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The twentieth century witnessed an extraordinary flow of institutional investment into urban infrastructure. Notwithstanding this, the demand for infrastructure projects exceeds supply of skills and capital. With this disconnect as a backdrop we develop a model of information flow to examine how financial assets are transacted over time and space. Specifically, we build on conceptualisations of “information content” from Clark and O'Connor ( 1997 ) to propose a way of theorising “information density”. We apply this specifically to infrastructure investment and find four ways in which infrastructure investment is highly dense. This relates to asset‐level definitions in infrastructure, opacity with respect to how products are securitised, high variance in investment performance, and high relational and investment expertise. We draw on a large qualitative sample of 53 in‐depth interviews, which we validate with quantitative data, to support our findings.  相似文献   

Sustainability is one of the most-mentioned words from the UN seminars to local community meetings, it is the issue of the world. The emerging science of landscape ecology, is learning more and more about the importance of the linkage that green infrastructure(GI) provides in maintaining and restoring ecological processes and the health of nature. The world has moved from the industrialization period to sustainability as a growing issue and answering the question of sustainability in different sectors and green infrastructure is trying to answer the request for sustainable infrastructure. Applying the concept and characteristics of green infrastructure is the infrastructural solution in design. This paper tries to see the origins and concepts of green infrastructure and the strong role of green infrastructure as a part of sustainable development.  相似文献   

(1河南农业大学林园学院,河南郑州 45002;2中国林业科学研究院林业研究所,北京 100091)  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This article explores the transformation of industrial systems in transborder investments made by Taiwanese information technology investors in China. It asks how cross‐border firms would operate in these new territories. The study found that, by and large, Taiwanese investors chose to respond strategically to the tensions in different ways at different stages. At first, regarding China as a land of cheap labor and land, they relocated the Taiwanese industrial system in such a way as to avoid disturbing the hosting regions. The situation changed as China’s market emerged confidently and opened gradually to foreign investors after the mid‐1990s. Exploring this huge new market in China provided a mandate for Taiwanese investors to prosper. They opened up their firm boundaries and added new departments of research, development, and marketing. They developed from being merely export subcontractors to producing their own brand‐name goods. In the most recent stage, Taiwanese investors have created networks to tap into local resources to support new activities. Echoing Yeung (2005) in a recent issue of this journal, this article argues that new investments change the developmental trajectories of the host regions and, at the same time, the regions imbued the incoming firms with their own regional stamp. From this perspective, location and localization decisions by cross‐strait firms may be regarded as geographically sensitive strategies whereby firms, as reflexive agents, protect and reinforce their competence through the evolution of a firm–territory nexus.  相似文献   

Merja Veteläinen 《Euphytica》1994,79(1-2):127-136
Summary Utilization of exotic germplasm offers an approach to broaden genetic variability in breeding populations. This study was conducted in order to 1) compare germplasm of exotic origin with adapted Swedish barleys with respect to genetic differences and 2) to evaluate how exotic material affected agronomic performance in complex crosses. Allozyme studies showed the following Nei's gene diversities among parents: 0.13 (adapted parents), 0.16 (landraces) and 0.25 (H. spontaneum). Cluster analysis indicated that parental groups were genetically divergent. Earliness, straw length, number of ears per plant and thousand kernel weight (TKW) were studied. Variation in agronomic traits showed the following pattern: landraces > H. spontaneum > adapted lines. The best sources for earliness were adapted parents and landraces. Mean straw length was greatest in H. spontaneum lines. Number of ears per plant was quite similar in all groups. The highest TKW was among landraces and adapted parents. Hybrids from the complex crossing programme exceeded parents in earliness and TKW. An index composed from the four traits showed the most favorable frequency distributions for adapted parents and hybrids. Both genetic and agronomic studies indicate that new valuable variation from exotic germplasm may be introduced into barley breeding material.  相似文献   

