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Wind erosion has degraded over one-half billion hectares of land worldwide. 137Cesium (137Cs) has been used as a tracer to study long-term rates of soil redistribution by water and, to a lesser extent, by wind. Early studies assumed that the decline in 137Cs activity for a potentially eroded soil relative to that for an uneroded soil was linearly proportional to soil loss. More recently, models have emerged that consider the effects of soil cultivation and the particle surface area-dependent partitioning of 137Cs on soils. We investigated the partitioning of 137Cs in wind-eroded sediments and with soil surface samples sieved into contiguous ranges of particle sizes. We also compared the 137Cs activities and stratification of several adjacent soils with known wind erosion and deposition histories. Finally, we tested 137Cs-based soil loss models with measured data from sites with documented histories. 137Cs activities and mean particle diameters of aeolian samples agreed well with the 137Cs activities and respective mean diameters of the sieved surface soil samples. Good agreement between model estimations and measured data indicated that 137Cs models developed to estimate soil redistribution by water were also applicable to soil redistribution by wind provided that the models contained an appropriate particle size correction parameter.  相似文献   

Starting in the 1980's, the Rainbow Smelt (Osmerus mordax) population of the Boyer River (Canada) gradually declined due to water eutrophication and excessive siltation in the spawning area. Sediments and agricultural nutrients reach hydrosystems through runoff and soil erosion. The objectives of the study were to quantify the soil and sediment loss from agricultural fields and to identify the areas at risk, using 137Cs measurements. Using a Geographical Information Systems (GIS), the watershed was subdivided into 6 isosectors presenting specific soil/slope combinations. Representative fields from each isosector were sampled for 137Cs. Using GIS, the data for individual fields were extrapolated to isosectors and the whole cultivated area of the watershed. Based on this approach, it was estimated that around 30% of the arable lands of the watershed show erosion rates higher than 6 t ha− 1 yr− 1, which is considered as a tolerable level for Canadian soils, and that 45% of the residual area presents an erosion rate close to that limit. The average sediment production at the edge of fields was estimated at 2.8 t ha− 1 yr− 1, for an annual production of more than 60 000 t of material. Loamy soils with a slope higher than 2% were estimated to generate the highest sediment rate (6.9 t ha− 1 yr− 1) and nearly 40% of the overall sediment production.  相似文献   

Vast areas of Europe were contaminated by the Chernobyl-derived 137Cs in April–May 1986. This paper reports a detailed study of the post-fallout 137Cs redistribution within a 1 ha field located in the Chasovenkov Verh catchment in the northern part of the Middle-Russian upland. Particular attention was paid to the study of reference inventories. It is shown that the random spatial variability of 137Cs is similar within undisturbed and cultivated parts of a flat interfluve. Systematic spatial variability is not essential for a relatively short (200 m) topographical unit with simple relief. The analysis of a soil redistribution pattern within the study field using the Chernobyl 137Cs technique demonstrates that it is possible to identify areas of soil loss/gain. This pattern does not reflect soil redistribution for the whole field, because these have been only 12 years since the Chernobyl accident. Net erosion rates based on 137Cs method were comparable to soil losses directly measured at the study field.  相似文献   

Cesium and soil carbon in a small agricultural watershed   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
Scientific, political, and social interests have developed recently in the concept of using agricultural soils to sequester carbon. Studies supporting this concept indicate that soil erosion and subsequent redeposition of eroded soils in the same field may establish an ecosystem disequilibrium that promotes the buildup of carbon on agricultural landscapes. The problem is to determine the patterns of soil erosion and redeposition on the landscape and to relate these to soil carbon patterns. Radioactive 137cesium (137Cs) can be used to estimate soil erosion patterns and, more importantly, redeposition patterns at the field level. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between 137Cs, soil erosion, and soil carbon patterns on a small agricultural watershed. Profiles of soils from an upland area and soils in an adjacent riparian system were collected in 5 cm increments and the concentrations of 137Cs and carbon were determined. 137Cs and carbon were uniformly mixed in the upper 15–20 cm of upland soils. 137Cs (Bq g−1) and carbon (%) in the upland soils were significantly correlated (r2=0.66). Carbon content of the 0–20 cm layer was higher (1.4±0.3%) in areas of soil deposition than carbon content (1.1±0.3%) in areas of soil erosion as determined by the 137Cs technique. These data suggest that measurements of 137Cs in the soils can be useful for understanding carbon distribution patterns in surface soil. Carbon content of the upland soils ranged from 0.5 to 1.9% with an average of 1.2±0.4% in the 0–20 cm layer while carbon below this upper tilled layer (20–30 cm) ranged from 0.2 to 1.5% with an average of 0.5±0.3%. Total carbon was 2.66 and 3.20 kg m−2 in the upper 20 cm and upper 30 cm of the upland soils, respectively. Carbon content of the 0–20 cm layer in the riparian system ranged from 1.1 to 67.0% with an average 11.7±17.1%. Carbon content below 20 cm ranged from 1.8 to 79.3% with an average of 18.3±17.5%. Soil carbon in the upper 20 cm of the riparian profile was 10.1 and 15.0 kg m−2 in the upper 30 cm of the riparian profiles. This is an increase of organic carbon by a factor of 3.8 and 4.7 for the upper 20 cm and upper 30 cm of the riparian profiles, respectively, when compared to the upland soil profiles.  相似文献   

