongkong (7 March 2002). Whether BSE had spread to other parts of the world by animal nutrition components or meat can neither be excluded nor confirmed at this time. New data on transmission and consequences of BSE for the human population are summarized in this review.  相似文献   

Following the detection of the first case of BSE in Japan in September 2001, four million cattle were subjected to a rapid test for BSE up to the end of 2004. A further 10 cases were detected in the dairy cattle population and two cases in Holstein steers. We focused on the dairy population and estimated the prevalence of BSE infected animals within each birth cohort for the years 1992–2001 using Bayesian inference. From this we were able to predict historic and future trends in the number of infected animals culled from each cohort and whether or not they could be detected using a rapid test. Assuming that BSE infectivity entered Japan in 1995, 225 (95%CI: 111–418) infected animals were predicted to have been culled from 1995 to 2001, of which 116 (56–219) would have been slaughtered for human consumption, and 33 (12–65) cases would have been detected during this period if a BSE surveillance program as comprehensive as the one in place as of April 2004 was applied. Assuming that BSE infectivity entered Japan in 1992, 905 (366–4633) infected animals were predicted to have been culled from 1992 to 2001, of which 694 (190–2473) would have been slaughtered for human consumption, and 201 (53–693) cases would have been detected during this period. Assuming the April 2004 level of surveillance continues and that the feed ban introduced in 2001 is completely effective, 18 (3–111) BSE cases are likely to be detected in the future. The BSE epidemic in Japan most likely reached a peak between 1998 and 2001 and should be eradicated around 2012.  相似文献   

一种简便快速的体外点突变方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
体外点突变是研究蛋白质结构 -功能关系、基因表达、载体修饰等的重要技术之一。已报道的一些体外突变方法 [1~ 4 ] ,一般需以单链 DNA为模板 ,并要求对突变基因进行亚克隆和对单链 DNA拯救 ,技术上较复杂 ,多数需 1周以上时间。Stratagen公司研制的 Quickchange试剂盒 ,可以双链 DNA质粒为模板 ,只需 4步操作 ,在 1~ 2 d内即可完成点突变过程 [5] ,但该试剂盒价格昂贵 ,使用次数有限。我们根据 Pfu和 Dpn 等酶的特性 ,自行设计了突变反应及方法 ,对 6kb、8kb和1 4.6kb的目的质粒分别进行了点突变 ,成功地在质粒上创造了相应的酶切…  相似文献   

Before the emergence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and recognition of its zoonotic potential, the major example of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) of animals was scrapie of sheep. But there is no evidence that scrapie transmits naturally to any species other than sheep and goats. The pathogenesis of scrapie has been studied most in experimental laboratory rodent species. In most experimental models of scrapie, after peripheral non-neural routes of infection, replication of the agent can first be detected in lymphoreticular system (LRS) tissue. When the route of introduction of agent into the body is localized, initial involvement will be in LRS tissue draining the infection site. Thereafter, there is a striking amplification of the agent in the LRS and spread by lymphatic/haematogenous routes, giving widespread dissemination in the LRS. This precedes replication in the CNS, but is not the means by which infection reaches the CNS. There is now substantial evidence from experimental models of scrapie that involvement of the CNS is by peripheral nervous system (PNS) pathways. In some models employing oral exposure the earliest localized LRS replication is in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) and autonomic PNS routing to the CNS has been implicated. However, the relative importance of different routes of spread of TSEs within the body is determined by a number of host- and agent-dependent factors and, therefore, generalizations from an experimental model to a natural disease across a species barrier may not be appropriate. With the occurrence of BSE and recognition of its food-borne route of transmission via meat and bone meal, has come greater awareness of the probable importance of the oral route of infection in ruminant species affected by TSEs. In consequence, studies have increasingly focused on the natural host species to examine pathogenetic events.  相似文献   

Before the emergence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and recognition of its zoonotic potential, the major example of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs) of animals was scrapie of sheep. But there is no evidence that scrapie transmits naturally to any species other than sheep and goats. The pathogenesis of scrapie has been studied most in experimental laboratory rodent species. In most experimental models of scrapie, after peripheral non-neural routes of infection, replication of the agent can first be detected in lymphoreticular system (LRS) tissue. When the route of introduction of agent into the body is localized, initial involvement will be in LRS tissue draining the infection site. Thereafter, there is a striking amplification of the agent in the LRS and spread by lymphatic/haematogenous routes, giving widespread dissemination in the LRS. This precedes replication in the CNS, but is not the means by which infection reaches the CNS. There is now substantial evidence from experimental models of scrapie that involvement of the CNS is by peripheral nervous system (PNS) pathways. In some models employing oral exposure the earliest localized LRS replication is in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT) and autonomic PNS routing to the CNS has been implicated. However, the relative importance of different routes of spread of TSEs within the body is determined by a number of host- and agent-dependent factors and, therefore, generalizations from an experimental model to a natural disease across a species barrier may not be appropriate. With the occurrence of BSE and recognition of its food-borne route of transmission via meat and bone meal, has come greater awareness of the probable importance of the oral route of infection in ruminant species affected by TSEs. In consequence, studies have increasingly focused on the natural host species to examine pathogenetic events.  相似文献   

Between 2001 and 2010, 244 clinically suspected cases of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) were reported in Italy. This report summarizes the neuropathological findings in cattle displaying clinical signs consistent with a diagnosis of BSE. All animal specimens were submitted for confirmatory testing; samples testing negative underwent neuropathological examination to establish the differential diagnosis. Immunohistochemistry for scrapie prion protein (PrPSc) at the level of frontal cortex was carried out to exclude atypical BSE. Neuropathological changes were detected in 34.9% of cases; no histological lesions were found in 52.3% of subjects; 12.8% of samples were found unsuitable for analysis. BSE was detected in one case, but no cases of atypical BSE were observed. This study identified the diseases most commonly encountered in the differential diagnosis of BSE; furthermore, it demonstrated that the surveillance system is necessary for monitoring neuropathological disease in cattle and for the detection of BSE cases.  相似文献   

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