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To evaluate the effect of seed and nitrogen rates on weed species composition, density, biomass and diversity in two sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) varieties, a field experiment was conducted in 2009, 2010 and 2011 rainy seasons at Samaru, Nigeria. Four seed rates, 2, 4, 6 and 8 kg ha?1, four nitrogen rates, 0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha?1 and two sesame varieties NCRIBEN 01M and E8 were arranged as factorial in a split plot design. Weeds with the highest important values in sesame field were Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Ludwigia decurrens, Ageratum conyzoides and Cyperus esculentus. Year had a significant effect on weed density, biomass, diversity, evenness and richness. Weed density, biomass, diversity and richness were lowest in the 2011 trial and weed species evenness in 2009. Variety E8 reduced weed biomass better than NCRIBEN 01M. Averaged over years, weed diversity and evenness were lowest at 4 kg seeds ha?1. Seed × nitrogen rates effect of 4 kg seed ha?1 and 30 kg N ha?1 produced the lowest weed species diversity and evenness. The result suggests that variety E8 at 4 kg seed ha?1 and 30 kg N ha?1 with hoe weeding at 3 and 6 WAS may provide better weed control, and it is recommended in sesame production.  相似文献   

长期不同施肥对玉米田间杂草生物多样性的影响   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
尹力初  蔡祖聪 《土壤通报》2005,36(2):220-222
通过田间小区试验,研究了长期不同施肥对田间杂草总密度、优势杂草组成及生物多样性的影响。结果表明:综合施用N、P、K肥,不仅降低了田间杂草的总密度,降低了优势杂草在群落中的比重,而且有利于维持田间杂草的生物多样性;不施用N或P肥,田间杂草的总密度增大,优势杂草的比重也明显增强,但不利于维持田间杂草的生物多样性。所以,平衡施用N、P、K肥,有利于维持农田生态系统中的生物多样性,并能更好地进行杂草控制。  相似文献   

Soil quality (SQ) assessment from farmers' point of view can be used as a primary indicator for planning sustainable agriculture. Despite this fact, limited information is documented with regard to SQ indicators, for example weed species, crop types and management practices from farmers' knowledge perspectives. The aims of this study are to analyse factors that determine farmers' knowledge of SQ, identify SQ indicators of weed species and crop types across different SQ status and assess soil‐and‐crop management practices that maintain SQ in the Mai‐Negus catchment, northern Ethiopia. Fifty‐two farmer household heads were chosen randomly for questionnaire interview. The results showed significant (p ≤ 0·05) differences in the proportion of respondents who used different crop‐and‐soil management practices. The success of overall prediction by the logistic regression model (model χ2 = 0·84, p < 0·01) and level of model correct predictions (86%) indicated that the explanatory variables have sufficiently explained farmers' knowledge of SQ indicators. Provided that other conditions remained constant, the odds ratio of variables such as farmer experience, access to information, farm location, education, field slope and land tenure have significantly increased the likelihood of farmers for being knowledgeable of SQ indicators. This study also demonstrated that most farmers are knowledgeable in identifying weed species, crop types and management practices across various SQ status, which suggests that such SQ indicators should be used to assess SQ status (degradation severity) while locating fields to be intervened using appropriate management strategies. © 2013 The Authors. Land Degradation & Development published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

土壤因子对莫索湾梭梭林林下植被分布和多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]研究土壤因子对古尔班通古特沙漠西南缘莫索湾地区天然梭梭林、天然—人工梭梭林、人工梭梭林林下植被分布和物种多样性的影响,为该区物种多样性保护提供理论依据。[方法]采用典范对应分析法(canonical correspondence analysis,CCA)和广义加型模型(generalized additive model,GAM)分析了6个土壤因子(共8个指标)与物种分布和多样性之间的关系。[结果](1)土壤水分、电导率、pH值和生物结皮的发育是影响植物分布的主要土壤因子。刺沙蓬和狭果鹤虱主要分布在土壤水分和电导率较高的林地,细裂补血草分布在高pH值环境中,虫实分布在土壤水分和电导率较低,同时生物结皮发育较好的林地,甘新念珠芥和滨藜对环境的适应能力较强,各生境均有分布,自然更新的梭梭幼苗分布随着土壤水分、电导率降低和生物结皮增加相对重要值逐渐增大;(2)土壤水分、电导率、pH值和土壤质地是影响物种多样性的主要因素。物种多样性指数与土壤水分和粉粒含量呈极显著正相关(p0.01),与电导率和pH值呈极显著负相关(p0.01),在土壤水分较低的环境条件下(2.19%~6.28%),土壤水分是影响多样性指数的最主要因子,当土壤水分8.0%时,多样性指数趋于稳定,同时,土壤pH值9.0时,多样性指数有明显下降趋势。[结论]梭梭林林下植被的分布和物种多样性是由土壤水分、电导率和土壤质地为主的多种土壤因子综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