利用137Cs估算土壤侵蚀速率的定量模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A quantitative model was developed to relate the amount of ^137Cs loss from the soil profile to the rate of soil erosion,According th mass balance model,the depth distribution pattern of ^137Cs in the soil profile ,the radioactive decay of ^137Cs,sampling year and the difference of ^137Cs fallout amount among years were taken into consideration.By introducing typical depth distribution functions of ^137Cs into the model ,detailed equations for the model were got for different soil,The model shows that the rate of soil erosion is mainly controlled by the depth distrbution pattern of ^137Cs ,the year of sampling,and the percentage reduction in total ^137Cs,The relationship between the rate of soil loss and ^137Cs depletion i neither linear nor logarithmic,The depth distribution pattern of ^137Cs is a major factor for estimating the rate of soil loss,Soil erosion rate is directly related with the fraction of ^137Cs content near the soil surface. The influences of the radioactive decay of ^137Cs,sampling year and ^137Cs input fraction are not large compared with others.  相似文献   

Tropical maize varieties were grown at a tropical lowland location in various -seasons and at a highland location in Mexico to study the general growth pattern of tropical maize. The following results were obtained.

1. The tropical maize variety grown at the lowland location in summer was characterized by (a) a high growth rate and a short growth duration, (b) a small leaf area duration during maturing, (c) a sizable loss of dry weight at late maturity, (d) a low harvest index, and (e) a small number of kernels formed per unit field area. Although these characters may be interrelated, the predominant cause of the former two appear to be environmental and that of the latter three, genetic.

2. The grain yield of tropical maize grown at the lowland location in summer was low mostly because of a small number of kernels and maybe also because of short leaf area duration. The senescence of leaves after silking was rapid and the growth duration was short under high temperatures.

3. Although the number of kernels was small, grain yield was higher at the highland than at the lowland location, and also was higher in the winter than in the summer plantings at the lowland location. At the highland location or in winter, the longer growth duration and the longer leaf area duration compensated for the smaller crop growth rate and resulted in a larger dry matter production after silking and a higher grain yield. Larger kernel size also contributed to the higher yield of highland maize.  相似文献   

长江上游重点水土流失区坡耕地土壤侵蚀的137Cs法研究   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
利用137Cs示踪技术,对长江上游重点水土流失区(金沙江下游及毕节地区、嘉陵江中下游地区、嘉陵江上游陕南陇南地区和三峡库区)坡耕地土壤流失速率进行了初步研究。结果表明,研究区土壤类型、坡度等因子对坡耕地土壤流失速率的影响较大,陕南区砾质土、三峡库区黄壤坡耕地的土壤流失速率相对较小,34°砾质土坡耕地,多年平均土壤流失率为985t/(km2·a),31°黄壤坡耕地为2059t/(km2·a);嘉陵江中下游地区和三峡库区紫色土、陕南区黄褐土、陇南区黄绵土和金沙江燥红土坡耕地土壤流失速率较高,一般在2000~10000t/(km2·a);坡度越大土壤流失速率也越高。同时,对坡耕地地块内部土壤侵蚀与堆积的空间分异进行了初步探讨。在坡耕地地块内部,土壤在流水和犁耕共同作用下,侵蚀速率从峁顶至坡底总体呈下降趋势,并在地块中下部出现堆积大于侵蚀的区域。侵蚀小于堆积的临界点,一般出现在距坡顶20~30m范围。  相似文献   

