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Sound velocities of hot dense iron: Birch's law revisited   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sound velocities of hexagonal close-packed iron (hcp-Fe) were measured at pressures up to 73 gigapascals and at temperatures up to 1700 kelvin with nuclear inelastic x-ray scattering in a laser-heated diamond anvil cell. The compressional-wave velocities (VP) and shear-wave velocities (VS) of hcp-Fe decreased significantly with increasing temperature under moderately high pressures. VP and VS under high pressures and temperatures thus cannot be fitted to a linear relation, Birch's law, which has been used to extrapolate measured sound velocities to densities of iron in Earth's interior. This result means that there are more light elements in Earth's core than have been inferred from linear extrapolation at room temperature.  相似文献   

Phonon density of states of iron up to 153 gigapascals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We report phonon densities of states (DOS) of iron measured by nuclear resonant inelastic x-ray scattering to 153 gigapascals and calculated from ab initio theory. Qualitatively, they are in agreement, but the theory predicts density at higher energies. From the DOS, we derive elastic and thermodynamic parameters of iron, including shear modulus, compressional and shear velocities, heat capacity, entropy, kinetic energy, zero-point energy, and Debye temperature. In comparison to the compressional and shear velocities from the preliminary reference Earth model (PREM) seismic model, our results suggest that Earth's inner core has a mean atomic number equal to or higher than pure iron, which is consistent with an iron-nickel alloy.  相似文献   

Raman spectra of hexagonal close-packed iron (varepsilon-Fe) have been measured from 15 to 152 gigapascals by using diamond-anvil cells with ultrapure synthetic diamond anvils. The results give a Gruneisen parameter gamma(0) = 1.68 (+/-0.20) and q = 0.7 (+/-0.5). Phenomenological modeling shows that the Raman-active mode can be approximately correlated with an acoustic phonon and thus provides direct information about the high-pressure elastic properties of iron, which have been controversial. In particular, the C(44) elastic modulus is found to be lower than previous determinations. This leads to changes of about 35% at core pressures for shear wave anisotropies.  相似文献   

The independent elastic constants of an upper mantle mineral, San Carlos olivine [(Mg(1.8)Fe(0.2))SiO(4)], were measured from 0 to 12.5 gigapascals. Evidence is offered in support of the proposition that the explicit temperature dependence of the bulk modulus is small over the range of temperatures and pressures thought to prevail above the 400-kilometer discontinuity, and thus the data can be extrapolated to estimate the properties of olivine under mantle conditions at a depth of 400 kilometers. In the absence of high-temperature data at high pressures, estimates are made of the properties of olivine under mantle conditions to a depth of 400 kilometers. In contrast with low-pressure laboratory data, the predicted covariance of shear and compressional velocities as a function of temperature nearly matches the seismically estimated value for the lower mantle.  相似文献   

Sound velocities in dense hydrogen and the interior of jupiter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sound velocities in fluid and crystalline hydrogen were measured under pressure to 24 gigapascals by Brillouin spectroscopy in the diamond anvil cell. The results provide constraints on the intermolecular interactions of dense hydrogen and are used to construct an intermolecular potential consistent with all available data. Fluid perturbation theory calculations with the potential indicate that sound velocities in hydrogen at conditions of the molecular layer of the Jovian planets are lower than previously believed. Jovian models consistent with the present results remain discrepant with recent free oscillation spectra of the planet by 15 percent. The effect of changing interior temperatures, the metallic phase transition depth, and the fraction of high atomic number material on Jovian oscillation frequencies is also investigated with the Brillouin equation of state. The present data place strong constraints on sound velocities in the Jovian molecular layer and provide an improved basis for interpreting possible Jovian oscillations.  相似文献   

Direct electrical transport measurements in a diamond anvil cell provide evidence for the metallization of cesium iodide (CsI) at a pressure of 115 gigapascals. A drop in the temperature dependence of the resistance was found at pressures above 180 gigapascals, indicating that the CsI was superconductive. The superconductivity changed under the influence of a magnetic field to a lower critical temperature and disappeared above 0.3 tesla. The highest critical temperature at which superconductivity was observed was 2 kelvin, and the critical temperature decreased with increasing pressure.  相似文献   

The cross pressure (P) and temperature (T) dependence of the elastic moduli (Cij) of single-crystal samples of periclase (MgO) from acoustic wave travel times was measured with ultrasonic interferometry: partial differential2C11/ partial differentialP partial differentialT = (-1.3 +/- 0.4) x 10(-3) per kelvin; partial differential2C110/ partial differentialP partial differentialT = (1. 7 +/- 0.7) x 10(-3) per kelvin; and partial differential2C44/ partial differentialP partial differentialT = (-0.2 +/- 0.3) x 10(-3) per kelvin. The elastic anisotropy of MgO decreases with increasing pressure at ambient temperature, but then increases as temperature is increased at high pressure. An assumption of zero cross pressure and temperature derivatives for the elastic moduli underestimates the elastic anisotropy and overestimates the acoustic velocities of MgO at the extrapolated high-pressure and high-temperature conditions of Earth's mantle.  相似文献   