若尔盖高原湿地土壤硒的数量、形态与分布   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
用连续浸提的方法研究了若尔盖高原4种湿地土壤(风沙土、草甸土、沼泽土和泥炭土)中硒的含量、形态、剖面分布及其影响因素,以期为该区人、畜缺硒症的防治积累科学资料。结果表明,该区土壤属于低硒环境,表层土壤全硒含量范围为65~260μg/kg。在各种形态硒中,水溶性硒仅占土壤全硒含量的1.12%~3.08%,交换态硒占2.91%~6.03%,有机态硒占10.28%~45.63%,酸溶态硒、硫化态硒和残余态硒3种无效态硒共占60%以上。在土壤有机态硒组成中,胡敏酸结合态硒(HA-Se)占有机态硒的57.84%,富里酸结合态硒(FA-Se)占42.16%。土壤总硒和有机态硒的含量与分布主要受土壤有机碳的影响,且其影响程度随着深度的不同而改变,湿地土壤丰富的有机碳有利于土壤有机态硒和总硒的积累。土壤总硒含量低、有机态硒的比例较高以及胡敏酸结合态硒占优势导致硒的生物利用率低,可能是该区域人、畜硒缺乏症发生的重要原因。  相似文献   

本文利用不同累计概率分布函数拟合了基于中国土壤的17个物种的镍毒理学数据。结果表明,BurrⅢ在X轴(浓度)方向及Y轴的较小累计概率范围内拟合优度较佳。在构建土壤中镍物种敏感性分布曲线时,利用镍生物毒害模型归一化处理能修正土壤性质的影响且可更好地体现物种敏感性差异,相比于未归一化处理的结果更具科学性。在此基础上结合镍的生物毒害模型利用BurrⅢ构建了中国土壤4种典型情景中的物种敏感性分布曲线,同时确定了不同土壤情景下的镍生态阈值,即酸性土壤、中性土壤(包括水稻土)、碱性非石灰性土壤和石灰性土壤的镍生态阈值分别为6.5、47.5、218.8mg.kg-1和120.3mg.kg-(1以土壤中外源镍为单位)。  相似文献   

Long-term soil cultivation at the same depth affects soil characteristics and crop productivity. The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of a long-term different intensity soil tillage methods and deep loosening on weed number, weed agrobiological group and soil seed bank changes in till Bathygleyic Dystric Glossic Retisol soil under the climatic conditions of the Western Lithuania (geographical coordinates 55°43′38″N, 21°27′43″E). The study included different soil tillage methods (conventional ploughing, shallow ploughing and shallow ploughless tillage) and deep loosening. During investigational years, the greatest weed number in crops and the greatest weed seed number in the seed bank were determined in the soil reduced tillage (shallow ploughing and shallow ploughless tillage). The weed number in crops of conventional ploughing soil was 35.8% lover compared to reduced tillage soil. The weed seed number in the seed bank of conventional ploughing was 49.6% lover compared to reduced tillage Decreasing soil tillage intensity resulted in weed seeds concentration in the upper topsoil. A one-time deep loosening had a significant effect during the crop rotation: the weed number in crops and weed seed number in the seed bank were determined to have increased by 26.6% and 51.6% in conventional ploughing soil and by 11.9% and 23.2% shallow ploughless soil respectively. However, after deep loosening, the number of Poa annua in crops decreased 2.9 times in plots of conventional ploughing and 1.7 times – in plots of shallow ploughing soil.  相似文献   