In the Eastern Rif of N Morocco, soil conservation is seriously threatened by water erosion. Large areas of soil have reached an irreversible state of degradation. In this study, the 137Cs technique was used to quantify erosion rates and identify the main factors involved in the erosion process based on a representative catchment of the Eastern Rif. To estimate erosion rates in terms of the main factors affecting soil losses, samples were collected taking into account the lithology, slope and land use along six selected transects within the Boussouab catchment. The transects were representative of the main land uses and physiographic characteristics of that Rif sector. The reference inventory for the area was established at a stable, well preserved, matorral site (value of 4250 Bq m− 2). All the sampling sites were eroded and 137Cs inventories varied widely (between 245 and 3670 Bq m− 2). The effective soil losses were also highly variable (between 5.1 and 48.8 t ha− 1 yr− 1). Soil losses varied with land use. The lowest average values were on matorral and fallow land (10.5 and 15.2 t ha− 1 yr− 1, respectively) but much higher with alfa vegetation or cereal crops (31.6 and 27.3, respectively). The highest erosion rate was on a badland transect at the more eroded part of the catchment, with rates exceeding 40 t ha− 1 yr− 1 and reaching a maximum of 48.8 t ha− 1 yr− 1.The average soil losses increased by more than 100% when the slope increased from 10° (17.7 t ha− 1 yr− 1) to 25° (40. 8 t ha− 1 yr− 1). Similar results were obtained when comparing erosion rates in soils that were covered by matorral with respect to those under cultivation. Lithology was also a key factor affecting soil loss. Soils on marls were more erodible and the average erosion rates reached 29.36 t ha− 1 yr− 1, which was twice as high as soils on the glacis and old fluvial terraces (average rates of 14.98 t ha− 1 yr− 1). The radiometric approach was very useful to quantify erosion rates and to examine the pattern of soil movement. The analysis of main erosion factors can help to promote rational soil use and establish conservation strategies in the study area.  相似文献   


Radioactivity levels of cesium (Cs)-134 and 137Cs in bamboo [Phyllostachys reticulata (Rupr) K. Koch] sprouts grown from April to June 2011 over a wide area (including Fukushima Prefecture) were elevated (max. 3100 Bq kg?1 fresh weight) after the Tokyo Electric Power Company, Inc. (TEPCO) Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant disaster in March 2011. Bamboo sprouts in 2012 also contained high radioactivity levels. Radioactivity imaging analysis of bamboo sprouts harvested in 2012 showed increasing concentration gradients of radioactivity from the lower parts to the top of the sprouts. The peels were individually separated from the sprouts, and the inner edible part (trunk) was cross-sectioned at the internodal sections from the top to the lower parts. Each segmented trunk and its corresponding peel were analyzed for radioactive cesium (134Cs and 137Cs) and stable cesium (133Cs). The concentrations of 134Cs and 137Cs showed significant increases from the lower part to the top, whereas 133Cs showed an almost constant value in the trunk and peel except in the peel of the top node. We speculated that 134Cs and 137Cs in newly emerging bamboo sprouts in 2012 were translocated mainly from various plant tissues (where the fallout was layered on the bamboo tissues) in older bamboo, while 133Cs was translocated from the soil through the roots of the new bamboo sprouts and was present in the roots and stems.  相似文献   

Terrain attributes, landform segmentation, and soil redistribution   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The 137Cs technique has greatly expanded our knowledge of the topography–soil redistribution relationship. For the technique to be useful in upscaling of process models and regional-scale conservation planning, we must be able to show that a consistent relationship exists between 137Cs-derived soil redistribution rates and terrain attributes in a given region. In this paper, the association between 137Cs-derived soil redistribution rates and quantitatively defined landform elements was examined at nine hummocky terrain sites in southern Saskatchewan, Canada. Shoulder (SH) elements with convex plan curvatures had the highest mean soil loss rates of 33 t ha−1 yr−1, followed closely by other SH and backslope (BS) elements. The erosional behavior of level elements (i.e. those with gradients less than 3°) was highly dependent on the specific dispersal area (SDA) of the element—elements with high dispersal areas were dominantly erosional (mean soil loss of 14 t ha−1 yr−1), whereas level elements with low dispersal areas were depositional (mean soil gain of 15 t ha−1 yr−1). Doubly concave footslope (FS) elements had mean soil gain of 10 t ha−1 yr−1. The dispersion of values across the nine sites was much greater for the depositional units than the erosional units, indicating a complex relationship between deposition and terrain attributes in the depositional units. The results clearly indicate that regional-scale patterns of soil redistribution can be developed using the 137Cs technique.  相似文献   

