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在新疆阿勒泰引种90株、辽宁本溪引种66株、黑龙江哈尔滨60株,栽植于黑龙江省林业科学院江山娇实验林场。引种试验结果表明,栽植保存率较高,达81.89%。在株高方面,阿勒泰、本溪、哈尔滨分别为63.42cm,56.33cm,57.14cm;在地径方面,阿勒泰最大1.16cm,本溪、哈尔滨为1.0cm。  相似文献   

大叶白蜡育苗试验技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大叶白蜡(Fraxinus.america.na.L)落叶乔木,原产北美,我国主要分布于新疆天山南北。在北纬35°到48°之间都有引种。大叶白蜡寿命长,易繁殖,后期生长速度快,材质好,具有耐盐碱、耐涝,抗有害气体,抗病虫害特点,其树形优美是优良的行道树种和庭院绿化树种,其根系发达,是良好的水土保持树种。为丰富巴彦淖尔市树种资源,解决光肩星天牛等对杨、柳树毁灭性灾害问题,园林苗圃从银川引种一年生大叶白蜡种苗及种子进行引种试验。一、自然概况1.试验地概况试验地位于临河区境内,该地区海拔1050m,年均温6.8℃,极端高温42℃,极端低温-35℃。大于10℃积…  相似文献   

大叶白蜡(Fraxinus america na L)是落叶乔木,原产北美,我国新疆天山南北和北纬35°到48°之间都有引种。大叶白蜡寿命长,易繁殖,后期生长速度快,材质好,具有耐盐碱、耐涝、抗有害气体、抗病虫害等特点。其树形优美,是优良的行道树种和庭院绿化树种;其根系发达,固土作用强,是良好的水土保持树种。  相似文献   

以大叶白蜡(Fraxinus chinenses var.rhynchophylla Hemsl.)为试材,建立了优质的大叶白蜡母树林,通过对母树林以及子代的多年观察和测定,选育出雄株大叶白蜡1、2、3号,雄株大叶白蜡可以通过嫁接大量繁育,延长了绿化时间,提高了城市绿化效率,可作为新疆城市绿化的首选树种之一。  相似文献   

近年来 ,白蜡条 Eraxinuschinensis虫害在河南白蜡条产区日趋严重。该文记述了 3种白蜡条害虫的生活习性和防治  相似文献   

白蜡窄吉丁(Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire)是一种危害白蜡的重要蛀干害虫。该虫在北京大兴地区1a发生1代,以老熟幼虫在韧皮部与木质部之间的边材坑道内越冬。4月上旬开始化蛹,4月中旬为化蛹高峰,4月底成虫开始羽化,5月中旬为羽化高峰。5月下旬成虫开始产卵,6月中旬幼虫孵化,持续到7月上旬孵化结束。  相似文献   

对5个杂交组合的30个杂交杨无性系1 a生扦插苗的分枝习性和冠层结构的研究,其结果表明不同无性系的分枝习性和冠层结构存在很大差异.总体上看,DN杂交的无性系的侧芽基本不萌发,冠层结构简单,NE杂交的无性系侧芽易萌发,形成大量分棱角小的细侧枝,而TD杂交的无性系当年生侧芽极易萌发,形成大量分枝角大的较粗大侧枝.  相似文献   

为探讨不同平茬模式下中间锦鸡儿(Caragana intermedia)叶形态性状及叶组织化学性状的变化规律,筛选促进中间锦鸡儿恢复生长的最优的平茬高度,以鄂托克旗典型生态脆弱区中间锦鸡儿人工灌木林为研究对象,进行10 cm(H1)、15 cm(H2)和20 cm(H3)平茬高度处理,并以未平茬中间锦鸡儿作为对照(CK),分析平茬对中间锦鸡儿叶形态性状、叶组织化学性状的影响。结果表明:(1)中间锦鸡儿叶形态性状中各个指标表明,平茬15 cm处理模式均优于其他平茬模式。(2)平茬高度对中间锦鸡儿叶组织化学性状影响显著,且平茬15 cm处理时优于其他平茬模式。(3)隶属函数综合分析呈现出H2>H1>H3>CK。不同平茬高度处理的叶功能性状基本表现为H2>H1>H3>CK,15 cm平茬高度处理最优,表明鄂托克旗生态交错区中间锦鸡儿应采取15 cm平茬高度处理以提高其生长速率。  相似文献   

直干型大叶相思在南宁的引种与生长研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
8年的引种试验表明,直干型大叶相思主干较通直,适应性强,生长迅速,年平均高生长达2.9 m,胸径达2.4 cm,蓄积量年生长量可达16.77m3/hm2;可推广建立速生丰产工业用材林和贫瘠立地绿化造林。  相似文献   

直干型大叶相思选择的探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在广州龙洞、增城梳脑、新会罗坑、珠海南溪及海南白石岭、尖峰等地对大叶相思进行直干型选择与测定。现已选出干型较直的类型,经后代测定与一般商品种相比,其材积增益达160%─180%,并能保存原来特性。  相似文献   

花曲柳体胚发生和植株再生   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以花曲柳合子胚的单片子叶为外植体成功诱导出体胚并获得再生植株。未成熟合子胚的子叶在添加400mg·L-1水解酪蛋白、0.25mg·L-16-BA、1.5mg·L-1NAA、70g.L-1蔗糖和6g·L-1琼脂的MS1/2培养基上可以成功诱导产生体胚,诱导率达到34.7%,每个外植体上体胚数量为2~9个。成熟合子胚的子叶在添加0.25mg·L-16-BA、2mg·L-1NAA的MS1/2培养基(其他成分同上)上可以成功诱导产生体胚,诱导率为10.0%。体胚在MS1/2培养基上经过成熟培养后可以正常萌发,萌发率87.6%。萌发的体胚植株在MS1/2+0.01mg·L-1NAA培养基上生长较好,具备实生幼苗的外观特征。经炼苗后的体胚苗移植到栽培基质(草炭土:蛭石:珍珠岩体积比为5:4:1)中可以正常生长,成活率为75.0%。  相似文献   