施肥模式对晚稻田杂草群落的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
【目的】长期不合理施化肥对生态环境的影响已经引起学者和公众的关注,有机肥的施用越来越受到重视。揭示有机肥对农田杂草群落影响的机制、预测有机农业环境下杂草群落的演替趋势十分困难。本文对比研究不同施肥模式下农田杂草的群落特征,探索晚稻田杂草群落结构演变趋势,以期为现代农业中有机肥的合理施用和农田生物多样性保护提供科学依据。【方法】通过田间长期定位施肥试验,运用群落生态学方法研究了晚稻种植季五种施肥处理区杂草群落的结构特征及其生物多样性。在每个小区随机设置5个面积为0.25 m2的样方,记录各样方内杂草物种种类、每个种类杂草的数量,调查杂草的盖度与频度;测定稻谷理论产量;使用照度计测量地表与水稻冠层顶部的光照强度,计算光照透过率;测定耕作层土壤的有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾含量。计算杂草的重要值,采用物种丰富度(S)和Shannon-Wiener指数(H)测定杂草群落的生物多样性;以15个处理小区中的11种常见杂草的重要值构成原始数据矩阵,应用SPSS16.0软件进行主成分分析和典范对应分析。【结果】晚稻田不同施肥处理土壤养分以及光照透过率差异显著,施有机肥的处理晚稻稻谷产量高于CK与NPK纯化肥处理。CK处理区优势种为野荸荠-节节菜-异型莎草-鸭舌草,NPK处理区优势种为双穗雀稗,NPK5/5和NPK3/7处理区优势种为双穗雀稗-鸭舌草,NPK7/3处理区优势种为双穗雀稗-鸭舌草-稗。主成分分析结果表明15个施肥处理小区的杂草群落可以分为三大类:第一类是CK处理;第二类是NPK3/7处理;第三类是NPK、NPK5/5、NPK7/3三个处理。主成分Factor 1与有机质、碱解氮以及有效磷呈极显著负相关(P0.01),与光照透过率呈极显著正相关(P0.01)。典范对应分析结果显示,节节菜、野荸荠与牛毛毡比较适宜生长在CK处理区,双穗雀稗适宜在NPK7/3处理区生长,鸭舌草、陌上菜以及四叶萍适宜生长在NPK3/7处理区。有机肥处理区的物种丰富度与物种多样性指数处于NPK与CK之间,且随着有机肥比例的增加物种数增加。物种丰富度以及物种多样性指数与有机质、碱解氮以及有效磷呈极显著正的\"U型\"相关(P0.01),与速效钾呈显著负相关(P0.05),与群落光照条件呈极显著正相关(P0.01)。【结论】晚稻田杂草群落特征与土壤有机质、碱解氮、有效磷含量以及地表光照透过率关系密切。均衡施用有机和无机肥可以显著降低杂草群落的优势种数量,将杂草群落的优势种数量以及生物多样性维持在不施肥与纯施化肥处理区之间。因此,可以通过调整有机肥的施用量来调控农田杂草生长及群落特性,实现农田杂草的科学综合管理。综合考虑晚稻稻谷产量和杂草群落生物多样性状况,NPK3/7(化肥30%+有机肥70%)施肥模式既可以保证作物的优质高产,也可以较好地维持杂草群落的生物多样性。  相似文献   

农田杂草土壤种子库是农田生态系统的重要组成部分。在收集国内外相关研究资料的基础上,系统综述了施肥模式对农田杂草土壤种子库的密度、物种组成、多样性等动态特征的影响,结合国际研究动态,就目前我国农田杂草土壤种子库研究中亟需解决的问题进行了探讨,指出应加强在施肥条件下杂草种子的萌发、土壤种子库特征的变化机制、土壤种子库与地面杂草群落的相关性、土壤中杂草种子的遗传变异等4个方面的研究工作,深入探讨施肥模式对农田土壤种子库及农田生态环境的影响。  相似文献   

Groundwater, as the limiting resource in arid ecosystems, can have profound effects on the functional structure and distribution of plant communities. However, studies are too few to unveil the impacts of groundwater depth on plant functional traits in such communities. We collected data on vegetation, topography and soil properties from 180 quadrats (60 trees/shrubs and 120 herbaceous) in the desert‐wetland ecosystem of Shule River Basin in Northwest China. We measured 10 key community‐level functional traits, together with the resource topography (i.e., groundwater depth) and seven soil properties. We found that the increase of groundwater depth significantly reduced community‐level specific leaf area and maximum leaf photosynthesis rate, while boosted leaf dry mass content and leaf thickness. However, the leaf phosphorus content remained relatively stable. By contrast, with the increase of groundwater depth, soil carbon, soil nitrogen, soil phosphorus and total dissolved salts first increased but then declined, while soil pH and soil bulk density exhibited the opposite trend. The soil moisture content decreased drastically with the decline of groundwater. The change in groundwater depth, thus, was found the main driver of species distribution in the arid zone, contributing 21.16%, followed by soil K+ (9.94%) and soil total nitrogen content (4.9%), as well as a strong interaction of the three (41.7%). Changes in groundwater depth can thus alter the structure and nutrient enrichment of the soil, which in turn affects the distribution of vegetation through water–soil–plant interactions.  相似文献   