The author tries to prove Alexander's view:"Sound must seem an echo to sense."with the theory of G.N. Leech and prosodic theory of Paul Rueesll.Sound symbolizes sense;rhyme relates to reason,and meter dramatizes meaning.  相似文献   

Ferritins are the main iron storage proteins found in animals, plants, and bacteria. The capacity to store iron in ferritin is essential for life in mammals, but the mechanism by which cytosolic iron is delivered to ferritin is unknown. Human ferritins expressed in yeast contain little iron. Human poly (rC)-binding protein 1 (PCBP1) increased the amount of iron loaded into ferritin when expressed in yeast. PCBP1 bound to ferritin in vivo and bound iron and facilitated iron loading into ferritin in vitro. Depletion of PCBP1 in human cells inhibited ferritin iron loading and increased cytosolic iron pools. Thus, PCBP1 can function as a cytosolic iron chaperone in the delivery of iron to ferritin.  相似文献   

针对当前声景设计在我国景观设计中被逐渐认知与推广,通过声景研究范筹之一的历史人文声,解析了传统民俗声在当代城市景观中声景设计的具体运用手法。本文主要探讨传统民俗声的研究范畴、在当代城市景观设计的具体营造手段、原则以及目前的实例运用。  相似文献   

<正> 1.在以下情况下可以拨打110。①正在发生杀人、抢劫、绑架、强奸、伤害、盗窃、贩毒等刑事案件时;②正在发生扰乱商店、市场、车站、体育文化娱乐场所公共秩序,赌博、卖淫嫖娼、吸毒、结伙斗殴等治安案件时;③发生各种自然灾害事故时;④发生重大责任事故时;⑤突遇危难无力解决时;⑥要举报违法犯罪线索时。 2.报警注意事项。①一定要在就近的地方,抓紧时间报警,越快越好。  相似文献   

Low-frequency sound has been recorded on at least two occasions in Bermuda with the passage of Apollo rocket vehicles 188 kilometers aloft. The signals, which are reminiscent of N-waves from sonic booms, are (i) horizontally coherent; (ii) have extremely high (supersonic) trace velocities across the tripartite arrays; (iii) have nearly identical appearance and frequencies; (iv) have essentially identical arrival times after rocket launch; and (v) are the only coherent signals recorded over many hours. These observations seem to establish that the recorded sound comes from the rockets at high elevation. Despite this high elevation, the values of surface pressure appear to be explainable on the basis of a combination of a kinetic theory approach to shock formation in rarefied atmospheres with established gas-dynamics shock theory.  相似文献   

汉语的合音词不同于现有词汇学中的单纯词、合成词、兼词等概念,与反切亦不可混同,应单独成类;其内部按合音方式和出现的先后顺序应分为“上取声韵”、“上声或下韵”和“上声下韵”三类,分别对应初变、转型和完成三个发展阶段。  相似文献   

分光光度法测定蔬菜中铁的含量   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用邻菲罗啉分光光度法测定蔬菜样品巾铁的含量,考察了pH值、测定波长、显色剂用量、显色时间等对测定结果的影响.结果表明,pH值在4~6范围内,显色15 min,能够得到较准确的结果.通过蔬菜精密度试验和同收率试验可知,用邻菲罗啉分光光度法直接测定铁的含量,简便、快速、准确且重复性好,为指导人们合理食用蔬菜进行补铁和进一步开发蔬菜产品提供了可靠的理论参考.  相似文献   

胡杨Na+/H+逆向转运蛋白基因(PeNhaD1)编码一种质膜Na+/H+逆向转运蛋白,在胡杨细胞拒盐机制中具有重要作用.本研究利用根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefacience)介导的叶盘法将PeNhaD1基因转入盐敏感且速生的派间杂种110杨(P.deltoidesX P.maximozoiczi‘Eridano')中.经PCR和PCR-Southern检测已获得转PeNhaD1基因的110杨再生植株.  相似文献   

Although clownfish sounds were recorded as early as 1930, the mechanism of sound production has remained obscure. Yet, clownfish are prolific "singers" that produce a wide variety of sounds, described as "chirps" and "pops" in both reproductive and agonistic behavioral contexts. Here, we describe the sonic mechanism of the clownfish Amphiprion clarkii.  相似文献   

21st-century evolution of Greenland outlet glacier velocities   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Earlier observations on several of Greenland's outlet glaciers, starting near the turn of the 21st century, indicated rapid (annual-scale) and large (>100%) increases in glacier velocity. Combining data from several satellites, we produce a decade-long (2000 to 2010) record documenting the ongoing velocity evolution of nearly all (200+) of Greenland's major outlet glaciers, revealing complex spatial and temporal patterns. Changes on fast-flow marine-terminating glaciers contrast with steady velocities on ice-shelf-terminating glaciers and slow speeds on land-terminating glaciers. Regionally, glaciers in the northwest accelerated steadily, with more variability in the southeast and relatively steady flow elsewhere. Intraregional variability shows a complex response to regional and local forcing. Observed acceleration indicates that sea level rise from Greenland may fall well below proposed upper bounds.  相似文献   

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