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随着人们生活水平的不断提高,对生活环境的要求也越来越高.园林绿地在美化城市环境的同时,也成了大众休憩游玩的重要场所.但与此同时,园林绿地中杂草的危害严重影响了其整体美观,尤其直接危害绿地林木花草的正常生长.  相似文献   

周恒昌 《杂草科学》1991,(3):1-3,31
一、越冬杂草开花习性的几种类型越冬杂草的开花习性,因与光照的关系,可分以下三种类型: 1.日照中间型:这类杂草的开花与光照长短关系不大,而与气温、积温密切相关。我省大多数越冬杂草均属这种类型。如蒲公英、酢浆草、紫花地丁、朝天委陵菜、牛繁缕、雀舌草、硬草、看麦娘、蔺草、荠菜等。据分期接种(从8月下旬起每10天播种1次,每小区500粒)推算,看麦娘开花有效积  相似文献   

野燕麦(ArenafatuaL.)别名:燕麦草、铃铛麦。为小麦伴生性杂草,在我省北部嫩江、依安、北安、德都等市县的国营农场以及牡丹江市危害面积较大,成为当地生产的障碍。一、形态特征一年生或越年生草本,株高80~120厘米,茎直立,丛生或单生。叶鞘长于...  相似文献   

重庆万县五桥区农田杂草危害及防除冯春钢谭世伟(重庆市万县五桥区植保植检站,404020)万县五桥区位于重庆东部三峡腹地,属方斗山、齐曜山脉丘陵、低山区,海拔在106.5~1762m之间,属暖湿亚热带东南季风气候,年均降雨1200mm左右,无霜期291...  相似文献   

关中地区麦田杂草危害状况及防除对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为摸清目前关中地区麦田杂草种类、分布、感染危害情况,历时3个月对关中地区4市25个县(区)麦田杂草感染危害状况进行全面调查。结果发现,关中地区麦田杂草不仅种类繁多,分布广泛,而且危害普遍严重,其中以播娘篙、猪殃殃、荠菜和节节麦分布最广,危害最严重,平均每平方米分别是93株、84株、21株和19.5株,最多样方分别是1 0421、246、352和256株/m2。因此,麦田杂草防除,应在一定的轮作与土壤耕作的基础上,把各项除草措施综合在一起,以求高效、低投入。  相似文献   

简要介绍了云南小粒咖啡园主要发生危害的杂草及不同气候类型下咖啡园杂草群落结构,提出了相应的防除措施.并根据周年杂草发生危害特点提出有效药剂和科学的用药方法等.  相似文献   

纪亚君 《杂草科学》2005,(4):3-5,47
青海省境内有天然草地3 636.9万hm2,其中可利用草地面积3 153.07万hm2。广袤的草原不仅是青海省生态系统的重要屏障,也是青海省畜牧业的物质基础和牧区的经济主体。但多年来由于恶劣的自然环境及人类不合理利用等因素的影响,草地生态系统受到破坏,草地退化问题日益严重。据调查  相似文献   

张瑜 《植物医生》2007,20(4):30-31
随着经济的发展和生活水平的提高,城市休闲广场的绿化和美化显得非常重要,广场内的休闲草坪和花草树木的养护亦日显重要。该文从草坪杂草的生物学特性、杂草的种类和危害出发.提出了草坪杂草防除的有效方法和措施。  相似文献   

对江苏省太湖洞庭山地区枇杷苗圃杂草危害调查发现有杂草27科94种,其中禾本科杂草的发生数量占60%~80%,有些田块甚至可达90%以上,成为苗圃中的优势杂草种群。枇杷苗圃杂草防除应从"封、杀、拔"三方面入手。  相似文献   

通过对广西东南部红黄壤区20个乡镇蔗田杂草调查明确,广西贵港蔗田杂草种类有152种,分属32科,其中菊科27种,占总数17.76%,其次是禾本科22种,占总数14.47%,其他依次为莎草科、苋科、大戟科、锦葵科等。蔗田杂草发生危害的特点是种类多、密度大、生长量大、前期生态控制作用小。药剂芽前土壤处理试验结果表明,F6285有效量30 g/667 m2、啶嘧磺隆3.3 g/667 m2、禾耐斯90 g/667 m2,药后40 d杂草株防效和鲜重防效均在86.5%以上,显著高于都尔、莠去津。药剂茎叶处理试验结果表明,阿·敌有效量140 g/667 m2、阿灭净有效量130 g/667 m2、啶嘧磺隆有效量3.3 g/667 m2+展着剂885.22.5 g/667 m2,药后30 d株防效和鲜重防效均可达到78.5%以上。  相似文献   