Some alternative mehods for estimating soil erosion rates rapily were used to elucidate the relationship between the land use types and land degradation.The ^137Cs content,magnetic susceptibility,aggregate stability,and soil properties were studied in the Dongxi River Basin, a mountainous area of ewstern Fujian, A plot of ^137Cs inventory(Y) against slope angle(X) shows a strong inverse log-log relationship(r=-0.83), indicating that muh more soil erosion occurs on steeper slopes.Average soil loss(in thickness of top soil per year) in the past 30 years for arable slope crest,arable slopes and tea plantation slopes are 1.6,10.4 and 8.0 mm year^-1 respectively,The surface layer enrichment factor of magnetic susceptibility(Y) in soil aslo shows an inverse log-log relationship (r=-0.63), indicating a similar tendency with the realtionship between the ^137Cs inventory(Y) against slope angle (X).The Physical and chemical properties of soils among different land use types show different degraded characteristics at different significant levles.  相似文献   


To improve the methods of application of phosphorus or supply of soil P to Azolla (A. microphylld), basal application, split application, inoculation of P-enriched Azolla, and soil disturbance were compared. Soil disturbance did not increase the floodwater P content. Phosphorus was applied to inoculum production plots to enrich Azolla with P. Thus, phosphorus-enriched Azolla could multiply 5–7 times after inoculation until it became P deficient. Trials on the methods of enrichment of Azolla with P showed that the best method was to broadcast twice 4.33 kg P (10 kg P2O5/ha) at 2-day intervals and to harvest Azolla 3 days after P application. Addition of P once or twice 2 weeks after the inoculation of P-enriched Azolla further increased the biomass production. Efficiency of P application was analyzed in terms of N gain in relation to the amount of P applied. This ratio in the P-enriched Azolla treatment was higher than the economically sound ratio -5-, and higher than or equal to that in the standard split application.  相似文献   

对贵州省西南部麦岗水库沉积物柱芯MG4-2,采用210Pb和137Cs法进行了测年与现代沉积速率研究.结果表明,该柱芯中存在这3个明显的137Cs蓄积峰,对应1964,1975,1986年3个计年时标.运用210Pb的恒定补给速率(CRS)模式计算得到的年代,总体上与137Cs法的结果吻合较好,但存在一定的偏差,特别是与1964年的计年时标的偏差较大,这可能是因为沉积物柱芯受到了一些人为扰动所致.两种核素测定的平均沉积速率在数值上有一定的偏差,但都反映了麦岗水库沉积物近几十年以来经历了从慢到快再到慢的沉积过程,初步推测,沉积速率的这种变化与人类活动有一定的关系.两种计年方法结合,相互印证,使计年和沉积速率的研究更为准确.  相似文献   

黄土峁坡侵蚀的137Cs法研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文运用137Cs法,对陕北峁坡耕地的土壤侵蚀与泥沙运移进行了研究,定量地分析了峁坡侵蚀的特征,指出峁坡侵蚀存在由上往下呈强烈、减弱,再强烈、再减弱的波动。并利用非农耕地和农耕地土壤侵蚀公式,计算了峁顶非农耕地自1963年以来的侵蚀模数为1068t/(km2·a);农耕地的侵蚀模数为4059t/(km2·a)。并与径流试验场实测的梁峁坡坡耕地侵蚀模数进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

This study was carried out to obtain a representative set of data on long-term erosion rates from a pilot area located close to the Jaslovske Bohunice village, in western Slovakia using the 137Cs-method. The study area chosen was representative of the hilly loess cultivated areas of Slovakia. The sampling strategy was based on a multiple transect approach. Analyses of the samples for 137Cs activity were made at the Nuclear Power Plant Research Institute, Jaslovske Bohunice. The 137Cs-method was used to obtain long-term estimates of soil erosion in the Jaslovske Bohunice site, a representative hilly loess cultivated area of Slovakia. The estimated reference 137Cs inventory was 2910 Bq m−2, with a coefficient of variation of 4.3%.Examination of the 137Cs redistribution in relation to the topography of the study area revealed that, within individual transects the 137Cs inventories were closely related to major landforms. The 137Cs inventories were considerably lower on the slopes than on the plateau and they were highest in the valley. However, when plotted against a selection of individual quantitative slope parameters, i.e. the S and the LS factors of the USLE or slope inclination, the correlations obtained were weak.Three conversion models, i.e. the proportional model (PM), the simplified mass balance model (MBM1) and the standard mass balance model (MBM2), from the set of models developed at Exeter University, Great Britain were selected to interpret the resulting 137Cs measurements into soil erosion/deposition rates. The mean erosion rates estimated with the PM were 22.4, 35.6 with MBM1 and 17.3 t ha−1 per year with MBM2. There was a good agreement between the average of these mean erosion rates (25.1 t ha−1 per year) for the Jaslovske Bohunice site and the estimated mean soil erosion rate obtained for small erosion plots (15 t ha−1 per year) for conditions similar to the study site. Nevertheless, further research on the application of the 137Cs-method, in particular the independent validation of the results obtained, is needed. Several issues requiring further study have been highlighted.  相似文献   

