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Lambs from birth were reared in a tapeworm-free environment or on pasture contaminated with eggs of Taenia hydatigena. An examination for cysts at autopsy of some of the latter at 3 months of age revealed that they had ingested eggs. Eggs of T. hydatigena and T. ovis were fed at 6 months of age to lambs reared in the tapeworm-free environment and to some of those reared on the pasture. By comparing the number of cysts established at 9 months of age in the animals of each group, it was determined that those reared on the pasture had acquired some resistance to superinfection with T. hydatigena and infection with T. ovis. The remaining animals reared on the pasture were immunised (hyperimmunised) at 3 months of age by a parenteral injection of the eggs or embryos of T. hydatigena or T. ovis or both species. These animals were subsequently fed with the eggs of both species at 6 months of age. An examination of them for cysts at 9 months of age suggested that those immunisation procedures using the homologous organisms increased the resistance already acquired to superinfection with T. hydatigena and possibly also to that acquired to T. ovis. In addition, three of the procedures using homologous organisms appeared to induce regression of any cysts established from eggs of T. hydatigena ingested from the pasture prior to hyperimmunisation.  相似文献   

建立人-猪囊虫、猪带绦虫替代动物模型的实验技术在解决猪囊虫病研究的材料来源、以及在寄生虫入侵、致病性、免疫机制和宿主特异性等基础理论和临床应用研究中具有重要意义。因此,本文就猪囊虫和猪带绦虫病实验动物模型,尤其对啮齿类动物模型上取得的成就,以及新的研究动态和策略进行概述。目的是提高人们对猪囊虫和猪带绦虫病实验动物模型重要性的认识,促进和加快猪囊虫病研究的步伐,早日在我国有效控制人猪囊虫病。  相似文献   

Unilocular hydatid disease in humans is of world-wide importance. While surgical removal is the usual treatment, the drug mebendazole has been reported as being active against the cyst wall; other potentially valuable drugs are likely to become available. Naturally infected sheep would be a suitable model for testing drugs against hydatid disease, and a method for selecting infected animals from flocks in areas with a high incidence of this condition would be valuable. To determine whether radiographic examinaiton of the thorax would be a satisfactory method of identifying cysts, the authors radiographed and then killed 93 cull ewes. At necropsy, the lungs were examined, and the nature and distribution of cysts were noted and compared with the findings obtained separately by radiology. A similar study was made on a sheep infected experimentally with a large number of Echinococcus granulosus ova. The technique of thoracic radiography in sheep is described. These studies indicate that there are four different morphologic manifestations of ovine hydatid cyst that may be reliably identified by radiologic examination. They also show that thoracic radiology provides a method for detecting active hydatid infection in sheep and for following the progress of individual cysts.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: Modern treatment of hydatid disease of man depends on confirmation of active disease by use of modern serological tests, accurate identification of anatomical sites followed by complete removal of the parasite without spillage, and sterilisation of the remaining cavity. To avoid spillage use of a hydatid cone is recommended.  相似文献   

Tasmanian devils were fed infective cystic material of Taenia ovis, T. hydatigena and Echinococcus granulosus and later killed and examined for adult tapeworms. No infections with T. ovis were found after feeding 23 cysts to 8 devils. T. hydatigena were recovered from 5 to 41 devils and 10 worms established after feeding 417 cysticerci. No E. granulosus were recovered from any of 3 devils. Specimens of T. hydatigena appeared to develop as well in devils as in dogs. From these and previous results devils could be successful hosts to T. hydatigena and T. ovis. A survey of 320 devils failed to detect any natural infections with any of these 3 species.  相似文献   

我国猪囊虫病的研究概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
囊虫病是一种危害严重的人兽共患病,在我国的发生率较高。近年来,我国学者在该病的流行病学、诊断方法、防制措施以及免疫预防等方面都进行了深入研究,本文就该病的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