Laboratory experiments were conducted to investigate how incorporation of the winter grasses foxtail (Alopecurus aequalis) and milk vetch (Astragalus sinicus) into flooded paddy soil affects the germination of summer weeds and soil inorganic nitrogen (N) levels. Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) vessels (10.0 × 8.0 × 15.0 cm) were filled with 0.7 kg air-dried soil that had been collected from organic paddy fields located in Tochigi, Japan. Foxtail and milk vetch were then independently incorporated into the soil at rates of 0% (untreated control), 0.25%, 0.5%, 1%, and 1.5%, with four repetitions per treatment. The PET vessels were placed in a growth chamber (Biotron) set to day/night temperatures and humidities of 27/18°C and 70%/65%, respectively, and with an illuminance of 40,000 lx (12 h) for 28 days, and the total number of weeds and changes in the electrical conductivity (EC) of the surface water were investigated throughout this period, while changes in soil inorganic N were determined at the ends of the experiments. The incorporation of both foxtail and milk vetch significantly suppressed the germination of summer weeds by 56% and 50%, respectively, at incorporation rates of 1% and by 78% and 77%, respectively, at incorporation rates of 1.5% compared with their respective controls. There was a high and significant positive correlation between both the rate of winter grass incorporation and the degree of growth suppression and EC. Incorporation of foxtail at rates of 0.25% and 0.5% significantly increased the inorganic N contents of the sub-layer by an average of 68% compared with the control but had no significant effect in the top layer, whereas the incorporation of milk vetch at a rate of 1% significantly increased the inorganic N contents of both the top layer and sub-layer by 200% and 316%, respectively, compared with the control. Furthermore, the effect of milk vetch on inorganic N significantly increased with an increase in the rate of incorporation. These findings demonstrate that incorporation of the winter grasses foxtail and milk vetch into flooded organic paddy soil can suppress weed growth and act as a source of inorganic N.  相似文献   

以中等肥力土垫旱耕人为土为供试土壤,在冬小麦(Triticum aestivum)不同生育期采集0-100 cm土层土壤样品,研究不同施肥及杂草处理对半湿润农田生态系统土壤NO3--N动态变化的影响。结果表明,1)土壤剖面NO3--N含量随施氮量增加而显著增加,0-100 cm土层NO3--N累积量与施氮量线性相关;在越冬期、返青期和拔节期,相关系数r分别为0.995、0.971和0.949。2)冬小麦生长过程中,土体NO3--N含量先降低后回升,在拔节期最低;成熟期土壤有机氮矿化产生的NO3--N是收获后土壤剖面残留NO3--N的主要贡献者。3)在越冬期、返青期、拔节期和成熟期,施磷(PN135)与不施磷(P0N135)处理相比,施磷可显著减少土体NO3--N累积量,减少量分别为N 61.4、26.9、36.6和5.5 kg/hm2;磷肥对减少土壤NO3--N残留累积量的影响以越冬期表现最为显著,成熟期表现不显著。4)在施磷的基础上,不同杂草处理土壤剖面NO3--N累积量在每公顷施氮45 kg(PN45)及施氮90 kg (PN90)时存在一定差异,但不显著;而在每公顷施氮180 kg(即PN180)的高氮处理下,差异显著。每公顷施氮135 kg(PN135),的中氮处理,在越冬期清除杂草后土壤剖面中NO3--N累积量在拔节期显著高于其它杂草处理。  相似文献   