Buyukcekmece Reservoir, located in the western outskirts of Istanbul, is one of the major water resources of Istanbul, and supplies drinking water to about 4 million people. Erosion in the catchment of the reservoir is an important problem in terms of its longer-term sustainability for water supply. There is an urgent need to obtain reliable quantitative data regarding erosion and deposition rates within the catchment to assess the magnitude of the problem and to plan catchment management strategies. In the absence of existing data, attention has focussed on the potential for using 137Cs measurements to provide retrospective estimates of medium-term soil erosion rates within the catchment over the past ca. 40 years. To date, the 137Cs approach has not been used to document soil redistribution rates in Turkey and this contribution reports an attempt to confirm the viability of the approach and the results of a preliminary investigation of rates of soil loss from uncultivated areas within the catchment. The soil redistribution rates estimated using the profile distribution conversion model varied from − 16.11 (erosion) to 4.59 (deposition) t/ha/year.  相似文献   

Die Aufnahme von 137Cs und 90Sr durch verschiedene Sommerrapsgenotypen aus kontaminiertem Boden wurde geprüft. Statistisch gesicherte Unterschiede bei der Aufnahme von Radionukliden zwischen den Genotypen konnten festgestellt werden. Die Aufnahme von 137Cs und 90Sr ist bei den einzelnen Sorten nicht gleichsinnig. Nur ein geprüfter Genotyp nahm sowohl geringe Mengen von 137Cs, als auch von 90Sr auf. Die mittleren jährlichen Schwankungen in der Radionuklidaufnahme waren größer, als die Unterschiede zwischen den Genotypen.  相似文献   

小麦抽穗期和株高的辐射遗传效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以两个小麦品种为材料,用0、20、30、40krad的137Cs和60Coγ射线辐照,探讨其抽穗期和株高的辐射遗传效应,比较两种辐射源的差异。结果表明:137Cs和60Coγ射线均能诱发早熟和矮秆突变,辐射遗传效应显著并相似。说明两种辐射源均可采用,但性状的平均表现与遗传方差、遗传变异系数、遗传力、遗传进度、相对遗传进度等遗传参数值随品种、辐照剂量和辐射世代的不同而异。诱变效果较好的品种是77中-2882,剂量为30krad;在M2、M3代的辐射遗传效应明显。  相似文献   

137 Cs在土壤中的污染行为与钾盐的防治效果   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本研究结果表明 ,在污染水平相同的情况下 ,不同土壤对春小麦吸收137Cs有很大影响 ,植株中137Cs的比活度相差几十倍。在同一种土壤、不同污染水平下 ,春小麦对137Cs的吸收与土壤中137Cs的污染水平呈正相关。在137Cs污染的土壤上施用钾盐可以降低春小麦植株对137Cs的吸收。防治效果与钾盐施用量有关 ,本试验结果为土壤阳离子代换量 1 / 3 0的量施用效果最好 ,使植株中的137Cs比活度降低 84 74%~88 89% ,与不施钾盐的对照组的差异十分显著  相似文献   

利用137Cs示踪农业耕作土壤侵蚀速率的定量模型   总被引:32,自引:4,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
建立了一个根据农业耕作土壤剖面中^137Cs的损失量与土壤侵蚀量之间关系的定量模型,在假设^137Cs在耕层中得到充分的混合而变得均一的基础上,根据质量平衡模型推导而成,模型显示^137Cs的衰变常数,年沉降分量,耕层厚和采样年份对年平均土壤侵蚀速率都有重大影响,模型结果还说明,^137Cs的损失量与年平均土壤侵蚀量之间的关系既非线性关系亦非指数关系,而是一种复杂的曲线关系。  相似文献   

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