A survey of the cestode infections of 304 dogs from 134 properties in the Albany area of Western Australia was performed. Purgation was induced by oral administration of arecoline and the purge examined for cestodes. The cestodes found and their infection rates were: Dipylidium caninum 16.4%; Taenia spp 36.5%; T. ovis 8.9%; T. hydatigena 15.1%; T. pisiformis 15.1%; T. serialis 2.3%; Echinococcus granulosus 0.7%; Questionnaires completed on 133 of the 134 properties at the time the dogs were purged showed that:– 73.6% of farmers were feeding raw sheep-meat and 24.8% were feeding raw offal to their dogs; dogs were treated on a regular basis with a cestocide on 23.3% of properties; dogs were allowed to roam on 21.8% of the properties and stray dogs were considered prevalent on 23.3% of properties.
Suggestions for control of Cysticercus ovis are made based on an interpretation of the significance of these findings.  相似文献   

通过Sephadex G-200层析提纯猪囊虫的囊液抗原和匀浆抗原,并以此抗原建立Dot-ELISA法来诊断猪囊虫病。该法在接到病料后1.5h内准确报告结果,结果判定不但简易直观,而且还可以作为技术资料长期保存。本法以硝酸纤维素膜作为载体,抗原用量、其他器材和试剂用量都大为减少,因而降低了检测成本。与四种寄生虫病(旋毛虫、弓形虫、细颈囊尾蚴、猪蛔虫)阳性血清不发生交叉反应。对按“四部”规程肉检确认为猪囊虫阴性血清42份,阳性血清17份,经 Dot-ELISA 法检测,其阴性符合率为95.24%,阳性符合率为100%,经三次重复,重复率为100%。对西宁市肉联厂的536份商品猪血清进行检测,其猪囊虫病阳性检出率为4.29%。试验结果证明,该法符合“简便、快速、敏感、准确、经济”的原则,尤其易于在基层推广应用。  相似文献   

用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA),经适当调整程序,对西宁地区宰前生猪788份血样进行猪囊尾蚴病诊断,检出阳性率为5.20%,明显高于市场卫生检疫及几次用血清学方法的调查结果。用DG3022ELISA监测仪判定和眼观颜色判定结果基本一致,符合率达95%。不同来源生猪检出的阳性率有一定差异(1.76%—7.09%)。  相似文献   

研制了三种抗包虫病大用吡喹酮缓释包埋剂,通过人工感染试验表明:吡喹酮缓释包埋剂3号给犬皮下植入7个月时,进行原头蚴人工感染,对细粒棘球绦虫的预防保护率达98.46%;包埋剂内还剩余吡喹酮48.93%,至1年左右药物才被吸收完毕,预防期可能长达一年,故优选了本缓释剂。本文报道应用吡喹酮缓释包埋剂3号在包虫病高发区甘肃省天祝藏族自治县进行的现场试验,经113只犬的植入试验,在植入8个月和14个月时用氢溴酸槟榔碱泻下法抽检38只植入犬,皆未发现细粒棘球绦虫的感染,预防保护率为100%,而对照犬的感染率为20%,预防保护效果极显著,从而肯定了抗包虫病犬用吡喹酮缓释包埋剂预防犬感染细粒棘球绦虫的良好效果。  相似文献   

Investigations into the analgesic effect of thiambutene and its value as a pre-anaesthetic agent were carried out in the horse and the sheep. Special emphasis was placed on the post-anaesthetic recovery period.
Thiambutene produced analgesia in both species. Toxic effects such as muscle tremor and hyperkinesia occurred with high doses. Prior administration of acepromazine increased the tolerated doses of thiambutene, and satisfactory neuroleptanalgesic states were produced.
Combined use of thiambutene and acepromazine in pre-anaesthetic medication reduced the dose of thiopentone required for anaesthesia in both species and significantly improved post-anaesthetic recovery.
Administration of nalorphine in both species reduced the duration of the recovery period. In the horse, even after prolonged thiopentone anaesthesia, nalorphine produced a shorter, quieter recovery.
It was concluded that pre-anaesthetic medication with thiambutene and acepromazine facilitated thiopentone anaesthesia and greatly reduced the problems of post-anaesthetic recovery in horses.  相似文献   

杨予海 《青海草业》2005,14(1):57-60
草原旅游是发挥草原景观资源美学价值而产生经济效益的一项开发性活动.本文从法律角度列举了与草原旅游有关的4种相对人,即草原行政主管部门、草原承包使用者、承包经营者、草原旅游者,和在草原上开展旅游必须遵循的草原法律、法规和规章等法律规范,针对存在的问题,提出了相关建议,以期引导人们在法律允许的范围内开展草原旅游活动.  相似文献   

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