Fruit size and seed moisture content were measured and seed production and dispersal were monitored to understand the seed biology of the Korean ash (Fraxinus rhynchophylla Hance) in two Korean ash forests. A combination of four ground treatments and four crown closure levels were created in a natural forest to understand the site conditions needed for seedling emergence in natural stands and to determine practical regeneration methods for direct seeding. The seed size of Korean ash increased until late May and its moisture content decreased rapidly in early November. Prolific seed bearing occurred every 3 yr. The distance of seed dispersal by wind was about 30 m, but more than 90% of the seeds dispersed within 10 m from the seed trees. Twenty-five seed trees per hectare provided for successful natural regeneration. The seedling emergence in the natural stands was best with scarification treatment and 25~50% of crown closure.  相似文献   

Yeo  Un Sang; Lee  Don Koo 《Forestry》2006,79(2):167-176
The effects of thinning were investigated on naturally regeneratedFraxinus rhynchophylla Hance (Korean ash) grown in the understoreyof a Larix kaempferi (Lamb.) Carr. plantation, established ona site that previously supported old growth hardwood forests.The regeneration characteristics were evaluated after thinningof the plantation (about 60 per cent of relative density wasremoved). In the naturally regenerated and mixed stands, Quercusmongolica Fisch. was the most abundant tree species in the overstorey,but the understorey of the thinned plantations was dominatedby F. rhynchophylla with six other minor tree species. Fraxinusrhynchophylla was regenerated by four propagation types includingnatural seedling, stump sprout, root sprout and layering. Beforethinning, the difference of average height growth for each regenerationtype was insignificant. One year after thinning, the stump sproutsshowed the fastest growth among the regeneration types. Heightgrowth of advance regeneration was slow in the year followingthinning but then increased rapidly surpassing the other regenerationtypes 5 years after thinning. Thinning had an effect on thecomposition of regenerated trees also by seedling, stump sprout,root sprout and layering in the understorey. Advance regenerationsoccupied the upper understorey at 5 years after thinning. Alarge number of stump sprouts emerged in the plots 1 year afterthinning, while at 5 years after thinning the occupation ofstump sprouts decreased. Root sprouts and layers faded away.Considering the early growth and the composition of understoreyF. rhynchophylla, its advance regeneration has a high potentialto develop into overstorey trees at this site.  相似文献   


Stem bases of 210 Fraxinus excelsior trees of three different health categories were sampled by the means of an increment borer in declining ash stands in northern Lithuania. From this number, 15 sound-looking, 132 declining and 63 dead trees from three discrete plots yielded 352 isolates, representing 75 fungal species. In addition, mycelial fans and rhizomorphs typical of Armillaria spp. from 205 and 20 trees, respectively, were sampled and subjected to fungal isolations. Species richness was similar in trees from each health category, but community structures differed, indicating that species composition of wood-inhabiting fungi in stems changes along with the changes in tree health condition. Armillaria cepistipes was the most common species (86 isolates from 210 wood samples, or 41.0%), isolated more frequently and consistently than any other potential tree pathogen. It also showed abundant occurrence on a majority of trees in the form of mycelial fans and rhizomorphs, from which 64 and 14 isolates of the fungus were obtained, respectively. The population structure of A. cepistipes revealed the presence of 53–93 genets per hectare, some of which extended up to 30–55?m.  相似文献   

Ten saplings of European ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) naturally infected by the invasive ash dieback pathogen Hymenoscyphus fraxineus were collected in Ukraine and Norway and examined for bark necrosis and extension of discoloration in sapwood and pith in a stem region. Tissue‐specific colonization profiles were determined by spatial analyses of symptomatic and visually healthy stem tissues using a H. fraxineus‐specific qPCR assay and light microscopy. Our data suggest that hyphal growth in the starch‐rich perimedullary pith is of particular importance for both axial and radial spread of H. fraxineus, but that most of its biomass accumulates in sapwood parenchyma. The study confirms the results from earlier work and presents new information that refines the current stem invasion model.  相似文献   

白蜡是衡水市园林树木的重要组成部分,白蜡树在衡水地区有两种,一种是美国白蜡(也叫大叶白蜡)(Fraxinus americana L.),另一种是白蜡(也叫小叶白蜡、中国白蜡)(Fraxinus chinensis Roxb)。美国白蜡在衡水栽植较早,近几年分布愈来愈少,正逐步被小叶白蜡所取代。小叶白蜡以其适应能力强、耐修剪、耐瘠薄、耐盐碱、  相似文献   

白蜡良种选育研究的现状与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
简述了国内白蜡良种选育的现状,并对目前白蜡良种选育存在的问题进行了科学的分析,提出了针对性的解决方法,为白蜡良种选育的进一步研究提供参考。  相似文献   

小豆长喙天蛾 (MacroglossumstellatarumLinnaeug) ,别名小豆日天蛾、草天蛾、尾天蛾、蓬雀天蛾。我国大部分省 (市 )、自治区都有分布。吉林省主要分布在四平、蛟河、磐石、白山、和龙、抚松以及长白山保护区等地。 2 0 0 1年 9月 2 0日首次在  相似文献   

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