Four field trials (spring wheat and oats) were conducted (one on clay soil, one on loam soil and two on silt soil) for three years in important cereal growing districts, to investigate the influence of tillage regimes (ploughing versus reduced tillage in either autumn or spring) and straw management (removed and retained) on plant residue amounts, weed populations, soil structural parameters and cereal yields. The effect of tillage on soil structure varied, mainly due to the short trial period. In general, the amount of small soil aggregates increased with tillage intensity. Reduced soil tillage, and in some cases spring ploughing, gave significantly higher aggregate stability than autumn ploughing, thus providing protection against erosion. However, decreasing tillage intensity increased the amounts of weeds, particularly of Poa annua on silt soil. Straw treatment only slightly affected yields, while effects of tillage varied between both year and location. Reduced tillage, compared to ploughing, gave only small yield differences on loam soil, while it was superior on clay soil and inferior on silt soil. Our results suggest that shallow spring ploughing is a good alternative to autumn ploughing, since it gave comparable yields, better protection against erosion and was nearly as effective against weeds.  相似文献   

杜书立  赵军 《土壤与作物》2019,8(4):427-435
本数据库是在全国第二次土壤普查黑龙江土种志,黑龙江土壤,中国土壤,中国土种志等数据和资料的基础上,根据E-R数据模型的理论构建的关系型数据库,实现了数据库存贮和查询等功能。数据库包含黑龙江省63个市县,17个土类,48个亚类,127个土属和254个土种的数据资源,描述了土种的分布、面积、属性及生产性能,以及每个土种的典型剖面。该数据库可为黑土区域土壤肥力评价、土壤质量评价以及土壤资源可持续利用提供数据支持。  相似文献   

Weeds are problematic to the smallholder farmers, who practise conservation agriculture (CA) in sub‐Saharan Africa, owing to an apparent lack of appropriate weed management strategies. We investigated weed dynamics under the planting basin (PB) system (hand hoe‐based CA) to assist the design of appropriate weed management options. On‐farm experiments were conducted under semi‐arid conditions in Zimbabwe to determine the effects of 11 selected soil properties, four socio‐economic variables and two soil management practices on relative weed density. Weed counts were made according to species at 3, 6 and 9 weeks after crop emergence. Multivariate ordination techniques and a quadratic model, developed with partial least squares, showed that Richardia scabra increased with sand content in the soil. Density of R. scabra and Melinis repens also increased with topsoil potassium content. When ranked according to importance, relative weed density was most dependent on sand content followed by topsoil potassium, nitrate, clay and silt content, and training related to crop production. Soil physico‐chemical properties, therefore, had greater influence on relative weed density than socio‐economic variables and soil management practices. We concluded that variability in weed density under the PB system was not necessarily determined by tillage alone, but was also a consequence of soil properties and to a lesser extent of socio‐economic variables and soil management practices. Understanding soil properties and management practices, which determine weed variability, helps in the design of general weed management recommendations that can be used by smallholders, most of whom do not have access to field‐specific advice.  相似文献   

土壤培肥过程中氯离子累积与分布规律研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以陕西杨凌杜寨村为中心,沿南、西、北3条辐射线分别采取耕层和剖面土样,探讨土壤中Cl^-的累积与垂直分布情况,揭示受人类生活影响历史较长的杜寨村农田土壤中Cl^-的累积状况与迁移规律。结果表明,在半干旱偏湿润气候地区,由于受自然环境因素和人为因素的强烈影响,Cl^-在村庄附近的土壤耕层呈现出累积趋势,随着离村庄距离的增加而明显减少;土壤剖面上Cl^-的含量随着土壤深度的增加也逐渐减少;Cl^-在土壤耕层虽然表现出一定的累积趋势,但累积量并不高,暂时不会影响作物的产量和品质。  相似文献   

