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探讨猪精子在mTBM和TALP中分别获能2、3、4、5h和6h对体外获能的影响,并研究最适获能时间的精子体外受精的效果。结果表明:随着获能时间的延长,猪精子顶体反应率逐渐升高、质膜完整性逐渐下降,获能6h时的顶体反应率显著高于其他时间组,分别为52.5%和50.8%(P<0.05);质膜完整性显著低于其他时间组,分别为30.5%和31.4%(P<0.05);可获能4h的超激活运动率显著高于其他时间组,分别为56.6%和54.5%。将鲜精与冻融的精子获能4h后与成熟的猪卵母细胞进行体外受精,mTBM处理组的卵裂率显著高于TALP,分别为42.7%与40.2%和35.9%与33.4%,但鲜精与冷冻精液组间差异不显著。  相似文献   

本研究首次报道了猪冷冻精子的体外获能。用 I—A 诱导猪冷冻精子体外获能,可穿透去透明带仓鼠卵。I—A 浓度以0.3μM 为宜,穿透率为60%,有原核卵百分率为39.2%。咖啡因可促进 I—A 的作用,并能促进卵内原核的发育。I—A 可诱导猪冷冻精子的顶体反应,有顶体反应活精子百分率与穿透率呈强正相关(r=0.968,P<0.01,n=12)。结果说明,用 I—A 诱导获能的猪冻精可用于猪的卵子的体外受精。猪冻精在卵内的发育能力较低,推测这是猪冷冻精子受胎率低的一个主要原因。  相似文献   

多精子受精指多于一个的精子进入卵母细胞的胞质中,导致多倍体合子的形成、早期胚胎发育夭折或发育异常。哺乳动物在正常的体内受精中多精受精只占1%~2%,当猪卵母细胞在体外成熟和受精时,多精子受精率明显比体内成熟猪卵母细胞的高。多精子受精而发育的猪早期胚胎可发育至囊胚阶段甚至可以更进一步发育,但和两原核正常胚胎相比它们的囊胚内细胞团细胞数明显减少。  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨褪黑素对猪卵母细胞体外成熟及多精受精的影响。在猪卵母细胞体外成熟培养基中添加1 nmol/L褪黑素或1 nmol/L褪黑素+1 nmol/L Luzindole作为试验组,不添加褪黑素及Luzindole作为对照组,检测卵母细胞核成熟率、多精受精率,并观察体外受精胚胎的发育能力及与多精受精相关的细胞器分布情况。结果表明:各组间卵母细胞核成熟率及体外受精胚胎的卵裂率无显著差异;褪黑素组的猪卵母细胞多精受精发生率较其他2组降低(P<0.05),囊胚形成率提高(P<0.05),同时猪卵母细胞皮质颗粒及高尔基体的正常分布情况得到显著改善。结果证明,在猪卵母细胞体外成熟培养液中添加1 nmol/L褪黑素可显著改善卵母细胞成熟质量,抑制多精受精的发生。  相似文献   

猪冷冻精液体外受精研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为简化猪体外受精过程中精液的来源,避免不同公猪精液和不同采精时间对猪体外受精的影响,本研究采用5mL大管冷冻精液进行体外受精(IVF),研究IVF过程中的各项参数。结果表明:精卵共孵2~8h对多精人卵率影响不大(P〉0.05),2-细胞率随着共孵时间的延长而增加,8h时达到72.8%,显著高于2h组(60.5%,P〈0.05),桑椹胚和囊胚发育率以6h组最高,分别达46.1%和3.48%。多精人卵率随精子浓度的增加而增加,且各组之间差异显著(P〈0.05),2-细胞率也以10^8组(81.2%)最高,且显著高于10^5组(63.7%)(P〈0.05),同时10^7组和10^8组分别获得了8.11%和3.13%的囊胚发育率。以NCSU-23作为成熟培养液,并部分去除卵丘细胞的IVF卵裂率和囊胚率最高,达77.1%和7.33%。冻精和新鲜精液的IVF,无论是在卵裂率,还是桑椹胚或囊胚率上均无显著差异(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