梣粉虱是一种为害果树和园林植物的危险性入侵害虫,可造成严重的经济损失。为探明梣粉虱对我国的风险性,本文从该虫生物学特性、分布情况及寄主条件等为基础,依据有害生物分析准则,分析了该虫在我国定殖和扩散的可能性,利用MaxEnt生态位模型预测了其在我国的潜在适生区。结果表明:梣粉虱传入我国并在中东部定殖的风险性极高,高风险区包括江苏、安徽、湖北、湖南、重庆、等省份;上述地区应加强梣粉虱的检疫工作,实行严格的风险管理。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The turn of the twenty‐first century saw the re‐emergence of debates about the reconfiguration of European financial geographies and the role of stock exchange mergers in this process. There has been, however, no systematic attempt to date to analyse such changes. This paper proposes a specific conceptual framework to explore these issues. It uses a product‐based analysis to examine, in the context of recent stock exchange mergers, the factors affecting the competitiveness of a financial centre. It argues that it is important to understand three intertwined influences—product complementarities, the nature of local epistemic communities, and regulation—and their contingent effects on change. This is exemplified by a tentative application of the framework to the case of Amsterdam in order to better understand its recent decline in competitiveness as a European financial centre.  相似文献   

The capabilities of central office (CO) telephone switches in four southeastern states (Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Tennessee) provide detail on spatial variation in telecommunications technologies. A proposed six‐level hierarchy of switch capability was used. Switches with digital capability are concentrated disproportionately in metropolitan areas, largely in response to larger numbers of business establishments. The overall picture in the Southeast is one of tremendous variation—variation across states and variation within the four states being studied. Rural (nonmetro) counties generally, but not always, have both fewer switches overall and fewer switches with digital capability. North Carolina and Tennessee, the two most urban of the four states, also have seen the greatest entry by new telecommunications competitors. These two states have the largest percentages of advanced (digital) switches in both metro and rural counties. At the county level, the number of switches is primarily a function of a county's population but, even more significantly in three states, of the number of business establishments in the county. On the whole, it is residents of metropolitan—not rural—areas who are most likely to be served by newer forms of digital telecommunications.  相似文献   

Utilizing newly assembled data on per capita metropolitan investments from the Census of Governments - Finance Statistics, this paper assesses the effects of local (i.e., non-state and non-federal) government investments in public capital on metropolitan factor productivity. Differences in productivity across metropolitan areas are modeled as a Hicks-neutral production function shifter, and the analysis covers 261 metropolitan areas of the United States for the period 1977 to 1992. These findings indicate that there is no significant relationship between levels of public capital investments and the levels of metropolitan productivity for the periods 1977, 1982, 1987, and 1992; however, a positive and significant relationship is found between the growth rate of local government investments in public capital and the growth rate of metropolitan productivity for the fifteen-year period.  相似文献   

上海地区国外树种引种调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了给上海辰山植物园5大洲植物引种项目提供必须的树种材料,对上海20年来国外树种的引种情况进行调查分析,对其科属分布、种源地情况、生态位、园林用途进行研究。结果表明:(1)槭树科的木本植物引种数量最多,其次是豆科和桃金娘科;(2)美洲区系植物引种最多,达71种,其次为欧洲区系31种;(3)生态位分析结果为乔木数量最多,达到108种,灌木67种;(4)引种植物中落叶树种108种,多于常绿树种的69种;(5)引种方向主要是耐盐碱、耐水湿或有一定耐寒、耐热能力的树种;(6)引种树种在园林绿化中主要用作行道树、园景树、庭园树、水土保持林、花坛、花境和隔离带等。  相似文献   

贫困地区县域农村经济发展速度的快慢直接影响着全面建设小康社会、和谐社会和社会主义新农村的步伐。贫困地区农村经济加快发展,尽早实现脱贫致富奔小康,彻底解决“三农”问题任务十分艰巨,意义重大。制约贫困地区县域农村经济发展的因素很多,寻找其经济超常规、跨越式发展的突破口,关键在于解放思想,与时俱进,聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展,理清发展思路,立足当地实际,培育壮大优势产业,走产业化、市场化的发展之路。  相似文献   

采用程氏指数法研究的结果表明:水稻亚种特性与经济性状有一定相关性,其中与结实率呈极显著正相关,与株高、穗数、穗重呈显著相关;亚种特性特别是与一次枝梗的各项性状如个数、千粒重、粒数、结实率,二次枝梗的二次粒率有密切相关性。亚种特性与穗颈大维管束数、小维管束数均呈极显著相关。  相似文献   

To study on how to choose the optimal capital structure for financial distressed listed firms,the difference of the factors influencing the capital structure and the adjusting procedure between non-distressed firms and distressed firms is analyzed.It shows that the high debt ratio of the distressed firms is significantly related with the proportion of the largest shareholder and the concentration of the share structure.However,the proportion of largest shareholder has little effect on the adjustment of capital structure.Therefore,to solve the problem of distressed firms,it will depend not only on the improvement of corporate governance,but also on the optimization of financial channels.  相似文献   