常德市油菜田杂草种类、分布及危害   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
常德市油菜田杂草有看麦娘、繁缕、碎米荠、草、播娘蒿、荠菜、婆婆纳、猪殃殃、一年蓬、卷耳等,危害严重的地方覆盖率可达90%以上,致使油菜生长发育受损,影响其产量、经济性状和品质。  相似文献   

河北省冬小麦田杂草群落特征   总被引:3,自引:10,他引:3  
为了明确河北省冬小麦田杂草的群落组成和结构,采用倒置"W"取样法对河北省7个地区146块冬小麦田的杂草进行了调查和物种多样性测度。结果显示,河北省冬小麦田有61种杂草,隶属于21科53属,播娘蒿、打碗花、荠菜、麦瓶草和麦家公是河北省冬小麦田的优势杂草。保定地区麦田杂草群落的物种丰富度最大;沧州地区麦田杂草群落的Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou指数最大;廊坊地区麦田杂草群落的Gleason指数、Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou指数最小,优势草种比较突出。经聚类分析和主成分分析,河北省冬小麦田杂草群落分为3组:石家庄、保定、邢台和廊坊的麦田杂草群落中耐旱杂草的相对多度较高;沧州和衡水的麦田杂草群落中耐盐杂草的相对多度较高;邯郸的麦田杂草群落中喜湿杂草的相对多度较高。说明土壤的盐度和湿度是影响河北省冬小麦田杂草群落组成的主要生态因子。  相似文献   

Thresholds for winter wheat weed control have been determined for different herbicides or mixtures effective against individual weed species. For Avena sterilis L. subsp. ludoviciana (Durieu) Nyman the economic threshold was between 7 and 12 plants m?2, for Alopecurits myosuroides Hudson and Lolium multiflorum Lam. it varied between 25 and 35 plants m?2, while for Bromus sterilis L. the values were just under 40 plants m?2. For Galium aparine L. the threshold was as low as 2 plants m?2, while for Vicia sativa L. it was between 5 and 10 plants m?2. Within the same species the different values of economic threshold result from the different costs and efficacy of herbicides. Nitrogen fertilization was important: in its absence, the competitiveness of B. sterilis and G. aparine was negligible, and it was not possible to calculate an economic threshold for some of the treatments which could not be justified economically. Estimation de seuils économiqu.es de désherbage chez le blé d'hiver Les seuils économiques de désherbage du blé d'hiver ont été determinés pour différents herbicides, seuls ou en mélanges, pour plusieurs espèces demauvaises herbes. POUT Avena sterilis L. subsp. ludoviciana (Durieu) Nyman, le seuil économique était compris entre 7 et 12 plantes m?2. PourAlopecurus myosuroides Hudson et Lolium multiflorum Lam., il variait entre 25 et 35 plantes m?2 et était juste au-dessous de 40 plantes m?2 pour Bromus sterilis L. Pour Galium aparine L., le seuil était2 plantes m?2 et était compris entre 5 et 10 plantes m?2 pour Vicia sativa L. Les différences de seuil pour une même espèce sont dues aux différences de coût et d'ef-ficacité des herbicides. Le rôle de la fertilisation azotVe Vtait important: en son absence, le pou-voir compVtitif de B. sterilis et de G. aparineétait négligeable, et il n'était pas possible de calculer de seuil économique pour certains traitements, qui ne pouvaient se justifier économiquement. Bestimmung von wirtschaftlichen Schadensschwel-lenfiirdie Unkrautbekdmpfung in Winterweizen Für verschiedenen Herbizide und -mischungen wurden entsprechend ihrer Wirksamkeit gegenüber bestimmten Unkrautarten Schadensschwellen zur Unkrautbekämpfung inWinterweizen bestimmt. Für Avena sterilis L. spp. ludoviciana (Durieu) Nyman lag die Schadensschwelle zwischen 7 und 12 Pflanzen m?2, fur Alopecurus myosuroides Hudson und Lolium multiflorum Lam. variierte sie zwischen 25 und 35 Pflanzen m?2, während die Werte für Bromus sterilis L. bei knapp 40 Pflanzen m?2 lagen. Bei Galium aparine L. war die Schadensschwelle ganz niedrig, nämlich 2 Pflanzen m?2, während sie für Vicia sativa L. zwischen 5 und 10 Pflanzen m2 betrug. Fiir ein und die-selbe Art ist die okonomische Schadensschwelle je nach den Kosten und der Wirksamkeit der Herbizide unterschiedlich. Die Stickstoffdün-gung ist zu beachten: wenn sie fehlt, ist die Konkurrenz durch Bromus sterilis und Galium aparine verachlässigbar, so daß keine gerechtfertigten ökonomischen Schadensschwellen berechnet werden konnten.  相似文献   