本试验对猪卵泡卵母细胞不同体外成熟培养时间、不同精子获能时间、不同精卵共孵育时间对体外受精的影响进行了研究。结果表明,体外成熟培养44 h左右,精子获能时间在1~2 h之间,精卵共孵育时间在6~8 h之间,受精后卵裂率最高。  相似文献   

猪冷冻附睾精子与体外成熟卵母细胞的体外受精   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了不同解冻温度(39-41℃,58-60℃,69-71℃)和解冻方式(干解冻、湿解冻)对猪冷冻附睾精子解冻后的活力、存活指数以及受精能力的影响。结果表明,采用同一种解冻方式,经高温解冻的精液,虽然解冻后的活力较好,但活力却下降很快,精子的存活时间和存活指数均不如低温解冻的精液。采用同一种解冻温度,湿解冻所需的解冻时间相对短,解冻后精子活力相对低,但存活时间和存活指数相应优于对应的干解冻试验组。经低温解冻的精子,受精能力最强,精子的受精能力与解冻时间呈显著正相关(r=0.91613,P=0.0103).使用改良TCM199培养液,猪受精卵和颗粒细胞单层共培养能发育至早期桑椹胚。  相似文献   

获能液及精子密度对牛性控精子体外受精成功率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验探讨了不同的精子获能添加物、精子密度、精子获能液对牛性别分离精子体外受精(IVF)的影响。结果表明:受精液中同时添加10μg/mL的肝素与5mmol/L的咖啡因,能促进牛性控精子体外获能与受精。精子密度在1.0×10^6个/mL时其囊胚发育率最高。用BO液和mTyrode’s液对牛性控精子进行获能和受精处理.其受精效果差异不显著(P〉0.05),但BO液作用时间短对早期胚胎的发育影响较小,比较适合牛性控精子IVF。  相似文献   

何俊峰  崔燕 《中国兽医科技》2005,35(11):900-903
利用屠宰牦牛卵巢,抽取其表面2~5mm的卵泡内卵母细胞,经体外成熟后分别用BO液和改良Tyrode’S液进行体外受精研究。结果表明,BO液受精6h和改良Tyrode’s液分别受精6h和18h,牦牛体外受精卵的卵裂率差异不显著(分别为52.48%、47.67%和50.00%,P〉0.05)。它们的4细胞发育率分别为75.47%、78.05%和64.10%,8细胞发育率分别为56.60%、56.10%和48.72%,使用改良Tyrode’s液受精18h的发育率最低,与其他2组相比,差异极显著(P〈0.01);而受精时间同为6h时,2种受精液之间发育率的差异不显著(P〉0.05)。  相似文献   

马红  王文涛  付博  仁亮  刘娣 《兽医大学学报》2013,(9):1451-1453,1457
通过比较参与受精的卵母细胞颗粒细胞存在与否、精子上浮时间、精卵共孵育时间、不同受精液等4个方面的因素,研究这些因素对猪卵母细胞体外受精后胚胎发育能力的影响,以求找到最佳的猪卵母细胞体外受精体系。将选择带有不同颗粒细胞的卵丘卵母细胞复合体分为3组:含全部颗粒细胞、2~3层颗粒细胞和裸卵;调整精子在受精液里的上浮时间为0、30、60、120min研究其受精能力;比较3、6、20h精卵共孵育时间对体外受精的影响;结果表明:在本试验体系下,在mTBM受精液中,将精子上浮处理60min,与含2~3层颗粒细胞的卵丘-卵母细胞复合体共孵育6h的IVF体系最为有效,其卵裂率为(77.6±2.3)%,囊胚率为(25.7±2.6)%。  相似文献   

