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Three gilts were vaccinated with a NYVAC vaccinia recombinant expressing glycoprotein gD of pseudorabies virus (PRV) (NYVAC/gD). After farrowing, the piglets were allowed to nurse normally to obtain colostral immunity and then were divided into four groups, receiving NYVAC/gD, a NYVAC recombinant expressing glycoprotein gB of PRV (NYVAC/gB), an inactivated PRV vaccine (iPRV), or no vaccine. The piglets were vaccinated twice, three weeks apart beginning at approximately two weeks of age and later challenged with virulent PRV oronasally. Piglets that received NYVAC/gB or iPRV were the best protected based on lack of mortality, lower temperature responses, decreased weight loss and decreased viral shedding after challenge. These results indicate effective strategies for stimulating active immune response while still under the protection of maternal immunity.  相似文献   

Infectious laryngotracheitis (ILT) is a highly contagious respiratory disease of chickens caused by infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV). The disease is mainly controlled through biosecurity and by vaccination with live-attenuated vaccines. The chicken embryo origin (CEO) vaccines, although proven to be effective in experimental settings, have limited efficacy in controlling the disease in dense broiler production sites due to unrestricted use and poor mass vaccination coverage. These factors allowed CEO vaccines to regain virulence, causing long lasting and, consequently, severe outbreaks of the disease. A new generation of viral vector fowl poxvirus (FPV) and herpesvirus of turkey (HVT) vaccines carrying ILTV genes has been developed and such vaccines are commercially available. These vaccines are characterized by their lack of transmission, lack of ILTV-associated latent infections, and no reversion to virulence. HVT-vectored ILTV recombinant vaccines were originally approved for subcutaneous HVT or transcutaneous (pox) delivery. The increased incidence of ILTV outbreaks in broiler production sites encouraged the broiler industry to deliver the FPV-LT and HVT-LT recombinant vaccines in ovo. The objective of this study was to evaluate the protection induced by ILTV viral vector recombinant vaccines after in ovo application in 18-day-old commercial broiler embryos. The protection induced by recombinant ILTV vaccines was assessed by their ability to prevent clinical signs and mortality; to reduce challenge virus replication in the trachea; to prevent an increase in body temperature; and to prevent a decrease in body weight gain after challenge. In this study, both recombinant-vectored ILTV vaccines provided partial protection, thereby mitigating the disease, but did not reduce challenge virus loads in the trachea.  相似文献   

Intranasal vaccination with an attenuated Aujeszky's disease virus strain was compared with parenteral vaccination with two inactivated virus vaccines, in 10-week-old pigs with low levels of maternal antibody. Intranasal vaccination conferred a much better protection than parenteral vaccination with the two inactivated vaccines against challenge two months later, as evidenced by shorter periods of growth arrest and fever and a greater reduction of virulent virus shedding after challenge-exposure.  相似文献   

A live attenuated auxotrophic S. typhimurium (S. tm.)-mutant was used by orally administration via drinking water several times during rearing, combined with 1- or 2-times parenteral injection of an autogenous S. enteritidis (S. e.)/S. tm.-oil emulsion vaccine. In a 8-month period, more than 500,000 birds were vaccinated. The vaccine was safe. Challenge test showed protection in the vaccinates and their offspring. The number of isolates in the farms detected by regular monitoring decreased. The protection of the live-culture mutant lasted about only 8 to 10 weeks. A. S. tm.-mutant more potent for chickens will be tested now. We consider vaccinations as one important factor in a salmonella control program, especially for commercial layers and broiler breeders.  相似文献   

This report presents the normal rate of decay of maternal antibody and the influence of maternal antibody on responses to a single vaccination with modified-live bovine virus diarrhea and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus vaccines at 196 days of age and on response to vaccinations with the same vaccines given twice at 84 and 196 days of age. Passive immunity decreased to near zero over the first six months of life for both bovine virus diarrhea and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis controls. All calves seroconverted to bovine virus diarrhea vaccine at 84 days of age, even though high levels (greater than 1:32) of maternal antibodies were present. These calves did not seroconvert to infectious bovine rhinotracheitis vaccine at 84 days of age when high levels (less than 1:16) of maternal antibodies were present. Calves responded well to bovine virus diarrhea and infectious bovine rhinotracheitis vaccines given only once at 196 days of age after passive immunity disappeared. Calves which were revaccinated with infectious bovine rhinotracheitis seroconverted showing a more rapid response than the single vaccinates. Those revaccinated with bovine virus diarrhea showed an immediate response of small magnitude.  相似文献   