针对山东省滨州市小麦田春季化学除草防效较差的现状,进行了麦田冬前化学除草技术探讨,并通过推广该技术,改变了当地农民春季化学除草的习惯,使除草效果大幅度提高,收到了较好的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

Good weed control is critical in winter lentil production. This study was conducted on the lentil cultivar Sazak 91 during the winter seasons of 1997–98 and 1998–99 to determine the most appropriate method for controlling weeds. Hand weeding (weed‐free control), weedy control (inoculated), weedy control (uninoculated), hand hoeing once, hand hoeing twice, trifluralin, imazethapyr, linuron, prometryn, phenmedipham + desmedipham, trifluralin + hand hoeing and linuron + hand hoeing treatments were evaluated and the effects of herbicides on nodulation in lentil were investigated. In the first year Convolvulus arvensis, Centaurea balsamita, Ranunculus arvensis, Cephalaria syriaca and Lathyrus spp., dominated whereas in the second year Hordeum vulgare, Adonis aestivalis and Centaurea depressa were the dominant weed species in the plots. Prometryn, hand hoeing, linuron and a combination of linuron + hand hoeing were found to be the most effective for control of weeds, resulting in the highest yield in winter lentil throughout the investigation. Trifluralin and imazethapyr had a phytotoxic effect on the lentil plants. None of the weed control treatments had any adverse effects on nodulation and Rhizobium leguminosarum inoculation was not found to have any effect on the competitive ability of the lentil plants.  相似文献   

采用倒置"W"九点取样法和5级目测法,调查了云南冬季作物田杂草虉草的发生和危害状况。结果表明,截至2017年在云南有7个地州33个区县发现有虉草危害,其中保山地区危害最为严重,占全省受害面积的92%,其次是大理白族自治州。虉草在冬季作物田大麦、小麦、油菜和蚕豆田均有发生。危害的虉草有两个种,分别是小籽虉草Phalaris minor和奇异虉草P.paradoxa。其中小籽虉草的发生较为普遍,奇异虉草为零星发生。虉草造成的危害指数在6%~50%之间,对农作物造成的产量损失在40~110kg/667m2之间。虉草的防除以化学防除为主,人工防除为辅,但目前尚缺乏经济有效的防除农田虉草的除草剂。  相似文献   

Information on temporal and spatial variation in weed seedling populations within agricultural fields is very important for weed population assessment and management. Most of all, it allows a potential reduction in herbicide use, when post‐emergence herbicides are only applied to field sections with weed infestation levels higher than the economic weed threshold; a review of such work is provided. This paper presents a system for site‐specific weed control in sugarbeet (Beta vulgaris L.), maize (Zea mays L.), winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), including online weed detection using digital image analysis, computer‐based decision making and global positioning systems (GPS)‐controlled patch spraying. In a 4‐year study, herbicide use with this map‐based approach was reduced in winter cereals by 60% for herbicides against broad‐leaved weeds and 90% for grass weed herbicides. In sugarbeet and maize, average savings for grass weed herbicides were 78% in maize and 36% in sugarbeet. For herbicides against broad‐leaved weeds, 11% were saved in maize and 41% in sugarbeet.  相似文献   

Three field experiments were carried out in organically grown winter wheat in Denmark. The treatments were sowing time (normal or late sowing) and false seedbed, row width (12 and 24 cm) and weed control method [untreated; mechanical weed control (weed harrowing at 12 cm supplemented with inter‐row hoeing at 24 cm); and herbicide weed control]. Weed biomass in midsummer was greatest on plots sown at the normal sowing time (compared with delayed sowing) and was reduced by mechanical or chemical weed control (compared with untreated plots). Row width alone had no influence on weed biomass, but in the experiment with high weed pressure, the more intensive mechanical weed control used at a row width of 24 cm reduced weed biomass. Normal sowing time tended to give higher yields, but this was only statistically significant in one of the three experiments. Wide rows gave a yield decrease in the experiment with low weed pressure. The effect of weed control on yield was dependent on the weed pressure. At low weed pressure, mechanical weed control caused a yield decrease compared with untreated or herbicide treated. At intermediate weed levels there were no differences, whereas at high weed pressure, mechanical weed control and herbicide treatment caused a yield increase compared with untreated. False seedbeds were shown to contribute to a decrease in the soil seed reserve.  相似文献   

通过对辽宁省不同地区大豆田杂草调查,明确了各大豆主要种植区的杂草组成及危害情况,并针对不同地区大豆田杂草群落组成情况提出了防除策略.  相似文献   

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