Chlorogenic acid (CGA) is a quinic acid conjugate of caffeic acid, and a phytochemical found in many fruits and beverages that acts as an antioxidant. The present study investigated the effects of CGA supplementation during in vitro maturation (IVM), on in vitro development of porcine oocytes, to improve the porcine in vitro production (IVP) system. Oocytes were matured either without (control) or with CGA (10, 50, 100 and 200 μM). Subsequently, the matured oocytes were fertilized and cultured in vitro for 7 day. The rates of maturation, fertilization and blastocyst formation of oocytes matured with 50 μM CGA were significantly (< .05) higher than those of the control oocytes. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is one of the reactive oxygen species and induces DNA damage in porcine oocytes. When oocytes were matured with 1 mM H2O2 to assess the protective effect of CGA, 50 μM CGA supplementation improved the maturation rate and the proportion of DNA‐fragmented nuclei in oocytes compared with control oocytes matured without CGA. Moreover, when oocytes were matured with either 50 μM CGA (control) or caffeic acid (10, 50 and 100 μM), the rates of maturation, fertilization and the blastocyst formation of oocytes matured with 50 μM CGA were similar to those of oocytes matured with 10 and 50 μM caffeic acid. Our results suggest that CGA has comparable effects to caffeic acid, and IVM with 50 μM CGA is particularly beneficial to IVP of porcine embryos and protects oocytes from DNA damage induced by oxidative stress. Supplementation of CGA to the maturation medium has a potential to improve porcine IVP system.  相似文献   

Mammalian ovaries contain a large number of oocytes at different stages of growth. To utilize potential female gametes, it is important to develop culture systems that permit oocytes to achieve full growth and competence in order to undergo maturation, fertilization and development. The desired culture systems should meet at least the following three conditions: (i) oocytes remain healthy and functional so that they can execute intrinsic programs that direct their growth and development; (ii) granulosa cells that are adjacent to oocytes proliferate efficiently to prevent oocytes from becoming denuded; and (iii) granulosa cells maintain (and develop) appropriate associations with oocytes during the culture period. For this reason, several systems have been developed, and they can be classified into four categories based on the structure and components of the follicle/oocyte–granulosa cell complex and the location of the oocyte in the physical organization of the complex. The resultant diverse morphologies are due to multiple factors, including the method for initial isolation of follicles, the culture substrate, and hormones and other factors added into the medium. It is important to find an optimal combination of such factors involved in the process to facilitate future research efforts.  相似文献   

Ovaries were collected over a period of two years from heifers slaughtered at under 30 months of age and used to harvest 1757 oocytes. After in vitro maturation, fertilisation and culture, the proportions of oocytes and cleaved embryos that developed to blastocysts were significantly higher (P<0.01) in the autumn, from September to November, than in the spring, from March to May. In contrast, embryo development, as assessed by oocytes that developed to eight or more cells and blastocysts, was lowest (P<0.01) in the spring. These results were consistent during the two-year study, indicating a seasonal fluctuation in oocyte competence.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) on the maturation of bovine oocytes, human recombinant VEGF(165) was used in 3 experiments. In Exp. 1, bovine cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) were matured for 22 hr in modified Synthetic Oviduct Fluid (m-SOF) supplemented with 0 (control) or 5 ng/ml of VEGF. Maturation rate increased (P<0.05) from 78.2% in the control to 90.5% in the VEGF treated group. In Exp. 2, bovine COCs were matured in m-SOF and co-incubated with sperm in modified BO medium, each supplemented with or without 5 ng/ml VEGF. Normal fertilization rate was improved (P<0.05) from 63.0% (control) to 79.8% or 82.3% with VEGF during maturation or both maturation and fertilization. In Exp. 3, bovine COCs were matured the same way as in Exp. 1, then co-incubated with sperm for 6 hr and cultured for 162 hr in m-SOF without VEGF. Cleavage rate and development rate to the 4- to 8-cell stage were examined at 42 hr post-co-incubation and development rate to blastocyst was examined at 162 hr post-co-incubation. Cleavage, the development to the 4- to 8-cell stage and blastocyst rates (82.0%, 70.3% and 45.1%, respectively) were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the VEGF group than those in the control (67.3%, 52.5% and 33.3%, respectively). These results indicate that VEGF has a beneficial effect on the maturation of bovine oocytes.  相似文献   