The Spanish bank sector has restructured extensively since the crisis erupted in 2008 in an attempt to correct the imbalances accumulated during the preceding boom years. Thanks to this restructuring effort, Spain's branch network has been pared back by 32 percent, prompting questions about potential ramifications for the population's access to financial services. Against this backdrop, this paper quantifies, at the municipal level, the segment of the population without access to a bank branch in their home town between 2008 and 2015, paving the way for analysis of the impact of the restructuring effort. It also analyses the role played by the three kinds of deposit institutions in Spain in providing access to financial services via their branch networks. The results show that although the percentage of the Spanish population without access to a branch in their home town has risen, the increase has been small, albeit marked by significant differences from one province to the next. The savings banks (including the former cajas that have converted to banks) are still the most important financial institutions in terms of facilitating branch access to financial services.  相似文献   

中国西部农村金融抑制问题研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李颖  王颖 《中国农学通报》2014,30(5):114-118
以西部农村金融为研究对象,以金融深化理论为基础,研究中国西部农村金融抑制现象及金融抑制出现原因,分析利率管制及金融产品单一、风险防范机制不健全制约西部农村金融发展,提出加强金融深化、进一步开放西部农村金融市场,对西部农村金融服务“三农”的意义重大。  相似文献   

为了研究不同叶幕结构与光合作用之间的相关性,为农业生产和理论研究提供方向。本文通过对影响叶幕结构的因素:栽植密度与叶幕厚度、叶幕方位角和倾斜度、叶幕高度与行间距离、叶幕开张度、叶面积系数、叶面积密度;果树的光合特性:叶片的需光特性、果树净光合速率( Pn)的季节和日变化规律;影响光合作用的内、外界因子;光能的截留和分配的分析,提出研究中存在的问题,为以后的研究提供方向。  相似文献   

农产品流通基础设施对农业生产影响的机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张贵友 《中国农学通报》2008,24(11):530-532
本文分析了农产品流通基础设施对农业生产的影响机理,认为农产品流通基础设施具有克服农产品交易的空间和时间障碍,以使农产品价值顺利实现的功能;农产品流通基础设施影响着农产品交易主体的交易能力,以及农产品交易效率。文章最后给出了完善农产品流通基础设施的建议。  相似文献   

国槐DNA导入花生栽培品种D8代数量性状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验对外源DNA导入花生变异体的D8株行进行了数量性状的比较、相关性分析和聚类分析。结果表明:来自D4代同一株行的10个D8株行相比较,主茎高、侧枝长、总分枝数等性状无显著差异,叶长、果长及果皮厚3个性状差异显著或极显著;单株生产力与其他性状的相关程度不同,与果长呈极显著正相关,与主茎高呈显著负相关;将10个株行聚为3类,结果与系谱图并不完全一致。  相似文献   

选择柴达木高寒地区的1300m2的宁夏枸杞种植地,连续观测3年的发育期、产量因素和产量结构,结合当地气象资料,探究宁夏枸杞在高寒地区的适应性。结果表明:柴达木高寒地区宁夏枸杞发育时间为181 d,平均产量为426.52g/m2,产量结构为老眼枝果>夏果>秋果。柴达木地区宁夏枸杞产量与气象因子的Pearson相关显示:局域环境中枸杞产量与各气象因子的关系均不显著(p>0.05),推测枸杞产量可能取决于灌溉。综合表明宁夏枸杞在柴达木高寒地区的适应性较好,但需要合理经营管理。本研究为宁夏枸杞在高寒地区的适应性研究提供了较好的基础。  相似文献   

Urban ecological infrastructure is the ecological background of urban sustainable development and is the basic guarantee for the construction of ecological cities. According to the characteristics of the ecological infrastructure of coal-based cities, the ecological infrastructure is divided into two subsystems:natural infrastructure subsystem and artificial infrastructure subsystem. According to each subsystem and its main components(such as atmosphere, green space, hydrology, traffic and transportation), 36 indicators were selected to establish the evaluation system. In addition, the evaluation model was established by means of mean square deviation method and composite index method, and a dynamic analysis was carried out on the ecological infrastructure quality of Huainan City in 2006-2015. The results show that the composite index of ecological infrastructure in Huainan City in 2006-2015 remained at the medium level, and the natural infrastructure at the worse and poor levels, while the artificial infrastructure remained at the medium and excellent levels.  相似文献   

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