J. O. AZEEZ 《土壤圈》2009,19(5):654-662
Low soil nitrogen (N) and weed infestations are some of the major constraints to maize production in Nigeria.A split-split plot experiment in a randomized complete block design with three replicates was established at two sites with different agroecological zones,Ikenne (Typic Paleudalf) and Shika (Typic Tropaquept),in Nigeria in 2002 and 2003 rainy seasons to investigate the responses of four maize genotypes (Oba super II,Low N pool C2,TZB-SR,and ACR 8328 BN C7) to N fertilizer applied at four rates,0,30,60,and 90 kg N ha-1,and three weed pressure treatments,no weed pressure (weekly weeding),low weed pressure (inter-row weekly weeding),and high weed pressure (no weeding throughout the growing season).Growth and yield parameters of maize and weeds were taken at flwering and harvest.The results indicated that there was a significant reduction in maize leaf area,leaf area index,and photosynthetically active radiation due to weed interference at both sites.The application of nitrogen at 90 kg N ha-1 significantly increased maize leaf area.Reductions in maize growth and yield at flowering and harvest were significant due to weed interference at both Ikenne and Shika,thus showing that the reductions in maize growth and yield due to weed interference were not ecological zone specific even though weed species and their seed banks may differ.Ameliorative management options could thus be the same in the two agroecological zones.Application of 90 kg N ha-1 led to a significant increase in maize grain yield at Shika while there was no fertilizer effect at Ikenne on grain yield.There was no significant difference between 60 and 90 kg N ha-1,suggesting that 60 kg N ha-1 could be a possible replacement for the higher fertilizer rate at least for the identified maize genotypes.Low weed pressure treatment led to 26% and 35% reductions in maize grain yield at Ikenne and Shika,respectively,while 22% and 51 % reductions,respectively,were observed due to high weed pressure.Generally,maize grain yield was higher at Ikenne than Shika.The maize genotypes Low N pool C2 and ACR 8328 BN C7 performed better than the other genotypes at Ikenne while the maize genotype Oba super II had the best performance at harvest at Shika.Application of nitrogen increased weed biomass at flowering at Ikenne.The maize grain yield was highest in the N-efficient genotypes,Oba super II and Low N pool C2;the susceptible genotype TZB-SR had the least yield at Shika.There existed a negative and significant correlation between maize grain yield and weed biomass at both sites.  相似文献   

Vegetation strips (VS) along with conservation tillage, application of organic amendments and weed mulching improve crop yields by reducing run‐off and topsoil erosion. To investigate these issues, an experiment was conducted under rainfed conditions using grass VS for four and a half years (June 2007 to October 2011) at Dehradun, Uttarakhand, in the Indian Himalayan region. VS were incorporated in the experimental plots (Entisols) in a randomized complete block design in permanent 100 × 20 m (2000 m2) plots with a 2% slope to evaluate the effects of vegetation strips on run‐off, soil loss and crop yield. Three treatments were evaluated: (i) without VS with recommended NPK under conventional tillage, (ii) panicum as VS with recommended NPK under conventional tillage and (iii) palmarosa+ that consists of palmarosa as VS along with organic amendments (farmyard manure, vermicompost and poultry manure) and weed mulch under minimum tillage. The results show that soil loss and run‐off were significantly lower (< 0.05) in plots under palmarosa+ than without VS treatment. Mean soil loss of 3.4, 5.2 and 7.1 t/ha was recorded from palmarosa+, panicum and without VS treated plots, respectively. Mean run‐off was 234, 356 and 428 mm from plots under palmarosa+, panicum and without VS, respectively. Maize yield was lower on the plots under palmarosa+ compared with panicum, but significantly higher (< 0.05) than without a strip. The succeeding rainfed wheat yield was significantly greater in plots under palmarosa+ than in the initial years. The wheat yield equivalent was significantly higher in plots under palmarosa+ followed by panicum and without VS. Thus, vegetation strips are recommended for wider adoption to reduce run‐off and soil loss and to increase crop yield. The long‐term goal is to achieve a palmarosa+ system (palmarosa as a vegetation strip along with organic amendments, farmyard manure, vermicompost and poultry manure) and weed mulch under minimum tillage.  相似文献   

改良剂对滴灌棉田镉分布及迁移特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过田间桶栽试验研究了高浓度镉(40mg/kg)条件下,4种改良剂(有机—无机复合稳定剂、无机高分子复配材料、聚丙烯酸盐复配材料、有机高分子复配材料)对棉田土壤剖面中土壤pH、阳离子交换量(CEC)、镉含量及其形态分布迁移的影响。结果表明:(1)4种改良剂均显著提高了棉田土壤剖面各层的pH和CEC,无机高分子复配材料在0—20cm土层效果最好,分别增加了0.43个单位和4.43cmol/kg;(2)改良剂促进土壤可交换态镉向其余4种形态的转化,相关分析表明碳酸盐结合态与可交换态镉含量呈极显著负相关(P0.01),在0—20cm和20—40cm土层中效果尤为突出,以无机高分子复配材料对土壤可交换态镉的降低效果最好,降低了3.61mg/kg;(3)各土层中的pH和CEC均与可交换态镉呈负相关,与其他形态呈正相关。即改良剂通过改变土壤pH和CEC,影响土壤镉的分布及迁移,从而降低镉的有效性,达到改善土壤环境的目的。  相似文献   

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