The objectives of present study were to evaluate the effect of casein kinase 1 (CK1) inhibition D4476 on in vitro maturation (IVM) and developmental competence of bovine oocytes. The cumulus oocyte complexes (COCs) were cultured in maturation medium with D4476 (0, 2, 5, 10, 20 μM) for 24 hr. After IVM and in vitro fertilization, through expansion average scores of cumulus cells (CCs), oocyte maturation efficiency, cleavage rate and blastocyst rate of zygote, we found 5 μM D4476 could increase the development potential of oocytes. After the COCs were treated with 5 μM D4476, the results of quantitative real‐time PCR analysis, Lichen red staining and PI staining showed that under without affecting germinal vesicle breakdown and nuclear morphology, D4476 could significantly decrease CK1 and upregulate TCF‐4 in oocytes. Furthermore, without influencing the level of Bad and CTSB, D4476 could significantly increase the expression of β‐catenin, TCF‐4, Cx43, MAPK, PTGS‐2, PTX‐3, TGS‐6, Bax and Bcl‐2 in CCs. Western blot analysis revealed that the addition of 5 μM D4476 during the maturation of COCs resulted in a lower level of Cx43 protein at 12 hr and a higher expression of Cx43 protein at 24 hr compared to the group without D4476. These results indicate that adding optimum D4476 (5 μM) to maturation medium is beneficial to maturity efficiency and development competence of bovine oocytes.  相似文献   

We tested the effects of resveratrol both as a pre‐treatment and as a recovery treatment after warming during in vitro maturation (IVM) on the viability and developmental competence of porcine oocytes vitrified at the germinal vesicle stage. Pre‐treatment before vitrification of oocytes for 3 hr with 2 μM resveratrol did not affect survival, oocyte maturation and embryo developmental competence to the blastocyst stage after parthenogenetic activation. However, supplementation of the medium with resveratrol during subsequent IVM after vitrification and warming significantly improved the ability of surviving oocytes to develop to the blastocyst stage, and this effect was observed only on vitrified, but not on non‐vitrified oocytes. The intracellular levels of glutathione and hydrogen peroxide in oocytes were not affected by vitrification and resveratrol treatment. Also, there was no significant difference in the occurrence of apoptosis measured by annexin V binding between vitrified and non‐vitrified oocytes, regardless of the resveratrol treatment. In conclusion, resveratrol did not prevent the cellular damages in immature porcine oocytes during vitrification; however, when added to the IVM medium, it specifically improved the developmental competence of vitrified oocytes. Further research will be necessary to clarify the mechanisms of action of resveratrol on the recovery of vitrified oocytes from vitrification‐related damages.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between follicle size (FS) and developmental competence of calf oocytes. Cumulus-oocyte-complexes (COCs) from follicles>8 (L-COCs; n=19), 4-8 (M-COCs; n=54), and 2-3 mm (S-COCs; n=155) were recovered from non-stimulated 1-4 months old dairy calves post mortem and ex vivo (laparoscopy), and in parallel from slaughtered adult cows from follicles of identical size categories [>8 (n=91); 4-8 (n=138); 2-3 mm (n=193)]. Morphologically intact COCs were subjected to in vitro maturation, fertilization, and embryo culture. Cleavage rate (CR; 46 h post-insemination=p.i.), rate of morulae/blastocysts (M/Bl; day 7 p.i.), and blastocysts (Bl; day 9 p.i.) were recorded. FS had no effect on the CR in calves. However, calf L-COCs yielded the highest rates of M/Bl and Bl compared with the two other size categories (P<0.05). In contrast, calf S- and M-COCs gave similar rates of M/Bl, whereas the proportion of Bl was lowest for S-COCs (P<0.05). This was almost identical to findings in cows, except that the CR was highest for L-COCs and M/Bl yields were lowest for S-COCs (P<0.05). There were no differences between calf and cows with regard to CR for the respective FS categories. L-COCs from calves and cows yielded similar rates of M/Bl and Bl, whereas calf S- and M-COCs yielded lower rates of Bl than S- and M-COCs from cows and a lower rate of M/Bl when S-and M-COCs were analyzed as one group (P<0.05). Whereas the CR was similar in calves and cows, calf COCs yielded lower rates of M/Bl and Bl (P<0.05). In conclusion, the results show that the developmental competence of calf oocytes is higher in those derived from follicles larger than 8 mm, and thus are almost equally as competent as cow oocytes derived from follicles of identical size. This suggests that calf oocytes acquire developmental competence within the large follicle, potentially due to a process similar to prematuration of the oocyte in the adult cow. It is proposed that procedures that facilitate prematuration, such as "coasting" following a preceding superstimulation, might increase the developmental competence of calf oocytes.  相似文献   

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