Infectious anemia of poultry is a disease of high economical significance. Connatal infection of chicks with the chicken anemia agent (CAA) via the embryonated egg causes anemia along with severe immunosuppression, thus rendering the chicken susceptible for secondary infections. In order to prevent infection of young chicks, it is necessary to induce immunity against CAA in parent flocks, with the aim to prevent connatal spread of the infection and provide maternal protection for baby chicks. In this publication, the efficacy and use of a live CAA vaccine is reported. From autumn 1986 until summer 1990, 3 experimental vaccine charges were applied in 85 broiler parent flocks with totally 3.1 million chickens. In addition, totally 293,000 broiler breeder and 171,000 layer breeder chicken were vaccinated in 1989/90. The vaccine was administered between the 13th and 19th week of life by drinking water without adverse effect to the birds. Chicken anemia symptoms were observed only at the begin of laying period in two parent flocks. These flocks had been vaccinated in the 17th and 19th week, respectively. The offsprings of all other vaccinated parent flocks remained free of chicken anemia. Day-old chicks derived from vaccinated parent flocks were protected against CAA challenge infection. It is emphasized, that vaccination should be performed within the 13th to 15th week of life, because according to our observations, this will lead to an immediate seroconversion.  相似文献   

Ten-week-old pigs with high levels of maternally derived antibody (MDA) against Aujeszky's disease virus (ADV) were given either a single intranasal vaccination or one or two doses (with an interval of three weeks) of commercially available attenuated ADV vaccines intramuscularly. The pigs did not produce a clear neutralising antibody response to ADV. However, pigs vaccinated intranasally and pigs given two doses of attenuated ADV vaccines were protected against intranasal challenge with virulent ADV two months after the first vaccination. Pigs given one parenteral dose of attenuated ADV vaccine were insufficiently protected. Protection was shown by shorter periods of growth arrest and fever and a greater reduction of virulent virus shedding after challenge in vaccinated pigs than in unvaccinated control pigs. Although intranasal vaccination conferred protection comparable to two parenteral doses of attenuated vaccines, it reduced shedding of virulent virus much more effectively. These results, together with those of other studies, show that intranasal vaccination confers better protection against Aujeszky's disease in pigs with MDA than parenteral vaccination. However, the efficacy of intranasal vaccination also decreases with increasing levels of MDA at the time of vaccination.  相似文献   

In ninety-five serum samples taken in a herd of five-year to seven-year cattle that was heavily infected by bovine leukosis virus, the four serological assays were used for demonstration of the antibodies to bovine leukosis virus; cytotoxic test, immunodiffusion test in agar-agar, immunoenzymatic test and serum neutralizing test. The serum neutralizing test was found to be the most sensitive: further seven positive reagents were diagnosed in comparison with immunoenzymatic test; cytotoxic and immunodiffusion tests in agar-agar have the lowest sensitivity and the results of these tests are almost identical. It was found out in forty titrated samples that serum neutralizing test was by as much as 20 times more sensitive than immunoenzymatic test, the latter being about 50 times more sensitive than cytotoxic and immunodiffusion tests.  相似文献   

The adjuvant vaccine against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) was tested as to its innocuousness and immunogenicity. The immunity response induced by a single or double application of different vaccine doses was evaluated according to the content of neutralization antibodies (NP) in the blood serum. A direct dependence was revealed between the size of the inoculum and NP content in the blood serum, with NP titres of 1 : 9.3; 1 : 26.6, 1 : 80 and 1 : 149 after doubled application of 1, 2, 5, and 10 ml of the vaccine. The calves inoculated at an age of one week produced antibodies in the same titres as one- to five-month-old calves. Singly inoculated animals mostly showed zero-level or low antibody titres, but revaccination induced general serum-positivity with NP titres 1 : 4 to 1 : 128. The animals which had been in contact with the IBR virus and were serologically negative during inoculation or had an NP content in the blood serum at a titre of 1 : 4 or less, gave an anamnestic response to inoculation, but revaccination did not lead to a significant rise in antibody content. Double administration of 2 ml of vaccine in four production charges induced the production of antibodies with average titres of 1 : 36, 1 : 25; 1 : 31 and 1 : 24. Inoculation of susceptible animals in non-infected herds and of clinically healthy animals in infected herds did not cause any health disorders. IBR; inactivated adjuvant vaccine; different age; different doses; immunity response; neutralization antibodies.  相似文献   

Twelve-day-old chickens were vaccinated once with different Newcastle disease (ND) vaccines ( F, La Sota and Mukteswar) by two different routes (intraocular and drinking water). Chickens from a seventh group were uninoculated controls. At weekly intervals for 7 weeks after vaccination, 20 chickens from each vaccinated group and 20 chickens from the control group were examined for the production of haemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibodies and for protection as assessed after challenge with velogenic, viscerotropic ND virus.

La Sota ND vaccine used intraocularly ranked the best and Mukteswar vaccine by the drinking water route the worst for their HI antibody titres prior to challenge. Differences between the treatments in protection were examined. For all three vaccines intraocular vaccine produced higher protection than drinking water vaccine. An inverse relationship between prechallenge and postchallenge HI titres was also recorded.  相似文献   

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